Are the 10 MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers prepared collectively to lodge official reports with the police and the MACC to protect the life of Ong Tee Keat as well as to uphold the integrity of the Barisan Nasional government and Cabinet against the “dark forces” of corruption?

The joint statement of three MCA Ministers and seven deputy ministers pledging total allegiance to Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat as MCA President and Transport Minister is most extraordinary in more senses than one, including:

  • Nobody in MCA, Umno, Barisan Nasional or outside feels or believes that Ong Tee Keat is fighting a “life-and-death” crisis in preserving his positions as MCA President and Transport Minister.
  • Treated as minor news by the mass media, even by MCA-owned Star when it should be blazoned as front page headline news, with tertiary treatment in the Chinese media while totally ignored by the Bahasa Malaysia media;
  • Hardly a flicker of interest of the Malaysian public or even the one million MCA membership.

MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers are trying to stage a second “David Copperfield” performance in Malaysia in 24 hours.

The first “David Copperfield” – the world famous magician or illusionist – performance was the Cabinet decision on Wednesday giving Malaysians the illusion that there will be a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes of the death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock at MACC headquarters on 16th July 2009 when actually there is no such RCI.

The second “David Copperfield” performance is by the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers in trying to create another illusion that there is a “life-and-death” political crisis for Ong Tee Keat when there is none!

Can the three MCA Ministers and seven MCA Deputy Ministers explain why they are trying to manufacture such a synthetic “life-and-death” political crisis for MCA President and Transport Minister, which had failed abysmally to convince or impress anyone?

The ten MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers would have made greater public impression if they had dared to collectively issue a public statement pledging full support to Ong to demand that the Cabinet review and change its decision on Wednesday so as to establish a comprehensive Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes of Teoh’s death, the MACC’s interrogation techniques as well as why the MACC had failed to act independently and professionally to declare war against corruption but instead acted as Umno and BN catspaw to declare war on Pakatan Rakyat and selectively persecute Pakatan Rakyat leaders to topple the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government!

At minimum, let the 10 MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers have the courage to name me or deny that they are referring to me in their unusual statement of support for Ong Tee Keat as MCA President and Transport Minister in facing a “life-and-death” political crisis.

In their statement, the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers said Ong is facing his “life-and-death” political crisis because of the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

The joint statement condemned those who “ create obstacles, make threats, suppress the truth and mislead the public ” in the unfolding PKFZ “mother of all scandals”.

If the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers are referring to me, say so. If they are not referring to me, say so as well.

I will respond accordingly if the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers have the courage to name me as one of the targets of their extraordinary statement to try to save Ong’s political life.

One thing is for sure. Their joint statement will not save Ong from my continuing to question the MCA President why he had failed to honour his pledge when he became Transport Minister 16 months ago that he would “tell all” about the PKFZ scandal, in particular how a RM1.088 billion scandal under Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik as Transport Minister in 2002 could quadruple to RM4.6 billion under Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy as Transport Minister in 2006 and now set to become a RM12.5 billion scandal under Ong.

I had asked Ong 108 questions in my 36-day “three questions a day” on the PKFZ scandal and the MCA President had been running for cover for over a month, right from his scooting to France for the Paris Air Show when Parliament first met on June 15, 2009.

Ong’s failure and inability to answer the 108 questions is akin to his failure to pass as Transport Minister and MCA President like Shaolin disciples in “fighting stories” who could not pass the gauntlet of the 108 movements of Shaolin Wooden-men Lane and 18 Lohans to qualify leaving the Shaolin Mountain out into the world.

But all this sequel to demand full responsibility and accountability from Ong for the PKFZ scandal has to wait for another day, as the more immediate national concerns consuming my time and energy are to get justice over Teoh’s mysterious death, to bring down the crime rate to ensure that Malaysians can be safe in the streets, public places and the privacy of their homes; as well as to demand a fair and just solution to the PPSMI controversy.

In his wide-ranging interview with Sin Chew Jit Poh last Thursday and in his speech at a MCA function on Sunday, Ong made the most serious allegations ever about high-level corruption and abuses of power reaching all the way to the Cabinet, causing him to allege that corruption had emerged under the Najib premiership from the “darkness” into the open to do their evil work.

