Najib – stop current police madness, end debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face world’s worst economic crisis with Malaysia in recession

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should stop the current police madness, end the debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face the world’s worst economic crisis in a century with Malaysia in official recession this year as the country’s GDP is expected to be in contraction of between one and 2 per cent.

The almost daily reports of current police madness, with the arrest of 21 persons in Ipoh yesterday for involvement in a peaceful hunger strike in protest against the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak has taken gross abuses of police power to a new height.

At a time when the police should be going all-out to combat the endemic crime wave in the country to make Malaysians, tourists and investors safe, a fundamental prerequisite of the nation’s international competitiveness, the police are shocking Malaysians with one outrage after another in launching indiscriminate arrests against peaceful non-violent protestors for wearing black, singing birthday song, taking part in candlelight vigils and trespass of DAP hqrs by conducting a police raid without a search warrant, first time in DAP’s 43-year history and never allowed to be done by the first five Prime Ministers in the country.

Last Sunday, Najib spoke out publicly against the three-day hunger-strike planned in Ipoh to be led by legitimate Perak Mentri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin and lawful Speaker, V. Sivakumar to demand the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and the holding of state-wide general elections to return the mandate to Perakians to choose the state government they want.

Najib is entitled to his opinion when he said that the hunger strike “should not happen at all”, claiming that the solution should be left to “the constitutional process”, whatever that means.

However, was Najib’s public disapproval for the hunger strike in Ipoh the signal and “greenlight” for the latest police madness in Ipoh with indiscriminate arrest of peaceful protestors as if “fasting” and not wanting to eat have become a new crime in Malaysia!

I was in Bangkok yesterday for the Asean Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC) meeting over Aung San Suu Kyi’s continued incarceration in Myanmar, and when I asked Thais, I was told that they go about their lives in Bangkok without any fear of snatch thiefs or snatch-thief killers, and that they are blessedly spared the menace of Mat Rempits.

The Police will never be able to convince Malaysians and investors that they are professional and world-class so long as they continue to be more “efficient” in dealing with peaceful civic-minded protestors than criminals, whether robbers, rapists, snatch-thiefs or snatch-thief killers, and the criminal Mat Rempit elements.

Already some 163 arrests had been made nation-wide by the police over peaceful protests at the unethical, undemocratic and unconstitutional power grab in Perak – more than 50 per cent more than the notorious Operation Lalang mass arrests launched by Tun Dr. Mahathir in 1987.

Why is Najib so keen to demonstrate in his second month as Prime Minister that the Police have his “blank-cheque” to trample on human rights and civil liberties, when Mahathir unleashed such a crackdown only in his seventh year as Prime Minister?

Despite his slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”, Najib has not been able to capture the imagination of Malaysians in the way his predecessors, whether Tun Mahathir or Tun Abdullah, were able to do with their respective slogans, “Clean, Efficient, Trustworthy” for the former and “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” for the latter.

One important reason why Najib’s slogan has not been able to take-off is because of the heavy baggage of the protracted political and constitutional crisis in Perak which has truly become a “hydra-headed monster” which cannot be resolved in the courts.

With Malaysia in official recession this year, Najib should not tarry any longer to do what is right for the nation and to subordinate Umno and Barisan Nasional interests.

In less than nine months, the economy has plunged from a government forecast of 2009 GDP growth of 5.4% (made in the 2009 Budget presented in Parliament on 29th August 2008) to 3.5% (first RM7 billion economic stimulus package in Parliament on 4th November 2008), then down to the range of minus 1.0 per cent to 1.0 per cent (second RM60 billion economic stimulus package in Parliament on May 10, 2009), to be further revised downwards to a contraction between one and 2 per cent.

This is the time when Najib should give full and total attention to the economy and the conditions to enhance Malaysia’s international competitiveness and to stop playing political games as in Perak which have the far-reaching repercussions of undermining Malaysia’s international competitiveness with the credibility, integrity and legitimacy of one key national institution after another facing unprecedented crisis of confidence.

Let Malaysians tell Najib – stop the current police madness, end the debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face the world’s worst economic crisis in a century with Malaysia in official recession this year.

