Bagan Pinang by-election is another “no-winner” for Barisan Nasional for second consecutive day

The Bagan Pinang by-election is another “no winner” for Barisan Nasional (BN) for the second consecutive day after the MCA Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) yesterday which booted out the two MCA contenders, MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and the MCA Deputy President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek.

If the BN candidate Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad loses in the Bagan Pinang by-election or is returned with a smaller majority than the 2,333-vote won by the previous BN incumbent in the general elections last year, it is a clear defeat for Umno and BN as the by-election will be a mini-political tsunami by itself.

But even if Isa wins the Bagan Pinang by-election with a bigger majority than last year (and Isa is boasting about a 5,000-6,000 majority), it is an even bigger defeat for Umno and Barisan Nasional for it will be a loud, clear and unmistakable message to all Malaysians that Umno and BN are totally irredeemable and incapable of internal change and reform and there is choice or alternative whatsoever for Malaysians in the next general elections to sweep Umno and BN out of power in Putrajaya.

I cannot agree more with Tun Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in their public objections to Isa’s candidature.

Mahathir said Umno and BN can win the battle in Bagan Pinang but they will lose the war in the next general elections.

Tengku Razaleigh has been more direct when he said today that it is better if Umno lost today in the Bagan Pinang by-election as Isa’s victory would translate into an endorsement for corruption-as-usual in UMNO and the Barisan Nasional government.

Razaleigh said: “For the good of the party, the dignity of the Malay community it claims to represent and for the sake of the nationwide reform in governance and politics that we must undergo, it would be better if Umno lost today, and used the loss to begin internal reform.

“Corruption is the scourge of the country. Umno is a step away from being identified with that scourge.”

This is why the Bagan Pinang by-election is a“no winner” for Umno/BN as it is a Umno/BN defeat if Isa wins with a smaller majority but an even bigger defeat with a bigger Isa majority!

80 Replies to “Bagan Pinang by-election is another “no-winner” for Barisan Nasional for second consecutive day”

  1. the chances of isa losing IS VERY SLIM and the main factor of win is the lack of control in postal voters. unless these votes are counted on the day of voting, chances are manipulation of such votes is easily done.

    isa may win and bn especially umno will boasts that only umno can deliver while its other components like mic,gerakan and mca can’t!!! they will then try to find reasons for these representives to be replaced by umno instead!!!

    isa can win in bp becuase he’s a corrupt expert!!!! he could do it within umno so this bp voters are just peanuts to him!!!

    the thing that pk should focus on is thinking of how to encourage the voters to ‘suffer’ and vote for them in the next elections especially the ‘easy-to-buy’ voters of the east.

    most of these east malaysians who vote for bn are very poorly educated and can be easily bought for their votes in exchange for a 5 kilo of rice to last for 5 years!!!

    i’m from the east but i’m edcucated so i’m not easily fooled with ‘sweet promises’ so an advice here is….go educate the poors to be rich to WIN THE NEXT GE !!!

  2. 1MCA is the inscription on a tombstone!

    MCA is dying…
    MIC is dying …
    UMNO is dying …

    MCA will be dead …
    MIC will be dead …
    UMNO will be dead too …

    that’s when 1Malaysia becomes reality …

    btw … i heard that UMNO ppl are shaking their heads and are admitting that it’s gonne be tough winning this seat …

  3. Yes, hopefully, voters will vote with their thoughts on the coming Deepavali
    The Festival of Lights – victory of good over evil n corrupt politicians like Isa n keris-cow HH
    So, voters do the right thing n give yourselves an early Deepavali/Divali present
    Makkal Sakti

  4. Mahathir said Umno and BN can win the battle in Bagan Pinang but they will lose the war in the next general elections.

    Tengku Razaleigh has been more direct when he said today that it is better if Umno lost today in the Bagan Pinang by-election as Isa’s victory would translate into an endorsement for corruption-as-usual in UMNO and the Barisan Nasional government.

    Remember, all the rot started from TDM’s reign!
    Since then the decay has got deeper and deeper!
    Pass the message that the electorate wants these tainted crooks out for good.
    Don’t ever listen to the bull shit that they will change!
    We have been fooled for the past five decades.
    That’s a very, very long time.
    With such rich pickings to be made from their positions, there’s nothing in the world that they’ll stop at!

  5. If the BN candidate Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad wins in the Bagan Pinang by-election more than 2,333-vote, the outcome will boost UMNO’s confidence that Malaysian voters are generally stupid and money politics is the way to go.

  6. ///Tengku Razaleigh has been more direct when he said today that it is better if Umno lost today in the Bagan Pinang by-election as Isa’s victory would translate into an endorsement for corruption-as-usual in UMNO and the Barisan Nasional government./// -Kit

    We know that votes today have been bought and sold, and reform in UMNO will have to be carried out by the leaders. MCA has split down the middle, one for money and the other against corruption. If not for the 2 billion party assets, there should now be two parties.

    There should be a similar no-confidence vote on Najib so that UMNO can be divided into good guilt and good innocence. The reorganization itself would ensure reform. As for the electorates they are just waiting for buy-elections to come around.

