Justice for Beng Hock Memorial Vigil

Venue : Stadium Kelana Jaya
Date : 19 July 2009, Sunday
Time : 4.30pm
Attire : Black

Enquiries: 03-79578022

Top Pakatan Rakyat leaders, NGOs leaders will be present

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80 Replies to “Justice for Beng Hock Memorial Vigil”

  1. Why did Teoh BH have to die?

    A.Teoh BH took a bank loan to purchase a RM24million house

    B.Teoh BH was a director in PKFZ

    C.Teoh BH was involved in Atantuya’s murder

    D.Teoh BH was a middleman in the purchase of Scorpene submarines

    E. None of the above

  2. An innocent life is lost unnecessarily. The MACC is held responsible as anyone called in for interrogation into the wee hours is susceptible to any untoward incident(s) what’s more in MACC compound.

    Ahmad Said , washing your hands off the issue is not a responsible chief of an organisation.

    By the way, those that wished to go to Kelana Jaya Stadium can take the LRT and then alight at the Taman Bahagia station.
    There is a Rapid bus from the station to the stadium and back. However, I must warn that the service is quite unreliable especially on a sunday.

    Alternatively, you can park your car in the surrounding carparks around the stadium or park on the opposite side of LDP at the Kelana Jaya Post Office ( near Giant ) and take the overhead bridge and walk across and then through a lake park before reaching the stadium. This will take 10-15 minutes.

  3. Why isn’t this dumbo investigated by the macc?

    Former Tourism Malaysia director-general Datuk Mirza Mohamad Taiyab Beg was not at all aware that the cost of his dental treatment amounted to RM13,860.

    Mirza had claimed trial to a charge of accepting a bribe in the form of a dental treatment worth RM13,860 at Clinical Practise Prosthodontics in Taman Tun Dr Ismail between Jan 17 and July 26, 2005.

  4. There is no justice in this country lead by evil umno najib, so we the rakyat have to seek our own justice. I will be attending this memorial vigil and if I can find my way to Alor Gajah to attend the funeral as well. I am from Penang, anyone can provide me infos on how to get to Alor Gajah from KL.

    The only way for our country to be prosperous and peaceful is to ensure the fall of umno/bn.

    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty one years.

  5. Let the spirit of Beng Hock open up the eyes of those who voted BN into power in GE12! Let them see the evil, monstrous and destructive government they have voted in. If the victim had been one of the relatives of these voters, I’ll bet they would now be cursing heaven and hell!

  6. I appeal to all the citizen of Malaysia, stand united and fight for the JUSTICE.
    YB Kit has fought for more than 4 decades, what are you waiting for? Lets piss off the BN + MACC + PDRM = JUNK.
    TBH has given you all the power, go go go….

  7. How many more of this kind of blackmail murder will be happen? If you are HUMAN, please put your hand on your heart feel it yourself. If this is your family member how would you feel. A young man full of future die without reason and cause. Who is the guy that murder him and through out of the window. For heaven sake, just stand out to face the people tell the truth to the whole Malaysian why he commit such a sin or else he will never live in peace of mind and he shall die by his consequences of his act to the end of his life. That is KARMA, We are waiting the answer.

  8. How about declaring 19 July 2009 as Beng Hock Memorial? We don’t demonstrate. Everyone just stays at home for 24 hours each year on this day. Guess it is no offence to stay at home, right? Hope silent protest is not an offence in this country that has gone to the dogs…. ministers who are so crazy for power and money, they no longer have any humanitarian values left in them. Death to them is nothing, as long as it is not they who die.

  9. ktteokt :
    Let the spirit of Beng Hock open up the eyes of those who voted BN into power in GE12! Let them see the evil, monstrous and destructive government they have voted in. If the victim had been one of the relatives of these voters, I’ll bet they would now be cursing heaven and hell!

    Thumbs up for ktteokt. What has happened and BN’s response to it and to Nazri’s barking is testimony that this government is indeed evil, monstrous and destructive government. Let us do what we ought to do.


