Najib should stop MACC war against PR and direct it to return to its original purpose of declaring war against corruption and focus on mega corruptions like RM12.5 billion PKFZ and RM24 million Istana Khir Toyo scandals

Right-thinking and justice-loving Malaysians regardless of race, religion or political beliefs must ensure that Teoh Beng Hock, political secretary to DAP Selangor State Exco and Seri Kembangan Assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, should not die in vain.

Firstly, what has happened to Malaysia 52 years after Merdeka that a young, healthy, vigorous and idealistic political activist could enter the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in Shah Alam to co-operate with its investigations to end up as a flying corpse from the 14th floor MACC Hqrs?

The MACC Chief Commissioner, Datuk Ahmad Said, after two days of silence, made a heartless statement that MACC should not be blamed for Teoh’s death, ignoring the fact that Teoh was in MACC premises when the tragedy occurred.

What is even more outrageous is that in his statement, Ahmad Said showed no remorse, compassion or sympathy whatsoever for the death of Teoh.

Is a person who is so cold-blooded and totally bereft of the milk of kindness fit to head the MACC?

We want the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to hear the nation-wide outrage, anger and demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh’s death.

The people do not want to wait until Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting to discuss whether to have a Royal Commission of Inquiry but want Nazri to announce the setting up of such a Royal Commission of Inquiry when he returns from abroad tonight.

The MACC had deviated from its original objectives to eradicate corruption in Malaysia.

Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is acting like “thief shout thief” when he accused DAP and Pakatan Rakyat of “politicizing” the death of Teoh.

If anyone is guilty of politicizing MACC and causing Teoh’s death, it is Umno and Barisan Nasional which have turned MACC into its catspaw to persecute the Pakatan Rakyat.

MACC was formed to declare war against corruption. Instead, it declared war against Pakatan Rakyat.

Najib should stop the MACC war against PR and direct it to return to its original purpose of declaring war against corruption and focus on the mega-corruptions like RM12.5 billion PKFZ and RM24 million Istana Khir Toyo scandals.

Ahmad Said should resign as MACC Chief Commissioner or the Cabinet on Wednesday should immediately suspend him from office.

(Media Conference Statement at the Teoh Beng Hock funeral in Alor Gajah on Monday, 20th January 2009 at 9.30 am)

39 Replies to “Najib should stop MACC war against PR and direct it to return to its original purpose of declaring war against corruption and focus on mega corruptions like RM12.5 billion PKFZ and RM24 million Istana Khir Toyo scandals”

  1. If the PM allows MACC to investigate fairly then it will be too busy:

    i. Badawi removed pages in UMNO meeting minutes;
    ii. Khir Toyo got nice big house when he was not pulling teeth part time;
    iii. all Selangor ADUNs before GE12 splashed all their moneys;
    iv. PKFZ scandal in overspending;
    v. sorry la … list is too long …

    Hahahahahaahahahaahahaaa … dream on man!

  2. The problem with BN is that they never claim that they are very clean, but PR do. So MACC is responsible to find a single spot that is not clean in PR to prove to Rakyat that PR is also not clean as claimed. Objective achieved!!!

  3. Dr Chua Chui Meng (CCM) had made the right decision to quit MCA and BN and joined PR, though it is not DAP but PKR. Anyway, it is a good move and all right thinking Malaysian should do the same. Join any party of PR, best join DAP!!!

  4. From RPK’s blog: umno is in power today because of the pendatang running dogs

    Umno considers the government machinery as a Malay vehicle. The government machinery — whether it be the Election Commission (SPR), police, the anti-corruption agency (MACC), the Information Ministry (that controls the mainstream media and radio and television stations), institutions of learning (from kindergartens right up to universities), etc. — are there to serve Malay interests. And make no mistake about this.

    There is a government propaganda outfit called Biro Tata Negara (BTN) whose job is to conduct courses and deliver lectures around the clock to government officers and students before and after they enter university. BTN’s main focus is to indoctrinate Malays with the idea that Malaysia is a Malay country. The Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ are immigrants. After allowing them citizenship status these Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ now demonstrate ingratitude and start demanding all sorts of unreasonable things such as equal rights — forgetting that they are mere guests in this country and are therefore second-class and not first-class citizens.

