The spectre of crime in the daily lives of Malaysians


(This email is reproduced completely unedited, in its pristine atrocious English for two reasons: firstly, it seems to have become the standard Malaysian English; secondly, the subject of the spectre of endemic crime which haunts the daily lives of Malaysians refuses to be buried by the distraction of the atrocious English used, for the writer is able to communicate his genuine cry from his heart and to strike resonance among the Malaysian public.

(Both issues must be addressed: how to improve the command of English language among Malaysians, but even more important, how to start reducing crime to make Malaysia safe again for its citizens, tourists and investors. – Kit)

Greetings to all Member of Parliament,

I write this mail to you all for a reason of snatch thieves in KL has been rising more and more in front of my eyes. Here’s a few incident:

1. I was having my lunch at KL near Tune Hotel. After having my lunch, I was carrying my notebook on my hand and a motorcycle pass through me coming from behind attempt to steal my notebook, but they failed. Then they run away with their motorcycle as fast as they can to another road.

2. I was working on a roadshow at Taman Melawati around CIMB Bank area. My colleagues was walking around promoting something, and heard a voice of shout from a Malay lady and when my colleague saw her, her bag was already with the thief.

3. The incidents where pregnant lady was snatch and she lost her life.

I’m really sad about this issue is happening in our country. As a rakyat, I can’t do much but to aware you all as MP that this is happening in our city. There is no solution AT ALL for this kinda crime, because the thief attack on people walking by the road side and once they snatch, their small little bike will bring them run through small roads where we can’t access. I can’t afford to see this continue happening in our city and country.
Can you all bring up this issue and solve this out? Get the person in charge to come out with some kinda solution. If government can ask everyone who used prepaid line to register their line, because they want to catch loan shark, I’m sure they can do something about snatch thieves as well.

And please question Datuk Hishamuddin as well on what the police is doing while all this is happening. Since he love to protect the police, I guess this question should go to him. Now, all I see in the news everyday is publishing statistic of crime rate and telling us the conclusion whether is getting better or worse. If is getting better, then police will not need to do anything. If is getting worse, they will advise us to be careful. But is this the right solution? In Singapore, if a pregnant lady lost her life because she was snatch, the Commissioner will have to find out who is the thief, or else he will lose his seat as Commissioner. But what is our country’s police doing? Catching activist, doing things that is not needed by the country and not fulfilling their role as a police, moreover they are pay by us.

Please do something about this, there are already life lost, money stolen and etc. I believe more and more worse story will come.

My role as rakyat,


33 Replies to “The spectre of crime in the daily lives of Malaysians”

  1. Mr Yap, there is only one solution to the problem of police indifference to crime. Vote BN out in the 13 GE and you will get a completely overhauled police force under a new Home Minister and IGP who are completely dedicated to stopping criminals and NOT taking the easy way out by harassing opponents to the current regime, who incidentally are much easier to arrest than armed robbers.

  2. The police are probably thinking: “Why should we risk our precious lives chasing armed criminals who have stolen a few ringgit when the mca is still not be investigated for stealing RM12.5 billion?”

  3. I never thought I would see the day that Dr.M and Sdr. Lim would be on the same side on such an issue. I fully agree with Dr. M that the unity govt idea biggest problem is its racist. All these talks that its about Muslim required to get along is just a load of hyperbole o religious lines. Muslim having to get along mean there is no democracy, debate, contest and dynamic change?

    Its racist plain and simple and even an ultra-originator like Dr. M, who has been part of some of the biggest racist lies that have gone out of control, knows once you get there, its only one way down to hellhole for the country…

  4. Before the situation can improve, politically partisan IGP and high-ranking police officers have to be replaced with genuine police officers who are dedicated to policing but not to pleasing their political master BN.

    Our police personnel have been spending so much time in pleasing their political master that they ignore their policing duty and put rakyat’s lives at stake.

    National security has deteriorated to such an extent that even foreigners treat Malaysian high-ranking police officers as ‘non-existent’!

    Replacing politically partisan IGP and high-ranking police officers can only be done by voting BN out in the next General Election.