    A Candle Vigil should be set-up in every major City every Sat/Sunday until the case has been thoroughly investigated and those responsible being acted upon. Every Malaysian should be encouraged to place their Candle Vigil outside their house or Balcony after Sunset. Let DARKNESS OF MALAYSIA be lit by Candle Lights and hearts of ALL MALAYSIANS!!


  11. How ugly has this country become. To me, it is no different from the recent Natalia Estemirova incident in Russia where she was kidnapped and murdered a few hours after a Moscow news conference where human rights groups presented a 600-page report, saying that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and other top Russian officials should be prosecuted for crimes committed in Chechnya over the past 15 years. What then is the difference between a so-called Muslim country and a communist country?

  12. Just look at how the police stormed the Perak State Assembly on 7 May 2009 and dragged the Perak Speaker, YB Sivakumar out of the assembly hall like an animal. I still have the photo on the dragging in my handphone as a wallpaper. Can we trust the police and the MACC?

  13. YB Lim

    Selangor state government should enggage Dr.Porntip Rojanasunand a Thai forensic pathologist and human rights activist from Bangkok for forensic expertise and all the way to post mortem.Trust me….with her there….Macc and Pdrm as well as master bn will be shivering day and night.She is an expert and is well known and highly respected.Even some of the the corrupted Thai Police forces are unable to touch her and wouldn’t want to face her at all due to her professionalism in her work and dedication.What say you Selangor Government.Someone Independant from outside instead.This is what malaysia need in time to come.

  14. I think the key to TBH’s death is the badly ripped pants that he is wearing. It looks like a large part of his pants is totally ripped away. If you look at the photo he was sprawling face down but the ripped pants was facing up. That probably meant that the pant was not ripped when he fell down but before he fell down. There were no sharp edges at the window that could have ripped his pants if he had jumped out of the window. Where are the other parts of his pant? That would give a big clue to what happened. A DNA testing of the parts of the ripped pant might reveal who was holding the pants (sweat, skin tissue etc). DAP can employ an independent pathologist such as Dr. Porntip to examine for DNA evidence.

    There could be a possibility he was subjected to another round of interrogation between 8.00am to 1.30 pm (when his body was found). Remember there was an unaccounted time between he was seen napping at the couch in the wee morning hours and the time he was found at 1.30 pm. He did not want to go home most probably because he was told that there was going to be another round of interrogation at 8.00am and he just stayed at the MACC office instead of going through the hassle of office traffic jams coming back again in the morning. Or he is still being detained but allowed to take a nap in the MACC office which is the more likely scenario. Who doesn’t want to go home if there is no further need for him to be at the MACC? Why should he commit suicide if he was to be married the next day and more over he is not the accused but a witness. So the Director of Investigation Sukri was lying through his teeth when he said he did not know what happened between 6.00am to 1.30 pm when his staff heard the screams. He did however mention that he was supposed to attend another meeting at 8.00am.

    There is a very high possibility that he attended SECOND round of interrogation from 8.00am. But this time the interrogation is probably more intense, intimidating and worst than the day before! That’s where Sukri is afraid to tell the press lest his department would be questioned on the techniques of interrogation and accountable for his death! His body language on the TV interview reveals the traits of a lying man! He said to the best of his knowledge there were no CCTV. No CCTV in MACC? Or if there were to be found CCTV, he would just claim ignorance stating that it is to his best knowledge. He couldn’t account for the time from 6.00am to 1.30pm at all? That is strange! The fact that Sukri tried to hide the second round of interrogation showed something terrible happened in the SECOND interrogation.

    I would speculate the interrogators probably intimidated him by holding him out of the window by clutching at his pants threatening to release him if he had not agreed to frame his fellow colleagues. He could have been brought to another building where it is convenient to do that act of intimidation. But the pants ripped and TBH went falling down with his face down frantically using his hands to try breaking the fall. Hence the unique face down position of his fall and the explanation of his ripped pants! Or he could be deliberately thrown out of the window and the pant ripped in the process when he refused to do what the interrogators wanted!

