Merdeka social contract/Malaysia Agreement principle of secular Malaysia “driven underground”?

This Parliamentary Roundtable on the occasion of the nation’s 50th Merdeka anniversary is to reaffirm the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as official religion and not Islamic state.

One of the causes of gloom for many Malaysians on the occasion of the 50th Merdeka anniversary comes from the question whether Malaysia has lost one of its fundamental nation-building underpinnings agreed by the forefathers of the major communities in the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement half-a-century ago that ours is a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state?

I have no doubt that the first three Prime Ministers, Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein would have had no hesitation in any period of their lives to reaffirm that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state.

It is a sad reflection of 50 years of Malaysian nation-building that this cannot be said for the present generation of government leaders.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said last Saturday that Malaysia was not a secular or theocratic state but one which was based on parliamentary democracy.

What Abdullah did not say is as important as what he said. Although he deliberately omitted reference to the Islamic state, the “929 Declaration” of the then Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on Sept. 29, 2001 that Malaysia was an Islamic state and the “717 Declaration” of Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak on July 17, 2007 that Malaysia was an Islamic state was not and had never been a secular state remain unchallenged.

Tun Dr. Mahathir said in Langkawi on Tuesday that Malaysia is an Islamic state even though it is not officially called that.

He said: “Officially we are not an Islamic state, neither are we a secular state. But by definition, as recognized by most international societies, Malaysia is an Islamic state.”

For 44 years until the Mahathir’s “929 declaration” in 2001, the position of the UMNO and Barisan Nasional leaders were clear and unequivocal – that Malaysia was conceived as a secular state with Islam as the official religion and that It was not an Islamic state — backed up by constitutional documents and history as well as the highest judicial pronouncements of the land.

On the 50th Merdeka anniversary, the position has varied to: Malaysia is not a secular state. It is an Islamic state. It is not a theocratic state.

The abandonment of the “Malaysia is a secular state and not an Islamic state” stand and its replacement by the “Malaysia was an Islamic state and was not and had never been a secular state” position involved a quantum jump and tectonic shift, going against the very grain of the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement which had been openly defended by the nation’s forefathers including the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein.

Once it is accepted that Malaysia is an Islamic state, then the call to transform Malaysia into a theocratic state would involve smaller and much easier jump as compared to the quantum leap from Malaysia as a secular to an Islamic state.

If Malaysia as a secular state with Islam as the official religion which was totally unchallenged and undisputed for the first 44 years of Malaysian nationhood could be so summarily, undemocratically and unconstitutionally jettisoned, what is there to stop a series of small leaps for those who want to see Malaysia’s “Islamic state” increasingly assume the full Islamist characteristics on the road towards a theocratic state?

It will not require another 50 years for such a series of smaller and easier jumps to take Malaysia down the road towards a theocratic state unless the present generation of moderate Malaysians, both Muslims and non-Muslims, are prepared to heed the recent advice of the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrain Shah in quoting a leading jurist: “We have to stand up and be counted. We have to protect the things that make our nations great…”

The ban on media reporting of public debate to reaffirm the secular basis of Malaysian nation-building and to debunk the arbitrary and unconstitutional attempt to rewrite the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement on the secular basis of Malaysian nation-building must be viewed with alarm.

The time has come for a nation-wide campaign to reaffirm Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as official religion and not Islamic state before this fundamental principle of nation-building is branded “sensitive” and driven underground unfit for public discussion.

(Speech at the Parliamentary Roundtable on 50th Merdeka anniversary to reaffirm Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as religion of Federation and not an Islamic state held in Parliament on Friday, 10th August 2007 at 10 am)


42 Replies to “Merdeka social contract/Malaysia Agreement principle of secular Malaysia “driven underground”?”

  1. When I read about that recent YouTube rap video by a M’sian student in Taiwan in which he portrays the police as corrupt and touches on other racially-sensitive issues, I can’t help but think that this is only the tip of the iceberg in representing how many a non-Malay/non-Muslim Malaysian citizen feels about his/her country. If it wasn’t for this student being out of jurisdiction, he wouldn’t have dared express such sentiments publicly.

