UMNO MPs’ “ambush” for OTK foiled by Minister’s absence

The ambush by several UMNO MPs for MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat last night during his Ministry’s reply in the government winding-up of the 2010 budget debate was foiled when the Minister was absent.

The reason given by the Deputy Transport Minister, Datuk Robert Lau, who stood in for the Minister, that Ong was “busy” with the official visit of the Chinese President Hu Jintao as Ong is the “Minister-in-attendance”, did not go down well with the UMNO MPs concerned as Hu’s visit would only begin the next day.

Led by Umno MP for Sri Gading, Datuk Mohamad Aziz, at least three UMNO MPs questioned Ong for the RM28 million purchase of second-hand DMUs (diesel multiple units) by Keretapi Melayu Bhd (KTMB) instead of EMUs (electrical multiple units).

Mohamad even asked the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the Transport Minister for the DMU decision, which is the first time a Barisan Nasional backbencher had called for anti-corruption investigation into a Barisan Nasional Minister.

With Ong’s absence, no proper answer was forthcoming from the Deputy Transport Minister.

On the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone scandal, Lau hid behind “sub judice” as excuse to decline any explanation or accountability on the “mother of all scandals”.

27 Replies to “UMNO MPs’ “ambush” for OTK foiled by Minister’s absence”

  1. OTK lost his credibility when he refused to give up his position after being rejected by MCA members at the EGM (he had also promised before EGM that he would quit even if he won by a wafer-thin majority).

    Once he lost his credibility people will despise and bully him.

  2. I read the continous “attack” on Ong TK by Mohamad Aziz, as a sign that Najib no longer wants Ong around anymore. Of course, that’s not the picture given by MCA beloveds – Wong Chun Wai & Joceline Teh. For sure Aziz won’t launch into such provocations unless it has been sanctioned by the “above”. Najib is apparently getting the smaller chess pieces to do the dirty work. Ong – I really think your time is up, and that your GUP isn’t going anywhere – esp if Aziz is indeed being used as Najib’s secret weapon. My advice – let the whole deal re: PKFZ, out of the bag. Don’t go around town proclaiming yourself as some sort of Justice Pao type-hero. We know that there’s a lot more S- -T in this scandal, and you may not be the angel that you portray yourself to be. But you can still this country some good.

  3. Jib: Hey, Ah Koon, I want you to give the special grade Z- for Ah Keat’s KPI.

    Ah Koon: Yes, Master, I hear and obey.

    Jib: And give A++ to Mat Aziz from Sri Gading. Understand?

    Ah Koon: Yes, Master, Yes. No Problem.

    Jib: That’s my boy. Here’s a doggie biscuit for you.

    Ah Koon: Wooof!

  4. entertaining humour there k1980:)

    OTK credibility, dignity, integrity and self esteem has been flushed down the toilet. LOL

    It’s time he bit the bullet and left politics for good or else i sense more crap is gonna be thrown unto him.

    And for CSL, MCA’s very own inhouse pornstar, make more blockbuster porn movies for the rakyat. Since BN favors sodomisation, make one along that theme too. LOL

  5. oh i forgot Koh tsu koon, he keeps dodging the press and parliament, hardly notice he’s there until mat said why the heck was he elected to the cabinet when he lost the elections.

    Najis: Ah koon from now i need u to appear in the press more often, show that u are doing something. so get scandalous like CSL so our ratings can go up.

  6. Questioning Ong Te Keat (OTK) openly in Parliament for the RM28 million purchase of second-hand DMUs (diesel multiple units) by Keretapi Melayu Bhd (KTMB) instead of EMUs (electrical multiple units)?

    This is unusual. Consider phenomenon of even an UMNO backbencher could take on the MCA President for the RM28 million purchase of second-hand DMUs (diesel multiple units) by Keretapi Melayu Bhd (KTMB) instead of EMUs (electrical multiple units) and the Gerakan President Koh Tsu Koon (KTK) for failing his own KPI!

    Every politician, including UMNO’s, seeks political leverage. Traditionally political leverage is “Ketuanan’ – this pendatang or unsheathing kris business. Makes their constituency “shiok”.

    However now they can’t simply do this. Big Chief says non Malays cannot be alienated. Bagan Pinang By-election shows their importance in mixed constituencies. UMNO cannot be seen going against 1 Malaysia motto. Hence a very low key UMNO general assembly, with no pendatang or unsheathing kris!

    But seizing political leverage has to continue, revolving round the theme of “Ketuanan”, and for lesser UMNO warlords, who else is left for them to target but the subservient bosses of BN component parties like OTK and KTK who according to expectations will not hit back but duck, squirm and absent themselves from Parliamentary session?

