The simple things that we ask…

by Malaysian student overseas

Regarding:Koh Chon Weng case recently.

I sincerely think that this should not even happen. I felt really shocked after finding out the news from . Not just me alone who felt this, but my other friends as well. Even friends from other countries. We are also shocked why they’re not much news covered on this topic by local media.

As a student studying abroad, we choose to leave the country for higher education because

1. The certification here is more recognized.

2. We can obtain a Permanent Residents here once we finish our study. WHY?? because we don’t believe that younger generation like us will be able to live in Malaysia in future. A country where we were born. This is somehow sad.

Kugan’s death was something that shocked us, but why after a short while this happens again?

We the nation is not looking for a party that can make us rich, study the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and understand it. What we want is a party that can provide us safety and future.

I know nothing is perfect and we don’t ask for it to be completely perfect. I also studied Yin n Yang and understand that “the evil cannot be fully vanquished, but it can be controlled.” Therefore, we are not hoping to close down the entire PDRM but at least make those who are responsible to face the law, make us ( Missing-home students overseas) believe that there’s no place like home and we will want to go back to serve our country once we graduate.

Look at places like Hongkong, why do cops in Hongkong have their respectfulness from the people, why don’t Hongkong citizens feel bad about joining the police force.

Their police force consist of Chinese only??? No, they have Indians, and white and some Portugese and some Malaysia born Chinese as well.

The entertainment industry made a big success in projecting Hongkong police?? No, Malaysia has its own “Gerak Khas”( and i think that’s a good series) as well.

I strongly recommend that you read the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and you will find that what we – the nation – is asking for.

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best in fighting for the nation and hope you are blessed with health and happiness.

15 Replies to “The simple things that we ask…”

  1. “We the nation is not looking for a party that can make us rich, study the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and understand it. What we want is a party that can provide us safety and future.”

    on top of the hierarchy are ‘self-esteem’ and ‘self-actualization’. we want to stand tall among the world . not 22nd competitive, 25th best or what not. we want to be the 1st (i.e. the best), if not amongst the best.

    simply having the (once) tallest building in the world would not do the job well.


  2. 50+ years of nation building is not bringing us any closer to ‘there’. singapore, hong kong, taiwan, south korea have done it. but not us? why? dear bn govt, why????? do we need an atomic bomb on our land so that we could become a first world country?

  3. What UMNO wants is a Malay majority dominated country. As it is the process is almost complete – the Judiciary, Civil service, education/ universities, police, army, local councils, village chiefs – are almost entirely in the hands.
    UMNO is happy if more non-Malays leave so that they can have the cake to themselves but little do they realise that the national cake would crumble without the hard work of the Chinese community.
    Little do they realize that the Chinese community is propping up the Malaysian economy. The country survives on taxes paid by the Chinese. Ask Mahathir.

  4. UMNO is just power crazy; honestly beg, borrow or steal” to remain in power. Look at how they try to lure PAS to join them. Khairy has the cheek to say that this is for the sake of national interest and the interest of the rakyat. Knowing UMNO inside out this is Bullshit. Tell him to tell the marines. They were so arrogant before march 8 and they even tell MCA they can rule alone. I hope PAS will not be fooled by them.
    UMNO just stinks to heaven.

  5. “We the nation is not looking for a party that can make us rich,”

    Unfortunately that is only true for some Malaysians. I know many many Malaysians who happily even staunchly defended BN with the excuse that so long as BN brought development and progress to the country.

    I find it ironic that for the past 20+ years, the MAJORITY of non Malays strongly supported BN, yet today, all their children live in foreign countries claiming that they were ‘forced’ to migrate due to unfavorable circumstances in Malaysia.

  6. I would like to believe what the Selangor Police Chief mentioned but

    1) PDRM has lost all goodwill from public from Kugan’s case, the bone chiling number of die in detention cases, the Mahkota Road Block assault on the driver and occupants, the customary rough handling of Bersih and other gatherings etc. PDRM has a history of excessive forces whereby even if they have the law on their side, they lost moral high ground and certainly their marbles when they resort to excessive force. As “badan berdisiplin” and given powers to arrest and use fire arms, they are suppose to exhibit a higher level of tolerance and restrain to prevent abuse of powers

    2) the manner in which contradictory denials were aired, day 1 – self inflicted, day 2 – he was aggressive. Even if the bugger was disorderly, cuff him and let him cool off; not need to assault his head and face which could cause mental disorder or death

    WE should have IPCMC, re-training of police force, sacking of bad apples, improving pay and introduce stringent disciplinery procedures to revamp the force.

  7. It’s just another routine case
    to remind us all that people in polis custody
    can become sadistic n self mutilating
    n cause blue black on themselves
    Just like one vvip who injured himself abt 10 yrs ago

  8. It is under Mahathir 22 years…Malaysian grew apart more than ever.
    Making sure…all are corrupted to the way can UMNO unite Malaysians. It’s always…divide to rule..favoring one get their votes.
    It is a gang of robbers and thieves…one confess..UMNO BARU will fall tumble like domino bricks.
    Race and religion dirty politics is so successful…to UMNO BARU….all ministers and most of UMNO Supreme Council crooks…will try every ways and means to hold on to power.
    The signs are all there.
    The biggest disappointment to them so far is…all their provocations….bullying…false arrests did not create angers nor retaliations from Malaysians.
    They are getting confused and divided.
    It need the IGP to step up the tempo.
    Stay calm.
    Stay cool.
    All will be well after 13th GE…if ever it will be held.
    People’s Power is so powerful now……people decides….not UMNO.

  9. Ai-yah, Chinese are considered “illegal immigrants” and should be kicked out as soon as possible, because they suck all the wealth and always demand for more and bigger share of everything.
    They like to play dirty politics and MCA is always a pain in the arse to the BN/UMNO.
    The sooner they kick you all out the better, because they want a create a single identity of Malay Muslims only (Mamak is acceptable).
    So even if you are super human being you are still not welcome. The achievements of Nicol David and Lee Chong Wei are scantily published in the newspaper, unlike previously when the Sidek brothers were treated like Kings.

  10. Yeah how very true. The sidek brothers were treated like kings. But they sure trained hard and played well too. And let me tell you guys this. Luckily for them and the rest of the players, NEP has no presence in sports. Otherwise what we would see is a bunch of umnoputra kids representing the country. In which event even the sidek brothers would mean nothing. Chong wei and nicole. Oh too bad they will have to fight with the rest to be within the quota.

  11. In today’s The Star page N27, an off-duty cop stopped his car at a highway rest area for his toilet break. When he returned, he found his car passenger window smashed, and his service firearm, a Steyr automatic pistol, 26 rounds of ammunition and a notebook computer missing.
    I believe that every cop has been properly trained on not only how & when to discharge a firearm in the line of duty, but also trained on the grave responsibility of ensuring that the firearm is properly & securely stored out of harm’s way when it is not in use during the off-duty period.
    The above news article is probably the tip of the iceberg about the presence of irresponsible & unsuitable individuals in law enforcement over here…

  12. The Simple Thing we ask is “where is the proper procedures, Rights & Obligations involved?”

    1. In a Lawyer assaulting case, this had not been answered by the Police, KUP and AG for more than a year!!
    2. In a criminal cheating and intimidation case, the Police has called the Complainant and Witness or the Suspect for statements after months even the Complainant had clearly laid-out the case and points of laws.
    3. The Inspector in-charge only said “referred to Magistrate every time the complaint asked for a what had been done and wish to get a report.
    4. The Chief of the Police did not reply to letter from lawyer or the complainant for months?

    What type of Administration is in that Police Station (Penang)?

    Can’t anything be done?

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