Proof of a “black blog” operation to defame TBH and 2 DAP Selangor excos


  1. Malaysiakini — Blog tries to pin graft claims on exco.
  2. Malaysian Insider — Bizarre twist to Teoh case

Proof of a “black blog” operation to defame TBH and 2 DAP Selangor excos. Check:
Friday, July 24, 2009 19:01

Leave 4JB 4TBH Memorial 2nite@ Markaz PAS Taman U,JB Add speakers Hanifah Gobind Dzulkefly Boo.Grief anger must become People Power 4change
Friday, July 24, 2009 15:45

Ronnie Liu 2hold media conference 2debunk “blackblog” defaming TBHn 2Excos purportedly on “DAP corruption modus operandi in Selangor”
Friday, July 24, 2009 15:35

Checking on a blog ( which has made serious allegations agnst 2 DAP State Excos purportedly abt “DAP corruption modus operandi” in Selangor
Friday, July 24, 2009 14:13

Check for up-to-the-minute updates

124 Replies to “Proof of a “black blog” operation to defame TBH and 2 DAP Selangor excos”

  1. DAP must be quick to come up with an answer – true or false of what was stated in that blog.

    My guess is even in death, there are scumbags who want to capitalise the situation and defame DAP. It only shows how desperate they are and how difficult it is to fight the incumbents. Let’s face it, if what was stated in blog was true, those DAP guys would have been charged yesterday!

  2. Those are the documents? Ptui. Think we’re really that stupid ah? Anyone with MicrosoftOffice or OpenOffice or anything similar can do that! Also, Ronnie Liu is ADUN of Pandamaran, not Sungai Pelek!

  3. Isn’t the DAP doing just that? Nothing wrong.// Jaswant @low life

    Tell me in what way DAP is trying to capitalise the death of BH? Is crying for justice, yearning for truth and if there was foul play, bringing those responsible to justice capitalising on his death. You are a confirmed idiot. Previously i thought you still got hope.

  4. The blog pages posted in the blogsite

    were a ridiculous BIG LIE!

    How does the so-called “Tuan Melayu” in the MACC justify their crime of committing a private execution on Teoh Beng Hock on the spot upon the Tuan’s finding some photostat copies of some billings and invoices in Teoh’s briefcase? Even if there was truly a case involving the offence of Criminal Breach of Trust (CBT) that was to be investigated, the maximum punishment might just be about 7 years’ imprisonment upon conviction in court. Teoh Beng Hock did not deserve a punishment of being killed on the spot by any evil-doer whosoever!

    The lie being told in the above blog has no credibility at all. It does not worth even a single minute of notice from any right-thinking person and therefore should be totally ignored!

  5. Why is that this ” blackblog” did not have named blogger ? Fishy isn’t it ?

    Well, if this person has the guts, then go to the MACC to make a report and then the DAP Exco member / ADUN can challenged him in court. If not, his supposedly expose is a made-up story.

    Alternatively, the MACC could have posted this to divert attention from the hot issue confronting them now.

    This is a real coward hiding under his grandmother’s skirt . Perhaps his paymaster is none other than the toyol kakis.

  6. Whether the blog is correct or not, we don’t know but it does shed some interesting `teories’. IF this blog is a lie, I suggest DAP counter the blog with factual rebuttals and not just simple `oh that’s a lie!’ which is not good enough!

    I agree with Jaswant that DAP, PKR, Anwar etc has politicized and made use of poor Teoh to further their political careers. How low can you get!

  7. Are “they” setting the stage to conclude that BH committed suicide? I have to put a parenthesis on the word they in case a low life here think I am referring to him. He does not have that privilege.

  8. Look, imraj78, how dare you said PR is capitalising on BH’s death? Is crying for justice capitalising? Is yearning for truth capitalising? If there was a foul play, is pressuring the government to bring to justice those responsible capitalising? Please tell me in what ways was PR capitalising? If you have no good reasons, then you are an imposter or a paid blogger just like the great wannabe who is now also known as the chief monkey.

  9. I have to say that to a certain extent PR ARE capitalising the death and that is a fact. Someone dies, we hear NON STOP political rhetoric IMMEDIATELY.

    Hey, someone died la … cut the politics and start to have empathy first. What was spoken at the TBH rally? Its all about TBH died la, BN bad la, time for change la, C4 & PM la. Come on …

    If there is any empathy such remarks would not be pushed. We would push the fact that TOO MANY have died. Go read Sin Chew, see the articles since TBH passed away, that is good stuff. See how Ku Li spoke about it, see how TS Robert Phang approached it … that is the way. Not screaming for change of government, that is DSAI’s way.

    What has DSAI said? Only called for RCI … what the heck did he do when he was DPM? Did he bother to change the rot back then? The PDRM was the same back then ok.

  10. Look at the content of the so called BLACK BLOG … how do we know its untrue? It may be … it may not be. Are we so arrogant that PR is 100% clean? Do we not need to try and investigate a bit? Wow … we want to burn BN but we cannot allow any dirt about PR? This is how BN was once upon a time … same recipe.

    Some people in PR need to look into the content of the blog and see if there is any wrong doing.

  11. limkamput,
    Yearning for truth and wanting justice is fair enough. But the way that the matter has been taken out of context and blown out of reasonable proportion sparks of pure opportunism by PR to take opportunity of Teoh’s death.
    Remember that politicians will always be politicians, no matter which side they are on! Do you really think that Anwar, Hadi etc. really knew who Teoh was? I bet they hardly knew him before this unfortunate incident but guess what; now that he is dead, everyone in PR is jumping over each other to organize vigils, demonstrations etc. etc. Don’t be so naive!

  12. A typical kopitam talk – “what did Anwar do when he was DPM”. Did he not get black-eyed and jailed? Soon you will say what did Guan Eng or Khalid do so far? A monkey is what a monkey does. It can’t think.

    Who is capitalising on BH’s death. Who tried their level best to turn the call for justice into a racial issue? If there is one thing magnanimous about this blog, it is at least Kit Siang allow imposters and paid bloggers to come here to give lots of sh!t. Why don’t you monkeys try it in BN’s blog?

