Najib and Muhyiddin should apologise for Umno’s racist muck-spreading and mud-slinging tactics which make nonsense of the PM’s 1Malaysia slogan

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday he was confident that the 1Malaysia vision has spurred the people to a new level of optimism which will translate into a stronger support for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the Bagan Pinang by-election.

However, the muck-spreading and mud-slinging campaign launched by Umno/Barisan Nasional in Bagan Pinang yesterday even before the completion of the nomination process had in one fell swoop exposed the hollowness and hypocrisy of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan as an overarching unifying national objective.

Two racist books were distributed in the Bagan Pinang constituency inciting communal hatred and animosities against Pakatan Rakyat leaders with scurrilous and baseless allegations about the sidelining and betrayal of the rights and interests of Malays – one entitled “Wajah Sebenar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim: Nasib Orang Melayu Selangor” (The Real Face of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim: The Plight of the Selangor Malays) and the other “50 Kemusykilan Tentang Manusia Bernama Anwar Ibrahim” (50 Questions on The Man Called Anwar Ibrahim)

Such contemptible and despicable tactics in muck-spreading and mud-slinging make complete nonsense of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan to unite Malaysians regardless of race, religion or territory.

Are Najib and Muhyiddin prepared to denounce and apologise for such racist muck-spreading and mud-slinging tactics employed by Umno and Barisan Nasional in the Bagan Pinang by-election?

What is the stand of the leaders from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other Barisan Nasional component parties on such racist muck-spreading and mud-slinging and are they prepared to fully dissociate themselves from such despicable tactics with unqualified condemnation?

Or will their leaders, whether Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu prefer to keep completely still and silent on such blatant repudiation of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan?

Or are Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders not really that confident about being able to have an impressive victory in the Bagan Pinang by-election despite fielding Isa Samad as the candidate that they have to resort to such desperate, despicable and disgusting campaigning tactics?

63 Replies to “Najib and Muhyiddin should apologise for Umno’s racist muck-spreading and mud-slinging tactics which make nonsense of the PM’s 1Malaysia slogan”

  1. Our PM is contented to play the good guy by expounding 1Malaysia while allowing all the others to play the racial card to the limit in order to ensure solid Malay support.
    I read in Malaysia Today two views:
    1) Race relations : An ISsamic view &
    2) Race relations: A Malay view.
    PAS is in a good position to counter UMNO’s racist strategy to win Malay votes. If they manage to dispel the fears of the Malays… they stand a good chance of an upset!

  2. selama ini semua orang atasan semuanya cakap tak serupa bikin. 1msia sana, 1msia sini, rakyat didahulukan, tapi dihati semuanya beda.

    Kemelut kuasa and kekayaan negara dan rakyat adalah hasrat sebenarnya.

  3. Such hypocrites.
    Such two timer low class actors.
    Being such and acting like so…..governing the country…are signs of no confidence…depending on racialists to survive…..yet Najib said…”1 Malaysia”…..”People First. Performance Now”
    What people…what performances?
    UMNO won Bagan Pisang with a very huge majority in the 12th GE…not under Isa. Original died..God bless his soul.
    If Mahathir who won uncontested in the past and lost in a small by=election in Kedah…and his last GE as PM registered the lowest of all his past 22 years as PM…smart to resign…giving all sorts of excuses that only a born liar can talk like him.
    Lets see how powerful that corrupted shorty Isa is….caught buying votes..found guilty…yet he said..he never went to jail…and come out to stand for election….obviously referring to Anwar.
    Jail is the magic word….these UMNO hypocrites will always remember. Jail with such a vicious cruel political plan and found totally innocent…all forgotten…and the same stunt is a masterpiece….applying it again.
    Yes….UMNO must be re-elected to govern…all saints..all truthful…all ever caring and sharing.
    The end results..malays have been split to be… the haves…the have not and the abandoned..the useless untouchables..which Mahathir call them..half past sixes…as most will vote for oppositions
    More half past sixes will show UMNO…who they are.
    The real half past sixes are within their party and die hard UMNO members..fed for 53 years….doing nothing. Just vote for UMNO shows how grateful they are to UMNO.
    These are the real half past sixes…not realizing they are given money …..stolen from Malaysians…that includes Muslims too.
    Those who voted against UMNO…are half past sixes to Mahathir…or idiots…..because these Malays disappointed him…and with his welknown vicious revengeful tongue twisting cruel mouth….will utter anything to satisfy his ego.

