Pakatan Rakyat’s Stand on Unity Government

Press Release
Pakatan Rakyat Council of Leaders
22 June 2009

The Pakatan Rakyat Council of Leaders today Monday, 22 June2009 held a meeting at the office of the Opposition leader and agreed on the following:

1. All the component parties of Pakatan Rakyat reiterate their commitment to each other and to strengthen the coalition in order to help form the future Federal Government

2. The Pakatan Rakyat Council of Leaders reaffirms our rejection of the idea of forming a Unity Government with UMNO/Barisan Nasional which is clearly a malicious and desperate attempt to compromise the integrity of the increasingly popular Pakatan Rakyat

3. Pakatan Rakyat agrees to adopt an open approach and is willing to hold discussions with the leaders of Barisan Nasional on issues of national interest such as economic recovery, improving the quality of education, restoring the integrity of the judiciary, abrogation of the Internal Security Act (ISA), the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, abuse of power by the police leadership during times of increasing crime, eradication of corruption, establishment of good governance and to hold immediately a free and fair election to resolve the Perak crisis.

38 Replies to “Pakatan Rakyat’s Stand on Unity Government”

  1. If Umno leaders are really sincere enough in wanting to have peace with Pakatan Rakyat in order for both the Umno leaders and Pakatan Rakyat leaders to spare more time for focusing their attention and concentrating their effort and financial resources in solving many imperative problems on hands, then Umno leaders should honour the contractual obligations as required by the Federal Constitution for the Federal Government to disburse the financial allocations which are due to be paid by the Federal Government to the State Governments under the administration of Pakatan Rakyat, namely Kedah, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor, and also Perak.

    There is no point trying to distract the people’s attention by the proposal of a unity government and to divert the focus onto less important issues such as the preservation of Special Privileges of the Malays because such Special Privileges have always been well preserved and have never been effectively challenged by any minority group in Malaysia thus far.

    Umno should learn to give up the racist chauvinism of Malay Agenda or “Ketuanan Melayu” (Malay Supremacy) as soon as it can, since this racist chauvinsim will never help in seeking a solution for solving the abject poverty problems which have been resulted from the long-term implementation of Umnoputraism that robbed and deprived the vast majority of the common people in order to build up a group of fifthy rich Umno elite members comprising of political warlords, business tycoons and police chieftains.

    Pakatan Rakyat has made the wise and right decision in rejecting Umno’s proposal of a unity government!

  2. The thing happening now in Iran will add some more energy to the muslims in Malaysia. For such a strict country like Iran, people still stood up to fight for justice. They are not afraid of dying. The bravery of Iranians gave a lot of courage to the Malaysian voters. I am sure UMNO starts to get worry about the possible influence from Iran

  3. PR stands a good chance of wresting federal power from BN in the 13th General Election; it is certainly unwise for PR to form a unity government with BN.

    The current scenario is that BN needs PR more than PR needs BN. It is therefore, not worthwhile for PR to share its promising future with BN.

  4. The BN clowns will continue to subvert. Let them take the riff-raff – those who want money now, and can’t wait for PR to take control of the Federal government in 2013.

    A simple message to Ong Ta Kut: If you want to talk, start with the premise that you must dissociate yourselves from the den of thieves. Can ah ?

  5. ///2. The Pakatan Rakyat Council of Leaders reaffirms our rejection of the idea of forming a Unity Government with UMNO/Barisan Nasional which is clearly a malicious and desperate attempt to compromise the integrity of the increasingly popular Pakatan Rakyat///

    Shouldn’t it be Pakatan Rakyat Council of Leaders reaffirms our rejection of the idea of forming a Unity Government with UMNO/Barisan Nasional as well as having Unity Talks with UMNO/Barisan Nasional?

    The group within PAS keen to maintain liaison and communication with UMNO/Barisan Nasional has all along promoted opening Unity Talk with UMNO/Barisan Nasional, which is not necessarily synonymous with forming Unity Government with UMNO/BN – at least not yet (openly).

    Is any PAS faction allowed to continue Unity Talk based on Unity of Malaysian Malays based on common religion (as distinct from talking about Unity Government) or Pakatan Rakyat’s reaffirmation of rejection of the idea of forming a Unity Government automatically preclude (from standpoint of common sense or whatever) any form of Unity Talk whether based on Unity of race or religion????

