Dream of a sincere merdeka

By Azly Rahman

Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains – Jean Jacques Rousseau

There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents – Thomas Jefferson

Malaysia is approaching its 52nd birthday. But it is middle age characterised by bipolarism, schizophrenia and illusions of grandeur. How did we get to this stage? And how do we de-evolve?

In essence, we are a troubled nation, hyper-modernised by half-baked sense of democracy, paying lip service to the idea of a civilised society and insincere in our pledge to create equal opportunity for all.

Consider the latest problematic phrases we are living with: The Perak Fiasco, 1BlackMalaysia, One Too Many By-elections, 100 Arrests, and A Troubled Monarchy. Then there is also the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock, the caning of Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, and the Ramadan drama of the cow-head protesters.

These and many other issues are unresolved. The essence of these lies in the erosion of virtue. At all levels of governance, we have lost all sense of spiritual control; our institutions eroded by our addiction to corruption.

In the words of the Chinese revolutionary leader Chairman Mao Zedong, we are living in interesting times in which our lives are fragmented by sound of and fury of the race-based and hate-mongering ideological system we have build since half a century ago.

We no longer have virtuous leaders in our political system. We have many who are corrupt to the bone and in their souls, interested only in plundering the national wealth in order to survive the next general election. And we continue to breed new leaders who think that politics is about buying votes and selling the nation.

Virtuous leaders are made and not born. They are created out of good religious/moral upbringing and a clear sense of altruism – prioritising needs, not wants, and certainly not greed.

It is no longer clear what the country is governed – in the confusion over the meaning of religion and of culture, and how a combination of both can be lethal to this already mentally troubled country approaching its 52nd birthday.

Leaders in our midst are plagued with scandals of material and moral character, some amounting to billions of ringgit, and many no longer are ashamed to use the state apparatuses to advance their own political agenda.

Virtue lies in all religions

Virtue must be internalised. In the interesting times we live in, virtue must be installed and institutionalised. Without virtue, the poor will steal from the rich and the rich will steal from the masses.

Virtue lies in all religions and philosophical systems. Even if one does not believe in God and its existence, one can be as ethical and virtuous as defined by Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Buddha, Lao Tzi or Einstein.

Master Kung (Confucius) often talks about the breeding of the ‘chuan tze’ or ‘the gentleman’ and the importance of respect. The ‘Bhagavad Gita’ speaks of the beauty of the self and for one to follow dharma. Islam speaks of the beauty of the self in relation to its contribution to a peaceful and just society. Sufism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hassidism, and many a path to deeper spirituality promote the development of the ‘just and virtuous self’.

But we are living in a world designed by greedy human beings who themselves do not know their own true nature.

We spend time either making ends meet or making our millions multiply. We keep making decisions that alter and transform the economy and impact the lives of millions who are at the disposal of those who own the means of economic and intellectual production. With our wealth, we oppress each other as we build oppressive institutions of power and control.

We have created a matrix of complexities and a rat race of no winners.

Our society seems to be heading towards destruction. The seeds are rapidly germinating.

Sometime ago we saw even the Malaysian police force threatening ‘to vote for the opposition’. We are now puzzled: who do the police serve? Who will protect the citizens then? Do we then need to set up a non-partisan or a neutral police force?

We are also seeing public universities becoming more and more politicised. There is no virtue in the way they are run. Our public universities, paid by the taxpayers of all races, are serving the interests of the political parties of the day.

Our vice-chancellors are not elected from the pool of experts from other races although our student population is of a multi-racial mix. The concept of ‘affirmative action’ that emphases policies to promote diversity is almost non-existent. There is no virtue in such a practice in our public universities.

We are seeing people getting edgy and agitated – higher crime rate, more robberies, snatch thefts, hideous crimes related to merciless kidnapping, our youth of all races getting high on all kinds of depressants and stimulants that all religious upbringing has taught us to avoid.

Virtue is eroding even at the highest level of public office. We set up all kinds of bodies to combat corruption. But what has been the success rate so far if we are still trapped in a complex political-economic system that is producing more and more creatures of greed that plunder the nation’s wealth.

‘Virtue’ itself is a corrupted word these days. People are finding it difficult to be virtuous. They want to be pragmatic and rational economic beings that rationalise everything in the name of profit, at the expense of the moral development of the generation we are to leave behind.

