Is Ong Tee Keat going to say in his Ministerial statement on Monday that he is taking legal action against me and therefore there is no need for him to give any accountability for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

My three questions (No.64 to No. 67 on the 22nd day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

No. 1: In his blog from Paris, Transport Minister and MCA President, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat has threatened to sue me for standing up for the public interest to get to the bottom of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal. He is trying to put words into my mouth, claiming that he had been defamed. That is his business. He can do what he like, whether he wants to sue me or not.

The turnkey developer of PKFZ has also announced its intention to initiate a series of legal proceedings against Ong, the Port Klang Authority (PKA) Chairman, Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), newspapers and others over the PKFZ scandal.

The public interest to get into the bottom of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal to find out how a RM1.1 billion scandal under Datuk Seri (now Tun) Dr. Ling Liong Sik in 2002 could quadruple to RM4.6 billion under his successor, Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy in 2007, again double to RM7.453 billion and heading towards the astronomical cost of RM12.453 billion under the watch of Ong as Transport Minister should not be blocked or buried by a pile of litigation suits.

If it takes 10 or 20 years to dispose of all the litigation that could be instituted over the PKFZ scandal, does it mean that nobody should ask any question or no answer need be given demand as to the causes and culprits of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal until 2019 or 2029?

Where will Ong be in 2019 or 2029?

Is Ong going to Parliament on Monday, as directed by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to say in his Ministerial statement that as he intends to institute legal action against me over the PKFZ scandal, there is no need for him to give any answer or accounting and that all should wait for the outcome of such legal proceedings?

This is my first question to Ong today, whether he would ever use legal action as an excuse that he need not give any accounting for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, whether in Parliament or outside?

Question No. 2: Yesterday the website carried the following posting:

“PWC’s report on PKFZ shows that the PKA’s board of director had on 5 February 2008 approved the payment of RM1.2billion to KDSB, this is inclusive of 8.5% variation cost and the initial construction of RM95million however this is not inclusive of the professional fees of RM0.12billion.

“According to the said report, this payment is RM32million higher than the estimation of 63million made by surveyor earlier. This shows that the Board of Director had approved the payment in toto as requested by KDSB, but if fails to indicate or mention whether Ong supported the payment and made suggestion that the Cabinet should pass it.

“Food for thought, the PKFZ fiasco started as early as 2004, why did Ong support the payment to KDSB, does he not have to be responsible for this?”

What has Ong to say to this question. Will there be a reply by Ong to this query in his Ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday?

Question No. 3 – In September 2006, I spoke up in Parliament and outside commending Ong for speaking out against the “leakage” and misappropriation of public funds where only RM3,000 worth of work were delivered for a RM30,000 renovation for SJKC Kung Yu in Muar.

Does Ong think that his commendable stand in 2006 to expose the “leakage” of 90 per cent or RM27,000 of public funds in a RM30,000 school renovation is sufficient to justify his failure to “investigate all” and “tell all” about the RM12.5 billion PKFZ “mother of all scandals”?

How many RM30,000 school renovation work can be done with RM12.5 billion? Answer is 416,666 such projects!

20 Replies to “Is Ong Tee Keat going to say in his Ministerial statement on Monday that he is taking legal action against me and therefore there is no need for him to give any accountability for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?”

  1. The Chinese saying “The guilty one complains to court first -E ren xian gao zhuang”. That was the norm in ancient China when the first complainant in court ends up as the Plaintiff while the latter ends up Defendant. OTK is perhaps banging on this concept and by doing so, hopes to upset any further investigations and questions by LKS!

  2. NTV: Should MCA and DAP unite for the sake of Rakyat?

    My foot unity, MCA should just be dissolved and join DAP, thats only one way out and not another.

    OTK should be spanked publicly under HUDUB’s law for not knowing what’s right or wrong.

  3. They will use that Latin word “sub judice” to silence all comments and criticisms, to prevent further discovery and unearthing of more cans of worms.

    And the Speaker too will jump in to prevent further discussions and say “it is not urgent” and ” there is already a case filed in the courts”.

    Such is life in this country, the “sub judice” country.

  4. Even if PKA was trying to build some warehouse buildings above the sea water, the cost was not likely to overrun up to the ridiculous level as high as RM12.5 billion. Is the PKFZ project trying to use some gold bar to do the piling work at Pulau Indah, Klang?

    We need Ong Tee Keat to tell us much more detailed story about what had actually happened with the money-squandering PKFZ project?

  5. Just simply Malaysia is stuffed with Kangaroo courts the, UMNO-BN govt ministers are confidently hiding behind the kangaroo judges from accountbililty and guilt.
    Perak political impasse was a good example where all the verdicts were shameless given against the Opposition…. even will embarass Mugabe…now, this PKFZ project, taxpayers have to folk out the damages but, made many MCA politicians multi-millionaires!

