Signs of Malaysia on the verge of vicious cycle of a failed state spreading to more aspects of national life

Yesterday, I said that the collapse of the roof of the RM300 million 50,000-capacity Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium in Gong Badak within a year of completion is symptomatic of a society in serious disrepair and Malaysia at the verge of a vicious cycle of a failed state.

Five years ago, when Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Prime Minister, he struck a national chord of resonance when he spoke of the goal to transform Malaysia from a nation of “first-world infrastructure, third-world mentality” to one which is “first-world infrastructure, first-world mentality”.

Under another Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Malaysia is now in danger of regressing to become a nation of “Third-World Infrastructure, Fourth-World Mentality”!

Such signs of a grave breakdown of Malaysia threatening to reduce the country to a fourth-world status instead of the Vision 2020 aspiration of a fully developed nation is everywhere to be seen, almost every day, not only in the maintenance culture but in the attitudes and commitments to the fundamental principles and values which distinguishes a country from a fully-developed one and from those that are not.

In Ipoh today, 64 people arrested during the May 7 “Day of Infamy” in the ongoing and protracted Perak political and constitutional crisis – which witnessed the shameful episode of the lawful and legitimate Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar physically dragged out of the Assembly in Speaker robes and in the Speaker’s chair – reported to the Ipoh police headquarters as required by their police bail.

They came from far and near, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban and Malacca, only to be told at the Ipoh police headquarters that their police bail had been cancelled pending completion of police investigations, instructions from the Attorney-General’s Chambers and further notification.

If the police had decided to cancel the police bail of the 64 arrested (the police had announced 69 arrests on May 7 “Day of Infamy”), couldn’t the police inform them by phone, especially those who are from out-of-state so that they need not make the long journey to Ipoh, even having to spend overnight in the Perak capital.

Or are the police still living in the dinosaur age quite uncomfortable with the modern gadgets of communication, or just oblivious of their role as servants of the people who should minimize inconvenience to the public or is this part of the police harassment campaign?

And why continue to hang the Sword of Damocles over the 64 Malaysian nationalists committed to democracy, justice and peaceful change, instead of an outright announcement that no charges would be preferred against them?

What happened in Ipoh today are triple black-eyes for the Police – for incompetence, incivility and contempt for citizen rights.

A second instance is the police double standards in the speed with which it acted, lodging a police report against me as well as taking a police statement from me, on charges of sedition and criminal defamation against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak the very next day of my speech at the Penanti by-election ceramah on May 24, 2009.

What was my crime? For speaking the truth that Najib was responsible for the Perak political and constitutional crisis because of an unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab, resulting in the expansion of the crisis of confidence, with one national institution after another, such as the Police, Election Commission, MACC, civil service, judiciary compromising their credibility and legitimacy as they just serve Najib’s political agenda.

But in a clear case of rank sedition and unadulterated communal poison by Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia, trying to fuel racial discord by referring to non-Malays as “Kaum Pendatang” or immigrants, the Police had been conspicuously silent and inactive in the past five days.

DAP National Publicity Secretary and MP for PJ Utara, Tony Pua had slammed Mingguan Malaysia for its racist line dividing Malaysians.

MIC President, Datuk Seri Samy Vellu has gone one step further, demanding that the writer of the offensive article on Sunday should be charged with sedition for the “racial slur” against the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia which is totally against Najib’s 1Malaysia concept.

Deepening crisis of confidence over the credibility, integrity and legitimacy of key national institutions, whether the police, the civil service or the judiciary are sure signs of a nation in distress caught in the vice hurtling down the slippery slope towards a failed state.

25 Replies to “Signs of Malaysia on the verge of vicious cycle of a failed state spreading to more aspects of national life”

  1. Kit:

    You committed n crime, but the thieves are emboldened by their clear grip on the judiciary. This means that when they say black is white, they know that they will be backed up by the AG’s Chambers, the PDRM and the courts.

  2. To me, the worst sign that I have seen in the 60 years of my life is when the Court of Appeals could not even put pen to paper their decisions to grant Zamry a stay of execution and to overturn the decision of the High Court.

