Public Forum – RM12.5b PKFZ Scandal: No Competency, No Accountability & No Transparency

Live webcast :

Title: “RM12.5b PKFZ Scandal: No Competency, No Accountability & No Transparency”
Date: 1st July 2009 (Wed)
Time: 8pm
Venue: Civic Hall, Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) [MAP]
Inquiry : 016-5941995


  • Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader
  • Tony Pua, MP for Petaling Jaya Utara
  • Charles Santiago, MP for Klang
  • Ronnie Liu, ADUN for Pandamaran, Selangor State EXCO
  • Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, MP for Kuala Selangor

View DAP’s Point of Interest in a larger map


35 Replies to “Public Forum – RM12.5b PKFZ Scandal: No Competency, No Accountability & No Transparency”

  1. ///Going forward, the public spread requirement remains and in addition, the SC will introduce a new guideline which requires companies seeking listing, to offer 50% of the public shareholding spread to Bumiputera investors. The Bumiputera equity condition therefore becomes subsumed within the public spread requirement. This reinforces the competitiveness of Bursa Malaysia as a listing destination as promoters of companies seeking listing will no longer need to divest equity beyond that required to satisfy the public spread requirement.///–Najib

    So, foreigners who are free not to come in are allowed 100% ownership. But local Malaysian companies which were asked to sell 30% of the shares cheaply to Bumiputras will now have to sell 50% on listing. Malaysians cannot fight the government, and so from the 30% that they were robbed in the past, the going rate is 50%.

    Yet, we see the following in Malaysiakini today. What a joke.

    ///Najib announces bold economic liberalisation
    Jun 30, 09 1:57pm

    UPDATED 2.23PM PM Najib scraps a rule requiring IPOs to reserve 30 percent of stock for Malays, and dumped regulatory approval for foreign property purchases///–Malaysiakini

  2. When foreign companies come in and get listed in Malaysia, the total market capitalisation increases. The same amount of equity capital owned by bumiputras would represent a smaller percentage share. Thus, Malaysian non-Malay companies are expected o sell more of the equity shares to Malays at discount to maintain their percentage hold in the market. The NEP target of 30% overall, based on the EPU formula would remain unattainable. So NEP stays, and foreign companies are rewarded by helping UMNO play its domestic political game. Meanwhile those who plundered the state take their money out of the country, like Daim zainuddin buying banks all over Africa, and UMNO continue to claim that rural Malays are poor, and the 30% target has not been reached.

    Yes we know the game, but UMNO has the number to pursue non-Islamic policies and yet receive support by Muslims.

  3. ok, the PKFZ is on the show. let see what is the respond from public. make sure the show is in youtube. so every malaysian can see what is the update. well i hope no police cam come stop this forum like perak 508. all the best Bro LKS, kick their butt.

  4. Oh yeah,YBLim,please inform the rakyat that the $50 billion US scandal masterminded by Bernard Madoff has a clear conclusion.Mr.Madoff has been found guilty by the federal court and is now being sentenced to 150 years in prison.He’s 71 years old.More over another 10 associates of Madoff will be charged in court soon.You see YBLim,the US investigators are serious in their work,hence we now see the result.Comparing this case to our RM 12.5 billion and other billion ringgit scandals investiagation,we are far far backward.Or are we ?.

  5. Sorry Uncle Kit, I repost again here, hope to have your reply in blog.
    Thank you.

    Uncle Kit,

    I think Ong Tee Keat is still the same as the last time.

    Remember long time ago, he did not back off during the MCA Youth EGM fiasco? OTK went against Ling Liong Sik and cronies. Many of my brother’s non-chinese frens told me they were shocked that he can be so stubbornly ‘chinese nature’ to pursue a cause and somemore going against his President’s men

    Now, my non-chinese frens tell me he is still the same. This OTK sure will be true to his nature and will be stubborn again to do what he said he will carry out.

    But I cannot find material to read the history how he fought Ling’s men. Where can I find the story please? Did DAP support OTK’s action during that time? Or DAP support Ling Liong Sik at that time?

    I’m so confused especially the newspapers telling OTK has done something no other minister in Malaysia history has done before, But Uncle Lim as opposition leader is trying to make OTK do more by scolding him daily to make him do more than his minister capacity allow (my brother fren said OTK so far is lucky, if he talk more, sure kena sue left & right, then PKFZ report will have nobody to champion in Najib cabinet).

    Lucky I don’t have ambition to be minister, I don’t have the guts. I rather not to be scolded daily for trying to do something with PKFZ.

