Mansor the new Penang Deputy Chief Minister

The Penanti by-election in Penang is no contest.

PKR Mansor Othman winning with a historic majority, unofficially 5559 votes, in a historic low turnout of 46.15 per cent or 7,100 people out of 15,384 voters.

All three Independent candidates lose their deposits.

Mansor is the new Penang Deputy Chief Minister. He will be sworn in on Wednesday.

67 Replies to “Mansor the new Penang Deputy Chief Minister”

  1. yb lim,

    who r u to announce mansor to be the new DCM? u r neither the CM of Penang or Presiden of PKR; it seems that Lim Guan Eng is a half past six CM that u need to make the announcement,


  2. Pakatan is all set to win all the coming by-elections, and paving the way for a grand takeover in the next GE.

    Let’s sing “The wind of change” to boost the mood for change, and to bury BN/UMNO for good.

  3. a couple of poor souls here are suffering from najibishittyitis – a rare ailment that normally afflicts the intellectually-challenged and causes amnesia.

    they forget the historic event was when BN/UMNO announced they were not contesting Penanti – that’s historic! The rest up to PKR’s win today are a forgone-conclusion, not worthy of being billed ‘historic’ and pales in comparison to UMNO’s historic decision NOT to contest in a Malay heartland constituency with > 70% Malays.

    najibishittyitis also causes these people to forget simple maths.

    15384 minus 7100 = 8284 who did not come out to vote. Now, we must therefore assume that they are UMNO supporters, yes? If that is the case, then PKR won in a constituency dominated by UMNO supporters…and with only 5559 majority. That means UMNO could have pulverised PKR, no? So, the maths really says UMNO could not even trust their supporters to back them such that UMNO could have contested Penanti. Hmmmm…how to continue to command respect and govern Malaysia like this-lah?

  4. some idiot here dare to even cliam he/she is a true-malaysian?

    ha ha ha…what a joke. even if ALL 5000 eligible umno voters were to vote today, PKR still wins…hi hi hi.and that’s a fact, idiot!!!

  5. chengho and true-malaysian,
    did you read the Indian astrologer’s prediction?
    Your glorious leader has only about 7 months left…the Indian samy (not our samy who is a geriatric piece of fecal loading personified) said there will be so much trouble, upheavals, dredging up of utter gunk from the past that your glorious leader will be so messed-up he will be out by end of this year. Believe?

  6. Sincere and heartiest congratulations to PKR’s Dr Mansor Othman who will be made Penang DCM1 soon. Well done and all the best! Your excellent victory was already a foregone conclusion since Nomination Day!

  7. Dear Mee Nah,

    Your CD is now worthless, and you should rub shit on your ugly face.
    Then dig a hole and jump in, otherwise your tongue will cut you own throat everytime you open your smelly mouth to utter nonsense.

  8. what happen to that aminah? 300 votes? oh my…the outcome already proved that the majority is EXTREMELY LARGE…and the question here is Why PKR need to pay her RM80 000 just to remove her from the election??…she dont even has the chance to win the election…Terrible idea from Aminah ..hoho..

  9. Welldone PKR, Congrats
    We must let True Malaysian have his say, though we may not agree. This is a democracy. We believe in freedom of speech. But PKR/PR, we need to prepare for next GE. Do not underestimate the enemy.

  10. Even without contesting, BN has lost the Penanti by-election. This can be inferred from PKR Mansor’s thumping victory.

    Assuming 80% turnout of the 15,384 registered voters in a BN-PKR fight, this means 12,307 theoretical votes. The total votes casted in Penanti was 6994. If we deduct this from the theoretical votes, this makes 5313 absent votes which may be up for grabs between BN and PKR.

    But Mansor garnered 6052 votes. So mathematically it is impossible for BN to win even if we assume all the absent votes went to BN.

    This would make BN’s fifth by-election loss in the Peninsula. Another loss is coming up in Manek Urai. What a loser!