52 Replies to “Najib – stop current police madness, end debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face world’s worst economic crisis with Malaysia in recession”

  1. The RM 12billion embezzled in the PKFZ scam would had saved many lives. 1PersonalFiefdom. Myself First. SapuBersih Now

  2. Will this also happen here?

    Indira Gandhi declared a State of Emergency caused by internal disorder, from 1975-1977. Presidential Rule was imposed on the two opposition party ruled states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu thereby bringing the entire country under direct Central rule. Police were granted powers to impose curfews and indefinitely detain citizens and all publications were subjected to substantial censorship by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Impending legislative assembly elections were indefinitely postponed, with all opposition-controlled state governments being removed by virtue of the constitutional provision allowing for a dismissal of a state government on recommendation of the state’s governor. Indira used the emergency provisions to grant herself extraordinary powers to rule by decree. Simultaneously, her government undertook a campaign to stamp out dissent including the arrest and detention of thousands of political activists.

  3. What is going on is making profligacy at its worst not only in Perak but in the whole nation as public funds are utilised to fight against the poor people who incur their own money to fight for democracy.

    The BN=Be eNd illegal govts know that our private resources are limited and the other sides are using public facilities and money…and so every one loses. So BN would bring down the whole nation further down to further destruction.

    How far can Police Act be enforced on the private activities like taking the balloon and other items?

  4. The appeal to “Najib-stop current police madnes,end debilitating perak crisis and unite malaysians to face world’s worst economic crisis with malaysia in recession ” will not be entertained.However it’s a good appeal to the prime minister because he’s the only person who can stop the police madness,can end the perak crisis and can do some positive things to unite malaysians and to avoid the worst economic crisis in our country but will he do it ?. I think he won’t in order to save face. He won’t because he wants to remain as umno’s president and prime minister.He won’t as he thinks the country belongs to him and umno.These are the reasons why he ‘s taking now whatever it takes to meet it’s end.Whatever the rakyat do now is like ” throwing eggs to a brick wall “.The only thing that can break through this NR’s great wall is through the 13th general election.

  5. Najib to stop Perak crisis?…to stop economy crisis??
    Why UMNO loves to have crisis!!!
    No crisis…make some.
    Man in the streets…what do they know about economic crisis..who caused it..except finding it hard to make a living.
    Sure not to be blamed for bad economy….you think UMNO cares?
    Their priorities are always how to win votes for UMNO….more so now.
    Can’t we see the signs…raiding this…arresting make PR as weak as possible.
    The worst has yet to come….once they get information..more are opposing UMNO.
    How else do you think Rustam..MB of Melaka dare to declare…..’UMNO will rule forever”?? Emergency Rule….last resort to rule by proxy??
    Caught bribing and corrupting…..still CM of Melaka.
    This is the kind of “1 Malaysia” and people’s PM….Najib will be.
    You go and understand his declarations.
    We say diplomatically Naif Ton Raza is unreliable..but I think much more than that.
    He has an unstable mind….feeling very in-secured…but dreaming he is so powerful and can do anything he secure his position. Meanwhile apply…political acting…UMNO is best.
    Once he crumbled..he will be like the “Psycho” movie guy…feeling so good….exposing all.
    You wait for that…and stop dreaming he will care how much we are suffering now.

  6. YB Lim,

    “Najib – stop current police madness, end debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face world’s worst economic crisis with Malaysia in recession”

    I personally feels, no matter how many people involved in calling him to stop, he won’t. In fact, he will use the same sentimental cry but twisting it in public media, whether it be TVs or Newspapers to create a propaganda that the PR are the one should stop stuffed choking the Rakyat with Perak Crisis issue and let BN UMNO take steps in leading the Rakyat out of political and economical pandemic.

    I agreed with frankyapp. Theres only one way, the 13GE, where the whole nation to vote out BN UMNO, else none…

  7. ///At a time when the police should be going all-out to combat the endemic crime wave in the country to make Malaysians, tourists and investors safe, a fundamental prerequisite of the nation’s international competitiveness, the police are shocking Malaysians with one outrage after another in launching indiscriminate arrests against peaceful non-violent protestors for wearing black, singing birthday song, taking part in candlelight vigils and trespass of DAP hqrs by conducting a police raid without a search warrant, first time in DAP’s 43-year history and never allowed to be done by the first five Prime Ministers in the country.///–Kit

    “Police Raja Di Malaysia” believes that it is a branch of UMNO, and so it has to serve first the interest of UMNO President. The Perak debacle was caused by Najib and Najib alone. It should be obvious that the Sultan of Perak did not call Najib to takeover Perak, and it was Najib who requested to meet the Sultan and after that all hell broke loose.

