Najib’s latest tango in the UMNO-PAS “unity government” talks highly suspect as its real motive is to split PAS and divide Pakatan Rakyat

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s latest tango in the Umno-Pas “unity government” talks is highly suspect as its real motive is to split PAS and divide Pakatan Rakyat.

Najib said he believed Pas was sincere in wanting to form a unity government with Umno as proposed by its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and Umno would not reject any co-operation that could bring benefit to the country.

Why has Najib suddenly warmed up to the idea of Umno-Pas “unity government” when only three days earlier the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Umno President, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had poured cold water on it, dismissing the proposal as unlikely to become a reality with differences within Pas itself and the Pakatan Rakyat parties.

Muhyiddin even said that Umno was prepared to “to respond to the proposal if it was mutually beneficial but would not do so now. Until today, there is nothing concrete.”

Why has the top Umno leadership suddenly changed tack on this issue, if not to exploit what they perceived as opportunities to exploit differences and contradictions in Pas and Pakatan Rakyat.

What is the reaction of MCA, Gerakan, MIC and the other BN component parties to the idea of a “Umno-Pas unity government” talks? Are they just simply dumb and irrelevant in the highest echelons of Barisan Nasional leadership?
DAP has made clear our position on any Umno-Pas “unity government” talks and the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council will meet on Monday to hear Hadi’s explanation on the issue.

I don’t see MCA or Gerakan asking for an explanation from Najib on the proposed “Umno-Pas unity government talks”! Why?

The media have been after me for my reaction to the press conference statement by Pas secretary-general Datuk Mustapha Ali that Pas will hold unity talks with Umno only if the other two Pakatan Rakyat partners, PKR and DAP, are included in the talks.

I will await explanation of Mustapha’s proposal at the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meeting on Monday before reacting.

However, I will like to hear not only what Najib and other Umno leaders have to say, but what MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other BN component parties have to say about Mustapha’s proposal. Or are MCA, Gerakan, MIC and the other BN component parties not allowed to react before Umno has decided on the line that must be adhered to by all in BN?

43 Replies to “Najib’s latest tango in the UMNO-PAS “unity government” talks highly suspect as its real motive is to split PAS and divide Pakatan Rakyat”

  1. Let the split begins. It is ok. It is better to confront hypocrisy and bigotry now than later. Those who want to talk let them talk. We shall all see what happen. We can’t blame Najib alone for the latest tango. It was elements within PAS, who having won the recent party election, became cocky and greedy.

    Yes, MCA, MIC and Gerakan are helpless in containing UMNO. But I could visualize the same scenario should PR come into power. Would the moderates within PR be able to contain PAS in its present form? We must purge PAS of its extremism, chauvinism, and bigotry once for all. Otherwise we are kidding ourselves.

  2. YB

    To Guru will not fall for these low IQ tactics. He was not born yesterday.

    Watch my words, it is Nash who will soon have to get on his bike and head permanently to UMNO HQ.

    But then again, of late we have seen many politicians who having no self respect or integrity and when told to their face to leave, will hang on because there’s no money outside of Party patronage and Govt posts!

  3. can you blame a religious fundamentalist for refusing to consummate the marriage with an infidel, a marriage entered into for political convenience? why, it is like blaming a nincompoop for being a nincompoop.

  4. The leaders of Pakatan Rakyat should remember that the Pekan MP is the man who orchestrated the Perak state government power-grab by UMNO’s BN, using the so-called crossover by a Perak BN ADUN to PR’s side as a Trojan horse.

    The leaders of Pakatan Rakyat, especially those in PAS, should be wary that the act of the Pekan MP warming up to this unity govt talks could also be another Trojan horse.

    With issues like the PKFZ scandal becoming public knowledge (and what else more), Pakatan Rakyat must strive to remain as a strong political opposition as possible to keep UMNO’s BN in check…

  5. PAS risks losing non-Muslim support if it continues to harp on UMNO-PAS unity government talks.

    It took PAS decades to gain the trust of non-Muslims. However, the Party may lose their support within weeks or months if it continues to engage in unwise unity talks with UMNO.

