Will Ong Tee Keat tender apology in next 24 hours for misleading Parliament in his eight-minute Ministerial statement on PKFZ scandal or I will move motion to refer him to Committee of Privileges

My three questions (No.70 to No. 72 on the 24th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

Question 1: Ong was a real disappointment with his Ministerial non-statement in Parliament on the PKFZ scandal in Parliament this morning.

His so-called Ministerial statement took eight minutes but he needed 40 minutes (i.e. five times the time he took in Parliament) in his press conference in the Parliament lobby to explain his Ministerial non-statement!

Why didn’t he spend these 40 minutes to give a proper, meaningful and comprehensive statement on the “mother of all scandals” in his Ministerial statement in Parliament on the PKFZ scandal, especially as the Deputy Speaker, Datuk Dr. Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar had told the press the previous day that there is no time limit to a ministerial statement and that the minister could take as long as he wanted?

I was quite impressed with Ong when I read the Chinese media reports of his statement yesterday that he welcomed questions and a debate on the PKFZ scandal during his ministerial statement in Parliament, and together with Wan Junaidi’s explanation, I had expected a very long session on the subject today.

Instead, despite repeated attempts on my part to seek clarification, Ong refused to yield the floor which caused my caustic remark in Parliament that Ong was “a hero outside but a coward in Parliament”.

Even worse, Ong’s ministerial statement was not a “tell all” but a “tell nothing” statement, revealing nothing that the public did not know about the PKFZ scandal.

Ong even misled the House when he said that the Cabinet, on Oct. 2, 2002, made the decision to allow the Port Klang Authority (PKA) to purchase 1,000 acres of land for RM1.08 billion at RM25 psf based on the position of the Selangor state government that the land could not be acquired under Section 3(1)(a) of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 because PKFZ was not a public project.

I immediately pointed out that Ong had misled Parliament as he had not referred to the Cabinet decision three weeks later on Oct. 23, 2002, that the land should be acquired by the Transport Ministry through land acquisition under Section 3(1)(a) of the Land Acqusition Act at the price of RM10.16 psf.

Ong could not deny what I said but he was not prepared to confirm either – another instance of Ministerial irresponsibility and cowardice.

My first question to Ong is whether he would admit that he had deliberately misled Parliament about the Cabinet decision on the land acquisition of the PKFZ by failing to give a full and proper account of Cabinet decisions on the PKFZ project, and whether he would apologise for such parliamentary contempt and breach of privilege.

If Ong fails to tender a public apology in the next 24 hours, I will submit a motion to refer Ong to the Committee of Privileges for violating Standing Order 36(12) in deliberately misleading the House.

This what Deputy Speaker Junaidi said is the option before me, based on his understanding of the British War Minister, John Profumo scandal in the House of Commons when Profumo made a ministerial statement in Parliament which proved to be incorrect and untrue.

Question No. 2 – In his 8-minute Ministerial statement, Ong did not spent a single second on the causes and culprits of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal. Is he suggesting that the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal – five times the RM2.5 billion Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) scandal – is a “heinous crime without criminals”?

Ong had told the Chinese media more than once that there is a need to restore PKFZ project “from death to life”. Who are the people who caused to RM4.6 billion PKFZ scandal to “die” that it has to be brought back to life?

How is Ong to reconcile with the reputation that he is an uncompromising fighter against all forms of abuses of power, misuse of public funds and corrupt practices when he dare not even say a word about the causes and culprits of the PKFZ “scandal of scandals”?

Question No. 3: As the 83 Pakatan Rakyat MPs had all stood up at the end of Ong’s Ministerial statement in an unprecedented rejection of Ong’s Ministerial statement, is Ong prepared to give a second Ministerial statement in Parliament tomorrow or later this week to give a proper and satisfactory account of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

29 Replies to “Will Ong Tee Keat tender apology in next 24 hours for misleading Parliament in his eight-minute Ministerial statement on PKFZ scandal or I will move motion to refer him to Committee of Privileges”

  1. My understanding was that a number of BN MPs were against Ong Ta Kut giving his ministerial statement. This is what happens when the project is nothing more than a BN fund-raiser.