    However, the amusing part of it all, is that Syed Hamid Albar was quoted in the newspapers as saying “I don’t understand how a person can do that sort of thing”. Come on Syed Hamid, surely you jolly well know there can’t be smoke without fire? Obviously, to pretend you cannot comprehend the reasons behind the rap video shows your total lack of understanding of the many frustrations that the non-Malays/Non-Muslim citizens feel.

    Perhaps it’s time the government leaders got off their mighty horses and start analysing what is really going on on the ground beneath.. stop pretending you don’t know the simmering sentiments. The leaders have to stop being in denial and pretending all is rosy.

  2. Whenever I go overseas and explain to people about Malaysia, I always say that Malaysia is a multi-racial country and Islam is the official religion. However, in deference to what Tun Dr M said, I never say that Malaysia is an Islamic state.

    I think Tun Dr M is mistaken, as few Malaysians define their country as an Islamic state, so I am not sure where he got the notion that international society recognises Malaysia as such.

    Perhaps the international media needs to be educated ?

  3. Our politicians in UMNO now learned how to use God in order to gain political supports, soon it will be for many other purposes. If this be allowed to go on, slowly but surely, we will fall behind other Asian nations. We can only hope the muslims in this country know what is the best for them.

  4. Whenever there are problems and Islam is the cause of it, UMNO is always fast at telling others to find the root cause of it. Can they now please find out the root cause why the Malaysians, especially the Malaysian Chinese are so frustrated with the Government (which is virtually run by UMNO)?

    Blowing up the WTC and killing thousands of innocent people, they are more bent on finding the root cause than prosecuting the killers, but now singing the national anthem to deliver the frustration of the people, they want to prosecute the singer rather than finding the root cause.

    Negara kuku is nothing as compared to a government that is making us all going cuckoo.

  5. So Malaysia will be something like Palestine. Majority are Islamic followers and the minority are of other religions. So too Egypt. So too Lebanon. So too many Middle Eastern countries. In fact many people around the world think of Malaysia as an Islamic nation. Because of this, there are some people who do not dare to visit us because of all the aggressions that are going on in other parts of the world. In the South East Asian region alone, there are more Islamic countries compared to non Islamic countries. Middle East is known for its’ black gold. The Sheikhs are rich. Terrorists are showing their power and their defiance against the west. May be these are some of the factors why the authorities think that Malaysia should be an Islamic state. May be Malaysia thinks that she will be more glorious by associating herself with these countries.


    Expat’s glaring observations of Malaysia
    JBT Spencer
    Aug 10, 07 2:08pm
    Adjust font size:

    As a long-time expatriate in a private institution in your country, I happen to observe a number of uncanny ‘facts’ about this country. The people do not often address themselves as Malaysians, with most still preferring their own ethnic identification.

    One group has practically full control of the civil service, education and law enforcing, leaving the others scrambling for whatever are the leftovers.

    This group also continues to enjoy a good percentage of special discounts when purchasing real estates, decade after decade and this is a very unique situation.

    The disparity of the number of voters in the different parliament constituencies is alarming. One has more than a 100,000 electorate while another could well be only one-fifth of that. The bottom line is that a party or coalition can still form a government with majority seats despite winning only some 40% of the popular vote.

    The elites of one group already hold a large chunk of the nation’s economic pie, yet the government came out with dubious figures claiming the contrary. Statistics have been badly abused and often manipulated by the powerful.

    Many able-minded citizens have been moving overseas. This plays right into the hands of the government that only feels comfortable among the mediocre.

    Most mega-projects have been ill-conceived let alone properly planned. The squandering of the nation’s wealth solely benefits a particular section of cronies and party faithful.

    Well, this country is fast becoming one of the several failed states that were once British colonies, but are now torn apart by ethnic and religious forces. The turbulent undercurrent of discontent seems to be growing, waiting to surface one day. But by then, it would be real ugly.

  7. About this Namewee being a celebrity of sorts through the YouTube, I rather like his rendition of the Negara Ku to be honest. But I wished he had not chosen to use the National Anthem but more on the music of his choice which is rap, to put his message out there!

    I went through his lyrics and find nothing offensive there.

    You don’t find the Yanks using their stars and stripes in the same manner. It is held sacred by all Americans – whites, blacks, hispanics, asians etc. no matter how opposed you are to government policies over racial profiling. That is the difference.

