Is the Najib Cabinet serious about a KPI culture of high-performance?

This morning, when Tsu Koon was giving his long answer to the question on KPIs for Ministers and ministries, the Ministerial front-benches were totally empty except for three Ministers who could not get elected and had to enter Parliament through the backdoor.

Is the Najib Cabinet serious about a KPI culture of high-performance?

If so, then no Minister should be allowed to abscond or go overseas from his or her responsibility of accountability to MPs when Parliament is meeting, except for important international functions which could pass muster with Parliament!

When Parliament reconvened last Monday on June 15, the Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat deliberately avoided parliamentary responsibility for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal by flying off to France to attend the Paris Air Show.
Why is Ong’s attending the Paris Air Show more important than his appearance in Parliament to give a full, proper and satisfactory accounting for the PKFZ “mother of all scandals”?

The Paris Air Show at the Le Bourget Exhibition Centre from June 15-21, 2009 celebrated its hundred anniversary, and is held biennially in odd-numbered years. Can Parliament know what were the previous Paris Air Shows which were attended by a Malaysian Transport Minister? Or is Ong the first Malaysian Transport Minister to attend the Paris Air Show.

Can Ong give a report on what benefits had been achieved from his visit to the Paris Air Show and why he could not have sent the Deputy Transport Minister to set an example of giving top priority to parliamentary accountability duties?

Don’t tell me that attending international air shows is the top priority for the Malaysian Transport Minister!

I have here a list from Wikipedia of 33 international air shows, like the Paris Air Show, the Australian International Air Show, Berlin Air Show, Canadian International Air Show, Danish Air Show, Dubai Air Show, Farnborough Air Show, Iran Air Show, New York Air Show, the Moscow International Aviation and Space Salon.

Have the Transport Minister to attend all these Air Shows? Poor Transport Minister or poor 27 million Malaysians?

Speech by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on Tuesday, 23rd June 2009 in Parliament on the Finance Minister’s motion to reallot 2009 Budget among the various Ministries following the 10th April 2009 Cabinet reshuffle.

43 Replies to “Is the Najib Cabinet serious about a KPI culture of high-performance?”

  1. High Performance ? My foot.

    The record of Umno-BN is one of mismanagement, corruption and discrimination.

    The currency disparity to Singapore dollars at 1:2.4, the PKFZ and the parrennial scholarship problem are for all of us to see.

    A better tomorrow for Malaysia can only come with Umno-BN given the boot !!!

  2. OTK just simply knows how to fully exploit tax payer’s money to benefit himself as Transport Minister!

    To date, what major contributions have he made as a capacity of Transport Minister? Attending Paris Air Show?

  3. yes, ktk has been waiting for a long long time. it took him 15 mths (mar08 till now) + a few more months (hope that it will not be another 12 more months) to prepare and reveal the kpi.

    KTK HAS FAILED HIS OWN KPI: there is no timeliness in his work!

    ktk should now go and ask otk:”so you have visited the paris air show, what have you delivered? what have you accomplished? and how much have you spent on your trip?”

  4. Umno/Bn leaders can say and do and name anything they like and want it.It’s their right but the sadest thing is it’s all about bull shits especially the so called “KPI and Now KRAs “.Even if they publish the results,I won’t be bother to see it ,let alone ever read it.It’s just wasting our time reading it. I would rather spend my time in the comfort of my toilet reading the “rocket” instead.Yeap What can KTK do ?. Nothing execpt praises for his boss and his boss’s friends and the likes. I wish they scrap the KPI ,KRAs and the likes as all these gimmicks are wasting pretty lots of tax payers money annually.

  5. Malaysians are suffering because they have to pay off the RM12.5 billion PKFZ debt; and OTK was happily enjoying Air Show in Paris!

    Wake up voters, don’t make yourselves suffer by voting in the wrong person(s) in the next General Election.

  6. The PM are head of those Ministers.
    Does he know what should be the Job Specification of Each and Every Minister?

    Most probably he should put up somewhere on a Website their Job Specifications or target for each of those Minister so that they are reminded. Also for the Public to understand what are those Ministers paid for.

    If those Minister are not performing Properly. Kick the PM to do his job of Supervising!!

