Will OTK clip the wings and tie the hands of Paul Low and his corporate governance committee to prevent them from conducting a full probe into past PKFZ misdeeds, corrupt practices and abuses of power?

My three questions (No.40 to No. 42 on the 14th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

No. 1. Does Ong agree that Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid should disqualify himself and step aside in the PAC inquiry into the PKFZ scandal because of conflict of interest as Azmi was Minister in the Cabinet which decided on the RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout in July 2007 and that the entire PAC inquiry into the PKFZ scandal should be conducted under the leadership of the PAC Deputy Chairman, Dr. Tan Seng Giaw?

No. 2. I have given notice to the Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin to move an urgent motion of definite public importance when Parliament reconvenes on Monday on the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the PKFZ scandal.

Does Ong agree that Parliament should have a special urgent debate on the PKFZ scandal on Monday?

No. 3. Speaking at the DAP Public Forum “The RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal – Will Heads Roll?” in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday and commenting on the special task force and two committees which Ong had set up as a follow-up to the PwC report on the PKFZ, I had described the PKFZ scandal not just “a can of worms” but “a swamp of crocodiles”. I added:

“What happens when you throw eminent and credible Malaysians in their respective professional fields into a ‘swamp of crocodiles’? Will they be able to discipline the crocodiles or will they end up eaten up by the crocodiles?

“I worry and fear for the reputation of these eminent and credible Malaysians as it will be a great pity if their standing and credibility are soiled and sullied by their inability to straighten out the PKFZ ‘scandal of scandals’!”

My reservations and concerns have been proved right in a matter of 36 hours.

In the Sun today, in the report “Probe on political links – ALL PKA’S DEALINGS REGARDING PKFZ TO COME UNDER SCRUTINY”, the newly-appointed chairman of the Port Klang Authority (PKA) ad hoc corporate governance committee, Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan announced that his committee was committed to probe all the past “misdeeds” resulting in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, and ‘the areas to be covered include possible conflict of interest and the authority’s limits”.

Low, who is Transparency International Malaysia president, said his committee would probe “all dealings” of the PKA and PKFZ “to detect political interference that could have allowed questionable decisions to be made”.

But this is what Ong would not allow, making it crystal clear in a Star report under the headline: “Ong: it’s not a probe”.

Ong said yesterday that the task force and committees which were formed in connection with the PKFZ issue are to recommend “cures” for the project and not conduct probes.

He stressed: “We have had enough of investigations and that is why we came up with the PKFZ reports.”

The third question today I want to ask Ong is whether he would bar and ban Low from probing into past misdeeds, misuse of powers, conflict of interests, corrupt practices or all forms of malpractices which landed the country with a RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal though it started off as a RM1.1 billion project in 2002 under Transport Minister, Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik before quadrupling more than four times to RM4.6 billion in 2007 under Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy as Transport Minister.

Will Ong clip the wings and tie the hands of Low and the committee on corporate governance to prevent them from conducting a full probe into the past PKFZ misdeeds?

53 Replies to “Will OTK clip the wings and tie the hands of Paul Low and his corporate governance committee to prevent them from conducting a full probe into past PKFZ misdeeds, corrupt practices and abuses of power?”

  1. What a bunch of clowns. Paul Low says he will probe. Ong says don’t probe. Azmi says don’t call the main actors. The rest of the lawyers and accountants ? They smile for the camera, then they say “talk to my employer, the Minister of Transport”.

    They still think we are stupid.

  2. I’m sure OTK has read and memorised various episodes of ‘Yes, Minister’ and ‘Yes, Prime Minister’.

    In true fashion, the purpose of appointing so many committees is to confuse everyone, create a lot of useless activity with no results and eventually the conclusion will be that everone connected with PKFZ acted sincerely and no one is guilty of any crime or fraud.

    As you would have noted, the PAC under KN concluded that all the Govt SOP rules had been adhered to, and there was no hanky- panky with Scorpene Submarines, Sukhoi Jet or Eurocopters or payment of $500 million to Razak Baginda’s company for so-called ‘admin and facilitation fees’ (not a commission)!!

    So too will be the conclusion in the PAC’s inquiry into PKFZ – Everything was legal but the company is bankrupt to the tune of $7.5 billion and no one is to be blamed or prosecuted!