    Roofs can fail, buildings can collapse, but when the final arbiter of what is right and wrong is severely compromised, that is the ultimate determination of a failed state.

  3. “If the police had decided to cancel the police bail of the 64 arrested (the police had announced 69 arrests on May 7 “Day of Infamy”), couldn’t the police inform them by phone, especially those who are from out-of-state so that they need not make the long journey to Ipoh, even having to spend overnight in the Perak capital.”
    This is a clear evidence that the police is not serving the rakyat. In effect, we are made to witness “police harrassment” on the public!

    There is an URGENT need to clean up the Police force. Time & again we are told that the police top guns are linked to the underworld involving in all kinds of illegal activities including the now widely exposed “Ah Long” saga.

    We are heading for 4th world status. Sigh!

  4. They are merely “doing their duty”. “Inconvenience” is not their problem.

    They promise “Perkhidmatan Yang Setia, Mesra Dan Berkesan”. Also don’t forget their motto “Tegas, Adil dan Berhemah”. And formerly, “Bersih, Cekap and Amanah”.

    The Police song:

    “Lagu Polis

    Sedia Berkhidmat

    Polis sedia berkhidmat
    Kerana negara dan rakyat
    Hidup berbahagia aman sentosa
    Polis sedia berkhidmat

    Polis sedia berkhidmat
    Kerana negara dan rakyat
    Hidup berbahagia aman sentosa
    Polis sedia berkhidmat

    Tanda lekat di lengan
    Polis dengan pereman
    Tangan bersalaman
    Alamat persahabatan


    Budak-budak pergi sekolah
    Yang tua berjalan ke kedai
    Polis pimpin menyeberang jalan
    Semuanya selamat sampai


    Waktu kita bekerja
    Rumah tinggal dijaga
    Itulah tandanya
    Polis sedia berkhidmat


    Bila kebakaran berlaku
    Jiran tiada di situ
    Polis berlari tolong bantu
    Anak tidur selamat tentu


    See how dedicated they are? They sing this every morning.

  5. A few years ago, Lee Kim Sai put forward his view that all the inhabitants of this land, except for the orang asli, are immigrants. The consequence was that the selangor sultan revoked his datukship while umno bayed for his blood.

    Now, when certain ethnic groups are labelled immigrants, no such retaliation is being taken.

  6. We do have a lot of diseases of a developed country BUT have the weak foundation of undeveloped countries that make these diseases just seem like a train wreck heading for a disaster…

    A developed nation must run on complex systems and rules rather than micromanagement. The way the police are behaving, they appear to be behaving like out of control children without adult supervision.

  7. Godfather, well said, but who is the destroyer of institutions that money cannot buy? It is definitely not tom-dumb or benci-negara.

    There are no simple solutions to the many problems the nation is facing today. Lots of problems are due to our lack of sensible people at the helm at all levels. The PM and DPM obviously have no capacity and time to all things. They need capable men and women at all levels to give them sensible and good advice. Let me quote you an example that happened recently. Because of the tussle over JPA scholarships, DPM has announced that starting next year, the number of subjects each student can take at SPM level is restricted to 10. Now think about it, how can this solution solve the scholarship problem. The problem with SPM exam is not about the number of subjects each student can take. It is about a grading system that is not vigorous enough. It is about a grading system where the range for getting an “A1” is too wide. A student getting an “A1” with 70 marks is very different from another student getting an “A1” with 99 marks. The former is an average student, while the later is an achiever. To solve the perennial scholarship problem, one solution is to raise the standard of the exam and to come up with a percentile system when grading each subject. With ICT and computers, there is no problem having this system introduced immediately.

  8. Limkamput:

    The proposal by Muhyiddin to limit the number of subjects is to allow them to continue to fudge the eligibility criteria. Like the shape of a pyramid, the cut off point will now be at a lower part of the base, thereby allowing even more “eligible” candidates, and making it into nothing more than a lottery.

