What is the use of talking about KPIs and KRAs (key result areas) for the government servants when there is simply no high-performance culture among Cabinet Ministers?

The first Najib Cabinet saw the removal of seven Ministers in the old Abdullah Cabinet, namely Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar (Home); Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said (Tourism), Senator Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib (Rural and Regional Development), Senator Datuk Amirsham Abdul Aziz (Prime Minister’s Department), Datuk Ong Ka Chuan (Housing and Local Government), Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed (Works) and Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique (Federal Territories).

No one shed any tears for the dropping of the seven Ministers in the Abdullah Cabinet.

What outraged Malaysians is the new set of Ministers in the Najib Cabinet, for they are not only another set of “old faces” but include 11 new Ministers or Deputy Ministers who entered Parliament from the backdoor of the Senate.

Worse still, they include “political rejects” like Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and Datuk Dr. Awang Adek Hussin who were trounced by the electorate in last year’s political tsunami in the March 8 general elections, making the Najib Cabinet even more unrepresentative and unpopular than the second and last Abdullah Cabinet.

This morning, when answering the seventh question in the 90-minute question time, the KPI Minister, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon gave such a long answer that he killed supplementary questions as question time was up.

This was why I told Tsu Koon over the well of the House that he had failed his KPIs and KRAs, in hogging time in his long answer when he should have allowed supplementary questions to be asked.

What is the use of talking about KPIs and KRAs (key result areas) for the government servants when there is simply no high-performance culture among Cabinet Ministers?

Speech by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on Tuesday, 23rd June 2009 in Parliament on the Finance Minister’s motion to reallot 2009 Budget among the various Ministries following the 10th April 2009 Cabinet reshuffle.

17 Replies to “What is the use of talking about KPIs and KRAs (key result areas) for the government servants when there is simply no high-performance culture among Cabinet Ministers?”

  1. Umno-BN leaders are only good at talking, not performing their work.

    Everyday, we can see them going from place to place to talk, not work.

    Their skill is in politiking and cultivating cronies who are the divisional warlords.

    A new political culture must be led by the PR who must not take in people like the frustrated Huan Cheng Guan of Gerakan who seems to be a political opportunist.

  2. 1. Does the Government need SO MANY Ministers?
    2. Any proven record for some of those Ministries to be there?
    3. What are the Check & Balance on their Performance?
    4. Since PM is their head. Did any PM do any review of their performance in the past?
    5. Should Parliament demand evaluation of Minister and Public Servants from PM?


    As mentioned earlier, PCB has been silent even with complaints from the Public? Apparently, PM cannot even monitor his own office/Department!!

  3. Never in the history of any good government have so many political rejects put back as ministers…yet this man…Najib is talking about “1 Malaysia”…only God knows ….what that mean.
    His outright disrespect to voters …shows democracy is totally dead.
    Going against UMNO…we are seeing the true character of UMNO.
    All these is because…UMNO BARU is corrupted to the core.
    This post makes me sick to the stomach….how UMNO can please Malaysians with the good news..and then…back to square one…with all the bad news.
    They never dare to move one inch..forward..but yards backward.

  4. Hey how come the latest 5 stories are on Najib eh? Running away from OTK ah? Care to answer his challenge below first or not?

    “I bring Kit Siang to task for suppressing the truth and to continue misleading the House and the public. He rudely interrupted my ministerial statement by accusing me of not referring to the Cabinet decision on 23rd October 2002 that the land should be acquired at a lower price of RM10.16psf.

    What Kit Siang had conveniently omitted to mention was that the decision on the 23rd of October was subsequently superseded by the Cabinet in its meeting on 6th of November 2002.

    The DAP leader may not be a cabinet member but the Parliamentary Hansard dated 4th September 2007 clearly recorded that the decision of the cabinet on the 2nd of October 2002 to purchase the land at RM25psf continued to stand for the reasons mentioned in my parliamentary statement.

    Kit Siang knew of this. In fact, he was engaged in a debate on this on 4th of September 2007. He even posted excerpts of the Hansard in his blog the very next day. And yet he chose to suppress this important fact from the public for the sake of a political gimmick bent on rescuing his fading political career.

    My challenge to Kit Siang is for him to be man enough to admit that he had deliberately misled and confused the public by failing to disclose the full and proper account of Cabinet decisions on the PKFZ project. He should administer the dosage of medicine that he so freely prescribes for others on himself by referring his ownself to the Committee of Privileges.”

  5. Yb Kit,
    What do you expect from this MOPIKO minister.
    Malaysian Cabinet is just another reject shop!!! But at least those reject shops at the shopping complex still benefit people for the price offered on goods on sale. But those rejected people hanging around “betul betul muka tak malu”
    Just tell that Koh KPI to quit.!!!!

  6. “No one shed any tears for the dropping of the seven Ministers in the Abdullah Cabinet.”

    – strongly disagree. The Magnificent Seven and their cronies would be crying all the way to the bank.

    The reason why he dilly dallied is because

    1) he might not have substantive things to make concise points with so to hide the lack of real substance, he goes for quantity, not quality

    2) use up time so that there is not enough time to grill and fry him?

    anyway just speculation as I did not read his speech, no point, really

  7. It is commendable the aforementioned seven old Ministers were kicked out in the new cabinet line-up. However, the presence of those “political rejects” in the cabinet is largely unacceptable. Malaysians have sent out a loud and clear message that we do not need their service anymore! Do they still have the pride and dignity?

  8. “What is the use of talking about KPIs and KRAs (key result areas) for the government servants when there is simply no high-performance culture among Cabinet Ministers?”

    The back door listed and people rejected performance minister cannot even come out with the KPI format and the measuring yardstick since being appointed in early April 2009. What is the use of talking about PERFORMANCE when even a simple dateline cannot be met with? Think first before you set the dateline, the next time. Frankly speaking, is it necessary for an extension of time to be granted for a simple format? It looks like BeEnd is buying time.

  9. No high-performance culture among Cabinet Ministers? Don’t the examples below show the high-performance culture among Cabinet Ministers?

    For arresting candlelight vigilers, Home Minister’s KPI = 100/100

    For misleading investigation of PKFZ scam, Transport Minister’s KPI = 101/100

    For diddling over the teaching of English, Education Minister’s KPI = 102/100

    For fooling the rakyat over 1Malaysia, PM’s KPI = 103/100

  10. well, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Kon has waited like desperate housewife to be in political limelight again, so he siege the oppurtunity to expose himself as long if possible before he is being forgotten.

  11. If we look at the list of the failures put back into cabinet by Najib…Koh Tsu Koon is the single low class worm of all…accepting a post….when he not only lost his own election..he lost the whole Penang too.
    UMNO must play race and religion….divide to rule….and don’t anyone eve be fooled by “1 Malaysia” meaning to unite us…as one.
    Leave it to Najib with their smart interpretations.
    He and …half Malay..half Indian.. are very good in double meaning talks.

  12. Would there be a snap general election soon in Sept/Oct 2009?

    So be prepared to be in the Federal Government and stop barking like oppositionists only.

    Concentrate how to rule the nation in a new beginning.

    Don’t go on fighting the ghosts..in futility and be truly leaders.

    pw: against caved

  13. key performance indicators are benchmarks for performers, not ofr ‘pontengers’ like Ministers who stay away from Parliament or those who shop overseas or visit their children studying overseas on taxpayers’ money.

    KPIs shoud also study government waste, spillage and leakage!

    In short KPIs are for performers, not malingerers or monkeys in monkey businesesss.

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