Hishammuddin should explain why he is supporting the renewal of Musa Hassan as IGP who had led a losing war against crime despite trebling of police allocations to RM8 billion in 9th Malaysia Plan as compared to 8MP

In his Hundred Day address yesterday, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak identified six key areas for his administration to focus on, viz: crime prevention, combating corruption, providing greater access to quality and affordable education, improving the quality of life for the poor, improving rural infrastructure and upgrading public transportation in the medium term.

It is shocking that after 100 days as Prime Minister, Najib as nothing whatsoever to say on two of the six key areas of his premiership, namely crime prevention and combating corruption, sending out the unmistakable message that they rate very low in his order of priorities and debunking the claim that they rank as the top two items of the six key areas for his administration to focus on.

Despite giving a “blank” message of what he intend to do about fighting crime, the Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan could join in the paeans of praise for the new Prime Minister, as Musa is quoted by New Sunday Times today, saying:

“The police have done their best to tackle crime in the country and we will not let up in our efforts. From January until now, crime has been reduced by four per cent. What’s important is to address street crime such as snatch thefts and wayside robberies.”

This is a meaningless statement from the IGP, especially one who had fought a losing war against galloping crime in the past five years, with the national crime index of 156,315 cases in 2004 (which the Police Royal Commission had described as intolerably high which would only frighten off investors and deprive Malaysians of their fundamental rights to be free from crime and the fear of crime) to shoot through the 200,000 barrier in 2007 and 2008!

This is not the only reason why the country should have a new IGP and why Musa’s lobbying to get his term which expires in September to be renewed for another term should be denied.
Other important reasons why the country needs a new IGP to provide new leadership and vision towards creating a world-class police force are:

(i) Musa’s failure to fully implement 125 Police Royal Commission recommendations particularly to establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police force to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights

(ii) Parliament responded to Police Royal Commission Report and tripled police allocations in the Ninth Malaysia Plan to RM8 billion as compared to the previous five years under the Eighth Malaysia Plan – but Musa failed to deliver a world-class police service which could keep crime low, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights.

I understand that Musa’s effort to get his term as IGP renewed for another term after September has got the support of Hishammuddin.

The Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein should explain why he is supporting the renewal of Musa Hassan as Inspector-General of Police (IGP) when the latter had led a losing war against crime despite the trebling of police allocations to RM8 billion in the Ninth Malaysia Plan as compared to the previous five years under the Eighth Malaysia Plan and why he is against the appointment of another top police officer to be the No.1 Policeman in the country.

(Speech 2 at the meeting of DAP State Secretaries, Organising and Publicity Secretaries at Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya on Sunday, July 12, 2009)

35 Replies to “Hishammuddin should explain why he is supporting the renewal of Musa Hassan as IGP who had led a losing war against crime despite trebling of police allocations to RM8 billion in 9th Malaysia Plan as compared to 8MP”

  1. No doubt, Hishamuddin will support musa hassan. He is a BN IGP. From the way Musa Hassan is cracking down peaceful demonstrations, the gov will be very happy to renew his contract.

    btw, Nice theme uncle kit. but readers might need some time to get used to it.

  2. UMNO is totally beholden to the Musang. Over 10 years ago, this Musang did such a favour for UMNO which allowed the likes of Kerismuddin and Najib to stay in power (and of course to partake in the sharing of the country’s riches). Now the decision to quit will be the Musang’s. It’s not UMNO’s.

    Clearly, the other BN parties such as MCA, Gerakan and MIC have no role to play in this matter. It’s an issue for Tuan UMNO.

  3. “Malaysia is the safest country in the world. Look. We have no bombings of pubs and buses and trains OK. Snatch theft, armed robbery, murder, rape, incest etc etc. They are everywhere. In singapore too.” … thoughts of a policeman that strangely echos the thoughts of a Tuan McBully.