  3. Ong said yesterday that the task force and committees which were formed in connection with the PKFZ issue are to recommend “cures” for the project and not conduct probes.

    Why do I have this feeling that one of those ‘cures’ will be further financial bail-out using taxpayers’ money?

    He stressed: “We have had enough of investigations and that is why we came up with the PKFZ reports.”

    PwC’s disclaimer on those PKFZ reports seems to suggest that there may be more investigation needed but it wasn’t allowed.

    Will OTK clip the wings and tie the hands of Paul Low and his corporate governance committee to prevent them from conducting a full probe into past PKFZ misdeeds, corrupt practices and abuses of power?

    PwC’s disclaimer on those PKFZ reports also suggests that its wings were also clipped and its hands were also tied when it prepared those reports.
    Considering also what had happened between PKA & Jafza, we should wish the best of luck to Paul Low & his committee…

  4. It is farcical that billions of ringgit are lost and yet they are not willing to penalize those responsible. This is what BN is all about. We are sick of all these BN antics whereby they are paranoid of bringing to book those responsible for fear of brining the whole curtain down.

    So when are they going to stop bleeding the rakyat. It is grave injustice to the rakyat to endure such pains over and over again from the misdeeds of BN and at the end of the day, they will tell “semua ok” and wait for another day to commit bigger losses from the rakyats money.
    We must be fools to keep these people in power to bleed us.

  5. Overheard in Tua Pek Kong temple:–

    Ah Ong (pleading): “Oh Tua Pek Kong, please help me from that DAP fellow, firing at poor me 3 questions a day i.e. 1,095 questions a year. Cannot answer those questions which are more difficult than the ones I faced in university.”

  6. Continue to press on PKFZ.
    MCA may have something to hide. SANDIWARA OKT!
    The public will not believe friend of pirates appointing A number of individuals in task force committee into PKFZ investigation.
    We should not trust the efficiency of MACC into investigation.
    White paper must be tabled in Parliament for debate. Followed by setting up of Parliament committee with respected panel members. Then RCI must be formed to recommend actions on the culprits. Those responsible should be charge and let them answer in court irrespective of tuns, tan sri or datuks title.

    The leadership under PM Najib has the credibility to carry the job?
    The reality: MCA ada PKFZ scandal, Umno ada Mindef scandal, MIC ada Samy type scandal, Sarawak and Sabah BNputra pun ada scandal. SAMA-SAMA GOT MONEY TO DISTRIBUTES!

  7. Godfather Says:

    Today at 16: 35.38 (2 hours ago)
    What a bunch of clowns. They still think we are stupid.”

    grand daddy of DAP has spoken and spoken well. he got the wrong set of clowns but he’s right on the money.

  8. At least dum dum knows ..he is putting messages to please the right set of clowns…he worshiped as masters.
    Godfather knows exactly which set and what set to attack.
    They come by the sets?
    TomThumb belongs to the set of 3 stooges.
    Ling Liong Sik …Chan Koon Choy..and Mahathir…belong to the set of pirate from Langkawi.
    I have a strange feeling dumbo loves to play 3 kaki mahjong.


    “# TomThumb Says:
    Today at 19: 29.34 (41 minutes ago)

    Godfather Says:

    Today at 16: 35.38 (2 hours ago)
    What a bunch of clowns. They still think we are stupid.”


  10. YB Lim,

    You should call for a ‘mark to market’ investigation and get the right answers to your questions. We are all playing for time hoping that tha H1N1 pendamic will get us off the hook by kicking this story to the garbage bin of history.

  11. OTK trying to play the usual game of deflecting attention by trying to focus on ‘solutions’ rather than ‘faults’.

    The point is, yes we should look for a solution. But one cannot also simply allow faults to go unpunished, as that will only embolden the wrongdoer and other wrongdoers to continue perpetrating crimes.

    Its not just about vengeance or politics etc. Its about setting down the rule of law to prevent future misdeeds. After all, why should anyone respect and follow laws that seem only to exist on paper but never in practice?

    Why should we follow building and construction regulations when we can get everything approved with just a call to the right persons? After all everyone does it as well and authorities don’t care.

  12. “Why should we follow building and construction regulations when we can get everything approved with just a call to the right persons? After all everyone does it as well and authorities don’t care.”

    it is called a one-stop agency

  13. Question is what will all these newly appointed “experts and professionals” do if Ong now tells them not to investigate but to merely to “find cures” and maybe excuses.

