First case of death-in-custody in MACC HQ

Question: How did Sel Exco/Serdang SA Ean Yong Hian Wah’s political secretary, Teo Beng Hock in custody at 14th floor Sel MACC Hqrs since yesterday, died from fall?


Jul 16, 09 5:10pm
Teo Beng Hock, 30, an aide of Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, has plunged to his death at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Selangor headquarters in Shah Alam.

Teo’s body was found on the rooftop of a building next to the towering block which houses the MACC headquarters.

He was believed to have jumped from the 14th floor of the tower block where MACC Selangor is located.

Yesterday, Teo was taken to the MACC headquarters for questioning in relation to a probe concerning several Pakatan assemblypersons.

When the news broke, Pakatan leaders, including Ean, rushed to the building.

Other DAP leaders who are at the MACC headquarters included Ronnie Liu, Teng Chang Khim and Tony Pua.

Both Liu and Teng, after having waited for over one hour at the building, confirmed that Teo had died.

Jul 15, 09 4:12pm
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) raided the offices of two Selangor Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives, including a member of the state cabinet.

The duo – both from DAP – are Seri Kembangan assemblyperson and state exco Ean Yong Hian Wah and Kampung Tunku assemblyperson Lau Weng San.

According to Ean (left in photo above), a six-member MACC team raided his service centre in Seri Kembangan at around 12.30pm.

Three hours later, the team also raided the Selangor DAP chief’s exco office located in the state secretariat building in Shah Alam.

The raid is related to MACC’s probe on seven Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state reps in relation to the use of state funds in their respective constituencies.

The MACC team left Ean’s office around 3.45pm, only to return some 10 minutes later.

This time, the MACC officers confiscated a laptop belonging to Ean’s political secretary Teo Beng Hock as well as a desktop computer, which were sent to the Selangor MACC headquarters in Shah Alam.

Teo was also taken to the headquarters to assist in the investigation. He was accompanied by Kota Alam Shah representative M Manoharan, who acted as Teo’s lawyer.

“The team leader, known only as Mohd Anwar, told me that he left earlier because he was uncomfortable with the presence of many journalists at the scene,” said Ean, who is state exco in charge of new village development and solution for unlicensed factories.

“He also said that all Selangor assemblypersons will be investigated but I am not sure if this also includes those from BN,” he added.

Ean also said that the officers failed to provide any identification before conducting their investigation and refused to reveal the complainants who had lodged the report against the state representatives.

“However, when asked what was the investigation based on, they only said, ‘we have received instructions from the top’,” said Ean.

Apart from Ean and Lau, the other five Pakatan reps being probed are Teresa Kok (Kinrara), Hannah Yeoh (Subang), Elizabeth Wong (Bukit Lanjan), Dr Cheah Wing Yin (Damansara Utama) and Edward Lee (Bukit Gasing).

Earlier Ean lambasted the move, alleging that the investigation and raids were ‘politically motivated’.

Previously, the commission have quizzed several people, including the personal aides of five assemblypersons – Ean, Lau, Kok, Wong and Yeoh.

Selangor state representatives are given RM500,000 each every year to fund community programmes in their respective constituencies.

Lau: More states reps on the list

Speaking at a press conference later, Lau said that his aides at his service centre in Petaling Jaya were questioned by the MACC officers at about 12.30pm while he was attending the state assembly sitting in Shah Alam.

Upon hearing the news, he went to his Kampung Tunku office at around 1.30pm and told the MACC officers that he would cooperate with the investigation.

“I showed all my community programmes documents to them,” he said.

Lau added that all documents pertaining to the use of state funds are kept in the land office.

“The land office is very strict when it comes to claims for our community programmes. In fact, in our submission (for the claims), we need to attach photos (as evidence of community programmes held) to our forms before it is being sent to the land office,” he said.

According to Lau, it is also learnt that similar investigations will be carried out on Pakatan representatives in the Gombak area of Selangor.