  4. Hi guys what matters most for UMNO is the IGP is on its side.The IGP is pretty smart,he plays his game well and hence he’s likely to be re-appointed.You guys rear a cat to catch rats and if it does well,you keep it and say “good cat”.Hence What can we say of UMNO,its liken to us.We normally keep good workers or good pets.Similarly UMNO keeps all of his good workers or pets just like us.Guys like MCA,MIC,GERAKAN,PBS,SUPP who are pretty well fed and enjoying paradise on earth in a wonderful well protected comfort zone will not even care to move an eyelip when you and I (rakyat) are under great threat by this UMNO’s great pet IGP.We have to accept presently,this is UMNO’s world.Under it,we will continueously see damages after damages of our society,And to stop all these,we need to take a great giant step together to kill this monster dragon (Umno) .I think PR is our only ” JASON’.

  5. One reason: Musa works effectively for UMNO!Kerismuddin has no reasons not to renew his contract! Also, I believe there will be another plot, “Ops Lallang II”, just before 13th GE, under H1N1M1!

  6. Reason why it is much safer to go after candlelight vigilers than mat rempits

    MALACCA 2009/07/13: A police officer was injured by two road thugs in Padang Nyiru here during an operation conducted by the police yesterday. Malacca Tengah district police chief of management Assistant Superintendent Mohd Ashari Baidawi, who headed the operation, said the officer sustained minor injuries in the accident.

    Lance Corporal Mohamad Fazli stopped two teenagers during a roadblock at 2am, only to find that they had neither licence nor road tax.

    In their attempt to escape they knocked him down.

  7. Looks like you’re targeting the IGP. Not saying here at all that either IGP or police force is efficient or that it is not aligned to ruling parties. However if he were replaced are they going to get someone more “neutral”? Also are we saying that police’s inefficiency and shortcoming is main root cause for rising crime and that changing IGP or even fixing the police problem with fuller implementation of IPCMC’s recommendations, crime problem will be fixed/ameliorated??? We don’t know that as a fact.

    There are a myriad of factors bearing on the crime equation: no less, population increase, rural to urban drift, dislocation caused by plantation/estate workers coming to the cities, inundation by foreign workers, both legal and illegal, unequal distribution of income, more importantly pervasive corruption reeking in all sectors (where with bribery, illegals could still remain, illegal activities are overlooked etc). Here we’re talking of high profile snatch thefts and wayside robberies. However what about white collar crimes pervasive in even the white collar/corporate sector that have much to do with our attitudes?

    Can change of IGP effectively counter these macro socio-economic root factors at play?

  8. It is not a good practice to keep on someone in such a key post as he is way past retirement age and had a major heart surgery recently.
    He is also holding up the progress of junior officers.
    Besides such posts should have proper succession planning – and preferably the post should include a committee hearing in Parliament; not just the sanction of the PM.
    If really BN need his services, they can employ him as a private consultant on their own account .

  9. A horrible thought struck me as i listened to the online bbc world service.

    President Obama is on a journey to awaken the africans. Why should I feel horrible? Taiwan, korea, hong kong and singapore used to be our peers – our equals. Those four places / countries have moved ahead of us. Now we found for ourselves peers in the like of some african nations. If african nations were indeed awakened by obama’s powerful speech then we would be peerless! I suppose then we would have to befriend burma.

  10. by Jeffrey “Can change of IGP effectively counter these macro socio-economic root factors at play?”
    No of course not. This is PR’s game plan, as far as I can guess at it: any change is change for the better. The problem is knowing whether Malaysia is at the rock bottom or not, and whether Malaysians have ‘had enough’ or can still take a little bit more. The occasional sweetener from Najib causes trouble for PR, as does the occasional act of damaging incompetence from within its own ranks.

    I think LKS – in his position – is right to call for change of leadership. It’s a relatively safe gambit, safer than ‘do it the PR way’, when there are all-too-frequent revelations of PR not doing it ‘the PR way’. My only fear is that PR is running out of safe plays. Calling for a change of leadership might ring hollow if PR are observed to protect incompetents or wrong-doers in their own ranks. Have PR demonstrated their willingness to prune dead wood from their own tree?