    Will they all stick to their principles and convictions to do an honest and proper job or will they just bend with the wind?

    Just what are their exact terms of references, do they know? Will they tell us whether these are “limited” in scope or not or will we the public find out in two months time it was all another magic show which will cost the taxpayer another bundle? And Ah Ling and Ah Kong gets away scott-free?

  14. It is call..leading you to a merry go round….in circles..so that you cannot identify crooks so easily…at work..on the steal….katdog
    But slimebag TomThumb wish to impress you…with an idiotic explanation.
    If it is a one stop agency…all crooks will be riding Proton Saga and live in terrace houses.
    Don’t listen to him.

  15. In more simple to know ..it is call……more red tapes..or places to go for approvals…the harder to catch the real crooks.
    The are all planned that way.
    That’s also the reason….why so many clerks need to do a job …where few is enough.
    A Clerk like Dum ass TomThumb…never work..just show his face and wait for salary…easy life.
    Tax payers pay for the dumb ass salary…yet he is biting the hands that feed him.
    Most ungrateful idiot.

  16. Obviously the problems are due to:
    1. A number of Acts had created some semi-private or Agency who can “raise” money from the “Public” and also running projects or “Corporations”. Yet they are all under MOF where PM was/is also the Minister of MOF. And, they can skip answering to Auditor General. (Such in the AG report 2006 at least some 20 had not been answerable) HOW MANY FUND THEY HAD RAISED, FROM WHERE TO AND THEN TO WHERE? – Is PKFZ the only one in problem?

    2. Obviously MOT had failed to monitor the Technical party of the Project. But, does MOF, AG (Attorney General), etc.. did their parts? Should each Ministry work independently with projects involving so many aspects – technical, fund raising, land acquisition, etc..

    3. Should MOF get Parliament approval for the soft-loan to PKA?

    4. The PWC had present quite a clear pictures on the Sequences of Events and the FAULTS. As such, a “Competent” RCI should be set-up to dig out the details of those FAULTS and followed up with the necessary Legal or/and administrative actions. It is already out of the Judiciary of MACA or a single Ministry. Can they probe the Faults of Ministers? It is a problem with the whole Administrative system (the Government) and also the lacking of Monitoring from the Parliament.

    5. The Report had mentioned a lot on mis-appropriation, shouldn’t at least Police Report be made and the Police should investigate? Should a law firm be engaged to give a report on Criminal Crimes?

    6. Has any Act provided the Task Force “Committee” the necessary power to go with the investigation and actions?

    7. Where did those RM3,685m secured PDS issued and why no voice from those holders?

    8. The Project should at least be stopped if they do not have CF for the whole project!!

    The Appointment of such “Committee is no more than a repeat of the so called Special Committee for Lingam case!!
    Yes, RCI should be the only answer to sort out the mess, IF COMPETENT PEOPLE, JUDICIARY SYSTEM are available!

    Yes, it is a swamp of crocodiles and in “NO LAW” land!!
    If those RM3.685m PDS was raised from public fund, those holders should filed a case to get the verification if it was raised with the proper procedures and necessary documents!! Those documents should not be put under OSA!!
    However, I believe those crocodiles in power will used OSA!! And, the crocodiles will be caught!!
    The crocodiles are swimming the the SWAMP OF TEARS from the Public!!

  17. “Should MOF get Parliament approval for the soft-loan to PKA?”

    since when getting soft or hard loans requires the approval of the legislature?? since when has matters to do with project financing requires the consent of a law making body?

  18. hi…To identify huge corruptions….just check how many RM1 companies owned by UMNO members made hundreds of millions profit.
    Go check how many UMNO muslims made millions..so easy..making professional businessmen…look like idiots…cannot be so successful as those UMNO malays.
    And a son of a PM can walk into a bank and get RM100 million overdraft…no problem..yet Mahathir said…his son is a smart businessman…able to convince the bank to give him such loans with no collateral needed.
    In actual fact..someone .somewhere away from Malaysia is guaranteeing the bank loan.
    There is no Satan Clause on loans from banks.
    Now .you tell me…the sO call commission to Russians…Koreans…Taiwanese..Germans companies….and many more….the off shore tradings…huge ridiculous profits…approved by UMNO…all earned by those guys?
    When have you ever heard 10% commission is normal for a multi billion deal done with a government…except in Malaysia and in any corrupted country in the world.
    Oh yes…we must give proofs and witnesses.
    So idiot like dealing with sugar…rice we call commodities..coffee .cigarettes…earning the most …3% nett nett….investing hundreds of millions are lousier businessmen than UMNO smart guys?
    No wonder Robert Kwok prefers to live… out of Malaysia.

