Tee Keat clings on, Liow is No 2 and MCA heads for implosion

By Lee Wei Lian and Leslie Lau
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 — Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai was appointed deputy president of MCA today after a heated central committee meeting that saw him at loggerheads with party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat who says he will now call for another EGM.

Ong also refused to resign as party president today despite losing a confidence vote last week.

The party president will now use his powers to call for another EGM to decide if the party should have fresh elections.

Ong, Liow and other central committee members emerged from their meeting today without speaking to the press.

In a posting on his blog put up immediately after the meeting, Ong said he had directed MCA secretary-general Wong Foon Meng to call for an EGM under Article 30.1 of the MCA constitution to decide whether to hold fresh polls.

“The EGM/AGM will allow delegates to end the impasse over whether the central committee should seek a fresh mandate.

“I still have a long list of unfinished business involving party and public interests, like the direct election of the MCA presidency and the Port Klang Free Zone issue. It is my wish to see such issues addressed without any abrupt disruptions.”

He added that any hopes today, for fresh polls was dashed “because certain quarters are worried that I would renege on my words and decide to stay as the party president.”

“This is absolutely baseless.”

Despite being appointed the party No 2 today, a sombre-looking Liow also refused to talk to reporters.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the meeting was heated, with Liow and Ong at the centre of arguments.

As expected, Ong’s refusal to resign has split the party further.

Last weekend’s EGM was touted as a battle between Ong and Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

But while delegates voted for Chua to be only reinstated as an ordinary member they also passed a vote of no confidence against the president.

Ong is not constitutionally bound to resign as he can only be forcibly removed by two-thirds of the general assembly. Last weekend’s motion of no confidence was narrowly passed by only slightly over half of the delegates.

But the combative Ong had previously indicated he would resign if he lost the vote.

Today, he appeared to go back on his word to quit, by offering only to call an EGM.

Liow was appointed by a simple majority of the central committee today.

The appointment could potentially cause even more factions to emerge.

His fellow vice president Kong Cho Ha, who had in last year’s party elections secured the highest number of votes among the three VPs, had previously been arguing that he should be appointed No 2.

But Ong may find himself an unlikely ally in Chua, his most bitter rival, in calling for an EGM to decide whether fresh elections should be called.

Chua had earlier this week also called for fresh elections as the way out.

If fresh elections are called, both Ong and Chua are likely to contest for the presidency.

Earlier today, Ong’s supporters had orchestrated a show of support for him by organising a demonstration by hundreds of members outside Wisma MCA.

The supporters held up banners urging Ong, who is under probe for graft and who admitted to taking free plane rides from a contractor, to stay on as MCA president.

Full page advertisements suggesting the community was backing him were also placed in Chinese newspapers this week.

An online petition was also put up to appeal to Malaysians to support Ong.

57 Replies to “Tee Keat clings on, Liow is No 2 and MCA heads for implosion”

  1. When you want to learn the art of dirty politics….UMNO MCA and MIC are the best.
    OTK trying to be real hero….on PKFZ RM12.5 scandal…to hoe for success…and put Ling Liong Sik in jail…backfired………for there is a string of corrupted stooges… taking orders from UMNO.
    About to reveal more…all stopped.

  2. At least Ong Tee Keat is courageous to call for another EGM to decide whether a fresh party election should be held. If Ong chooses to appoint his favourite man to take over him as the MCA President, then it is not true democracy!

    Chua is free to contest if a fresh MCA party election is to be held soon. However, is Chua going to feel comfortable to be elected as the MCA President when he has evidences of committing the crime of engaging oral sex been put in the hands of the Police?

    Why did the police practice double standard by not investigating Chua’s oral sex crime?

  3. I am not an MCA member and never has been but in this case,I think it is only appropriate to let OTK continue as head honcho. Throughout the past 50 odd yrs, Malaysians have seen corruption being exposed time and time again but no action taken.
    Umno is too busy putting their hands into the cash till and dont even boda to wipe their mouth clean(thau sek umm mud choi). They blatantly do it time and time again despite Citizen Nades expose in The SUn.
    Now, come OTK, the lone Ranger, who wants to turn things around.
    I say, let him finish his job. This is what Malayisans,by and large, want.To catch the culprit and give them their just dessert.

  4. 1. if the new EGM is coming and fresh poll is decided, Choi should be given equal chances to compete.

    2. Ong should continue clear off PKFZ scandal irregardless of the fresh poll is coming or otherwise, its totally separate issue altogether.

    3. non-MCA BN coalition members should not have any interference of MCA internals.

  5. MCA EGM of 10/10 was for the meeting to decide who they support. Of the three resolutions, #1 was a vote on OTK, and the score was 1141 to 1155 against him. #3 was a vote on CSL, and the score was 1110 to 1184 against him, with 10 spoilt votes among 2304 voted. Thus a total of 2339 votes (1184 plus 1155) from 2294 (2304-10) voted against OTK and CSL. Among them 2339-2294= 45 voted against both OTK and CSL. Had the 45 voters chosen to vote against OTK only but voted for CSL, the score for CSL should read 1155 to1139 in CSL’s favour. Had the 45 voters chosen to vote against CSL only but voted for OTK, the score for OTK should read 1186 against 1110 against in OTK’s favour. If the 45 voters had randomly voted against one of the two, say 23 against OTK but for CSL, and the other 22 for OTK but against CSL, the score should read 1133 to 1163 in OTK’s favour, and 1151 against 1143 against CSL.