  7. Is BN cracking?It had cracked and the Bagan Pinang election will prove further.Whatever the outcome,UMNO will have to go.Even Najib could not prevent Isa from contesting.UMNO seemed not to have lived up to its theme.Slogan shouting will not capture votes.Najib had driven another wedge by recognising Makkal Sakhti but failed to realise that it is another of the race based particular language party.MIC is slowly dying because of caste and Tamil politicking.Najib gave another blow to MIC by recognising Makkal Sakhti. And yesterday MCA showed that it is no more the Chinese based party.Leaderless and clueless and rhetoric ridden MCA will see a quick demise.We need a party which represents all the races and anybody can be its leader.The election result will show how the races had voted and the future will see the demise of all race and religious based parties coming to an end in Malaysia.

  8. 1. If UMNO BN wins, it is the vote for corruption and “that Umno and BN are totally irredeemable and incapable of internal change and reform”.

    2. If UMNO BN loses, it is “a clear defeat for Umno and BN as the by-election will be a mini-political tsunami by itself”.

    Putting the two together gets me confused; it is the same people of Bagan Pinang who will decide who shall win or lose. If they decide to let UMNO win, they will be blamed for their inability to change and reform. If they let UMNO lose, they will be hailed as heroes of Malaysia – a PR gateway to the southern Peninsula.

    It is the people of Malaysia who shall decide whether this country will change or reform. It is really not the business of PR to worry whether UMNO BN will change or stay the same. In fact, the more UMNO BN stays the same, the better is for PR. PR must focus on changing the people. Let cut all the bulls – if PR win today, it means they have managed to convince the majority of the voters in Bagan Pinang the need to change. If PR lose, it means they have more work to do, more ideas to sell and more convincing to make.

  9. Ku Li: Better for Umno B to lose today
    A victory for the corrupt Isa in the BP buy-election would translate into an endorsement for corruption
    Khairy: A victory for the corrupt Isa will give Umno B a much-needed boost
    Yes, the shameless SIL wants a confirmation of corruption n money politics



  11. Umno and BN are totally irredeemable and incapable of internal change and reform….(Kit)

    A party which has been so entrenched with corruption for the past 50 odd years will certainly find it difficult to break away from such bad practices. Party members are so “accustomed” to corrupt practices in their everyday lifestyle that they are no longer conscious of corruption and its implications.

  12. The landslide and bigger majority for umno just shows that the rakyat are not happy with PR, especially PAS’s recent performaces.

    If PAS don’t change their attitude, there will only be bigger losses for them.

    It is also a reminder that PR should grow mature quickly so that they will be prepared to handle other bigger issues. This period is an intern for PR. If there prove that they are reliable, the rakyat will promote them to a higher position.

  13. Yes the win by Isa is no surprise.
    The win by a bigger majority signals to the fact that at Bagan Pinang…. voters are afraid for change and corruptions is encouraged.
    Win by UMNO in Bagan Pinang puts it at 9-2.
    In football terms….UMNO is still clobbered.
    In by election term….Malaysians by and large…want a change in government badly.

  14. voters are afraid for change
    Sure? Isn’t this a much greater majority than before? Something must have changed, mustn’t it?

    It would be nice to get the results of some opinion polls from Bagan Pinang to find out what it was that caused the change in majority.

  15. If PAS’s Zulkefly Mohamad Omar stands for symbol of piety/integrity and his oppnent “Good Guilty” for money polkitics/corruption, then the voters in Bagan Pinang have given a resounding 8,013 vote victory for Politics/Corruption as against 2,578 for piety/integrity with majority of 5,435!

    Even if it were argued that such a landslide victory for BN signals “loud, clear and unmistakable message to all Malaysians that Umno and BN are totally irredeemable and incapable of internal change and reform”, it begs the question and does not answer WHY in spite of being “irredeemable and incapable of internal change and reform”, the BN’s candidate still gets overwhelming support (instead of given the boot for his tainted past)

    So it would seem the loud, clear and unmistakable message is that any fight against corruption can only be effective if the larger community’s and voters’ attitudes are changed to one revulsed with and repulsed by it instead of indulgent or tolerant of it.

    Ultimately fighting corruption lies in the people, not so much (on comparative basis) the government.

    If rakyat by majority are tolerant of leaders known for money politics and view their guilt as “good guilt” because they distribute some of the spoils back (in a kind of patron-client exchange system) , how does one battle this scourge of corruption?

    One has to change the ordinary voters’ attitude, and for that one has to inculcate ethical values, which is uphill, looking at the record of more than 50 years, if rent seeking behaviour and patron client relationship (which by themselves provide the excuses and pretext for corrupt transactions) are otherwise sanctioned and even institutionalised.

  16. WHY
    If anybody fancies collecting statistics, my wife tells me that her mother asked my brother-in-law, as he was taking her to Bagan Pinang to vote this morning, “You want me to vote PAS ah? For what?”.

    It would be silly to draw conclusions from individual stories, but corruption doesn’t seem to be a prime concern for my mother-in-law.

  17. When the Duke of Zhou defeated the Shang he made a famous speech wherein he said that Shang rulers have failed to take care of the welfare of the people. Hence the Shang rulers have lost the heaven given mandate to rule. By challenging the Shang and if he manages to defeat the Shang then it means the Mandate has been passed on to him.

    The Doctrine of “Heaven’s Mandate” or “Tian Ming” posits that Heaven takes an active interest in the welfare of the humans and will intervene to remove a ruler when he is deemed to have failed to take care of the welfare of the people and failed to rule fairly and wisely. If a ruler started to be unjust or uninterested in the people, Heaven would remove the Mandate and pass it to another.