He further brushed off suggestions made by Kok previously who claimed that MACC were targeting Chinese elected representatives.

“I think they are targeting all Pakatan reps, regardless their races,” said Lau.

Wong, who is also a state exco, said that she and her office have yet to be investigated by the MACC officers.

“Although I welcome any investigation carried by them, I would also like to know what happened to our complaints made against BN state reps who have misused state funds,” she said.

60 Replies to “First case of death-in-custody in MACC HQ”

  1. Malaysia is a wonderful country
    People just drop dead in wonderful places
    In police custody
    Now in MACC custody
    MACC boasted that they do not need warrant
    They are above the law, they just do their job
    How many deaths will it take to let BN supporters see the mess we are in
    The answer is still blowing in the wind

  2. No foul play please, its common for people to fall off buildings actually, it happens all the time. Nothing new, not news at all. Bloody idiots … next week will be a very tumultuous week for the country …

  3. The message is loud and clear
    U want to be a PR politician
    U will be visited by mata-mata, MACC kaki unannounced
    They will search, poke, comb your place
    They will take your PC, laptop, VCD
    They will invite you to have chit chat at their offices
    While BN politicians relax and count their RM
    See what happened to the frogs in Perak
    Before jumping, they faced all sorts of rapid fire and questioning
    After jumping, life is beautiful and peaceful
    Every sin is forgotten and written off or filed away
    Ini lah 1Malaysia

  4. I’m sure MACC will create an interesting story on how the incident happened. But do you think the public will believe? Again, there will be nothing after several weeks… first an Indian (Kugan), then a Malay, now a Cina… UMNO-PDRM-MACC-AGPatail – perfect combination – choices of 50% of Manek Urai population. Malaysian are stupid!!!

  5. Shukri state that he was not a suspect but was questioned blah blah blah…… what really happened up there ?Was it deliberate and make it look like someone is out to “silence” this teoh chap.Those held responsnle must be accounted for..especially those MACC lap dogs.Did they or did they not murdered this chap? We need to know who and whom is responsibe.Am angry………thorough investigation need to be done and by god….it must be a royal commission now.Not the police and any other bloody enforcement agency from boleh land.Because all of them cannot and should not be trusted.

  6. Malaysiakini: He was believed to have jumped
    Aiyah! By who? Who said that? Either say who or say nothing! The Malaysian Insider also says “unclear .. fell or jumped”. Those are not the only ways he could have died. We don’t know anything yet except that a young man is dead.

    Can we please all concentrate on securing some reliable information first? Thanks.

  7. MACC officers said they were doing their job
    Did anyone recall MACC ever raided the HQs of Umno, MCA, MIC, Gerakan
    And invited the secretaries and employees of the HQs of BN political parties
    for interrogation from 5pm to 3.45am

  8. How long more are the fair minded people of Malaysia going to tolerate the severe abuse of power, greed, and corruption of UMNO? How long more are we going to sit and watch these UMNO politicians and their cronies rape the country of its wealth and resources for their selfish benefit? How long more are we going to tolerate the evil and cruelty of UMNO towards peace-loving and innocent citizens? How long more are we going to see UMNO destroy the future of our country, the future of our children, and the future of democracy and human rights? We pray to God Almighty that all the evil UMNO politicians and their cronies will receive your wrath soon. We pray to God Almighty that you will save our country from evil and destruction by UMNO.

  9. As usual, they will claim he kena grilled “kaw-kaw”, and they are close to something but he jumped to save everyone…What’s new in our country??!! How about the case of one shah alam bunglow!? Kudos to MACC, finally you’ve done “something”!! Welcome to 1(uncivilized)Malaysia!!

  10. This is truly a black day for malaysia and malaysians.

    Take a look again at the interview of the MACC officer. What he said was a very well rehearsed lie. All the classic signs of lying was absent except for one. Notice how he kept wetting his lips ? That is one of the more subtle signs of lying.