  6. When you are totally sincere…you put your out clear and straight forward commitment to the Malaysians.
    UMNO…2 words.”1 Malaysia”
    Watch how UMNO ministers speak with no solid commitments…twisting and turning.
    PR stands for unity government is a Malaysian Malaysia.

  7. The statement is not sufficient. What about the future of Malaysia under PR, please say it unequivocally what PR stand for, not just not wanting with UMNO-BN. Settle this now.

  8. The Council had spoken and it shall be done!!! More needs to be done by the council to straighten all the other differences before the next GE and future Federal Govt and policies!!! The Rakyat dont want a one term PR Federal Govt!!!

  9. Oooooo….the crapshooter now tries to correct the English of the PR Council. What a pity. We should have consulted the one who “does not deny that he writes eloquently”.

  10. “Settle this now.”

    Wow, what a demand ! So let’s start beating up on each other again in the blogs, let the mainstream papers twist all the arguments put forth by the various parties, and let UMNO come in to “rescue” PAS from being overwhelmed ? What happened to politics being the art of the impossible ?

  11. Limkamput,

    Beware the godfather instead of advising his god-son or godmonkey whatever to be less irritating and more responsible, has chosen to descend to the despicable depths of his godmonkey. He resents you calling his god-monkey a crab and is accusing you of talking crap! Expect him to show himself to be an even bigger idiot when he next calls you idiot

  12. Those of us who know Limkamput well won’t accuse him of talking crap. He’s just an impatient guy, that’s all. Don’t try to bait me. The words “idiot” and “monkey” being used on this blog refer exclusively to UMNOputras. Just go away…

  13. I’m so glad that the Pakatan Rakyat is back on the right footing again. The common objective is to build a prosperous and happy country where every citizen has a stake in it. e can’t change our biological difference, religious diversity but we certainly can work together for the common good and build a happy homeland based on social justice while at the same time upholding the rights of the Malays and Malay rulers as enshrined in the Federal Constitution. Race-based policy is becoming obsolete, and people, irrespective of race, want to build a better live for themselves and the generations to come.
    My hope is that all of us can point out the misdeeds, corruption and power abuse of the present government (including police and judiciary), so that the hard-earned money of the rakyat is not frittered away in the next three years before the PR takes over the Federal government. With single-minded determination, nothing is impossible. Everyday, one can see people of all races buying Keadilan, Harakah newspapers at the newstands and shops. This is a crystal clear sign that the people are hungry for truths. For instance, the exchange rates of the Thai Bath and our Ringgit is now in the Bath’s favour. It means our economy is falling behind our immediate neighbours’.
    It’s very wise on the part of Pakatan Rakyat to agree to adopt an open approach and is willing to hold discussions with the leaders of BN on issues of national interest such as economic recovery, improving the quality of education, restoring the integrity of the judiciary, abrogation of the Internal Security Act (ISA), the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, abuse of power by the police leadership during times of increasing crime, eradication of corruption, establishment of good governance and to hold immediately a free and fair election to resolve the Perak crisis.

  14. “Is any PAS faction allowed to continue Unity Talk based on Unity of Malaysian Malays based on common religion (as distinct from talking about Unity Government) or Pakatan Rakyat’s reaffirmation of rejection of the idea of forming a Unity Government automatically preclude (from standpoint of common sense or whatever) any form of Unity Talk whether based on Unity of race or religion????” (Jeffrey)

    By questioning on the matter of whether the PR leaders shall allow certain PAS faction to continue Unity Talk with Umno based on the rationale of Malay Unity in Malaysia or based on the rationale of Islamic Unity, you are indeed trying to provoke a long-lingering debate on the grandfather issue of whether “the concept of Separation of Mosque and State” or “the concept of Merge of Mosque and State” shall prevail.

    There is no easy and quick solution to the question you are trying to raise about the policy choice of Secularism or Theocracy. As a matter of fact, some Malaysian Malays had been getting to much involved in religiosity during the past 51 years’ political history of Malaysia. I have no good reason to go against any religion if the religion itself can really turn its believer into a much better person. However, when it comes to the matter of delivering a good governance by an expectedly good government, I think it will be much better for the Malaysian people to leave the issue of Religion alone and not to get too much involved in talking about this sensitive issue outspokenly or outloud, lest someone may unknowingly offend the other simply because he/she proclaims that his/her God is the only God and besides this God, there will be no other God except idols.