    You monkeys are opportunists true and true. Now you see the chips of PR are down, and you are behaving exactly like BN to capture the momentum to finish off PR. It may well happen and we shall all go back to dark ages for another 50 years.

  13. //Are “they” setting the stage to conclude that BH committed suicide? I have to put a parenthesis on the word they in case a low life here think I am referring to him. He does not have that privilege.//

    Lim Kam Put, for your information and to your benefit the signs ” ” encapsulating word ‘they’ is, I believe, an open followed by close “inverted commas” rather than a “parenthesis “.

    Don’t misuse big words which you not understand. That is malapropism (ie a ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound!)

    A parenthesis is a word, phrase or sentence constituting explanatory or qualifying remarks marked off by brackets or dashes inserted into a larger/general passage (relating to which these explanatory or qualifying remarks are not part of the natural flow of thought or contents of the larger/general passage, and hence the mark offs!)

  14. “Remember that politicians will always be politicians, no matter which side they are on!”

    imranj78 … how very true … most of them never change. Its about making the most from any situation.

  15. Look at the content of the so called BLACK BLOG … how do we know its untrue? It may be … it may not be. Are we so arrogant that PR is 100% clean? Do we not need to try and investigate a bit? Wow … we want to burn BN but we cannot allow any dirt about PR? This is how BN was once upon a time … same recipe. – SpeakUp

    We are not arrogant but confident that PR if not 100% at least got 50% cleaner than BN lah.

  16. Imranj78, what do you expect PR to do? Keep quiet and be calm and wait for the authorities to take whatever necessary actions? I agree politicians are politicians and there could be politicking involved. But please don’t heap all of them on PR which I think it is grossly unfair. If there is anyone guiltier than PR, it is UMNO who has tried its level best to turn the cry for justice into a racial issue. Let me tell you this: the reality of this country is UMNO is still the unchallenged boss and that is why PR has to make as much noise as possible.

  17. Dawsheng … if we wish to criticise then be prepared for dirt to be brought up. No one is saying the Black Blog is TRUE but does it warrant further investigation?

    Its not saying that TBH or Ronnie Liu is the leader of Al Queda, its not ludicrous. Not yet … so?

  18. What I find really amazing is that PR was not this worked up when Kugan died, worse of all the marks on his body is nuts.

    Did anyone from PR scream when the news was released that 1,500 die a year in custody? Did anyone state that an Indian detainee died in police custody the day after Teoh passed away?

    Did DSAI ask for a RCI for any of the above? Who did? No one CARED … so at the end of the day, we only care when we want to care. Hahahahaaaa …

  19. imranj78 … how very true … most of them never change. Its about making the most from any situation.

    This is the logic of a monkey. If this monkey is right, we shall not have political parties and political processes. They are all the same; they will all try to make the most from any situation. Pathetic, even a real monkey is smarter than this half baked monkey.

  20. How to make an “authentic” document.

    1. Create a table in Word or Open Office.
    2. Copy pasta an Adun’s disbursement file that’s publicly available on his website.
    3. Make crap up on “authentic” document.
    4. Print out the document, fold it, and then scan it to make it look “authentic”
    4. ????
    5. PROFIT!!!!

    (My effort minus the scanner bit, since I’m too lazy to boot up mine)

  21. dawsheng,
    No one expects LKS and Anwar to keep quiet. It is natural to expect discontent and unhappiness about this matter. But to go about to inflame the situation further, blowing things out of proportion, `spinning’ facts to stroke the publics emotions etc. as done by PR are trademarks of politicians wanting to take advantage of a situation.

    everyone here seems to be rather civil in discussing and debating this matter besides you. calling people `monkey’ only makes YOU look bad and not anyone else. it’s good to see that no one else is stooping as low as you have in responding to your posts.

  22. Can you fellows see that what BN needs to do in this situation is to create doubts in BH’s cause of death. And I think they have done remarkably well, due largely to the fact that there are too many idiots even in this blog.

  23. {Lim Kam Put, for your information and to your benefit the signs ” ” encapsulating word ‘they’ is, I believe, an open followed by close “inverted commas” rather than a “parenthesis “.} (Jeffrey)

    Here you come again! Please don’t ever try to correct limkamput’s suspected English mistake if you are not 100% sure about the correctness of limkamput’s English usage. You are quite likely to provoke much more insult unto yourself if you really make limkamput mad!

    No one would have said that limkamput was wrong by using DOUBLE QUOTE to highlight “they” if we discuss about limkamput’s English usage in the context of American English. The American English will use the quotation mark in such a priority sequence:
    1) Double Quote ” “;
    2) Single Quote ‘ ‘;
    3) Big Bracket { }.

    Jeffrey, I guess you must be the learner of Queen’s English therefore you are used to use single quote first instead of double quote as the first proritised quotation mark in the English usage! limkamput is not always wrong in terms of English usage in this case!

  24. imranj78, well why don’t you read what these monkeys shout about me. I don’t care. I discuss substance here. If you can’t stand my style, that is your problem. I shall call an idiot an idiot, an imposter an imposter, and a paid blogger a paid blogger. I have no problem with that, try me.

    Look wannabe, you are not the master in English here. May be you are the master to all your monkeys.

  25. It is natural to expect discontent and unhappiness about this matter. But to go about to inflame the situation further, blowing things out of proportion, `spinning’ facts to stroke the publics emotions etc. as done by PR are trademarks of politicians wanting to take advantage of a situation. – imranj78

    Can you elaborate how PR inflame, blowing, spinning TBH death?

  26. if we wish to criticise then be prepared for dirt to be brought up. No one is saying the Black Blog is TRUE but does it warrant further investigation? – SpeakUp

    Where have you been? What is there to investigate?

  27. My take on all this is simple, the war will not stop until both sides learn that they are here to serve the people.

    DSAI is a power freak and he wants to be PM and have the day of his vengeance (hence the ranting and raving and trying to poach 41 MPs). Hadi wants to prove that PAS Islam can only lead Malaysia (remember he says PM is only from PAS). LKS has failed on many occassions along with Karpal Singh … they have only been able to criticise and not more.

    The saying, “An eye for an eye …” hold true here. MPs and ADUNs are here to serve the people and the nation. I know many in PR who have so much HATRED for BN. Did BN kill their father or raped their sister?