  11. The Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein should explain why he is supporting the renewal of Musa Hassan as Inspector-General of Police (IGP)…..(Kit)

    Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has not got the foresight. He only knows how to please his crony. Little did he know that the choice of a suitable IGT will have a dramatic impact on UMNO in the 13th general election – choosing the wrong IGP may well cause UMNO to go down in history!

    I bet a smarter Najib is more careful on the issue.

  12. would it be possible to change IGP with non-malay guy?
    IGP Musa shouldnt be reappointed again but ask him to clean up all the mess before he leave..like suspect deads under police custody-kugan case like, nurin case-children kinapping-murder,snatch thief,mat rempits,ah longs..Should IPCMC be formed immediately..POLICE ARE NOT ABOVE LAW!
    Or else the new IGP will get the blame had to solved all the garbages from previos IGP.
    Not fair rite..lembu punya susu, tuan dapat nama!!

  13. When we say “change the IGP”, we don’t literally mean that we get rid of the IGP and the problems will all go away the day after he leaves. However, the manner of his leaving will send a very powerful message to the police force, and his successor – hopefully a person with a clear mission to target crime and not target PR – will then be able to start house-cleaning. You install a person of integrity and action, and hopefully the changes then occur right down the line.

  14. The Basic and Greatest Problem of the UMNO administration the Public Servants are left NOT to do their work and NOT to abide by Rules and Regulations. What NJ said can only be Talk and cannot be Walked!!

    The Abuse of Rights and NOT following Rules and Regulations are the Basic for the Police NOT doing their jobs.

    Does Hishamuddin press the Police to do their work accordingly?
    Does the PM press his Cabinet to do the same? If PM cannot even pressing his Ministers to answer the inquiries by the Parliament on the PKFZ scandal and many others, HE already had not done his job! Can HE talk and walk for the future?


  15. He only knows how to wave the kris and talk coke like a HP6 with a retarded brain. This is a classic example of a typical NEP product. Go learn something from Great Singapore, go, go, go for a brain-transplant/

  16. Jeffrey,
    I have never seen a more stupid posting than your last one. Myriad of problems and therefore police are justified in not solving all of them? How idiotic can you get? Let me tell you this: A proactive and efficient police force; a police force with capable leadership would have foreseen all these developments and take appropriate pre-emptive measures before the problems you have identified become so acute. Worse still, you even attribute corruption as one of the factors as if police are free from corruption. Has it ever occurred to you that the number of police personnel and the allocation have also increased many folds?

    White collar crimes and we should blame them our attitude? Look, how much are they paying you? Since when good behaviour is dependent on our good attitudes? How can you take good attitudes as given? If whatever you say hold water, there is no need for laws, authorities and social compulsion since the beginning of time. We just depend on the goodness of individuals.

    There is no doubt in my mind you are no longer your own self. You can not be that stupid.

  17. Limkaput … if I post then I am sure you will say my posting is more stupid than Jeff’s. Can I get your address, I am keen to send you a dictionary, I mean you always say someone is stupid, idiotic etc only. You would do well to increase your vocabulary.

    Also, I think you are just some lowly educated ignoramus who dreams of being a political kingpin but only can talk a lot at coffee shops.

    I have never ever seen you able to just answer someone point for point and not call them names. Never … neither you nor that Munster.

  18. Look, SpeakUP, if you have written that piece by Jeffrey, I would have kept quiet because that would be expected. Who is talking a lot like those in the coffee shop other than you and monsterball? I don’t call you loose canon ball II for nothing. Everything I say, I say so with a reason.