    We cannot expect the present IGP Musa Hassan to be independent in the investigation. Firstly he is beholden to the powers that be and secondly there would have been a large dossier on him held by the MACC. MACC would have already told him that they would scratch his back if he would scratch theirs! There must be a royal commission of inquiry and independent commissioners – not the type sitting on Lingam’s RCI!

  15. After seeing the video clips on police brutality and now the MACC,it will be very difficult for the BN to promote the 1 Malaysia concept. Most of my friends were previously BN supporters but now have switched to the opposition.
    The previous PM said he cared for all Malaysians and had to resign before his term was over.Now we have a new PM and he says he cared for all Malaysians. After TBH’s death, I have given up hope on the 1Malaysia.
    Dear PM, we are judged by our deeds and not by our words.
    YB LKS, you will always have my vote.

  16. Bring in Dr.Porntip……….this is what DAP and the Selangor state government must do…and they need to need to do it right from the very beginning and not allow umno to clean up any evidence left.
    YB Lim…..please give this a thought.This will deter the dirty MACC AND PDRM ,AG and BN in the future SHOULD THEY DECIDE TO kill someone again for its ditry and filthy political endeavour.Bring her in…..am sure our laws allows this right Mr.Lim?

  17. If the Dr from Thailand was brought in, make sure she is fully guarded, otherwise, is another missing in action, I bet u.. or may be there’ll be immigration problem to come to msia lah!

  18. Why was this not followed by the MACC?

    The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 gives an MACC officer the discretionary power to conduct questioning for any duration and time period he sees fit, but this should not apply to witnesses as they are deemed to be volunteering information and therefore, should not be treated as suspects.

  19. All the clues were not made known, info on handphone, interrogation details, etc were kept mum by the authorities, it’ll be another open ending mysterious X-file. Something for sure we the public can do and make change when come to next GE – wipe out the sinful political party !!!

  20. k1980 :
    Why was this not followed by the MACC?
    The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 gives an MACC officer the discretionary power to conduct questioning for any duration and time period he sees fit, but this should not apply to witnesses as they are deemed to be volunteering information and therefore, should not be treated as suspects.

    Elementary, Dr Watson. The ruling does not apply to Opposition members. Wait until the next general election when BN becomes the Opposition and they will have a taste of their own medicine.

  21. Why did Teoh BH have to die?

    1) 99% Malaysian did not standup to fight for justice.

    2) Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) treat and threaten PAKATAN RAKYAT Malaysians worst than a dog in our land Malaysia.

    3) Acronym for SPRM should be

    S = Saya ( meant police force, MACC, other authority enforcement force)
    P = Pembunuh
    R= Rakyat ( PAKATAN RAKYAT Malaysians)
    M =Maharajalela / Malaysia (Maharajalela= do as I wish)

  22. i am tempted to say: let’s go out on the street, demand the collective resignation of the pm and his cabinet. but i thought about what had happened in greece and xinjiang, i believe there are better solutions to this. please get justice back for tbh.

  23. Can DAP start a Beng Hock Memorial Webpage so that Condolences & Candle Lights be able to posted & centralized?

    Let that Webpage witness the Darkness to be blown away by the flood of Candle Lights – the Hearts of ALL Malaysians!

    Please specified the format and max size photo to be uploaded. Or, someone can help to reformat, if necessary.

  24. You can be sure there will be a clean up and cover up.

    Based on what Tan Boon Hwa described, the MACC is trying to manufacture evidence against the Opposition and get him to make a false confessions.

    I just read that the Prosecution in DSAI’s sodomy case now is appealling the High Court judge who had directed prosecution to the defence for examination. There is a big question here. Is it not a basic fundamental principle of natural justice that the evidence is accessible by both the defence and prosecution. The prosecution seems intent on ambushing DSAI’s team to get a quick conviction.