    Why not channel so much of the hatred into positive energy to serve the people? I am so sick of this hatred. Hatred begets more hatred. History has proven this.

  28. What I find really amazing is that PR was not this worked up when Kugan died, worse of all the marks on his body is nuts. – SpeakUp

    Where were you when Kugan died and what did you do about it, where were you when Beng Hock died and what did you do about it?

  29. Onlooker Politics: Lim Kam Put is right in usage of using (in American English) what is called Double Quote (or in Queen’s English, the open and close inverted commas) ” to highlight “they”. His usage of double quotes/commas for purpose of highlight and emphasis of a word “they” is correct but his description of his Double Quote as a “parenthesis” is wrong because the Double Quote is not a parenthesis and vice versa, an d use of the word “parenthesis” is malapropism.

  30. //What I find really amazing is that PR was not this worked up when Kugan died, worse of all the marks on his body is nuts.//

    Look, don’t ever say PR did not make noise when Kugan died.

    In life there are always priority and intensity. It is never equal and often it depends on situations and circumstances. Idealism is good to talk about, but I think life is not always white and black. In most cases it is grey. No one is really talking about PR is perfectly clean or should be perfectly clean. By the way, are we fighting for a perfectly clean society? No, I don’t think so; we are essentially fighting for a relatively clean society, a relatively tolerable society. So, a monkey is what a monkey does.

  31. One can see that what the ‘black blog’ dishes out are all fabrications and fantasies for a light reading. It is so obvious that these unseen hands are taking advantage of Teoh Beng Hock’s death of twisting facts to destabilise the Selangor Pakatan government, especially the DAP.

    This Bolehland has turned into Fantasyland where people live in fantasies as seen in the popular tv series called ‘Fantasy Island’!

  32. Dawsheng … I did not bother much about Kugan to be honest. It was quite sickening but when Teoh’s issue happened I felt it was the last straw. I wrote to MCA and Gerakan, I wrote to them telling them they are useless. I showed them their party vision and told them they are asses. I signed off with my real name and phone number.

    Now, what did you do? Pray tell …

  33. Dawsheng … learn this … don’t underestimate and do not dismiss things so fast.

    When LGE took the reigns of Penang he spoke out openly that KTK better come clean on a certain land deal. Everyone was so sure KTK was involved. Well, LGE ate his own words.

    LGE called for a debate with KTK, LGE looked really bad. DAP will never do it again I was told.

    Anwar says he has 41 BN MPs in his pocket, sorry la we know what story.

    Let’s keep an open mind, for all we know the whole thing may really be nonsense. The contracts may have been given to 1 person because that person gave the best service for the lowest dollar. Who knows right? Wait and see …

  34. Dawsheng … tell us what you did? Just come to LKS blog and call people names anonymously? Come on … you asked me what I did, I replied and now I ask of you … what did you do?

  35. //DSAI is a power freak and he wants to be PM and have the day of his vengeance (hence the ranting and raving and trying to poach 41 MPs). Hadi wants to prove that PAS Islam can only lead Malaysia (remember he says PM is only from PAS). LKS has failed on many occassions along with Karpal Singh … they have only been able to criticise and not more.//

    Goodness me, this is really pathetic. If one is in politics not to seek power, may i know what politics is for? May be this is how a monkey thinks. A monkey is what a monkey does.

    PR, i think you have no hope lah, but luckily it is just according to the monkey.

  36. “Why not channel so much of the hatred into positive energy to serve the people? I am so sick of this hatred. Hatred begets more hatred. History has proven this.” (Speakup)

    Perhaps all of us should have modelled after Jesus. We should hate the sins but we must still love the sinners!

    We hate to see untimely mysterious sudden death happening too much too often upon the detainees who were held under the custody of security forces such as the Police Force or the MACC but we must still love those racist scumbags in the Police Force and the MACC. We must keep telling them that racism is terribly wrong and extra-judicial killings are against the will of God. These rationales should form the moral basis for every right-thinking person to take up a position to rebut, refute, confute or berate the sins which have been committed by the sinners! Noone should have a strong reason to blame another one for doing wrong in rebutting a vile sin by accusing him/her for politicizing such a moral rebuttal!

  37. “Perhaps all of us should have modelled after Jesus. We should hate the sins but we must still love the sinners! ” – Jesus never said it, Gandhi did though. Hehehehe …

    Onlooker … for me if there is foul play in TBH’s death and the assailants are found, I think its best to stretch their necks SLOWLY and I mean it. Don’t bother with a jail sentence. Stretch their necks.

  38. I think it’s inept to say that ‘politicians will be politicians’ and also that ‘an incident is politicised’. Some incidents are harder to politicise than others. LKS even saw assassins in a punctured tyre not so long ago. The fact remains that a political aide from his party was found dead on the premises of a government agency who could – not unfairly – be said to be focussing their efforts on the Opposition, when they should be non-partisan. If the head of the MACC had been outraged, or leaders of the government had been outraged, at the time when the fellow’s apparently outrageous death was first revealed, Pakatan Rakyat wouldn’t have been able to make nearly as much political capital as they have.
    To call for PR to ‘channel their energies into serving the people in unity with the government’, while it appears government organs may be involved in the death of their assistants and explicitly don’t give a siht, is worse than insulting.
    I too want a credible report of what has happened and continues to happen, but ‘wait and see lah’, when all we’ve seen before is inexplicable death and cover-ups that wouldn’t fool a child, does not count as ‘credible’.
    I wonder how many people have to die before imranj78 considers holding candles as not ‘dis-proportionate’. Either a ratio of deaths/candle or a floor number of deaths before candles are proportionate will do. Perhaps he could come to some sort of consensus with SpeakUp and adapt his ‘eye for an eye’ to a contemporary Malaysian setting substituting ‘political aides’ and ‘candle’ for ‘eye’ as appropriate. I expect there’s plenty of time before BN kills your father or rapes your sister – you’re right, things could be worse, eh?

  39. Lim Kam Put, to point out your mistaking double quotes (purpose, to emphaize a word) from parenthesis (purpose, to mark insertion of an incidental thought/remark from a larger sentence in another direction) is intended more for you to help you correct your misunderstanding (hence the words “to your benefit”) than to ridicule. I don’t ridicule your English. Thats only form. The substance of what you say provide sufficient fodder for ridicule.