    PAS must make up its mind whether to join UMNO or PR.

  6. Democracy works best when there is a possibility of alternate government. A talk between BN and Pakatan will only be useful in open debate in the parliament so that voters will know who to choose.

    If BN and Pakatan talks end in having a new formula to share power, then only the politicians gain, and the people lose. Najib is walking on the steps of his father, roping in all the opposition parties so that those who are within hearing distance gain personal benefits. Razak’s BN made it possible for corruption that we see today.

    Nik Aziz suggestions that PKR and DAP should be included for talks if PAS is involved. That was not a good enough stand than to declare that there cannot be any talk to weaken the democratic system in the country. Najib is trying to make political parties secret societies, like UMNO is. That should be resisted by all opposition parties.

    Somebody in PAS might be trying to play racist card talking to UMNO. Nik Aziz earlier’s statement that those who wanted talk with UMNO would do better joining UMNO. I would say they should bring along their supporters so that they would get at least Division Chief position in UMNO. Let the Malays unite under UMNO, and we know only the opportunists would be there. The ordinary Malays know how not to live in the shadow and on handouts arranged by TDM. They have pride as Tun Dr Ismail expected of them.

  7. On NTV 7 June 18, 8.00 pm news.
    Tok Guru (PAS) was very clear. Those within PAS alone who want to to have “unity talks” can leave PAS and join UMNO. According to him, these are people without moral standings.

    To Tok Guru, unity government talks means “UNMO talking with PAS, DAP and PKR together as a group. He said that talking with PAS alone means, UMNO is trying to breaK PR.

    Another PAS official said “unity talks means” talking with every body including Chinese and Indians, and not Malays alone.

    Seems UMNO has convinced some “PAS” officials only.

  8. ‘I don’t see MCA or Gerakan asking for an explanation from Najib on the proposed “Umno-Pas unity government talks”! Why?”

    Have you all ever heard slaves/beggars to question master?

  9. I3 months ago…I said…UMNO love to do the Chubby Checker… twist.
    PAS spiritual leader…Nik Aziz.. said one PAS member can go cha cha cha with UMNO
    But it seems Najib like to Tango.
    I will not take this too seriously.
    Islamic religion …have too many fanatics.. holding high positions in UMNO and PAS. How else do yo think why so many are half past sixes….unrealistic and waiting to be rewarded with 72 virgins in Heaven?
    When they realize they have been made suckers… is too late. They shout … yell and defend for nothing.
    I can also say…..the proposal is to sit and not screw up the Islamic religion with too many interpretations.
    I can say….the proposal is to strengthen the Islamic religion….and not let dirty politics use it to win votes.
    I can say…PAS have a very concern..truthful Islamic practical man…being totally misunderstood.
    What say you? Remember..there is always to sides of coin.

  10. I3 months ago…I said…UMNO love to do the Chubby Checker… twist.
    PAS spiritual leader…Nik Aziz.. said one PAS member can go cha cha cha with UMNO
    But it seems Najib like to Tango.
    I will not take this too seriously.
    I can also say…..the proposal is to sit and not [deleted] the Islamic religion with too many interpretations.
    I can say….the proposal is to strengthen the Islamic religion….and not let dirty politics use it to win votes.
    I can say…PAS have a very concern..truthful Islamic practical man…being totally misunderstood.
    What say you? Remember..there is always to sides of coin.
    PS: My original with smart ideas cannot get approval……hahahahahahaha

  11. I3 months ago…I said…UMNO love to do the Chubby Checker… twist.
    PAS spiritual leader…Nik Aziz.. said one PAS member can go cha cha cha with UMNO
    But it seems Najib like to Tango.
    I will not take this too seriously.
    I can say….the proposal is to strengthen the Islamic religion….and not let dirty politics use it to win votes.
    I can say…PAS have a very concern..truthful Islamic practical man…being totally misunderstood.
    What say you? Remember..there is always to sides of coin.
    PS: My original with smart ideas cannot get approval……hahahahahahaha

  12. 3 moths la…not 13 months..I said UMNO love to Twist in Rocky’s blog… and immediately dozens were after my scalp.
    Yet one complaint in this blog…LKS is not fair to MCA tiny tots.