Society becomes more endangered when all sense of idealism is pushed aside, allowing politics of rationalisation to rule. In Malaysia, the situation of the erosion of ethics and virtuosity is even worse when all acts are dictated through the influence of the politics of identity and hideous ethnocentricity.

The continuing issues of succession plaguing the leadership of the major components of all the ruling parties, for example, reflects a virtue-less leadership. It even reflects the system of dictatorship and authoritarianism that we have allowed to take root in all parties.

We are seeing the development of another dangerous excess of authoritarianism – the development of political dynasties. We continue to see this culture in the Malay, Chinese, and Indian political parties as well.

Are we a republic of virtue?

We spend too much time politicising everything and less time educating. If all that energy is used to design a better system of participatory democracy and philanthropy, and to reach out to other ethnic groups to collaborate in solving the issue of poverty, we, as Malaysians, will become a miracle nation.

Poverty is not the problem of Indians or Malays or Chinese – it is the problem of humanity. Today in Malaysia we are even seeing more and more highly educated people trapped in the idea of ketuanan/arrogance of this or that race. From the lower classes of society to the uppermost class, the message is the same: racism and race-based politics must be maintained.

Prejudice must be protected. Hatred must be harnessed. War is peace. Hate is love. Freedom is dangerous. We live in a world of Doublespeak, as the theme of George Orwell’s novel 1984 would suggest.

We need to bring back ‘virtue’ to the forefront of our political philosophies and into our economic paradigm, and next use it to design a virtuous foundation of our economic system. From a virtuous foundation we will then see a healthier characterisation of how we design and reorganise our lives as economic beings.

How do we even begin creating a republic of virtue if we do not yet have the tools of analysing what a corrupt society is and how corrupt leaders are a product of the economic system created to reproduce more sophisticated forms of corruption?

We must engineer a revolution of our very own consciousness. From the revolution in our minds, we move on to the revolution of our consciousness, and next to our collective consciousness. Gradually, as we realise that a better collective consciousness can be created, we will be aware of the oppositional forces that are making real human progress disabling.

We must now become makers of our own history and help others do the same. We must first learn to deconstruct ourselves and draw out the virtue within ourselves, even if the process can be terrifying. We must then each create a manifesto of our own self and de-evolve from then, until we tear down the structures within and outside of ourselves and reconstruct the foundations of a new republic.

We have never been independent. Malaysian has replaced the British colonials with its little brown brothers who are more sophisticated, as a result of the latter’s education and socialisation into becoming better and more apologetic masters of modern-day totalitarianism. This is the our gift of Independence – on a silver platter. As Albert Memmi the Algerian thinker and psychiatrist would say, the colonized has become the colonizer.

In 2009, we will have become ‘independent’ for more than 50 years. Are we a republic of virtue? Are we emotionally stable enough to be one? Only by going back to the politics of virtue and sincerity can we survive this long and difficult road of Malaysian evolution; a road that is paved with good intentions but patrolled by predators of the poor and those pushed to the peripheries.

May we have an interesting Merdeka. And may we be more sincere.

25 Replies to “Dream of a sincere merdeka”

  1. What we have now is
    A dentist with dentures talking about dental-care.
    A man with 4 wives speaking about the virtue of monogamy.
    A corrupted politician talking about morality.
    A compulsive drinker talking about the virtues of being a teetotaler.
    A womanizer talking about chastity.
    An IGP who is connected to the underworld.
    An AG who invents evidence to convict the innocent.
    A judge who writes his judgement before the commencement of the trial.

    Welcome to Malaysia. We can even officially cover up murders.

  2. I agree that virtuous leaders are made and not born. But I am not sure they are created “out of good religious/moral upbringing and a clear sense of altruism – prioritising needs, not wants, and certainly not greed”. If that is so, we would have achieved utopian state already given the long history of religions and philosophies.

    Your piece is filled with too many objective/ideal statements but too few on the “how part”. How do we inculcate, sustain and reinforce good virtues among our leaders?

    How do we sustain virtues when men are also born selfish and greedy? For those in leadership positions, it is essentially an “agency” issue just like company directors are entrusted to do the right things for their shareholders, employees, suppliers and customers. In the case of national leaders, the tussle is always between their personal selfish gains and those for the greater good of the society. The dichotomy is real and certainly we can not depend on the “goodness” of individuals to do the right things.

