Strange, stranger, strangest – Chua is MCA deputy president


11/03/2009 03:36 PM
MCA Greater Unity Plan – President OngTeeKeat sacks 4 Liow-aligned central committee members ChorCheeHeung GanHonSu ChaiKimSen YooWeiHow.

11/03/2009 01:34 PM
Strange, stranger, strangest – Chua is MCA deputy president: ROS shocker


Chua is deputy president: ROS shocker
Nov 3, 09 1:18pm | Malaysiakini

In a dramatic turn of events, the Registrar of Societies (ROS) has declared Dr Chua Soi Lek the legitimate MCA deputy president.

The ROS’ decision was unveiled via a letter to the MCA headquarters today, just ahead of a crucial central committee (CC) meeting to discuss the current impasse in the party.

The latest development puts newly-minted deputy president Liow Tiong Lai and his faction in a fix.

Chua was sacked as deputy president on Aug 26 but the CC commuted the sacking to a four-year suspension.

Met at the MCA headquarters this afternoon, the former health minister refused to confirm the ROS’ decision and merely joked with reporters about his rapid weight loss.

He was seen with his son, Chua Tee Yong, who took over the Labis parliamentary seat from his father.

Deputy chief for 19 days

Chua is entitled to attend the 1pm CC meeting should he be reinstated as party’s deputy chief.

If Liow, who has been deputy president for only 19 days, refused to accept the stunning ROS’ decision, he could lodge an appeal against it.

Alternatively, he might press on with his campaign for another extraordinary general meeting (EGM)to decide on fresh leadership polls.

But with the new development today, which included the sacking of four members of the CC aligned to him, it appears that Liow is fighting a losing battle.

In an SMS message to Malaysiakini, Chua confirmed that ROS had informed him that he was the rightful deputy leader.

At the CC meeting which is currently being held, it is learnt that Ong informed the powerful committee that Chua was now his deputy.

Liow’s men out, Chua’s men in

Moreover, the CC was also told of the sacking of four of its appointed members – all of whom aligned to Liow.

In their place, Ong used his presidential powers to install three new faces aligned to Chua. They are Tan Chin Meng, Donald Lim and Chua’s son Tee Yong.

Ong has also replaced information chief Lee Wee Kiat, a Liow supporter, with one of his own – MCA Wanita secretary-general Heng Seai Kie.

Later, Chua was mobbed by reporters while on a toilet break during the CC meeting.

He was repeatedly pressed for comments on the ROS’ decision by journalists waiting outside the meeting room.

“I got to know about it via a letter from ROS at 11.30am this morning. It is a decision based on the party constitution,” he said.

Asked how he felt, Chua jokingly replied, “I am feeling a bit ‘hot’ surrounded by you reporters.”

Liow, who went for a toilet break before Chua, however refused to entertain questions from the press.


Soi Lek reinstated, Tee Keat sacks four in pre-emptive strike
By Lee Wei Lian | The MalaysianInsider

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 3 – Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has been reinstated as MCA deputy president by the Registrar of Societies on a day when embattled party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat sacked four central committee members pushing for fresh party elections.

These developments came just hours before the central committee met to discuss the greater unity plan for the divided party.

The four, Deputy Home Minister Chor Chee Hueng, Chai Kim Sen, national organising secretary Yoo Wei How and Gan Hon Su, were, ironically, appointed by Ong when he won the presidency in October 2008.

The four sacked central committee members had signed a requisition for an EGM to propose fresh polls.

A crucial central committee meeting to be held this afternoon could decide whether the EGM will be held or whether the entire central committee will resign to pave way for elections or simply fall in line behind the president’s greater unity plan.

Dr Chua was seen entering the central committee meeting this afternoon with his son and Labis MP Chua Tee Yong.

It is speculated that the junior Tee has been appointed a central committee member to replace one of the new vacancies along with two others. However, no official announcement has been made.

In a press conference at the MCA headquarters, the four ex-central committee members said that they were not given a reason for the sacking when told this morning but suspected that is was “revenge” for pushing for fresh polls.

A disdainful Chor criticisised Ong as “ungentlemanly” for allegedly going back on his word that he would resign and that he could not “stomach” it.