  2. As usual, Ong Tee Keat can talk very loud outside. This was demonstrated by his 40 minutes stupid explanation on his b***s**t-ing inside the House. He still think the rakyat are dumb and will buy his story..at least not me. Just wondering, how will the MSM gonna help him spin his “story” later..

    And i also feel very pity for those MCA members for having an eunuch like him as president..disgrace

  3. “From day one, I have requested nothing less than an impeccable level of transparency.”

    Ong Tee Keat. The Star N40, Sunday 21st June.

    As transparent as the PKFZ Black Hole.

  4. OTK has simply gone from rude to billigerence. What’s next? Go rogue?

    Is it inconceivable for OTK to appreciate that Malaysians demand answers? Surely he could offer preliminary assessment as to what went wrong, who were the culprits, and how the government is going to fix the problem.

    OTK should remember that he is accountable to the public as taxpayers’ funds are being used. For him to resort to name calling LKS, and to treat questions as old questions, are not acceptable by any stretch of imagination.

  5. Brother Kit Siang, the people solidly stand by your side to get to the bottom of this RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, which is the hard-earned money of the taxpayers. Every single cent in this “mother of all scandals” must be accounted by this Bong Kang. The people will not even accept a cent less. This Bong Kang twisted the facts in his Ministerial statement and then put the blame to brother Kit Siang. What a disgraceful and shameful coward is he?

  6. …….is Ong prepared to give a second Ministerial statement in Parliament tomorrow or later this week to give a proper and satisfactory account of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

    I am not optimistic that Ong will give a second Ministerial statement in Parliament tomorrow or later this week. Apparently, he has already washed his hands and swept the scandal under the carpet after today’s ministerial statement.

    What PR can do is to harp on the PKFZ scandal during any by-election and fully exploit it to PR’s advantage.

  7. Congratulations to our PM. He has successfully unite 1-Malaysia initiative by putting Ong under the spotlight.

    Now 1-Malaysia know the true colour of MCA lead, and all satu hati, satu otak, satu bulat agree that this Ong has misleaded all Malaysian in this Public Inquiry.

    Najib is still quiet observing the whole drama. Once Superman comes to rescue, Ong’s backbone will be forever taken. Or it has already been taken…??!

    YB, pls put up a vote on the credibility of MCA lead. Let public voice out loud and slap MCA big time.

  8. questions have no age. it does not matter whether a question is a new question or an old question.


    again, if otk is not capable of answering all of them: RESIGN NOW!

    again, shame on voters of pandan. look at who you have voted.


    WHY? WHY? WHY? Voters, be smart and open your eyes!

  9. During his 40min speech today, OTK has mentioned some truth. Truth about some of his deeds during his tenure as Transport Minister pegged in between long verbatim but certainly not the kind of truth that most people wanted to know.

    Does anyone seriously think Ong Ta Kut is capable of telling the truth if, say
    >he only knows half truth?
    >his present or former bosses do not want the truth to be told?
    >the incentive of revealing is less attractive than concealing?
    >the truth will destroy his dreams and aspirations?

  10. when there is a need for accountability, I can see the following SOP:

    1) say a lot of nothing
    2) say nothing
    3) run to the Speaker to clam down on discussion
    4) worse, like the example above, issue statement which truthfulness is at best dubious.

  11. I don’t understand the request for an apology. It’s not like OTK is your lover and you can kiss and make up! If he has really misled the House, just refer him and get on with something else. The last thing we need is to give the impression that when you’re in government and your cronies run off with billions of ringgit, they can just say ‘soz’ and no more will happen.

  12. He is trying to be like Elvis..saying ….”Don’t mess around with me” ….to LKS.
    Remember the song?…
    “If you are looking for trouble?
    You come to the right place.
    Looking for trouble…stare at my face..
    bla bla bla..my daddy was a green eye monster.
    sooooooo …don’t you mess around with me?”
    Ta Kut trying to scare LKS?……..hahahahahahaha

  13. ho ho ho..what do you know? Now the monkey wants to talk about Elvis and like the way he messed up Raja Petra’s flowers, he has similarly messed up Elvis’ songs. The monkey would be better chained to a lease held by OTK grinding the organ in Chow Kit while he holds up a cup to collect the coins from passers by for his new master OTK, ho ho ho…..