  4. UMNO has nothing new to play, but only racist card! We have seen enough their old and outdated tactic. To me, it is not surprising at all. 1Malaysia is only a slogan. All the needy people including Malays are sidelined; the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. That’s 1Malaysia meant by Najib and Muhyiddin.

  5. UMNO’s racial card tactic will alienate support from non-Malays. UMNO should not then blame MCA and MIC for not being able to garner non-Malay votes as it has deliberately killed off support from non-Malays.

    The racial card tactic is a stupid suicidal tactic because not only it has alienated support from non-Malays of the Bagan Pinang constituency, but it has also caused ill-feeling among non-Malays nationwide. Come the next general election, more non-Malays will shy away from BN as they already know its true colors.

  6. Umno n BN have always been racist parties
    And they are all out to create racial discontent, hatred, n panic, esp among Malays
    In order to gain votes from Malays
    They used to use nonMalays as the punching bag n bogeyman to terrify Malays to vote for Umno n BN
    Now they include, in addition to nonMalays, fair-minded Malays who embraced Malaysian Malaysia as traitors of Malays n bogeyman
    Yes, as always, during erection times we see the true ketuanan Melayu color of Umno n BN
    They are the worst merchants of deep-seated hatred n chaos
    Scruw their meaningless hypocritical slogans, like 1M’sia
    Scruw MCA, MIC, Gerakan, n other BN component parties for kowtowing to Umno n selling their ancestors against the principle of Malaysian Malaysia
    Wake up, voters, esp those from East Malaysia
    Have a really good look at the racist Umno n BN
    Don’t waste your children’s and children’s children’s future on the racist Umno n BN

  7. Why after 46 years of existence as Malaysia, Umno n BN
    cannot accept the fact that nonMalays in key positions can serve the nation well and treat all Malaysians fairly as equals
    must insist that only Umno Malays can serve in key positions in local councils
    believe that the future of Malays is threatened by patriotic n willing-to-serve nonMalays
    are hell-bent on dividing the nation along racial lines and preventing Malaysia to progress as truly 1 nation, 1 people

  8. The fella is in France, this is the time (people from Mongolia, from Malaysia) to ask him the questions.

    Educate him what is freedom of speech and accountability.

    Educate him, he is not in control of other’s perception, but he is accountable for his behavior, his past deeds that lead to that perceptions.

    Educate him, Najib and economics are too far aparts, it takes too much of imagination to put something like najib-nomics. When we think of you, other thing surface in out mental faculty, such as Port Dickson, such as Submarine and latest is you know who….

  9. Divide & rule – thats the BN way. Racism? Whats new. Only that the rakyat have been selfishly obsessed by economic gains and allowed themselves to be swayed by so called leaders rather than vote out BN.

    Do you know that the price of a Pokemon comic book translated in English is almost double the price of the same book translated in Malay! Racism – Its happening everyday!

  10. However, the muck-spreading and mud-slinging campaign……….had in one fell swoop exposed the hollowness and hypocrisy of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan as an overarching unifying national objective.

    That is why Tun Dr. Mahathir never believes in1Malaysia for he knows Najib is playing some kind of racial game with the 1Malaysia slogan!