“He has to resort to all kinds of methods to safeguard his position, by hook or by crook,” said Chor.

Asked about whether his cabinet post would be affected, Chor said that it was up to the prime minister.

“You have to separate party from cabinet,” he said.

Asked whether they would support the so-called “greater unity plan”, all four protested that they had no idea what it was.

“It was never communicated to the central committee,” said Chor.

61 Replies to “Strange, stranger, strangest – Chua is MCA deputy president”

  1. The intention of ROS reinstating Viagra Chua as deputy president is to topple OTK so that the PKFZ scam can then be covered up under a new Transport Minister. Numerous umno politicians would then escape prosecution from their role in the scam

  2. This is better than the series ‘heroes’, ‘supernatural’, and ‘CSI’. LOL

    OTK sacked chua and now reinstated him(supposedly via ROS, who u trying to conla?)
    and sacked 4 of tiong’s men..LOL. So freakin obvious even a retard knows what’s happening.

    i think this sounds like a mahathir iniatiative…it so similar to Tun used to’s his trademark politics.

    Now i wonder what wee kah siong, the MCA womens chief and of course tiong lai gonna do? form a new party? join PKR?
    it’s so obvious UMNO is in kahoots with selective MCA leaders…LOL

    sit back and watch the new season of MCASI..LOL

  3. Hahahaha…..Registrar of Societies can reinstate a political party’s deposed deputy president…..hey, we don’t need the courts anymore. Tomorrow, the SPCA can also decide if Semi Value should be the head of MIC.

  4. BROTHER Lim, by all means please make sure this PKFZ scandal is pursue till the corrupted, greedy and unethical hypocrite crooks from BN especially MCA and UMNO are exposed. Somebody powerful behind the scene have been trying to divert the rakyat attention from this issue thru all sort of means, like the current MCA fiasco etc..
    Enough is enough. the rakyat wants those crooks to be exposed and thrown in jail.
    Remember, we have another transport linked financial fiasco coming up. God knows, how many many more……

  5. Clearly the hand of Maradona (oops,UMNO) at work. They decide who should be president, who should be deputy president, then they call the shots on who can be investigated, who should be let off the hook….

    Really sad state of affairs in Bolehland, and really sad for all those blind bats who support the MCA.

  6. The work of umno najib, the master of bn. ROS surely make the decision after consulting with umno. Najib wants to show that his workout plan with mca must work or else he too will be in deep shit. One day cannot interfere another day all feet and hands are into it. What a great mca jokers clinging on to umno.

    Please Take This Poll:

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    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty two years.

  7. Tomorrow, the SPCA can also decide if Semi Value should be the head of MIC.

    that’s a good one Godfather, actually SPCA should have put the dog to sleep at least indians could thrive then.

  8. in plane english, i’m the president and i heard somebody wants my job so i said in the open , you want ask and you shall receive, and so the next day i sacked him and everyone that supports him. easy man. its so good to be a leader only in malaysia because malaysia boleh..LOL

  9. It fits into UMNO’s gameplan perfectly. MCA leadership asks UMNO for help and UMNO obliges. Now we have a freeloader as MCA president and a porn star as deputy president. The biggest casualty will be PKFZ.

  10. That is why I said in earlier threads that Pakatan Rakyat should not register as a society under Societies Act because once you do so, you PR are entirely under the control/regulatory regime of the Registrar of Society (“ROS”) [whose portfolio is under the Minister of Home Affairs] and the ROS can arbiter in your internal affairs and decide in a tussle on who it wants to recognise as office bearers independent of courts.

    ROS knows it has got this kind of draconian powers from the PV Das case against M Kayveas on who should be recognised as leader of PPP.

    By an amendment in 1990 a new clause 18C was inserted in Societies Act by which no court shall have any jurisdiction to entertain or determine any suit, application, question or proceeding on any ground regarding the validity of a decision of a political party relating to affairs of the party, its constitution and rules – and here’s the catch: the “decision of a political party on any matter relating to the affairs of the party ….” relating to which the Courts cannot review or question is (as decided by Court of Appeal for DAS/Kayveas case in 2003) imputed to what the Registrar of Society determines and interprets is the actual “decision of a political party on any matter relating to the affairs of the party ….” on who shall be recognised as legitimate office bearers after hearing the contending sides and perusing the documents….This also means that by this particular inerpretaion of 18C by the Court of Appeal, if the ROS (or by extension his Boss) favours Chua as Deputy President, Liow has no chance at all to go to Court to challenge ROS’s decision because the courts will say they have no jurisdiction to hear his grouse because Parliament intended 18C to exclude Courts from question party affairs (as determined by ROS).