    Some religions teach people to seek for the Kingdom of God. However, does the Kingdom of God really mean a kingdom with a physical boundary? Or does the Kingdom of God simply mean a state of contrite heart which seeks an intimate personal relationship with God and which also seeks to continue to do good to others in order to show a reflection of the grace and mercy of God upon others in order to glorify God?

    I believe that a man who really believes in God and practises religiosity will never attempt to impose a set of restrictions for the non-believers to comply with, for the non-believers will have no relationship whatsoever with his personal belief. If you are a Christian, then why should you bother so much to stop a Muslim from talking to another Muslim about the issue of Islamic Unity? Isn’t it true that God has given us the free will? All of us are only held responsible and answerable to THAT GOD we truly believe. Our responsibility, which has been given to us on earth by God, is just to proclaim to the whole world that ours is the true God who cares. Other than this proclamation, I do not know of any means by force which we are obliged to adopt in order to preach our belief to others. Therefore, I do not find any good reason for PR leaders to impose restriction on any faction of PAS members about their choice of having a Unity Talk with Umno people!

  15. hahahahahaha….Godfather can really handle monkeys and idiots well.
    He should be a politician…..but he will also go to jail faster than he expects….if he ever.. is in politics…hahahahahaha
    I will rot and die in jail……hahahahaaha
    Onlooker Politics…is good to handle long winded Jeffery.
    Time to relax….and read.
    Carry on..defenders of the most high……..DAP and .LKS!!
    “Cheerleader”…..meaning i am a pondan….OK la.. I rest.

  16. The PAS problem for PKR will never never be solved.

    Because their agenda, core reading, core mind is Muslim, Muslim, Muslim.

    If any politicalical party could help them achieve turn this country to Muslim and Muslim stronger, they willing to betray you to exchange to achieve their agenda/aims, there will not be any trust worth more than their aims Muslim, Muslim.

    It is their core reading instruction from the top, Muslim, Muslim, it always be the aim, how to make muslim, muslim stronger.




  17. a2a..Malaysian politics is very dirty…created by UMNO….focusing on race and religion…and using money to buy votes.
    They also bought up few top police and judges.
    Yes..we must not simply trust.
    But focus on change of government and support PR.
    If DAP and keDAILan are calm….take that as a sign to Malaysians…….everything is under control. Do not simply believe what you read in papers.
    And back to politics…as much as PR wants it straight forward and simple…UMNO keep twisting and turning with unfair and unjust rules.
    Take PAS matter as a chess game.
    Do you play chess?
    Do not strengthen UMNO by criticizing PAS.
    I have been supporting RPK for years and lately he criticized Anwar on the Chin Peng issue…in favour of UMNO and talk like a racialist. For the first time…I hit him, back!!
    Look at Rocky aka Attan….he is bought by Najib!!
    So situations changes…..but DAP/keDAILan do not take the talk too seriously. Even Eng Guan and Karpal kept quiet.
    So…lets be smart and watch for signals from PR……..and do not fall into UMNO’s traps.
    Personally…PAS is th ultimate loosers… if they want to play race and religion with UMNO whose Islamic values and interpretations ..reputations…are totally different from PAS.
    Yes…few PAS and UMNO racialists and fanatics…always want the to combine. This is nothing new.
    PAS have had its tastes of insults and treated like nobody co-operating with UMNO before.
    Unless you know the history of these two parties….you will jump to wrong conclusions.
    Bottom line….People’s Power decides……….correct??

  18. On the important distinction between not having “Unity Government” from “not having Unity Talk” (in relation to race or religion) Godfather, in his usual short-sightedness and unthinking way, mocked “Oooooo….the crapshooter now tries to correct the English of the PR Council”, thinking that it is all an issue of English, missing thus (as customary) the woods from the trees!

    When one like PAS’s Hadi rejects Unity Govt with UMNO/ Barisan Nasional, it does not necessarily imply one cannot have Unity Talks (whether based on religion or race) with UMNO/ Barisan Nasional.

    The more important of the two is Unity Talks that ought to be prevented!

    It is Unity Talk that explores parameters whether Unity Govt were possible fater Unity Talk. No one would have Unity Govt without first having Unity talk!

    The terms of coming together and what’s the benefit will be ironed out if they are permitted to talk and converse. That is why Unity Talk is more dangerous.

    Once talk proves alliance with (say) UMNO/BN is beneficial, then it becomes academic that PAS or a section of it has earlier promised the other 2 partners that it won’t form the Unity Govt with the rival.