    I believe in robust check and balance and enforcement. While each individual in a group may be dishonest and greedy, he/she can be prevented from doing harm by the group checking and overseeing each other. The focus to me is robust institutions, constant enforcement and check and balance including press freedom. Religious, moral and ethical educations are at most supplementary. Did we not emphasize religious and moral education in our schools since Merdeka? Where did the effect go?

  3. What more hope is there for Malaysia when almost every UMNOputra is corrupt to the bone? For the nation to be saved, UMNO Baru must be buried in the 13th GE and the new generation of Malaysians must stay alert to steer the new government to run the country the way we want it to be run.

    UMNO Baru must first DIE for the nation to survive.

  4. limkamput :I agree that virtuous leaders are made and not born. But I am not sure they are created “out of good religious/moral upbringing and a clear sense of altruism – prioritising needs, not wants, and certainly not greed”. If that is so, we would have achieved utopian state already given the long history of religions and philosophies.

  5. limkamput :
    Your piece is filled with too many objective/ideal statements but too few on the “how part”. How do we inculcate, sustain and reinforce good virtues among our leaders?
    How do we sustain virtues when men are also born selfish and greedy? For those in leadership positions, it is essentially an “agency” issue just like company directors are entrusted to do the right things for their shareholders, employees, suppliers and customers. In the case of national leaders, the tussle is always between their personal selfish gains and those for the greater good of the society. The dichotomy is real and certainly we can not depend on the “goodness” of individuals to do the right things.

  6. ///Sometime ago we saw even the Malaysian police force threatening ‘to vote for the opposition’. We are now puzzled: who do the police serve? Who will protect the citizens then? Do we then need to set up a non-partisan or a neutral police force?///– Azly Rahman

    Police personnel are citizens and they have the right to vote and are free to vote whoever they wish. The statement shows that policemen have lost that independence, and it was the powers-that-be in the police force that decide. That is why postal votes from the arm forces are united in one voice. They will prove it again in the coming buy-election in Negri Sembilan when two thousands and more votes will be for UMNO candidate, tongkat, dog or human being.

    The statement of keeping the crime rate high and the intervention of the then UMNO youth made AAB cancell his plan for IPCMC. Now the Home Minister who had been rewarded for not establishing IPCMC would be able to tell us whether the high crime rate included the contribution by the police personnel.

    The police voted for UMNO, the armed forces voted for UMNO, and the civil servants too voted for UMNO. They have contributed to the formation of the federal government, and they have also been rewarded by UMNO. These are cooperative efforts like in business; how can we expect them to remain neutral? They are not neutral, and government institutions are extension of UMNO though not in name. When less man have more shares of benefits, and they have the right to demand citizens to contribute, in addition to national resources, divide and rule work best for the sharing formula. If Malaysia as a nation should go to hell, the government leaders consider that it might be after their lifetime.

  7. I read Azly Rahman message and waited for him to give a solution to the problems.
    Excellent observations.
    The root cause started with Mahathir’s 22 years and on going.
    It has nothing to do with the world problems…like in China….India… why Japan went to war against the might of USA.
    All have straighten up..and heading towards better lives long long ago.
    The world is getting to be colorless.
    Malaysia problems….so easy to understand.
    Masterminded by the world best dictator….double standards…twisting and fooling Malays…to enrich themselves.
    Love to read Azly give a name to these people…but nay…on and on he wrote…telling all the excellent observations of evil deeds and quoting religion….as if quite natural…such events are happening in Malaysia….basically due to greed of some.
    He should focus on UMNO BARU. ..how it came about and Mahathir….and should end up..we must vote UMNO BARU out.
    He should focus on why some Malays keep supporting UMNO and why…and advise them to change.
    The message is meaningless for Malaysians…with no end to a solution..by such a good writer.
    It can also mean….Azly is an UMNO man..telling UMNO under Najib… understands….let the past be the past and lets move on…supporting UMNO.
    Is that it…Azly Rahman??
    Khairy also spoke similar ways…asking Malaysians to forget the past… Najib understands…and lets move forward.
    That’s why…Najib came out with “1Malaysia”.
    Malaysians have enough knowledge facts and practical experiences…and to bring the end to all problems….just vote UMNO out in 13th GE.
    Fools are made every second…by UMNO..but fools do wake up and become smart…due to extreme hardships and better education.
    The show can never end by UMNO…when UMNO still govern Malaysia.
    Love to read from writers…with a for or against change of government.
    Why so much mumbo jumbo…as if we do not know.
    We are dealing with LIVES and not products.
    Be clear and straight forward.
    Love to hear smart Azly Rahman conclusion to all problems……but he never uttered one word.