    If OTK and CSL were to stand for the position of MCA president with the same persons from the central delegates voting, the results should read 1163 against 1143. But the results would depend on whether 20 persons among the voters change their mind.

    MCA delegates are split down the middle. The current members of MCA central committee naturally want to retain the status quo, especially with the new Deputy President, who is only waiting for OTK to resign.

    OTK has asked for a new EGM to decide whether there should be election for a new central committee. He should also have the proposal on direct election on the Presidency voted at the EGM. That could apply the moment he tenders his resignation. Quite obviously OTK cannot hope to get support from the current central committee. But it would certainly prevent the recurrence when 45 persons decided to cause havoc when they were supposed to vote on their preference on the question of disciplinary action taken against CSL.

  6. Ong Tee Keat told the media before the EGM that he was ready to quit the MCA presidency post even if he won by a wafer-thin margin. Now it turns out to be all lies.

    How true are the words of Tun Dr. M. – Malaysian leaders would not resign even if they are sidelined. The culture of resigning (after being sidelined) simply does not exist in this country.

  7. this is many kutus at work again. Any which kutu became the boss is of no relevance to the Chinese in general. Except to those anak anak kutu mca.
    Poly = many.
    Tick = kutu.
    Politics = many kutus.

  8. ///That being the case, I had proposed to have fresh polls to seek a fresh mandate from the party, especially the outcome of the EGM was inconclusive and indicate that the grassroots were divided. The best way out of this situation is to seek the re-affirmation of the MCA leadership.

    However any hopes for fresh poll was dashed because certain quarters are worried that I would renege on my words and decide to stay as the party president. This is absolutely baseless.///– OTK, http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/27839/84/

    He will cling on only for a while until the next EGM decides. Of course LTL has hoped for a double promotion in a day.

  9. Please give OTK a chance. I for once will support Tee Keat to continue as president for him to finish his job on the PKFZ issue and bring to book all those who had committed misfeasance. He is our only hope as I do not see any other person in MCA , at least at this point of time can replace him. He is uptight and arrogant as someone commented; to me that am his business but as long as he can do a good job, we will support him. Telling that he has not done anything during his almost 1 yr as MCA president is wrong. I think he has his strategy, and sticking his neck out to fight corruption is his strategy and not many politicians will want to do that.

    TO the rakyat , I sensed that many of us are thinking alike. OTK is a good leader . Very focus and does a good job, and most importantly not proven to be corrupted or misbehaved but has his own kind of personality which some people do not like. It will be unfortunate if such hard to find good leader is forced to go. I had so much hope that this small step that he took in the PKFZ issue will go a long way to fight corruption but instead he is made to fight for his political life and chances are the PKFZ issue will be buried deep underground, probably together with all those who stood with OTK if he goes. Even the PM has sent a message for him to quit. Why does he want to interfere in MCA affairs. If people do not get the message, then we are all nuts.
    All that we can do now is for all good Malaysians to stand up and urge OTK to stay on and finish the job he is supposed to finish. You might not have sufficient support from the MCA delegates but you can be assured you have most Malaysian’s support.
    Tee Keat we are giving you a second chance to change the political landscape of this country and free us from the scourge of corruption so that we can be proud Malaysians and not mocked upon as a corrupted country whenever we are overseas. You had the chance to make Malaysia into a first world country but please do not squander this chance.

  10. This shameless Ong Tee Kiat clearly said..he will resign …even if he looses by one vote.
    The vote of 14 majority voted no confidence in him….as a leader.
    Naturally….he will say.,the people wants him…and there will be big trouble..if he resign….bla bla bla.
    The fact is..if he resigns…he is powerless…and Tiong will chew him up..like lamb chop..no more UMNO protection.
    If you suddenly here OTK change his mind..and resign…you can bet UMNO assured him…no jail sentences for corruption and bribery taken.
    OTK is a nobody…trying so hard to be somebody….and MCA is not worth one sen..as far as I am concern.
    These racialists must be thrown out from politics.

  11. Najib/ UMNO Baru working behind the scene to have OTK replaced by someone more ‘obedient’ to them. Their preferred man is none other than LTL, the current Health Minister ( a 100% ‘yes’ man ) With Ong gone, it will be easier for Super Task Force to cover-up the PKFZ scandal.

    OTK’s heeding the views and advice of MCA Central Committee to stay on is a step in the right direction as investigation into PKFZ is on-going and his name is implicated. By not bowing to outside pressures to resign he at least can defend to vindicate himself of allegations of involvement in the PKFZ.

    Ong’s latest turnaround has Najib worrying. He had earlier hinted to the MCA chief who he considers a thorn in the flesh to resign like a gentleman. Mahathir, it seems, is pressuring Najib to ‘apply’ more pressure on Ong to resign saying ” Najib must ‘help’ the MCA”
    Najib must help the MCA, for what?

    I think there is no more turning back for the MCA after this latest crises. Honestly, I had expected UMNO Baru to die first, but, as we can see, MCA takes the title.

    Can we all expect a cabinet reshuffle where Najib have OTK removed from his current portfolio ………………………………………..?

  12. Ong must stay. Ong must finish off the PKFZ investigation b4 he considers to step down!

    It is very clear why UMNO wants Ong to go.
    Most of UMNO leaders were involved in the PKFZ scandal, including Mahathiu!