    Today PR/PAS challenged this mandate in Bagan Pinang and since they have lost it means that UMNO in Bagan Pinang must have done something right. But by choosing a candidate of dubious character who may not rule wisely and act in the interest of the people they may lose the mandate the next time around.

    The results must be gracefully be accepted by all. Let us wish ISA all the best.

  18. “Putting the two together gets me confused ..>>limkamput

    The same confused person earlier called for “retributive” measures to be taken against government servants who merely carried out the wishes of their political masters or lose their jobs.

  19. Boomz, the message fr BP voters is loud n clear
    Between the known evil devil Umno and the PAS deep blue sea
    They are more afraid of PAS (no sexy entertainers, no beer, no ….) than
    The corrupt racist Umno B
    The keris-cow gang
    The sudden death of TBH at MACC
    The sudden death of Kugan while in police custody
    The C4 murderers
    Expectations of voters are changing
    PR, O PR. Wherefore art thou, PR?

  20. Malaysiakini (Chinese version) gave a very good analysis on why Isa won. The news portal reported that many people were not willing to vote for BN. However, when interviewed by the media, they said they would give support to Isa because they felt that Isa had been friendly to them and had helped them a lot while he was MB of Negeri Sembilan. That is why PR’s attack on money politics had no effect on these people since they had decided to repay Isa their indebtedness.

  21. Interview by m/kini did show that most voters couldn’t be bothered abt corruption. They are contented with their current lives. They knew this guy isa, but not the new candidate from PAS. Has PAS or PR not done enough homework and enough walking to visit the voters? Future election/by-election should take heed of any interviews conducted.

  22. There is no such thing as the good guilt. A patronage or a corrupted system can not favour the majority. I do not buy the idea that Isa won because the majority in Bagan Pinang wanted to repay his good deeds. That is baloney to me.

    BN won because many Malaysians especially in rural areas are still very ignorant. They can’t relate their lack of quality of life with a corrupted or an inefficient government. When I was young living in abject poverty, I was not aware why life is so unfair. I only knew my family was poor but I have no ideas life could be better if government programmes are more productively, fairly and efficiently distributed.

    If we impute our own way of looking at issues (given our awareness, education and experience) into how an average voter should think and act, then we are in for surprise and disappointment. PR must focus on coming up with innovative ideas and on how to put across these ideas to the masses. It is useless to continue to discuss the misdeeds of the government in eloquent and sophisticated language here.

    Anyway this loss is also good for PR. May be it is time they learn to be less assertive of their useless philosophy and more on pragmatism.

  23. Salute to those volunteers who are there to rally for PR. This includes monsterball :-).

    As there is “good guilty”, there is “good lost” as well. PR has 2 years to prepare for the GE13. This lost will be your lesson today. It will be a wake up call for PR to conduct an “autopsy” why they lost. As much sunshine there will be rain at times.

    I believe PR will emerge stronger in coming years to extinguish umno’s tyranny. I hope the internal bickerings will stop. The likes of Hassan Alis’ will not help in forming a united front against the tyrant regime.

    I will do my part for these 2 years to convince others in kopitiam to vote for PR as long as their struggle and manifesto against this evil regime has not changed.

    Let them suffer the fate of King Louis the 16.

  24. sorry repost, mistakes earlier:

    There is no such thing as the good guilt. A patronage or a corrupted system can not favour the majority. I do not buy the idea that Isa won because the majority in Bagan Pinang wanted to repay his good deeds. That is baloney to me.

    BN won because many Malaysians especially in rural areas are still very ignorant. They can’t relate their lack of quality of life with a corrupted or an inefficient government. When I was young living in abject poverty, I was not aware why life was so unfair. I only knew my family was poor but I have no ideas life could be better if government programmes were more productively, fairly and efficiently distributed.

    If we impute our own way of looking at issues (given our awareness, education and experience) into how an average voter should think and act, then we are in for surprise and disappointment. PR must focus on coming up with innovative ideas and on how to put across these ideas to the masses. It is useless to continue to discuss the misdeeds of the government in eloquent and sophisticated language here.

    Anyway this loss is also good for PR. May be it is time they learn to be less assertive of their useless philosophy and more on pragmatism.

  25. Tengku Razaleigh does not have to say anything. Leave UMNO if he really wants changes. I think he still harbours ambition to lead UMNO someday. Tell me what difference is he going to make if he ever gets to lead UMNO? UMNO itself is a misnomer.

  26. Kit,

    Here is a strategy for PR to win big in the 13th general election.

    Since the electorate are only interested in the candidate as a person and his attributes and not the party which he belongs to, the time is ripe for PR potential candidates for the next general election to be groomed as Isa (PR version) or Nizar and build them up with dream attributes.

    The followings will certainly help PR potential candidates to improve rapport with the electorate (the key is we go to the people instead of waiting for them to come to us):

    1) Carry out regular door to door visits to understand people’s problems and needs – don’t just do it during election time.

    2) Visit market place, bus-stop, railway station etc to talk with traders/people to see what they lack.

    3) Invite village heads for tea or dinner.

    4) Organize sports, games, competitions etc for the electorate.

    5) Conduct open-house not only for Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Hari Raya but also for the moon-cake festival, dumpling festival, Malay festivals and Indian festivals. Light refreshments will be sufficient for the less important festivals. Video of DAP’s latest achievements may be screened during the open-house.