    By the way, this must be the first by-election in Malaysian history where there are no complaints of phantom voters

  11. dear true-malaysian: “..pakatan can’t even get 50% voters to vote even in their bastion, want to capture whole nation, dream on……”

    get your maths correct laa. and you are full of hatred, not good for your health maa. pity you.

    pkr people were so confident of winning that they did not bother to turn up.

    moreover, if the turnout was higher, pkr would definitely win with bigger margin.

  12. “true-malaysian Says:
    Today at 20: 09.26 (2 hours ago)

    yb lim,

    who r u to announce mansor to be the new DCM? u r neither the CM of Penang or Presiden of PKR; it seems that Lim Guan Eng is a half past six CM that u need to make the announcement,”

    Why shouldn’t Mansor be the new DCM? Anyone who is not dumb will realise this!
    This position is reserved for the PKR and Mansor, as their candidate in the by-election, has won by a big majority!
    It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out.

  13. People want change – BN are you ready for the change? If not, BN you better work hard, because everyone in Malaysia want a fresh govn. BN you had fail us and you fail your self too.

  14. winston,

    i’m sory, u r not inteligent enough to interpret my statement, any i don’t blame u….mansor had been rejected by rakyat in last general election and still a by-election being held in a place where pakatan sure win so that he could be appointed as DCM, guess LGE unable to bring penang forward…

    and id the person who have the majority must be appointed to post, then why given the opposition leader post to anwar, shold be given to threesa kok, she has highest majoriti

  15. BN kept saying this by-election is unnecessary and a political ploy by the opposition as excuse for not contesting. This is not true as this by-election is crucial for PKR. Even before Fairus’ corruption allegation broke, it was abundantly clear that Fairus was unsuitable for the DCM post as the numerous complaints about him testify.

    Although Fairus had been cleared by MACC, it would be risky for PKR to relieve him of the DCM post and let him keep his assemblyman seat. His next step may well be to complain of being sidelined and walk over to Umno putting a tidy sum into his pocket in the process.

    Besides, Mansor needs to win the seat to give him authority and legitimacy. PR can’t be emulating backdoor entry like Koh Tsu Koon and other BN losers.

    Yes, PKR was doing some house cleaning but it was important house cleaning which may affect the house badly if not done.

  16. Doesn’t matter the majority – the fact is, PKR has won. Now the next thing to do is SERVE the people. Get down to business immediately. Don’t be like Fairus – too busy to even see the voters.

    Think of those who had taken the trouble to vote for you – those on wheelchairs, those elderly, the younger one who have all this while supported you. Don’t disappoint them. Visit those in the rural areas especially. Yeah I don’t have to tell you all that but I am telling it to you because it is a norm that when someone wins, they’ll neglect till it’s time to win again.

  17. true-malaysian Says:

    Today at 20: 14.40 (2 hours ago)
    pakatan can’t even get 50% voters to vote even in their bastion, want to capture whole nation, dream on……

    What happen to your UMNO masters, have they all lost their balls!
    ….what blooming chance have they got, when they have to expose their filthy a## once again when 13GE comes….dream on!!
    You not only have a hallow head, you compliment yourself with hallow comments…sad SOB

  18. how could it be historic anything with a historically low turn-out among voters?? tomtoe

    that is because you don’t understand how social/political events work. When the voters feel that the result is a forgone conclusion, it is not just BN supporters who did not turn up. PR supporters too would not turn up for the same reason. Hopefully it is not too hard for you to follow.

  19. //”When the voters feel that the result is a forgone conclusion… PR supporters too would not turn up for the same reason. Hopefully it is not too hard for you to follow.” limkaamphat//

    nothing is foregone. nothing is certain until it is certain. of course that would be over taxing your brain [deleted].

  20. this bala guy suggests najib go to mongolia and tell mongolians why he is not implicated in the murder of altantuya. so stupid. we have our laws and our own courts. why go to mongolia? we are not accountable to mongolians.