  11. This I know especially from the vehemence with which of some occasional BN sympathisers/cybertrooper who visited this blog who launched an attack (citing Constitution and Law) to contradict what I earlier said about the Societies Act, and why PR should not register as a society.

    That is when ROS said he would waive the 7 membership requirement and change it to 3 for PR’s sake because your component parties are of national importance, don’t jump so quickly at invitation of a bearer of gifts from opposite side whose gifts may include a poisoned fruit that may possibly do you guys in, in the future! Draw a lesson from MCA Liow’s present experience.

  12. Is there any chance of Pakatan Rakyat’s dealings with the ROS being put to rest? It seems as though there’s no real necessity for a formal coalition – is there?

    If campaigning is the issue (DAP and PKR being denied entry to Bagan Pinang), wouldn’t it be easier and cheaper to just buy one tee-shirt from each of the other parties?

    There’s obviously no requirement for Pakatan Rakyat to formally exist to form a government, only to promise to work together at the necessary moment.

    Is it purely a question of presentation, in that case?

  13. non related to the above…but can somebody who are IT savvy tell me why I cannot see the pictures posted in MT? Text is OK, but blank pictures.

    Do i need to install any particular software? If yes, which type?


  14. If as mentioned the courts have no chance in aiding liow in his attempt to regain his position in the party, what will he do?

    join PKR la, that’s the only way, bring with him his supporters and split the party up, after all OTK has waged first strike at Liow, now he needs to uphold his manhood and retaliate and the only way is by breaking up the party. then MIC can learn from MCA and do the same.

  15. it’s such a joke, OTK sacks CSL, then his party members try to overthrow him and by hook or by crook he has to reinstate his nemesis?!

    Tomorrow will be interesting, the PKFZ scandal will be discussed. Now i wonder what wee kah siong is goin to do?

  16. Wee Ka Siong is next on the ‘hit’ list of Ong and Chua. LTL may lose his ministerial post. No more digging into PKFZ scandal by OTK. Win-win situation for UNMO Baru/MCA. Hidup (untuk sementara) Najib!

  17. Who says you cannot have 2 tigers in the same jungle? Like humans, tigers have become smarter too.

    Tiger Liow and Tiger Wee attack Tiger Ong and Tiger Chua one at a time. Realizing that they will be driven out of their territory if they do not team-up, Tiger Ong and Tiger Cuua set aside their differences and fought back.

    No wonder they say in politics you do not have permanent friends ( Liow stabbed Ong in the front, while Wee stabbed him in the back ), whereas enemity between Ong and Chua turns into friendship ( at least for the timebeing ). You do not have permanent foes, either.

  18. Until today, there was only one “The Greatest Show on Earth”, starring Charlston Heston and James Stewart. With the greatest respect, it has, today, been superseeded by ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’, starring Ong Tee Keat and Chua Soi Lek.

    It is all there, in its full glory; the trapeze artists, the great clown and the circus. Of course, the Malaysian Chinese are the spectators of this local wayang kulit comical-tragedy.

  19. I thought wee ka siong was UMNO’s bestest best friend. He was the one with tiong king sing flew all the UMNO people to taiwan for some sort of field trip when anwar announced a take over on in september last year.

    i’m sure they owe him their lives..i mean their political careers lasted because of him. i think behind closed doors they may have promised wee ka siong transport minister job very vely soon.

  20. Ong Tee Keat is digging another grave hole for himself by sacking 4 disobedient CC members of MCA. It is quite likely that MCA warlords will divide into several smaller parties in the near future even with Ong-Chua’s greater unity plan!

  21. A fragmented MCA will do UMNO Baru no good. It may be true that if Najib had his way, LTL and Wee would be his choice. The problem is both LTL and Wee command little support from MCA members as compared to Ong and Chua.