  5. In this “ALI BABA AND HIS 40 THIEVES” CULTURE AND ADMISTRATION do you seriously think you will get solutions to your public safety worries……………………………….report your concerns to PDRS you may not get answers but you will certainly get LISTENING EARS- our BN government are already DEAF if not why the APATHY

  6. Wrong Yap. Wrong. Dont compare with singapore. That is prohibited by umno. If you persist then I fear they may threaten to cancel your citizenship. After all you are only a pendatang. Soon they will pass an Act of Parliament to crytalise the prohibition.

    Another reason why you should not use singapore in your comparison. Singapore is a first world nation. You should use cambodia or some poor african nations. Remember whatever you do, you must always come to the conclusion that malaysia is better. Umno loves to hear conclusions like that. So say something like malaysia is safer than zimbawe. Malaysia is richer than PNG. Corruption is malaysia is not as bad as indonesia. If you must mention singapore then say that malaysia is bigger than singapore. That like that too.

  7. Bravo!! this is so call of one malaysia. one malaysia need to robb each other,PM nDPM said pulling PAS over to uwno is most important. the door is open for you, said Deputy PM. haha so the door is open, the robbery enter lor.

  8. Tunku Aziz aptly described BN thus : “ethically debased and morally detestable”.
    Now this description can be extended to all branches of government since the fish rots from the head.
    The rot is complete. The only remedy is to bury BN or we will be buried by their incompetence.
    As for crime, hope not, for the police will not do anything about it as their prime business is to keep UMNO in government.
    They fritter away millions during by-elections when this good money can be used to fight crime.
    A corrupt police force can never be an efficient one.

  9. somehow i realized that the Police in Malaysia are expert in catching people gathering and most of the times do not posses threat to the security /safety and peacefulness of the public..Don’t they realize that there are more other problems need to be solved??..

  10. Aiyaa! Why you complain about this small time robbers? When the robbers in UMNO were making off with millions in the past 20 years, the chinese never say anything. All say no problem, as long as they got ‘development’ and their sacred chinese schools.

    You asking these UMNO robbers in the government to catch smaller robbers? I don’t think it will work.

    And btw, your engrish is atrocious.

  11. This is a typical style of English commonly used by many Malaysians (including me) especially the younger generation. Many thanks to those brilliant guys who changed the education system some forty years ago.

    With regard to the issue brought up by Mr. Yap, yes, we are getting fed up with the existing police force.

    By comparing it with that of our neighboring country, Mr. Yap, I think you wanted very much to have a completely overhauled police force. The only way you can achieve this is by exercising the power of your vote to change the government in the next General election. If they don’t change, we change them.

  12. Snatch thieves on motor bikes are rampant and common for years.
    In Subang Jaya….not one shop have not been robbed and snatch thieves was a daily affair…at the road sides…..even at residential areas. You can hear women shouting for help…walking to the main road…to take a bus.
    Only last year…it seems vastly reduced.
    Such a tiny country with so many unhealthy activities….shows Home Minister is good for nothing and IGP …..except in showing how good they are protecting UMNO.
    In China…they have thousands of plain clothes police officers…or detectives mixing with the crowds in tourist areas..buses and crowd shopping areas.
    I was approached few times by beggars…and out they come..catch them and put in a van.
    The officer said begging is not allowed.
    One can feel so peaceful in a 1000 times larger country than Malaysia.
    We boast of Twin Towers but come to management the security for Malaysians and tourists…Malaysia sucks.
    These are clear signs of a boastful government…talk alot…cannot do.

  13. PDRM personnel are too busy serving their political masters and running havoc within the grounds of PARLIAMENT committing petty crimes. Mana ada masa untuk their real boss, the rakyat, who are paying their salaries! These idiots do not know where their salaries are coming from!!!!!!!

  14. “After having my lunch, I was carrying my notebook on my hand and a motorcycle pass through me coming from behind attempt to steal my notebook, but they failed.” (Yap)

    Thank God for Yap could still survive and be safe from serious injury after having been “passed through” by a motorcycle. Anyway, did Yap actually mean that he had been “passed by” by a motorcycle?