  8. The present leadership must either shape up or ship out. They must not just react without realising why things are happening as such. These are only symptoms. Find out the real cause. People don’t go to such risks to air their frustrations. Or the present leadership is just not bothered!

  9. “Dr. Mahathir said in Langkawi on Tuesday that Malaysia is an Islamic state even though it is not officially called that” – until his “official” 929 declaration” in 2001, that is…

    Yes,we have to give tribute to the man whose 22 year tight fisted rule transformed the nation from mere exporter of rubber and tin exports to that of a manufacturer of electronic equipment, steel (Perwaja) and cars (Proton).

    At the 50th Merdeka celebrations he should be honoured as father of Development – and the ‘Islamic State’ thanks to his push for industrialization and Islamisation which combination make us the modern Islamic state far ahead of other Islamic states writhing in poverty, backwardness and sectarian conflict in large swathes of the M

  10. …(continuation) …….large swathes of the Middle East further West.

    Indeed the ‘soul’ of the nation state has changed from the period before 1980 and after (since his ascendancy to power), which is the Great Divide – not only from secular to Islamic but also:

    · today there’s much greater polarization amongst the different races whereas once upon a time, people mixed without feeling the separateness conscious of and divided by race and religion;

    · the civil service then was never as dominated by one ethnic community as today;

    · the international language – English – was taken off schools, courts, bureaucracy that has left many youngsters nowadays looking for jobs when they could string a sentence in English properly;

    · a denigration of the principle of excellence and meritocracy that has resulted in (a) brain drain of our brightest and the best and concomitant gain of the lesser and the semi-skilled from the surrounding countries; (b) decline in “value added” in our supply of services and goods whether by public or private sector and a litany of failed projects requiring bailout from public funds (here we must give credit to Petronas in its management of our oil/gas resources with which we are blessed for had it not been for the better management (when comparing with other GLCs) in spite of constant pressure to bail out this and that project beneficial to political cronies , the country would have been bankrupted earlier!

    · the face of our cities and many of business premises within extending to the plantations outside are thronged with foreigners both legal and illegal and security becomes a major issue as crime rates soar;

    · through privatization and contracts without open tenders (protected by Official Secrets Act), corruption had been refined and elevated to state of art and the words “nepotism” and “cronyism” crept into popular lexicon that even taxi drivers know the meaning of;

    · corporatisation of political parties esp those in the ruling coalition that has ended creating much wealth and equity holdings for themselves through corporate vehicles held by trustees and cronies as proxies that in turn generate the much needed cash for distribution during elections for some candidates to buy votes

    · there is greater representation of outward ‘piety’ but in terms of real morality, the soul of the nation has been debased. There are many examples but just to quote the more salient – before 1980s one seldom heard of human trafficking and vice but nowadays we hear grim accounts of how the predators have forced foreign (Filipino) girls like Anna and Lannie Ejercito into prostitution without fear, in complicity with certain elements within the authorities so much so that the US could blacklist us in Tier 3′ alongside the likes of Burma, North Korea and Sudan.

    So as we approach our 50th Merdeka celebrations, we must remember, indeed honourand be thankful of this munificent legacy that he who has been dubbed the father of development – and the Islamic state – had so generously bequeathed us, and also anointed the right successors as stakeholders to develop and expand further the ‘wealth’ of this legacy.

  11. These monkeys should be shot like mad dogs
    …the Tourism Ministry and MST Ad Suria are trying to revitalize the Eye on Malaysia. The plan is simple – the ministry buys thousands of tickets from the private company to be distributed for free. In other words, the ministry is bailing out MST Ad Suria.
    Sources have told malaysiakini that tickets worth RM5.7 million have been snapped up by the ministry from the private company. “500,000 tickets are there sitting in the ministry. The amount sums up to RM5.7 million of taxpayers’ money.

  12. In every ministry there’s always chance to bail out, make money etc (the difference is how many opportunities and how much only): otherwise why sell your soul and conscience to go into our politics, pretend one is serving the public, fight for the rights that one actually sells, suffer humiliation of having the keris waved at your face and pretend semua is OK ?