  7. Lim Kit Siang is an established people’s crooks investigator and looking out for crooked deals.
    That is why…he is the longest…successful.. and most re-elected parliamentarian in the history of Malaysia.
    That’s why…. his son is CM in Penang.
    That’s why more and more Malaysians trust and respect DAP.
    That’s why LKS is a marked man…to go to jail too….UMNO waiting for his one false move.
    LKS knows it..never is afraid…and never will be.
    Port Klang Free Zone crooked deals….is his priority.
    That’s why the MCA rats are running like hell.
    Air show…Ta Kut went on behalf of govt.?..what for?
    So many more air he going to cover all air shows for this year?
    Why is it more important than Parliament sittings?
    At lat tell the truth…Najib tell him to need to face LKS…then we can understand better.
    Lies after lies…treating Malaysians like suckers…always same style.
    If there is no crooked deals…why can’t MCA guys stand tall and answer the 3 questions put out by LKS?
    If they did that…they will surely win more votes by saying what they mean and meaning what they say…promising all will be revealed.
    What they meant reveal all….are all prepared by UMNO to be revealed..
    Playing with words are the smartest art..those BN buggers have learn from .half Malay…half Indian…Mahathir.
    We can conclude….PKFZ fiasco…will be another cover up.
    UMNO needs MCA for 13th GE.
    Crooks must be united and co-operate with each other.
    Divide them…UMNO and BN is finished.
    They are like drowning politicians…catching onto straws… to survive.
    Run..hide…avoid meeting…avoid answering oppositions questions.
    Do all those actions we see…is inspiring Malaysians to support…whatever “1 Malaysia” mean?
    They need to go to England and USA..and learn democracy and responsibilities.
    So cheap…so low….so childish…so crooked and cunning…so thick skinned..low class actors…they are.
    So shameful to Malaysians having such a so call guided democracy government…guiding us to be their slaves.
    They can dream on….till 13th GE.

  8. This position was never heard of before. It was created for one single purpose, to find a place to put the useless Gerakan Chairman so that he looks useful but in fact this is a “gaji buta” position! KPI to measure performance? Do Malaysian ministers ever care about PERFORMANCE?

  9. All KPI systems – at least the once I know – comes with rewards and penalties. I have yet to see any KPI system implemented by the Malaysian government or its GLCs that actually penalise, demote or even fire anyone. I can’t see it happening here.

  10. Hey how come the latest 5 stories are on Najib eh? Running away from OTK ah? Care to answer his challenge below first or not?

    “I bring Kit Siang to task for suppressing the truth and to continue misleading the House and the public. He rudely interrupted my ministerial statement by accusing me of not referring to the Cabinet decision on 23rd October 2002 that the land should be acquired at a lower price of RM10.16psf.

    What Kit Siang had conveniently omitted to mention was that the decision on the 23rd of October was subsequently superseded by the Cabinet in its meeting on 6th of November 2002.

    The DAP leader may not be a cabinet member but the Parliamentary Hansard dated 4th September 2007 clearly recorded that the decision of the cabinet on the 2nd of October 2002 to purchase the land at RM25psf continued to stand for the reasons mentioned in my parliamentary statement.

    Kit Siang knew of this. In fact, he was engaged in a debate on this on 4th of September 2007. He even posted excerpts of the Hansard in his blog the very next day. And yet he chose to suppress this important fact from the public for the sake of a political gimmick bent on rescuing his fading political career.

    My challenge to Kit Siang is for him to be man enough to admit that he had deliberately misled and confused the public by failing to disclose the full and proper account of Cabinet decisions on the PKFZ project. He should administer the dosage of medicine that he so freely prescribes for others on himself by referring his ownself to the Committee of Privileges.”

  11. Hi Monsterball,you mentioned that half malay and half indian…Maharthir but he calls himself a malay and accepted by the government. you know if he is in Sabah ,he’s known officially as “Sino-malay “.You see over here when a chinese married a kadazan,the child from that marriage is known as “sino-kadazan”. TDM for the past two decades of this rule has in fact treated the chinese and kadazan people unfairly.Why is it that any marriage between a malay and other race(s) or vice versa,the sibling is call “malay”?.Pretty lots of Sabah’s sino-kadazan or sino- dusun “have been prevented to invest in certain mutual or unit trust reserved for malays and bumiputras.These group of Sabahan feels marginalised by the federal government.It’s time Umno/Bn treat every citizen equally and fairly.I appeal to the prime minister not just talk of 1Malaysia,he should talk more of 1malaysian.The pm now talks of being the people’s prime minister and if he wants to achieve it ,he should not differentiate his citizen into various groups like malays,chinese,indians,kadazans and dayak or malaybumi,muslim non malaybumi,bumi and non bumis officially.Instead he should term all citizen officially as Malaysians.