  6. 1. The Key point is “Did the Parliament approved the Project? And, What had actually been approved?”
    2. Did the Cabinet approved the Project within their Authorisation by the Parliament? Or, What had been wrong with their Approval?
    3. What are the faults of MOT and PKA?
    4. What should be the Competency, Accountability and Transparency under the Law, Rules and Regulations on the various stages or steps?
    5. Any law, Rules and Regulations that they had violated that can be accounted by Police, MACC, the PAC, etc..? Or, there are valid points for MACC or PAC to look into the matters?
    6. Did Parliament has a section to deal with the mis-appropriation or mis-conduct or non-performs of the Minister? Or, any way the Parliament SHOULD summon the respective Ministers or Parties for their explanation and testimonial in the Parliament?


  7. Goodluck!
    More and more to various venues on same subject..all over the country….to make sure thousands have the opportunity to hear and understand ….the biggest corruption issue ever exposed.
    Tony Pua must be presenting all presentations.

  8. Getting bombed is good especially if one does not think and see the urgency of the situation. But he cannot do more because he has to obey and follow rules and regulations and he has to please certain people.

  9. “Madoff scandal.”

    Umno’s response: “Yes it happens everywhere even in America. And on a larger scale. PKFZ is nothing really. Only 3+bUS.”

    “But madoff is jailed.”

    Umno’s response: “He should be jailed. He took a staggering amount. PKFZ involves only 3+bUS. So no need to talk about jailing anyone.”

    But thi..

    “No more questions. Matters in macc’s hands. Cant talk too much.”

  10. PKFZ scandal is nothing. The Star Online reports today: “France has offered to help Malaysia build its first nuclear power plant as an alternative source of energy supply, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.”

    This imminent scandal will be much much bigger, not just in terms of money disappearing but also in terms of human lives disappearing. Why? We can’t even handle PKFZ… in fact, we can’t even handle a stadium, what more a nuclear plant.


    Khazanah’s overall portfolio in the first half of this year saw total realisable assets rising to RM85 billion from RM69.5 billion on December 31 last year.

    Joshua’s comment is that how much public fund had sunked into this sucking Khazanah also linked to illegal UMNO to end with such small amount of assets also national assets for 27 million people after 52/46 years?.

    This PKFZ is just another of the sucked item.

    pw: we machold

  12. Sorry, off-topic

    Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
    on June 30, 2009 8:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (60) | TrackBacks (0)

    ///1) A lawyer sent me a long article on the above subject. He seems to be upset about some decisions made by the courts.
    6) But the relevant article that will close the debate on whether the Agong can dismiss the Prime Minister is contained in Article 43(5) of the Constitution.

    7) It provides as follows;

    Subject to clause (4), Ministers other than the Prime Minister shall hold office during the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, unless the appointment of any Minister shall be revoked by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister but any Minister may resign his office.

    8) But, since the Prime Minister does not hold office at the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, it must follow that he cannot be dismissed by the King, but he has to resign from office if he fails to command the majority of the members in the House of Representatives ///–TDM

    Article 16(6) and 16(7) of the Perak constitution carry similar wordings when the word PM is replaced by MB and Ministers by executive councillors.

    The MB will have to resign from office if he fails to command the majority, which has to be so decided in the house of the representative of the state, namely, the state assembly. That event did not happen, so the MB doe not have to resign.

    The Sultan of Perak had not the authority to dissolve the state assembly, unless he was requested to do so. He cannot sack the MB even if the MB did not command the majority in the state assembly; the MB had to resign.

    The sultan could dissolve the assembly legally but chose no to. He could not sack the MB illegally but chose to. In the process, the judges soil their reputation, and they brought down the prestige of the royal house too. Was the trouble caused by lack of circumspection? Or was it a calculated risk, and whether it was worth it?

  13. What happened to Kedah DAP? Please mediate the matter so that the corrupt bn cannot use this issue to further tarnish Pakatan’s image. DAP must understand that only with cooperation of all DAP, PAS and PKR can defeat bn. DAP cannot win the war on its’ own.

  14. Sigma, I think your question is not relevant now.

    Which idiot company would want to be listed in Bursa Malaysia nowsaday?

    Many listed companies in Bursa Malaysia are not looking at the chance of delisting from BM and re-list them in foreign exchanges!

    What is the good in listing in BM?

  15. Hadi Awang is telling non-Malays life could be worse under PAS. But PAS members who are really religious do not accept UMNO’s policy of racism. Hadi Awang could be a mole planted by UMNO in PAS, and he is now proving his worth as a mole.