    The army is Malay. The police is Malay. The universities and all institutions of higher learning are Malay. In fact, you name it and it is Malay. There are no two ways about it. And if the Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ refuse to accept this then they should leave this country and go back to the country where they originally came from — be it China, India, or wherever.

    Okay, you may argue that today’s Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ were all born in Malaysia. None were born in China, India, or wherever. Their grandparents or great grandparents may have been born in China, India, or wherever. But almost all the Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ were born here in Malaysia. So that automatically makes them citizens and not immigrants although they may be descendants of immigrants.

    I mean, every single US citizen (other than the native Indian) is a descendant of immigrants even if they themselves may have been born in the US and did not migrate to America. So, grandchildren or great grandchildren of immigrants are not called immigrants but are called US citizens. And all US citizens are regarded equal. No US citizen has more rights than another US citizens based on which country his or her forefathers came from.

    But that is in the US. That does not apply to Malaysia. In Malaysia, the descendants of the immigrants who came from one of the Indonesian islands have more rights than the descendants of the immigrants who came from China, India or any territory that is not part of the Indonesian islands. That is how it works in Malaysia.

    And the Malays are constantly reminded about this. And all those descendants of immigrants not from one of the Indonesian islands will also be constantly reminded that they are guests in this country, do not have equal rights, and are classified as second-class citizens akin to an immigrant.

    And that is why Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ are treated more brutally when arrested or detained. They not only suffer verbal abuse and racial slurs but will be physically abused as well. And that is why the death under detention rate for those who are not descendants of immigrants from one of the Indonesian islands is very high. Most, however, die ‘sudden deaths’ or collapse and die for no apparent reason other than medically related ‘natural causes’.

    Let me make it clear, again. The Malaysian government is a Malay government. The government’s job is to serve the Malays and protect Malay interests. Yesterday, the Deputy Prime Minister said so in case anyone may have forgotten this. And this will remain so as long as Barisan Nasional stays in office. Umno has promised the people this.

    And any Malay who wants to change this arrangement is a traitor to his race. His or her citizenship should be withdrawn and he or she should be expelled from the country. This, Umno has made very clear more than once.

    The descendants of immigrants from China, India or any territory not within the Indonesian islands have no problem with this though. They accept the fact that they are second-class citizens under the classification of pendatang. And that is why they are members of Barisan Nasional. And the job of these 13 non-Malay members of Barisan Nasional is to ensure that Umno stays in power although Umno has less than half the seats in Parliament. On its own Umno is out of office. With the 13 other non-Malay members giving Umno the mandate it can stay in office.

  5. Chua Jui Meng made a good move? You have to be kidding me … another BN scum who said he would not contest in the MCA elections just after GE12? Hahahahaahahaaaa … he is a nobody now so he wants to be some body again.

    This is DSAI’s folly … always bring in cr@p from BN. Like I said DSAI is cr@p … he is Tok Dalang and everyone only risks their nexk but he does not.

  6. MACC was formed to declare war against corruption. Instead, it declared war against Pakatan Rakyat. – Kit

    How could the MACC be used as a ‘weapon’ against the Opposition? Wouldn’t it be a waste of national human resource and tax-payers money?

    Najib should make a U-turn to direct the MACC to declare war against corruption and not his political rival.

  7. From ACA to MACC its only a name change. Its still a toothless tiger.Its a LAP DOG to UMNO.This department should be apolitical,but are they .There are hundreds of cases reported againts BN leaders..All MACC can say is ” Will are still investigating.One of the cases is the KLANG PALACE.So what if ZAK is death,The palace still stand as a monument of SHAME TO UMNO and all who still thinks that UMNO IS THEIR SAVIOUR.

  8. One Malaysia my A#@..Saw the statement made by DPM on BERNAMA news.He still talking of ketuanan MELAYU.The thing that really got my blood boiling, was when he said that the Malays who support the the opposition are traitors to the Malays.
    The Malays who support the opposition knows that the elite in UMNO are the traitors to the Malays.Corruption in UMNO is so bad ITs like a cancer that will only spread, If nothing is done to stop it

  9. The Star reports:

    “Initial viewing of the closed circuit television recordings shows political aide Teoh Beng Hock entering the Plaza Masalam building here where the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has its office on the afternoon of July 15, but there is no footage showing him coming out.”