  13. If CSL ever becomes MCA President, he will go down into history as the first President who can eat the cake (oops! sex) and keep it (oops! the Job after the blow job)!

    Nobody so tainted by a sex scandal in the developed democratic world can continue to loom so large in national politics, Clinton excepted. Usually, when someone is so sexually tainted, the corruption revealed is only the tip of the iceberg. This is why CSL must go, Clinton or no-Clinton parallel.

    OTK is doing the right thing by challenging the MCA’s members to do what is right…a challenge to MCA’s conscience…and the member’s sense of right and wrong.

    Of course, if all else fails, OTK can join DAP or PKR and continue the fight from there. I think his national following will swell even further….a different kind of swelling from CSL’s, I’ m sure!

  14. YB Kit,
    I did tell you to leave MCA’s family affairs alone and not to interfere with it. But now why do you want to tell DAP members about what is happening in MCA here? Did you realize that some DAP members have already started to show sympathy upon Ong Tee Keat?

    If Ong Tee Keat fails to stay as the MCA President and the investigation of PKFZ scandal is to be aborted after Ong Tee Keat has left the political scene, that will imply that Barisan Nasional is going to fail its reform attempt. Such a failure in putting the culprits of PKFZ scandal on check will further encourage the corruption practices within the Barisan Nasional governments. Although this is no good to Malaysia as a whole, it will give Pakatan Rakyat another golden opportunity to berate Barisan Nasional’s fithy corruption practices and to provide legitimacy for Pakatan Rakyat to outbeat Barisan Nasional with another political tsunami during GE13 in the future.

    I wonder why you don’t want to try to be an onlooker like me so that you may see much clearer about the possible outcome from MCA’s party feud which may benefit Pakatan Rakyat directly or indirectly!

  15. What the heck is the Police doing? When they suspected someone had gotten involved in sodomy, they quickly mobilised all the elite police force to take action against the suspect.

    However, when Dr Chua’s oral sex video DVDs had been circulated through the hawker stall at Pasar Malam, the Police took no action against Dr. Chua. If the Umnoputras really find that it is OK for someone to perform oral sex in the private room, then why don’t they just make a move of law amendment in the Parliament in order to legalise oral sex in Malaysia.

    Singapore Parliament has already legalised oral sex since few years ago. It seems that this legalisation process in Singapore has been going very smoothly and I read many favourable comments from the reporters’ interview with some roadsiders in Singapore. The most impressive one was that a Singaporean said that “I have never tried oral sex before and I don’t know how it tastes like! However, since oral sex has been legalised in Singapore from now on, perhaps I may want to try it out with my wife at home tonight in order to have the first taste of it!”

    I hope we won’t face too much resistance from the religious moralists on the issue of legalisation of oral sex in Malaysia!

  16. Guys, any good and clean leader whether in mca or mic or any component party, will not have free hand in investigating corruption in this country while umno is still in power. We live in this country long enough to know this will never happen. Ya, once a while they will prosecute a small fry or out-of-favor politicians just for show.

    Do you think otk will go anywhere with pkfz if he somehow stay in power? Najib will not allow this. Or I should say umno will not allow this. Too many top brass scums will be implicated. Well, the whole cabinet I would say after what was revealed in rpk’s blog.

    Csl? Well, nobody cares if a dog licks his balls. He is just mad with revenge to those he thought taped him during his rendevous. After all the ruckus, did you ever hear him say he wanted to serve the people?

    The only thing that matters now is your right as a voter. Please don’t trade it for a rice cooker, ice cream, bicycles, or any “get rich quick scheme” sweet talk. Or else we will continue writing more sad things after ge13.

  17. There is no renewal of MCA, it must be taken over or destroyed and reborn as something else.

    If I were a member of CC, I would form MCA Baru and start from scratch and propose takevover of MCA lama..Only way to do it..

  18. Why not call another egm to decide if Viagra Chua’s porno DVD be made available to all mca members for free?

    After that another egm to amend the party constitution to make okt President for Life, as Idi Amin did in 1972?

  19. MCA imploded a long time ago when a succession of leaders became subservient to Mamakthir, who found it extremely convenient to “control” the MCA leadership for his own ends.

    Mamakthir fed crumbs to the MCA leadership and they tacitly acknowledged UMNO as the “taikor”.

    Ong Ta Kut promised to quit if he lost the no confidence vote. He didn’t say that he would quit only if the no confidence vote was from at least two-thirds of the delegates. To me, that’s the sign of a desperate man, an unscrupulous man. I’d just tell him that he has to do the honourable thing, but then how do you expect honourable things from BN politicians ?

  20. Najib doesn’t want Ong Ta Kut because UMNO sees Ong as a maverick, and more difficult to control as compared to Ong Ka Ting and Chan Kong Choy. UMNO would prefer to see Liow as the next MCA leader because Liow is much more subservient. In fact the entire Central Committee (Kong, Ng Yen Yen, etc) is regarded as subservient to UMNO.

    If the delegates have any common sense, they should just get rid of the entire CC, and vote in fresh faces, new and uncorrupted as yet by UMNO.

  21. The new MCA Deputy President LTL said that the resolution no.1 of 10/10 MCA EGM relates only to OTK personally, and so he was to handle it himself alone. It has nothing to do with the other resolution 2 and 3 where the central committee was responsible.

    LTL conveniently forgot two related questions.