  12. I raised this Q at the MIDA’s organised annual Internation Trade and Investment Dialogue with the Minister of MITI as represent by his Deputy DatuK Jacob. I asked the BNM’s Q and i believe none at the front desk know this issue. So I call on the dissolution of the Parliament to make place for the Interim Government for Good Governance (IGGG). The event was well attended by about 400 persons – full house.

    There are so many issues involved when international trade is concerned. Many of such issues are beyond our control as Malaysia is a small nation. Nevertheless we depend on foreign and domestic trades to stay alive. Amongst the issues and challenges are Free Trades Agreements, global economy, gross domestic products, international trades, new technologies and their transfer, foreign direct investments, currency exchange rates plus the liberalisation of trade and the borderless world to name some.
    There was great fireworks recently when Malaysia touched the trillion ringgit mark for international trade. Such performance can mean a few things for Malaysia. A major one is that our natural resources albeit depleted is further sucked into the global economy when the US$ as the international medium of trade vis-a-vis the depreciated Ringgit since 1997 from RM 2.4 to RM3.8 per 1 US$. Our goods to the US consumers are dirt cheap and hence they could buy more. Now the US economy is in crisis for various reasons, the purchases from there is declining fast. So Malaysia is sort of a victim in international trade especially with the US a global dominant trading nation.
    I read about the latest effort by MITI to boast Malaysia role in the world when all the 53 representatives come back for brainstorming to generate ideas for trade and investment strategies against a background of decline.
    What I am more concerned is that with the Trillion Ringgit trades marks for three years in 2006, 2007, and 2008, our status of the Assets and Liabilities of Bank Negara Malaysia do not reflect that impact and instead for the short 12 months period as on 15 May 2008, the Asset of BNM was recorded at RM 507 billions and on 15 May 2009, the same figure dropped to RM350 billions with a decline of RM157 billions. I hope MITI and the Government can give an explanation on this devastating scenario on the massive decline of the national wealth as per BNM’s records when our bank’s fixed deposit interest is a mere 2%.

    pw: resorted Ives

  13. It is an added paper work burden. How can you quantify work ? Or give quality to that piece of work ? If you are solidly at your computer from 8 to 5 and compare yourself with others doing hands on work also from 8 to 5, your mind will naturally tell you that the latter is doing more. At the computer, your mind is put to work.. For the hands on work, your body and limbs are made to work. If you spend your time doing a piece of work that involves writing, then you do not have the time to do the work that requires you to move around. If you have to move around to do a piece of work, then you do not have the time to sit down and document when you did. Does this mean you did not work ? Many people have two activities at work. One, they have to move around to do that piece of work. Two, they have time to sit down to write which is also part of the work. If this is the kind of work, then you need to balance these activities to finish the job before the day ends. But if you have to write for every hands on work, you have to document what you just did, in addition to your existing piece of paper work. In the end, you find that you have to spend more time writing which also means you are neglecting your hands on work. In this lopsided case, how can you be excellent ? If you are given 5 stars just because all the records are documented according to standard, this means that 5 stars is only for the well documented and well kept records. You certainly did not put people first because if you truly did, then you would not have the time to document what you did and do what you document. There are many great ideas. But putting it into the system is altogether another thing. Therefore it is unfair to give the label of non conformance / compliance reports. It is the reports that are non conforming but it does not mean people are just sitting and sitting and sitting away until judgement day comes.

  14. YB Kit,
    Every Paris Air show the transport minister will go and it doesn’t benefit Malaysia at all. On records you will find the trip made by Malaysian Transport Minister for Paris Air show = rightly you put it, for what???
    If you care to check the list you will find numbers of Malaysian civil servants at the Paris Air show including the Air Force chief which will be there and many other air shows but when you ask them the purpose of the trip, they can hardly say anything apart from enjoying the trip at the government expenditure and with the time together with the contractors that normally will follow them.
    None of this people that come back from the Air Show will come out with any report. So, what KPI??? rubbish and my foot!!! This BN/UMNO government must be kicked out!!!!!

