MACC probing RM1.43 billion cost escalation of Rawang-Ipoh double-tracking rail project based on phantom PAC investigations?

The statement by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will investigate the double-tracking rail project that has resulted in more than RM1 billion losses, as reported by Malaysian Insider “Nazri confirms MACC to probe double-tracking project” yesterday, is intriguing and perplexing.

The Malaysian Insider reported:

The MACC investigations come after the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) announced last week it wanted to probe the RM6 billion double-tracking project when the Auditor-General’s Report said poor project management led to the losses.

“MACC will investigate PAC‘s minutes. PAC is the parliament’s committee so certainly … As I have said, MACC has informed me that they will investigate based on the allegations made by the PAC so there will be no dispute so don’t worry,” the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department told reporters in Parliament.

Nazri said that the MACC had assured him that they would pursue the PAC’s recommendations.

“The fact that it was tabled in the Parliament and there is no debate about it because the PAC is a extension of the Parliament and their decision is our decision,” he added.

MACC cannot possibly be probing the double-tracking rail project based on PAC proceedings as the PAC has yet to start investigation into the RM1.43 billion escalation of the Rawang-Ipoh double-tracking contract and there is neither any PAC meeting nor PAC minutes on it.

What is this phantom PAC proceeding on the Rawang-Ipoh double tracking project that Nazri and MACC are talking about?

Former Transport Minister, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy had mentioned that the double-tracking project was “three times the size” of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) when he appeared before the PAC on PAC probe into the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal.

As Chan had told the PAC: “No, it is not the biggest (project under the Ministry of Transport). Double-tracking project is much bigger. It is 12 almost 13 billion? It is three times the size of this project (PKFZ).”

Is this tangential reference by Chan in his testimony about the double-tracking project before the PAC sufficient to found a MACC investigation purportedly based on the PAC minutes?

In any event, why is it necessary for the MACC to wait and depend on the PAC minutes and recommendations to initiate anti-corruption investigations?

Or was Nazri actually referring to the calls by UMNO MPs for MACC investigation into the current Transport Minister and MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat for purchasing four 20-year-old diesel multiple unit (DMUs) trains at RM30 million for the Rawang-Ipoh double-tracking route?

Nazri should make a proper clarification.

22 Replies to “MACC probing RM1.43 billion cost escalation of Rawang-Ipoh double-tracking rail project based on phantom PAC investigations?”

  1. //the creation of a new chinese-based party to replace the mca and gerakan//

    The name of the party is “Parti Pendatang Malaysia” with a party constitution similar to that of the Harijans/Untouchables of India.

  2. YB

    There’s no need to wait for PAC or MACC’s investigation and findings.

    As so artfully concluded by PAC Chairman Azmi Khalid (UMNO/BN plant) in the Scorpene Submarine and Sukhoi Jets purchases and “no, it’s not a commission to Razak Baginda’s Perimekar S/B” cases, the official verdict will be:

    “All Govt laws, regulations, rules and SOP were strictly followed. We can find no evidence of fraud or corruption in the $1.4 billion loss. No one is to be faulted. We do not recommend prosecution of anyone.”

    Another successful crony project by DRB Hicom and UMNO/BN again.

    Thats mean the Taxpayer is the sucker once more!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  3. RM1 billion losses is a huge sum of money and these losses do not seem to fit into management logic – why have to wait so long to discover the huge losses? If the manager of the project was an honest person and had been doing his job diligently and responsibly, sure he would have discovered the losses when it amounted to RM200 million or RM300 million. Sure he would panic and run to his boss to seek for a solution. But we did not see these things happened. It is pretty obvious that the RM1 billion had been looted by irresponsible party in charge of the projected.

  4. “Of course they want to put further pressure on MCA to stop harping on PKFZ. If they implicate UMNO, then there’ll be hell to pay.” – Godfather

    I disagree.
    There’ll be nothing to pay.
    To make them pay, one must prosecute them but who is there to arrest them and charge them in the first place?
    That’s why they will stay in power by hook AND by crook!

  5. Hahaha, malaysian politics is good entertainment, it’s like watching a blockbuster unravel itself everyday. But this exercise is gettting rather expensive!

    MIC had a season finale now MCA is pretty much ending its season soon and next will be UMNO.

  6. No big deal!
    This jackal is trying to tell us that nothing can “touch” them even if he’s to reveal more of their wrongdoers.
    He’s just asking everyone concern to save their breath ‘cos he’s very happy to reveal more, on everyone’s behalf.
    He’s trying to prove that BN is “invincible” in every ways and direction.
    Horse-faced man from MACC will pretend to perform a bit of “sandiwara” them.