  13. The only thing good about Najib was that he was good in sweet-talk beautiful ladies like Altantuya and Jaina Jane. I wonder whether Najib will also be good in sweet-talk PAS top leaders into mating PAS with Umno!

  14. I think there is another factor not considered.

    This talk of marriage can also split umno itself when the marriage is consumated as positions would be in the dramas.

    So let the great sandiwara begin after see4. The rotten system of BN can only Be eNd with some dramas going awry.

    pw:$130,000 tramp

  15. Sometime back Pas leaders in Harakah called UMNO a sinners’ party and its leaders have comitted countless unforgivable sins for which Allah will punish them on Judgement Day.

    How is it that they can entertain thoughts of working with sinners? Do they not fear that by supporting sinners Allah will call them to accounting????

  16. When a monkey makes a big mess of flowers, he literally distorts the real meaning with LKS’ beautiful use of figures of speech to show only two hands can make a clap. Hence “two to tango” for the proposed unity govt as everyone understands – except the monkey. Now the monkey thinks Najis is really going to do the tango like perhaps the ronggeng and out of the blue talks about UMNO doing the twist. The monkey then links pious Tok Guru with the cha cha. The monkey has to completely mess up the flowers by confusing 13 months with 3 moths. No not the end of the story yet. In doing so the monkey claims himself to be a “smart Alex”! Ha ha ha…….

  17. “How is it that they can entertain thoughts of working with sinners? Do they not fear that by supporting sinners Allah will call them to accounting????”

    PAS has Yemeni trained accountants whose skill in fudging the figures is legendary. Even God can expect to be confused by their balancing acts.

  18. “Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s latest tango in the Umno-Pas “unity government” talks is highly suspect ..” lim kit siang

    tango?? PAS leaders will do the ‘lambada’ and dirty dancing if it helps them win cabinet posts.

  19. TomThumb,

    Not all the PAS leaders are ulamaks. Some are professionals. Many people think that deputy PAS president Nasharudin is an ulamak, but in fact he is a professional. So is Mustapha Ali. So the professionals in this case do not believe they are consorting with sinners or kafirs like what many ulamaks call UMNO leaders when they initiated these unity talks. Even Hadi does not feel those UMNO leaders who want to engage PAS in the unity talks are sinners, so long as they uphold the Malay and Islamic agenda. PAS also wants to make use of UMNO as leverage to bargain with Keadilan and DAP. But only Hadi, Nasharudin and Mustapha’s group condone this. Nik Aziz, Husam Musa, Khalid Samad, Sabu all oppose talks with corrupt UMNO leaders and they want to finish UMNO off in the next GE. The line between the professionals and ulamaks is very blur now, because many professionals have become religious. One good example is Nizar Jamaluddin, the rightful Perak MB who has shown that his religiosity in fact complements his fight for all Perakians and Malaysians, a potential future PM in the making.

  20. One does not know he is describing his own character…using me as an excuse. The nick suits him fine…gobolok he is..gobbling like a piece of brainless log…good only for fire woods or making a raft.
    I am sure he understands ..”1 Malaysia” better than majority Malaysians……..he thinks are gobolok like him.

  21. And a log is good for good old waltz…keep putting out what he read and not what he knows.
    Feelings?…expect a log to feel?
    No no no….it is a tape recorder….made by wood stuffs…that can last up to 13th GE.
    OK..he expected me to respond.
    I enjoy it…so will ekin…..but must be careful …not to be moderated.

  22. The idea of a “Umno-Pas unity government” talks was just a political gimmick for Najib to divert the Malaysian people’s attention from the imperative issue of government financial crisis.