Ong even claimed that he was now “under siege” from people with vested interest in PKFZ, including some from within BN, revealing that he had received death threats from underworld figures and whose influence have gone as high as the Cabinet level.

Imagine a Cabinet Minister receiving death threats for carrying out his Ministerial duties!

Are the 10 MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers prepared collectively to lodge official reports with the police and the MACC to protect the life of Ong as well as to uphold the integrity of the Barisan Nasional government and Cabinet against the “dark forces” of corruption?

If they are afraid to lodge such reports, I can do it for them!

55 Replies to “Are the 10 MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers prepared collectively to lodge official reports with the police and the MACC to protect the life of Ong Tee Keat as well as to uphold the integrity of the Barisan Nasional government and Cabinet against the “dark forces” of corruption?”

  1. It’s time and high time now for MCA to walk the talk and not the other way round.

    Be serious and lodge a police report to protect your boss1

    Action speaks louder than words!

  2. crime is getting worse in the country, now that even the transport minister is receiving life and death threats.

    everyone fears crime too. can these 10 ministers and deputy ministers protect our life? otk’s life is more important? otk should clear up the billion ringgit scandal first.

    crimes are getting worse. so these 10+1 ministers and deputy ministers could not do their job. they should collectively tender resignation.

  3. So police resources are being diverted to protect certain MCA people because of unsubstantiated “threats”. Ong Tee Keat now has police protection. Lee Hwa Beng has police protection. What about the average man on the street who has been crying out for police protection ?

  4. “The steps they take include threats on my personal safety as well as applying internal pressure in an attempt to stop me from disclosing the content of the report” – President of MCA, Datuk Sri Ong Tee Keat (OTK)

    He said the forces included the persons involved in the incident themselves, politico-business forces with connection to the persons directly involved in the incident, as well as certain quarters within the ruling coalition. He even said someone had delivered him a message through some “secret society brothers” saying, “If you’re wiped out from this world some day, you should know why this has happened!” – exclusive interview with Sin Chew Daily.

    10 MCA cabinet ministers and deputy ministers have come out in a joint statement in support of OTK. However Dr Chua Soi Lek (“CSL”) (apparently of the other MCA faction) belittled the show of support. CSL said such acts were of little significance to the general public, as all the 10 individuals were appointees of the prime minister based on Ong’s recommendations. “As the president of MCA, he can get all the ministers and deputy ministers to sign the statement,” said CSL. (Source – Malaysiakini, Jul 23, 09)

    No matter that this may be an indication of a power struggle within MCA, such a statement coming from a Cabinet Minister, a President of MCA, the second-largest component party of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition is very serious for two reasons:-

    First, allegations of politico-business forces with connection to the persons directly involved in RM12 billion PKFZ scandal suggest corruption, a fit and proper subject of investigation of MACC;

    Second, a message through some “secret society brothers” saying, “If you’re wiped out from this world some day…” is criminal intimidation, and offence by itself, even if OTK were not “wiped out” – a fit and proper subject of investigation of MACC.

    OTK said, in his judgment, “some of the things are not convenient to be told at this moment!” (Malaysiakini).

    However where two possible offences – corruption and criminal intimidation – have been or are being committed, his personal judgment becomes irrelevant, and it raises the question, as you said, why OTK is not doing his duty of making a police report, an omission that gives the impression that he is condoning them?

    Also if OTK, in his infinite wisdom, does not find it necessary to lodge report, why are the MACC and the Police not launching investigations on their own of this allegations in the face of what OTK publicly said?

    (Please note that it is been clarified the umpteenth time by the authorities themselves in the past that they don’t need a black and white report being lodged by any victim to launch investigations on their own).

    Regarding this RCI on Teoh looking into MACC’s investigation/interrogatory techniques : perhaps one should enquire why in certain cases its officers are so overzealous in questioning even witnesses until wee hours of the morning and in other cases like OTK’s allegations, they are not zealous to launch an investigation on their own even when they are vested powers to do so.

