PR National Memorial Vigil for Teoh Beng Hock (Kuala Lumpur)

Live webcast :

Date: 23rd July 2009 (Thursday) – Tonight!
Time: 8pm
Venue: KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur.

DAP National Chairman, YB Karpal Singh
DAP National Vice Chairman, YB Tan Kok Wai
DAP Parliamentary Leader, YB Lim Kit Siang
Penang Chief Minister, YAB Lim Guan Eng
PAS MP for Kuala Selangor, YB Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad
PKR MP for Subang, YB Sivarasa Rasiah
SUARAM Coordinator, Tah Moon Hui
Enquiries: 03-79578022

Attire : BLACK

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7 Replies to “PR National Memorial Vigil for Teoh Beng Hock (Kuala Lumpur)”

  1. Royal Commission has to do it right the first time by investigating cause of death of TBH and leave nothing unturned else it will turn out to be another Royal Circus that will pull down the whole institutions that promote transparancy and accountability.

    TBH’s tragedy going to degrade integrity of the institutions in our nation further after Attanthuya, Kugan and many more unsolved tragedies happening one after another, making fool of the entire administration.

    Rakyat are feed up and sick of the Royal Circus show.

  2. PR should pressure the Najib government for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s mysterious death instead of an inquest which has limited powers.

    Are we taken for a ride from the whole truth?

  3. An inquest is an inquiry into the facts of the case to see if a crime has been committed and who the criminal or criminals might be. It is not as wide ranging as to identify faults in the system. But at least it could bring closure to the family of the recently departed. It is one way, a sure way to start turning the wheel of justice. Less complicated, less time consuming and less controversial.

    One does not, of course have to be the substitute of the other.

  4. Suggest a permanent memorial or fund in Teoh Beng Hock’s name be set up to comemmorate his death which shall be the beacon of light for the improvement of justice system in Malaysia in future for the protection and welfare of the people.

    A national body to be convened or constituted to look into this and DAP must take the lead. The political awareness to protect ourselves must begin now so that the sacrifice of TBH is not in vain.

  5. Any guy liken the case of TBH should it happened in South Korea,Taiwan,Japan ,China or even in India,the head of the ACA would have apologised to the victim’s family and resigned. Is there an apology from our head of MACC ? All I know the MACC made a statement saying it’s not responsible for TBH’s death. Now ,I wish to remind PR starting from tonite’s National Memorial Vigil for Teoh Beng Hock to be vigilance at all time cos any “sudden ugly incidence ” could happen to you guys and your supporters.I would suggest own security personnels or engage some reputable private security.It’s pretty hard to depend on security from PDRM. LIke I said always NR/Umno/Bn are vicious and would do anything to weaken you guys,both mentally and phyically.Again please be reminded,be vigilance,good wishes and good luck.

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