    1. If the CC of MCA did not have a unanimous decision on removing CSL would the EGM be called, and the question of confidence of OTK voted on?

    2. EGM overturned the decision to sack or suspend CSL party membership. It was a non-confidence vote on the whole committee, though not specifically calling for the committee to resign.

    OTK wanted a fresh election so that the position of yet to be vacant Presidency could be decided by the central delegates, or through direct election. In fact the MCA constitution provides for the deputy president to fill the position of President. It did not foresee a double promotion, and a selection of President by a group of 45 persons.

    LTL having now secured the position of Deputy President and very close to the position of President is now borrowing Mahathir’s word of unity to prevent fresh election. How convenient?

    It is not that OTK is not willing to resign; he said so. He wanted to ensure that the next President is elected by the by the larger membership; not just the central committee. We see power struggle, and the erstwhile comrades are pushing keris at close quarters. Interestingly without OTK moving against CSL, his position as President is assured. People benefitting from a possible vacancy from CSL were happy to see that CSL was removed. Now those 45 voters who voted for both OTK and CSL to leave have succeeded. I wonder how many of these 45 persons were from the CC.

  22. The lust for Power. See what it can do.

    Friends become enemies overnight. Allies becomes opponents at the drop of a hat. Promises and pledges are broken with impunity. The house is turned upside down without any qualms.

    Principles. What principles? Its every man and woman for himself / herself. Its “Whats in it for me? How can I benefit from this situation?” Such is the world today. And it can happen anywhere, left, right or center.

    Power is addictive. Hard to get rid of. Is there a cold turkey treatment or vaccine available for this mental ailment?

  23. ///However, since oral sex has been legalised in Singapore from now on, perhaps I may want to try it out with my wife at home tonight in order to have the first taste of it!….I hope we won’t face too much resistance from the religious moralists on the issue of legalisation of oral sex (“OS”) in Malaysia!/// – Onlooker Politics on Friday, 16 October 2009 – 1:45 am

    I am tickled by your comments.

    Why are you so indulgent about OS? Trying to mitigate Dr Chuah Soi Lek’s indiscretions?

    First of all the Singaporean guy who wants to have the first taste of it with wife may not necessarily score points in his marital relations, might get a slap!

    Secondly I don’t believe people of staunch religious beliefs and other religious moralists will accept it. Third, even secularists may say its bad for health because of risks of human papilloma virus (HPV) allegedly linked to cervical and throat cancers!

  24. The Samy Velloo syndrome is spreading. We Malaysians are thick skinned and have no respect for any laws.MCA should amend its constitution for a simple majority to overthrow its president.We in Malaysia are no more thinking of national politics but thinking of staying to gather as much as possible the goodies.

  25. hmm pening!! why singapore OS into this topic? OS can do it at singapore geylang, in malaysia can do it at chow kit. why so susah? ask your Mrs to help if need. dont rojak here pls. guys, let the drama goes on, do not disturb! drogon crunching tiger part 2 now. lucky Lee Ann not take part, is malaysia version. Men catch Aliens now. haha

  26. Bro,

    OTK HAV A GURU…… LKS le. WHY simple answer. How long LKS had been holding on to the DAP from sec – gen now as a special advisor. Is LKS had thick skin too, he been in and out of parliament but still unable to raise up his party from opposition to governing party. LKS will have a thicker skin so he be able to hold on to these post forever until his grave to enable him to be in federal government in order to become a prime minister or deputy minister or transport minister so that he can kowtaw and plunder the treasury in order to b multi-billion ringgit man like his friend A… who is also an advisor of another pary in PR. U gals out there had been hoodwink and pawns to these politicians.

  27. One cannot trust the likes of Liow Tiong Lai.

    His attempt to capture the leadership of MCA is merely to do the bidding of those corrupt officials of MCA and Najib.

    Ong’s tenure at MCA is a danger to many. Hence, the need to remove him asap.

    Come on Liow. You are just a wolf in sheep’s clothing! We can see through you and you are just another corrupted official in the making after you become MCA president.
    If you are clean, you would give Ong the mandate to complete his task of exposing the culprits in PKFZ.

  28. ///Chua is free to contest if a fresh MCA party election is to be held soon. However, is Chua going to feel comfortable to be elected as the MCA President when he has evidences of committing the crime of engaging oral sex been put in the hands of the Police?

    Why did the police practice double standard by not investigating Chua’s oral sex crime?///

    CSL might not realise that he committed a criminal offence but the MCA President was conscious of it and wanted to prevent the police holding CSL to ransom. Even the central delegates might just consider sex acts of CSL was his personal matter, rather than a party issue.

    Even if CSL is returned as President of MCA, he can still be charged like what Anwar faced. We know that the two PKR ADUNs of Perak had to become kataks and be friendly to BN because MACC was after them. A yet-to-be-charged person with DVD evidence will have to toe the line of UMNO, the AG or the Police. The Chinese community does not want to be held ransom through the President of MCA which is supposed to represent the Chinese community, not just MCA members. CSL might not realise it. Now LTL is keen to practice Mahathir’s non-contest to ensure his rise to become President.

    MCA should have a fresh election. The meeting of MCA on 15/10 made the mistake of not keeping the vacancy of CSL until a new election was held. In fact the 10/10 MCA EGM did not have a two-third majority to deny CSL his position.