  15. It was another crab just added in to accommodate Gerakan Boss so that he has something to look at. All these are just shown for that matter.

    With out any portfolio how to keep the Gerakan in BN. Gerakan has fall into such s shame state without realizing it. The soft Koh is just another crab in Malaysian Politic who has done nothing else just to please the UMNO boss while as Penang CM

  16. In Bolehland, especially under Mamakthir, there has always been KPI. It’s called KPI for obedience, KPI for following orders, KPI for good anticipation for what BN wants, KPI for “yes Sir”.

    For 30 years, we have had KPI for mismanagement, so what’s the deal with Koh Tsu Koon now ?

  17. I bet ktk was satisfied with his speech. You see I am sure you guys must have at some point long ago (i.e. as a child) spoken loudly in (or for extra kick shouted) in some empty rooms or hallways. And you would get that eerie echo wouldnt you? Ktk must be re-living his childhood days. Enjoy sir while you still can!

  18. shame shame shame.. KPI use it wrongposition n timing.. KSK b4 u use this words pls look at yourself. see how you did to Penang? asking PKR to clean your shit now, no wonder LKY from sg said Penang still hold 20 years back.

  19. Another key reason besides to run away from parliament enquiry was to clear Najis’ shit on corruption investigation by French Government!

    Read my lips, to make French to drop those investigation charges, Malaysia will be buying most of her needed weapons from France alone!

  20. Yes….Frankyapp..”Sino” is the word……but UMNO treats Mamak a Malay and all other mixed marriages siblings non you have made the details so clearly.
    Actually there is no such things as a race call Malay at all…but that’s another story.
    And I just found out…only in Malaysia…dogs are haram to Mulims.
    In Morroco..Afghanistan…dogs are loved by Muslims.
    I wanted to give a 3 year old male pug away and was surprised….my Muslim friend wanted it.
    I jokingly asked him…nak jual atau nak potong jadi satay makan?
    He carried my dog with so much love and affections…that I immediately know…he knows….. dogs are men best friend.
    In can see Muslims eat dog satay…..openly sold at food stalls on the road side….and Indons do love dogs too.
    So you see…alot on Islamic interpretations in Malaysia by UMNO or PAS….are simply not true.
    Mahathir in papers today advised Malaysians to be noble and truthful citizens. That man simply have shame at all. The questioner was looking at him with a disgusted face expression.
    And it takes the DPM to say UMNO is not sacred of PR bragging to take over the government.
    You see…when you say such things…it really means..he is really scared. Has he forgotten how scared Dollah and Najib were…using money to buy up parliamentarians from opposite camp?

  21. Calling politicians.

    Can anyone polticians party do a translation ‘REPORT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION’ dated 1957, translate these english book into bahasa malay, mandarin, indian?

    Let all those cant read english to access to know what have been agreed on the Malaya Consitutional.

    Let them decide after reading this report.

    You may find the link here from the search:

  22. KPI is just waste of time. From my working experiences in world-class multinational company, KPI is the manager used to find fault on those with better performance and could threathen the career of the superior. Somewhat sad about that….

    If the manager wants to cover for the non-performing staff, there are thousands ways to do that. Forget it…..

    The Head Prefect is the weakest link, late for school by using the back door. The prefects are formed by gansters and samseng.

    And now the Head Prefect with no principle and integrity setting up rules for ganster to follow… Call me David Copperfield, please!

    BN tends to be very naive somethings. I could imagine later they will setup Sick Sigma -Blue Black Eye-Belt for the police force. Setting up IASSO 2020 as new mandate for the followers..

  23. “Is the Najib Cabinet serious about a KPI culture of high-performance?”

    Of course, Najib is serious. But what to him is high-performance may be considered as very very poor performance in LKY’s cabinet.

  24. Sure? Iran Air Show? What kinds of air are showing there? Natural air? Cool air? Holy air? Maybe it is Birds Show, they just name it as Air Show.

    Maybe this visit had been arranged long time ago, even long before Price’s Audit Report was out and wrecked havoc. How long can he escaped?

  25. The key to success implementation for KPI is none other than INTEGRITY.
    This is lacking in some Government, maybe not completely zilch but hard to spot, and all the fish heads are rotten, no need to look too far back, just read headline of yesterday newspaper on who is trying to “plant” his man into Petro-eMas board of directors.