    Secondly, is it then that the evidence of the prosecution cannot withstand any examination? Talking straight, is the evidence manufactured? Like what we hear from the Tan BH’s interrogation?

    We are living in a police state? Wonder where Najib studied? Russia? Poland? Ukraine?

  25. NR-MY is becoming the most ruthless UMNO duo in history. Look at how they handled the Bkt Gantang and Manik Urai by-elections with massive money politics, manipulation of facts, and abuse of government resources. Do not expect any honesty and transparency from this duo in Teo’s case.

  26. There is a serious need to have an independent forensic team established in Malaysia. This team need to comprise the best experts and the state-of the-art forensic technology. Forget about the police forensic team as they are good for nothing. Do not expect any good and sound forensic investigation from them as they are not highly qualified, ignorant, poorly equipped, inefficient, and biased in their investigations (just like their counterparts in PDRM, local universities, government hospitals). There have been times when even court judges reprimanded their substandard investigations. Maybe PKR can look into this aspect as the establishment of an independent and world-class forensic team is in the interest of justice in Malaysia.

  27. northern states of malaysia have matured long time ago,at this coming 13th GE(kit said possible end of ths year),brother teoh,we will assure that soutern states such as seremban,melaka n johor win,and subsequently send najis n his cronies to hell,if toiyo wants rm100 billion,we also can ‘burn’ for him!

  28. Rakyat Msia terkilan dengan kematian saudara Teoh semasa di bangunan MACC. Banyak sangat kemusykilan mengenai kematian beliau yang menjadi tanda tanya ramai.

    Apakah kita semua akan mendapat ketelusan dari pihak berkuasa?

  29. siapatau,

    walaupun terkejut,tapi ini akan pasti berlaku lagi!

    kes BMC (TOL kajang) itu,polis menghantar sekumpulan gangsters memukul sesiapa yg ada di sana,pasukan FRU pula memukul 4 orang muda dgn teruk,nasib baik dia tak mati,mati pun mereka akan kata ‘akan di siasat dgn teliti,we will leave no stones unturned……………’,kes kugan,.sama juga,gangsters dalam pdrm yg dera dan hantam dia sampai mati,sekarang,giliran gangsters dari MACC,sudah banyak kali kita terngak DBKL membawa gangsters pukul orang dan rampas(sebenarnya rompak!) perkakas2 dan barang2 peniaga sambil membelasah penjaja2 dan orang yg cuba bantu!

    sebab itu,i terkejut,tapi tak hairan,akan ada lebih mangsa lagi pada masa ug akan datang,you tau?siapatau?

  30. Kit,

    Conduct a grand funeral service for Teoh BH (grand in guest participation but not in expenditure) to let the whole world know how evil the present government is.

    It is time to create ‘big waves’ across the country to arouse the rakyat of the kind of government we have!

  31. The real issue here is: it is not investigating procedures not following protocol. There was never an investigation. It was a harassment.

    We must focus on the real issue. If it is harassment, no amount of investigating protocol will help because the intention of the “investigation” was never to find out the truth; the intention was to insult, harass and threaten.

    What has this country come to? Many people, including leaders from BN said please don’t politicise this case. The reality is almost the whole federal apparatus is politicised to the core. How then we could ask others not to politicise.

    There is a piece “A sobering thought” written by Hussien Hamid. I agree with him that after 22 years of inculcation by Mahathir, this is who we are – a spineless nation not knowing the right and wrong, a spineless civil service ever ready to please their masters without conscience, a group of vulture politicians only talk of societal interests but the primary consideration is to seek power and wealth. For if we know the right and wrong, it would not be just former and ex BN MPs, Ministers, deputy Ministers and Senators now joining the oppositions. If we know the right and wrong, there would not be squabbling to settle old score like that scumbag Wangsa Maju MP. If we know the right and wrong, Penang Gerakan Youth would not have set their sight on Guan Eng’s rented bungalow but turned a blind eye to mega corruptions and abuses occurring right now and right under our nose. If we know the right and wrong, there would not be that hehehe b!tch from Jelapang, and that spineless bayi lawyer from Penang.

