PKFZ – submission of PwC report to MACC just OTK’s PR gimmick?

This is the fifth consecutive day of three daily questions to the Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) Rip-off, in response to the public announcement and invitation by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak that he had directed Ong “to provide answers on every question raised by any party” on the PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC)’s audit report on the PKFZ.

Although Ong had responded valiantly to Najib’s directive with the bravado statement that he was honoured with Najib’s trust in him, the MCA President had let down the Prime Minister badly in failing to answer adequately and satisfactorily a single one of the 12 questions I had posed in the past four days on the PKFZ.

I do not know whether Najib will have to end Ong’s misery by coming out publicly to withdraw his public invitation and directive to Ong to “provide answers on every question raised by any party” on the PwC’s report on PKFZ, but until then I propose to continue with the three daily questions to Ong on the PKFZ.

When the PwC audit report on the PKFZ was released publicly last Thursday, Ong secured a lot of publicity by directing the Port Klang Authority Chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng to submit a copy of the report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC).

My first question to Ong today is whether the submission of PwC PKFZ audit report to MACC wasn’t just PR (public relations) gimmick when Ong knew that the four previous police/ACA reports by Selangor DAP leader Ronnie Liu on PKFZ had come to nothing and when he himself as MCA President was not prepared to take action against the MCA deputy finance minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung?

The Anti-Corruption Agency had been completely ineffective and impotent despite the lodging of four police/ACA reports on the PKFZ by Ronnie Liu between December 2004 and August 2007, while the PKFZ scandal escalated from a RM1.1 billion scandal in 2002 under Datuk Seri Dr. Ling Liong Sik as Transport Minister, more than quadrupling to RM4.6 billion under Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy as Transport Minister and now mushrooming into the astronomical figure of RM7.5 billion and even reaching RM12.5 billion scandal under Ong’s watch.

Does Ong believe he could claim that he had done his full duty as Transport Minister and could wash his hands of the PKFZ Rip-off by just sending the PwC’s PKFZ report to the MACC?

PwC admitted that its audit report was based on information gathered from a number of sources, including the MACC (formerly ACA) as some of the principal sources about the PKFZ, like “books, minutes, agreements, reports, notices of payments, accounts, certificates, financial statements, forecasts and projections, valuations, print-outs” were kept in the office of the MACC.

So we have the ridiculous situation of the PwC having to depend among others, on the MACC for the principal sources of information, to produce a report which is now submitted to MACC for its study – a merry-go-round in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ Rip-off without a single person being brought to book for the “Mother of all Scandals” in Malaysian history.

Last Friday, when PKA Chairman Lee Hwa Beng submitted a copy of PwC’s PKFZ report to the MACC, the MACC director of investigations Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul said MACC has completed its initial investigations into the PKFZ project and handed over the papers to its Legal and Prosecution Division for further action.

He said the Commission would compare its findings with that of the audit team to see if there was any new lead.

He said: “If there is a need for us to call up certain people named in the report, we will do so.”

Has the MACC decided whether the PwC’s audit report on PKFZ has provided any new lead to justify the re-opening of investigations?

Why is the MACC taking its own sweet time to act on the PwC report which concerns “the mother of all scandals” scaling the astronomical heights of RM12.5 billion when it could spring into action in a matter of hours in cases involving Pakatan Rakyat leaders, even in situations where there is the flimsiest of excuses for MACC intervention?

I am interested in knowing what Shukri really meant when he said last Friday that the MACC had completed its “initial investigations” into the PKFZ and handed over the papers to the Legal and Prosecution Division for further action.

As Ronnie’s first report was lodged in December 2004, why had the Commission and its predecessor the ACA taken such an inordinately long time of more than four-and-a-half years and still unable to produce any results?

When did the MACC complete its “initial investigations” into the PKFZ and when were the papers handed over to its Legal and Prosecution Division for further action?

My second question to Ong today is why the MCA has not taken any action to suspend the MCA deputy finance minister, Datuk Chor Chee Heung, who was PKA Chairman from April 2007 to March 2008, as the PwC audit report had named him as one of those involved in potential conflicts of interest.

The MCA, through its leadership of the PKA and the Transport Ministry through three successive MCA Transport Ministers Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik, Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy and Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and four MCA PKA Chairmen, Datuk Seri Ting Chew Peh, Datuk Yap Pian Hon, Datuk Chor Chee Heung and Datuk Lee Hwa Beng have brought deep shame and great dishonour to Malaysians and the country with the RM12.5 billion PKFZ Rip-Off.

This itself should be reason enough, apart from others, for the immediate suspension of Chor as Deputy Finance Minister until he is fully cleared.

My third question – have the present PKA Chairman, Datuk Lee Hwa Beng and the PKA Board members no powers whatsoever to decide on whether to submit the PwC audit report on PKFZ to the MACC and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC), that they have to be led by the nose by Ong who had to issue specific directives to Lee on the matter?

If so, what is the use of having puppets as PKA Chairmen and Board members – and isn’t this the strongest proof why it is the MCA Transport Ministers, rather than the MCA PKA Chairmen, who must bear the fullest responsibility for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ Rip-Off from start to finish?