    Items 1 – 5 above should be conducted in the name of the potential candidate rather than DAP’s name. The purpose is to imprint firmly on the minds of the attendees the name of the potential candidate.

    And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

  27. change the ordinary voters’ attitude
    Why bother? Just give them more money than BN can. I think if PR really want to get GE13 ‘in the bag’, they should promise to pay a Cost Of Living Allowance, as a tax credit, to every Malaysian who can fill in a tax self-assessment form. RM500 per year seems like a nice round amount. A household with 4 voting-age citizens in it would get RM10,000 over the course of a PR first term in government. Better than a rice-cooker or not?

    It wouldn’t cost PR anything if they didn’t win the GE. BN can’t pay this kind of money, because citizens might spend it on education, Internet or lawyers. It would only cost a few billion a year – Malaysians already paying tax wouldn’t feel the difference between the COLA and the subsequently defunct tax-free income allowance. Middle-income Malaysians who make their money from providing products and services locally would feel the benefit from increased benefit. It might take a while to filter up the chain to benefit the already wealthy, but I’m assuming they’re either PR voters already, or their votes are not cost-effective to buy. I mean ‘attract with sincere and caring policies’ obviously.

    If the battle is being won with money, I think you should up the ante. It wouldn’t hurt Malaysia’s ranking in the wealth distribution indices either. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to buy as many submarines as BN can, and it would shave a few percent off your ‘stimulus packages’ for your wealthy friends. But think of all the new friends you’ll be able to afford!

  28. Let’s nominate limkamput the so-called ‘rags to riches’ government servant from Kg. Attap who reaped the benefits of the NEP, awarded the PPP award by the Agong, to stand in a Malay and Muslim dominated constituency.

  29. With this big fat win, Umno knows how to constrict n limit PR
    Umno is finetuning the steps with EC, polis, etc
    Step by step, eventually to checkmate PR
    While PR strange bedfellows r still building castles in the air n shooting their own feet
    Watch out, kaboom, C4ed

  30. The people of Bagan Pinang have spoken loud and clear. Corruption is part of our culture. The fight against corruption is doomed. Voters of Bagan Pinang should never complain about corruption, they deserve it.

  31. The huge win by a man proven to be UMNO……yet using him… proves UMNO encourages corruptions.
    It will wake up all the young voters. what is Najib’s “1Malaysia” ia all about.
    It is meaningless…clearly.. defying laws and applying double every which way to UMNO’s benefits.
    Short term gain does not mean long term good results…..and to openly endorsed Isa…proven to buy votes with money…in 12th OK to UMNO….defying laws and Malaysians intelligence and applying the “1Malaysia” to fool Malaysians.
    Isa can even predict… 5000 to 6000 majority and why not.
    Call in one by one…find out how many voters can those ‘runners’ buy..get the number..hand out the money.
    When you are so corrupted…it will be a different ball game.
    Isa prediction was made…after getting all the feedbacks…from his ever faithful runners.
    God only knows….how many millions needed for him to win…and no one can prove that…unless….the runners..come out openly to confess….and that will be asking for deadly trouble.
    Isa proven to use money to buy votes….and was very successful. Do you expect this man to stop his style..which is actually a faithful student ..responding to Mahathir’s…”Money is Power. Money can buy a country”…. instructions?
    Faithfully applied by Najib….and we have the result again.
    Yes….let UMNO win by buying votes.
    One may say…..I am unreasonable and a sour grape to write this way.
    If you have lived long enough…like me….a 70 year old man..seen and live in ..every political events…you can never ….trust UMNO….when it became UMNO BARU.
    They were lead by a devil…30 years ago..cashing on all human weaknesses…to stay in power.
    They defy God and use their own race to be fooled.
    They go against Allah and are 100% racialists….bluffing their own win only through…divide and rule formula.
    UMNO can never unite the country nor bring Malaysia forward.
    Why then….so many still support UMNO…the proven…evil government?
    That’s the answer.
    To me….Bagan Pinang voters may have no choice or are weak.
    You win some…you loose some.
    Buy in this case..Bagan Pinang voters are the ultimate losers……..which many half pass sixes can never understand….as MONEY have bought their souls and will vote like zoombies…..waiting to win small and there to survive.

  32. Limkamput is teaching politicians..Malaysians how to think like him.
    Such wisdom.
    He should speak to the animals in the jungle..that may admire his commonsense.
    Non stop…telling Malaysians and PR what to do….so sad..such a smart ass is not in politician.. to save the world.

  33. “PR must focus on coming up with innovative ideas and on how to put across these ideas to the masses. It is useless ..>>>limkamput

    Like “retribution against government servants” for siding with UMNO-BN when Pakatan takes over?? And you call that innovative?? Dumb idea by a dumb nitwit.

  34. Is there nothing else better to blame for PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub to attribute the party’s loss to postal votes & “fear-factor” of gangsterism ( The MalaysiaInsider report of 11th Oct )?

    Had 100% of total postal votes of 4,604 being given to PAS’s Zulkefly Omar, he would still have lost! Salahuddin admitted. “We are pretty weak in Bagan Pinang. PAS has only around 100 members in Bagan Pinang compared to Umno’s approximately 3,000 members here.”

