MACC should be censured for failing to bring to court those guilty of abuses of power and corruption in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal although the first report was lodged as far back as 2004

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should be censured for failing to bring to court even a single person of those guilty of abuses of power and corruption in the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal though the first corruption report was lodged as far back as 2004.

How can MACC convince Malaysians that it is now a Malaysian version of Hong Kong’s ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) when all it has demonstrated is its overzealousness and even abuses of power in investigating a RM2,400 Pakatan Rakyat state assembly constituency allocation resulting in the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock, while it has completely nothing to show and totally impotent in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ “mother of all scandals’?

An exchange between Public Accounts Committee (PAC) member and DAP Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua and the MACC Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan at the PAC meeting on 23rd June 2009 highlighted the hypocrisy of the MACC.

This happened when Ahmad Said hid behind the secrecy provisions of the MACC Act to refuse to disclose any details about the outcome of MACC investigations into the PKFZ scandal.

This led to an outburst by Pua protesting at Ahmad Said’s refusal to give any information to the PAC about MACC investigations into the PKFZ scandal, pointing out that Ahmad Said had no such qualms when he had said publicly that MACC had “good and strong evidence” of corruption against the Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid over the “car and cow” controversy.

As Pua rightly told Ahmad Said at the PAC exchange, what the MACC Chief Commissioner did amounted to “contempt” of Parliament.

21 Replies to “MACC should be censured for failing to bring to court those guilty of abuses of power and corruption in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal although the first report was lodged as far back as 2004”

  1. Ahmad Said refused to give any information to the PAC about MACC investigations into the PKFZ scandal because only BN politicians are implicated there.

    How do you expect him to leak info that sends his employers to the gallows? Where do you expect his 5-figure salary to come from should he loses his job?

  2. Ya, the MACC chairman said that he does not know about KDSB, and in 2004, they found nothing wrong. Goodness me. What kind of MACC do we have and what kind of investigation? Luckily, they can find their way home.

  3. “1Malaysia, People First Performance Now” are producing more dumpshit, nincompoops, idiots but to the ruling government, they are doing a great job, promotion, extension, rewards are a plenty in order for them to be good lap dogs.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty two years.

  4. Tan sri Chan stated today that he is overseas, how convenient? “HA HA who gonna take my passport now, i’m settled overseas already just like razak baginda, with my over 500million ringgit i can stay clear of any accussations. Losers!

  5. Censured? I know you mean that is the only thing that Parliament is capable of doing against him.

    The fact of the matter is if Ahmad Said is tarred, feathers and hanged wearing a baby diaper, I would cheer it on…

  6. KDSB is in the news everyday of the week for God’s sake. And that dickhead said he has no knowledge of KDSB’s involvement? Come on. He could give us a better reason/excuse, couldnt he? Shrinking away from mega cases does make actions taken against peanut cases look exceptionally bad. But claiming no knowledge of KDSB’s involvement in the PKFZ scandal really takes the cake. The champion’s cup for stupidity must be all his to claim and no one else.

  7. Before the exhumation of TBH’s body, let us pray to God that TBH’s body will not go missing. We also pray that TBH’s body will not be in a decompose state. If such miracle happens, someone will be shivering. Let us pray to God for justice for TBH.

  8. MACC should be censured for failing to bring to court those guilty of abuses of power and corruption in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal although the first report was lodged as far back as 2004 – Kit

    How can MACC bite the hand that feed them? Certainly they would not break their rice-bowls with their own hands!

  9. It is really amazing to have such a dumb dumb dickhead running such an important institution.
    KDSB have been in the news when this PKFZ scandal blown out. Making HEADLINES newspaper. And yet this dickhead said he never heard of KDSB. OMG, this bum probably has the same characteristics of the very guy who appointed him in the first place. That famous sleepy flip flop guy who just got bumped out of office.

  10. Wow! The mind really boggles at such revelations. At best, MACC is seen as an institution that is highly incompetent – even worse than Peter Sellers in the PinkPanther. At least, in the Pink Panther, in his own bumbling ways, the crime is solved. At worse, it reflects the corruption of our institutions where conspiracy to cover up is the rule of the day. MACC needs to decide whether it stands on serving the public interests or serving the interests of the corrupted govt. There can be no two ways about it.