30 Replies to “PKFZ – submission of PwC report to MACC just OTK’s PR gimmick?”

  1. Make sure you send out the pictures of a smiling Lee Hwa Beng “awarding” the PKFZ report to the MACC.

    Lee Hwa Beng (thinking): Let this report go into the black hole of MACC, where it will not see the light of day.

    MACC representative (thinking): How the hell are we going to investigate this when we don’t know debit from credit ?

  2. Should Ong not able to answer a single questions pertaining to PKFZ scandals, let alone Najib to answer and Ong to be sacked immediately!

    I agree that Chor to be suspended, untill he is cleared of from the scandal. How can he be fit to resume his job as deputy minister, when he is involved in a serious 12-billion scandal???

    We strongly believe that what Ong has been doing all this while is to gain political mileage. He only does the talking, but no practical and constructive actions have been taken.

  3. OTK should just make the report public instead of submitting to MACC. It is up to MACC to take action after the report is released by the Ministry of Transport and not the other way round. OTK is acting like SUPERMAN, putting on his pants then his underwear outside and Chinese calls this ?????

  4. They say we malaysians always forget the bad things/corruptions alegations/scandals that BN/UMNO and its members have committed over time. Hence, I think it is about time that a malaysian blogger list down the allegation/scandals etc in his website or a unique. This is so that the rakyat will always remember and never forget. When it is time to cast our votes in the next GE on 2013, the rakyat can be redirected to this link to refresh their memory.

  5. This is driven by excessive greed…they can keep the reports.

    Give back the 12.5 billion X 2 back to the people to build better schools, disable and aged care, community facilities, police, place of worship, asssitance for the poor, programs to create permanent jobs and etc..

  6. According to Lim Hwa Beng, MACC (known as ACA then) had started investigation into the PKFZ before he was appointed as a chairman in April 2008.

    If the MACC is interested in the audit PKFZ report, MACC should have requested for or seized it. Why should Ta Kut do it when not ask to so? Brother Kit, you are right to describe the action as “just OTK’s PR gimmick.”

    Again, even though Ta Kut was directed by Najib “to provide answers on every question raised by any party”, Ta Kut has yet to do likewise. I am wondering whether Ta Kut knows how to answer with facts and figures?

    Brother Kit, I think we have “to live and let live.”

  7. i wonder is this pile of 12.5 billion SHI*T will be another slowly silently become another no case issue.
    i am hope not… and hopefully they need to sacrifice some “MEMBER” then this “MEMBER” become unhappy and expose all out.. :D :D :D
    Damm, I just watch too much movies…

  8. All should refer to Nadeswaran’s comments of today’s (3 June 2009) The Sun articled’ “Queries directed at directors”.

    He has just hit the nail hot and at the right spot.

    Ong Tee Keat should answer LKS and Nadeswara’s pressing questions if OTK has nothing to hide.

  9. My first question to Ong today is whether the submission of PwC PKFZ audit report to MACC wasn’t just PR (public relations) gimmick when Ong knew that the four previous police/ACA reports by Selangor DAP leader Ronnie Liu on PKFZ had come to nothing and when he himself as MCA President was not prepared to take action against the MCA deputy finance minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung?” – Kit

    Final verdict from MACC – case closed!

  10. My second question to Ong today is why the MCA has not taken any action to suspend the MCA deputy finance minister, Datuk Chor Chee Heung, who was PKA Chairman from April 2007 to March 2008, as the PwC audit report had named him as one of those involved in potential conflicts of interest.” – Kit

    My question is why Chor is still the Deputy Finance Minister?

  11. My third question – have the present PKA Chairman, Datuk Lee Hwa Beng and the PKA Board members no powers whatsoever to decide on whether to submit the PwC audit report on PKFZ to the MACC and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC), that they have to be led by the nose by Ong who had to issue specific directives to Lee on the matter?” – Kit

    One for you two for me three for the UMNO fella, does it matter?

  12. OTK has comment that PKFZ will not be closed. Now closed or other wise is totally separate issue. What we want, I believe all the tax payers want was bring those have seen to abuse the power/authority be brought to face the justice. It was very clear, at least from all reports that come to public, such as AG’s reports, the Sun series of reports by Mr. Nades and the now PWC reports have all point to abuse, corrupt practices.

    YB Kit should focus on the issue of bring those responsible to be charge.

  13. We must all realise that PKFZ is not a deal of the past. It is a deal of the present, and of the future, where monies will continue to be siphoned off. This in itself is a damned good reason to close it down.