  5. Correction: “…..Second, a message through some “secret society brothers” saying, “If you’re wiped out from this world some day…” is criminal intimidation, and offence by itself, even if OTK were not “wiped out” – a fit and proper subject of investigation of POLICE (not MACC)…”

  6. As mentioned in my previous thread and much earlier when YB LKS has set up this portal for many of us to rants, Malaysia has become a land where the rich somehow manipulated our judiciary system to make law protect the Minister, Menteri Besar, Datuk and so called little Napolian like the deceased Zakariah.

    The reason is after independent there are many doubts which is left unanswered? who should be the master of this country? it is likely the rich now.

    They will never become poor unless the people riot, and rebel, during this time an Emergency Act will occur, and Najis will seize this opportunity to unite all the state as he controlled the military.

    Only WAR can bring change to this land of mass corruption. It happen in any third world country as well.

    We are doing better, unlike Myanmar thousand of political enemy are jailed, and surprisingly Najis on behalf of Malaysia support Myanmar to remain in Asean. A leader who support jailing of political opponent, will not do any better, he would also want to make use of ISA if the time is ripe, any time now.

  7. LG :Ong TK sounded like he is fighting courageous without fear of losing his position or life to release the truth and bring the cuplrits of the PkFZ’s multi-billion scandal.
    I would say that he is a big Bullshit. A “sandiwara” by a lousy imposter of David Copperfield. By his numerous past and present actions and words, He is really a chicken, a toothless pussycat and a lapdog for UMNO to play with.
    He as the President of MCA, promised to Teoh’s family to push for a Royal Commision of Inquiry concerning the truth of Teoh’s death. Now the PM decided to have only an inquest by a court which the Teoh’s family, as well as the general public, does not have confidence (especially the judiciary and police investigation findings) and has completely rejected such decision.
    Where is the pushing for RCI? Where is his strong voice and actions of our dear MCA President? Is he willing to risk his position and life? No and No and No!!! In fact he is afraid of the dark forces within BN/UMNO and its institutions like MACC, Police, etc.
    When Mahathir recently spoke his racialistic views that poorly portrayed Chinese Malaysians as the real master of the country. In fact, the real masters are his few handful of Chinese and Malay cronies through his 22 years of premiership (this also include the last and present PM’s cronies, associates and families).Where is Ong’s voice and actions of strong objection as he deemed to be the leader of the Chinese community by being the President of MCA? If I am the President of MCA, not only I voiced loudly, I shall also personally make a police report and a court’s suit against him for making such a racialistic and damaging talk against the Chinese community.

  8. What has otk done so far to get investors to pkfz? What has otk done so far for MCA and for Malaysia apart from running down his collegues in MCA? What ‘benefit’ has he obtained by writing the letter to the former PM regarding the pkfz rm 1.2 m variation order? Can anyone please answer these questions.

  9. Jeffrey asks: why OTK is not doing his duty of making a police report, an omission that gives the impression that he is condoning them?
    Um, isn’t this question recursive? If OTK has to report a wrongdoing or be regarded as a wrongdoer, where does that leave us? Should I be going to the police station to report Jeffrey for not reporting OTK who hasn’t reported his ‘brother’?

  10. Even MCA President and his men/women dont have faith in MACC and the Police!!! They cried out loud in the press but they dont make MACC or Police report for they know very well how these agencies work!!! Because they are part of the system which they know very well that not only help will not come but withness will die in custody!!!

  11. Even Cabinet Ministers & President of a major component party of BN felt helpless when facing the evil forces within BN, do you think the common Rakyat like you and me could face the evil forces by ourselves??? The answer is no if we are doing it ourselves, Yes if we are united as one Rakyat and with the blessing of God the Almighty!!!

  12. “In their statement, the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers said Ong is facing his “life-and-death” political crisis because of the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

    The joint statement condemned those who “ create obstacles, make threats, suppress the truth and mislead the public ” in the unfolding PKFZ “mother of all scandals”.