    The plot thickens …

  10. no plot here lah Speakup. i’m sure the real footage of how teoh ‘flied off the buildings’ is now already being DESTROYED. now, they are in the process of looking for look-alike teoh to ‘act’ like commiting suicide (with a rope tied to his back for safety purpose) .

    if there’s really a footage of the real teoh junping off, i’m sure macc will come down hard on the finger-pointing people especially the opposiitons. umno and polis will join in too as well to rid the pests of bn off malaysia.

    i just wait to see and predict the followings of teoh’s death :
    1) medical report shows no signs of bodily abuse but injuries due to jumping from a height
    2) macc has men testifying seeing teoh jumped suicide because teoh says he was a corrupted person with pk so he can’t face the world or especially his fiancee who IS HAVING HIS BABY !!
    3) polis says teoh has many otangs from loan sharks and there’s evidence of foul-play after the ‘pain-killing’ investigation onmacc buiding.
    4) someone in the buildings say teoh went crazy and jump for no reasons.

    well, Speakup, pick your choice from the above on behalf of macc,bn and polis please. thank you.
    3) polis

  11. PM Najib’s popular rating would soar to 90% if he directed MACC to investigate, and jail those people involving in mega corruptions. If found guilty of mega corruptions, the dentist and others should be sent to serve long years in prison.

  12. typing error …..
    3) polis says teoh has many otangs from loan sharks and there’s evidence of foul-play after the ‘pain-killing’ investigation onmacc buiding.
    it should be :
    3) polis says teoh has many otangs from loan sharks and there’s NO EVIDENCE of foul-play after the ‘pain-killing’ investigation onmacc buiding.

  13. chua jui meng the bn scum??? i disagree with Speakup!!

    in fact, bn is all scum-bags!! anyone joining or is a member is totally scum or brain-wash to become scum and that includes anyone defending bn or criticising pkr,dap and pas NOW.

    it takes a bold man to jump ship when he realise the ship that he’s on is in fact, a PIRATE SHIP that robs malaysian to getting poorer and kills if has to !!!

    with pk, there’s no guarantee but at least, WE HOPE it is not a PIRATE SHIP !!!!

  14. to i_love_malaysia.
    your defination of MACC – masuk alive,comeout corpse….IT FITS & ITS BRILLIANT !!!

    at least when people kena roped in, they now know better get ready for their own funeral plannings and do last minute wills (if they still have) .

  15. And to those that haven’t done so yet, please donate to Teoh Beng Hock’s family and ask your friends and family to do the same. Even RM1.00 also can.

    CIMB (Alor Gajah Branch) Joint Account Teoh Leong Hwee, Teng Shuw Hoi (Teoh’s Parents) 0412-0000333-52-8

    Let not his death be in vain, let not a child lose the father in vain. Justice for Beng Hock, for our children’s sake, for the sake of a child that will never hear the father’s voice, that will never feel a father’s love, that will never know the father…

  16. “newchief”, I like the way you describe MACC, a true representation of MACC-Masuk Alive, Comeout Corpse.

    We all knew, there are many many “open-ended” corruption cases were happened in the past, but open ended.

    1. Berwaja Steel
    2. BBMB bank – 2 times
    3. MAS Airline
    4. Former MB of Selangor Mohd Taib hand carried few millions dollar get caught at Australia airport
    4. Now, another MB of Selangor Khir Toyo with multi million dollar palace.
    5. And most sticky one – PKFZ
    6. As pointed out by Dr Mahathir,huge amount of tax collected from Petronas during Pak Lah regime was unknown.

    Until today, no body has ever been charged ???
    Where is their integrity of MACC – supposed to be an impartial and trust worthy body which protects the interest of the nation ???

  17. Please stop all the nonsense and allegation against MACC. Challenging the integrity is equivalent to challenging the ability of the government departments, meaning the ability and the leadership style of the Malay. DAP has made use of this event and turn it into a racial issue. Malaysia will be a better place without DAP. If you ask me, it is sufficient to detain all DAP members under ISA.

  18. Encik Kasim, are u saying that you encourage such acts by these people in this country ? Are u insane or unconcious ???? These are hard earn money from everyone in this country irregardless of which races. Do u know that ?

  19. MACC had lost its way. It is better to shut down to save taxpayers’ money.. and save others’ lives.. – Tonberry


    No MACC had not lost its way. It was indeed set as a hatchet outfit to harass, intimidate and persecute the Opposition parties. It was the brainchild of UMNO to break the back of Pakatan. What it had successfully achieved in Perak, it was replicated in Selangor to topple the Pakatan government. This goes in tandem with Najib becoming the UMNO chief in Perak and Selangor.