  32. There can be only one verdict and that verdict is ” MACC murdered Mr. Teoh and the head and all those responsible must be severely punished. Any thing less than that is definitely not acceptable since the victim die in their custody and there is no reason why he should jump to his death. To claim that Mr. Teoh was released is just bullsh!t and is an attempt to cover up.

    Mr. Teoh is not a suspect and why is he being tortured and maybe killed during the torture and his body was thrown out of the window to look like a suicide.

    Whatever is the scenario, Mr. Teoh die in your custody and MACC is the murderer and must be severely punished for the heinous crime.

    Let dedicate one day in a month to remember him until those murderers, directly and indirectly, are punished. We must not let Mr. Teoh die in vain.

  33. MACC interrogator said that Chinese is Bodoh???? Racialistic, insulting and belittling the Chinese Malaysian. Suspend these MACC, charge them and put them to jail.

    Humiliating, insulting, threatening and torturing in order to fabricate co-called “facts and witnesses” even “murder” to the destroy PR. This is what MACC is specialized.

    MACC should be suspended immediately and they should be revamped as they already completely lost their objectives and goals. Much more they are no more independent and no longer impair in their investigation. If PM or Home Ministry does not take these actions they are just as guilty as MACC.

  34. When will be the next election. We don’t want to hear any creulty, torture and murder anymore. We don’t want all these abuse of power nonsense. Public prosecutor why r u so quiet. Please charge those people who ordered these type of stupid investigation.We want a rakyat friendly goverment, a compassionate goverment, a transparent goverment and a goverment who is accountable. Please get the GE moving. We will throw this cruel goverment out. Change the minister, chage the head of department, change the executive dogs who bark for this cruel goverment. Ong Tee Keat, what have u got to say. I think u r a big bo lam par. Even the pondan Ah Koon dare to speak something senseful but u the biggest bo lum par still keep ur kay boh mouth shut. OTK ur r a big kay bo kar chui

  35. SHAH ALAM, July 18 — Political secretary Teoh Beng Hock died of multiple injuries due to a fall but police said they will not rule out foul play as they continue to question witnesses, including 17 anti-graft officials.

    Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said they are still classifying the 30-year-old’s demise as sudden death following a preliminary report from the autopsy.

    “These are just our initial findings.” Khalid told reporters today, adding that police were investigating the case thoroughly and from all angles.
    My comment: Don’t be stupid, do u think the barking dogs for the pm will do a thorough job. They will only help to covered up the case. The MACC already realise the mistake of the police in Kugan case. Thus when they realise that they have accidently kill TBH and they would chuck TBH body out of the building and make it as if he comitted suicide. Any autopsy will not be able to 100% differentiate between injuries due to the fall or injuries due to torture and death. Down to the MACC down to the police. what a joke asking a creul department investing another cruel department. we want a change, down to the present goverment.

  36. There is nothing to investigate. You can investigate thoroughly and from all angels, in the end there will still be no answer. Throw BN away, we have enough! Open your eyes wide , the next GE…dump them!

  37. You maybe right.

    He could be die during in custody. They tortured him to death while questioning and torturing him.

    They made him like fall to death to cover their murder.

    This is a possibility.

  38. It was a very solemn candlelight vigil at Ipoh. Truly solemn, filled with pain and sadness in everyone’s face.

    A senior citizen I met from Jelapang expressed much sadness, said it’s real heart-rending that an innocent young man to have fallen victim at the hands of MACC Officers who are no different from Altantuya’s gruesome murders!

  39. Sean is right….

    Bring Porntip….

    She is the only reliable independant forensic pathologist around…

    No point bringing anyone from LKY land or the HP6 Indon or Indian pathologists here in Malaysia….

