USM Apex Uni admission foul-up – USM shld put online full list of 4,574 students forwarded to UPU

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Khaled Nordin said the special committee headed by Higher Education Ministry deputy chief secretary (management) Omar Abdul Rahman to investigate the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Apex University student intake foul-up is expected to complete its report by end of this week.

Yes, the reasons for the inexcusable USM student intake foul-up, where the names of all the 8,173 pre-qualified applicants were incorrectly uploaded on its website as successful when only 3,599 were successful, leaving 4,574 students roller-coasting between euphoria and despair in a matter of hours, should be thoroughly investigated and publicized; and those responsible dealt with severely.

But this should not distract the higher education authorities from the proper things that they should do.

The first thing that must be done is that USM should put online the full list of 4,574 victim-applicants it has forwarded to UPU for selection to other public universities so that the students could personally verify to make sure that there will not be another foul-up. One cannot run away from the fact that the foul-up has created a confidence problem in the integrity of the USM administration.

Secondly, clear assurances should be given to everyone of the 4,574 pre-qualified USM students that they will be offered places in the other public universities.

The 4,574 students come from all ethnic groups comprising 67.4 per cent Malays, 26.4 per cent Chinese, 1.8 per cent Indians and 4.3 per cent others.

For the 2009/2010 academic session, UPU has received 61,027 applications for 40,366 places for public universities.

I call on the Cabinet on Wednesday to make a policy decision to ensure that all the 4,574 students would be offered places in the other public universities without jeopardizing or denying the chances of the other eligible applicants.
This can be done with a two-step formula, viz:

• Selection of the placement of 40,366 places for the public universities from the 61,027 applications in accordance with the UPU “meritocracy” system.

• Those from the 4,574 group who are not offered places in the first round of UPU selection for the 40,366 university places should all be given places in the public universities, through an increase in the total number of public university places this year.

As the 4,574 students were “pre-qualified” by USM from over 22,000 students, I will be surprised if there is even five per cent or less than 250 students from this group who are not offered places by UPU.

If the government cannot increase the number of public university intake by 250 places or one per cent of the targeted 40,366 places for admission this year, something is very wrong and rotten with our national system of higher education.
This however requires a policy decision to be made by the Cabinet and I look forward to such a policy announcement by the Higher Education Minister after the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

Concerns have been expressed that the USM’s 4,574 student intake foul-up may jeopardize the university’s Apex University status.

I agree with Professor Dr. Shad Faruqi from UiTM that USM’s Apex University was achieved on the basis of a number of objectives and demanding criteria and a computer glitch or a data processing error should not be used to challenge USM’s apex status.

A sense of balance should be maintained and this is where the special committee set up by the Higher Education Committee to probe into the USM student intake foul-up can make recommendations to ensure that such computer glitches or human errors are not permitted to recur in our universities in future.

6 Replies to “USM Apex Uni admission foul-up – USM shld put online full list of 4,574 students forwarded to UPU”

  1. We have recognized that the education system in Malaysia is a big mess from the basic primary to the so-called “Menara Gading” tertiary education institutes.

    However, it takes more than fumes and foam in the mouth to change the problem.

    We have paid a very high price for our follies and every single day we fail to change or resolve the issues means paying for our stupidity and foolishness with compound interest in the future.

    But I guess we haven’t reach the brink of our survival as a nation yet.
    Human beings will only change when they are pushed to the very edge of their survival. That’s how things are and will be.

    The more ignorant and stubborn we are, the more this will come true at an even faster pace.

  2. Hey, USM in PR’s Penang is the one and only one
    Apex university in Malaysia
    An Apex university thinks differently
    An Apex university does things differently
    What Apex university did, normal people won’t understand
    So, don’t pass judgment too quickly n early
    Apex university is on the go – go, go, go

  3. Another Key point is these 4,574 students less “Apex” than those taken by USM this year?

    Fairness must First be seen practiced in University. Otherwise, how could “Fairness” be practiced in the society!!

    An “Apex” university with a mistake in downloading a date base of >8,000 instead of 4,000??

    It must be kidding!!

  4. Wow f__k-up big time this one huh? And what do you know – another investigation launched. Soon we will be known as a country which is continuously under investigation for something or other. And didnt some umno idiot post here (in earlier thread) that malaysia’s education system is the best in the world. Yeah the best huh.

    The 4574 victims will now have to live with the ApexUni-wannabe stigma for the rest of their lives. The umno government must set up support groups and provide Apex-rejection emotional theraphy for these people. On second thought perhaps I should not suggest this because it would mean another multi-billion ringgit project for some umnoputras and another investigation in the near future.

  5. Its unacceptable for such mistake to happen. “In a classroom, if more than 50% of the students failed, would the teacher be so stupid enough to key in 100% pass in the computer?” I don’t think so. This kind of mistake can’t be passed by mere technical error. Which Einstein would be so ‘CLEVER’ to have done such mistake.

    I won’t say who, but an friend of mine received his wanted course, lets called it course A in USM. However, after the fiasco, his offer changed into a ‘useless course’. He scored 3.92 in his STPM too.
    Luckily he received an offer from NUS, and the offer is course A.

    Howcome other country could recognize the talents in your country where else our own Malaysia Universities would just throw them away. And yet they say, many students who study abroad doesn’t want to work back in Malaysia.
    Its Malaysia who kicked some of them out in the first place.

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