  19. “Will OTK clip the wings and tie the hands of Paul Low and his corporate governance committee to prevent them from conducting a full probe into past PKFZ misdeeds, corrupt practices and abuses of power?”

    That’s a rhetorical question. Anyway, before OTK can clip the wings, many people would have already done it and there won’t be anything left to clip.

  20. “Should each Ministry work independently with projects involving so many aspects – technical, fund raising, land acquisition, etc..”

    haven’t heard of what happens when the left hand does not work in concert or in unison with the right hand??

  21. Now you know why UMNO government keep mismanaging the country with such idiots like TomThumb…who have every answer to everything. The problem is…his answers are not only..irrelevant… but with an agenda….to keep bringing commentators.. out of the main topic…to show…what MCA can do.
    He does the talking….while his boss does the ripping…with no commission reserved for him.
    A braggart usually have no brain.

  22. hahahahaha….Go to each post and you will note Dumb ass wants to have the last say..the last post.
    He even said this is a failing blog….feeling he has done a great job…to make it fail.
    How dumb can anyone be?
    I am making sure….he will not have the pleasure of the last say..to brag..to dream the impossible dream…to make this blog..fail
    WOW!! TomThumb….mission is to destroy this blog. Mission accomplished???…..hahahahahahaha
    Next he will complain…LKS not fair to him.
    Fighting a loss cause..a self appointed destroyer …complaining to his No1 enemy ……..hahahahahaha
    What cow brain has he got?


    “# TomThumb Says:
    Yesterday at 22: 12.10

    “Why should we follow building and construction regulations when we can get everything approved with just a call to the right persons? After all everyone does it as well and authorities don’t care.”

    it is called a one-stop agency” – DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE PHRASE? OH MY GOD! HE IS REALLY DUMB!

    “# TomThumb Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 57.36

    “Should MOF get Parliament approval for the soft-loan to PKA?”

    since when getting soft or hard loans requires the approval of the legislature?? since when has matters to do with project financing requires the consent of a law making body?” – MAY I ASK, WHERE DOES THE FUNDS COME FROM? YOU ARE REALLY DUMB!

    “# TomThumb Says:
    Today at 00: 29.30 (2 hours ago)

    not even limkamputt’s foreskin? forgot his has already been clipped.” – WE ARE AIMING YOUR HEAD DUMBBELL! HA HA HA CRY WHILE YOU CAN!

    “# TomThumb Says:
    Today at 00: 32.57 (2 hours ago)

    “Should each Ministry work independently with projects involving so many aspects – technical, fund raising, land acquisition, etc..”

    haven’t heard of what happens when the left hand does not work in concert or in unison with the right hand??” – ANOTHER DUMB COMMENT OUT OF MR. DUMBBELL OF UNIVERSE.


  24. Let’s just ignore the stupid comments of TomDumbo. All he wants to do is to distract us, to divert our attention to the issues at hand. Just don’t bother replying to his posts, and within a week, he will simply give up and go back to his MCA masters.

  25. YB LKS,

    What about an URGENT and important motion in parliament about the decline of the BNM’s assets of RM156 billions (too much) from April 2008 to Mar 2009?

    That is worst than the RM12.5 over decades when in 12 months we lost almost 12 times that national money.

    It must be debated so that nation knows how rotten is BN/UMNO to allow a log to get away when the illegal govts are more concerned in pennies daily of petty crimes or neglects with the bias Police and Judiciary.

  26. we had an idiot sleeping ex-finance minister who signed every M & As with big notes under table,so the scandals will spread like cancer cells,who to blame?

    he dares to call himself a finance minister?

  27. yes,dato seri koh soo koon,where is your KPI?use it nowlah,stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    use your KPI against present ministers,ex-ministers,ex-ex-ministers for this PKFZ scandal of the scandals!

    i will bet rm12billion to rm1 if you dare to touch the 3 TUNs!

    the whole world knows who were the 3 TUNs that involved in this scandal!

