Lifting and doctoring of Ronnie Liu’s disclosure of constituency allocations on his blog to make baseless allegation that he and Ean Yong Hian Wah are thieves of public funds are acts of desperadoes in Umno or MACC to distract attention from Teoh’s unusual death at MACC

While the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, UMNO, MCA and Gerakan Ministers publicly speak against “politicizing” of Teoh Beng Hock’s unusual death at the MACC Hqrs, the vicious campaign to politicize and character-assassinate DAP leaders over Teoh’s death has reached a new frenzy.

Two days ago, an anonymous “black blog” surfaced purportedly listing proof that Selangor DAP State Excos Ronnie Liu and Ean Yong Hian Wah are corrupt and thieves of public funds who siphoned off constituency allocations to their own pockets.

The “black blog” with the misnomer Truth for Teoh Beng Hock purported to post documents to back its claims, including the allegation that 84 ‘projects’ amounting to more than RM200,000 in the Sungai Pelek constituency were awarded to one contractor Wong Chuan How.

Ronnie had rebutted the lies in his media conference, as the “black blog” had lifted and doctored Ronnie’s disclosure of constituency disbursements on his blog in November last year to make baseless allegation that he and Ean Yong Hian Wah are thieves of public funds.

These are the acts of desperadoes in Umno or MACC to distract attention from Teoh’s unusual death at MACC and efforts to get to the causes and culprits for Teoh’s death.

There are also allegations, in the “block blog” and other Internet sites, accusing the DAP of hiring assassins to murder Teoh Beng Hock to “shut his mouth” allegedly because Teoh had evidence of these corrupt acts by Ronnie and Ean Yong.

Let Umno and MACC declare whether they are in any way behind these desperate acts.

If Teoh had died outside MACC, the lies that DAP had killed Teoh to shut him up may have greater traction. But to these liars and desperadoes, truth is the least important.

More lies, completely unbelievable ones, are in the pipeline. There are people who are mortally frightened of the truth and that is why the demands not only of the family, but all right-thinking and justice-loving Malaysians for a Royal Commission of Inquiry has been blocked.

Why are there powerful forces who do not want the truth of Teoh’s death to be unearthed and is blocking the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry, to the extent that the four MCA Ministers led by MCA President, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, the Gerakan President Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon and the MIC Minister Datuk Subramaniam have to publicly eat their words that they would demand a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh’s death at last Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting?

41 Replies to “Lifting and doctoring of Ronnie Liu’s disclosure of constituency allocations on his blog to make baseless allegation that he and Ean Yong Hian Wah are thieves of public funds are acts of desperadoes in Umno or MACC to distract attention from Teoh’s unusual death at MACC”

  1. Extracted from that blog:- :-
    “…..Among the biggest players are WONG CHUAN HOW (in the Kawasan DUN Sungai Pelek) under YB Ronnie Liu who was given 84 projects totalling over RM200,000 (Tarian Cina Persatuan Bahasa, Perayaan Persatuan Buddha Huan Chian Chuen, Kejohanan Bola Keranjang)….”

    Besides not knowing the role of Wong as the ADUN’s special assistance and fund coordinator, that blog owner had also only highlighted the contributions to Chinese and Buddhist groups. They had intentionally omitted the contributions to many other small community projects like:- Repair surau PA system, surau kitchen, buka puasa during Ramadhan, Hari Raya celebration, Deepavali celebration, Merdeka Day celebration, gotong royong, sport activities for the youth, church’s kindergarden concert, small assistance to the poor and the needy like orphans and old folks home, etc, etc.

    Going through the projects list in that blog and those in Ronnie’s 05Nov2008 blog entries, I think Ronnie had done the right thing. He is truly COLOUR BLIND. Whereas the racist nature of the owner is well exposed. These are the black hands behind Beng Hock’s death.

  2. IN UMNO there are a lot of SPIN DCTORS and they have thought of spinning themselves out of this farcical situation. Well UMNO and some Barisan componet parties sympathisers may buy into this type of framed up stories but not everybody will. Most lay person has more intelligence than some UMNO ministers.

  3. Mr.Lim,

    Please let us know how we can help BengHock’s family to keep pressuring Najib for a full and complete RCI to investigate the death of BengHock?

    Najib has refused openly on a full RCI so what should we do now?

    I also call for Najib’s Chinese PA who visited to Teoh’s resident that day to resign because it is no point for a prodigy like him to work under a PM who don’t listen to plebeian….

    Mr.Lim, we must not let this issue vaporized… People is behind BengHock.

  4. I don’t know what would constitute ‘proof’ in a matter such as this one. I wrote a little page to inspect binary data from files on the internet as part of a little project I’m currently working on.

