PM’s “No more logging licences” does not sound categorical and absolute – more like a “No…but”

The Star headline is categorical and unequivocal — “PM: No more logging licences — ‘Important to maintain current forest'”.

But close reading of the speech by Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as reported does not convey a categorical and absolute “No” but more of a “No… but”, allowing for exceptions and exemptions in special circumstances.

This is the Star report:

SANDAKAN: No more logging licences will be given out as far as the Prime Minister is concerned.

“I will turn down anyone who comes to me asking for logging licences. If I want to make them happy, I will tell them to ask Musa (Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman), knowing that he will say no too,” said Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Cautioning forest custodians to not simply give out logging licences when opening the RM9.2mil Rainforest Discovery centre about 30km from here, Abdullah said he would not entertain people requesting for logging licences from the states.

He said it was important to maintain the current natural forests as they were important to the eco-system.

I do not think any remark by Abdullah has raised more questions. For instance:

Why “No more logging licences… .as far as the Prime Minister is concerned”? Does this mean that so long as the Prime Minister is not aware, it is ok for logging licences in Sabah to continue to be issued?

Is Abdullah’s “No more logging licences” declaration for Sabah only or for all states, whether Sarawak or the Peninsular Malaysia states under Barisan Nasional control — and how could this decree be carried out when it is based on Abdullah’s off-the-cuff speech? Or is it just going to be good media copy to be instantly forgotten or ignored by the various state governments concerned?

Abdullah’s next remark is even more baffling.

He said: “”I will turn down anyone who comes to me asking for logging licences. If I want to make them happy, I will tell them to ask Musa (Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman), knowing that he will say no too.”

Firstly, why not be honest and God-fearing and just tell the truth to all future supplicants that there is a total ban on the issue of logging licences in Sabah for conservation purposes? Why sent them off to the Sabah Chief Minister to “make them happy”?

Furthermore, how does he know that the Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman agrees with a total ban on issue of logging licence in Sabah? If so, why is this ban on new logging licences in Sabah not announced formally as Sabah state government policy?

Abdullah’s remarks have other implications as well — that in the past, he had acceded to requests for logging licences in Sabah and other states and that the Sabah Chief Minister and other heads of state governments concerned had been instructed to comply with these requests — hence his statement that henceforth “he would not entertain people requesting for logging licences from the states”.

This of course shows the power of patronage of the Prime Minister who is Umno President, for strictly speaking, the Prime Minister has no business to interfere in state matters like the issue of logging licences.

But is this in line with the National Integrity Plan and good governance which Abdullah had preached on becoming Prime Minister?

Furthermore, in keeping with the principles of accountability, transparency and integrity, will Abdullah announce publicly the full list of the state logging licences which he had been instrumental in securing for various supplicants from Sabah and the other state governments since becoming Prime Minister?


45 Replies to “PM’s “No more logging licences” does not sound categorical and absolute – more like a “No…but””

  1. Sabah is our national treasure. AAB is right in wanting to keep it green.

    Talking about Sabah, reminds me of my holiday there 2 years ago. The Sipadan Islands is a must should you lot go over there. And talking about holidays, I cant wait to take off to England in a few days time to watch some premier league matches over there next weekend. :)

  2. Knowing full well that he would not be getting a second term, he’s ready to give any type of commitment, including sending monkeys to Mars. After all, when the time comes, he would not be answerable for his commitments

  3. “I cant wait to take off to England in a few days time to watch some premier league matches over there next weekend. :)” – RealWorld

    Please make sure it is a 1-way ticket. Bolehland have enough people like you to plunder her wealth. You will not be missed at all. Happy Holiday!

  4. Well looks like what it means is that he does not give the licences. Which is true. Logging licences are given by the state. It is state revenue. So what he is saying is true. Whether it is new, is another matter altogether.

    With regards to logging in west malaysia, they will keep highlighting about the logging going on in Kelantan as it is held by opposition, but will close one (two?) eye on the logging going on in Perak (forest reserve), Terengganu(denuding of hills) etc.