    I have said it before: the scholarships must be based on a combination of need and academic excellence and extra curricular activity. You can apply marks of 45:45:10 for each criteria and then there would be fewer arguments. A poor kid with 6As might end up being eligible for a scholarship and nobody would begrudge that.

  9. ///A second instance is the police double standards in the speed with which it acted, lodging a police report against me as well as taking a police statement from me, on charges of sedition and criminal defamation against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak the very next day of my speech at the Penanti by-election ceramah on May 24, 2009.

    But in a clear case of rank sedition and unadulterated communal poison by Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia, trying to fuel racial discord by referring to non-Malays as “Kaum Pendatang” or immigrants, the Police had been conspicuously silent and inactive in the past five days.///– Kit

    The police consider that they are employed by the government to serve the government interest. But they have mistaken that government‘s interest and that of Najib is not one and the same. Defamation of a person even in the rank of the Prime Minister is a not a criminal offence. Najib can sue, if he has the case. Telling the truth about the behaviour of the prime minister might cause people to have disaffection of the PM in person, but that is different from disaffection of the government. The country practices parliamentary democracy, and the people are entitled to know the truth about policies and what the politicians stand for as well as how trustworthy they are. That would allow the people to choose the people who deserve to form the government.

    The police have proven to be inactive in taking actions against UMNO members and UMNO linked entities. It appears that police only serve UMNO interest because they owe their employment to UMNO leaders in government. It is true that UMNO provided them the employment, but it is the money of the public that is used to pay them salary and expenses, and it is the people that the police should serve. The laws of the land are there to serve the people, and the police should be impartial in enforcing the laws.

    Even thought the police might not know where government resources come from, but the government should know. They should know that in the name of governing the country for the benefit of the population that the people are obliged to pay tax. They should know also that resources of the country are collectively owned by the people, and the resources should be utilized for the benefit of the citizens. Yet the government saw it fit to restrict learning institutions exclusively or almost so to the race which put UMNO in power. The government awards scholarship in the way to send signals that they were the champion of the Malay race, such that meritocracy could be distorted when UMNO remains in power.

    The police know only how to differentiate between taking action or not based on race, and when Malays are involved as the subject for decision, it then depends on what UMNO wants them to do. The decision based on race as adopted by the government in all its institutions has its origin on Article 153, and subsequently NEP. In pursuance to NEP, all decisions made by government officers are predicated on race. The 20-year NEP had the quantifiable objective of getting Malays to own 30% share of corporate capital. That had been surpassed. The 20-year period too has ended almost 20 years ago. All those government regulations where race invariable becomes a factor for consideration should now be removed. Najib does not have to coin new slogan 1Malaysia; he needed only to declare that NEP had succeeded, and we now enter post NEP era. 1Malaysia cannot be a country with two administrative systems, one for UMNO and one for others. 1Malaysia cannot be a country where only one race is recognised as citizens. Maybe that is what Najib has in mind.

  10. It is so conclusive of a failed state as profligacy of RM30 trillions – past, present and future is irretrievable and that is resources gone down the drain beyond repair.

    Malaysians should despair now that what we see is all worthless scenario dragging all and sundry down the slippery road of no return.

    Sabah – once the richest state is down forever at the bottom as the nation’s policies suck all…

  11. When a straight forwards Lawyer assaulting clients case supported by number of witnesses and photos, can be silent from Police, to KUP, to AG and even PCB. What on earth can put the society in a Security?

    It is NO mentality!! & not even 4th Mentality!! The Rots already there when land can be manipulated at least 20-30 years!!

  12. In the front page of “The SUN” today …
    Asia’s best and worst civil service.
    Quote :
    SINGAPORE-Civil servants in the city state are the most efficient among their Asian peers.
    …Ranking by most efficient to least efficient economices:S’pore,HK,Thailand,S Korea,Japan,MALAYSIA…..