  6. Don’t worry, Ong Ta Kut won’t sue. Even if he does, it will all just be sandiwara because he has no intention of going the whole way. He will hope that by the time the case comes to court, it could be 10 years down the road, and he will have retired somewhere comfortably in Australia.

    You think he can survive the document discovery process ?

    More and more documents are coming out of the woodwork. I was told that the Mega Wan Consulting document was on one page and that resulted in a liability of over RM 100 million to PKA !

  7. Ong Ta Kut has to ensure that top priority must be given to the public interest to get to the bottom of the Rm12.5 billion PKFZ “mother of all scandals” before talking about suing brother Kit Siang. Also, Ong Ta Kut has to ensure that the wrongdoers do not get away.

    Ong Ta Kut can only commence legal proceeding against brother Kit Siang as soon as there are no misappropriation of funds and/or no improprieties into PKFZ scandal. Let this be the signal from the Rakyat to Ta Kut. Ta Kut has a choice either to believe it or not to believe it when he faces the Rakyat in GE13.

    Just a reminder to Ta Kut, do not ever use the excuse of legal paths to prolong taking actions against the wrongdoers.

  8. So… just out of interest, I had a look at ong tee keat’s blog. He’s another example of someone who badly needs a press secretary. His case against you is put as “I fail to comprehend…”, but I’ve often heard it said that ignorance is no defence. I realise that this is Malaysia and if pressed, a person might say “I don’t know anything wan!”, but I would have expected better from someone in his position.

    No comments on his blog articles either. Is he waiting for a positive one? I expect the ‘rate this article’ widget that shows ‘Poor’ on every page will be the next thing to disappear. Maybe he’ll cheer up after all the information is hidden or deleted, and none of us know anything wan.

  9. Ong Ta Kut: Bukan gua bikin lah.
    LKS: Bukan lu bikin siapa bikin ?
    Ong Ta Kut: Saya tak tau. Tanya Chan Kong Choy.
    Chan: Saya tak tau, tanya Ling Liong Sik.
    Ling: Saya tak tau, tanya Tiong.
    Tiong: Tanya Badawi.
    Badawi: Tanya Mahathir.
    Mahathir: Saya tak ingat.

    Gani Patail: No case to answer for any of the above. Case closed.

  10. Cowardly act by Ong is a big disgrace to the Chinese community. The appearance he showed in the news is getting more disgusting.
    The image of MCA is now thrown to the drain.

    YB Lim, thanks for showing the nation that MCA has their own published dictionary. They have their own way of interpret “Accountability” – An act to sideline the main issue. Make the whisteblower accountable for the scandal.

  11. Relentlessly pursue this fiasco come what may until the rakyat get some answer. Never give up, never capitulate.

    We know the game they play – create more delay, cause more confusion, and threaten to sue. See what happen to Lingam tape now?

    Only the vested interest groups and the dumbos will say there is nothing wrong with PKFZ. If no one gets punished for this, let the whole government pay for it.

    PAS and PKR, where are you on this issue? Why only Sdr Lim and DAP? For once, focus on one issue and pursue relentlessly until we get some answer. Tear it wide apart; this issue alone is sufficient to win the 13th election.

    Some people get punished for stealing RM50.00. I think there are more than one people in PKFZ stealing RM500 million or more.

    Money is power. Imagine the power of those with ill-gotten gains and what they can do to those who try to find out the truth. Let anyone who wishes to criticize Sdr Lim, examine himself/herself first.

  12. Yes…taking legal actions against Lim Kit Siang is a smart way to avoid answering questions.
    That so call legal action will take years., and he hopes Malaysians will are satisfied …he is suing and forget everything…..move forward.
    By avoiding answering straight forward questions…making the excuse he answers only to his boss…Najib..and not a Malaysians voters…is another clear sign….these BN guys are caught with their pants down…trying so hard to hide and run away.
    Since Najib put all MCA and Gerakan loosers back in’s twisting and turning …crab walking and sight seeing. these jokers.

  13. Why take on OTK? Poor little fellow had been used to cover for the BN weakness. When the crude oil is at USD45 the cost of PKFZ is 1.2 bil, when it is USD60 is 2.5bill when it is USD80 it is 4.5bil so for USD140 sahould be around 12.5 Bil. Very reasonable. Many improvement from BMF and than Perwaja. Just show how rich Malaysia are and how much improvement by BN over all these year.Only solution Makkal Sathi and Malaysian unity

  14. Wonder what “serious crime” has Huan of Gerakan committed to deserve 3 years suspension. Remember Ahmad Ismail, the racist? He was only suspended for 1 year by UMNO for committing SEDITION! So what Huan has done must be at least 3X more serious than Ahmad????

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