  5. Mr PM, action speaks louder than mere words. Instead of issuing speeches and giving dubious pledges, take concrete steps to end rampant cronyism by requiring that contractors chosen to undertake projects possess proven credentials and expertise for that position.

    Open government contracting process by increasing transparency and encouraging competition, creating tough penalties for companies that gouge taxpayers, and prohibit repeat offenders from winning contracts.

  6. Timber is a cash cow to politicians. Without them, you think the BN will still be in power? In fact, most chief ministers treat the timber business as their personal domain. Ask Taib Mahmud or Musa Aman. You think they care a hoot what the PM said? Give some of the their dirty money from the timber trade to UMNO and the PM will soon shut up.

  7. “Please make sure it is a 1-way ticket. Bolehland have enough people like you to plunder her wealth. You will not be missed at all. Happy Holiday!” – devilmaster

    Brother devilmaster,

    We are Malaysian here. Just because my viewpoint is different than yours, accusing me for plundering the nation’s wealth is not right. You have issued threats of fiery retaliation. Said that petty insults and name calling is normal in the DAP.

    Can you hold a decent discussion without resorting to wild allegations, threats and all?? Show some class, please.

    Anyway, thanks for wishing me happy holiday. I cant wait to see my team Chelsea in action. :)

  8. RealWorld,

    wait,wait wait. And hold on. All the things mentioned in your first paragraph had been discussed before in the previous topics. Dont be confused and bring it to this topic. You are repeateing the same whole process again. I am lazy to repeat all my answers/replies to you again. Refer to those previous ones for “fiery retaliation”, “petty insults/name calling”. Are you running out of ideas on how to tackle me?

    Aren’t we in a decent discussion at the moment? And now you are saying “show some class, please”?? Isn’t this a petty insult too? Hmm.. i am now beginning to wonder – who is actually hurling petty insults?

  9. devilmaster,

    You accusing me on plundering the nation’s wealth a decent discussion??? If you are a member of DAP’s Ipoh branch, I am indeed surprised.

    You issued threats, claimed that name calling & petty insults are normal in the DAP and then you accused me of plundering the nation’s wealth without any proof. And you have the audacity to say that we are in a decent discussion?

    My goodness!

  10. RealWorld,

    How many times must i tell you? I am not sure whether you feel it or not? I am getting sick of you repeating all over again!

    Issue threat? Where is the threat? Dont simply make up a story from nowhere. Petty insults/name calling? It seems it came more from you.
    Grow up!

    You have been totally pawned by me today in the 4 topics. And now you are trying to get petty trivial matters from other topics and bundle all it together in your latest post in this topic. What’s the difference with other topics we have discussed earlier?

    Can you come out with something different if you really want to attack me?

  11. devilmaster,

    “Bolehland have enough people like you to plunder her wealth.” – You accused me of plundering the nation’s wealth. Care to show proof? Dude, seriously put your money where your mouth is.

    ”You come into a DAP leader’s blog and you want to set your own rules of no name-calling & no petty insults?” – You validating that petty insults and name calling are a norm here.

    “But beware of my fiery retaliation” – Not a threat?

    I been totally pawned by you?? With what? With your empty claims that I plundered the nation’s wealth?

  12. “You accused me of plundering the nation’s wealth. Care to show proof? Dude, seriously put your money where your mouth is.”

    “You validating that petty insults and name calling are a norm here.”

    That’s an allegation. What makes you think that’s an accusation?

    Show me that part i validate petty insults and name calling are a NORM here.

  13. Nope, you may not have plundered the nation’s wealth. Your masters have plundered the nation’s wealth, and you have abetted in the plunder. How many times have you said “there is no perfect country” or “the Opposition may do the same”. These are never valid reasons to keep thieves in power.