  40. //Gee, you wrote to MCA and Gerakan using your real name and phone number to tell them they are useless but you come to LKS blog using a moniker and talk nonsense. Great!//

    What to do, a monkey is what a monkey does, led by a chief monkey who has since vanished.

  41. Since you insist, i shall tell you what parenthesis could also means : it could also means set aside. I have used it in a general sense. There is no need for you to show your one upmanship here. In fact, if you have not noticed it, that has been your hallmark which irriate people like me, ok?

  42. “I expect there’s plenty of time before BN kills your father or rapes your sister – you’re right, things could be worse, eh?” (OrangRojak)

    Extra-judicial killings have already become a pattern rather than an unexpected accident in Malaysia. Some kind of checks-and-balances system must be instituted into the detention procedures and interrogation procedures of the security forces before another crime of extra-killing is to be committed by some racist elements resided in the security forces. This should be the top priority for the terms of reference which are to be followed by the soon-to-be-set-up Royal Commission of Inquiry. Whether the true cause of Teoh Beng Hock’s death can be found or not, the improvement in the institution of system of checks-and-balances is still the most imperative thing for Najib to do in order to prevent and stop the possible occurrence of another tragic incident similar to that happened to Teoh Beng Hock!

  43. This blog is indeed a real eye-opener to me. It tells me one though:
    In politics you have to be ruthless. You must have no second thoughts about using whatever means to get your opponent into trouble. If you cannot do that do not go into politics.

    Fret not… Whether there is truth or no truth in this blog, stay on course to press for answers to why poor Teoh Beng Hock was found dead in MACC building.

  44. “set aside” is (as a purpose) to mark apart a qualifying thought or remark from the flow of the general sentence in which the parenthesis is inserted. It is a different from “they” where ” ” is a double quote, not a parenthesis, and the purpose of double quote is to emphasise/highlight a perhaps special meaning attributed/assigned by you to the word (they) rather than set aside a collateral thought. There’s no upmanship here, I am just pointing to an error of use/understanding of the word “parenthesis” for correction. Whether it irritates you is of no concern to me.

  45. Onlooker … I say the best way is to hang those who did that to Teoh, show that is how it will be handled. That anyone who does anything like that will be hung to die slowly. Its a great deterrent. That is the only way to make those animals understand.

    Lkt … yes its ruthless, its very and some want to stir it up thinking they have people power? Sorry, in Malaysia people power does not exist. We are scared to die. That is a fact and we laugh at Thais and Filipinos, thinking we are better.

  46. In politics you have to be ruthless. You must have no second thoughts about using whatever means to get your opponent into trouble. If you cannot do that do not go into politics. -lkt-56

    In BN you have to be ruthless, you must have no second thoughts about using whatever means to get your opponent into trouble. If you cannot do that do not go into BN.

  47. //That is a fact and we laugh at Thais and Filipinos, thinking we are better.//

    Hello, no body in Malaysia thinks we are better than Thai and Filipinos, only those who can not think straight think so.

  48. In Thailand-they have the blue shirts
    In Iran-the basijs
    GErmany decades ago-SS and the brown shirts

    WE mustn’t allow even the slightest hint or thought of extra judicial and thuggish behaviour in our civil society.

    We now see the cleverly orchestrated cyber troops being unleashed-timed to perfection as Sat/Sun will be the best time for scandals to surface. Just in time also for the next few days to wrap up preliminary inquiries…

    But why o why..? correct me if i’m wrong..from Thursday til Sunday-where were the forensics? more than 72 hours..


  49. Funny … the 1st document is dated before PR took over … hmmmm … what is the blogger up to? This is most interesting … bearing in mind Hannah Yeoh is unhappy with Ronnie over the Subang park development issue. The plot thickens …

  50. “I say the best way is to hang those who did that to Teoh, show that is how it will be handled.” (Speakup)

    No matter what you say, the big question here still remains an unresolved riddle: “Who really killed Teoh Beng Hock?”

  51. “Your one upmanship is not just about the parenthesis. It is who you are, got it? It is your prime attribute in case no one has told you yet.”

    You see in others what you are. Thats why you go round disparaging what others say and calling them names. Who would do that if he is not himself guilty of upmanship?

  52. My sister had frequent terrible rows with our mother when we were both teenagers. I clearly remember one particularly intense row when my sister stormed up the stairs, only pausing long enough to shout “and you always have to have the last word!“, which made my mothers face twitch visibly. She managed several seconds before shouting up the stairs “No I don’t!

    I don’t know what reminded me of that.

  53. Hey … I was reading about the Black Blog and how Ronnie will call for a press conference. This is called a BLACK BLOG to discredit certain people and it seems to upset many.

    However, many find it ok for the PM to be labelled a murderer when Gobind does not have a shred of evidence in hand. So what gives?

    Even Altantuya’s own diary has no link to the PM, even her own family has no evidence of her link to the PM. But we all wanna say that the PM is a murderer?

    Are Malaysian’s fair? If we are not how can we develop a fair society? How can we eradicate corruption and all? I really wonder …

  54. //You see in others what you are. Thats why you go round disparaging what others say and calling them names. Who would do that if he is not himself guilty of upmanship?//

    Just look at the way you pursue me on this parenthesis thing – I think generally people will know who is suffering from this superior complex and up-man-ship. You want me to praise you is it? Well, if you can write like sA1nT_Jam3s, may be I would give some. But so long as you remain a paid blogger, I will despise you. I know your standard, past and present.

  55. bclee … the documents at present show nothing much. At present … watch and see where it goes. Let’s see if its all nonsense for so fun or perhaps it leads to something. Only time will tell …

  56. Someone here wants to be the defend counsel for certain vip. Have a RCI then (even though RCI would most probably find nothing) to find out whether what this half baked defend counsel said is true.

  57. Mahatma Ghandi ever said, “An eye for an eye. All will be turned blind!”

    No one shall be able to justify the crime of extra-judicial killing with whatever reason. Even if the killer of Teoh Beng Hock can be finally found, a fair trial must still be given to the alleged killer in accordance with the proper legal proceedings or in accordance with due process of law before bringing to the conviction of the alleged.