    If the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers are referring to me, say so. If they are not referring to me, say so as well.” (Lim Kit Siang)

    YB Kit,
    You should have known much earlier that Ong Tee Keat had created many enemies in his position as the MCA National President. Just to name a few:
    (1) Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd’s controlling owner, Tiong, who was angry over the disclosure of the external audit report on PKFZ by Ong Tee Keat;

    (2) The political rival of Ong within MCA itself, i.e. the Deputy National President of MCA, Dr. Chua Soi Lek, who is being served a show cause letter by the disciplinary committe of MCA in relation to Dr. Chua’s sex scandal;

    (3) The stepped down former MCA National President who wishes to stay out of trouble with PKFZ scandal, Tun Lim Liong Sik;
    (4) The stepped down former Deputy National President of MCA who now chooses to live in overseas, Chan Kong Choy, but is required by Public Account Committee of the Parliament to return to Malaysia for answering an inquiry;

    (5) YB Kit you youself who always likes to step upto the toe of Ong Tee Keat.

    When Ong Tee Keat accused someone who had made use of the “Dark Forces” in order to
    “create obstacles, make threats, suppress the truth and mislead the public”, he could have mentioned something about the sex scandal of his political rival within MCA itself and not you YB Kit. Even though Ong’s political rival Dr. Chua admitted his personal involvement in oral sex with his “Black Market Mistress”, the sex scandal did not affect Dr. Chua’s personal trust from Najib. Najib still appointed Dr. Chua as a Special Ambassador of the BN National President for coordinating the component parties in many constituencies which BN had lost to Pakatan Rakyat during 308 general election. Chua’s appointment had probably pondered a big threat to the political vitality of Ong in the eyes of Umnoputras and hence it is imperative for Ong to mobilise his support from MCA leadership team in order to launch a counter-attack on Dr. Chua, who received the strong support from Tun Lim’s faction (member includes Dr. Chua) within MCA itself.

    Ong Tee Keat is now busy with his political rife with Dr. Chua, who is believed to have the backup from Najib. Perhaps DAP should reconsider whether DAP should continue to exert pressure on Ong and be accused by Ong for getting actively involved in MCA’s internal party affairs. It is important for DAP to evaluate and decide whether the option of staying out of MCA’s internal conflict will be a much more beneficial stand in favour of DAP than the option of continuing criticizing Ong Tee Keat in relation to PKFZ scandal.

  13. MACC now says it did not target the Chinese politicians. It is colour-blind. And they used statistics to prove it. In the course over a period, the number of Malays and BN politicians investigated and charged by MACC were much higher than non BN and non-Malays. With that, it concludes that there was no witch haunt and the agency is completely neutral.

    If there are 1000 BN and Malays holding important positions which provided them with plenty of opportunities for corruption, and if 50 of them were charged, it was only 5%. On the other hand, if there are only 10 non BN and non Malays holding important positions, and if 5 of them were investigated, it is 50%, got it dumb heads? Is this not what happened to Selangor state assemblymen and women?

    You see, you fellows always think that you are so smart and others somehow are idiots. Hello, wise up; if you think we are so stupid why you think the government must give you all the protection and giving juicy jobs. If you think you are smart, let us completely on equal terms.

    It is really beyond me why you fellows are still debating whether or not OTK should make a report with MACC. It does not matter ok. It is just a show. We just continue asking questions why PKFZ is what it is today. Why can’t they even do one thing right? Was there one thing right they have done since Mahathir became PM? Tell the people, there is no need to tell MACC, Police, or BN.

  14. In reference to OrangRojak’s preceding posting, the question is not recursive.

    Traditionally, the legal system does not and and has not punished the failure to report a crime.

    It is not a breach of legal duty for OTK not to report crime. As such, members of the public likewise are under no legal duty that may be breached in not reporting OTK for his default in making a police report.

    It is however a public and civic duty to do so if the person is directly first hand impacted by it as OTK is. (We cannot do so because we have no first hand knowledge of it).

    It is therefore important to distinguish between a legal – and a civic and public duty and recognise that that only a breach of the first attracts adverse consequences.

    We can however urge him to do is civic and public duty.

    The line however is or ought to be drawn at this point for if we desist in so urging him, it does not imply that our failure to exhort him to do otherwise is necessarily in breach of our own civic and public duty.