    How much more of such abuse of power, corruption, lies and police brutality would the rakyat take ?

    We will remember. We must remember.

  11. What a mess! Anyway, small matter… just need to see how best to cover that up. After all, the police and the courts are on their side, so what’s the big deal? Nothing to worry about… can sleep tight.

  12. Oh yes, MACC will owe one to the police to help them out of this incident… so what job are they left with? Abang-adik relationship from now onwards, I suppose. I scratch your back and you scratch mine.

  13. Oh My God!!! I’m so sorry about what has happened… Oh No!!!

    On behalf of Muslims under PAS, “saya ucapkan takziah kepada mendiang dan saya sangat2 merasa simpati mengenai kematian ini, dan kita semua tahu ada yang tidak kena dalam kes ini kita akan bersama-sama berganding bahu membantu anda.”

    We will be with DAP to fight for the right on this matter. All members of PR will join you all and be with you. Let’s go all out to fight for the truth! Go!

  14. This is definitely not a simple death by accident. How could a young man in his prime with so much to look forward to in life and most importantly when he is about to get married this weekend jump to his death. He is not a suspect or a criminal and there is no reason why he should take his life.

    Macc, no one will believe you that the victim killed himself. You have blood in your hand and you must be punished for this poor young man’s death. Isn’t it strange that you don’t see blood in his head or buttock area. I believed he was already dead when he was thrown down.

    Teo Beng Hock, the people will always remember you and will not let your death be in vain. Let us hope DAP will make buttons for every one to wear until the murderers are brought to justice.

  15. Saudara Kit :use this – the allegations of Umno Maran division committee member Halimi Kamaruzzaman here:

    Ask why they are dragging feet in A. Kugan case :

    What about other unsolved custodial deaths? Francis Udayappan? Prabhakar ?
    According to statistics released in Parliament last year, there has been 1535 custodial deaths from 2003 – 2007.

  16. Last time was A4A, now MA44.

    Very sad and condolence to the family of Teo Beng Hock.

    Another hero like Dr. Liew, we have another to remember. But it is another ghost to haunt Najib , BN/UMNO and very bad for the nation.

    So soon after 65 votes majority in N41 on 14 July, for BN Be eNd with 14-Sapp., this tragedy strikes to remind Malaysia of the worst to come after the political secretary to PM of 513.

    Be prepared for a total change and IGGG.
    Today 16/17 storm in KK.

    pw: today escapism

  17. Whatever the causes of Teo’s premature death – , there is obvious an element of sorcery as it is pass the midnight mark – the trademark of investigation with a hidden agenda of MA44 in the 14th floor.

    Some weak souls cannot sustain the black magic and could be dead due to something like blotting or stroke worsened with
    lack of water or thirst.

    Why it was reported that no BLOOD from the body of contact and if that is true then Teo was dead before he fell.

    So apart from torture, which could have the marks of torture, there would not be any mark if sorcery was involved.

    Maybe the doctors would come out with a report of heart attack and then death. Lets see…..

    I have gone through such scenarios – thousands of times – and yet I survived because of Jesus Christ, like it or not.

    I have a special mission – towards a transformation of the world groping in darkness.

    Condolence to the family late Teo Beng Hock.

    pw:gnawn the

  18. RPK’s account of how Teoh met his death would certainly be nearer the truth than Shukri’s spin.It would make anybody’s blood boil.This has to be the last straw and we must resolve to throw these bunch of UMNOPUTRAS out at the soonest opportunity.They are undoubtedly the great Satan that this country has tolerated for the last 52 years!

  19. To umno benghuat’s death is just another tiny strand of inconvenient dirt. Simple solution is available. The umno carpet is always there to take in all of these and other bigger load of dirt and rubbish like the 12.5b scandal and the perak power grab. So its “No problemo man. Keep them coming.”