  16. Pls check your electricity bill lately and compare it with the previous , mine went sky high. What worst they introduce 2 months reading just as TNB has manpower problem. So last month they sent me an estimation of it stating I used certain units of electricity. I paid up. But lately, TNB people came and read my meter . Know what they did?? They took my current meter reading minus my last 2 month reading, not minus the estimated reading last month. Yes at the end they deduct what I have paid for the estimation But WAIT……hear this, by taking 2 month reading in one bill, the calculation is therefore changed. My bill went up from 330 t0 480 becos of this calculation and I though I been doing very good job in saving energy by not using dryer and aircon for the past 2 months. Folks, the 2 months reading will blown up the calculation. After hitting certain unit, they are charging $0.40 per unit which never appeared in my bill before.

    TNB is having manpower problem but hey, they are cutting down their manpower and therefore save and get profit. Their job is getting easy becos of this 2 months reading system BUT WE “STUPID CONSUMERS” ARE PAYING THE HEAVY BILL??

    Pls do something. And pls check your bill. A lot of people still not yet discover this . My friend’s bill went from 70 to 120 and they INITIALLY thought its becos of the hot weather . Pls don lie to us, TNB !!!

  17. I did write about electricity bills few months go and glad someone is having the same problem.
    It was worst one year ago… when I was constantly threatened with warning letters to cut my electric power in my home…..if I do not pay punctually.
    All my life…and more than 50 years…I never fail to pay punctually when I receive the bill.
    One year ago….for few bills….and all of a sudden…huge amount to settle within 15 days………or else.
    Yes……short of man power….we are the victims.
    Still short of man power…my bills are getting funny.
    One month so low…next month…so high…even tough…..month by month….we try to consume less…to save some money.
    Yes…they are just guessing and bill us…with no meter readers coming like before.
    And the bill shows…they do not even update the account properly…at their admin Dept.
    If you just depend on the bill….you will have sleepless nights.
    One must do the account balancing for TNB too.
    Yes..2 months…. not updated…and remember….they give you 15 day to settle…or else.
    In my entire life….these few years is the worst to deal with TNB…………and we are totally helpless.
    They monopolized… never wrong….is the worst now……..and never admit it.

  18. The Question is : how long can this ‘show’ and pretence of unity amongst the Opposition parties be kept up by silence on the part of DAP in the face of the following stances taken by the other 2 coalition partners opposed to DAP’s positions:-

    · The proposed ‘intellectual talks’ between PAS and Umno Youth suggested by PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan, in a joint press conference with Umno Youth deputy chief Razali Ibrahim in lieu of the earlier Unity Talk;

    · Kedah DAP quitting PAS-led gov’t relating to the demolishment of the sole pig abattoir in that state;

    · Hadi opposing Govt’s liberalisation measures on grounds that it curtails growth of bumiputeras and increase the socio-economic racial divide in the country;

    · Protest by PAS information chief and Pokok Sena Member of Parliament Mahfuz Omar against cabinet’s religious conversion ruling decision and principles for resolving the problems;

    · Anwar Ibrahim’s opposing teaching of sceince and mathematics in English ?

  19. Yes it is about TNB.

    SESB – a subsidiary of TNB – is likely to have worst problem in the Sabah’s history.

    I had lodged a Police Report on the ‘frauds’ of SESB and its predecessor worth up to RM1 billion. But nothing happen unusually although the Police tried to investigate.

    We are all paying for the ‘frauds’ of SESB at one time or another, without knowing it.

    Now TNB may have problems not due to staff problem only but costs cutting measures as khazanah is downsizing as per what i wrote earlier here.
    ///Khazanah to hasten stake cuts in GLCs///

    Tenaga Nasional Bhd, Malakoff Bhd and Khazanah are technical investors in the project with a combined 30 per cent stake in building and owning a profitable and exemplary US$2.5 billion in the plant.

    pw: company’s gargan

  20. Hi Joshua,talking about our SESB ,it’s going to drive you to madness.Yeah,two months no bill,then suddenly a bill comes and the charges exceeded your deposit say for example,your deposit is RM300,the current bill charge is RM500,SESB demands within 15 days,you need to pay an addition RM200 deposit or they will cut your power.Everything is said and done.The following month the bill comes,your charge as usual is RM250,and follow by the rest of the bills on an average charge of RM240 annually.This is evidence ,SESB has purposely sucks the consumers of an extra RM200.Though they say we can claim it back but the question is when. Unless we leave our modern homes and go live in the tick jungle,will we be able to have our deposit refunded.Or you sell your house and migrated.I think SESB and TNB have been behaving in a very unethical manner to its consumers.The reason is they are the only provider of electricity in the country. I think it’s time now for a competitor.

  21. I wonder any of you have the problem of your comments being deleted at Anwar’s blog.
    I fail to understand why few of my comments are deleted…when all said..are meant to open the eyes of voters to support keDIALan….just as I do here for DAP…by telling the truith.
    I hope LKS can assist and find put the reason/reasons.
    Many thanks in advance.