  11. “boh-liao” writer……UMNO know too well….if they place MCA ..Gerakan and MIC Chinese and Indians in key positions…it will exposed faster…who they “YES” politicians are..OR…those so call key positions held by non Malays..will have the said non Malays resign…out of frustrations.
    Will they dare to take the risks?
    Furthermore…non Malays do work for results….and like PKFZ…many more corruption acts will be exposed….making UMNO need to say.”GO ahead…expose all” ….to show how fair they Malaysians..but at the back…behind closed doors…talk different story.
    We can see..UMNO knew all along..UMNO approved every sen Ling Ling Liong Sik asked for the PKFZ scandal.
    Forget MACC investigation and questioning process. It is all side shows…to calm Malaysians down….be satisfied…UMNO/MACC is taking actions…and after awhile…all are found innocent.
    Mahathir ….Lingam….ex Chief judge….all found guilty by a panel of Judges on the “Lingam Case”….what happen?…….NOTHING!!!
    So there is a trend…no matter who UMNO put out as ministers…final say is UMNO PM….and putting out almost all Malays guarantee UMNO much more Malay votes….to also promote..UMNO is the champion for Malays.
    In short…playing racialist dirty politics…UMNO needs to dress up with false titles…to act looking so successful with stolen money….to please the poor Malays…how successful UMNO is…so listen to UMNO…and all will be well.
    And “yhsiew”…..Mahathir is the dirtiest…..most cunning most corrupted.. crooked politician you can find in the whole wide world….and of late…Najib seems to need him….as Najib ways to fool Malaysians….seems to backfire all the time.
    Just enjoy Mahathir style…which simply means..UMNO owns Malaysia…toe the line..or else.
    I will not be surprise..behind close doors…Mahathir is advising ….a 2nd Operation Lallang…which Najib may disagree with that ….right now…but you can bet your last ringgit…Mahathir is needed by Najib..right now..which means…UMNO is back as usual……no change whatsoever.
    UMNO always place UMNO party more important that lives of innocent Malaysians.
    How far will they dare to go….is another matter.

  12. Be prepared for 30% increase in cigarettes taxes again…”balance88″ writer.
    No many read Pokeman comics…but millions do smoke and have that as the cheapest form of pleasure…to relax.
    Farmers…fishermen…clerks…estate workers…all will all be burdened with the next round of cigarette price increases.
    Under the disguised to control teenagers from smoking…spearheaded by Mahathir…this money spinning ways to cover up UMNO still very much working with not many Malaysians understand that too.
    Cigarettes and petrol are two things….UMNO can churn out extra millions every day…to cover up all money stolen…no more money in all Depts…so create more taxes…which actually burden the very poor….UMNO do not care…as cigarettes….surely is not good for your health…..correct?
    Do you ever believe UMNO cares for Malaysian health?
    Petrol must rest…that will make them loose more votes…if petrol price increase is announced.
    Cigarette is safer….and next…toll fees…….plus higher cost of electricity consumptions.
    You see…PR is now a formidable watch dog over UMNO…and UMNO needs stealing not so easy…therefore…plan for higher taxes.
    No can bet….UMNO will make sure all Malaysians are happier and our country can go bankcrupt faster.
    By that time ..they will still manage…turning the clock….back to jungle laws…openly and daringly…no more acting……money power takes over…so we slog as slaves and Kings will be UMNO buggers….not royalties at all.

  13. As expected, UMNO Baru is playing up the race card again! Everything is layed bare for MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other BN partners that UMNO Baru have no respect for them; choosing to slight them in any way they like and when they like. It is time you stood up to that big bully and let them know they cannot win elections on their own. Prove it in the Bagan Pinang by- election on 11/10/2009.

    Electorates need to be reminded that political parties are political parties and should never equate them to race; UMNO Baru is NOT Malays, Malays are NOT UMNO Baru. But since it is the backbone of the ruling party, how their leaders manage the country will have a direct bearing on US-rakyat. The well-being of the nation and its people depend on UMNO Baru/BN. But alas! they have thus far failed us as evidenced by their corrupt practices by every top leaders in every institutions. How can we-rakyat- support such government?

    People are saying that Isa Samad will ride on Army votes to victory in Bagan Pinang. But let us all as fellow-Malaysians appeal to our soldiers to ‘defend’ their democratic rights the same way they defend the nation’s sovereignty and vote with their conscience. May they see that our beloved nation is not facing external threat which is destroying it, That threat comes from people who use under-hand tactics and cruel means to win elections so they can govern and rob the nation’s wealth.