    Wghy do you think is the single motivating factor for the majority (definitely not all) of people to go into a business, take up a vocation or enter a profession? It is to make money. It is the norm. We’re a capitalist (not socialist or communist) albeit also ‘secular Islamic” society, for crying out loud. So is motivation in politics any different? To serve community, country etc? If you believe you can believe in almost anything.

    So what is the big deal and big surprise? :)

  13. WTF??? Another bailout?

    There is something wrong with our project planning and feasibility study. It is more to calculation of how much money can be made. And what if it is losing, what kind of insured bailout can be get to recoup losses and yet reap handsome profits.

    Such is the business model in Malaysia. For the rest, just eat the breadcrumbs. We’re very fed-up.

    What Namewee did with Negaraku ku is not right. But then, don’t we see the angst and the sickness with the situation? This is my country. But yet I just feel a tinge of proudness. And I won’t lift up the jalur gemilang this year. NOT THIS YEAR!

    Not about being patriotic or what. It is just we can’t differentiate anymore patriotism of lifting up the jalur gemilang and BN sponsored event. It becomes so arrogant.

    If the wide-spread campaign is headed by His Majesty. This is different. I pledge full loyalty to the Monarchy and country. Not to BN.

    Any project BN to encourage flying the jalur gemilang, I will resist. Not only me – just look at all around us, underneath, a lot of people are of the same psyche.

    20 days to BN’s organized Merdeka celebration.

    I hope something major would happen between now and then to shake things up and change my staunch stand for now.

    Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku!

  14. i think it is time that or political master stopped the use of nomenclature and tell us in plain layman’s language what “islamic state” and “theocratic state” really mean. if it means islamisation at the expense of non-muslims, then it is clear that this is a form of apartheid and religious discrimination that are not welcome by malaysians. pls look at the issue rationally. don’t tell us that this is a brand of islam that advocates justice and peace for all when the action does not speak for itself. put an end to all forms of hypocrisy. if muslims love non-muslims, show it to us.

  15. Did you know the polls taken on whether the issue against that singer had gone overboard was interesting? A good majority approx 73% from the listeners in this nation felt it was overboard.

    Sorry Syed Hamid sire, the people do not think like you do. It is not that anyone want to attack Islam. It is that you guys are so sensitive and so inward looking. All you think of is your reputation.

    If only the UMNO cared for the nation as a whole and not self centered, this nation would be a better place to live in. One cannot say they do not need the non-malays or non-muslims. The non-Muslims contribute greatly to our economy. Actually muslim does not mean Malay but in Malaysia ‘boleh masuk Melayu’. Funny isn’t have you ever heard of any races have this ‘boleh masuk’ stuff.

    I think UMNO is afraid if they go by merit system and be fair to all races and citizens of the nation, they may fall way behind. If this is not true, prove to us.

    By asserting a stand on Malaysia being an Islamic state, it is actually allevating the one race above the others. The other non-muslims become second class, third class below the rank to obtain special priviledges. Shouldn’t we treat all Malaysians equally? They all have a right as citizens!

    By becoming hypersensitive over Islamic issues or criticism against the negative aspect of fanaticism is stupid! Most people are not against Islam but are upset and frustrated with fanatics and over zealous muslims who push their way through at other people’s expense. We can’t deny that most terrorist in Indonesia and other parts of the world are Muslim terrorist. The fruits of these extremist brings about these criticism.

    As a leader, one must study the criticism objectively and understand the frustration of the critics instead of attacking them with a hammer on the head – (‘THOU SHALL NOT….).

  16. The fact of the matter those who want an Islamic state is gaining grounds while those who don’t and against it is losing ground. Those who are in between or imagining that there can be a different direction we can or are going are either apathetically or arrogantly foolish.

    Those who have saw the Negarakuku video will realize that in no way did the student insulted anyone merely critical at best mischievious at it. Yet top politician are voicing it horror about some imagined insult, possible damage or denial of things they want. The fact is these two voice show how irrationality and critical thinking is thrown out the door due to political expediency, apathy and arrogance.

    What is horrifying about Namewee is that a young Malaysian with so much talent, resoluteness, courage is forced to seek his place in other countries, find himself a place elsewhere and yet is viewed as a threat by those who reject him out of fear and prejudice.