  21. One by one…People’s Power is constant and ever growing in numbers to tell UMNO..we want a change in clear as crystal.
    Enough is enough with 53 years under UMNO….and more than 30 years dictatorial governance.
    The signs are so clear….UMNO is a poor looser… so unwilling to respect People’s Power with strange events day by day..cooked out to create confusions…fear and unrest…hoping PR will react with violence.
    Arrests for no reasons….police acting on the slightest opportunity to shut all oppositions cripple or disabled PR create unnecessary charges…..under the disguise to maintain law and order and protecting Malaysians.
    Out comes.. one idiot ..that lied and having 3 hours recording as proof….to proof she did not lie. Her plan is impossible to be done by her alone. who helped her to cooked up such a low class stunt?
    That lady cannot act on her own and Malaysians are no fools.
    Loosing her deposit… is the voters respond…indirectly to UMNO too. UMNO can pretend as much as they like. We know UMNO..very well.
    Non stop nonsense…surely Aminah cannot be so smart to plan her act..all by herself.
    UMNO is a poor looser.
    By not contesting…..UMNO is saying they did not loose in the by-election..because they did not participate. Who are they trying to fool with such idiotic reason?
    People’s Power know UMNO is trying very hard to put Anwar….LKS…Gobind..Kapal…all in jail…like what Mahathir did before.
    UMNO is always dreaming…they can keep playing race and religion politics….plus now..with the help of police and legal systems.. tilting favorably towards UMNIO…using all the powerful lawful forces available weaken PR.
    Such unfair…unjust..corrupted hypocrites….such arrogance with few ministers having big mouths to insult Anwar…day in day out.
    People’s Power is prepared not to be shocked….that Anwar maybe back to jail on sodomy charges. After all….what have we not seen ..done by certain judges….that really shame the legal system. Dirty politics is painted all over the country….with UMNO as the master painter….supported by puppets ..which need no mentioning. All Malaysians know who they are.
    Lets wait and see what next for Perak by UMNO.
    As far as I am not expect Najib to respect Malaysians wishes. He speaks with no sincerity…a real cunning man.
    But Anwar ..Lim Kit Siang Kapal are simply too smart for all of them. UMNO can come out with all sorts of tricks. These three will know how to counter fight with peaceful means to keep shaming UMNO. When you are on the truthful and righteous side…there are always ways to fight evils and win..
    Pure in hearts never fail to overcome difficulties.

  22. BN Has Won! Big time! Let’s go into BN’s mentality. We did not contest so we did not lose. Come GE13 we are not going to contest so that BN will win again. Got it people?

  23. UMNO does not want a Malay to be the deputy chief minister. That is why UMNO asked the members not to go to vote. Imagine if most of them supported PKR, that would be a big slap at the face. The number would tell easily about lack of support of UMNO by its members

  24. //who r u to announce mansor to be the new DCM?// true-malaysian

    You are an insult to all true Malaysians because you are so ignorant of the fact that Dr. Mansor Othman was nominated by PKR for the post of DCM. You are fit to be a running dog of BN. Get you fact right before making accusation against YB Lim and Lim Guan Eng. Go back and read the report in the Star on April 28, 2009. For you benefit I’ll paste it here for you.

    [GEORGE TOWN: Penang PKR deputy liaison chief Dr Mansor Othman is the party’s choice to contest the Penanti by-election, says party leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Tuesday.
    Anwar said if Dr Mansor won in Penanti, the party will nominate him for the post of Deputy Chief Minister I.] The Star, April 28, 2009

  25. Congratulations to the hardworking PR/PKR team for notching up another outstanding win for the long-suffering rakyat to add to their belts, so the hat’s off to Encik Mansor Othman, who undoubtedly trounced the opposition very painfully, but in good style in Penanti today.

    Election by election, the rakyat and PR are inching ever closer to that majority power that awaits to effect real transformational change responsibly for ALL in Malaysia.