    Does the decision of an EGM supersede the provision of the party constitution? I should be grateful for comments on this particular question.

  29. “Why are you so indulgent about OS? Trying to mitigate Dr Chuah Soi Lek’s indiscretions?” (Jeffrey)

    Dr Chua has committed the crime of engaging in the activity of unnatural sex, namely the oral sex in this case, which is prohibited by Malaysian Law. If the Umnoputras have no intent to repeal the law, then they must put in all effort to enforce it. The Police and the AG’s Chamber should not have practiced double standards in regarding of this law.

    Why were the Police very keen to conduct an investigation on Anwar when Anwar was suspected to have engaged in the unnatural sexual activity of sodomy and yet the Police would just keep their both eyes closed when they had already gotten Dr.Chua’s Porn movie DVD on hand? If the unnatural sex prohibition has not been removed in Malaysia, the Police will have the duty to probe into whatever alleged case of which a police report has already been lodged by someone. There should be no exception and no indulgence for anybody in the course of the Police’s carrying out their official duty, no matter whether a person is related to Umnoputras or not! Dr. Chua should be investigated for committing the crime of performing unnatural sex and if evidence found, he should be prosecuted in court by AG’s Chamber!

  30. The politicians are simply too THICK skin. Like Abdullah who did not want to step down no matter how he was attacked from outside and humiliated. And now with this Ong TK, what is going to happen? He still wanted to stay after the no-confidence vote. We also have Samy and Taib who just wanted to stay forever as Sultans.

    Power is everything. Once you lost power, you cannot do anything. Mahathir’s case was a good example. You may end up in jail once you no longer have power.

  31. YB Kit,
    It is highly possible that the central delegates of MCA may pass a resolution for the reelection of the MCA Party president. If this is happening so, I am afraid Pakatan Rakyat may face a strong challenge in the GE13 if the technocrat leaders like Dr. Calvin Fong Chan Onn and Dr. Hou Kok Chung can be elected as the New MCA President and new MCA Deputy President in the coming soon party reelection of MCA.

    In fact, Pakatan Rakyat leaders should feel happy when MCA is in chaos as it is much easier for Pakatan Rakyat leaders to fish in the troubled water. However, if MCA members have been enlightened out of a sudden and some technocrat leaders are to be appointed to run MCA, the possible reform to be undergone in MCA may destroy the hope of Pakatan Rakyat’s victory in the GE13. Therefore, Pakatan Rakyat leaders should put in double effort from now on in order to strengthen the party unity before it is too late to do that!

  32. // Why did the police practice double standard by not investigating Chua’s oral sex crime?//

    Hey, that old viagra abuser was a federal minister at that time. However, had he been from the DAP, you can bet your last dollar that he would had been handcuffed and paraded nude around the country on a white buffalo, much like Lady Godiva on her white horse.

  33. Well, well.
    I’m surprised, very surprised to read that there are still posters (people who post) who still have something good to say about anyone in the BN.
    Aren’t they all the same colour?
    Cheats, thieves, backstabbers etc?
    Are you happy with any of them to lead our country?
    Don’t you all see the disastrous results of five over decades of BN rule?
    Are you willing to let them ride rough shod over you all? Again and again?
    What a naive bunch!!!

  34. …Dr Chua has committed the crime of engaging in the activity of unnatural sex, namely the oral sex in this case, which is prohibited by Malaysian Law…onlooker

    Is oral sex a crime in malaysia? wow, i didn’t know that. How about kissing? you know, those juicy mouth coming together with swirling tongue. Is this a crime?

    i gotta go hide now. byebye

  35. My personal opinion is that Ong Tee Keat should stay on and clean up this PKFZ issue and let M’sians know what actually transpired. Then if he so chooses or forced to leave MCA, it’s a good choice. It doesn’t meanthta his pokitical career is over as he can still be an independant or get himself affillated with the PR team to change the government at teh GE 13… well…..let’s see what happens..

  36. OTK’s decision not to resign is bad news to Najib/UMNO Baru. As is the case, Najib cannot remove OTK as Transport Minister because this will be making it look too obvious. Now they are joining the chorus of calling for fresh MCA elections, hoping OKT will be voted out.

    OTK is MCA’s elected president. MCA delegates in the soon to come presidential elections should give OTK a strong mandate to send an equally strong signal to its arrogant BN partner to not meddle in the party’s internal affairs. Important too is to vote out any candidates favoured by UMNO Baru such as that Liow guy and CSL failing which, MCA is ‘wantan’

    Malaysians know UMNO Baru will not allow OKT to dig too deep into the PKFZ scandal. But at least we know he is brave enough to do his bit in fighting corruption in the government.

    Personally, I am no admirer of OTK or the MCA. Never voted for MCA or UMNO Baru candidates for that matter. But then we know OTK has now become an enemy of an enemy, he is therefore our friend. Whichever way things turn out, PR will be the biggest winner. Because of OTK Najib and his forty thieves will make more blunders to incense the rakyat further. When the time is ripe, OTK can leave MCA with his supporters to maybe form a new party called MCA Baru just like someone in this blog said earlier?

  37. Should there be another EGM or AGM, I hope the delegates are wise enough to vote in Tee Keat. Any other, UMNO will step on his head.Think of the implications to the Chinese. Remember how UMNO had treated Ah Koon and Ah Ting. We do not need such humiliation.