  20. I told you guys b4,it’s happening now to poor Teoh Beng Hock and the threats and deads would go on.This Is a part of what I always mentioned that “NR and his gang will use whatever it takes to stay on to power. Whoever is blocking them or trying to stumble them will be treated like Teoh or something lesser than death.The target now is DAP’s leaders especially in Selangor.The death of a young and rising DAP’s star is a “warning” and PR,particularly DAP should not take this matter lightly. We will continue to support what you DAP/PR finish what you begin. I hereby wish to express my greatest syampathy to the family of the late hero Mr.Teoh Beng Hock.

  21. I tell you, its amazing the police statement is that this is SUDDEN DEATH … yes la it is because when you hit the ground from 14 stories above after being shoved off you will suddenly die.

    If DAP is smart, its time they pose this to MCA and GERAKAN, since those 2 parties are SO CONCERNED for Chinese right? I wonder what they have to say? So far they said NOTHING in the news. WTF?

  22. OMG, Selangor CPO Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said tonight the authorities had classified the death of Teoh Beng Hock as sudden death and do not see any evidence of foul play so far.
    MACC must be mighty grateful to CPO.
    The ground suddenly appeared before you and you crashed to death – SUDDEN DEATH

  23. MCA n Gerakan – no worry about this sudden death thingy
    Wherelah their people got invited to be interrogated by MACC from 5pm to 4am
    Was Ling LS interrogated macam ini
    Saw the photo in which he was smiling happily after his most recent chit chat – what to say, sudah lama, memory not good, forgotten details lah, aku just signed saja, just like MMK
    Interrogation, no sweat, no need to jump lah

  24. Look at the picture of the late Teoh lying on the floor. See Notice that the trousers was torn at the buttock. It could not be torn during the fall. It is the reason for the fall. Somebody was holding Teoh’s legs. The grip on the legs gave way and the person(s) was left holding the leg-end of the trousers, and it must have happended suddently. Teoh was dropped to his death.

  25. On 23 May 2009, police (12 plainclothes men headed by ASP Kamal Khan Mohd Shariff) raided the DAP headquarters.

    Police brought along Ulu Selangor district councillor Ooi Leng Heng, 34, who is also DAP Youth’s political education bureau director. Ooi was handcuffed and wearing a standard orange lock-up uniform.

    Perhaps, MACC was trying to do what the police did to Ooi, giving Teo a friendly persuasion and getting Teo to cooperate to lead MACC to raid the DAP HQs.

    Where is Ooi Leng Heng now? Can he share with us the friendly persuasion that he went through with the polis?

    History tends to repeat itself. Learn from history.

  26. Hello Speakup!!! since you said eberyone is jump everyday, how come i did’t see you jump. how come your photo is not in condolence page? tedpole!!! who is the killer all got eyes to see, foul play or not all knew too. you no need judge in here. why MACC don’t go for PKFZ or TOYO case? penut case they look like large wheel. stupid!!! between 0630 till 1345 no body see him? i tot the MACC 24hrs on duty? hahaha no one in the office? windows gap able to open so wide meh? guess all of us stay in high floor hotel b4. no cctv in MACC building? so poor meh?? On behalf of penang people, Condolence to Teo parents.. don’t give up. we will support you, and YTeo is looking to who is pushing him down.

  27. Why did DAP allow this young man to be in the hyena’s lair alone?
    Why was Teo not allowed to be interrogated in the presence of a lawyer?
    One promising young life, just abt to be married, just gone like this – fast, furious, tragic, unaccounted for

  28. k1980 … MACC is not involved in the MU bridge issue, Elections Commission is. Anyways, the Chairman of the EC are great friends with the DPM and also the chairman did not hear it happening and it probably did not happen as the DPM was misquoted la. Simple or not?