    This is because when one leaves and unite with a new partner, will one care what one has promised an existing partner (abandoned) earlier?

    To use a homespuun analogy. Supposing one has a wife. To have her declare that she will not leave/divorce you and marry (unite) with her ex boyfriend is meaningless if she were allowed – meanwhile – to converse, stay in contact and engage with her ex- boyfriend because it is precisely through these conversations she could detemine with clarity the benefit of changing partners. Once that benefit is confirmed, then it matters not that she has made an earlier cvommitment with existing partner not to look for an alternative partner! She could breach it with impunity because she has already the opportunity (though conversations and talk) with the suitor to prepare for safe landing on the other side of the fence!

    So the more important issue in terms of stability of Union of two or three partners is that there should be no unity talk by anyone with the rival opponent (unless all pertners talk together).

    To say that all agree to no unity govt/alliance with the rival without making clear that there is also to be no unity talk by one of the partners with the rival is to open a loophole for the most important condition for Unity Govt to take place – the prior Unity Talk laying the groundwork for Unity Government!

  19. This issue seems to have been settled, at least for now. But in my view, matters such as this will continue to haunt PR until a longer term solution is found. We should know well that when people of different and non synergistic idealogies sit together (e.g. PKR/DAP vs PAS), the show of unity and common front is only superficial and does not run deep. The past few days have shown PR for what it is – an informal coalition with diverging visions for Malaysia. If you want PR to be taken seriously, it is time a formal coalition is formed and registered (like BN), all contests should be under PR and not the respective parties, PR should have a clear shadow cabinet, no more hiding behind `common objectives’ and sweeping key idealogical issues under the carpet when key differences between PR parties crop up etc. While BN is not an outstanding example of a good coalition, at least the objectives of its respective parties are more or less synergistic and aligned.

  20. I don’t know how even for a person like Godfather who says English is not his first language (as if it were mine) to be unable or refuse to know the difference between the two expressions “government” and “talk”, and thinking that a commitment to no “Unity Govt” is exactly equivalent to commitment to “No Unity talk” revolving around unity of race or religion! Or that one cannot whilst committing no no unity govt is necessarily precluded fvrom no unity talk; or that no unity govt is any meaningful when one is allowed to freely talk with one’s rival without the rest of the other partners; or that such talk may not pave the way to an alliance with the opposite side, by which time, when talk have reached that matured stage of finalisation of merger, the breach of the earlier promise to one ‘s other partners not to have unity govt has become no more relevant or important!

  21. “Or that one cannot whilst committing no no unity govt is necessarily precluded fvrom no unity talk” is not terribly eloquent English.

    I think the pontificating crapshooter should just write simple English for all of us to understand.

  22. “It is Unity Talk that explores parameters whether Unity Govt were possible fater Unity Talk.” Crapshooter

    For one who openly writes “I don’t deny that I write eloquently”, this is simply gobbledegook.

  23. As long as the Malays are insecured
    and have the tribal basic instinct to abang-adik themselves
    and refuse to accept others as fellow Malaysians
    Malaysia, as a nation, does not have much future
    PAS n Umno are truly hopeless racists
    and destroyers of Malaysia

  24. Everytime PAS made some political gains
    PAS got swollen headed and showed their true colour
    There are some sincere and righteous PAS politicians
    But unfortunately they are the minority

  25. “This issue seems to have been settled, at least for now. But in my view, matters such as this will continue to haunt PR until a longer term solution is found. We should know well that when people of different and non synergistic idealogies sit together (e.g. PKR/DAP vs PAS), the show of unity and common front is only superficial and does not run deep.” – imranj78

    UMNO want PAS but PAS reject UMNO because of PR? Of course not! Yes, PAS still can join UMNO after this, PAS can join UMNO anytime, but that will be the end for PAS, because they know UMNO is sinking.

  26. “The past few days have shown PR for what it is – an informal coalition with diverging visions for Malaysia. If you want PR to be taken seriously, it is time a formal coalition is formed and registered (like BN), all contests should be under PR and not the respective parties, PR should have a clear shadow cabinet, no more hiding behind `common objectives’ and sweeping key idealogical issues under the carpet when key differences between PR parties crop up etc.” – imranj78

    There is no need to deny that although PKR, DAP and PAS as a coalition and yet they are competing against each other. Even if PR is registered, PAS still can join UMNO, so what is the problem?

  27. “While BN is not an outstanding example of a good coalition, at least the objectives of its respective parties are more or less synergistic and aligned.” – imranj78

    Yes, when the shit hits the fan!!!