    Najib could have won half the battle by forcing Pakatan to go into fresh election after forcing the two former PKR ADUNs through the misuse of MACC, and the chicken-feed [deleted] Jelapang to become friendly to BN. If Najib believed in even half the “constitutional process” in governing Perak he should have requested the Sultan to dissolve the Perak State Assembly. Najib might be ignorant of the case in Sarawak whereby the Chief Minister Stephen Kalong Ningkam was reinstated by the High court; a decision was accepted by the government of the time before they played dirty subsequently. But the Sultan as the former top law officer must have known about it. The Court of Appeal claimed that the High Court judge Justice Abdul Aziz erred in detecting factual differences. The Sultan of Perak had staked his professional and royal reputation in going through the process which appears to the laymen as partial to BN. The perception of the laymen is what counts and to the public, the Sultan was wrong. Yet Najib thought that his political interest to show that he could lead while serving as DPM awaiting confirmation as PM was more important than public perception of the Royal household. He demonstrated that he was selfish, and the country could be viewed a Pariah state for all he cared.

    Najib has to show that he was not wrong in wrestling power in Perak. He would ensure that the court rule in his favour even at the expense of the reputation of the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. The judgement of the court cannot be classified as state secret; or was it to achieve that secrecy objective that the CoA did not provide written judgement. When the CoA could break its own rule to allow one judge to stay the judgement of the High Court within 24 hours of the judgement in the name of urgency, the written judgement would not be needed since it would only be in force until the next election. Indeed there were judgement not written up for many cases decades after they had been decided, and so there is always precedent for doing the wrong thing.

    The Police Raja in Malaysia has acted worse than other Police states. Police Raja has the control on the colour of the dress people are allowed to wear on the occasion only the Police have the absolute authority to decide. It seems that most of the households in the country, and those with more than four members are guilty of illegal assembly When people enter a restaurant, they are at risk of being arrested when there are more than four customers around. They can be charged for fasting if the food was late in being served. Police now have taken charge of the citizens’ health. The police choose whether the citizens should eat, and when. It is crime for not eating.

    The Police Raja Di Malaysia is all branches of government roll in one. They create laws as they please, arrest citizens and keep them in captivity as though decided by the court.

    The Police did the above so that BN takeover in Perak becomes absolute.

    As to the job that they were employed to do, these were just justifications so that they can receive they salary and allowances. What’s more, because they have the authority to use arms, they were at liberty to retail their power for cash income. The responsibility which came with the authority was only a wish list, for those who wish to challenge themselves, perhaps as preparation for afterlife.

  8. A political strategy:
    “When you are sure to loose the next elections, bring the country to near chaos and bankruptcy. The incoming government will not be able to rule the country.”
    Thus previous government will look better in the eyes of the public.

  9. Are the PR state government getting ready to ride a roller-coaster wave of another round of financial market tsunami? The economic growth rate projection of between -1% to -2% is really no joke. The economic contraction this round is going to send hundred thousands of factory workers and service industry workers to the hell of adject poverty due to business bankruptcy and structural unemployment.

    Perhaps it is time for the State Governments of Kedah, Kelantan, Penang, and Selangor to grant TOL lands to the jobless people for planting maize or sweet corn in order to provide the poor families with some sense of food security. Please act now before it is too late!

  10. Kit,
    How can you ask mad people not to resort to madness? Najib is mad and so are the police.
    It is clear now that the Police are holding Najib on a leash! Remember, Najib carries a heavy baggage and the police can hold him to ransom.
    Najib is beholden to the police and he can do nothing about it.

    It is also palpable that the police are deliberately doing these ‘madness’ to discredit Najib.

  11. I sought to differ as I see the man behind is none other than the no.1 man in Malaysia. “Like father like son” I believed. Soon you’ll see another madness, and madness after madness until the end of his legacy. That’s 13GE I beg in hope…

  12. Do you think a spoilt brat C4 gives two hoots about the nation financial crisis….YB, your plea will go down to a pair of deaf ears!
    We will not be having IMalaysia soon, rather, 1BLack Malaysia…where ‘p#g a#se operation’ is now in full swing.

    How do you treat and teach a spoilt brat…simply, give him one tight slap!