  15. 1. Why complain on the standard of written Malaysian-English when in daily life English has very much been discouraged!
    Almost all the Government Departments will respond to you in Bahasa even you write in in English. Even, if the author is a foreigner. Especially when they want to b.s. the complainant.

    2. How often a Malaysian has to write proper English before he/she can earn a living? Therefore, the need of writing proper English is not there. Of course, also thanks to the promote of Malay Malaysia by BN. For you, YB, most probably you have to credit your being able to master good British English to the Colonial period you had been in during your learning period.

    3. Anyway, encourage more People to master English is essential and it is the only way to make Malaysia and Malaysian global.
    When Mr Yap is presenting the matter in Points Form, he has presented his case well!! So, the way of presenting is even more essential than writing Good English!! A good Complaint Form is essential for such purpose.

    4. However, if NO Complaint had been and will be handled properly, it loose the purpose of Writing!! And, who will bother to write?

    5. Not only the Police is lousy as they can ignore each and every complaint. Same goes for many many other Departments!! Any other organisation or NGO has handled complaints properly, even when it was written in?

    In my ten years of experience with housing problems, from City Councils, Assemblymen, Land Office/Departments, Ministries, IBU, Police, Bar Council, and even Political Parties, the complaints had all gone to the drain!! Even to Judges.Court, CJ, Kup, PCB and even to PKR, DAP!! Even when we are at the age of E-mail, SMS, iPOD whatsoever!


    Should Judges write properly? But, how many People can understand?



  16. Mr. Yap. Consider yourself LUCKY. Yes, Lucky. Let me relate to you two recent cases one in Wangsa Maju and the other in Taman Desa.

    In the first incident, a female student was walking to college when a motorcyclist tried to snatch her bag but failed. They returned and SLASHED her badly on her head and hands she received many stitches and scars. She’s just a young student.

    In the second incident, the snatch thieves followed a female driver to a house in Taman Desa. They SLASHED her first to disable her and then made off with their loot. Another young woman with stitches and scars.

    So Mr. Yap, you were LUCKY. Yes, that’s what the authorities commented when reports were lodged.

    But Yes, the crime rate is so bad that you would have noted in the papars where two Australian tourists were victims of another snatch incident around KLCC. They were so traumatised that they subsequently remained in their rooms for the next two days before flying off.

    But Hishamuddin and the IGP would not agree that things are that bad. They have statistics to prove that the crime rate is actually better. But it is just statistics.

  17. The Authorities always has another set of figures if there is NO other Genuine parties available to receive ALSO a copy of those Police Report!!
    It is important that the Police or some NGO can help People to file a simple and clear Report.

    Anyone having such an experience, will need time to settle down even to organize their mind. Before, they could write!!

    A snatch case happened a few years ago in Cherah to a foreign family. The Cherah Police station told them to file their report to downtown Tourist Police Station. But, the Tourist Police Station told the victim to file the Report in Cherah!!

    This caused the whole family from 9pm to 5am in the morning before a simple report can be filed. The Report had to be made and then wait for an Investigation official to take another statement!!

    I believe a great number of small cases will not even bother to FIND a Police station to report, if they do not have to report the lost of IC, Passport, Credit card!!

    For the Lawyer assaulted Clients case in Penang downtown, the Police station was just a 2-3 minutes walk from the scene, NO Police went to the scene to help or investigate. It took the victims half day to file the report as the Police Station does not even have Copier for making copies.


  18. I am not a supporter of the malaysian govt but of what right has the monkey to say the Malaysian govt boasts and sucks when clearly the monkey itself is suffering from the same malaise. The monkey should be advised that unless it acts to the contrary, he should refrain from stigmatising someone of the same malaise. But what can you expect from a goon who can’t distinguish between a flower and stone?

  19. writer “Yap” is malay from the way he writes and uses words. don’t think a chinese student would write in this way.


    ” …. spectre of endemic crime which haunts the daily lives of Malaysians refuses to be buried by the distraction of the atrocious English used, for the writer is able to communicate his genuine cry from his heart and to strike resonance among the Malaysian public”.

    this is vintage lim kit siang.