    When the heads rot persistently over 50 years, the whole body smells rotten and stinks to high heaven, even the Angels will have to put on masks or risk dropping to ground.

  26. More like went to Paris to buy up the coffee house/ the owner an offer he cannot refused..and attend air show as the excuse.
    Mongol murder case…evidence from Paris..completely…wiped out.
    Owner must sell house too.
    Naf Ton Raza not comfortable…even though owner is keeping mum..for the love of his life and family.

  27. LKS,
    What is your response to OTK’s statement below? Care to explain yourselves?

    “I bring Kit Siang to task for suppressing the truth and to continue misleading the House and the public. He rudely interrupted my ministerial statement by accusing me of not referring to the Cabinet decision on 23rd October 2002 that the land should be acquired at a lower price of RM10.16psf.

    What Kit Siang had conveniently omitted to mention was that the decision on the 23rd of October was subsequently superseded by the Cabinet in its meeting on 6th of November 2002.

    The DAP leader may not be a cabinet member but the Parliamentary Hansard dated 4th September 2007 clearly recorded that the decision of the cabinet on the 2nd of October 2002 to purchase the land at RM25psf continued to stand for the reasons mentioned in my parliamentary statement.

    Kit Siang knew of this. In fact, he was engaged in a debate on this on 4th of September 2007. He even posted excerpts of the Hansard in his blog the very next day. And yet he chose to suppress this important fact from the public for the sake of a political gimmick bent on rescuing his fading political career.

    My challenge to Kit Siang is for him to be man enough to admit that he had deliberately misled and confused the public by failing to disclose the full and proper account of Cabinet decisions on the PKFZ project. He should administer the dosage of medicine that he so freely prescribes for others on himself by referring his ownself to the Committee of Privileges.”

  28. Imranj78…Who do you think you are….expecting Lim Kit Siang to respond to you?
    And if he keeps quiet….which he should …for you are just a visitor …a no manners..kuching kurap to him.
    hi idiot!!…He is a Parliamentarian and a blog owner la.. ….not a political blog owner…out to find a Rocky….and can easily be bought.
    Now back to your comments…you should pass that to Ong Ta Kut….to fire LKS in Parliament.
    Such great stuffs…surely OTK will be interested.
    Please do not be such an idiot…to post something against LKS….and expect him to respond…and he if keeps quiet…he is guilty…….correct? Are you a dreamer?
    Will you go to a person’s house..and dare to scold him…on behalf of another….although the other never give you permission to scold LKS? You are a real busy body.
    Ah….if you tell me to shut up..yes I will fark you back..
    You have no creditability…no qualification…no status…to talk directly to LKS….who is not an ordinary man in the street like you and me.
    Next time…put your message in a third party format..made it your opinions. Have some respect and manners.
    Ayah….so good english….still need lousy english teacher to teach you. What’s happening to Malaysia?

  29. “My challenge to Lim Kit Siang….bla bla bla….”
    My toes are laughing.
    Here comes Imranj78.. a small cow…who does not know.. what a tiger is….challenging for a fight.
    hahahahahahaha…my toes are really laughing now.

  30. It is called neopotism, cronyism, kawan maaaaaa…….If you have to audit and audit does not mean only money. Audit the time. Audit the manpower. Audit the cost effectiveness. Audit the marketability. Audit everything that can be auditable. Then you know that there is such a big wastage. You would rather waste it in order to keep your support around. Kawan gets everything. Musuh gets the other end. So ask yourself. Did you really perform as in performance now ? The answer is a big no. No, no, no. But your report will always say that you are the best. Ha ! ha ! ha ! Only God knows !

  31. The best story of the week must be the fact that AirAsia owes MAHB RM 68 million in airport taxes already collected from the passengers.

    What does the cabinet do ? Appoint a con-Sultan to arbitrate between AirAsia and MAHB. What is there to arbitrate ? Who is the con-sultan ? Cintanegara, Kasim and Chengho, our well known glocal firm ? We have already paid the airport taxes. Even if we fail to take our flights, the taxes are already collected by AirAsia and not refunded to us. The taxes are collected ON BEHALF of the government. Still AirAsia doesn’t want to pay the government.

    Should we all stop paying our taxes ? Should all the other airlines that collect airport taxes refuse to pay the government ?