    Khalid….JUST DO IT!!!! We need to internationalise this !

  40. Justice forsook this land a long long time ago.

    Was there justice for Noritta Samsuddin who was strangled in her apartment ? Was there justice for little Nurul who was raped and mrudered ? Was there justice for the student from China who was murdered in a Datuk’s house and thrown into the swimming pool ? Was there justice for Altantuya ? Was there justice for A Kugan ?

    Is there justice for Anwar who had evidence withheld from him, and who could not even obtain a postponement of his trial when his lead lawyer discharged himself due to illness ?

    There will be no justice for Teoh because justice in Bolehland comes from the barrel of a gun – UMNO’s gun.

  41. Bring the best pathologists and lets approve a good budget no matter how big is the amount. This case is VERY SERIOUS – be prepared to spend all the money for this. You people are willing to donate some amount, right?

    Khalid – get all the best pathologists here. Don’t let killers and BN and SPRM to just make up stories. This time, this kind of issue is to fought at all the expenses – all out!

  42. Kit,

    It is your turn to hit back at this MCA fellow (in your constituency) who alleged in last night’s China Press (page A8) that you and DAP are making use of Teoh’s case to stir people’s sentiments, incite them to protest on the street and to create chaos in society so as to achieve DAP’s selfish political aim.

    How could our MCA friend be so naive? If the government has done something wrong, isn’t that the job of the Opposition party to reprove and correct the government (checks and balances). Isn’t that the job of the Opposition party to remind the rakyat of what has taken place? How many more Teoh Beng Hock does our MCA friend want to see before the country descends into lawlessness and self-destruction?

    No human in his right mind will keep silent about such brutality, injustice and gross abuse of power committed by the executive. How could we allow government servants to be licensed to harm and kill?

  43. YHSiew says: “It is your turn to hit back at this MCA fellow (in your constituency) who alleged in last night’s China Press (page A8) that you and DAP are making use of Teoh’s case to stir people’s sentiments, incite them to protest on the street and to create chaos in society so as to achieve DAP’s selfish political aim.”

    A death has occurred within the premises of MACC. This is a fact that has not and cannot be disputed. What cock is this MCA dog barking? To me, MCA politicians are greedy, selfish monkeys…. the whole lot of them. If they have any self-respect, they would have left BN long ago instead of being boot lickers.

  44. The Star Online reported on February 25, 2009: “The creation of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was lauded by a top official of the anti-graft body that it was styled after – Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Its deputy commissioner and head of operations Daniel Li said it is a good start for Malaysia to battle graft.”

    What has that stupid Daniel Li got to say now? He doesn’t know Malaysian culture and he dares to give testimony. Now his reputation goes down the drain with MACC. Serve him right but for all you know, he is laughing to the bank, so who cares!

  45. //To me, MCA politicians are greedy, selfish monkeys…. the whole lot of them. If they have any self-respect, they would have left BN long ago instead of being boot lickers.//ecompute

    MCA and Gerakan, particularly Penang Gerakan Youth and that bayi lawyer are s.o.b. period.

  46. “Ragunath added the manner of Teoh’s interrogation is equivalent to torture according to internationally-accepted human rights norms.”

    Malaysia is not a signatory to the U.N. Convention Against Torture. They are free to torture.

  47. Woof says: “Malaysia is not a signatory to the U.N. Convention Against Torture. They are free to torture.”

    Ya, they are smart. They don’t want to sign. But Malaysia professes that Islam is the official religion. Does Islam allow them to torture? Seems like spending billions on the building and upkeep of mosques has not help much in inculcating even a little bit of Islamic values into the country.

  48. teoh’s family doesnt want second post mortem to be carried out,i hope they will change their mind,this is the only way we could tumble the racists in most of the gomen departments!