  11. If those Big Head with Breach of Duty and Trust to be thrown in for Jail. Malaysia would have to build a Palace of Jail!!
    If Judiciary system works, the Palace of Justice would not be there!! Yet, Where is Justice?
    Censures found everyday on blogs
    But no cronies get loss!
    PM talks not
    AG acts not
    Police hears not!
    Judges can turn it into jokes!
    Lawyers flip-flop!

    Any system in Malaysia works?
    The State steals pieces of Land from the Public,
    Water Retention ponds & Town Park into Private Pockets
    to make stock rose like rocket!
    Developer sold Condo but deliver Apartment with no Panic!
    Ministry of Housing, land office, MPPJ/MPSJ made approvals like magic!
    The Club House turned into Hotel from the Project!
    Lawyers, authorities tell House Buyers “Apartment= Condo” without flushing!

    “Deer=Horse” – a Malaysian symptoms ?????

  12. We will be like Myanmar soon, where they jailed Aung Sang Su Kyi.

    All the opposition are been suppressed in this Bolehland.

    Can you accept the fact that Najis wife get rewarded few millionth for finding a box belong to one of Arab prince? is she some kind of treasure hunter? They really smart to cook up inspiration stories.

    What is wrong if they orchestrate the whole epic now?

  13. “…..How can MACC convince Malaysians that it is now a Malaysian version of Hong Kong’s ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) when all it has demonstrated is its overzealousness and even abuses of power in investigating a RM2,400 Pakatan Rakyat state assembly constituency allocation resulting in the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock, while it has completely nothing to show and totally impotent in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ “mother of all scandals’?……..” -Kit

    This could only happen when ‘the supposed to Anti-corruption Agency ‘ themselves are corrupted….. certain people in the MACC must be trying to please or protect their political master so that he can be recommended to be awarded ‘Tan Sri’ title soon…… this is to happen, isn’t it is a form of corruption too?

  14. typo…This could only happen when ‘the supposed to be Anti-corruption Agency ‘ themselves are corrupted….. certain people in the MACC must be trying to please or protect their political master so that he can be recommended to be awarded ‘Tan Sri’ title soon…… this is to happen, isn’t it is a form of corruption too?

  15. It is all for show.
    PAC exposed…MACC suppose to act…Police get ready to nap crooks…AG said don’t….all not guilty…Najib says he is all out to stop corruptions.
    In the end…..takes months investigating this or that…look at our jail cells..empty……no crocodiles …only ikan bilis.
    How can anyone ever dream to see justices done for Malaysians…when UMNO is the main suspect………showing so clearly….all are protecting each other?

  16. As a top gun of the MACC, the AG not aware of the daily headline?

    One will become nervous and unable to make sober statement but merely rubbish when he did something wrong.

    Even a half past six doctor able to verify this.

  17. LKS,

    All those involved in PKFZ scandal are UMNO Baru/BN top leaders ( Ka Ki Lan ) They all “good guilty”. Even if one or two are made scapegoats, “No legal actions will be taken, but they will face disciplinary actions” ( in Najib’s famous words )

    But I am not asking you to keep quiet. On the contrary, I hope you keep on hounding them. At least make them worry non-stop until they fall sick.

    This morning my jogging members ( Malays, Chinese and Indians ) all agreed you are doing a fantastic job in exposing corruptions in the government.

  18. Well folks, don’t eat your heart out.
    We all know that the BN government has thrown down the gauntlet a long, long time ago and has been thumbing its nose at the electorate playing a game of arrest me if you can. Because we can’t!
    But do all voters and potential voters a favour; spread the word about the type of government we were having for five over decades and is still having now. Do this by sms, fax, letters, word of mouth or whatever ways you want but just let as many Malaysians know that we have no choice to dump the BN government.
    As soon as possible.

  19. I agree with Winston’s comments. Let’s all work together to vote “anything but BN” in the next elections.
    Get all our sons and daughters to register too and show them who is the real boss in a democracy.
    Just look at the Auditor-General’s Annual HORROR Report and anyone should realise corruption is a major cancer in our system and the BN is doing little about it except appoint more committees.

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