    We should not encourage any form of vengeance by putting law into one’s own hand! As a long-term solution, we should try to avoid the possibility of letting extra-judicial killings happen again and again in the lockup or in the interrogation room of the security forces. Prevention is better than cure. We should prevent happening of extra-judicial killings due to racist hatred by taking proper measure to eradicate all the racist elements from the security forces through a mental brainwash training that is to be done on all suspected racist elements in the security forces. The mental state of the top officers of the security forces must be frequently monitored by the designated medical doctors in order to help detect any clue of possible racist outburst from the top officers due to unbearable work stress. The top officers of security forces who have the license to kill but who have been driven crazy by the tough workload are the most dangerous men sitting around everyone of us. If Najib does not take any precautionary action in order to put check on the repetition of extra-judicial killings, then it should be warned that the next victim may possibly be someone coming from Najib’s immediate family!

  58. What we see is a very clever “tit-for-tat” fight between BN and PR. Now that PR is put under the same accusation (of corruption) and I am beginning to see the lack of faith in PR displayed by some supporters.

    Disagreements within the ranks of PR also get some of the supporters shaken up to the extend that they turned cynical… asking what difference are there between BN and PR.

    My faith is still with PR to continue to lead us towards a Malaysia that is free of communal politics. We must NOT waver from our objective of turning Malaysia into a two party system where the citizens have a choice…

    I wish the childish quarrels among those who comment will stop. Instead let us reinforce each other in the believe that PR can and will take us towards the NEW MALAYSIA that we dared dream off after the March GE.

    Let us not waver in our believe that PR leadership has the WISDOM to lead us through this trying period.

  59. Are Malaysian’s fair?
    They look dark to me, but I wouldn’t give the benefit of the doubt to anyone who did what you’ve just done to an apostrophe.

    You’re being obtuse, or worse. I can’t remember the exact circumstances of the “Come back here you murderer” thing, but I have a similar opinion of that incident as I do of the recent ejection of Toyo for “calling into question the bias of the Speaker”. Malaysia has the most incompetent public servants I have ever witnessed. Either politicians are free from threat to say what they feel needs to be said, or they’re not. By all means, call each other ‘blooyd batsards’ or laugh at the female mps for leaking, but after order is called, sit down and resume. Is an apology actually needed? I’m not sure about that. If a member won’t respond to a call for order, then suspend him.

    Gobind was echoing the suspicions of many, which the government has manifestly failed to lay to rest. Regardless of what the truth is in the case of the exploding model, many don’t believe that justice is being done. Gobind merely summarised that feeling.

    ‘Black Blog’ is catchy, isn’t it? The media have already picked that blog up. In the perennial information vacuum that is Malaysia, it’s as credible as any other source. LKS dismisses it lightly at his peril. If he doesn’t place any importance in the online medium, who will?

  60. Lkt … its not about wavering support … you got that very wrong. Its about not interesting in seeing BICKERING. That is the issue. Fragmentation is the issue. LGE said it, RPK said it, Hannah Yeoh felt it … its real.

    This Black Blog is not another matter causing wavering support, its just makes us wonder what the hell is happening to the nation. Tit for what tat?

    Who the hell is running the country when time is spent to undo another?

  61. //If Najib does not take any precautionary action in order to put check on the repetition of extra-judicial killings, then it should be warned that the next victim may possibly be someone coming from Najib’s immediate family!// onlooker politics

    Goodness me, loose cannon balls are really spreading fast, i think i better get out of this place fast before being hit by one.

    I really hope your posting on July 25th, 2009 00:43 is a joke.

  62. “You want me to praise you is it?” – Lim Kam Put

    Please spare me. From one such as you, a praise would be worse than an insult.

    You said I was spotting and pointing mistakes instead of discussing some substance here.

    I thought I was all the time doing the latter until I was distracted by your spotting and pointing mistakes and calling names, so what are you complaining now if I set aside other priorities and imitate you (nay adjust to your level) to do the same? It seems at this moment a pleasant and diverting thing to do. Imitation is indirect compliment, isn’t it?

  63. #29 by SpeakUp on July 25th, 2009 00:48:
    Lkt … its not about wavering support … you got that very wrong. Its about not interesting in seeing BICKERING. That is the issue. Fragmentation is the issue. LGE said it, RPK said it, Hannah Yeoh felt it … its real.

    The same (fragmentation) can be said of BN. ;)
    Looking at how ordinary people here (who are NOT into party politics) are engaging in childish quarrels here, does it surprise you that the real politicians should have differences amongst themselves?

    The real test of strength and maturity is staying on course with fully focused with your objectives despite all the distractions whether real or deliberately conjured up to distract you from your objectives.


  64. “Looking at how ordinary people here (who are NOT into party politics) are engaging in childish quarrels here, does it surprise you that the real politicians should have differences amongst themselves?” – I Agree!!!

    “The real test of strength and maturity is staying on course with fully focused with your objectives despite all the distractions whether real or deliberately conjured up to distract you from your objectives.” – very well put! ICHIBAN!!!

  65. //However, many find it ok for the PM to be labelled a murderer when Gobind does not have a shred of evidence in hand. So what gives? // SpeakUP
    For a person to say that there is not a shred of evidence he/she is either a running dog Najib or is blind and deaf.

    What about the statutory declaration of private investigator Bala?

    Who has the authority to direct the immigration to erase the entry record of Altantuya?

    Who has the authority to access to C4 from the inventory of the Ministry of Defence?

    Two bodyguards of Najib were convicted of the murder but what about the motive? Irrelevant?

  66. “Black” blog alleges that your state executive councillor siphoned off state funds in 2008. This is denied.

    If allegation were untrue, then sue the black bloggist for libel and lodge a police report against him for criminal defamation (as they did to RPK).

    ]I thought that the The Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia or SKMM) in conjunction with relevant Internet service provider could ascertain the Internet protocol tracing/identifying the bloggist.

    Is the DAP going to press SKMM to do that to exculpate its councillor from allegations of an anonymous blogger?

  67. #41 by Jeffrey on July 25th, 2009 01:09 – Is the DAP going to press SKMM to do that to exculpate its councillor from allegations of an anonymous blogger?