    With LTL and Wee helming the party, Ong-chua supporters will rebel, causing a big crack in the MCA wall. Najib does not want this to happen, so the more prudent move is to sacrifice LTL and Wee-his anak-anak angkat.

    With dirty and unscrupulous politicians, there is no kinship or friendship when their personal interest is at stake. Look at how mamak played out Musa Hitam, Anwar and Dollah.

  22. Onlooker Politics,

    I do not see the slightest chance of dissatisfied MCA warlords leaving MCA and form their own parties for the simple reason that all their warlords have skeletons hidden in their closets and Najib knows where to find them. The person who first came up with this strategy to ‘allow’ corruption in order to have a firm hold on the warlords of all BN coalition parties is none other than Mahathir.

    While I believe quite a number of disappointed grassroot members may leave the party, I also believe no warlords have the guts to leave MCA no matter how unhappy they may be with the party leadership. Sabotage their own party candidates during elections, maybe?

  23. Chineses have no where to turn to now. A Chinese leader that is all power seeking. The rest of the Chinese leaders and members fighting among themselves. If the leader does not know how to create peace, then she is just splitting everyone apart with her iron fist. To be a great leader, one has to be a servant of all. Humbleness instead of razor, bashing tongue. Doubtful if one can do a good job as a deputy at the same time holding a ministerial post in one of the most important ministries. The whole ministry is screwed enough and now subject to more screwing. All the confusion one is witnessing. No good management.

  24. MCA has been irrelevant since their failure in the last general elections, they are hanging on thread because they belong to BN, otherwise would have ceases to exist.

    The chinese have lost more hope since this fiasco unravelled within MCA. It will be a blockbuster movie come the 13th GE.

  25. Whatever plans the MCA come up with is useless. The party have lost the trust of the Chinese community which it claims to represent. Najib is MCA’s true president. OTK and CSL are UMNO Baru’s boneka. If Najib or any UMNOputra were to tell MCA leaders ” hey, call your own father ‘encik’ but you should call me ‘AYAH’ they will just do it!”

  26. That is the Most exCiting Association. One can suddenly raised to the ceiling of the heaven, then falling down into the toilet of hell. With the stinky smell, I don’t think how the Liow-Chiu-Wee can recover.

  27. Liow = habis … Liow, Wee, and Chiu are all novice politicians. Their career is as good as over. Unlike Kong, he is smart enough to keep himself low-profile and reject to be appointed as deputy…. That’s why he still can survice in the shaky MCA.

  28. Collapsing bridge and roof and bulidings.
    Killing witnesses and allowing suspects to thrive.
    Blasting (wot?) stalker and unborned child to bits.
    Recycling expired/rejected-politicians.
    Snubbing the king (ignoring royal com recommendations).
    Pursuing petty issues involving thousands and justifying grave isues involving billions.
    Allocating more funds to those who do not need them.
    Emphasising the needs of those who do not deserve any emphasis.
    Chasing away brains and discouraging foreign investments (with odd policies and inefficiencies and corruption).
    Welcoming lowly qualified foreign labourers by the aircraft carrier loads and giving them (esp those who are muslims) PR status.
    Giving scholarship to poor performers and under achievers.
    Promoting inefficient monopolies.
    Nationalising money politics.
    Exchanging milos and red packets for votes.
    Not promoting the learning of english and or chinese to malays when even africans are learning chinese.
    Sending angkasawan for god only knows wot mission.
    Buying subs for god only knows wot purpose.
    Paying 500m commission for a single deal to a single person. (wow. OOOUUCH)
    Broadbanding failure multimedia super disaster.
    Brandishing keris.
    The list can go on.
    Strange. Stranger. Strangest.
    Well more like strangest.
    Strangest gobermen in the universe.
    Even pigs would fail to understand the oddity.

  29. The one thing I am most uncomfortable about Chua ‘the stud’ Soi Lek is how close he is to UMNO. This ROS thing shows how CSL can influence even UMNO – such influence do not come free, there is a price he already paid or will have to pay.. Only a fool will think that such influence is power, its corruption of both party. Its mutual corruption of the system which we must get away from. Its what led to the destruction of Gerakan and now MCA.. Such relationship is not institutionalised and will ultimately lead worst for MCA and the Chinese community.. The days of such ‘cooperation’ between MCA and UMNO is over.. Its corruption especially on the highest principles. Ultimately it ends up both party stealing and taking away rights from the us the rakyat in the name of ‘practicality’..