    The image header from one of the images from the ‘black blog’:

    is – at worst – remarkably similar to the image header from a picture of MCA happiness on one of that fellow’s blog posts:

    There are plenty of images on hiss blog which differ substantially, but this one is a pretty good match. It’s by no means a fingerprint.

    Could someone ask Ronnie Liu (not to mention dying again, obviously), but also not to post documents on the Internet in an editable format? PDF or JPEG would be my top tips.

    I must go, my wife has just looked at my comment and told me she is taking the kids to stay with her relatives. She said something else that sounded like a Ronnie Liu quote.

  5. “Why are there powerful forces who do not want the truth of Teoh’s death to be unearthed and is blocking the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry, to the extent that the four MCA Ministers led by MCA President, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, the Gerakan President Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon and the MIC Minister Datuk Subramaniam have to publicly eat their words that they would demand a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh’s death at last Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting? ” -LKS

    Similar to the questions : “who ordered the killing of Altantunya, -how the C4 can be brought out from military area, -who ordered the eraser oh immigration records of Altantunya & 2 others prior to her gruesome murder, Who were behind the PKFZ mother of scandals”

    that has yet to be answered yet and probable would continue to remain as mysteries

    …..probably only the PEOPLE that should give an answer these questions in next general election -GE13

  6. I’ve got a comment in moderation that might be taken as some sort of proof of margeemar’s post. It isn’t proof, only coincidence. I can see comments on other blogs threatening violence. My personal conviction is that any person threatening violence is scum, not differentiable from any other kind. I would hope that the persons posting those comments has done so in an emotional moment and will not make the same comments again, nor worse, act on them.

    Things are bad enough. Let’s please do what has to be done within the confines of the law and move on.

  7. If one is squeaky clean then no need to bother and get so roused up. When the black blog fails then more people will laugh and it will truly make things worse for the despots. Why want to be so angry? They want a reaction, give them none …

  8. It is not unexpected that Umnoputras and the Utusans can resort to these tactics to undermine the PR, especially DAP.

    Just look at how they destroy one another in their Umno internal elections, one cannot but gasps at the despicable and daring ways they go about achieving their objectives.

    Worst is yet to be

  9. One BNajis leader name not mentioned here is Chua Soi Lek, BN Head of Coordinator in states controled by Pakatan. I wonder about his role and function until Chua latest posting attempting to ‘Educate’ public with regards to PERUNTUKAN WAKIL RAKYAT. In the context of peruntukan wakil rakyat, BN has done all evil in spending public fund but immune of investigation because MACC is their partner.

  10. Some loud mouth here may have to eat humble pie.

    Oh, now it is no need to get so worked up if one is squeaky clean. Let me ask this loud mouth if someone were to hurl lots of sh!t into his house, is he supposed to remain unperturbed. That is the reasoning of a phua tang sai.

  11. “These are the acts of desperadoes in Umno or MACC”.

    It is clear from history that when legislators and law enforcers become depraved and criminal in their conduct, then all that holds the fabric of civilisation and peace will crumble and disintegrate.

    Goodbye Malaysia.

  12. Yet another EX-BN politician joins PKR
    Wind of change? Good or bad news for PR?
    Is PKR a tong sampah gathering more political date-expired sampah?
    Are they trojan horses or spies gathering info for BN?

  13. Ean Yong and Ronnie, my 100% support and trust in you here. No matter what negative “stories” that the irresponsibles try to impose on you, i know those are mere lies. Trust me people, Mr. Ean Yong is a very efficient and caring person. Ean Yong, I’ve seeked your help before (the lamp post), seen you in person, i consider myself lucky to have experienced your most sincere response and concern to a rakyat’s outcry for help. I wish I could do something in my capacity as a rakyat to help out this time. BN…enough is enough…stop the bullies. GOD knows…

  14. Any of you ever been to Wee’s blog? There seems to be many there who say that Theresa Kok and others are arrogant etc. I wonder why? Seems that Wee has his own followers. Many seem to also support Mr Wee.

    Is there any truth at all? Perhaps soon when the Black Blogger starts to provide more details then we shall know. Maybe there is no detail as its all baseless. Hmmmm …

  15. a wide eye sleepy head can simply conclude the bee end arrogant and lousy losers has no more tricks, had to be physical.

    this time they really had wet their hands, this time not $water but thicker than it.

    see them out at ge13

  16. you use a razor blade to shave, and not overdoing it with a parang

    this what happen when all this while , these ppl do not even know how to do it and get away with,

    just like the days when innocent people were killed during the emergency days, just change deadmen clothes and put on your enemy uniform or some commie pyjamas.
    old tricks but is a good trick, works very well irrespective of time….until now.

  17. i m sure all of us already expect the obvious answer from the investigations. let’s channel our energy towards the next GE & remind the public that the late TBH died in the hands of MACC. Not to mention, the big big boss of the MACC is…???