  14. “How many times have you said “there is no perfect country” or “the Opposition may do the same”. ” – Godfather

    And that is proof that I plundered?? Thin ice dude, thin ice.

  15. No wonder AAB (Malaysia No. 1 One EYe Jack PM on CORPRUTION) always suffers from dry throat, talking too much nonsense and NO ACTION!

    Quote: – “I will turn down anyone who comes to me asking for logging licences. If I want to make them happy, I will tell them to ask Musa (Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman), knowing that he will say no too,” said Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. – Hey Mr PM, the whole Malaysia knows how corrupt is Musa Aman!

    Next thing you will hear is :- ‘I dont know what happen to the jungle? There are only X no. of licensees.’ – Hey Mr PM, typical silly answer! Well as usual, you have sub-licensees and sub-sub licensees mah. All under one umbrella of ***

    Come on MR PM, People in this country is Losing Hope with YOU and The Present Administration. TIME UP AAB!

  16. AAB coming down soon. Follow closely by Najib, Hisshammudin,,, and of course KJ. Father in law gone means KJ can say good bye for good!

    We shall see, lets work closely with PKR, RPK and the rest of the team. BN going to get a heavy KO blow this time round!

    (I’m working hard talking to all friends, family, colleagues abt this crooked government, most people are loosing hope saying time up, time to vote for the oppositions since too much blunder in the administration).

  17. sometimes is better he not say anything at all. elegant silence.

    after having said, is like not having said. makes no effective difference. LOL.

    It is ok to keep silent. no one will blame you as mute.

  18. devilmaster,

    I am still waiting for you to furnish proof that I plundered the nation’s wealth. As a DAP member of the main Ipoh branch, are you gonna back up your claim or slitter away??

    Malu la ni DAP punya member. Cakap kosong aje. Konon nak threaten pulak lagi.

  19. Obviously you have poor English. I said you have abetted in the plunder. If you think it is the same (i.e. direct plunder rather than abetting in the plunder) then I don’t blame you.

  20. “I am still waiting for you to furnish proof that I plundered the nation’s wealth. As a DAP member of the main Ipoh branch, are you gonna back up your claim or slitter away??

    Malu la ni DAP punya member. Cakap kosong aje. Konon nak threaten pulak lagi. – RealWorld

    Dear RealWorld,

    Didn’t you read the link provided by me? Why are you so stubborn? Need me to repeart over & over again?

    Now you go so low of trying to take on DAP Ipoh Branch. You are not qualified to that level. Beat tme in this debate first.

    Where got threaten? You yourself treat some comments that you cannot accept as “threaten”. You cannot beat me in argument and kept on harmping the issue “threaten, threaten”. Try to make your pity self looked like a victim here?

  21. You are like a kid, RealWorld.
    As Godfather promptly said “That’s UMNO’s way. Style mesti mahu, kalah tak ape.”

    Go ask your 4th floor boys the difference between “allegation” & “accusation”.


    On September 21, 2007 I read the news from BERNAMA.COM about Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun KINABATANGAN: says that will try his best effort to protect the Sabah kinabatangan river away from further pollution. I felt very happy and show full support to him because he see the future of Malaysia and do care about our next generation. Sabah Environment Action Department, is trying hard to minimize the environment pollution of Kinabatangan river. But dont you think it is a bit too late for that? I really don’t understand why government department always seeking for solution after bad things happen! Why they never think of prevention in earlier stage? DON’T YOU AGREE PREVENTION IS BETTER THEN CURE?

    Can I ask, Does anyone one of you know where is Lahad Datu, Silam Darvel in Sabah? How many of you really been to this place? Nevertheless, I had been there many times. It’s one of the “ALLAH” greatest creations.

    Lahad Datu, Silam Darvel has more then thousand kinds of coral reef and marine species which many of them are consider near extinct species. Lahad Datu, Silam Darvel has more then hundred kind of fishes as well as other species which worth more then billion of Seafood product.