    With the economic contraction of 6.2% in Malaysia for the first quarter of 2009, the Malaysian economic performance will most likely report a further contraction of about 6%-8% for the second quarter of 2009. With such a fast deterioration in the economic performance, many businesses in Malaysia will encounter the serious cash flow liquidity problem. Many businesses are expected to be not able to pay the worker’s wages and salaries on time, not to mention about their ability to pay the corporate income taxes promptly to the Inland Revenues Department (IRD) of the Ministry of Finance. Najib keeps talking positively about the possible time-lagged effect of his Mini Budget but the private sectors of the Malaysia economy have already felt the pain from the big pinch of having to pay high income taxes to the IRD in order for them to lodge beautifully window-dressed financial statements, which show great profitability at the bottom line, to the Registrar of Companies and to the financier bankers for purpose of preventing a loan call-back exercise possibly invoked by the financier bankers.

    No matter what, even with the support of the beautifully window-dressed financial statements, many businesses in the Malaysian private sectors will still have to face the music of being required by the financier bankers to pay back the loan principal at a much earlier stage, as it is usually agreeable for the financier bankers to do so in the bank borrowing agreement.

    It was reported that about 2,000 commercial banks in the United States were going to file Chapter 11 (the American Business Law for bankruptcy protection) to the Federal Court of the United States. Many analysts in the financial market predicted that the American economy would not be able to show a sign of recovery within the next three years. The market liquidity problem really caused an alarming high unemployment rate in America. Since the United States is the largest trading partner of Singapore and Malaysia, any set-back in the economic performance of the Americans will surely send a negative signal to both Singapore and Malaysia.

    Many analysts commented that since the Currency Crisis of 1997-1998 the Malaysian economy had never achieved a substantial structural reform, which would permit the businesses of Malaysia to endure financial stresses and to safely overcome the attack of a financial Tsunami. Even though the bank borrowings based on the collateral of company common shares and debentures signed by the Bursar Malaysia member companies might be put under the controllable situation, the huge quantities of bank borrowings which had been given in consideration of the collateral of highly inflated land-based properties would never help much in the improvement of operating efficiency of many manufacturers, agricultural enterprises and service industry operators in Malaysia. The world-wide pandemic of H1N1 virus will also aggravate the recession problem throughout the whole world because World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations has already ungraded the travel alert recently and has warned that the pandemic will not be effectively checked within the next two years. If the commercial banks in Malaysia have to start a loan call-back exercise in order to solve the banks’ own internal cash flow problem, then the Domino Theory is going to effectively happen again in relation to the financial fallout of Malaysia’s businesses.

    In view of the current big financial stresses being faced by both the Government and the private sectors of Malaysia, it is no wonder why Najib as a PM cum Finance Minister has to spend so much precious time on non-productive activities like trying to divert people’s attention to other less important non-economic issues such as proposing the idea of “Umno-PAS unity government” talks.

  23. The world-wide pandemic of H1N1 virus will also aggravate the recession problem throughout the whole world because World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations has already ungraded the travel alert recently and has warned that the pandemic will not be effectively checked within the next two years.

    Sorry, the word “ungraded” was a typo error. The correct word should be “upgraded”!

  24. Political games are what politicians play at.
    The objective is to keep your opponent off-guard and to gain some advantage.
    BN has been pretty adept at this after so many years of practice – starting from the time they overturned the Sabah government under Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
    The latest episode was the shameful Perak shambles where the ugly scheme was broadcast to the WWW. Hopefully more Malaysians are now aware that if H1N1 does not destroy the nation, the type of government we have now will surely destroy the country.

  25. What is wrong with PAS ? Don’t they know they are in “pakatan” with PKR and DAP ?.How on earth PAS could think to have another “pakatan” with it’s enemy ?.Don’t they know,like LKS said that Najib’s real motive is to split them(PAS) and further divide PR ?.Or Like I said PAS’s real motive is a PR’s strategy which is liken to a “Trojan Horse “,That’s killing your enemy within your enemy.Lets not worry too much guys,as Najib is also wary of the risk he’s taking in this unity talk.I think these two guys(PAS and Umno)are not dumb so lets see who can out smart who in this duel games of politics.I still think,Najib will regret it in the end.