  18. As a non-suspect but someone co-operating with MACC by providing information, does his handphone and personal belongings need to be taken away from him during the interogation hours ? HELLO…he’s not even a suspect. Please put the murderers to where there should be…

  19. DPM said UMNO must change NOW or vanish? How true! But change will not come. If there have the will then there are a lot changes can be made, but we are doubtful.

    Some time it dose not pay to be too transparent. As Ronnie was too transparent and now they turn the table and doctored his web site information.

    Now for simple reasons that they go all out to side track the real issue speck volume. All this indicate that they are many dark secret on what happened in the 14th floor, other wise why go to such an extend to start the smear campaign?

    Najib say he also want the true but nothing but the true? But if he want the true why is that so difficult to include ” the cause of TBH’s dead ” as term of RCI that difficult? This is simple question that you did not need a professor to answer! So what change they are talking about?

  20. You can smell the fear in the air. They are doing stupid pacnicky things AND it is NOT working. It really is not. Which is why they are stepping on the pedal to up the vitriol on this.

    What all these vitriol is all about is to take advantage of the lack of confidence of the Malays. The idea being that is they raise the uncertainty or threat even if they are from their own, the Malays will stick to what is familiar and with UMNO.

    Its literally spitting into the face of their own family and friends. Their own race and their own supporters. This is like UMNO being bullies to their own neigbourhood kids to the nice kids in the next block..

    In the end, that is what is going to be their own downfall, disrespecting their own race, friends and supporters.

  21. SpeakUp :Any of you ever been to Wee’s blog? There seems to be many there who say that Theresa Kok and others are arrogant etc. I wonder why? Seems that Wee has his own followers. Many seem to also support Mr Wee.
    Is there any truth at all? Perhaps soon when the Black Blogger starts to provide more details then we shall know. Maybe there is no detail as its all baseless. Hmmmm …

    Look, imposter, I think most of us here know what your agenda are. Wee popular? Asking people to go read his scumbag blog? Theresa arrogant? Come on, you have to be more subtle than that. Let me tell you this, Wee will not even be a candidate in the 13 GE. You want to wager with me? Scumbag politicians not hesitating to sell even their own mothers should be buried for good. So also are imposters coming to this blog.

    Hello, before proceeding further to promote your scumbag black blog, I suggest you learn the difference between “than” and “then”.

  22. “Perhaps soon when the Black Blogger starts to provide more details then we shall know.”

    “I suggest you learn the difference between “than” and “then”.”

    ROFL!!! Know I know why certain people want English to be taught more in our schools. Yeah, we really need to improve the standards of English in our country! Hahahahahaahaaa …

  23. Ok, I accept; I have misread your sentence as “providing more than details than we already know”. Anyway, it was your poor sentence construction that led to this misunderstanding. Let me rephrase for you a more efficient and clearer sentence: “Perhaps when the black blogger start to provide us with more details, we shall know more”. “Perhaps” can’t be followed by “then”. Go check basic English grammar textbook.

  24. Just in case anybody is interested in my strange post earlier… I posted it in a hurry because the same argument erupted here as when I wrote an article about putting times and locations on photographs of a well-known ex interpreter.

    There’s no real equivalent of a fingerprint in digital media, not one that identifies a user, at any rate. Image files don’t contain only data to draw the picture, they also contain meta-data. Meta-data is usually data about how and when the image was created or edited, copyright info, that sort of thing. The images from the t4tbh site have some metadata in the common Exif format, which can be seen by some browsers (Opera) and by some utilities (exiftool).

    The standards for image metadata are not … standard, so metadata can sometimes be a bit mangled = unreadable by programs. It’s always worth just checking the first few hundred bytes of files by eye using a hex editor. In the files on that site, there’s an empty ‘Photoshop 3.0’ metadata section after the exif data. That struck me as a bit odd, because I can’t help thinking it would be better for a program to record no metadata at all, rather than a block with nothing in it.

    When I saw the comments at the top from margeemar, I had a look at the blog linked there, and most of the pictures have completely different metadata in them. There is one picture, of MCA leaders ‘reaching for the lasers’, that has a very similar header to the ones on the t4tbh site.

    It’s not a fingerprint … but it is a coincidence. I’m not an expert on image metadata, so I have no idea how common the combination of Picasa Exif / funny “Photoshop 3.0” empty block is. If someone was interested to compare some other image headers, I wrote a page that shows you the byte content of the start of image files, linked in the comment above. If you open both links I supplied in that comment in two tabs and flick between them, you’ll see they’re very similar. If you try it with one of the t4tbh images and images from anywhere else (or other images on the margeemar-linked site), you’ll see they’re very different. It’d be interesting to know what other images have similar headers to the t4tbh ones.

    Hex dumps of image files aren’t only useful for forensics, you could also use it to admire a person’s frugal choice of camera:

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