    Why waste time and resources on politics of distractions? What are our objectives?

  68. Sightseeing … WOW! Amazing, with those 4 items we can really nail the PM!!! Whooppeeeee … let’s bring out the lynch mob. Eh … go to law school first before you want to talk like in a coffee shop ok. That itself is very insufficient.

    Let me tell another story that is most plausible, not saying that it is the answer to the mystery.

    You see this Razak guy was damn gatal la, he could not keep his d!ck in his pants so he was hammering this interpreter real well. He did eventually get her pregnant despite having a wife.

    Now he starts to panic as she is pregnant, so she get’s really p!ssed off and tells him to hand over money (for her or as her commission we do not know) and if not she will probably spill the beans (about their affair or some interesting deals).

    Razak panics, asks for help (maybe PM or PM’s wife etc who knows). Well, you get some mad war mongering bodyguards who come to assist. Razak wants her shut up and guess what they do? They, being low IQ buggers (why take her when there is a commotion, neighbours would have at least heard it and seen it BUT it was a taxi driver who said it) decide to blow her up.

    Now, that is most plausible … better than 4 small matters that can miraculously pin the PM with a murder.

  69. IKT56,

    What OrangRojak said in earlier posting – “Black Blog’ is catchy, isn’t it? The media have already picked that blog up. In the perennial information vacuum that is Malaysia, it’s as credible as any other source” on July 25th, 2009 00:47 – has some truth.

    Black Blog’s allegations are serious. One cannot be allowed to make allegations, if such allegations are spurious, fabricated and untrue, in the public domain without personal consequences.

    To pursue SKMM/ISP for Internet protocol of Black Blog with a view to identify/trace blogger to make him justify his allegations or face the consequences of being sued for libel or prosecuted for criminal defamation is one of the traditional methods by which the ones wronged by such allegations vindicate themselves. To counter allegations blog to blog, word against word, is helpful to an extent, but does not explain why resolve is not envinced in pursuing recourse all the way to make the blogger accountable for lies and misstatements. The absence of such resolve may convince some that there is some truth in the allegations that cannot withstand disclosure in a contested environment of open court, whether civil (as in a libel case) or criminal as in a criminal prosecution case (if the poluice should, pursuant to a report lodged, investigate case and recommend charge).

    So it is not exactly “waste time and resources on politics of distractions”.

    What are our objectives? To rebut the allegations as spurious and fabricated. So isn’t this the way, to go after the blogger making irresponsible statements which, if unrebutted by concrete action against him, will inflict irreparable damage on DAP’s standing, not to mention another round of MACC investigations (based on Black Blogger’s allegations) into the councillors alleged to have done wrong?

  70. //Razak panics, asks for help (maybe PM or PM’s wife etc who knows).// SpeakUp
    I thought you said there is not a shred of evidence?

    So according to the most plausible story of yours, Najib is guilty of condoning and cover up of a murder. Why Najib has to condone the murder if is not connected to the murder?

    Why is AG, the lapdog of Najib protecting his boss from being called as a witness in the murder trial?

  71. This “black blog” is epic phail IMO.

    Look at the first ‘proof’ (excel sheet that has been printed, folded then scanned).

    Start date : 28.01.08

    January 2008? How does this make sense? The election was not even carried out yet.

    Second thing to notice,


    Based on

    ADUN SG PELEK is MCA – Yap Ee Wah by a 1.5k majority.

    This blog is utter bull**** and I’m surprised Malaysiakini even bothered to mention it. It’s a disgrace to TBH’s memory.

  72. SpeakUp,
    The reason you come to LKS’s blog is to discredit PR and to defend UMNO/ BN by practicing double standards, no different from the UMNO controlled MSM.
    This was what you said in regard to the Black Blog: //Look at the content of the so called BLACK BLOG … how do we know its untrue? It may be … it may not be. Are we so arrogant that PR is 100% clean? Do we not need to try and investigate //SpeakUp on July 24th, 2009 22:25
    And this was what you said in regard to the accusation against Najib in the murder of Altantuya: //Sightseeing … WOW! Amazing, with those 4 items we can really nail the PM!!! Whooppeeeee … let’s bring out the lynch mob. Eh … go to law school first before you want to talk like in a coffee shop ok. That itself is very insufficient.// SpeakUp on July 25th, 2009 01:21

    Don’t insult people who talk in coffee shops. They may not have gone to law school but they sure know how to discern the barking of an UMNO’s running dog.

  73. Sightseeing, I am glad you see that there are so many half baked monkeys masquerade as free speakers coming here with the sole intent to discredit PR. These are the real spineless opportunists who are most probably paid bloggers intending to finish off PR when they see that the chips are down.

  74. //To counter allegations blog to blog, word against word, is helpful to an extent, but does not explain why resolve is not envinced in pursuing recourse all the way to make the blogger accountable for lies and misstatements. The absence of such resolve may convince some that there is some truth in the allegations that cannot withstand disclosure in a contested environment of open court, whether civil (as in a libel case) or criminal as in a criminal prosecution case (if the poluice should, pursuant to a report lodged, investigate case and recommend charge).//

    OH, go to court to seek justice and expecting the authorities to prosecute those who did wrong! Well, it depends who did wrong and to whom, got it? Where did you come from, Mars? Didn’t Perak PR go to court and didn’t they sue and counter sue? May I know what is the latest, the great lawyer wannabe?

    Now we have this chief “masquerader” who proposes that DAP should make report to the Police and SKMM as if he does not know that all federal apparatuses are the poodles of UMNO. Look, if the black blog has any truth, those involved would have been charged or blackmailed a long time ago.

    There are mountains of abuses and misdeeds happening among BN parties, but none of the monkeys here could see. We have this black blog whose content was not even proven and yet they are making mountains out of moth hills.

    By the way, I don’t think we are fighting for a perfect society. Life is never black or white. Most of the time it is grey. Please don’t come here with holier than thou attitude. All political parties need funding to survive. Idealism is good, but it does not put food on the table and getting the greater agenda served.

    Look, you fellows don’t have to take an opposite position just to disagree with me. I am nothing. But please be fair and honest with yourselves, at least intellectually.