    IF PAS were weak in Bagan Pinang why did PR allot that seat to be again contested by PAS candidate instead of (say) a PKR’s man? How do your power sharing rules work? Just because in previous 2008 GE PAS’s candidate was given the seat to contest, did you have to give it back once again to PAS in this by election – even if in 08 GE, PAS’s candidate lost, and as admitted by Salahuddin PAS had only around 100 members in Bagan Pinang compared to UMNO’s 3000? In 2008 GE, PAS’s candidate lost to UMNO’s Azman by 2,333 votes – what more now, you still field a PAS candidate when facing a more popular local chieftain like Isa?

    As expected the 2,834 Indian Malaysian voters holding 20.74% of total votes were pivotal to tip the scale in Bagan Pinang, and all the Indian based/majority parties (whether in or out of BN’s fold) like MIC, Indian Progressive Front (IPF) PPP and the new party Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party (MMSP) threw their support behind BN. Though decades of marginalisation and unequal opportunities were age old grouses against BN, many were likely to suspend rememberance of these grouses when Isa (a natural in connecting with his audience) reminded all of High Chaparral / Kampung Buah Pala and made fresh promises for BN.

    Khalid Samad, Shah Alam PAS member of Parliament said Umno would pay a price for the actions of the cow-head protestors. He forgot that some of the cow-head protestors were PAS’s supporters and PAS did not even trenchantly voice its public condemnation of the cow head sacrilege. National issues revolving around Teoh Beng Hock’s and A Kugan’s death or even Isa’s image as icon of money politics/corruption (as highlighted by UMNO stalwarts like TDM & Ku Li) did not make a dent. Bread and butter/development issues based on “what’s in for me?” appear to be given prime weightage. “Good guilt” in good ole entrenched Malaysian feudal culture of patron client relationship triumphs.

    The buy-election outcome seems to give inspiration to the other warlords that if he is popular locally for being “good guilty” in giving some portion of spoils of money politics back, he can even dictate to his party’s bosses to give his political career another chance without regrets….

    Where then is the incentive for UMNO/BN to reform when their depredations are vindicated/rewarded by victory at the polls?

    PR has to go back to drawing board and do some soul searching. As YB Kit has written in earlier threads (‘ Bagan Pinang by-election – a contest between Malaysia’s political past and the future’ or ‘ A vote for Pakatan is a vote against corruption’), what we have here is a vote in acquiescence with corruption of political past, the present that may well extend long into the future. It is argued here that Bagan Pinang by-election is a“no winner” for Umno/BN : if it wins the battle it loses the war in next GE. Are we sure of this? What if many other constitutencies also behave like Bagan Pinang voters in the next GE? UMNO/BN would have found in Isa’s “good guilty” the right formula to stay in power. Reforming and re-inventing will take the form of mere changing from bad guilty (giving nothing back to bribe voters) to “good guilty” of (sharing the spoils/largese).

  35. People also seem to be taken in more by personality of candidate than issues per se. If one is affable, can crack jokes and make audience at ease with personal charm and at same time make good and rousing speech, even conviction for money politics seem no matter, one still gets the popular votes over a dour and colourless opponent of unblemished financial probity or religious piety.

  36. Good guilt again! So what exactly was given back to the voters of Bagan Pinang? If someone have taken a billion and gave back a million and that also in the form of incomplete roads, filthy streets and leaking schools, how were they supposed to benefit the majority of the people in Bagan Pinang? This notion about being corrupted but somehow also managed to favour the majority (on a sustained basis) has no logical foundation. Corruption or patronage in its very nature cannot favour the majority. The people of Bagan Pinang voted for BN because they are ignorant and were influenced by their corrupted leaders to go short term gains – gains that do not match the full value of their votes, gains that are transient and gains that are “short-changed”.

    If voters are also taken in by the charming personality of the candidate rather than the substance, that is also an indication that majority of the voters are ignorant and not ready.

  37. I believe LKS analysis of the Bagan Pinang election miss the biggest issue. In fact, Najib himself got it right when he hypocritically says he wants to make Malaysia the best country in racial relations.. Deep down he knows the biggest problem with Isa’s election is going to be.. the Indians…

    The Indians are going to look at Isa’s election and say look how selfish Bagan Pinang are and they are no where as poorly off as the Indian community as a whole. They don’t care if they bankrupt the country so long as they get what they want. So why should they not be the same in fact even MORE so.. Its one upmanship in self-interest.. going down an extreme path which we know they are more than capable of..

    This poses a BIG problem for DAP and PKR in particular – bigger than the headache that BN has. Because simply DAP and PKR is the easiest target for such self-interest. The ones the Indians can get the quickest and most result from.. Its simply a disaster waiting to happen for DAP and PKR if the Indians won’t choose a side firmly unlike urban Chinese and PAS hardcore supporters..

    The Indian votes are a disaster waiting to happen to DAP and PKR unless they take actions to divert it to BN..and its possible.. With a divided community, DAP and PKR have already proven they are the Indians best hope for their future.. They need to recruits more Indians leaders – real grassroot leaders that talk Tamil, labour leaders type. those in Temples etc..

  38. First of all let us accept the defeat graciously. Then let us be honest about what could have swung the votes against PR. I have read alot of reasons the defeat but somehow none would admit that racism is still deeply entrenched in our mindset.