    Does anyone know that THEY going to build one mega 300-megawatt coal power plant worth RM1.3 billion in Silam, Lahad Datu, Sabah??? And it said this mega project is under federal government. No one is allowed to intercept with it and this include Sabah state government cabinet. Some rumor said that, “INI PROJECT FEDERAL, JIKALAU SESIAPA KACAU AKAN DIBUANG KERJA!” Can believe you that? The treated to local authority department which they will be fired if the interfere with the federal power? Is this democratic country?

    Sabahan needs energy but we also need to survial too. Imagine that coal fired power plant that serious pollute the environment of Sabah until citizen facing problem of breathing or performing daily operation. Imagine your kids need to wear “gas mask” to school and you need to put on “gas mask” in order go jogging. What the point?? Because they never think when the propose something and even when they think they only think at they own shoes. Yet, We are talking about hundred thausands of human lifes which living a cross the area of Lahad Datu which will face cancer problem in couple of years later. Who is going to reponsible for them?

    There is an announcement that the government has approved a long time controversial 300-megawatt coal power plant n in Silam, Lahad Datu, Sabah has trembled a group of environmentalists, social activists and local businessmen in the booming agriculture town who opposed it. 418 families of Kampung Teluk Soiaun about the proposed coal-fired power plant to be built next to the village and they will tell a tale of broken promises

    Our YBs made promises after promises, giving us hope to our dreams of owning a house in a village reserve,” Ahmad said, showing copies of correspondence with state officials including the Governor and the Chief Minister

    “I went to see my YB. He told me if they wanted to take the kampung, ‘what can I do. Even the Chief Minister cannot do anything’,” related Ahmad”
    Our value of land will drop to nothing and become danger! If Pollution happens, we don’t job because all we know is only fishing and if no income how we need to survive with our family? People who making this money is by destroying Allah’s creation will never “Selamat For Whole Life”.

    We need power. But we want clean power,” said Wong Tack,the Sabah Environment Action Committee chairman in Lahad Datu district where several vehicles were seen sporting stickers which said: “No coal power plant” and “Coal-fired power plant jeopardises health.”

    “We are not against any authority’s decision but relevant agencies and elected representatives must not hastily give their consent (to such projects) If, it’s a good project we are always welcome but not this coal power plant” Wong said

    The site is identified as a portion of state-owned Yayasan Sabah, comprises 128.7ha seafront land where the abandoned Pacific Hardwood timber complex stands, 17km from Lahad Datu, Sabah. However, local environmentalists claimed that the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) was not available for viewing and the project was approved without the submission of an EIA report. The approval of the project had also sparked an outcry among the Silam residents in Lahad Datu district.

    I felt very much unsecured for this announcement until I saw the article below from Daily Express News

    Nothing final on LD coal-fired plant: CM
    22 November, 2006
    Kota Kinabalu: The Government will only decide whether to allow the coal-fired power plant at Silam in Lahad Datu to proceed after evaluating a full report on it, including the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said.

    As I know our Sabah state Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman is a great leader. He will really understand what are the needs of Sabahans. He has been contribute a lot of effort to develop Sabah state this recent Years. We also understand that in his current position, he will face many pressures from centre government. But, I really hope he will stay in his position to defend and save Sabah free from Coal Power Plant pollution. I also hope he can arrange our Prime Minister, Environment Minister and other Minister to have visit to Lahad Datu, Silam Darvel Bay to witness by himself.