  15. Malaysian has degenerated to such a decay state was started with the successful prosecution of Anwar. Prior to that the constitutions crisis and the sacking of Tun Saleh Abass and others. As the Chinese say, one you taste the success you will continue doing it again and again. The architect of the whole decay state was non other than also commonly known as architect of modern Malaysia, the old M. Since then we have never recover despite all the talk to have changes and listen to the people ect. The current PM talk of 1 Malaysian but has not condemn articles as written by Zanul and the one by Tun M himself. So one Malaysia is all the bull shitting.

    The heads from PDRM. AG, JUDICIARY & Now MACC are all decay heads worst then the salted fish heads, willing being used by the power of the day.

    Many might still did not or half believe in what RPK has written in the Malaysia Today blog, but one just can’t ignore the recent one by the retired Appeal Court judge NH Chan on what the AG’s role in ANwar prosecution

  16. //perhaps one should enquire why in certain cases its officers are so overzealous in questioning even witnesses until wee hours of the morning and in other cases like OTK’s allegations, they are not zealous to launch an investigation on their own even when they are vested powers to do so.//

    This is a stupid question asked either by a stupid person or by a paid blogger.

    Underworld threat and connection right up to cabinet!? OTK, are you implying we should keep quiet because lives are at sake here?

    Look OTK, if there is any threat, I think LKS should get it first, not a eunuch like you. By the way, you are saying all these now because you really have no answers to the questions asked of you. That is why, I have at the very beginning of this fiasco told you that if you are a eunuch, don’t act like you are a jantan, because you are not, and you will never be.

    They are not threatening you, my dear OTK. It is just that you have found yourself increasingly unable to protect and conceal for them any more, that is all.

  17. //perhaps one should enquire why in certain cases its officers are so overzealous in questioning even witnesses until wee hours of the morning and in other cases like OTK’s allegations, they are not zealous to launch an investigation on their own even when they are vested powers to do so.//

    This question puts an onus on MACC to explain why the allegation that it is “selective” in its investigation (in being overzealous when it pertains to investigations of Opposition councilors’ alleged misuse of funds but apparent non interest to launch its own investigations when it pertains to PKFZ implicating high level officials/associates of the ruling coalition) is not justified.

    I therefore see nothing wrong in such a question for our Lim Kam Put to comment that “this is a stupid question asked either by a stupid person or by a paid blogger.”

    It is stupid uncessary comment by a real nincompoop and flibbertijibbet who endeavours to get attention by making abusive comments for no reasonable cause.

    Lim Kam Put you should just shut up and no one will say you are dumb! Every time you open your mouth your foot shows. Don’t say I am trying to insult you. I can`t take the credit for your constant self infliction!

  18. Thank you Jeffrey. I should have written “Isn’t your question recursive?”. “Isn’t this question recursive?” was a mistake, like a trick question in a maths exam. Google for “recursion” to check*.

    I hope Uncle Lim will carry out his generous offer in the near future if the threat has so badly upset OTK’s judgement and that of his friends that they believe they are acting for the greater good.

    * not for links – try the ‘Did you mean’ suggestion.

  19. We common people have no protection like what Ong is getting.
    Residents in Tmn Tun Ismail have to close public roads (which is against the law) to protect their homes from robbers.
    Folks in Bandar Utama have to pay for security and even RM 50.00 for the Tag to open the Taman gates.
    People are paying for their own security since they have given up on the police.

  20. LKS repeating the words of tee keat said:

    “… a Cabinet Minister receiving death threats for carrying out his Ministerial duties!”

    Makes good sense. Min gets threats and opposition member gets killed. Malaysia the zimbawe of Asia.

  21. I bet that OTK will be the next person who plunges to his death from 14th. floor if he dares to dig or talk further about PKFZ issue. In this case, I will vote for MCA in next GE as he will be the “HERO” we will define as. But we don’t put too much hope on it as it may be another “wayang kulit” to cheat the rakyats.

  22. Ong Ta Kut, please go and lodge a police report on anyone, who had threatened you with death, irrespective whether one is from the underworld or not. Do not take the threat as a joke but treat it seriously. Life is at stake. Police will provide you with proper safety protection by detaining you, just like the Sin Chew reporter. 3 MCA ministers, 5 deputy ministers inclusive of one wearing two hats at a certain time and 2 backdoor listed deputy ministers pledging total allegiance to Ta Kut will not be able to provide you with proper safety protection, except the police.