    Bangkitlah Rakyat Malaysia. Hidup Demokrasi

  14. Here is my question – if you caught your spouse cheating on you right in front of you (fully naked and doing it) and he/she says she can explain and its not what it looks like (and remember, there is a history and your best friends and family keep telling you), how many of you would believe the story and still stay with that person.

    This is exactly what is happening now. UMNO is obviously caught cheating on their spouse and family AND continue to deny it.

    Its the worst indulgence of hypcrisy where the evidence is right in front of you and the hypocrite feel no shame, continue to play his/her game and may even blame you for it. (I cheated on you because you forced me into it).

    So the issue is this, are the voters of Bagan Pinang and Malaysians in general pathetic, self-denial, deserve-to-be abused housewifes/househusbands with not a semblance of pride to swallow the craps that is being shovelled OR do they prove otherwise?

  15. I think we should all just refer to all umno idiots by their names and not mention their titles. They do not deserve those titles. So mohd isa will be mohd isa and mahathir will be mahathir etc. No more is needed.

    BTW, handing out gifts during election is money politics and money politics is not corruption. Macc said something else but umno is always right. Umno said money politics is a good sort of guilty act and by implication it is an innocent sort of bad act and so by extrapolation it means a not-a-bad act and which may then be concluded as a-nothing-wrong act and hence it is a good act.
    I mean take a good look at isa’s expression when he handed out the gift. “I am doing a good act” the expression can almost be heard screaming.

  16. //Here is my question – if you caught your spouse cheating on you right in front of you (fully naked and doing it) and he/she says she can explain and its not what it looks like (and remember, there is a history and your best friends and family keep telling you), how many of you would believe the story and still stay with that person/// – comment #17 by Bigjoe on October 5th, 2009 08:27.

    This an interesting analogy. Generally no one likes to be cheated! Many a man will take the nearest weapon on sight, whether gun or hatchet, and despatch either wife or paramour or both in a fit of what they often call a “crime of passion”, let alone continue to stay with her.

    Having said that, one also notes that the degree of reaction by spouse is a function of relativism depending on gender and culture.

    Would the reaction of a man in a culture of monogamy catching his spouse cheating be the same as a wife in a culture of polygamy catching the husband cheating be the same?

    I like to take the analogy further.

    Take the case of the wife brought up in a culture believing in polygamy as having following benefits:-

    1. Husband having another playmate also means she has special privileges of another household helpmate solving day-care dilemma, dividing housekeeping chores, and lessening domestic isolation and boredom;

    2. under polygamy, the No. 1 wife has special privileges in that she rules the pecking order by bossing around the second and third whom her husband hornily humps but probably can’t talk to and distribute less money, obviously the first gets more in recompense for her acquiescance to the licence of what he does.

    Will her worldview be parallel to the case of the first cited case of a man in monogamy?

    Probably not.

    The man gets angrier not only because cheating is violation of the promise of sexual exclusivity but also he loathes being made a cuckcold of. The wife cheated may have a more tolerant view because polygamy does not promise exclusivity. Secondly being a woman she cannot be made cuckcold of.

    At the end of the day, the point is factors of gender and culture do affect the reaction of the cheated spouse. One therefore cannot expect a uniform reaction to a cheating spouse without considering these cultural and gender factors.

  17. When one makes money and distributes out some of it whether by way of gifts or otherwise it is “good guilty”. “Bad Guilty” is where you are perceived to only make money and take, take and take for yourself and selfishly not give anything back to others! This is attitude of some people. In English folklore why do you think Robin Hood was a lengendary hero?

  18. Jeffrey,

    Nice elaboration BUT you don’t get it. So let me make it clear..

    Najib and Muhiyiddin are officially A**hole and Jerks in the same as cheating husbands and wifes, nagging and complaining spouse, whiny geeks and cowardly bullies…

  19. Jeffrey’s posts seems to be an effort to try to justify UMNO’s two pronged strategy of expounding 1Malaysia while at the same time using communal politicking to garner solid Malay support? I hope I am wrong.

    “Robin Hood champions the oppressed against the Lords.” Is Jeffrey saying that UMNO is the same?