    From the mines to the coal power plant, the dependence of coal to meet electricity comes with a price that could not be compensated in the future. Based on the Union of Concerned Scientists Information (
    and recalculated based on a typical 500-megawatt coal plant .The environmental impact of a typical 300-megawatt coal power plant in Silam, approximately 17km from Lahad Datu is as follows;

    Air Pollution

    The 300-megawatt coal power plant is estimated to generate:

    • 2,220,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary human cause of global warming,
    • 6,000 tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2), which causes acid rain that damages forests, lakes, and buildings, and forms small airborne particles that can penetrate deep into lungs,
    • 30 tons of small airborne particles, which can cause chronic bronchitis, aggravated asthma, as well as haze obstructing visibility,
    • 6,120 tons of nitrogen oxide (NOx), which leads to formation of ozone (smog) which inflames the lungs, burning through lung tissue making people more susceptible to respiratory illness,
    • 432 tons of carbon monoxide (CO), which causes headaches and place additional stress on people with heart disease,
    • 132 tons of hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOC), which form ozone,
    • 102 pounds of mercury, where just 1/70th of a teaspoon deposited on a 25acre lake can make the fish unsafe to eat,
    • 135 pounds of arsenic, which will cause cancer in one out of 100 people who drink water containing 50 parts per billion and lastly,
    • 68.40 pounds of lead, 2.40 pounds of cadmium, other toxic heavy metals, and trace amounts of uranium.

    Water Use

    The 300-megawatt coal power plant may need to draw about 1.32 billion gallons of water each year from nearby water bodies, the Darvel Bay in Silam, to create steam for turning its turbines; the water supply is enough to support a city of approximately 150,000 people.

    When the water is drawn into the power plant, it is estimated about 12.60 million fish eggs, fish larvae, and juvenile fish may also come along with it .In addition, it is estimated that up to 900,000 adult fish a year may become trapped against the intake structures. Many of these fish are injured or die in the process and that is the average for a single species in just one year. Imagine how many species living in Darvey Bay, Silam area?

    Sabah as it possesses a unique geographical location that is flourished with near extinct species, a suitable weather condition and less polluted surroundings. Thus, it has boundless potential for research and development for breeding various species of near extinct or high value marine fish for consumerism. We believe that Silam’s ocean reef contains more then thousands of kind’s extinct species these include coral reef and micro organism and worth of multi-billion value dollar of seafood product. Currently there are several aquaculture companies has setup fish farm around Silam Darvel bay. Hence, many from the particular company’s investor are from foreign country such as Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Taiwan. They believe that Silam is considering one the best aquaculture region in Asean countries and very high potential to develop into aquaculture industry central in future.

    Fuel Supply

    Based on abstracts of the interview with Tenaga Nasional Berhad Chairman Tan Sri Leo Moggie, from “the Star Online” dated 21st November 2006, the coal for the coal power plant will be sourced from mines in Kalimantan. Thus, transporting coal from Kalimantan will mean a significant increase in shipping traffic in the area and this should be quantified in the Detailed EIA. Therefore, more attention should be focused to the effect of this increased activity on the marine ecosystem and on the local users of the area. The Detailed EIA should also include proposing strict regulations on pollution from the ships and barges. As far as the coal storage is concerned, coal burned by power plants is typically stored onsite in uncovered piles. Dust blown from coal piles irritates the lungs and often settle on nearby houses and yards and for your information, there are about 418 families living in the nearby proposed site area. The families have voice out their disagreement on this project.

    The cost and benefit analysis should also provided projections of scenarios and consequences of where the cost of the coal from Kalimantan becomes uneconomical or the supply diminishes. When this situation happens, where will be the back-up coal supply? Will Tenaga ask Sabah to allow mining of coal under Maliau Basin Conservation Area, known internationally as the Lost World and very near proximity to Danum Valley in the Conservation Area? These are some of the questions that were raised by the environmentalists and the local residents in the Silam area?

    Wastes Generated

    Waste created by the coal power plant is expected more than 75,000 tons of ash and 115,800 tons of sludge from the smokestack scrubber each year. Toxic substances in the waste including arsenic, mercury, and chromium can contaminate drinking water supplies and damage vital human organs and the nervous system. One study found that one out of every 100 children who drink groundwater contaminated with arsenic from coal power plant wastes were at risk of developing cancer. Ecosystems too have been reported being damaged severely or permanently by the disposal of coal plant waste.