    Thereafter, we will meet and have some funs at the GE13.

  23. Chan Kong Choy is supposed to appeared before the Committee of Privileges this week to answer questions on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ “mother of all scandals”. Is the hearing postponed or Kong Choy is on the run? We hope Kong Choy will not repeat what he did in 2007 when Brother Kit Siang asked him the 5 questions.

  24. “Lim Kam Put you should just shut up and no one will say you are dumb! Every time you open your mouth your foot shows. Don’t say I am trying to insult you. I can`t take the credit for your constant self infliction!”

    Jeff … I just prepared my own IGNORE list. Life is much better now. :O)

  25. OKT is doing what he is doing for a simple reason. His back is in a corner. Needs to win some brownie points. Make it a little mellow dramatic. Gain some time to gain sympathy and then think of next move.

    I know people who are well connected to PKFZ, there is no real con job, all was done above board. At the most it will be called BAD JUDGMENT. Trust me, that is how it will end. These people know what they are doing. So LKS screaming each and everyday about it will not come to anything.

    Only a few issues are of main concern in the whole PKFZ:

    i. why was the land purchased at such a high price?
    ii. why were there so many VOs?

    The key to this scam are the 2 questions and nothing else.

    Remember, INCOMPETENCE is not an offense and they know it!

  26. “If they are afraid to lodge such reports, I can do it for them!” (Lim Kit Siang)

    YB Kit,
    You are surely very kind to offer your help for lodging a police report or an MACC report on behalf of Ong Tee Keat or his ministers or his deputy ministers. Surely Ong Tee Keat will be touched by your offer of “lending Ong your knife in order to stab at the back of Ong’s political foes!”

    However, this thing has to be done secretly and confidentially by your sending an undercover to talk privately with Ong. If Ong is willing to feed back you with some classified information on the official secrets of any abuse of official power by Ong’s political foes, it will be a good news for you because you will get much more inspirations for writing your blog pages with the official secrets being fed to you! Of course, you are also required to pay back something to Ong in case there is a deal between you and him. Do you care to ask Ong what he wants from you? Perhaps Ong’s aspiration is easy to satisfy. Perhaps he just wants Pakatan Rakyat to have a unity government with MCA if Pakatan Rakyat is able to take over the control of the Federal Government in the future!

  27. ///Jeff … I just prepared my own IGNORE list. Life is much better now/// – SpeakUp.


    It may well be better but consider this: Kit nakes this blog available for forumers / participants to engage, exchange thoughts, agreements and disagreements, often an avenue to both learn from each other as well as vent frustrations and spleen, other times to make constructive suggestions to help him make a better nation….

    In the premises, everyone is entitled to his opinion – that is also freedom of speech – never mind whether such an opinion sounds sensible or ludicruous, and all would have a space to speak his piece free from abuse and insults, no matter how stupid that piece may sound to the others of us.

    First of all the “stupid” may not really be that stupid, and besides no one one is all wise or stupid all the time, even if it were a stupid comment, we can learn something of and from it : what is more important is civility and according the other person to right to speak unimpeded and insulted.

    This is the rights recognition. Without a culture of rights recognition being nurtured this country, from bottom up (rather then top down) will not see better human political and other rights growing root, no matter how many times we change polirtical coalitions like baby diapers ….

    Here in a simple forum supposedly dedicated to the fight for justice and political right, we have a loud mouth and a gnat like Lim Kam Put who cannot even respect the simple right of his fellow forumers to speak in this forum without abuse, irreverent and abusive comments (in violation of their rights) and yet ironically have pretentions of fighting wider political and civil rights at level of the national theatre.

    He may be forgiven if he were stupid or insane but he is worse: he is a violator of others’ rights. Being badly brought up as to be ignorant of simple civilities and courtesies is hardly an excuse. He should be engaged not ignored, even if conventional wisom dictates that the best medicine for thwarting attention seekers is to ignore them. However to ignore them is also to give free rein to his flaming the blog and persistent violations of others’ rights to the denigration of the blog!