    -UMONO/BN did not win because of 1Malaysia which we all know is, to put it in Kit’s word: HOLLOW.
    -UMNO/BN win because it stands for protecting Malay rights. Hence I will not be surprised if the post mortem later shows that Malays support for UMNO has increased in Bagan Pinang.
    -My gut feel tells me that the Indian votes have swung to UMNO/BN this time. From reading comments in various blogs it is clear that the Indians felt that DAP does not care about the Kampung Buah Pala folks because they are Indians. It is probably too late, but better late than never; for the Penang government to sincerely explain what went wrong with their promise to help the KBP folks.
    -UMNO/BN wins because PAS/PR does not have the confidence/conviction to counter the racist approach of UMNO.
    -I would have thought that PAS/PR will counter UMNO/BN communalism ideology by using the spiritual teaching that racism is NOT Islamic. But they did not probably they do not feel confident to engage the people on a platform of true Malaysian brotherhood while allowing each and every race the freedom to practice their own cultural and religious beliefs.

    To win the next general election, PR must seriously (and they do not have the luxury of time) get together and work out a common strategy of working together harmoniously in order to convince the people that they deserve their mandate. For a start take a look at how the early Alliance Party managed to work together. I am sure that there were a great deal of sincerity then…

  39. Bagan :Pinang cannot be extrapolated to other constituency.. Imagine Isa Samad in more than a few constituency and Malaysia would be a bankrupt country.. No the problem is not that Bagan Pinang can be replicated in other constituency. The problem is those who want change quickly will be dissapointed. Najib gets a reprieve within UMNO that they will not agitate for change – a renew confidence that UMNO can hold on to power despite the fact its component parties are in a shambles…

    Who are those that want change fastest? The Indians.. that is where the problem is biggest…

  40. To add on to my earlier comment. I think Teresa Kok has done a marvelous job recruiting the Malays into DAP. DAP should also work on strengthening their socialist ideology of taking care of the welfare of the poor people irregardless of race.

  41. The rural voters are easily swayed by angpows, hampers, sewing machines. A thousand votes at RM50 each cost only RM50,000 and this amount can be easily sponsored by the tycoons that support BN. The sad truth is that PR can’t even afford anything close to this, and even if they can, you can bet your bottom ringgit that the MACC and the EC would be waiting in the wings to swoop on the PR candidate.

    The urban-rural divide continues. Similar situation in Thailand and the Philippines. Third world means third world….

  42. The rural voters are easily swayed by angpows, hampers, sewing machines. A thousand votes at RM50 each cost only RM50,000 and this amount can be easily sponsored by the tycoons that support BN.

    That is all the more reason for them to be helped so that they are not so easily bought.

  43. Bro Kit,

    It was pretty depressing seeing Isa (& UMNO) bash PAS with a bigger majority!
    Unfortunately by winning with a 5,000 to 6,000 majority, it shows that there are Malaysians (in Bagan Pinang anyway) who are ok with corruption (after all, as the PM has said, it’s only a Technical Matter!).
    It also shows that UMNO (MIC, MCA, PPP & Gerakan are ALL irrelevant) can still win & that PAS & the PR had better start working closely together & stop washing their dirty linnen in public (e.g, the recent Selangor fiasco).
    Let’s hope that the PR gets registered offically & gets down to some serious work.

  44. PR can’t even afford anything close to this
    Yes they can. They can promise the moon and stars to be delivered once in power. If they were in control of the Federal budget they could beat the offers of Milo a thousand-fold. If they don’t control the Federal budget (because they don’t win the GE), the cost is zero.

    If money is the determinant of Malaysian electoral success, you have to give the voters money, or lose. Promising a criterion-free allowance is cost and risk free. You don’t even have to pay for an assessment / delivery bureaucracy! It also goes some ways to credibly replacing the worst parts of the NEP, not to mention having an impact on Malaysia’s shameful wealth distribution indices.

    BN cannot match this offer. The last thing they want is a confident, empowered, independent electorate.

  45. It seemed that the landslide win of Tan Sri Isa at Bagan Pinang by-election had sent a clear-cut message to the public of Malaysia. The election result conveyed a message that the rural people of Malaysia would tolerate the corruption practices of Umno leaders so long as the people were given a token share of the gain from the corruption practices.

    It seems that Pakatan Rakyat is going to face a much tougher challenge in the future in the course of the venture endeavour for taking over the power to form Federal Government from Barisan Nasional by the next General Election. Although the issue of injustice in relation to the bomb blast of Altantuya’s corpse should not be easily ignored by us, I simply did not think that such an issue of isolated case would be the panacea for Pakatan Rakyat to attract much more support from the voters in the future.

    Pakatan Rakyat would still need to prove its administrative capability to the people in terms of the administration of the state government, such as in Penang, in Selangor, in Kelantan, and also in Kedah. No doubt it is a common knowledge that the state government usually does not have adequate financial capability to raise adequate fund for the state government to spend in economic development, mainly due to the constitutional restriction imposed on the State Government in relation to the power of imposing tax on the income earners. However, “no money” can never be a permanent excuse for not initiating and implementing some kinds of economic plans or projects in order to spur the economic activities within the state under the control of Pakatan Rakyat.

    If the states under the control of Barisan Nasional can keep entice domestic travellers and tourists to do a cross-state visit, I believe Pakatan Rakyat state government can also do so for spurring the economy.