    It looks like the alignment of interest is still shifting within MCA and nothing is certain going forward. We Chinese often look-down at the Indians and point at MIC because we can turn to DAP to alternate voice but look at MCA and tell me if these people are not like Samy Vellu.. MIC have one Samy Vellu, we have many more in MCA.

  30. In chinese believes, all names have meanings. Put them all together, they have greater meaning….here goes..

    Chua Soi Lek
    Ong Tee Keat
    Chor Chee Hueng
    Gan Hon Su
    Liow Tiong Lai
    Wee Ka Siong

    In a bit cantonese, mandarin and mostly hokkien words, in english it sounds like:

    “The Snake slithers back to the emperor and strengthen the emperor’s position. Those who tried to be in the way of the emperor (chor chi Huang-cantonese+mandarin), they lost trying to fcuk the emperor off (Kan Ong Soo), including Liow who comes in the middle of things trying to take advantage, suffers injuries all over. (k-Wee Kah Siong)”

  31. The day may soon come when the ROS splits mca into numerous parties, such as “MCA Baru”, “MCA Terbaru”, “MCA Lagi Baru”, “MCA Lebih Baru Lagi”, “MCA Sikit Lagi Baru”, “MCA Baru Lagi Moden”, “MCA Lebih Moden Lagi”, ect. The same goes for MIC, Gerakan and PPP

  32. actually MCA was rebranded recently it’s called (oneMCA).

    to be honest, UMNO rebranded MIC and MCA since they lost miserably in the last elections. Ther1efore UMNO has renamed it’s dogs 1MCA and 1MIC. Rumour has it, 1MCA had a freak accident and isn’t gonna recover and so will be put down. UMNO went to the SPCA and are thinking of adopting another dog called makhal sakhthi.

  33. Liow wants to go to the courts to seek a declaration against ROS decision. He will argue on section 18C. 18C says that for a political society, its “decision or any person authorized by it or by its constitution or rules or regulations made thereunder on the interpretation of its constitution, rules or regulations or on any matter relating to the affairs of the party shall be final and conclusive and such decision shall not be challenged, appealed against, reviewed, quashed or called in question in any court on any ground, and no court shall have jurisdiction to entertain or determine any suit, application, question or proceeding on any ground regarding the validity of such decision.” Liow will argue that he’s not asking Courts to challenge political party MCA’s decision; he will argue he is merely seeking a declaration that Registrar of Societies (ROS) is acting outside his powers under societies Act to decide on who should be Deputy President of MCA; that he is not challenging political party MCA’s decision but challenging the ROS’s determination of who is Deputy President, thereby superimposing his determination over the Party’s!

    Liow will lose based on existing law. Perhaps he is trying to boost morale of his supporters but whatever objections he raises had already been covered in 2003 Court of Appeal ruling in the case of P.V.DAS for PPP against ROS and M. Kayveas. It won’t work. The argument is:

    1. Parliament intends by 18C to exclude court’s interference in and adjudication of political society’ internal affairs.

    2. When political society’s internal affairs are turbulent with office bearers engaged in intra-Party fighting without being able to resolve the issue within the Party itself, definitely they will need an outside arbiter to help resolve;

    3. Since the outside arbiter cannot be the courts because 18C says Courts cannot interfere with a internal affairs of a political party, it is natural that the arbiter will be the Regulator, in this case the Registrar of Societies since the political party is a registered political society under ROS regulatory regime.

    4. To allow Liow (as earlier case P.V.DAS) to go to Court to challenge and overturn ROS’s decision favouring Chua in MCA (and Kayveas in earlier case) will tantamount to allowing courts to (back door) indirectly interfere with the internal affairs of a political party which 18 C expressly says courts cannot (front door) directly interfere. By extension, to allow Liow (as earlier case P.V.DAS) to go to Court to challenge and overturn ROS’s decision favouring Chua in MCA (and Kayveas in earlier case) will tantamount to thwarting the will and intent of Parliament not to allow courts’ interference (direct or indirect) of internal affairs of political society.