  22. Hi ekompute,when Malaysia starts its first nuclear plant,will you accept it to be built in your state ?.I’m from Sabah,I ‘ll be the first guy to protest should MY mentioned the location to be in East Malaysia.Reason is I don’t trust the federal appointed contractors who I think is more money concious that the safety of the people living within the nuclear plant area,thus the job done would likely to endanger the lives of East malaysian.

  23. Sabah has been systematically destroyed in various manners by illegal leaders namely the dormant claim of Sabah by Manila have driven many to migrate; the natural resources like timber and black oil had been prematurely depleted to fill some people pockets; then allow all those illegals in the millions to stay in Sabah as ‘genuine’ bumiputra including overnight ones with the project IC; now the excessive oil palms may be contributing some revenue to the federal coffer, it is going to make Sabah a desert-to-be; then someone from TNB /SESB after signing the coal supplies in Kalimantan decided to put a coal power plant in Lahad Datu (now temporary delayed); and then maybe harvesting granite from Mt Kinabalu (possibly to build the tallest building in SEA); and now since energy is in short supply in Sabah as there are too many non paying power thieves, the federal gov’t may want the nuclear power station here and someone going to get the kick-backs from that; now Sabah’s temperature is up by more than 3 degrees centigrade – soon killing a lot of people- what is next for the illegal federal govt?

    SAD for Sabah and Sabahans almost likely as slaves..

    pw: flaw MT

  24. Yeah. Yeah. So 30% umnoputra equity for listed company is out of the window. So is FIC. True? Of course it is not true. That new umnoputra-only investment body would go on a shopping spree using funds only umnoputras could gain access to and take over non-umnoputra owned listed interests like nobody’s business. In the end the country would be worse off. 30+ years of wealth and comfort. Would umnoputras give it up with just the stroke of the pen? No way. Ask cintanegara and gang. Yeah ask them.

    But if najib is sincere (which I seriously doubt he is) then the measure he will be implementing could be a reflection of an extremely bad economic outlook for the country. Otherwise he would never take that sort of political risk i.e. wiping that 30+ yrs of wealth and comfort clean just like that.

    Britain predicted a 1.9% contraction for their first quarter this year and the real figure is now known. Its a 2.4% contraction. The prediction was off but by not much. Najib predicted a +-1% for malaysia for the first quarter of 09 and he was way way off for we sank by 6.2%.

    LKY could have driven some hard sense into najib’s head recently. Singapore attracted a lot of foreign interests and investments. They were very successful in their endeavour. But they certainly put in an astronomical amount of effort over the last few decades in order to get to where they are today. Look at Bill Gates. He did not become a billionaire overnight. Neither did Michelle Yeoh become a holywood star overnight. But umnoputras see it as their birth right to turn into cigar smoking, golf playing and ferrari owning multimillionaires overnight. Can such umnoputra mentality be switched off that simply? No.

    We cant match singapore in terms of effort. (If the name singapore is objectionable to umnoputras then it can be replaced with korea or hong kong or taiwan without any loss of meaning or essence.) In any event our umno gobermen’s effort by and large favours umnoputras. That aside. What is worse, we have many restrictive measures that were put in place to protect or further as the case may be the interest of umnoputras. Never mind if we do not pursue our pluses with great energy our umno gobermen actually did the complete opposite. It implemented minuses in large and generous doses with full vigour. It is no wonder that we are on par with some african nations. We should be up there somewhere standing shoulder to shoulder with korea, taiwan, hong kong and singapore. Not with some african countries! In short we are now playing the catching up game. 30 yrs ago, the game of catching was simpler. The world was a larger place and competition was less keen then than it is today.

    In summary. Too little too late. And in any event, umnoputras will be unhappy and uncooperative. Neverthelss I wish malaysia good luck.

  25. BBC world service today, thursday 2 july 09 has a special report on indonesia and amongst the issues discussed is getting rid of corruption in indonesia. The finance min of indonesia was quite frank in admitting the presence of corruption in her country. Admission is the necessary first step to curing the problem. Will they succeed. God knows. But at least the first step is taken. What about us? No. We have no corruption. Only some bad apples. In any event corruption happens everywhere!

  26. Umnoputras and their companies are smart cookies
    Making money out of thin air, no problemo
    During economic downturn, still make more money
    by creative billings and threats
    Don’t pay, don’t want – no problemo
    No service – Monopoly with blessings from the BN!

  27. Who says no action? No accountability?
    Tra-la-la, the greatest show on earth
    put up by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
    to investigate the Port Klang Free Zone issue is ONGOING
    Play play to humor LKS, really arh?

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