Twitter history in Parliament tomorrow

This is from @limkitsiang (twitter).

06/14/2009 09:06 PM
Latest info – My urgent motion tmr 2debate PKFZ scandal in Parliament tmr will be rejected. Reason? MACC investigating! Totally outrageous!

06/14/2009 07:01 PM
Will Ong Tee Keat appear in Parliament tmr? Will the PwC audit report together with all appendices be tabled 4all MPs tmr or more delays?

06/14/2009 06:58 PM
1st item of Parliament business tmr – my emergency motion for Royal Commission Inquiry into RM12.5b PKFZ scandal – will Speaker allow it?

06/14/2009 06:54 PM
1st question Parliament tmr – Najib’s 1Malaysia; 2-Perak May 7 Day of Infamy, police trespass Perak Assembly n physical removal of Speaker

06/14/2009 06:45 PM
Parliament meets tmr oath-taking by Nizar as MP Bukit Gantang 10 am Will twitter from Parliament. Invite other MPs 2make twitter history

25 Replies to “Twitter history in Parliament tomorrow”

  1. hahahahaha….When have LKS spoke anything approved by Parliament?
    The moment he open his mouth….few UNO buggers will gun him down.
    Never mind la…we know you are speaking on behalf of Malaysians.
    UMNO do not appreciate..look what People’s Power have given you?
    I guess…that make him worst than last year..working ten times harder and getting UMNO guys real mad…….hahahahahahaha

  2. I heard that the first item on the agenda tomorrow will be the Speaker banning all blogging and twittering from Parliament.

    Then your motion will be rejected of course because “some party” or other is already “investigating” so no need to debate at all. Other tactics used in the past have been “subjudice” because some case or other is in the courts. So cannot comment for an indefinate or extended period while all these are “on-going”.

    But can raise a motion to ask about the haze though. Or why Streamyx is sooooooooo baaaaaaaaaad nationwide. Dengue might be a good topic too but Altantuya is definitely a no-go.

  3. YB LKS twittered:
    06/14/2009 09:06 PM
    Latest info – My urgent motion tmr 2debate PKFZ scandal in Parliament tmr will be rejected. Reason? MACC investigating! Totally outrageous!

    YB LKS had mentioned that several police reports on the PKFZ were made by Ronnie Liu since year 2004. What were the ACA (now MACC) & the white-collar crime division in PDRM doing about it then?
    YB had also mentioned that the PwC’s PKFZ report was also based on information gathered taken from documents that are currently in MACC’s possession, but why did the MACC want to wait for the report first before officially starting the investigation?
    Yes, YB, it’s not only totally outrageous, but also ridiculous…

  4. So how’s this going to look in the hansard?

    Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz [Tiada]: Boleh saya…
    Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: *thumbs phone keypad furiously*
    Puan Fong Po Kuan [Batu Gajah]: Maaf, Tuan Yang di-Pertua. Maaf.
    Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Who]: Tidak apalah, Yang Berhormat.
    Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: *giggles. Shows phone to Bukit Mertajam*
    Puan Chong Eng [Bukit Mertajam]: Ya.
    Puan Fong Po Kuan [Batu Gajah]: Maaf!

  5. All PKR should wear Black, tie, suitcase, shoe, sock, pen, cup, microphone paint wt black, black sign paper/board for news release/conference, as many black as possible bring it into parliment, PKR all wear black silencely defence of justice.

  6. The Only Explanation is “This is Malaysia!”
    A place where only “Power” has a saying! And so a Speaker can manipulate the Voice of MP! Above Laws, Rules & Regulations??

    Similar to a staff in a Condo MC can ask Security to bar a Registered Proprietor from participating an AGM. Standby to act on the Proprietor if he dare to voice!! And, with the Order of an Non-registered Proprietor who was voted in as Council member of the Condo MC by non-registered proprietors! No auditor Account to be presented to ALL proprietors or anything in material to support their agenda!!

    ANY PLACE IN MALAYSIA TO GO ALONG LAWS or Rights being respected?
    IKEA, Carre-Four, Jusco, ……..!!

    AS SUGGESTED, PLEASE MADE A WRITTEN MOTION SIGNED BY ALL PR OR/and other MP! Delivered to the Secretary with Sign on Receipt or photo taken!!


    The Scandal is at least a Wrong Doing of PKA, MOT. Therefore, how can they order an Investigation?? And, what are they going to investigate? Then, they should specify!! Can they deviate from what had pointed out in the PWC report?

    The ONLY thing PK can do seems ONLY to show the Public how Rotten the Administration is! BUT HAVEN’T ALL THESE BEEN EXERCISED IN THE PAST 30 OR MORE YEARS??

  7. We are not as bad as Iran it seems. When Ayatollah Khomeni took over Iran, I thought things would be good because of Islamic fundamentalism… going back to the fundamentals. Now it seems like ahem…. let me clear my throat. Anyway, at least, our elections are not as badly rigged, probably because we are less fundamental.

  8. The speaker is a tool of Umno/Bn.Umno/Bn will never let you YB Lim uses their tool to knock on them.That’s pretty understandable,right ?.You have to have your own power tool or tools to wag them,hit them hard to beat them all out of breath for a while.These fellows never want to take it the easy way so give them the harsh way to make them learn to give justice where justice is due.

  9. A few billions here, a few billions there, what’s so important ? You guys should keep quiet, let the looting continue, and then when there’s nothing left to steal, you guys can have the country lah….

  10. Mr. YB Lim,

    No use to be in Parliament. No matter what you will say. If it is in favor then you can sit down quietly. If not, “GET OUT!” is the word. What for going in there? All their crooks are wasting your time…

  11. No no ekin..he must be in Parliament.
    We voted him to work…remember?
    So he work for the money and is doing a fine job..getting kicked out of Parliament or insulted by those UMNO low class farmers and taxi drivers parliamentarians..when ever LKS brings out an issue…to expose them.
    They get mad …brains get short circuited!
    The clowns perform…people see and judge.

  12. # monsterball Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 35.27

    hahahahaha….When have LKS spoke anything approved by Parliament?
    The moment he open his mouth….few UNO buggers will gun him down.
    Never mind la…we know you are speaking on behalf of Malaysians.
    UMNO do not appreciate..look what People’s Power have given you?
    I guess…that make him worst than last year..working ten times harder and getting UMNO guys real mad…….hahahahahahaha


    Want to bodek ampu LKS also don’t know how to do it! But what can you expect from this idiot monsterball?

  13. # monsterball Says:
    Today at 11: 17.13 (5 hours ago)

    hhhmmm….DAP…PRK and PAS are looting the country…so much so…Perak parliamentarians are first to be punished.
    That’s an idiot logic.


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