    On these grounds Liow’s application to Court to challenge ROS will not be entertained. Neither could he likely resolve this leadership struggle matter even if CC member Wong Nai Chee’s prediction that the extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of MCA would “definitely happen”. This is because the delegates’ support from Ong Tee Kiat and Chua Soi Lek is likely to overwhelm that of Liow.

    Because legitimacy of law, courts are thrown to doubts by cases like what happened in Perak Legislative Assembly having two MBs and two Speakers, so in MCA case, there may emerge a phenomenon of 2 deputy Presidents continuing their struggle, whatever the Courts say on section 18C of the Societies Act….

  34. In light of what is happening to Liow, and the way ROS flexes its muscles, I am surprsied that Pakatan Rakyat is still proceeding to register the opposition as a political society subjecting yourself to the regime of ROS.

    This is what The MalaysiaInsider Nov 4 reported: ‘The Malaysian Insider understands that officials from the PR alliance handed in their application to be made a formal coalition to the Registrar of Societies (ROS) some time earlier this week. According to government sources, some 10 names each from DAP, PAS and PKR were listed in the registration form, together with a list of common objectives, which are expected to be laid out when the alliance holds its first convention next month. A logo bearing a “rising sun” was also tendered — signalling a “new dawn” for the country — as the fledgling opposition front’s symbol against BN’s dacing, or scale. The PR bloc believes its application this time will pass muster, based on the new stand taken by the Registrar of Societies Datuk Md Alias Kalil. Md Alias had publicly stated that the previous reading of Section 2 of the Societies Act 1966, which states any coalition of political parties must have at least seven political parties as members to be registered did not apply.’

    See link:

    I wish now to reiterate :

    1. ROS made flip-flop decisions. At beginning, he said they could not decide on who’s deputy president. Then all of a sudden before the MCA CC meeting, he officially decided. Doesn’t this hint of political influence? who is ROS’s boss? You want PR to be regulated by ROS who in turn is under Home Minister? In other wards PR to be under BN’s Minister of Home Affairs’ regultory regime??? That’s very clever on PR’s part!

    2. “A logo bearing a “rising sun” was also tendered — signalling a “new dawn” for the country — as the fledgling opposition front’s symbol against BN’s dacing, or scale.” – MalaysiaInsider.

    I can understand a common logo will help campaigning – as in Bagan Pinang. Must the Question is: To have a comon logo must you register the whole PR coalition as a political Society?

    Correct me if I am wrong on this but my general impression is that BN’s dacing was registered with the Elections Comission and BN itself is not registered as a political society under ROS’s regulatory regime.

    Unless I am wrong on either score, why is it, for the sake of a conmon logo, that PR must go to such extent of registering itself as a political society and be subject to ROS’s, and by extension your political opponent, the Home Minister’s indirect governance when:

    (a) you jolly well know that BN is nopw probing all your weaknesses to save itself since it cannot re-invent fast enough;

    (b) BN itself is not regsitered under Societies Act but you PR chooses to do so (As they say fools rush in where angles fear to tread!) and

    (c) what happens in MCA, the ROS’s interference and Liows predicament have all happened to warn you of the prospects you face in similar situation?

    I cannot for the life of me understand the course PR is taking!

  35. Anybody got a link to an image of the alleged ‘rising sun’ logo of Pakatan Rakyat? Is it very different to the “Rising Sun” flag of Imperial Japan? Perhaps to avoid unfortunate historical connotations, it could be referred to in communications as the “Sunrise” flag. “New Dawn” might also be unfortunate, given that Fiji has pipped you to the post on that one. I couldn’t recommend “Morning Glory” either – well, as a flag name anyway.

  36. #3 by OrangRojak – “…they call the Rising Sun
    And it’s been the ruin ..of many a poor boy
    And God.. know..I’m one”.

    That makes Pakatan Rakyat – “the Animals”! Hahaha.

    When Election Commissioner says, PR you can use common logo if you register first…” did the Election Commissioner suggest you register the common logo with Election Commission or they ask you register as a society under Societies Act – which is th case?