    I believe that democratic partnership goal is now deeply embedded into the rakyat’s refreshed hearts and minds and that is why I have no doubt that it’ll be UMNO/BN’s turn sometime soon to start losing some of those deposits. Smile.

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  26. A win is a win,the number does not matter.This’s the beauty of democracy.The winner should be humble and the loser should be gracious.Hopefully umno/Bn supporters of this blog should respect the voter’s decision without further augruement.

  27. mansor or dr mansor ?
    why u have this guy to be the cm to lge , lge not good enough ?
    you should base on CAT and meritocracy not skin color… u already have 1 dcm don’t u…unless Anwar say so…

  28. Govt has to pay interest for PKFZ loan, so no more subsidies for food

    Teh tarik, roti canai and roti bakar are set to cost more next year when the government ceases to subsidise general purpose flour, fine and coarse sugar, and standard loaf bread.

    Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry secretary-general Datuk Mohd Zain Mohd Dom said subsidies for these items will be removed by the end of the year, opening them up to market forces.

  29. You can tell from chengho’s comment that UMNO is peeing in its pants. Having treated MCA, MIC and Gerakan as second class partners, and having thrown breadcrumbs at these parties, UMNO is now paranoid at the success of the power sharing formula engineered by PR.

    The Barang Naik formula is consigned to the rubbish bin.

  30. When relationship, understanding and basic trust between the various races start to improve……..nothing could save BN from their decades of narrow, divisive and damaging politics destroying our country.

  31. It wasn’t just a win; it was a sure win, which was why Najis couldn’t afford to compete.. godfather
    You have to ask tomthumb, he may say it is not forgone conclusion. In fact, if you ask him would the sun come up tomorrow, he will say it is not a forgone conclusion because nothing is sure. This is how a no brainer thinks. Can a no brainer think? Perhaps “think” is not correct word. So, it should be “This is how a no brainer giving out lots of sh!t!

  32. nothing is foregone. nothing is certain until it is certain. of course that would be over taxing your brain…. tomthumb

    sure, if that is the case why don’t you tell your master to stand in Penanti. I don’t brand you a no brainer for no good reason.

  33. Ohhhhhhh!… the reappearance of the despeciable Eunuch Admiral chengho again…still singing the same old song and beating the same old drum…grow up son, get out of your low life.
    The writing is on the wall, your UMNO masters’ days are numbered…collect your mates, true malaysian and Tom Thumb, get all your cookies before the terminal patient, your UMNO master disappears from the face of Malaysia!

  34. # true-malaysian Says:
    Yesterday at 22: 31.31


    i’m sory, u r not inteligent enough to interpret my statement, any i don’t blame u….mansor had been rejected by rakyat in last general election and still a by-election being held in a place where pakatan sure win so that he could be appointed as DCM, guess LGE unable to bring penang forward…

    and id the person who have the majority must be appointed to post, then why given the opposition leader post to anwar, shold be given to threesa kok, she has highest majoriti

    You’re so smart that you missed the point completely!
    Firstly, this DCM post was to be given to a PKR candidate.
    Secondly, Mansor was chosen to be that candidate.
    So, when he won, why shouldn’t he be given the post?
    If not, why should he be chosen to contest.
    I feel that many of those who post their comments in this blog don’t even have common sense!

  35. Actually the result of the latest concluded by-election
    Nothing to shout about
    Even PR put up a no-bola eunuch or another frog
    as the candidate against Aminah n co
    Result sama sama saja

    Time for PR to show rakyat what PR can do
    Can PR rule states efficiently, fairly, cleanly
    for the benefits of all Malaysians?
    Do PR have good long term plan for the nation?
    Show us show us
    We don’t want to be conned again by political crooks

  36. Chengho,

    Be realistic, give credit where credit is due. To you, whatever BN does or says is right, and the Opposition is always wrong, wrong and wrong. This is like the North Korean propaganda.
    The Hongkies have this popular saying: If you keep quiet, nobody would say that you’re a dumb.
    What I mean is keep posting your rational comments. I’m sure LKS likes you as much as he does others. In his 42 years of involvement in politics, LKS has proved to be a very formidable and colour blind politician, at least this is my opinion.