  28. ///For one who openly writes “I don’t deny that I write eloquently”, this is simply gobbledegook/// – Godfather

    Whether or not it is ‘gobbledegook’ to you is a matter of no consequence to me.

    I just want to set the record straight that I have neither stated nor meant to imply that I write eloquently, which you persisted for months at end making/repeating false accusations imputing that I did (in some misty past), thinking that if you repeated this often enough, it would stick on people who were not witness to the exchange in the past, and knew nothing of what was actually said.

    Which only shows how despicable and intentionally dishonest the vile manner by which you conduct discourse in this blog.

  29. 1. The Statement only give a sign that the Leader of the three Parties has sought a Common Understanding against the Call of Unity Government from BN. But it does not erase the possible crisis of cross-over or frogging! Especially with the DUST OF PERAK still in the air!!

    2. Most probably PK is still shy to say BN Government is Rotten with abuse of Power, Law and Constitution and ignoring and suppressing Human Rights. The Unity proposal is aiming at Talk was aimed at Power Sharing instead of Responsibility sharing among Parties. sharing BN?Therefore, there is no reason for PK to have a Unity Government with BN!!

    3. The Statement has NO sign what should be the Common Vision for all Parties in PK? So that there will be at least something to hold the coalition together that are Basically and Fundamentally interested by the People – Human Rights!! Such that differences among Parties will still be hold together under under Human Rights.

    4. Should DAP. PKR and PAS think that People will stick to Party if Human Rights cannot be promoted and maintained?

    5. Personally, I feel that the Leaders are addict with Party and still unconscious with the Importance of Human Rights and not believe that only Human Rights will help them strong. Only Human Rights can help to restore the Country so that it is not only for Malay or Malaysians but anyone which respect Human Rights – putting Malaysia back to the International Stage.


    6. Please note the getting popularity of PK is because of the Rotten and continue Rotting of BN. There is no proven record to tell People that any of these Three Party can perform or know how to perform. IT IS JUST BETTER THAN THE WORST!!

  30. “I think the pontificating crapshooter should just write simple English for all of us to understand.” I do – only you don’t understand!

    Most other time, a blog toothache, of course there are times even you could also be agreeable – once people learn to agree with you!

    If making false accusations, twisting and turning with dishonest arguments and misrepresenting others position were a disease, your case, in my observation, is in advance malignancy.

  31. What is there so difficult to understand about commitment by Hadi/PAS to no Unity Government is not necessarily a commitment to no further Unity Talk??? If you do not agree, deal with and confine to that issue, do not distract by introducing extraneous things about english, whether eloquent or bad as a basis to discredit (not the message itself) but messenger. As I have said before, it is the man who peddles most crap who thinks he is most qualified to label others as a crapshooter.

  32. 10% trying to contribute to this blog, 90% politiking (as when he alternates between criticising and then praising/redeeming LimKamPut :)

    you should join Hadi in PAS and grow a beard too!

  33. ‘1 Malaysia’ is just a hogwash. It is just a desperate attempt to hoodwink Malaysians with sweet words and sentimentality but devoid of sincerity and action. It is just a device to throw a lifeline to a behemoth UMNO gasping for breath in order to make it relevant again.

    But Malaysians are not fooled. Malaysians have woke up after a long slumber and can now discern the machination and chicanery employed by a corrupt and bankrupt government which has so long used the opiate of development and security to pull the wool over the eyes of the people.

    They have used the MSM with diabolical effect to deny the truth but the Internet has now become their nemesis. Soon the Internet will render irrelevant the monstrous MSM spinmeisters. The Internet has spawn a legion of free publishers and broadcasters with low cost. Now to run a newspaper and a TV station does not involve high investment in building, staff and machinery. Technically and practically, the Internet has made it possible for a one-man media outfit to achieve the same result that would require an organization before it.

    Najib is a sleek operator of lies and cunning. His talk of a united Malaysia is a gibberish mix that has not yet put on flesh. His idea of walking around the street, kissing babies and cutting birthday cakes sort of things have become blasé to a discerning population. That was yesterday’s recipe which has become stale. While talking about a united nation without any conviction he was seduced by the Unity government, which seeks to make one race dominant while conveniently jettisons the contributions of other races. This is a diametrical turnaround of his purported ‘1 Malaysia’ and has make it into a big joke.

    Now Najib, who are you kidding?

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