    If the case of the latter, which I doubt, why don’t you ask Election Commissioner – what about BN’s use of the dacing logo without having BN registered as a political society under Societies Act??? How can there be different treatment in view of article 8(1) federal Constitution requiring equality before the law including elections laws for all?

    Or PR has some other agenda – trying to iron out the differences between disparate parties like PAS vs DAP by having common constitution for all 3 registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS)? Or the “Rising Sun” flag of Imperial Japan like DAP’s rising Rocket to cast a solar eclipse on PAS’s full moon or PKR’s half moon? Perhaps If thats the intent, it will, in circumstances of Pakatan Rakyat being registered a political society, give the ROS plenty of leverage/leeway to arbiter on content and meaning of rights and powers and obligations between PKR, PAS and DAP inter-se within PR, and to play one against the other just like what happened in MCA….

  37. “Perhaps If thats the intent, it will, in circumstances of Pakatan Rakyat being registered a political society, give the ROS plenty of leverage/leeway to arbiter on content and meaning of rights and powers and obligations between PKR, PAS and DAP inter-se within PR, and to play one against the other just like what happened in MCA….” – Jeffrey

    Instead of letting the ROS having any power to mess up the PR, it would be better for them to remain a loose coalition.
    Even then, they can have a common constitution among them. The most important thing is to work well and to work with honour among themselves.

  38. Yup Jef I too doubt BN is registered as a body under the Societies Act. Never heard of any BN meeting before nor any election of its office holders. Any idea, anyone? The office bearers of BN, who are they? If that is in fact so then it does seem like BN is after all an unofficial collection/grouping of political parties – a somewhat (shall I call it(?)) “permanent ad-hoc body”. How odd! Such grouping is a non-entity in the eyes of the law. It is incapable of holding or owing anything. So who owns that BN logo – that weighing scale we all have after 50 yrs come to dread and despise? And strangely BN has been holding itself out as an entity all these times. Have we been duped to this extent and for so long?

  39. Wah, this MCA opera show is getting very ‘keat’, ‘hebat’ in malay. The ink on the script is not even a chance to dry. We are now in Act 3 Scene 4, and in the next act will have both the PM and DPM wading into the show. Ha, ha, ha.

  40. hahahahahaha….Govt also got power over private association or party election results.
    Hi….thousands of Associations…remember…win by one vote is nonsense. Must win by 2/3.
    Apply this..all general elections are null and void…and Najib certainly …is not PM by two third majority.
    Ah…they say….that is different story……hahahahahaha

  41. Happened to see the photograph of the three shameless, unscrupulous MCA towkays on the front page of the Star today.

    Their words and actions has confirmed the accepted notion that politicians are not only corrupted to the core but they cannot be trusted. The word ‘intergrity’ is not in their dictionary.

    When the nightmare of losing their positions in the party and at Cabinet level, they are only too willing to lick and suck whatever is thrust in their faces by the warlords in UMNO. All these are done with a straight face claiming to be in the larger interest of the MCA.

    What has become of the MCA? What is the point of holding delegates conference or even holding a disciplinary meeting if the decisions taken are not worth the paper they are written on?

    Why call for a AGM, EGM or whatever if the final outcome is decided by the PM, DPM and ROS at the behest of Mamak Mohamad Kutty?

    Now the Mamak has called on the MCA to accept the latest political sandiwara orchestrated by him, PM and UMNO as the finale in the MCA’s power struggle.

    The MCA towkays have always been under the thumb of Mamak and UMNO. Isn’t there even a wish to be out of the clutches of the UMNO warlords who want the towkays to work and enrich them?

    Is there such a paucity of credible, sincere and leaders with intergrity among the members in MCA that they have to accept tainted and power crazy leaders even after being thrown out by the delegates?

    Is MCA going to be ever under the thumbs of the UMNO warlords even if it means that they will be emasculated and looking for the crumbs from the largesse that they themselves created for UMNO?

    Wake up MCA members. Don’t be like the lapdogs in MIC, GERAKAN, PPP and the newly minted MMSP. You are much more in stature and strength than those miniscule parties.

    Don’t become a ball to be kicked about. Stand up and be counted for intergrity and your rights. Don’t let your future genetations spit on you for giving up your rights and losing face.

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