    In Perak it started in the entrapment of 2 PKR aduns for corruption, then it was used to intimidate the Pakatan aduns and the Speaker for non-corruption matters. In other words, it acted in areas where it does not belong.

    In Selangor, it was the cow-and-car affair with the MB. Then the recent investigation of 7 DAP aduns and their political secretaries based on the rantings of Wee Choo Keong in his blog. This was done even before a police report was lodged and at the instigation of the Attorney General, Pattail.

    So MACC is not about corruption-busting but a political tool to checkmate Pakatan.

  20. “Challenging the integrity is equivalent to challenging the ability of the government departments, meaning the ability and the leadership style of the Malay.” (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,
    Don’t try to preach the racist concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” here. This is no longer a feudalistic era and noone shall continue to become a slave of any government department of Malaysia. The government departments are nothing more than the public service departments which are supposed to serve the people as a servant. All Government Departments will have to succumb to the scrutiny of the systems of checks-and-balances, where the People Power will be the ultimate judge of what is wrong and what is right!

    “Ketuanan Melayu” is just a slogan used by Umnoputras to continue to deceive the Malay voters that UMNO is the protector of the interest of Malays. In actual fact, UMNO was the robber who robbed the Malaysian people, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kardazan, Iban, Dayak, Jakun, Negro, Temuan, of all their opportunities to get fair share of the natural resources and other wealth of the Nation. Umnoputras resort to robbery in order to sustain their unseeming luxurious lifestyle. The 24-million Ringgit Palace of Khir Toyo is the typical example of the loot which had been cessed by Umnoputras.

    The Malay rulers are the symbol of the Malay privilege in Malaysia and I believe DAP and other component parties of Pakatan Rakyat will strive to preserve the Malay rulers as the symbol of the Protector of the People. Pakatan Rakyat will not allow the Sultan, Raja, or Yamtuan to simply become the puppet of Umno. Pakatan Rakyat will help to return the respect and dignity to the Conference of the Rulers in relation to the appointment of the IGP, the MACC Chief Commissioner, the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Malaysia, the Head of the Armed Forces, and the Head of Islamic Council.

    We, the Malaysian people, will no longer listen to Umno’s racist slogan and we only recognize the Yang Dipertuan Agong, the Sultan, the Raja, and the Yamtuan as our Tuan. Those who sit at the helm of the Government Offices and Government Departments have better behaved themselves and worked hard to serve the people diligently and dutifully in the name of the Yang Dipertuan Agong. Otherwise, the People will not hesitate to make a petition to the Yang Dipertuan Agong for the removal of the corrupt, inefficient, and arrogant Government Officers from their top office positions.

    Kasim Amat, note that if Ahmad Said is your immediate boss, you have better given him advice to resign with apology now due to his misstatement in claiming that MACC does not need to bear any responsibility in the unusual sudden death of Teoh Beng Hock. Otherwise, Ahmad Said will have to face the music of being boycotted, teased and booed by the People whereever he goes around in Malaysia. A shameful and inefficient man like Ahmad Said should not continue to sit in the post of the MACC Chief Commissioner because his one additional day of stay in the MACC is the reason of causing one additional day in wasting the national resources of Malaysia and one additional day in losing the professional integrity for the MACC.

  21. Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar has confirmed that they have siezed Teoh Beng Hock’s mobile phone from an MACC investigating officer.
    Why did the IO keep TBH’s mobile phone? People asked.
    Why? Why? Dead man no need phone lah. Can use or sell mah.
    Or, was the IO, just like his big boss, thought that one can enjoy child pornography in men’s handphones.

  22. On this planet, there is an unborn child
    After birth, a birth certificate is to be filled
    Under ‘Father’, what is to be filled?
    ‘Father’ – deceased, suicide, tortured to death while in custody, murdered
    Was this in Nazi Germany?
    Was this in apartheid South Africa?
    Was this during the Japanese occuption in WWII?
    If you say YES, donng! WRONG, think again!

  23. Musa Hassan said about 60 percent of investigations have been completed.
    A very smart mata-mata.
    Before the completion of the entire investigation, he had already known what constituted 100%, he had already quantitated the entire investigation.
    Hence, he knew what is 50%, 60%, 80%, and 100%.
    When 100% is reached, he will say, OK, cukup, stop, 100% dah sampai.