  14. The decision of closing down or moving on is not an easy decision and it really need proper studies and planning in another commercial undertakings.
    After saying that, my believe is that since PKFZ has start with no clear intention to succeed as a viable commercial venture rather it was conceived from day one to milked the cow until its bleed no matter how much more money that you are willing to pour in the success rate will be very doubtful. There was totaling no foundation on where this project was built. PWC has said in its report that the reward of 1 b contract was done with out proper detail and did not follow the master plan. This was clear that they just award the contract in the fastest way possible and milk away the money as the fastest possible way, so much so they could not border to follow any basis procedure. Further along the line they keep open the mouth bigger and keep awarding more contract sum to the same contractor. Once it has a bad start it will never be an easy task to follow back the right track to revive the project without more money being pump in.
    Next, politically BN will never be as easy to concede defeat as they are still have the power to reimburse with the tax payer money. They money still, if any, with them. They continue until the cow gone dead and the milk has dry up. Only then they will wash their hand and ……… they have too many cases like that, and what surprise you for another project of cermerlang, terbilang and gemilang.
    From what they have say in press that you know this merely PR (Public relation) kind of show and with out any concrete taught on how this PKFZ can still viable knowing the current

  15. How can Chor Chee Heung whom looks like a “snake head mice face” become a Deputy Finance Minister?

    The only reason such scumbag joining MCA is none other than to get rich, fu#king rich!

  16. Godfather Says:

    Today at 15: 46.48 (5 hours ago)
    We must all realise that PKFZ is not a deal of the past. It is a deal of the present, and of the future …”

    what is the past if not a prologue to the future?

  17. It is important for us to find out which KLSE-listed company is the substantial investor of the Bond issued by Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd, so that the stock market investors and the suppliers of products and services can be kept alert on avoiding a deal with that imprudent KLSE-listed company.

    Like the old saying goes, “precaution and prevention are better than cure!” With the generous rate of dividend payout by Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd even when the company still owes a huge debt, I may be afraid that the company won’t be able to sustain for long! The KLSE-listed company which may hold some Bonds of Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd may not be able to salvage a good value from the junk Bonds on hand! Please beware of Stock Market Crocodile!

  18. I believe using land to eve Shoot-up book value was used or still in practice to make nice book value of any company. The question is how many can be discovered in the KLSE board.

    For Subang Jaya, the piece of public reserved land (which should not be re-alienated under the law) for Water Retention Pond (58.3ha) was never “surrendered to MPPJ/MPSJ . MP, State Assemblyman and Municipal Councilor had been “helping”!
    39ha was “wrongly” issued to Sime UEP and the rest go to Wangsa Baiduri
    with title hold by PKNS (since 1979 or about). The land for the Club was “illegally” transferred from PKNS to sister company of Emko. Some lots were sold to Emko at X million in 1989 and revalued to XX million in around 2000, making it possible for Econstates – the parent company of Emko to be on board KLSE.
    Those lands were mortgaged to the Bank. So, the banks were/are holding these “illegal” land to indirectly or direct financing those company to get on board KLSE!!

    Is the land value of Subang Ria Park on the book of SIME UEP?

    If one cares to investigate the manipulation of these type of “public reserved land”, the symptom of PKFZ had already started 20-30 years ago. Size wise XX PKFZ had already flourished in the country with Government Agents and Politician and Public Servants involved!!

    Will the Selangor State Government acts?
    PKFZ is Federal and MCA is the “Agent” – so it is tough to push?
    Subang Ria Park – is State and under PKR, can it work?
    Wangsa Baiduri – is Municipal, Can it work?
    The Condo in Wangsa Baiduri was illegally changed into Apartment. Can PKR, Selangor State, Subang Jaya Municipal work?

  19. Meanwhile in Putrajaya, Ong Ta Kut was thinking:Mission accomplished-Godfather

    Back in Putrajaya, in the pm’s office, Najib gave a sigh of relief. “That’s my good dog,” he told Ong Ta Kut who is on the other side of the line.

  20. looks like both chenghog and tomdumbo have no problem with a prologue to the future that tells us we will be robbed blind in a fallen state choked with spiralling inflation and a rakyat of exploding poor living increasingly in urban ghetto conditions.

    1Malaysia Boleh!

    I really, really hope the Indian astrologer was sharp in his reading of the stars – the incompetent leadership of Najib with all his lies will terminate by the end of this year.

  21. Ong Ta Kut wants to hire con-sultans to help make PKFZ viable. Can he be transparent as to the identities of the con-sultans or will he be hiring a firm called Mega Wan Consulting Services ? Will he be hiring a firm called Cloak & Dagger Sdn Bhd ? Will the fees of these con-sultans run into hundreds of millions ?

  22. Will PKR Selangor Government look into the mis-appropriation of public land for Subang Jaya and Land (58ha) for Subang Ria Park and Wangsa Baiduri which is Water Retention Pond for Subang Jaya. And, the Club of Wangsa Baiduri “Condo” project being adversely transferred out from PKNS to sister company of the Developer? A condo issued with titles of Apartment without Common facilities and land for a Condo?

  23. A “go-thru” process in full operation. Go thru with in-hse investigation. Hand to cabinet for (whatever) decision. Then make press statement. Then go thru with expert investigation. Then hand to cabinet for (whatever) decision. Then make press statement. Then hand to macc. Then make press statement. Then charge a few small fish. You see its a long “go-thru” process.

    Wow this problem not sorted out yet now another problem – collapsed stadium.

    Ini cara umno. makan-makan-makan. whole family makan. whole family enjoy. pegi disneyland melawat no no no study. maid pun study bersama sama.

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