    Hoi MACC,klu cina bodoh,you punya gaji buta tiap2 bulan itu yg menyara hidup keluarga bangsat you,80% dari orang cina!sebab ketua penyamun tua yg belum mati itu kata,80% dari jumlah kutipan cukai pendapatan IRD adalah dari orang cina,you ingat you punya gaji buta UMNO yg kasi?bodoh punya melayu sombong!

  49. Twist and turn it anyway you love and in the end, it still means a group of people empowered to fight corruption, supposedly. But corruption is still around in its’ many disguises, forms and tricks. Next time, an arrest warrant is not enough. There must be a witness to accompany one who is arrested or invited in for an interrogation. Preferably a lawyer. Then do not touch anything that is being offered. Tea, coffee, cigarette, sweet, music; anything that can make you talk. Really talk. What else ?

  50. Blablowbla says: “Teoh’s family doesnt want second post mortem to be carried out,i hope they will change their mind,this is the only way we could tumble the racists in most of the gomen departments!”

    While we must respect the family’s wishes, I must regret to say that we Chinese are yakkkssss. By not having a second post mortem, we are only helping the culprits, when we should be nailing them. Let Teoh die in vain then, if this is what the family wants.

  51. Malaysian Insider reports: KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday conveyed his condolences to Teoh Beng Hock’s family and fiancée,Soh Cher Wei, 28. “I am deeply saddened when told of the incident. My sympathy goes out to Teoh’s family and his fiancee,” he told Bernama when contacted from Medina yesterday. The Prime Minister said police would investigate the matter thoroughly and professionally so that all quarters would be able to know what actually happened…. Let’s leave it to the authorities to investigate,” he said.

    Fancy Najib still having confidence in our police. Honestly, I don’t. To cover up, maybe.

  52. What happened is EVIL:
    “Like fine dust thrown against the wind,
    evil falls back upon the fool
    who offends an inoffensive,
    pure and guiltless man.”

    “Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean,
    nor by entering into mountain clefts,
    nowhere in the world
    is there a place where
    one may escape
    from the results of evil deeds.”

    – Venerable Sri Acharya Buddharakkhita

  53. Dear Uncle Kit,
    Please setup a fund for Teoh’s children (or precisely we should say : “yet to be born children). His children need to be taken care.

    Please do a collection of fund at 19 July Meeting at Stadium Kelana Jaya. After that, a special bank account for this fund is needed. This is to ease the contribution from everybody from different states of Malaysia.

    All Malaysian, please contribute to this fund to grow up Teoh’s Children.

    A paypal account is highly recommended as well. I am sure a lot of foreigners would love to contribute as well.

    If Pakatan Rakyat cannot do this simple thing, how can we expect PR can fight for a better Malayisa.

    Everybody please support this motion.

  54. I remembered the case where the police chief in Japan resigned when one policeman accidentally shot someone dead. Will the monkey in charge of MACC step down? I doubt so. Malaysian monkeys have very thick skins.

  55. ekompute … its called being honorable when you resign. Its like Ministerial Responsiblilty … in Malaysia it will not exist. Just deny and spin. MACC never once said they are shocked by the incident and showed any sympathy for the victim’s family.

  56. “MACC never once said they are shocked by the incident and showed any sympathy for the victim’s family.”

    Whoever is in charge, I don’t even want to know his name. All I know is that he is not human.

  57. yes,UMNO n Utusan can say that DAP has politicised the TBH’s death,infact,they were the ones that expert in stirring n caltivating racial issues all the while since Hussien Onn’s time,may i ask you ppl from UMNO ,PDRM,MACC n Utusan,if one day one malay guy die at the Wisma DAP,just like the crooked body found death in a pool of blood,WHAT WILL HAPPEN?I M ASKING MUHAIDIN,STUPID NAZRI,TOYO,MUSANG,SAID,NAJIS,WHAT WILL HAPPEN,ANSWER ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!

    I think they will lauch another May13 without any delay,right???

    You all are just a group of scumbags that are heartless n should be thrown to the Red Sea!!!!

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