  38. MCA buggers are all fighting for selfish reasons.
    OTK is showing to youngsters…how to be a person without principles in life..exactly like his masters from UMNO.
    Supposedly to be the King of Malaysian Chinese….promised to resign…now doing the twisting…..like Samy Vellu.
    All are the same…greedy for power and hoping to get filthy rich with the power.
    And holding on to the power……for once out of UMNO protection…OTK is for Tiong to slaughter.
    But then…we all know what UMNO is.
    Najib may order Tiong to lay off OTK…and promise no court case against him…will be conclusive against him…or his company…and all assets seized.,,,,,to be released .
    The show starts…when Malaysians can easily forget or move on with life.
    That’s how UMNO keep fooling Malaysians….mastering the art of ordinary human nature and keep fooling them.

  39. OTK brought this all upon himself when he tries to push CSL into political oblivion the moment he secured the presidency. If he had showed some magnanimity and gave some of the positions to CSL and supporters things could have been different.

    Between OTK and CSL, OTK will be a better choice as CSL could be black mailed into submission if he takes the presidency and wishes to pursue the PKFZ case.

    The third group has not much support but are opportunistic enough to attempt a power grab. They are acting out of self interests and therefore not good for the party.

    Should good sense prevail we will be seeing a re-election for the top leadership of MCA. Otherwise MCA will indeed be dead before the next general election.

    Considering that they have not been able to react to the message given to them in the March 8, political Tsunami this crisis presents an opportunity for a new set of leaders who could reform the party.

  40. The drama unfolded in MCA is a disgrace not only to the party but more seriously to all Chinese in this country and the world over!!!

    Greed, craze for power, hyprocrisy, integrity bankrupt, thick-skinned, selfishness… you name it they have it!!!

    MCA representing, fighting and protecting the interests of the Chinese of this country? Please lah, THANKS BUT NO THANKS, I don’t need and I don’t want anything to do with MCA!!!

  41. I admit that I admire OTK for his courage in tackling the PKFZ scam. Come-lah it is understood that all in B-End is in this gravy train. What is annoying to everyone in B-End is OTK is allowing some of the truths to be exposed to the public view. Now they are gunning for him to step down so that the book will be closed. People, do we want the PKFZ revelation to be closed unceremoniously by the departure of a seemingly forthright person (I’m not saying he is one, but honest and fair B-end politicians are hard to come by nowadays).

  42. The persons who were surrounding OTK only a week ago, and who voted unanimously with OTK to expel CSL, are now surrounding LTL, and asking LTL to speak on their behalf, it seems. LTL was also surrounding OTK at that time, but now finds himself in the centre of the circle. The same change will come around pretty soon when the EGM decides that the CC should seek a new mandate. The way the CC members behave confirmed that belief of the Chinese community that MCA leaders with some rare exception are only interested in their own benefits. They would even show it so clearly the moment the decision they helped to make caused the President to suffer the indignity of a non-confidence votes, brought about by 45 persons who not only confirmed rejection of CSL, but also OTK. Those perpetrated the double-crossing have the pedigree of a bitch.

    LTL cannot be respected as a President of MCA through a sly move in preventing the EGM. His position as Deputy is also questionable since he did not even get the highest votes among the vice presidents. LTL should seek the mandate to be a President or deputy through a new election. He can either get those who surround him now to sign a resignation letter so that OTK can announce a collective decision for the CC to resign. This will settle the issue of no-confidence vote on OTK.

    A party cannot function without the disciplinary committee. The DC of MCA decided that CSL should be sacked because he was involved as recorded on DVD in unnatural sex which is a criminal offence liable to be charged depending on the wishes of the government. OTK clearly cannot announce to the delegates that the government was practicing double standards in not charging CSL, and keeping an option to ensure CSL toe UMNO line. As the head of the party he had to support the action of the DC. It was his duty as President to get the CC to deal with the important issue affecting the standing of the party. The delegates at the EGM decided that the action was not acceptable, and OTK naturally considers that he deserves the moral support of his CC to accept the decision of the EGM, to resign. It is now clear, however, that some CC members utilised the crisis of CSL criminal offence to push OTK into the path at loggerhead with CSL supporters, and voted to have no confidence vote passed on OTK.

    It is not too late yet for LTL to mend his ways to face a new election. By the behaviour and the statements he made declaring that OTK should alone bear the result of the non-confidence vote, Chinese community can see through him more clearly if he continues with his stand. The opportunities in MCA, luckily or unluckily are open book to read. No wonder Chinese do not support MCA.

  43. Najib suggested that other parties follow UMNO way to resolve party problems. He forgot that other parties are not UMNO where the head of UMNO has the right to make government appointment. Nobody in UMNO was able to use leverage inside or outside UMNO to influence UMNO President’s decision. Members of other BN component parties do not meddle in UMNO party affairs.

    UMNO President being able to influence the affairs of other BN component parties should refrain from speaking about MCA party issues beyond declaring that the matter should be resolved by MCA itself.

    UMNO can wish that other component parties attract voters to support BN. The support or not of BN depends on BN policies which affect not only members of the component parties, but also non-members. UMNO President should not use the excuse that realignment of political forces among BN component parties could affect general election results to intervene.