    Actually this taking of political leverage out of BN component leaders’ expense is counterproductive to UMNO’s cause.

    1. UMNO/BN will need MCA/Gerakan to deliver their traditional votes/support.

    2. MCA/Gerakan did not perform in 308 because their traditional supporters deserted them in part because they are viewed subservient lackeys to big boss UMNO. By virtue of that MCA/Gerakan lost their support.

    3. If even UMNO backbenchers could look down on MCA/Gerakan to the extent of taking on their leaders publicly, the last vestige of pretense of a semblance of mutual partnership within BN coalition will be smashed to smithereens causing not only traditional support lost not to be recoverable, but whatever existing support for MCA/Gerakan left to exit as well, making them to perform even worse in the next GE than the last one in 308!

    BN’s component parties – MCA/Gerakan & MIC – are already teetering in internal power struggles.

    The internal struggles surface because of easy pretext that each leader is unable to deliver the votes for BN’s cause.

    The crux of the problem – and root cause of their route in 308 – is major withdrawal of Non Malay community support of these parties. They now get themselves caught in contradictions, because in fighting one another they have to go back to big brother UMNO to arbiter and secure their position, and in doing so, reinforce further the public perception of them being lackeys that will cause further erosion of their support than recovery of support.

    Kick them some more by UMNO back benchers exacerbates this contradiction, causing a further downward spiral of support, not exactly promotive of UMNO’s ultimate cause to present a BN’s image of multiracial representation rather than UMNO hegemony. This bashing is OK only if UMNO feels strong enough to go it alone without its secondary component partners.

  7. Actually this bashing is good for PR’s cause. BN’s Component parties and politicians are caught in no win situation. They stand up to UMNO they cget bashed and excluded from gravy train. They play subservient, they get bashed by the constitutencies. If by playing subservient they get bashed by their constituencies and if by getting bashed by their constituencies and not delivering the non Malay votes they get further bashed by UMNO including its back benchers, where else can they stand? Some of them, seeing no reprieve in this no win situation, will have to contemplate joining Pakatan Rakyat if they want a future in politics.

  8. PKFZ leads back to UMNO. No way MCA can steal that much without UMNO taking a piece of it. Pushing out OTK kills the possibility of the trails leading to UMNO come to light. It also makes throwing OTK carcass to feed the political carnivore satiated so that it will not chase further up the food chain leading to UMNO..

  9. OTK trying to be hero and pin Ling Liong Sik…not for Malaysian’s sake…but for his own selfish agendas had it coming….because….
    Port manager……Ms Phang said…Abdullah and Chan are the ones…approving all projects.
    DAP sensible guys..said..go back to the root cause….and pin pointed Ling Liong Sik and Mahathir.
    2 PMs..2 MCA Min.of Transport….hand in hand…cheating Malaysians.RM14.2 billion. All others are puppets on the strings.
    Yes…get to the root cause..the original..whose ideas was that.
    Noticed Ling “I don’t remember” ..11 times???…being questioned for by PAC?

  10. The only time MCA MPs ambush an UMNO Minister is when they grovel on their knees and beg for contracts and other favours from him. Anyway with only 15 MPs divided into 3 factions, the mca doesn’t have enough clout to ambush anyone.

  11. MCA MPs like WKS and LTL had shown their impatience, and Sri Gading was a MP who knew how to attack OTK but failed to remind his UMNO MBs, MPs, EXCO,…… Khir Toyo’s Mansion was so huge lor!! Sri Gading MP is ‘blind to his UMNO leaders’ , and God is watching !!

  12. Although the MSM would have us believe that the PR is falling apart at the seams due to internal squabbling but what’s happening in the MCA, Gerakan and MIC or even UMNO is far worse, with all the Brutuses stabbing each other in the back!!
    It’s gratifying to see this happening in UMNO/BN!
    Let them perish and from its ashes, the PR will rise!

  13. No problemo, MACC can investigate
    Royal commission can investigate
    Cases can be taken to courts
    But, at the end, poof, BN kaki found not guilty or no case to act further
    Happy, happy, no problemo
    Then, PR kaki kena hentam lah baik baik

  14. November 10, 2009 20:08 PM

    Purchase Of DMU Trains Questionable, MACC Asked To Probe

    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 10 (Bernama) — The Transport Ministry again became the focus of debate in the Dewan Rakyat when a number of lawmakers urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commissiom (MACC) to investigate it over the purchase of DMU (diesel multiple unit) commuter trains at RM30 million which they regard as odd.