    Another wastes generated impact is once the 1.32 gallons of water have cycled through the coal power plant, they are released back into the lake, river, or ocean. The water will be hotter (by up to 20-25 F) than the water that receives it. This “thermal pollution” can decrease fertility and increase heart rates in fish. Typically, power plants also add chlorine or other toxic chemicals to their cooling water to decrease algae growth. These chemicals are also discharged back into the environment. In this case, it will affect the Darvel Bay surrounding the discharge point and affect the marine life.

    The fact based on the Union of Concerned Scientists Information (refer to Appendix ), where just 1/70th of teaspoon mercury deposited on a 25acre lake can make the fish unsafe to eat. Thus, imagine how massive the coverage of 102 pounds of mercury, the amount that is expected to discharge from the 300-megawatt coal power plant yearly could affect the nearby water supply. Consequently, all kinds of seafood along Silam, Semporna and Tawau area will come with toxic in their body and not safe for human consumption.

    Yet, the biggest wastage is much of the heat produced from burning coal is wasted. A typical coal power plant uses only 33-35% of the coal’s heat to produce electricity. The majority of the heat is released into the atmosphere or absorbed by the cooling water.

    As a whole, the effect on nearby proposed and existing ecotourism sites (e.g. Tanjung Tumunong Hallo, the entrance to Danum Valley) should be covered in more depth, equally the incompatibility of the location next to Gunung Silam which is proposed to be gazetted as a State Park, as well as the “Double Beach” in Silam and nearby islands which is also proposed to be gazetted as Malaysia National Aquaculture Center.
    The impacts of the coal power plant on the Darvel Bay, as well as the negative effects on diving and snockelling tourism activities in the nearby islands such as the famous world-class dive destinations located within sight of each other; Sipadan Island (the legendary island of turtles), Kapalai Island (a resort built on stilts on the middle of the sea), and Mabul Island (an enchanting island where every coconut tree has its own number), (refer to Map) should also be examined and considered in the Detailed EIA.
    Most predominantly, the impact of pollution from the power station on local people’s living, particularly the effect on fish populations, and therefore the local fishermen.
    To sum up, building a coal power plant does not make sense environmentally or economically. The dependence on this particular fossil fuel will come with a price, (the true cost that we could not compensate the damages to the environment), and therefore in the age of climate change we cannot afford to make this dangerous mistake like other countries. Therefore, I urged the authorities that may concern in this issue to judiciously consider the environmental impact (the true costs to our future generations) of the coal power plant project. Imagine a decade later, the best diving spots and among the best in the world; Sipadan Island, Mabul Island and Kapalai Island are no longer the famous dive spot for the divers as a result of the toxic mercury found in its vicinity and, the corals and marine life becoming extinct due to pollution and climate change becomes the world’s headline? Not only it will be disgraceful and shameful to Sabah but to our country, Malaysia as these three dive spot islands are recognized as few of the richest single destinations for exotic small marine life anywhere in the world.

    Last but not least, having such wonderful environment in Silam, which is God’s gift, we should be very thankful and appreciate it by protecting them by all means for our future generations. In the near future, Silam could be one of the new dive spot (a viable eco-tourism), that will be Sabah’s new treasure and being recognize as another great dive spot, not only among the Malaysians but throughout the world. It fact, many foreign countries has invested spent multi million dollar trying to create one compare to what we already have from our mother nature. These great asset and property is not only belonging to Sabahan but it also belongs to every citizen of Malaysia and I will stand and protect “ALLAH” creation for us and our next generation. Consequently, the authorities whom may concern should cautiously consider the pros and cons of the coal power plant in Silam area when making the final decision.

    Thank You Very Much

  23. Well spotted well spotted. The forest in Sabah is important not only for the eco-system, but also for the travel and tourism industry in Borneo. It creates jobs for the locals in a positive way, and people around the globe are always watching the development in Borneo, thus keeping people environmentally aware of various issues. So please stop logging!

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