  20. Najis and Moo-hee-din being equated with Robin Hood ? You gotta be kidding. The only thing in common is the word “hood”. They are hoodlums, they keep trying to hoodwink us, and they keep putting the hood over the voters’ heads.

  21. Examples of:
    “Good” Guilty:- The 2 policemen who kaboomed away Altantoo

    “Bad” Guilty:- The late TBH who died because of suspicion of taking RM2,400

    Innocent:- The ex-MB who had the means to build a RM24,000,000 palace

  22. BN’s Bagan Pinang candidate Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad hands out a gift to a resident of Siliau Estate when he visited the place last night. — access website below for picture.

    #18 yhsiew:
    Is that a gift to Indian grandmother?

    If not, lodge Police Report and EC report for vote bribe.

    pw: the revived —-hardcore corruption unchange.

  23. Bigjoe, yes you have used the analogy to describe ‘cheating husbands and wifes’ whereas I have extended the analogy to describe reaction of the wives (voters) supposedly cheated (and how, depending on the profile/cultural and other influences of those cheated, they would not necessarily react (in manner uniform as expected) to a cheating husband.

    IKt-56, the “Robin Hood champions the oppressed against the Lords” depends who does the defining as to which is the category oppressed, which is unlikely to include you and I. I am sure you have heard the usual refrain of “haves” and “haves not”.

  24. Malaysia is a democratic country, that the main point. Yes you gals are entitle to lash out your thoughts without fear or favour, but do u think it’s right to slam and down grade everybody as a whole. U are crying wolf looking for scapegoat, why should u drag “MALAY’ when u down graded ‘UMNO’. If u feel ‘UMNO / MCA / MIC’ IS GULITY or wrong just slam them, i dont see a single phrase MCA – Chinese but alot of UMNO – Malay……. IT’S RACIST. During last election i do vote for the PR hoping that we will have civilised leaders but alas to my dismay that present lot of PR leaders either green / red or ‘mata’ were the same lot. Behaving like a gangsters crying foul when things don’t swing against them but will praise when their ambitions or targets being achieved. Good Lord, what happening to goog old Malaysians attitude.

  25. Najib and Muhiyiddin racist. No siree! According to the latest form to update civil servants particulars, there is no box to tick for Chinese and Indian races. However, they have one for Portugese and Siamese. I don’t see how you can call them racists.

  26. another analogy:

    The father and their drunkard friends (umno and the kowtow goons mca, mic, etc) r@ping his own daughter (us, the rakyat) to satisfy their lust and unnatural control over her.

    She can’t even talk about it for fear of persecution. She can’t even tell her own mother ( the judiciary), as the father has total control over her. She can’t even tell the neighbours (mca,mic,etc) as they are also participate in the gang r@pe.

    But she has hope. The hope of her ordinary brothers and sisters to rise up against this tyranny.

  27. How about avoiding quarrels over ambiguous analogies and realising that probably more than 50% of the voting population are depicted in your favourite analogies in abhorrent circumstances?

    Not all Malaysian voters are fortunate enough to be in possession of a xiao niao of their very own to place front and centre in their mental imagery.

  28. Someone never fails to justify – justifying why letters of support are letters of guarantees, why a tainted person ought be an election candidate, why the ends must justify the means, and now, why stealing and robbing are ok because there are good guilt and bad guilt. It is like virginity, a little violation is ok according to this great sage.

  29. “Whats my beef”? -lkt-56

    The reference to “Robin Hood” was a reference to the attitude of some sections of the electors/voters who might overlook and yet give their support/votes to candidates guilty of money politics in exchange for money/gifts or other favours as part of the taking away from the “haves” for redistribution to “haves not” arrangement.

    I’d be happy if you would point out specifically where in my postings that I have “justified” or tried justifying the merits of such attitude or bargain/exchange that may be held by some sectors of people voting (other than just explaining that such attitude or bargain/exchange prevails).

  30. The word “justification” and “justify” have been bandied about.

    I take it that we all know and have no dispute on the meaning of “to justify” or “justification” – ie an act of defending or explaining or making excuses for by reasoning (whether based on legal, moral, or logic) and to show and demonstrate that a certain an action/attitude is reasonable or necessary and of merit.