  37. ekompute Says:

    Today at 11: 20.48 (12 minutes ago)
    Aminah Abdullah, 392 votes, even with her VCDs, hahaha. But without it, I think she will be lucky to even get 39 votes

    Correction…just 12 postal votes with compliment from UMNO-BN!

  38. chengho Says:

    Today at 08: 17.35 (6 hours ago)
    mansor or dr mansor ?
    why u have this guy to be the cm to lge , lge not good enough ?
    you should base on CAT and meritocracy not skin color… u already have 1 dcm don’t u…unless Anwar say so…

    if admiral cheng ho is still alive today, he will definitely kill this idiot spewing rubbish here. i see so much hatred in his writtings, trying to provoke us here. maybe they are paid to do this?

    that’s what bn/umno is trying to do all this while and create tension among the people and hopefully call for an emergency and arrest all the opposition leaders and supporters.

    umno is destroying Malaysia bits by bits…too sad.

  39. The whole idea is to soak up all the money, and to control all the money-making operations, so that they can remain in power forever.

    Money is power, but history shows that even dictators are easily toppled.


  40. “i’m sory, u r not inteligent enough to interpret my statement, any i don’t blame u….mansor had been rejected by rakyat in last general election and still a by-election being held in a place where pakatan sure win so that he could be appointed as DCM, guess LGE unable to bring penang forward…”


    Tell that to Koh Tsu Koon, if dont have enough votes, or not representing the people, or rejected in last years election, dont backdoor for a Ministers post. I’m guessing your not really intelligent enough to see the big picture.

  41. Woooohhhhh! 8) & Waaaahhhhaaaayyyyyyy…. to go all you rakyat over there in N12 Penantiland!

    :P 6,052 YEEHARs! for the brand new deputy chief minister of Penang and 7,100 CHEERS! to only the 7,100 Penantiland voting rakyat who bothered to go out there yesterday to say 8) howdee first, and then :D biddie bye-bye to the three non-entities who stood there to simply :( lose their money to the EC Chair. Hmm. Recommend strongly and nicely too to the three loser indies, candidates Aminah, Nai and Kamarul, that they perchance not contest there again and keep their cash prudently inside their safe kitties instead of giving it to the :( EC Chair again.

    Very curiously, not one here wants to be the :| first oddball and boldly say it but some perchance actually felt a strange sensation of fidgetiness from seeing no sight of the usual presence of hordes of blue and white, shippish dacing waving UMNO/BN rabble there, but as it was only a teensy, weensy, itsy, bitsy little bit of a sort of missing something regret for a very tiny, irrelevant nano second, all :) consensually agreed that it was only a bad red-herring aberration, and so was nothing to fret about really but was in fact really something to jubilate over and so it has been concluded :) consensually, that it is very A-okay if them missing UMNO/BN yukkies are never ever seen or heard of again for ever and ever after yesterday, and amen to that was also said by all very :D consensually again!


    2009 Resolution: Seek out all garbage and recycle or dispose post haste for a healthier life and planet!

  42. aiya chengho, tomdumbo and true-something,

    another victory in the bag for Pakatan Rakyat-lah. woooohooooo! and we don’t give a hoot if it is DAP, PKR or PAS that wins as long as it is PR and not Utter Moronic Nincompoop Organisation

    now, for the next one…Mari Urut. Now that Born Nincompoops have no choice but to urut as well, let’s just watch another one in the bag FOR THE PEOPLE! woohooo!

    oh by the way tomdumbo, toddy is very, very good. you ought to try it with bak kut teh, siew yok or char siew. excellent!

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