  19. Nobody says police are not justified in solving crime. To be sure no one is saying here that police’s resources are fully utilised to combat crime or are even efficient, but for a reason to be given to justify why IGP contract should not be renewed (because the buck stops there) it better be specific reasons cited: for examples, persecution/bias against Opposition by various investigations; or even controversy generated by Anwar’s allegations that he has evidence of previous conspiracy by Gani and Musa against him to back his claims that the current sodomy charge against him is politically motivated – provided Anwar’s allegations are vindicated and evidence accepted conclusive; or maybe police brutality from deaths of A Kugan.

    If the main objection is rising crime – and crime is caused by myriad of macro factors beyond police’s control that the most efficient of IGP even best of IGP – might not make a dent to stem the rising crime, then how to connect IGP/Police to this phenomenon?

    We know an efficient police force – which is IGP’s task to ensure – ought to help but we’re not given facts/figures backed by research here to say how much of this increase in crime wave/tide is attributable to an inefficient/corrupt police force for which IGP as responsible head is directy blameworthy and how much is due to other unavoidable macro factors and root causes that even an efficient and uncorrupt force could do little to stem/curb.

    As usual Lim Kam Put would shoot through the mouth whatever occur to him – at that moment – without filtering through the brain. We are used to it. :)

  20. Never mind he says anyone’s opinion is stupid, idiotic, it is often described such (so oten that it desensitises and loses its effect) as long as it is not in accord with his opinion, arrogated by him to be the whisperings of wisdom, no matter how contrary that may really be, an example of a man addicted to judging well his own cause. Also he revels in new found status of kicking asses whenever he feels equal to the occasion without serious repercussions visited upon him in cyberspace. Good for you, keep it up lah. :)

  21. If I am Najib, I will first let Kerismudin renew the IGP contract and then bring up something linking him and his deputy like corruption later (remember the statutory declaration of some gang members implicating him) and get both of them fired. I must look like a hero in front of the nation. Then I will go and liberalise the use of languages in secondary schools- allow schools the freedom to do non language subjects in whatever language they fancy. With one single swop I solve most of the problems. The language chauvanist get their supporters to study non language subjects in their own mother tongue be it Malay, Chinese or Tamil. The pragmatic can have their children study English to ensure a good future for themselves and country. The grounding of Malay as a language is ensured as it is already widely taught in primary schools. The parents can no longer blame the government if their children do not do well in Science or Maths because they are the ones who chose the medium of instructions for them. This ensures that the nation remain multi-lingual. It will definately take the wind out of the sail of PR whose member mostly cannot decide or sticks on to the rigid and stupid policy of returning to using Malay to teach Science and English.

    Then I will ask my Moles or UMNO member in
    PAS to continue pushing for unity talk. Whatever is being talked about is of no important. What is more important it to create distrust amongst the opposition parties. Give a Minister or Deputy minister post to the two big Moles in PAS and the other two parties (DAP and PKR ) will sure be pissed off and go for each other throat. It is simple logic that if you cannot fight your opponent outright you cause your opponents to fight among themselves first. When they are thoroughly exhausted killing each other just go in and kill their remaining army.

    Next I simply surrender Perak back to the Opposition by simply dumping their traitor .. that Hee woman. I may look weak and appear to be sucumbing to pressure but the returns are worth it. It will bring lots of goodwill from the electorate. I may not be able to appease everyone because of the power grab but some fence sitter may give me points for my generosity. The next election is all about that. If people like you and what you did they give you the vote. If not you are a goner.

    With such manipulation I can even use the notion of C4 to my advantage. If anyone dare to oppose me ………remember C4.

  22. Jeffrey, I might have used some uncalled for words, but you know what I said in the nut shell. How can you deny the fact that what you postulated is pure nonsense? If macro factors resulted in increased crimes, the size of the police force (both in terms of personnel, equipment, and technology) too has increased. If the police force is not able to discern new challenges and therefore not able to equip themselves, who is she going blame.