    I also take it that we know the difference between describing a certain action/attitude that subsists or may subsist as distinct from justifying it.

  31. Thanks Jeff for clarifying. What you just said is clear, without ambiguity and easy to comprehend. I glad to be wrong ;) If you would stick to such style Mr. Limkamput would be less inclined to hammer you :D

  32. ” If you would stick to such style Mr. Limkamput would be less inclined to hammer you ? lkt-56

    You mean I have to change my style for people like Lim Kam Put who shoot from their mouths before they have understood properly the context or nuances in what was written?

    I don’t think so.

    I could do a lot top explain but it would hog the blog’s bandwith ow:D

  33. If I am wrong in my interpretation, I guess many too are in my category. But who am I to argue with the author?

    I just want to ask two questions:

    1. Are we here to “describe things as they are” or are we here to “discuss things they ought to be”?

    2. If we do not know what are already happening, how then can we discuss what things ought to be?

  34. LimKamPut,

    Is there a restriction here on what to comment or discuss?

    Some of us will “describe things as they are” (even if many would claim they already know what is already happening) at one time, and at other times, and together with some others, may choose to “discuss things they ought to be” (which many would equally claim they already know what ought to be).

    The important – and constructive – thing is how to bridge the gap between what it is, that is already happening, and what it ought to be.

    Since you hold claims consistently to being a substantial contributor of this blog we’re all ears and I am sure Pakatan Rakyat will be indebted to your ingenious input as to how make things from what they are to what they ought to be.

  35. Aw, still in moderation. Is it because I wrote the ‘P’ word? My wife doesn’t like our kids saying that word either, but hey – that’s what the doctor calls it! I live in fear of my daughter coming home from school to tell me that “Ah Zai tried to put his timun in my roti”, and not knowing whether to report the affair to the police or feel grateful that her school chums care so much about her nutrition. There certainly is a place for unambiguous speech.

    Maybe I’ll have to wait for my trip to Old Town.

  36. //There certainly is a place for unambiguous speech.// – Orang Rojak

    //To be heard one must speak with clarity and no ambiguity.// – lkt-56.

    Unfortunately we’re not in Hyde’s Park.

    In the Malaysian Gulag, one must know what, when and where to speak with clarity and no ambiguity and when otherwise.

  37. When clarity and no ambiguity do not work….speak other wise like a kopitiam fella and let them know the language of the commoners that makes up the mighty People’s Power identity.
    Let UMNO know…elected politicians are people’s servants..not our bosses.
    UMNO have been very arrogant…inspite of being proven…. crooked and corrupted crooks.. plus being real hypocrites.
    53 years make them feel they own lock stock and barrel Malaysia….everything..our National wealth and our souls.
    Tolerated we did…but no more.

  38. //….I am sure Pakatan Rakyat will be indebted to your ingenious input as to how make things from what they are to what they ought to be.//jEFFRREY

    If we are not here for this, i wonder what are we here for?

    I may not write as much as you for sure. But output is not solely dependent on input. And also, output is not outcome, you got it? In case you don’t, input is how much we write. Output is how much some half baked here are supporting you. Outcome is what PR use for nation builidng.

  39. Why are you telling us about the difference between output and input and relation with outcome being what PR use for nation building as if we do not know?

    Is anyone here competing with you on either output/input to cause outcome? And since you know better why we are here than me and possibly some others, we are all waiting for the more important and qualified Kamput to give the input/output to produce outcome (for PR use for nation building). (I already said earlier that Pakatan Rakyat would be indebted to your ingenious input…) So what are you bickering about in your preceding post?

  40. “read all my postings, past, present and future and you shall know” – LimKamPut.

    Now why would I waste even a second of my idle time on a mish-mash of inanities and purile observations at best and self idolization and rabid psychotic delusions at worst?

    It would be a shade more productive to count the number of peanuts accompanying my beer before I chew on them.