    Mahathir said he interfered in MCA affairs in the past, and that was why leaders in MCA during his time could not guide BN government along the path that would attract Chinese voters. UMNO wants strong leaders in the party, and it should also prefer strong leaders in the component parties. The positions of Chief and Deputy are important, and these should be filled through election rather than by internal promotion of those who did not consider themselves ready to contest in the previous election. MCA is in the process of getting a fresh mandate for its leadership, just like UMNO has just freed its constitutional restriction to allow all talents to be headhunted. To intervene in MCA matter particularly on the issue of party election would be seen to beggar thy coalition partner party. Why should Chinese support MCA when it is a puppet of UMNO?

  44. An interesting inside story of meeting held on 14/10 to help OTK resign.

    The Lone Ranger is lonely enough but to be abandoned by his Tonto(es)….how lonely can one get.

    The least I hope is that the above said song of freedom and liberation can be a consolation to him. He can now see his MCA worldview in a different light. It all happened one night in Niko Hotel where all the personalities of MCA that matters and can be captured were gathered before the Central Committee Meeting the following day.

    Who had and how were they gathered? What was the agenda? Was there a pledge of secrecy and blood oath was sworn? It was public knowledge that there were 22 signatories of a very secretive document, the contents and purpose of which is puzzling to puzzled minds.

    The following day in the Central Committee was the most fiery, rough and crude CC Meeting we ever had. Individuals who were beneficiaries of the President’s office turned into vultures seeking for dead bodies and the intended corpse was the President’s body.

    The answer to the question of why MCA has not been a respected partner to UMNO after Tun Lim Chong Eu left the MCA Presidency in 1959 might be explained by similar Niko Hotel meetings among the vultures.

  45. ///BREAKING NEWS DPM Muhyiddin said the only way for the coalition to step in to solve the party’s crisis would be by having an invitation to interfere.///– Malaysiakini

    Moodin is giving hint to the rebels, the 22 who attended the Niko Hotel meeting on 14 October to invite UMNO to interfere. UMNO knew how to interfere since the 1960s, by not appointing the true leaders of MCA to government positions. They succeeded in getting opportunists to surround the UMNO appointed ministers, no different from those who surround LTL just this week, when the centre of their circle until then had been OTK.

    UMNO does not have to put pressure by coming out with statements on a daily basis that they want MCA internal issues resolved. There is no crisis in MCA as the 10/10 EGM did not create a vacancy in the Presidency in MCA. Other vacancies stay just like Isa’s VP post was left unfilled for a long time in UMNO.

    The AGM of MCA will be held by the end of 2009, within the next 10 weeks. Unlike the 10/10 EGM, the AGM can allocate some hours to debate matters, and decide on how best to resolve the ‘issue of confidence’ on the central committee of MCA. OTK wanted the CC to resign so that a fresh election can be held. Some UMNO hasbeen declared that his experience should be something else, and suggested that true democracy cannot return to MCA. That might be the secret desire to ensure that MCA will never be a democratic political party and the leaders appointed through UMNO influence should depend on UMNO apron string and stay forever subservient to UMNO.

    Certainly there are opportunists in MCA, and the persons who grouped together in making a decision that attracted the EGM ended with a MCA should be held accountable to the results of the EGM. The EGM decision when read together with the constitution of MCA returns MCA to status quo. Though at the CC meeting, the majority, with the President abstained, voted for LTL to be deputy President, and CSL is seeking clarification from the appropriate authority. Clearly there is no problem in MCA and the issue as to whether the party and particularly the CC should face a new election now to gain their mandate, or to wait for 2 more years, can rest with the EGM. They should now be careful on drafting the resolution.

    OTK does not have to resign his position as President, respecting the decision of the EGM. He would be wrong to leave the post by falling to the tricks of the multiple questions adopted at the meeting. Events subsequent to EGM confirmed that there was immoral intent to push OTK out so that the persons in line could enjoy the benefits through the vacancies thus created. For that to happen, MCA would end its role. MCA should end but with MCA remains as a member of BN, the interests of the Chinese community are hijacked by the two dozens opportunists. If MCA had to remain in the political set up of BN and claiming to represent the Chinese community as well the President should be of certain character. To resign after having known that he has been double crossed and knowing falling into the trap just to gain the vain reputation of keeping his words is not among them. In deed he had no words to keep pertaining to his intention to resign. To declare that one would resign based on the speculated results of the meeting was not a promise. More so when the outcome shows that some quarters had achieved their vicious agenda.

    It is bad to be involved in internal power struggle. It is Hanjian to involve outsiders into the internal affair of MCA.

  46. The Chinese Newspaper reports that OTK sacked his legal Bureau Chief probably because of the two following reasons.

    Party constitution provides that elected officials can be removed with 2/3 majority of votes during general assembly. So the question of whether the rejection by the 10/10 EGM of CSL retaining his position with simple majority would result in his reinstatement as Deputy President was raised. It was reported that MCA legal Bureau Chief stated that based on article 174, 23 and 40, whatever that means, the central committee can fill the vacancy. It would appear that the legal chief has not addressed the issue as to whether the EGM supersedes the constitution.

    The issue of a second EGM was discussed. It was reported in the newspaper that the legal Bureau Chief acknowledged that the President had the right to call for a second EGM. He added that for the central committee to be sacked, a two-third majority was needed. Thus, the EGM might not settle the issue. The last statement was an opinion seized upon by those who did not want their position subject to democratic choice. They might have the right to stay for three years has they not participated in invoking a decision that attracted the EGM. That was a good lesson for accountability.