    You want facts and figure for all public policy formulation. That is simpler said than done. Just touch your heart and ask yourself “the state” of police force in this country with respect to:
    1. providing general security for the population
    2. solving crimes that have been committed
    3. the efficiency and effectiveness in handling public reports and complaints
    4. the general perception of bribery and corruption among the police force
    5. the transparency and neutrality of police forces in handling “political” cases
    6. the general perception of abuse and excessive force used on remand person

    Jeffrey, just cut the long argument short. If you say that the police is doing a better job in all of the above, then I have nothing much more to say. If they are not, then certainly there is a need to call for review which to me inevitably includes the role of leadership in the force.

  23. There are studies on the rising crime problem with facts and figure in Malaysian context. Perhaps you want to read up on these. Take for example the dislocation of indian plantation workers/rural urban drift or the kind of exploitation of foreign workers, inequitable distribution of income due to govt policies etc you’d find that yes police’s inefficiency/corruption has a contributory part to play but so are so many other sectors/tiers of people and even govt policies that one finds it hard to ascertain whether the police laches are only 10% or 90% bearing on this phenomenon…..If you want to nail anyone holding top position one has to be very careful and specific and connect something that is wholly attributable to him or his underlings, and not something general that may be attributable to elsewhere and other factors where one is left speculating who is proportionately the major culprit. Only facts and figures from various studies could (at least) be raised to argue the case or if not a very specific event or wrong doing attributable only if not mainly to the police force for which the buck stops at IGP. Then you’re getting somewhere.

  24. You know very well that they will appoint whoever they are ‘comfortable’ with, no matter define what is comfortable and will not change stance unless compelling reason raised to influence public outrage and opinion overwhelming against appointment….So if one wants to challenge appointment one has to be very specific where there is no doubt that the appointee cannot shift blame elsewhere so easily.

    Besides appointee is holding high position, there is a reputation factor, so what we say must be beyond speculation, and even if there’s evidence, it must be convincing irrebuttable evidence before raising it in public for what we say to have credibility.

    What I’m saying, whether you agree or not, that the general losing of war on crime (in absence of specifics) is not it.

  25. sorry out of topic, I have just met some Malaysians coming back from Papua New Guinea – now that place, with its poverty, poor healthcare and rampant gang culture – must surely rank one of the highest crime places on this planet. Sacked how many police, also no result. Better off people live 24 hour controlled access gate, high “electrified” fences, when they come out they bring about 100 kina (RM200) to pay whenever robbed by knife or gun wielding thugs. It seems a form of culture there (unofficial re-distribution of wealth if you will), you just give them your money, they will not harm you and some would even say “thank you”. It is like an accepted culture there to be robbed and to re-distribute wealth! By comparison makes here looks like a heaven of security. I don’t know how this is, there are, it seems, two Malaysian sisters operating food eateries there (for some time) with the spate of rapes and robberies happening regularly there.

    Then there is (believe it or not) this “culture” in theTrobriand Islands (today officially known as the Kiriwina Islands, unofficially “Islands of Love”) 170 mi² archipelago of coral atolls off the eastern coast of Papua New Guinea : for instance an annual harvest festival on one of these islands where women to go out and rape strange men. Some men complain that gangs of women who stopped them, behaved roughly and taunted at their private parts. Sometimes they get raped. To avoid such unwanted sexual encounters they take roundabout routes home from their place of work/ fields.

    Too bad or maybe good visitors like us, alas, are too strange looking/smelling to them to be targeted. :)

  26. Jeff … what you said about crime is true, its not going to drop because we have a more efficient police force or more police officers. There are more factors than what we see.

    To be frank, police are also over worked and underpaid. Malaysians are also too much into crime. That is a fact.

    Just walk into major shopping malls. Look at those little push carts. RM8K a month rental, but selling trinkets? Its called MONEY LAUNDERING.

    Back in circa 1998-2002 FENG TAU clubs we re flourishing not because the police told the gangsters to do it BUT the Malaysian gangsters decided to do it. So many patrons were happy to purchase it.

    I have friends who still purchase undeclared ciggies. People are still happy to go to those HEALTH CENTERS. Come on, so many of you here are still buying those pirate DVDs. That is all part of the crime scene.

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