  7. mein gut-ness!! Was ist happening zu dis d@mn kuntry??

    From laptops, to submarines, to locomotives, to constructions, to judicial, to everywhere…everybody is on the take. Are there any clean ministers left?

    2 more new guys will be reading lks this week.

  8. Only in Malaysia…investigation made by appointed people from Government…to be investigate by another group of investigators….also appointed by the government to investigate the investigator findings… make double sure..the investigation is accurate.
    If you find it hard to read my message..this is exactly what UMNO wants all of you to become…confused and full of merry go round nonsense…that will end up…KIV..move on to anther subject…and hope all easily forget..move forward..and “1 Malaysia” to be promoted again.

  9. Under the MACC Act, MACC is almost an “Autonomous” under the PM. It can easily become or has become the “Secret Police”. They must have some topics to expand and has a “mean” to be there!!

    Why not on Housing Projects? Why not on the Police? Why not on Courts……?

    If they really want to perform, more than half of the bloggings in Malaysia would had been unnecessary!

    monsrerball is right!

  10. Bloomberg: “Ex-Congressman Jefferson Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison on Bribery Counts”

    Hello, Nazri: when will malaysia have its first MP convict – from PKFZ or Double Tracking or whichever scandal.

    BTW, ‘racist’ Nazri – if that’s still your nickname – doesn’t Malaysia hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest number of financial scandals involving MPs milking the national purse? Would you care to defend, deny or disappear?

    And, Nazri, please answer truthfully and sensibly. So far u have shown that u have neither the moral fibre nor the nervous tissue to do the right thing? I don’t know if u have the testosterone either?

  11. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been appointed as the economic advisor to the Selangor government with a fixed monthly allowance of RM1, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said.

    So why isn’t the Petronas advisor’s monthly allowance also fixed at RM1? Is it because he’s a mamak?

  12. Now this is what monsterball said – a re-statement of his comment –

    police investigates suspects
    macc investigates police and suspects
    special auditor investigates macc, police and suspects
    special tribunal investigates special auditor, macc, police and suspects
    and finally,
    umnoputra investigates special tribunal, special auditor, macc, police and suspects.
    End of investigation.
    And all investigations will end.
    Oh yes one more thing.
    File closed.
    No evidence.
    No laws broken.
    Even if there are evidence and laws were broken, the wrong was of the good variety.

  13. Hi Kit Siang,

    I would like to thank you personally for being a true fighter of Malaysian. I was amazed by your continous efforts to bring Malaysia back to the right track. You are the voice of rakyat who wish to know the current mismanagement of the public funds by the goverment.

    I bought a book written by you titled ‘Mother of all scandals – PKFZ’. Although just half way through the book, I can know that your points and questions to the goverment are valid and I am sure millions of Malaysian wanted an answer from the authority as well for this mismanagement of public fund in PKFZ.

    I was never a strong supporter of DAP but the recent exposure after exposure of the political sagas make me realise that there must be a change in the governence of this country, else we will suffer. Bear in mind that, we Malaysian are not stupid. We can analyze the true and false and good and bad. We can see for ourself how much Malaysia had tranformed since independence and how much more we can grow if we have a cleaner and more efficient goverment!

    I few business trip to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and China had open my eyes how much progress and development these countries had made over the years. I was particularly impressed by the efficient transportation system which save the citizens time and money to travel from one place to another. Over here, we still need to depend on uncomfortable express bus to commute across states. I had bad personal experience in being bitten by bug 2 times during my travel in express bus in Malaysia! The situation in Pudu is an eye sore with lot of foreign workers hanging around the place. The construction site next to Pudu station seems like being abandon for a long long time and nobody is going the bother and take action to salvage it.

    I believe there are a lot more to complain about the current situation in Malaysia and the goverment. Anyway, please keep up your good work and I promise to stand beside you for the next change! We have 3++ years for the date of change and I am sure we are able to make it. The main reason of hope for the change is we Malaysian are NOT STUPID. We can see with our own eyes what is wrong and what is right. I know the voices of rakyat is being shut up in the main streams media but this will not block us from knowing the TRUTH! Cheers!

  14. k1980: “So why isn’t the Petronas advisor’s monthly allowance also fixed at RM1? Is it because he’s a mamak?”

    Hey, that’s a great idea. Now Mahathir can truly show he cares for the people. Besides, he doesn’t need the money.

    And…he can’t take the money to heaven or spend it in hell, right?

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