  8. Jaswant :” But it is middle age characterised by bipolarism, schizophrenia and illusions of grandeur.” Azly Rahman
    Doesn’t this sound familiar to you, Jeffrey?

    Yes Jaswant, he who lives in it will instantaneously relate to it. How apt. You are as smart as lembu today, not bad.

  9. “You evince a continuous craving of self importance. This craving is sustained alternately between repititive grandiloquent reaffirmation of your own self esteem/worth as indicated by the above immediate posting, and other times, by a need to spite, disparage and put down others.” Jeffrey

    OK. Now I remember.

  10. What virtues, what spiritual control, what sincerity are we talking about … the political leaders here do not know how to differentiate between truth and lies, they have lost their sense of shame and they have made the MIGHTY DOLLARS their god!

  11. Nope! First time. Have you?? This one not only quotes himself. He also talks to himself. This is due to neurons in his brain not connecting well. He hears echoes and thinks God is talking to him. Recently, he insists Indra, God of Heaven, is talking to him.

    He is a Muslim and shouldn’t be making fun of the Hindu Gods.

  12. //……and shouldn’t be making fun of the Hindu Gods.//

    If you pressed your pants before going the church, you should not be saying those things which are entirely untrue and sinful. I don’t know, can God ever forgive you on that? So be careful.

    I did not quote myself. My long posting got moderated, so i just copied and reposted. Please read #3 and this was because my #2 did not appear. But of course I don’t expect both of you to read anything other than thinking highly of themselves – one a mega hypocrite and the other a incoherent fool as usual.

  13. But please don’t get me wrong.

    As a devout Christian I welcome you with open arms. But do you think Pakatan will amend the Constitution to allow you to leave Islam? Apostacy is a crime in Malaysia.

  14. “I did not quote myself” ..Kamput bin Abdullah…..hahahahahahahaha
    Listen to his explanation and interpretation….you may need to book a room in Tanjong Rambutan.
    I guess crackos can still work for UMNO.
    Weird masters….cracko servants…like hands and gloves.

  15. I quote the author:

    “But we are living in a world designed by greedy human beings who themselves do not know their own true nature.”

    Lets have some examples on how badly those greedy people can design things for the nation. Can we imagine this umno controlled country of ours today with

    1) finance minister who is a chinaman
    2) igp who is an indian;
    3) an AG who is a singh?

    Pack up and shut up umnoputras would say. Umnoputras must prevail, they would insist. Even the ordinary Joe Ahmad on the street has no say in the matter. Oh yes he has a vote in his hands. So wot? That is exercisable only once every 5 yrs. In any case umno punya money politic has been nationalised hasnt it? Dont forget that. That is why they can be so arrogant and brash and can continue to speak through their rearside.

  16. //As a devout Christian I welcome you with open arms. But do you think Pakatan will amend the Constitution to allow you to leave Islam? Apostacy is a crime in Malaysia.// just one ball

    Tell you what, just devote yourself to being a devout Christian, and leave the rest to me or others.

  17. //…..hahahahahahahaha
    Listen to his explanation and interpretation….you may need to book a room in Tanjong Rambutan.//stupid ball

    Someone laughing out loud for no reason! What does that tell you? May be it is time to sent him back where he came from. Real no standard ass. Tell you what, my little finger is smarter than you lah.

  18. Kamput,


    Schizophrenia is about delusions and hallucinations and about having (to quote Azly Rahman) “illusions of grandeur” and about hearing voices in your head. You got all of those – and more. You’re unable to accept who you are. We’re saddened by it all. Is there any way we can help you?

    When Azly Rahman wrote” But it is middle age characterised by bipolarism, schizophrenia and illusions of grandeur” he wasn’t referring to the state the country is in. He was referring to you.

    When called upon to do so, and you failed to affirm that you’re a Muslim, that’s as good as ‘murtad’. You have committed murtad in the holy month of Ramadhan! You should see the mufti and explain to him what happened here, my friend! Do it before it is too late.

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