  28. I don’t know, a monkey looking into a mirror, would it change into a cannon ball or wannabe? I don’t think so. How often I have been abused here? I guess only monkeys would not be able to discern it. Loud mouth, you can ignore my behind, but not me.

  29. Lim Kit Siang Blogsite is really attractive enough to attract many commentators from different political backgrounds or different ideological backgrounds. Therefore it is normal for us to read some comments which really make sense but is also equally normal for us to find some dissident or dissenting opinions which look weird to us.

    limkamput is just an odd man who prefers to stand outside the window of the house of civil liberties. Therefore, he will not care too much about the denigration of his personal image by frequently resorting to name-calling when he feels that someone has said something which painfully touches his nerve.

    Jeffrey should try as much as possible to ignore limkamput because it is no point preaching civil liberties and human decency to a stiff-necked man who doesn’t know how to appreciate the beauty of respectable human interaction!

  30. //How often I have been abused here?//

    Well if more than others – and others are not – the irresistible inference is that there is something the matter with you, deserving or attracting it, isn’t it so?? You should be your own monkey to look at the mirror!

  31. “You see, you fellows always think that you are so smart and others somehow are idiots. Hello, wise up; if you think we are so stupid why you think the government must give you all the protection and giving juicy jobs. If you think you are smart, let us completely on equal terms.”

    Usually one goes through an identity crisis mid-life. This one is going through one almost ‘after-life’.

  32. Onlooker

    I like your description : “no point preaching civil liberties and human decency to a stiff-necked man who doesn’t know how to appreciate the beauty of respectable human interaction!” – not caring “too much about the denigration of his personal image by frequently resorting to name-calling” and “an odd man who prefers to stand outside the window of the house of civil liberties.”

    Conjures an image of a solitary odd Rhinocerous with thick hide having a bad habit of snorting, squinting charging blindly! :)

  33. //A low-life is no life” – Jaswant.

    I thought “low life” was somekind of amoeba, hydra or virus, so I checked Wikipedia which explains: “a lowlife is a term for a person who is considered unacceptable by their community in general. Examples of people who are often called “lowlifes” are skells, prostitutes, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, hustlers, pimps, slumlords, criminals and corrupt officials or authority figures…Often, the term is used as an indication of disapproval of antisocial or self-destructive behaviors, usually bearing a connotation of contempt and derision. ”

    Onlooker puts it more elegantly – one who “doesn’t know how to appreciate the beauty of respectable human interaction!”

    Not knowing how to appreciate is one thing, purposely trying to denigrate it is worse.

    We have an abuser of others rights crying that he is constantly abused. What a joke! He does not wonder at all if he were the one who draws first blood, and others the right to self defence.

  34. I am inclined to think that OTKeat has been ‘ordered’ to kick up a smokescreen to distract public attention from TBH.

    Well, good try but no propaganda blitz by MCA can distract the public’s heart-rending cry for basic human rights!

  35. Ong Tee Kiat is trying to divert attention from the real issue at hand i.e issuing a letter to Chua Soi Lek to face a disciplinary committee on his past mistake in Batu Pahat.

    Well, there is a growing support for Soi Lek within MCA and now realising their overzealous ambition to finish off Soi Lek would not be easy, he has to do a diversionary tactic by “exposing” the threats to his life.

    What is so scary for a Minister to be threatened by by those connected with corruption in PKFZ when all Cabinet Ministers are provided with ample security measures ?

  36. “Precisely monkeys who look into the mirror would not know they look so ugly. What do all these postings tell you monkeys? Yes, you fellows are monkeys, no more and no less.”

    Is that the best you got?? What a let down.

  37. “What is so scary for a Minister to be threatened by by those connected with corruption in PKFZ when all Cabinet Ministers are provided with ample security measures?” (FY Lim)

    Have you forgotten about the Special Action Squad? This is the origanization which provides training for some professional assassinators. Some professional assassinators may just add some rat bait into the packed fried kuey teow and serve it to the assassination target. After eating the fried kuey teow, the assassination target may just get a feeling of being on high like having been exposed to the narcotic drug influence and then climb high in order to jump off from high! Then the life of the assassination target will just be terminated without leaving a traceble clue on the true reason for the death!

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