    I am not sure about the reliability of the report appearing in the Chinese newspaper. If the issue had been properly presented, it would be interesting to observe that the legal Bureau Chief did not confine his answer to the questions asked. He did not say the constitution reigns supreme on the vacancy said to be confirmed by the EGM, and thus CSL should remain Deputy President. On the next question, he did not say that to confirm sacking of the central committee, a two third majority of the EGM was needed. But he volunteered opinion that EGM might not be conclusive.

    Everybody believes that elected officials should seek mandate if there appears doubt in confidence regarding the elected officials. But UMNO has used many different ways including quota system to prevent election to top posts, and now UMNO wants MCA to emulate UMNO. DPM Muhyiddin mentioned that party constitution was just a document ( see Star 21 Oct, 2009). He must have the similar idea concerning Malaysian constitution which cannot be classified otherwise but a document. So the government is free to do what they please with regard to Malaysian constitution, Muhyiddin wanted MCA to emulate UMNO not to organize free and fair election and to treat constitution as just a document. US Presidents swear to uphold and defend the constitution on assuming office. DPM of Malaysia declared that constitution is just a piece of document. That is why this is a fourth world country. Yet UMNO leaders talk now about moral and justice while doing otherwise; they do not know the meaning of the words they uttered.

    Kits would help prevent UMNO interfering in minor parties if he organizes a poll to assess whether the people in Malaysia want MCA power struggle now settled by a fresh election.

  47. On or before MCA 10/10 EGM, LTL was the closet comrade of OTK. He together with Youth Chief WCS and Women Wing Chief CMF were the most ardent opponents of CSL and were instrumental in getting the Presidential council to approve the Disciplinary Committee’s recommendation in sacking CSL. It has been reported by TLK, a CC member that OTK stated clearly during the meeting that if that was the collective decision of the Committee, then the Committee members had to be accountable to the decision.

    The results of 10/10 EGN was known and OTK was persuaded not to resign on the spot.

    Based on the constitution, both OTK and CSL can return to their positions as President and Deputy. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee to sack CSL was null and void, and the suspension of CSL in his position as Deputy President was approved by a simple majority vote.

    The Chief of MCA legal Bureau came out with two different interpretations on one same issue. He opined that the next EGM would require a two-third majority to sack the central committee because the constitution requires two third of central delegates to sack elected officials. But he confirmed a vacancy exist for the Deputy President post when there was not a two-third majority vote to remove CSL as Deputy President.

    CSL’s position as Deputy President was suspended when the EGM return a majority vote to that effect. But since CSL cannot be sacked because the EGM did not turn out a two-third majority vote, the vacancy did not exist. However since the incumbent has been suspended and cannot perform the duties, the Central Committee might have the authority to appoint somebody to the position in acting capacity. LTL was made a deputy President, not an acting Deputy President. CSL is appealing to the registrar of society to intervene. From the photos appearing in the press showing LTL having tete’a’tete with PM, DPM, WiraKeris, the group of 22 CC members are convinced that it is now or never, for coup d’etat.

    Before 10/10 EGM, it would be normal for LTL to meet with OTK whenever a need arises. Now LTL has to declare that he is making appointment to meet with OTK, and he even said that the presence of CC members are to be there as witness. After the tete-a-tete, the urgency for change or settlement in MCA has become imminent. What have been the crises in MCA since 10/10 other than what went through the mind of TLT in securing the top prize? TLT has conveniently forgotten that the AGM of MCA will be held within 10 weeks, and if there is any unresolved matter, the central delegates will be the best position to do so. That included the sacking of individual members or office bearers if LTL is keen to remove.

    LTL was one of the four vice-presidents of MCA who might gain from a vacancy or two created on top. He said he was asked by OTK to see what best could be done on the succession plan. That might take place say in the next GA, or may be in two years time when a new election has to be held. LTL did not get the highest votes in the last MCA election, and he is not the most senior vice President to be promoted to Deputy President even in acting capacity. In the committee of 42 CC members, 22 votes form the majority which can approve any decision at the committee. LTL got the signature of 22 persons to support him and in LTL’s words, they have given LTL their voice; the 22 have now their master’s voice. Thus LTL was more powerful than KCA, the Vice President who scored the highest votes in the last MCA election. LTL was even more powerful than OTK who had only one vote, and he had to abstain on the vote on whether a vacancy did exist in the Deputy Presidency on the meeting of 15/10.

    Having tasted the power of 22 votes, plus his own, the ambition of LTL has suddenly bloated, and he eyes the final prize of MCA Presidency. One wonders why the 22 CC members were willing to sell their voice, and can now speak only his master’s voice. If that is the quality of MCA politicians at the CC level, they should be removed, and hopefully by the next EGM.

    The way LTL claims that the crisis in MCA should be resolved soon so that it is ready to face the voters in two years shows that he is carrying and echoing his UMNO master’s voice out loud. The Chinese are watching LTL to call UMNO to interfere in MCA affairs; just like WuSanKooi inviting Muchu into China.

    Crisis in Chinese word comprises opportunity and danger. When one becomes too opportunistic danger returns. LTL was quite safe as a VP and a Minister. He is not only interested in becoming Deputy President, but having achieved the later position, he is demanding to be made President. CSL with all his faults is not as despicable as LTL in his most recent episode. He cannot be trusted as a team member, as he would kill his teammates when they are weakened after fighting the so-called common enemy. The snakes are out of the hole now.

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