  20. “This email is reproduced completely unedited, in its pristine atrocious English for two reasons: firstly, it seems to have become the standard Malaysian English; secondly, the subject of the spectre of endemic crime which haunts the daily lives of Malaysians refuses to be buried by the distraction of the atrocious English used, for the writer is able to communicate his genuine cry from his heart and to strike resonance among the Malaysian public.” lim kit siang


    are you saying lim kit siang is dumb because he writes one-liners, meaning one sentence??

  21. hi to all commenters,

    thanks for all your support in here. now i know there are a lot of ‘rakyat’ concern on this issue as well.

    regarding my ‘engrish’, here’s the story. i’m not a very hardworking student, therefore my english is very bad. forgive me all my grammar, im working towards a better english now.

    Message to TomThumb: ‘Yap’ is not a malay. Yap is a chinese, but studying in malay school and grew up there. So, that is the way I wrote my article.

    Message to sheriffsingh: Thanks for your comment, and telling me that I’m lucky. I hope every single rakyat will be lucky too.

    Message to cheong: thanks for your support on my ‘engrish’. And yes, I want to have overhauled on police force, but more important , i hope there wont be any life lost again on snatch thieves.

    and yes, i recently just signed up as a voter. i will use my vote properly at coming GE13. For those of you who havent sign up as a voter, here’s a good news. Go to ss2 pasar malam on Monday and find Tony Pua near ‘wai sek kai’. He is opening a booth there and getting people to sign up as voter. This is one way to get all the youths to use their vote to solve our country problem. do drop by at ss2 pasar malam and give tony pua support and sign up as voter and let’s get ready for GE13.


  22. While travelling from Ulu Yam Baru to Gomabak through the Sungai Tua road at the 8th KM I overtook a slow moving truck carrying vegetables to the Pasar Borong in KL. A pliceman abour half a KM away was hiding behind a corner and stopped me at about 12.30 PM. There was no traffic at all on both sides and it was almost in the middle of the jungle and here you have 2 Policemen in a Patrol car well hidden placed strategically stopping cars who have overtaken in the double line.
    I asked him what is he doing in the jungle when he should be in the towns checking illegal parking and catching snatch thieves? He told “You chakap banyak”. I again explained to him the truck was very slow as it was carrying a heavy load of Vegetable and that this is almost in the jungle with no traffic. This is unfaair to even stop me. He reused and asked if I should be summoned or what? I said sorry next time I shall be careful even in the jungle, one guy said let him go and the other said no he talks too much and summoned me. This is the real standard of our Police allways at the right for an opportunity. He further had the cheek to ask me to see him in KKB where he will give a 50% rebate.
    The other day on 12th June a British Bangladesh lady friend and he Bangladesh Husband walked out of the Zon in the Park and while waiting for a taxi 2 persons in a motorcycle heavily helmeted snatched her bag and she became hysterical and appealed to the policewomen accross the road for help. The Police apparantely just stood by did nothing, not even taken the Vehicle Number and just ignored the whole episode.
    When she went to report in the Police Stn they wanted it to be reported as lost and not snatched because their statistics will be affected also they subtley threatened her that she will be subjeccted to more interrogation. The whole episode sounded as if it was pre meditated and do the Police have a share in the BOOTY? this is what many people say.
    My friend loves KL but over the years has lost confidence onthe safety upon hearing from friends but this was a real life shocker fortunately she did not get hurt.

  23. kabiran,

    i totally understand what you feel. as a person who doesnt have any power to counter this problem and seeing all this happening in front of our eyes is really frustrating.

    but lets pray hard for all the oppositions MP that they will be in the seat of federal government. Opposition is there, all they need is just a little bit more support from the rakyat’s.


  24. We pay taxes which partly end up as salaries for these policemen who in turn give us trouble in order to please their political masters who are actually elected by us! This is very absurd in terms of LOGIC! Therefore, if we stop paying taxes and do not elect these so-called “people’s representatives”, wouldn’t the ordinary citizen of this country be BETTER OFF?

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