  75. //“The real test of strength and maturity is staying on course with fully focused with your objectives despite all the distractions whether real or deliberately conjured up to distract you from your objectives.” – very well put! ICHIBAN!!!//

    You mean fully focused on your hidden agenda to discredit PR even though there are distractions from me? I can’t agree with you more.

  76. //I forgot … we do have some nuts here! Hahahahaaa …//

    Yes some nuts – the odd nut is none other than SpeakUp@Loose cannon ball 1 (remember you got promoted from Loose cannon 2).

  77. ///… probably paid bloggers intending to finish off PR when they see that the chips are down./// – Lim Kam Put

    Lim Kam Put of course knows who are paid bloggers here (paid by UMNO/MCA) because his suspicions are always correct and maybe he even has copies of their payslips from BN masters. He got the copies from the paymasters themselves.

    Soon these will be posted just like the alleged documents containing 83 projects (item 89 to 172) in Sg Pelek constituency given to one Wong Chuan Chow which “Black Blogger” promised he would post in due course.

  78. What the divided country faces is large section of people having lost faith in the system and the institutions (whether courts, police, MACC, Mainstream Media) traditionally charged with investigations and determination of facts and truths. Many believe that these institutions are more interested to preserve the ruling government. there is no more impartiality.

    This being the case where else can people go to look for facts and the truth?

    Why the Internet of course! Tis an interesting medium!

    One can say all lies or a blend of truth mixed with lies. One can (like RPK says) this is what I hear from so and so (hearsay), you believe it or not – up to you. Even hearsay can say the truth, no matter it does not meet the legal standard.

    Now one can be like black blogger purporting to detail corrupt transactions of DAP councillors behind a veil of anonymity..

    Or as Lim Kam Put, ascribe how certain commentators and visitors here are being “paid” by BN masters “to finish off PR”.

    The BN has and will resort to police and courts to deal with PR.

    The problem however is that electors/voters (esp the young who will make up more of the voters for next GE) would not believe in these traditional institutions, perceived “controlled”, anymore, preferring to turn to Internet.

    It then becomes necessary for BN to find ways to answer (apple for apple, orange for orange) the challenge of the Opposition, NGOs and others arrayed against it in this medium (Internet).

    The propaganda war shifts to overdrive to this medium. Pro BN web sites, blog sites (whether described white or black), cyber troopers against the anti govt, pro-opposition web sites or blog sites or what claims to be neutral/fair websites. So that there are “two” sides of the story. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

    This is what happens when people loose faith in the system. There will be no independent benchmark with which one can anchor one’s faith on what purports to be the truth/facts.

    It becomes free for all, it becomes we believe in what we like or choose to believe that we read on the Internet….we can also post and write whatever we like in this medium; we can call others “corrupt” as the black blogger does or “paid blogger” “monkeys”, “phang tang sai” “stupid” as the other does here – semua pun ok, its free for all, freedom of speech or freedom to malign, who cares good times are back again.

  79. Jeffrey,it’s a pity that you have surrendered your self to the devil when you said”apple for apple,orange for orange ” and “semua pun ok”.I think an intelligent person would not accept anything as correct or the truth based on posting in any blogs or in any medias as well.Anything said without sufficient proof or concrete proof is not good and should not be acceptable.Intelligent people or noble people would not seek an eye for an eye but would find solution to problem or worst of all a compromise. Sure we value freedom of speech but it must come with responsiblity.If people used freedom to malign,one must be able to restrain the devil’s temptation and not seek revenge. Remember “faint heart never win fair lady”. Also remember there’s always some one who cares.Need not I have to remind you of the good samaritan.Evil people do evil thing,need we must follow them ? I think,good people,no matter what,will continue to do good not just for themselves but for others as well.Hence I think joining others to seek revenge is pure stupidity.

  80. Jeffrey, if you can’t take the heat, don’t go to the kitchen. Who is talking about free for all? You know what, if I read your post in totality, you are again trying to subtlety say that all internet sites are not reliable and we have to ultimately rely on official institutions as the final arbiter to dispense justice. Some may be idiots, but not all are. Have we not waited in vain for the authorities to do the proper and right things? Are we generally satisfied with our expectation?

    When we read what were posted in the internet, we have discernment to know when there was truth and when it was out right propaganda and spin.

    In any case, are we seeking for the ultimate truth here – the utopia society? Definitely not. We are merely seeking who is the lesser evil and move on from there. Given the state we are in now, any incremental improvement is a bonus.

  81. Some of the transactions took place before Pakatan came into power in Selangor or before 8 March 2008. On one page with the Bil. 01 to 10, the transactions are RM67,600.00. Bil. 11 to 77 are missing. Suddenly, we come to a page with Bil. 78 to 88, the transactions are dated 28 February 2008 to 5 March 2008 amounting to RM24,900.00. Bil. 89 on the same page is dated 4 July 2008.

    The BeEnd government was so generous to give money to Ronnie Liu before the TSUNAMI 308 election for development.

    “Black blogger” are you an evil spirit? You cannot even show decent respect to the dead. Are you so heartless even going to an extend to despise a departed soul?

  82. Of course, with the Internet, we can all travel many different paths
    Many journeys
    Some journeys condemn BN, other PR
    As the buxom heavy cleavaged lady (right advert) seductively entice us
    “Start your journey now, my Lord”

  83. There are different layers on that black blog
    Perhaps the black blog really meant to expose corruptions during BN’s rule
    Remember, just before 308, Selangor BN state assemblymen emptied their huge annual buy-goodwill allocations in two months
    Just replace the names of TBH and the 2 DAP Selangor excos with names of BN people serving Selangor during Jan n Feb 08
    The exposure will become believeable
    Will the real Wong Chuan Chow stand up to be counted

  84. English nursery rhyme ‘Who killed Cock Robin’

    Who killed Cock Robin?
    Not I, said MACC.

    Who saw him die?
    Not I, said MACC.

    Who discovered his body?
    I, said MACC.

    Who’ll be chief mourner?
    I, said the Dove,
    I mourn for my love,
    I’ll be chief mourner.

    Who’ll toll the bell?
    I said the bull,
    because I can pull,
    I’ll toll the bell.