    That is what we should fear.

  17. devilmaster Says:

    August 11th, 2007 at 06: 12.08
    If Bolehland want to be called an Islamic state, close down Genting Highlands casino first. Don’t talk so much.

    It is possible for Genting to close down when the two IR in Singapore opens its door.

  18. Sins of the son, so the father gets it because the son is away
    Wee’s dad, was asked to go to the police station where he was grilled for one and a half hours by the Special Branch. During that time, Wee’s father was ‘advised’ (though, in a police station, it could sound more like an instruction) to tell Wee to apologise. In writing. All languages.

  19. This is absolutely mindless. Wee is not a minor, and yet they interrogated his father. This reminds me of the red guards in China in the 60s, where the actions of a member of a family condemns the entire family. How can this be ? They also harrassed RPK’s wife when she had nothing to do with the website.

    On the other hand, they never bothered to investigate the police reports made by the Opposition. Bloody double standards.


  20. Why is everyone (politician current & ex) with things to lose and need to divert attention still religion to garner support for thier own needs.

    The commoners want to live harminously amongts them. But how can you when its the politician who keep bring it up to stir issues to meet their own political ends.

    Everyone has accepted that the official religion in Malaysia is Islam and nobody is challenging it. But there are certain quarters challenging what has been spelt out in the Federal Constitution.

    There should be a decree that THERE IS NO PLACE FOR RELIGION IN POLITICS. Please note that all the countries that use relogion as an issue do not progress well.

    We Malaysians do not want to fall into this category!

  21. “If Bolehland want to be called an Islamic state, close down Genting Highlands casino first. Don’t talk so much.” – devilmaster

    Dude, if you are unhappy with the government, by all means call it whatever names you want. But why mock your own country by calling it Bolehland? If you love Msia, you wont call it names. You defend it.

    Put that huge ego of yours aside, and think about it?

  22. Dude, if you are unhappy with the government, by all means call it whatever names you want. But why mock your own country by calling it Bolehland? If you love Msia, you wont call it names. You defend it.

    Put that huge ego of yours aside, and think about it? – RealWorld

    Dude, i beg your pardon. Are you telling me that i need to consult you in advance on whichever name i like to use? You should consult your parents again regarding manners. Seriously, you need it.

  23. Yo devilmaster,

    You certainly dont need to consult me on whatever names you wanna call our country. My question to you was, if you love your country, you would not call your country names. It was actually a straight forward question.

    … and regarding the subject of manners, I will not involve your parents as it is already pretty obvious.

  24. I thought you were the one saying i MOCK the country by calling it Bolehland. Is the name “Bolehland” not acceptable to you. Too bad then, it is ok with me. So what is your recourse?

    You are wrong there again! Parents are the best source for your manners. You cannot get better manners-counselling from outsiders.

  25. What islamic state? It is a human trafficking state
    Although she was relieved to be rescued, she was scared for those she left behind: 15 other young trafficking victims.
    As far as she knew, they were still in the hands of Dr Ng and Kenny Kang, who we last saw leaving the police station, apparently with no trafficking charges having been filed against them.

    Just last month, the government of Malaysia enacted a law designed to crack down on human trafficking. That said, President Bush will decide next month if Malaysia should be sanctioned for what U.S. officials call its poor record in combating human trafficking.

  26. If you think making fun of your country by calling it names is ok, then I guess there is no need for me to press any further as it is obvious.

    True, true parents are the best source when it comes to manners, but in your case I will leave your parents out.

  27. Even an expat in M’sia sees what’s going wrong with it, why are the current gov don’t realize what improvement need to be made?
    The able-minded citizens are moving overseas, I’m still thinking whether I should join the group or not, not because I claim myself to be smarter, but whether I should continue to endure such system further. I rather think this Namewee guy is brave and truthful enough to express himself, and I don’t find him purposely trying to insult any religion, maybe he expressed it in a rough way, but if you check out his songs, most of them are presented in a rough and yet truthful way.
    As for using the National Anthem, the internet world is now discussing whether the national anthem is copying an American song namely Mamula Moon? Or I heard also it was same as an Indonesian Love song’s tune. Anyone can answer me this?

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