  13. Malaysia is going down pretty fast as a failed state in the eyes of the world and Kit is right the system is now spreading to all aspect of society.For more than five decades ,Umno top leaders one after the other continues to gloom and strengthen the grid to hold and control most if not all civil agencies,police,judiciary and the military.As it is now you can find all these top officers or officials are Umno’s men and women who are willingly to serve and to defend Umno at all cost.Who would not,given the high position,super scale salary,dozens of perks and certain access to take bribes .Take for instance,the PDRM.Do you guys remember one Ex-IGP has confessed that most of his senior officers during his watch lived beyond their means.It’s this grid that made Umno instantly able to use the PDRM,Judiciary,MACC,EC etc to hold on to power.We know that Umno has no option to lose in any general election,thus should the case happens,the police and the military come handy.Umno knows pretty that the whole civil agencies are corrupted but let it goes because they want to remain in power.That’s it,guys.

  14. This guy, Awang Selamat do not feel ” selamat ” and secure…..get out of your comfort zone to achieve security and independent!

    Imagine our country without Cina and India…..Mujur ada orang cina and india di negara kita!!!

  15. Polis tahu siapa bossnya
    Next day when PR rule the nation
    Polis will tangkap opposition BN members cepat cepat
    But for now
    PR are the opposition members and bad guys
    In most 3rd world Asian nations, blind power game lah

    We are a failed state
    but the BN do not worry
    KT stadium roof collapsed, what me worry?
    Only seriously worry
    if one day the buildings n bridges in Putrajaya collapse

  16. The reports that I see daily about the way the country is managed by UMNO is laughable

    Musa Hassan had said the police was investigating how Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin left the country without a trace. But did he ever bother to investigate how Altantuya entered the country without a trace? The crime rate in the country is astronomical with Ah Longs getting more violent, and all he can do is to paste their photos in the papers. I think even the criminals are laughing at him for his stupidity and lack of priority and strategy in combating crime.

    Najib described the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo as “horrific” while also defending the Internal Security Act which allows for detention without trial, saying the ISA had effectively prevented attacks and “saved countless lives”. What a big lie and misleading statement. The Hindraf detainess were all harmless and peace-loving people. Najib’s statement is a big slap on his own face in the international media. Why is he so eager for the deportation of the two malay killer-terrorists back to Malaysia, and why are we keeping Selamat? Because of malay pride? There are many non-malay imprisoned in other countries, many for light offenses. Why isn’t Najib fighting for their release with the same fervour?

    Then I see the title “Rosmah and gifted boy find common ground”. I think Rosmah is heavily endowed, but not with IQ obviously.

    It’s so frustating and sad to see how these incompetents run the country, or rather how they run down the country

  17. The plan is to put a stop to any form of opposition, and one way is to use the scare-tactics, which no longer work in a modern society, and in particular, with strong-minded people like the many ex-ISA detainees, including LKT, LGE and RPK. Only the weak and greedy dogs are easily cowed, including one former CM (Pie Ring) in Sabah.

    NTR will end up the loser in his bid to silence the critics.

    Vote for PR = Vote for Change = Freedom and Prosperity

  18. yes,when talk about CPM,Chin Peng at his dying age now seems to be a threat to our country,whereas racists from UMNO and their cronies like UTUSAN,TV3 n etc were the ones really threatenning the country into racial tragedy.

    i saw Bong Mokhltar was with PM in China,what the hell is he doing in China?the one that always ask DAP MPs to balik tongsan kalau tak suka malaysia,this muka tembok monkey,i hope he will be punched by chinese in china,come back with blue-black,then only he realise how advance is China!

  19. He looks like an orang utan, and he behave like a wild monkey, so the Chinese thought that it is the PM’s pet animal (US president likes to bring along a dog, remember?).
    China is very interested to this kind of species and has requested the PM to donate it for breeding purposes, and PM was so grateful and readily sign a memorandum of understanding on the proposal.
    Back home in Sabah, the half-human cum gorilla was grinning with pride, and announced that he will soon be stationed in China as a VVIP from Bodohland.
    A farewell party is scheduled to be held soon in the famous habitat of orang utans … apa nama tempat itu?

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