  24. WHY asked what really happened to TBH between 6am and 1.30pm on the fatal day?
    WHY not also what really happened to TBH between 3.45am (when he was alleged to be released) and 6am on the fatal day?

  25. Lets look at one possible umnoputra logic.

    Dia masuk hidup. CCTV ada footage. Tapi CCTV tada footage dia keluar. Jadi ini bukti dia bunuh diri lompat tingkap dari tgkt 14. Kesimpulan: bunuh diri. Siasatan selesai 100%.

    When pressmen ask the logic continues:

    “Kalau bukan lompat tingkap bunuh diri pasti cctv akan ada footage dia keluar dari bgn hidup.”

  26. Even if it’s God’s will that TBH should die in such manner, there’s a purpose why he should have died in such a way!!! I believe God is calling all the justice and truth seeking people to standup for him.
    Malaysia is our Father’s land. It belongs to God. No one should claim the one and only ownership of this land!!! We are only temporary caretaker of this land!!!

  27. Kasim Amat :Please stop all the nonsense and allegation against MACC. Challenging the integrity is equivalent to challenging the ability of the government departments, meaning the ability and the leadership style of the Malay. DAP has made use of this event and turn it into a racial issue. Malaysia will be a better place without DAP. If you ask me, it is sufficient to detain all DAP members under ISA.

    If every one is using the same argument as you, every one will be in Kamunting by now!!!

    1. When we ask why GLCs are not making money, you said we are questioning the ability of Malay

    2. When we ask why high crime rates, you said we are questioning the ability of Malay & Muslim,

    3. When we ask why not to use English to teach maths and science, you said we are questioning the usefulness of Malay language,

    4. When we ask why not this and why not that, you said we are questioning everything about Malay, Muslim, Bumiputera, etc and not about competency, capability, integrity etc!!!

    If you are so scare of being asked and questioned (with many questions could not be answered by you due to ignorant and incompetent!!!) , you should not hold on there and keep complaining why people are questioning you this and that!!! You are paid to answer questions!!! You are not there for show and get paid for doing nothing!!!

  28. Is this a first victim?

    Blogger, former Westports general manager dies
    Posted by admin
    Monday, 20 July 2009 09:46
    (NST) KUALA LUMPUR: Former Westports general manager and blogger Captain Muhammad Yusof Ahmad died in his sleep yesterday in his home at the Tiara Kelana Condominiums in Kelana Jaya.

    Yusof, 62, was found dead in bed by his wife, Maimunah Noordin, 61, about 7.30am.

    It is understood that he was not breathing and attempts to resuscitate him failed.

    The couple’s eldest son, Imran, 36, said his father had behaved normally on Saturday night as he had his dinner before going online to chat with several friends.

    “His passing was quite sudden as he was not suffering from any medical problems.”

    Yusof was buried at a Muslim cemetery in his hometown of Linggi, Negri Sembilan, yesterday afternoon.

    e is survived by his wife and four children, aged between 32 and 36.

    He was a former pilot superintendent with the Klang Port Authority and a pioneer general manager of Westports.

    After retiring, he freelanced as a port and marine consultant and maritime arbitrator.

    In his blog under the pen name “Ancient Mariner”, Yusof had highlighted the Port Klang Free Zone issue and pushed authorities to launch investigations into its alleged wrongdoings.

    pw: loathing 582

  29. Kasim Amat,

    If your car could not travel fast enough in the fast lane of highway, please move to slower lane instead, please dont hog the fast lane of highway (it is an offence to hog the fast lane of highway in many countries!!!) as there are many who have cars that can travel fast on fast lane!!! You should not jealous or envy of others who own fast car or able to drive fast!!! Fast lane in highway is meant to let people to drive fast within speed limit!!!
    You should not stop people from using fast lane just because you could not drive fast enough!!! If you still insist on hogging the fast lane even though you are slow, people will still overtaking you from other side of the lane!!!

  30. I still remembered when I lived in UK many years ago, after 2pm, all the local restaurants will be closed. The only restaurants are still is either chinese restaurant or Indian Tandoori restaurant.

    Don’t blame the chinese and indians are driving nice car and owned big houses, they well deserve it for their hardwork. Don’t go for quick money as it will not last long.

    Kasim Amat, understand ???

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