    All the birds of the air
    fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
    when they heard the bell toll
    for poor Cock Robin.

  85. Umno’s stand has always been this: Anything coming from dap or pakatan is either not true or a lie. Of course umno is too detached from reality to make such judgments correctly or reliably. When we compained about safety in our homes and on our streets, they disbelieved us thinking that the issue is a mere exaggeration or a spin by the opposition. They even have the audacity to brush it off with stupid and arrogant replies like “we are safer than singapore” and “at least we dont have bomb blasts on our streets”. When chinese in the country show their unhappiness with the way umno runs the country again they did nothing positive to correct the situation. I pick these two issues for a reason. There are many others actually. And the reason is because for these two particular issues, we have some statistics by umno themselves to tell the grave truth about our complaints. Safety: 97% thumbed down. Should MCA leave BN: 70+% thumbed up.

    Why am I raising these issues? Its about beng hock. Again here umno obviously does not appreciate the depth and seriousness of the problem and obviously misjudged the concern of voters over his mysterious death. The stupid blackblog is evidence of an effort to belittle the nation and the feelings of her people. This is big time. This is playing with big fire by umno. Umno firmly believes that it will not get burned. That is of course true. Burned? No. But roasted? Certainly.

  86. I saw an unclear scan of a long list (going into several pages) of what are allegedly payments made by someone to someone. It was I presume supposed to be a complete list of such payments. Now who would compile those payments into a list? DAP? Come on. The compiler must be someone from outside DAP. In which case one need to ask: how reliable is that list? This of course depends on the sources from which the list is drawn up. He would not show his sources (which of course I believe he has none). Therefore as the list stands it devoid of meaning insofar as its contents are concerned. The reason for posting such a meaningless list must then be to cast a negative innuendo upon DAP.

    Smart counter move? No. Actually very stupid. Another own-goal scored by umno. Let us watch this issue grow into a full blown offshoot from the main beng hock issue. Only then umno will see that ball in their own net. And as always, that will be too late for them to reverse things.

  87. /// When we read what were posted in the internet, we have discernment to know when there was truth and when it was out right propaganda and spin….In any case, are we seeking for the ultimate truth here – the utopia society? Definitely not. We are merely seeking who is the lesser evil and move on from there. Given the state we are in now, any incremental improvement is a bonus/// – LimKamPut.

    Ah this part of your civilised expression of opinion, I have no quarrel with either content or form ….

    Now a bit more on “free for all” which seems to be misconstrued by you & FrankYapp.

    “Free for all” is description of state of affairs as it is now in following senses:

    1. BN knows that its detractors and sizeable portion of electorate (“Opposition supporters”) have moved against them having lost faith in legitimacy of all existing institutions whether police, anti corruption agencies, courts and media (traditional institutions used to prop up, support and legitimize their rule). I call this a systemic breakdown.

    2. People and Opposition supporters will then, in a systemic breakdown, rely in Internet medium, whether on line bulletin websites or blog sites for information.

    3. Therefore the battle ground to win back support is in this medium (Internet);

    4. Now that (especially) MACC investigations on DAP councillors are discredited by Teoh’s mysterious death, the sudden emergence of black blog and its contents are an exanple of how this battle is fought and counterwaged by it via this medium.

    5. While I am not an advocate of “free for all” in the sense of urging people to read without sifting chaff from wheat and testing internal consistencies of what’s posted, the fact remains the Internet allows much leeway for either side [whether (say) BN black blog or RPK’s MalaysiaToday)] against the other to post allegations against the other without conforming to the traditional standards of proof as required by (say) courts, especially where the need even by the ruling elite for the courts to legitimize their truth of allegations against the other side is of no more persuasive force when large sections of people distrust the courts since 1988 judiciary crisis, the Lingam video clip and spate of pro govt decisions in wake of Perak State Govt power grab.

    6. The upshot of 5 above against backfrop of systemic breakdown is to usher in a state of affairs of “free for all” in the Internet where the battle ground for the hearts and minds of voters is fought where allegations are made by one side against the other without much care for standards of proof or verification or consistency, and that in spite of such methods, the propaganda advantages for persuasion are there to reap by reasons of majority, moved by human bias, likely to be not discerning regarding what to believe or what to ignore and be skeptical. (Per remark “some may be idiots, but not all are” may be true but what is the proportion of gullible against those not within the vote bank?)

    7. In the sense stated above, the battle ground through medium of Internet has become “free for all”. I am just describing what the state of affairs/field of contention has become as distinct from saying that that is advocated as a desirable state to determine the political future of the country.

  88. ///You know what, if I read your post in totality, you are again trying to subtlety say that all internet sites are not reliable and we have to ultimately rely on official institutions as the final arbiter to dispense justice/// – Lim Kam Put

    My response : a total misreading! No where in my posting suggests this.

  89. Another of BN ploy to confuse and divert attention of the rakyat. This black blog reporting is all bullshit. Those behind this blog must have hidden agenda. The rakyat will never ever believe what this blog write.
    WE support PKR 101% to pursue all the current evils deeds e.g Teoh’s murder(not dead); PKFZ, KT Toyoland… etc….by the ruling party politicians particularly ex-politicians till everyone is brought to justice.
    Long live PKR!!!

  90. I wonder if those who love to name call and insult within this blog will have the guts to go to Kg Buah Pala on 3rd August and stand with the residents?

    An interesting stand off may be taking place there and I will be there. I think some here will not have the guts as they only dare to talk from the comfort of their sofas.

    We have too many who talk with coffee shop reasoning in here, can’t imagine how they are given the right to vote. Lucky, in Malaysia we have literally done away with jury trials (except for murder cases), if not then God help us.

  91. //Lucky, in Malaysia we have literally done away with jury trials (except for murder cases), if not then God help us.//

    See, a loose cannon is what a loose cannon does = tembak here and there. Look, you can’t even get one thing right and how would others believe you.

    What Kg Buah Pala, ask Hindraf to solve it lah, they have a new godfather, don’t they?

  92. //We have too many who talk with coffee shop reasoning in here, can’t imagine how they are given the right to vote. //

    Hmmm, who really, let me see, is it the loud mouth loose cannon? I guess it right, am i not?

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