  28. Look like it is like barking and nobody wants to know… gone RM30 trillions and who cares?


    PKFZ debate: Ong overseas, Tiong to face wrath
    Lee Way Loon | Jun 13, 09 7:45am
    The opposition, which is gearing up for a debate on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, is likely to end up shadow boxing when Parliament sitting resumes on Monday.
    This is because embattled Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat will be off to France on a seven-day official visit beginning today.

    Ong’s press officer told Malaysiakini that the minister, who will return to Malaysia next Saturday, will be missing out on the parliamentary debate next week.

    “Even after the minister has returned from the official trip, he will need to check his schedule to see if he can attend Parliament,” he said.

  29. pandikar?pundek is the name!

    you expect him to approve this motion?

    ok,EVEN if he agrees,uncle kit,it might be a trap,THEY ARE WAITING FOR YOU PPL FROM PR TO MAKE OFFENCES IN THE HOUSE AND BAN MOST OF YOU BY NASTY PENALTIES,like gobind singh!


  30. Parliament will meet on 15 June 2009. We appeal to Ong Tee Keat to be present in Parliament to resolve unanswered PKFZ issue in the interests of the people. If the planned 7-day visit to France was done ahead of the intended Parliament sitting, can Tee Keat send a representative.

    We leave it to Tee Keat to visualize the RM12.5 billion, which is at stake. The people are very anxious and eager to know what is going to happen to their hard earned money invested in PKFZ. Which is more important – 7-day visit to France or Parliament sitting? Tee Keat’s presence in Parliament is of great significance.

  31. It’s clear that eminent persons like Paul Low have been roped in not to probe but to lend respectability to whitewash the PKFZ affair under the guise of looking for solutions.

    Later Ong will announce smugly that we have all these people from TI there and they did not find anything wrong so everything was done according to the law!

    Should Paul Low and others allow devious politicians to make use of their names and standing to whitewash PKFZ while not allowed to conduct any probe to determine wrongdoings and bring the culprits to book?

    If no probe is allowed, Paul Low and other eminent persons should resign and not allow their names to be used to whitewash Ong and his political masters.

    Ong should know there will be an electoral backlash if no heads roll but politicians like him are more afraid of their political masters than the public.

  32. The Umno/Bn leaders’s flig/flog decision on the PKFZ report must stop now. This 12.5 billion scandal has caused enough problem already now.Let’s not add anything more to complicate the already complicated problem.The prime minister and the minister of transportation must used their respective power with responsibilities.Anything less will never solve it. Why for heaven sake do we have scandal after scandal.Why are our Umno/Bn top leaders never learn from history ?Those who are involved past or present must take the responsibilities to resign and take the blame.

  33. frankyapp and KennyGan are right!
    I will ignore his messages ….but it also depends on how far he goes with his insults.
    I always take it..that if accusations are left unanswered…it means the accuser is right…for young voters.
    I admit I was carried away many times .thinking I am chasing and idiotic dog..punish and shut his mouth.
    He is focused to upset our smooth flow of thoughts…ignoring all insults…thrown back to him.
    Yes…let him talk to himself is best way.
    But I cannot promise to keep quite….if he goes beyond limits.
    In Susan’s blog…..I am constantly been insulted. All advised me to ignore. I did not…..as I know..sometimes….readers may like a change of moods to have fun with clown.
    I hope I am right.

  34. Oh well, I admitted, I had fun but fun is over…3 stooges retrenched ha ha ha…
    Lets ignore him in totality so that he will feel left out and play somewhere else…he he

    OTK had too many questions daily, if he can’t solve them, the only way is to run and that’s what he is doing…
    Seriously, OTK up as party head will just be for a term and for diversion purpose. I had info he will be down after this term and CSL will be up. Put it this way, CSL though was with sex scandals before but in terms of brain, he’s better…but corruption will go on and on…

  35. “Will OTK clip the wings and tie the hands of Paul Low and his corporate governance committee to prevent them from conducting a full probe into past PKFZ misdeeds, corrupt practices and abuses of power?”

    Remember some days ago about ah long chaining and locking up their debtors? That’s what OTK will do to PL and his committees…

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