    Datuk Ismail Kasim (BN-Arau) who raised the issue, said the way the trains were purchased raised suspicion, as not only the trains did not follow the standards and specifications as required, the purchase was not even approved by the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) board of directors.

    “So, what is the rationale of spending RM30 on the trains when the Costa Rica and Argentina railways only bought DMUs which are 20 years old at (the equivalent of) RM10 million?” he asked.

    Datuk Ahmad Hamzah (BN-Jasin) regarded the purchase of the four sets of DMU trains as strange as their speed was only 80kph.

    “The government has already spent a lot of money on the (Rawang-Ipoh) double-tracking project so as to raise train speed to exceed 120kph, while even the cargo trains can travel at 90kph,” he said.

    Datuk Halimah Mohd Sadique (BN-Tenggara) also questioned the purchase of the DMU trains which she regarded as having reached “menopause”, while KTMB was using EMU (electric multiple unit) trains.

    “I want to know as the DMU trains are already 20 years old, how long can they last. Is the maintenance cost low, and can the government guarantee that the maintenance cost will not be high?”

    Halimah, who is also the chairman of the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board, also wanted to know whether the KTM Komuter tracks would be modified to allow the use of the DMU trains, and whether KTMB was prepared to maintain the DMU sets purchased.

    In reply, Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew said he agreed with the matters raised by the MPs but explained that the purchase was made due to the government’s shortage of allocation for KTMB to buy more expensive trains to meet consumers’ needs.

    However, they were not satisfied with the answer including Datuk Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading) who stridently asked whether there was “something” (fishy) behind the train purchase.

    “I ask that the MACC investigate the minister (who approved the purchase). If there is misappropriation, take him to court, charge him. The MACC said it wanted to investigate all elected representatives, but please investigate the minister first,” he said.

    “Already there’s no money, you (minister) went and bought old trains, more expensive that the ones acquired by other countries.”

    KTMB introduced the use of electric multiple unit hybrid (EMU Hybrid) trains to overcome the problems of cancellations, delays and shortage of trains.

    The KTM Komuter EMU Hybrid sets use diesel locomotive power with the help of the power-generating car that provides electricity for their air-conditioners, public address system and automatic doors.


  15. well done the infighting, power struggle, backstabbing all happening in UMNO,MCA,MIC…if you ask me these are tell tale signs of an impending doom.

    All this happening and anwar has been out of the limelight for awhile, maybe he should come up with a few more blows to knock out BN altogether.

  16. let’s face the facts, both badwi and najib are useless PM’s, i think if i were the law i’ll give the opposition a crack at it, coz what else have we got to lose if not more of the tax payers money…

    it’s getting very expensive u know, billions and bilions of dollars on many many scandals!!!!!!!!
    what pisses me off his, some sex scandals are getting CSL gettin re-elected!

  17. The PAC and MACC are UMNO mouthpieces. PAC may have members from the opposition but the composition is such that UMNO always has the final say. How else can they explain why they did not investigate the role of Azim Zabidi who was treasurer of UMNO and chairman of Tiong’s company at the same time? How much was Azim paid by Tiong for “protection” or “influence”?

    Of course UMNO can’t allow any dirt to stick to their own kind.

  18. Huh…you may be leader of the pack of wildebeests and you think you are powerful! Once you are injured and your festering wound fouls the still air for miles around … then what? UMNO hyenas come trekking after you and devour every bit of your rotten flesh.

    They have been known to demarcate their territory with urine and faeces. Haven’t you ever wondered where the stink and pong came from? Phhhoooaaaa!!!

  19. The stinks and pong came from Malaysians voters supporting them
    But it was 52% at 12th GE….reduced from the fantastic support of 92% given to Abdullah.
    Now they blame Dollah……and not Mahathir……just because Dollah did not deliver.
    All these while…Malaysians are ready to vote UMNO BARU out….knowing Mahathir is the devil reincarnated…encouraging corruptions….to divide Malaysians much more than ever before.
    Malaysians are smart voters.
    Come 13th GE…with so many huge huge billions corruptions revealed…few mysterious deaths…all under tat 52% Najib as PM….which he knows have been reduced to a mere 32%…yet he said.the ratings have increased in favour of him…from 52% to safe.YET…he dare not call for a snap 13th GE….to confirm he is elected by the people.
    Ah but..92% against UMNO from a survey conducted by them….are told to is not even 1% of the total 27 million population.
    Anything against UMNO BARU….these hypocrites seems to be such people without dignity…to come out with comments…that actually shame them more than ever….but they are beyond feeling shameful.
    They are desperate to get elected….to save themselves.
    I think the 32% is sliding down……and Najib knows that too well.
    His slogans cannot fool young voters too.

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