  46. Money used in money politics is sup sup sway
    Umno n BN have all the ways to fill their war chest with $$ fr the rakyat
    Just have a few special draws (big, small kind)
    NonMuslims, Muslims, PR n BN supporters
    All gladly contribute $$$$ to their war chest lah
    Sorry, PR no control of special draws, drool lah

  47. spurring the economy
    What can they do for tourists Onlooker Politics? Most wealthy tourists come to South East Asia looking for total-freedom beach holidays, or hedonism, or culture and ancient monuments, or gruesome distractions which are illegal in their home countries. Malaysia cannot compete on any of these?

    If the State governments are not financially strangled, then they are also culturally strangled and – let’s be honest here – what exactly does Malaysia offer to tourists that its neighbours cannot? For me, Malaysia is the clear winner in marketing, but how many repeat visitors / visits on recommendation does it get? I have many, many friends who visit Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia over and over again. Very few will even visit Malaysia once, and those that will won’t come again. I don’t think the State governments are going to be able to turn that problem around on their own.

    It would be interesting to read what LKS blog visitors think the States can do to revitalise their economies independent of Federal largesse. Who is going to recommend that Penang hold a Pride Parade? Even a dancing competition was problematic. Sporting events are problematic because there is very little provision for local training and sports attire is culturally problematic, why put hold an international competition when you handicap your local talent?

    Penang could put Sepang and Singapore to shame and hold a gravity grand prix:

  48. Oh dear! Orangrojak are we really dat bad in the eyes of foreigners?

    But honestly, the state and condition which our tourist attractions are in, are not something I am terribly proud of. Our streets are not pedestrian friendly, full of potholes and the pavements are slippery when wet (whose stupid idea was it to tile the pavements?). Our drains are smelly and our food outlets are dirty and not hygienic.

    The only thing we excel is shopping. No where else in the world can one buy things like “Dato”, university degree, votes (for parliamentary seats or state seats – a hundred dollar and a tin of milo a vote), members of parliament, and many many more. Ask your friends in UK if they are interested to buy say isa, the recently elected umno guy in bagan. They can think about the logistic of packing and transporting him home later.

  49. the Bagan Pinang by-election is the clear wake up call to PR supporters. Even without the postal votes, Isa would have won a landslide. And this is in a constituency with 30% non Malays. What happened? Do we blame the Malays for voting in a corrupt UMNO man? We can’t because the results clearly showed that the non-Malays also voted strongly in favour of a corrupt UMNo man.

    This is a good slap on the face for narrow minded DAP supporters. Stop blaming the Malays. The non-Malays are the ones guilty of propping up a decadent corrupt regime like UMNO BN. The rich well connected chinese and their ‘underlings’ have been the ones helping to keep UMNO-BN in power. The real Malays NEVER vote for corrupt politicians if they know that person to be corrupt. It is the non-Malays that happily vote for corrupt leaders as long as they are able to get free handouts. So stop whining about Malay ‘advantages’. Your chinese brothers are those guilty of helping UMNO loot the country in exchange for part of the loot. Remember these UMNOputras: Eric Chia, Vincent Tan, Tiong King Sing?

    Many say, next GE, we will change the government. Yeah right! The chinese and indian voters are the most fickle and easily bought over by promises of money and development so don’t be surprised to see non-Malays return begging to UMNO-BN for development. Malays (as evidenced in Kelantan) are willing to stick by their principles no matter what and will be the most dependable votes PR will have. That’s why i found it so hillarious that DAP men are constantly screaming about removing PAS from PR. What a joke! Without PAS there is no PR.

  50. It matters not where i will go. What matters is where DAP wants to go.
    And it makes me sick everytime i see DAP supporters blame Malays and PAS for all the problems. Where will this kind of attitude get DAP?

  51. I agree with some of your comments that PR should get rid of PAS. PAS ideology is way off track compared to PKR and DAP. Once PAS is out on their own, PAS can continue banning beer and everything and continue shouting.
    I believe DAP and PKR can succeed together, only if they start NOW!

  52. without PAS there is no PR. Kelantan. Terrenganu are PAS strongholds. UMNO has their strongholds in the southern states like Johor and as we have recently seen NS.

    Bagan Pinang has clearly shown that, PR will have a tough time cracking UMNO strongholds in the South, on top of that, trying to kick out PAS and getting PKR to take over the PAS votes? Do you think PAS voters in the northern states will just blindly switch over from PAS to PKR, no questions asked?

    Without PAS seats from Kelantan,Kedah and Teregganu, (and potentially Perlis) can PR take over the federal government? PR today can’t even take on UMNO in NS, what more UMNO’s backyard of Johor.

    Plus, rumours is that PKR Sabah and Sarawak is close to collapse. No Sabah+Sarawak, no fed govt as well.

    But here we are already talking of backstabbing each other and kicking out PAS? So sure are we that PKR+DAP has got all the votes neccessary, just throw PAS out when they are no longer needed. When Nik Aziz fought so hard against the elements in PAS that wanted unity government with UMNO? His reward is for his own partners in DAP/PKR to backstab him? These are the principles of the new PR government?

    P.S. Don’t forget that PKR finds PAS a more valuable partner than DAP. The PAS vote bank is dependable. DAP on the other hand (contrary to 2008 results) does not have as large a vote bank as you might think and if DAP does not perform, the chinese are likely to return in droves to the BN fold.