    No need for unity government talk. if PR want to unity talk should be debet in parliment. but what we always know is everytime PR raise any motion for debet, Speaker will reject them.
    it this they said learnt from GE12 defect and willing to change ?
    bull shit !
    dissolve perak assembly now. maybe maybe only rakyat will think BN is begin step for change without worry defect and critised..

  27. You must understand that Hadi had tasted power before as Chief Minister of Trengganu. Now he realises that UMNO is split in Trengganu with the Idris Jusoh and the Mat Said factions. Hadi thinks that there is a chance of him becoming MB again – what with all the money coming in from oil revenues. He will dance with the devil if he can regain power, and this time it comes with federal-approved billions under state management.

    Power is an intoxicating thing. Hadi and Nasharuddin should just quit PAS and join UMNO. That’s the quickest route to personal enrichment.

  28. Najib’s tango with pas to cause split in pakatan? Yes of course that is so obvious. In fact it is so obvious that I dont think that it can be called a tango at all. To me it is a strip tease dance performed solo by him. And he was quite naked.

    (saucy music)
    (saucy music)
    “Oi de balls. Where damned balls.” Shouted someone in the audience.
    (saucy music)
    (saucy music)

  29. Of course Najib is just trying to stir trouble. and its not just him. I think most people notice that either BN leaders keep getting asked to comment on this and when they do, they seem very pleased to answer them. The grin on Najib and BN leaders faces are just like after they indulge in guilty pleasures like having anal sex with a Mongolian slut.

    The issue really is that even after Nik Aziz put a nail into the zombie-brained who support the idea, the zombie refuses to die. What PAS must answer is given BN confidence in messing with them why is PAS take so lightly the ability of BN to split PR and its not just this issue. Elizabeth Wong fracas came to mind, challenging Khalid in Selangor with all sort of issues, etc. etc..

    Its an opportunity to get all PR component party to renew comittment to the alliance. Nik Aziz has just given a renewed commitment on his part, Anwar also need to step up and promised better disciplined and line-up in PKR and the least DAP need to do is apologise for fielding Hee in Perak and being part of the mess.

  30. Even a kid can see through this Unity talk nonsense. It only shows how lame PAS is to even entertain this. Even the pathetic claims of “bringing PKR and DAP etc in” is silly. To opposition party members who can suddenly run over and entertain BN, they must really think their voters are morons. Why would anyone vote for an opposition party if they knew they would jump over to the very thing that their voters had voted against? There is no academic arguments over this – frogs and likewise are simply betrayers of their voters. 1 + 1 = 2. And unity talks = mass frog migration. What is there to debate?

  31. hahaha, guys, did you all ever watch old cartoon in our black n white tv? A donky hanging a carrot infront, Perak case is 2 crabs n 1 sotong already on hook, now they go for big white jaw. PKR hope you can more watch out onyour troops. their mind is 50 50 now.

  32. The monkey in question still cannot accept the fact that he cannot tell the difference between a stone and a flower. He thought the flower was something to be trifled it and instantly roughed it up thinking it was a stone. The monkey stupidly believes his equally stupid nick which is nothing but a lot of bull and hot air can just ride roughshod over things! Raja Petra, the most ardent believer in freedom of expression, allowing all kinds of radical views, even saw it fit to ban this monkey. Raja Petra had even tolerated all his nonsense and idiocy in Malaysia Today when the rambled about his exploits in Hadyai (by the way he had none) when the serious discussion was on politics in Penang! He could not even tell the difference between Seenivasagam and Sambanthan, can’t spell even spell the names of Bapak Malaysia and Gerakan president Lim Keng Yaik correctly to depict them as someone else to MT readers! Worse still he thought he was Elvis Presley’s fan when gave all the wrong facts of Elvis’ popular songs in Jailhouse Rock and King Creole! He created so much trouble in MT that Raja Petra was forced to send him to the swimming pool for a fight to the finish with some of many enemies who had challenged him there. Did he say he did not run away from a fight? His balls shrank and he did not know where to put his face.

    Still what can you expect from monkeys who continue to make mischief in seeking cheap publicity like this 70 year old senile monkey is doing?

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