    This cabinet has such a warped sense of responsibility it is mindboggling.

  32. Nearly ALL Departments have CLIENT CHAPTER in Display most probably since MHT time!!
    Any Department are performing?

    PUBLIC COMPLAINT BUREAU from Head of the Bureau, Directors of Departments and Officers DID NOT EVEN DARE to confirm a receipt of Police Report for them to Investigation!! SILENT FOR MONTHS!!

    AG Department claimed that their Policy does not allow the officers to meet Clients when visiting their office? SILENT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR!

    KUP said they will provide the Procedures that should be followed after c Police Report? But, more than on year gone! SILENT!!

    POLICE said they need to get more witness Statements. Those witness are staffs, family members, clients and neighbors of the Lawyer assaulting Clients. A great number of Photos were taken during the assault. More than ONE YEAR GONE!! Under Criminal Procedure Code, the Police is to provide an investigation report within One Month!

    SO WHAT???

    ARE THEY PUBLIC SERVANTS UNDER THE LAW? Or, does Malaysia has any Public Servant?

  33. i like that LKS told tycoon dato seri tiong that he is not gangster,therefore he need not go outside parliament to repeat his statement,bravo lim!

    yes,tycoon is filthy rich,striking rm1million every month up to 1014 years………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
    my,frends,one dot above is equivalent to 12 lucky rm1million strike!

  34. Godfather….Good argument on airport tax.
    This reminds me of anyone can getting the trust of a bank and borrow as much as he can grab…he will owe the bank to the limit….by the hundreds of millions.
    And when the chips are down..that particular bank dare not sue…as they may get nothing back….so it becomes the bank’s worry and loss……not the borrower.
    Just watch…few banks will go tumbling down..if Air Asia ..Proton…Port Klang Free Zone…and few more d not pay the many small customers…..lading to a chain reaction failures of companies.
    UMNO will need to use tax payers money.. RMbillions to bail out again…to save anyone that are linked to the many UMNO companies.
    If there is no corruptions….and good good companies will have money problem.
    Air Asia is smart to borrow more than they should get…..and now….UMNO and banks need to pray everyday for Air Asia to succeed with it’s fleet of brand new planes.
    Tour companies are finding hard to manage and almost all are Malaysia Chinese owned. What do UMNO care…if they go bankcrupt.
    Most choose Garuda.. MAS…Thai Airways…for their tours…as Air Asia indirectly is killing their business with FOC tickets.
    There is always the good and the bad after effects.
    Yes…more Malaysians can travel by air…from Air Asia FOC idea…but it is not really free nor cheap…if you are a seasoned traveler.
    Now smaller set ups are giving Air Asia a run for the money…on cheap local and nearby destinations.
    Will Air Asia dare to give free international flights tickets?
    The bad news will be creeping in…slowly.
    Proton have never really made profit.. from day one…yet UMNO keep covering up.
    S.Times and Malay Mail..have been loosing every minute for years!!
    Sold Malay Mail away 10 years ago…..bought back recently…even it is still a loosing paper. They buy and sell…their own companies one another….like playing musical chairs.

  35. Whatever rubbish “stimulus package” introduced by Najis is totally useless as its effect, despite the billions spent, will not be felt by the man in the street.

    One easy way to feel the effect of a “stimulus” is to forego the Service Tax. This tax is what is preventing most people from visiting restaurants and places of interest. I am sure with the removal of the Service Tax, more business can be generated in these establishments which will in turn bring more revenue to the government. Why can’t the government see this point?

    Anyway, I am interested to know the basis of imposing this so called Service tax. Everything used in businesses have been taxed and even labour itself as employees are paying income tax. Then why is there even a tax on service when the government does not offer the least bit of service in running the business but just sits around with hands and legs crossed waiting to suck the rakyat’s blood when the offer their service?

  36. You know what I think of service tax? Take the following situation as an example:

    A prostitute procures the services of a pimp.
    The pimp gets customers for the prostitute.
    The prostitute offers service to the customer in return for a fee.
    The prostitute gets paid after offering her services.
    The pimp gets his cut from this money as he has offered his “service” and he is entitled to it.
    The government in turn asks the prostitute and the pimp to pay SERVICE TAX for which the government was in no point in time engaged in offering service in the whole the transaction! Then tell me if the term “SERVICE TAX” is at all applicable or logical?

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