  29. Is Ronnie Liu a prophet?
    “Rumours can hurt and kill”

    Despite the known preceding events, the cause of death is unknown. “Sudden death” is indisputable. They cannot classify it as murder, or even suicide, without some evidence. All that they know is that he died. Unexpectedly. That’s sudden death.

  30. OrangRojak … you may be very right in putting it that way. Still, its most amazing how it happened huh? I never heard that a witness is taken in to obtain his assistance all night long. Interesting …

  31. SpeakUp – there are very many regrettable and suspicious circumstances around this young man’s death. Aside from hearsay, we know very little besides the fact that a young man is dead. I wrote an article some time ago about another … unsatisfactorily explained death. There are things that Malaysians – and any concerned person – can do to make it more likely that a satisfactory explanation can be obtained. I would implore anybody that might have any shred of even tenuously-related information, to first of all make it secure, second provide a copy to the authorities, third, to make it public and fourth, to collaborate with others who can help to bring the pieces together in an unprejudiced way.

    Anybody who was in or around the location at the time of Teoh Beng Hock’s death, should take the time to write down anything they recall of the night. Anybody who made a phone call or sent an SMS from or to the area should take a photo of their phone’s call log. Anybody who took a photo or a movie clip in the whole of Shah Alam should archive a copy of their photos, no matter how irrelevant they appear. Anybody who works nearby and has records of street-facing CCTV or car park security cameras, should try to make a copy of the night’s data. If there are handwritten security logs for visitors or car movements, take a photo of that night’s pages. Even examples like your ‘assistance all night long’ should be recorded – with details of who said it, when, where, was it heard first hand or reported elsewhere, an image copy of the webpage source, if that’s where the info was found (you can’t rely on URLs, as you’ll know if you’ve ever quoted NST).

    There are obvious privacy concerns, but someone has died far too young in distressing circumstances. Publishing personal information is, in my view, better than the fake privacy that is privileged access when we do not always consent to it.

    Do you know the saying “if you want the job done right, do it yourself?”. I actually think there was a better chance of a citizen investigation into the circumstances around the death of the person whose name I’m not certain I can mention without risk, given the profiles of the people involved and some of the locations the ‘action’ took place. It’s possibly too long ago now. Even if people record far more data (in the form of phone logs, pictures / movies, blogs, IMs etc) than they ever did before, the lifespan of the records can be very short. I still think Malaysians could spend their time and efforts more productively by collaborating on citizen investigations than they do by posting prejudice on blogs.

    Just been reminded I should be working … again.

  32. MACC has been transformed into the henchman,MP-5,AK-47 and nuclear missile of BN-led government to terminate the political lives of Pakatan Rakyat MPs and SLAssemblypersons.

    Let’s send all the murderers of Teoh Beng Hock to hell.

  33. And we have this Minister in the PM’s Dept, giving his “trademark idiotic” (quoting another blogger) response.

    Najib should learn not to allow this guy to add salt to wound. Each time he opens his mouth, you know something silly is coming.

    Isn’t this the guy who was Minister for Entrepreneur Development (?) who issued a mountain of taxi licences during his term. When the ACA want to interview him, his remarks were so silly and politically incorrect. I remember he said that he and the government are the bosses and the ACA works for them and so ACA has no right to come for him? (as if he is above the law). I would have thought that he should say that if the ACA has enough evidence, they can come for him.

    I wonder why Najib still retain him? Something we don’t know?

  34. Oh my God, I just found out that Nazri is the de facto law minister??

    With his comments on the taxi licence case as above, he has absolutely no eligibility to be have anything with law and justice. So, it make me wonder even more why Najib put him in that position?

  35. MACC is supposed to a legacy of AAB, our former PM?

    What legacy? Legacy of secret police, persecution and suppression of legitimate political dissent for the BN to stay in power?

    The MACC is clearly an institution used by the BN government to persecute and shame the Opposition so that they can perpetuate their rule. Why is the MACC not going after the PKFZ, Khir Toyo?

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