  41. do u think Be eNd can govern well?
    i don’t trust all the component parties esp start with U…NO
    the components parties…….are coward, betrayal, sell out and liars BIG TIME….
    other countries fight for global challenges
    bolehland fight for racial political within the country
    that’s ONE good project of vision race 2020

    malaysia boleh

  42. Re #3, i have commented on your observation on the livelihood of Isa being appointed Exco and the tacit approval of the “new household” in another thread. I think your observation is too “out in the sky” and imputing too much into nonsense. Yes, i contribute again.

  43. Yes you contribute again – like your comment #3 on October 5th, 2009 15:18 in thread “Najib’s defence of Isa’s corruption offence a mega-tonne explosion demolishing his NKRA to “fight corruption” -“Yes some criminals deserve a second chance but they don’t get a second chance to be an ADUN or potentially to become a MB who may affect the livelihood of millions” – which was ‘coincidentally’ similar to my comment #3 slightly earlier on same day October 5th, 2009 13:07 in preceding thread “Bagan Pinang…there is no Plan B (part two)” on Najib saying even a criminal gets a second chance –“No one questions that every person including a convict deserves 2nd chance at rehabilitation but whether the second chance is by way of a chance to hold public office as Yang Berhormat and the peoples’ representative in state legislature.”

    Yes you contribute again – ROTFL

  44. //I think your observation is too “out in the sky” and imputing too much into nonsense.//

    Yes I note your observation. Unfortunately it counts little in my books to merit a rebuttal or debate. Sorry.

    //Yes, i contribute again.//

    Yes, by way of comic relief!

  45. //Yes you contribute again – ROTFL//Jeffrey

    What are you suggesting? You think you are the only one capable of thinking or writing like that. I want to say in all honesty and sincerity I did not read your piece before i wrote mine. I may be an odd ball to you, but i am never a thief or a hypocrite. I know it is difficult to defend especially when mine appeared after yours. But i want to state categorically that I DID NOT COPY your idea. Please lah, you must at times allow others to be as smart as you, if not smarter than you.

  46. ///I want to say in all honesty and sincerity I did not read your piece before i wrote mine///…… LimKamPut.

    Well here I have to respond the same as you did in comment #45 page 1 of this thread – (quote) “….If I am wrong in my interpretation, I guess many too are in my category. But who am I to argue with the author?…”

    /// But I want to state categorically that I DID NOT COPY your idea.///

    I am just giving you your own medicine when you so readily impute me copying your idea on the Financial Procedure Act (just because I did not specifically mention it earlier as you did!).

    Here is what you said in comment #45 on October 4th, 2009 10:28 in thread “A vote for Pakatan is a vote against corruption”

    “Oh, the eloquent posting about the Financial Procedure Act, I don’t even know to laugh or to cry, so much of intellectual honesty being thrown here.”

    What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  47. That was different, remember there was an endless discussions on PKFZ in which letters of support and guarantee were constantly brought up. My point on Financial Procedure Act was just one posting above yours. Besides, your argument seemed to have changed substantially after my posting on Financial Procedure Act.

  48. It suffices to just briefly mention (i) guarantee is not same as letter of support/awareness. What the document is (guarantee or support) issued by former transport ministers is not dependent on its description but the substance of its contents and wordings; (ii) under FPA no guarantee or incurring of financial liability may be issued unless with Treasury/MOF approval. So if (i), construing their wordings is actually mere support letters not necessarily incurring liability from public finances, then contravention of (ii) does not arise. (ii) (contravention of FPA) will arise only if construing the substance of the wordings of letters issued, they are found not to be mere support letters but guarantees ie govt promises to be answerable for debt of the debtor to another creditor. Then the third question arises, that if guarantees were void for contravention can govt subsequently ratify retropectively a void guarantee to make it valid??? Also other questions arise whether if the void guarantees cannot be “ratified” and made valid, whether govt is actually upholding “spirit” of it and morally assuming the liability to protect confidence in future dealings betwen govt agencies like PKA and the market.

    I didn’t bring up FPA because it is a technical subject boring to a lot of people but since you brought it up, I elaborated on it’s ramifications. Thats all.

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