  53. One win by UMNO…in West Malaysia…few MCA balls carriers are showing their apple polishing techniques..and predicting doomsday for PR.
    Best is Samy Vellu…claiming MIC swing more than1400 … .out of 1800 Indian votes to UMNO
    He spoke out the exact figure too!!
    Much more Chinese votes….no MCA claim…swinging…this Samy is simply the most out-dated low class Indian politician…most thick skinned…..trully out-dated low class can ever find in Malaysia.
    I was hoping Koh Tsu Koon will claim he did the swinging too….but he kept quiet. He is a hypocrite and UMNO balls polisher……….but not so stupid like Samy.
    Yes…8 by-elections in West Malaysia.. PR won.. 8-0…and now 8-1…and the ONE…is the sign of how strong UMNO is?
    What type of idiotic analysts are these people?
    Forget the “1” won in East Malaysia by UMNO.
    We are focusing West Malaysia now.
    Go and get any 6 year old child and tell…who is the winner…if the result is 8-1…….in favour of PR?
    And Bagan Pinang have a history for winning big .,under Isa……and Isa have been proven giving win elections.
    UMNO approval to field a corrupted man is actually approving corruptions….and since Isa did such a wonderful job in Negri Sembilan….the show must go on for UMNO….and what a show..UMNO performed.
    Before the result..Isa can even predict he will win by at least 5000 votes….and he did!!!
    All his runners kept their promises.
    God only knows…how many millions are given out to the runners to do their jobs….and some runners must have become instant filthy rich too.
    Yes…this is assumptions by me…but you can easily imagine what a proven crook will do …approved by do same thing.
    Yes…UMNO won big….and UMNO have outwardly tell to Malaysians…they encourages corruptions…as without that..they are dead
    Corruption under such conditions is not like a policeman taking a bribe…which is a way of life all over the world.
    UMNO is actually telling all Malaysians…be prepared to live and succeed.
    Malaysians must decide in the 13th GE….their children destiny…to be totally free or stay as slaves to UMNO.
    You choose!!

  54. Monsterball, you should not dismiss Sabah and Sarawak. If BN retains East Malaysia all it needs it just more than 1/3 of the West Malaysia seats to form the government as East Malaysia accounts for 25% of the seats.

    So you can have 60% of the West Malaysian seats. BN still will win.

  55. So far, PR only managed to make inroad in ONE by-election, a net gain of 1 seat
    The other by-elections were successful retentions of PR seats
    No net gain, nothing to shout about
    PR must win some state n federal seats in Sabah n Sarawak
    Boleh kah

  56. katdog….I am fully aware of that……but I want readers to West Malaysia…UMNO lost all…and winning one small place….is now making so many predictions..doomsday for PR.
    East Malaysians may support UMNO….what can you do?
    So it is up to keDAILan…DAP and PAS…to find out…are East Malaysians so corrupted cannot change to think of country ad people?
    Are East Malaysians so selfish?
    Let PR go and find out…how to win votes with pure truths…and truths always win.
    But in politics…there are always someone to spoil the show…and PR do have PAS as a thorn….instead of a flower.
    Let Hadi Awang go and think why Bagan Pisang lost to UMNO by such a huge majority.
    He wants to play religion and race politics with UMNO? He is out-dated and an idiot.
    Back to East Malaysia….I sincerely believe Sarawakians are much more patriotic and will know what to do.
    Sabahans are famous to be corrupted. Will they change?
    katdog…do not be 13th GE..UMNO can win only 3 or 4 States….and be reduced to be a strong opposition …for once.
    We want UMNO to taste the medicine they gave us…and yes…lets watch out…how good PR will be.
    We are aiming at a Malaysian Malaysia…without stealing from corruptions is a way of life throughout the world. We do not want to be the first…to be corrupt free too…as that word.”corruption”… have double meanings…..all created by UMNO.

  57. “how were they supposed to benefit the majority of the people in Bagan Pinang”

    You should learn from Iran where a street protester model is shoot dead. Malaysia has not yet reach to that extreme, but it will eventually if people didn’t realize the Dictatorship regime of Hitler, Musollini and Emperor Hirohito is reviving. At first Hitler will sweet talk all the public, after he is in full power he will crushed all the opposition, this is how then Malaysia will go for nuclear power like Iran. The US will come invade us, people will died, childrens and everything, the royal navy will failed badly during war, Indonesia will serve as a base for US airforce to bomb our army camp and destroy our Navy. We will be lack of flying jet to fend the sky because Shukoi jet not yet delivered, the submarine unable to come back to defend the sea because our sea is not deep and we don’t have a pent to maintain it and repair it, it takes more than 8 hours for our Royal Navy to put off a fire, by the time Indonesian drop some bomb to our Royal Navy, it might takes forever for these Royal Malaysian Navy to act.

    UMNO will be the first party to resemble Nazi Germany. Although Germany is strong but they purge the Jews. UMNO will it purge non chinese? so vote for UMNO vote for BN and vote for doom.

  58. Some reason why younger Malay don’t like PAS, because they too religious extreme.

    Don’t be religion slave. All men are created equally.

    Why PAS must ban concert? what is there morally wrong for your own right?

    It is stupid if we surrender our rights and freedoms to religion. Not saying religion is wrong but it is things we don’t agreed.

  59. If religion is so right, why so many divorcee in PAS ruled state? till they have to waste public fund to sponsor for holiday trip to have 2nd opinion.

    Religion can’t answer everything. Morally is it right to marry and divorce and marry more than 1 wife? so are you saying it is morally correct? than watching a concert? therefore Religion extreme party might failed in certain advance state or state that the generation want liberties.

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