  14. “Will Ong Tee Keat tender apology in next 24 hours for misleading Parliament in his eight-minute Ministerial statement on PKFZ scandal or I will move motion to refer him to Committee of Privileges”

    Apologize for what? To them, telling lies is very common.

  15. I agreed with Org Rojak, no point of asking an apology. Just report him. Why want to act like a kid? Little bid ask people to apologize, little bid ask for pay cut $10, little bid ask people to resign. If by resigning can solve problem, Malaysia wouldn’t be the same after Pak Lah left the office.
    On the other note, Uncle Kit, i’m deeply disappointed with your behavior outside dewan Parliament when you confronted OTK. I saw it on TV, even OTK was wrong, and even you want to confront him, you should hv let him finished speaking to defend himself before you continue talking. What you did was keep on cutting off his reply to you and walked away while he was talking without letting him saying anything. How rude are u Uncle Kit


    OTK has less obligation to apology than providing answers to some basic and fundamental questions such as:

    1. Is PKFZ under PAA?
    2. What should be done by PKA to get the approvals and amendments from the Parliament and the Ministries (MOT, MOF, etc) concerned?
    3. What were being approved or amended with a list of Sequence of Event?
    etc etc..
    4. Their official comments to PWC reports.


    Please pass these Questions in Writing to OTK (being Minister of MOT) with Signatures by ALL MP wishing to ask the same.

    If he does not reply, you have a good and solid base to file your complaint to the Privilege Committee, !even it will not go through) .

  17. Ha, ha, LKS to submit a motion to refer OTK to the Committee of Privileges for violating Standing Order 36(12) in deliberately misleading the House
    But OTK said “LKS lacks intellectual depth”
    Ho, ho

  18. Ongtakut should resign…is he doing his homework?? or just talk craps outside the parliament??..actually who is lacking on intellectual depth?..it is obviously him, yet he’s saying LKS..come on..get someone more caliber to debate with LKS..as to enhance competitiveness and more qualities in the parliament..

  19. OTK reminds me of the poor teachers we all suffer with in schools. The ones that don’t quite know their job well and often give poor explanation and when you question it, they get angry with you for being a smart ass enough to ask intelligent questions.

    You know you are doing a pretty crappy job when you are a MCA minister need an UMNO-ultra like Kinabatangan to defend you. Its like the hooker who need a rapist to defend her.

    The worst thing is the guy set himself up. He bragged about what he would do for a whole week and then did zilch!! 8 minute statement and 45 minutes press conference that said zilch! To add it did, the man when on bender against Sdr. Lim when all he has done is basically good fair game opposition politics. If he can’t take a beating on this level with Sdr. Lim, what good is the he in a real democratic parliament?

    I kind of feel that OTK and Najib do the same thing. These people think their job is ‘acting’ i.e., pretend only. It seems they think if they give good drama, people will believe it and it will become real? This is not a drama-series on TV. You just can’t pretend its something when its not real!!! Its a freaking insult to the average Malaysian. We love our drama-series BUT we know its not real…

  20. The end bits of LKS remarks got me uneasy esp that bit about OTK’s express desire to bring PKFZ back to life. We spent 12.5b to kill that project. The question is how much we now need to bring it back to life? Another 12.5b? How much did the umno gobermen pay Pricewaterhouse? Where is the self-proclaimed bold OTK – the brave OTK who did not mind stepping of the toes of others?

  21. Independent View Says: Why want to act like a kid?
    LKS has had a long career of pleading with the teacher, only to see the naughty kids get off scot-free, smiling while they suck up to the teacher. I suspect LKS knows well that a scolding in the car park is probably the worst thing that will happen to OTK while UMNO continues to own everything.

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