  13. It isn’t just a spoiled brat attitude here. He is doing all for the best of his own interest. Whether it be black or white, he doesn’t give a damn.

    In life, whatever you do, there sure be consequences. “You reap what you sowed” and i strongly believed “The higher you are the harder you’ll fall” and all these coming soon..Lets just sit tight and enjoy the show with pop corns…

  14. its all very simple. Civic and peaceful minded people are easier to catch. That’s how the Police can boast a high success rate of arresting “criminals”. The Mat Rempits are too fast for the police force and perhaps more challenging to apprehend that peaceful and generally law abiding people of the rakyat. Perhaps Najib will be remembered as the Father of all Slogans: 1Malaysia; Solutions left to Constitutional Process; and many more and more to come. Anwar did it first and so I can also do it too! PR bad for BN in Perak (oh the greatest pun of all)! His people are even more creative, comparing with great people of our lives. SIGH. Indeed we are living in a state of rottenness and it all smells like it too.

  15. Still no news from King Ta Kut on the release of the audit PKFZ report yet. King Ta Kut should honour his “tell all” public pledge without any further delay. If he cannot honour his words, then it is better for him to resign.

  16. PDRM is so discredited they are now seen as BN’s bodyguards.

    They treat the people as their enemy and arrest people for wearing black, holding candles, or even drinking teh tarik.

    Soon, Malaysians will be arrested for merely breathing.

  17. Najib should pay more attention to uplifting the economy because the economy will determine BN’s fate.

    If Najib can get the economy to boom like the mid 1980 to mid 1990 during Mahathir reign, then maybe…just maybe, BN can scrap through a thin win in G.E.13.

    If the economy remains moribund while cost of living keep increasing, then nothing…not even widespread cheating can keep BN in power as Umno loses its core support in the Malay heartlands.

    The formula is simple, authoritarianism in exchange for rapid economic progress. It worked during Mahathir’s time.

    But such strong economic growth is unlikely to be repeated and senseless police rampage, partisan MACC and subservient judiciary all indirectly affect the economy and drag it down.

  18. If it is Aman dan Damai without crises, BN will not be able to korek money from the rakyat! This is just the same with the government departments. If there were no red tape or problems, these people would not have an opportunity to ask for “wang kopi” to “speed up” whatever these people are applying for! Crises are opportunities for the BN government to squeeze RM, RM and RM from the rakyat!

  19. Just read the news that UMNO sponsor Thailand trips for the residence people of Penanti during vote election day.

    The UMNO are crazy and mad. Now, they are even trying not allow people to uphold Democracy Duty of vote.




  20. Do you expect a person who is ruthless enough to C4 an innocent woman to bother if the police force is impartial to the rakyat? If a police is even willing to shoot his own wife, then who is an ordinary rakyat? Actual incident in Ipoh a few days ago


    Poll: Guan Eng outshines Anwar
    Athi Veeranggan | May 27, 09 5:58pm
    A poll conducted by PKR has revealed a surprise – Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is more popular than Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in Penanti.

    The DAP stalwart also defeated Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin to claim pole position. Najib took fourth place.

    Najib only 28% approval rating..

  22. I think it’s pointless to ask Najib to control the police. In fact it’s the police who is holding Najib’s balls. They are the protectors of Najib’s secrets and if Najib were to stop their excesses, then you would find mysterious leaks about the apanama? Mongolian case gushing out into the open. Would Najib risk it?

    Technically, we are now living in a police state. The police has the blank cheque to go amok as they please and Najib cannot do anything about it. The whole country is now screwed up real bad.

  23. “current police madness”, if you break the law, be sure to face the consequences, the police are doing a good job keeping trouble-makers at bay.

    “debilitating Perak”, you can blame Anwar’s initiation of party-hopping policies, which has bit Pakatan on the backside. The court ruling has simply agreed that party hopping is not a illegal :^)

    “unite Malaysians”, the opposition does not seek unity, their actions and words prove they are incapable of uniting; their selfish agends does not allow them to!

    It would be foolish of anyone to think that any trading country can be insulated from the global downturn. Malaysia has done very well to avoid the type of losses its neighbours are experiencing. KL has also been prudent through having little exposure to the sub-prime crisis in the US and related debacles.

    When the regional economies begin to show signs of growth, Malaysia will be one of the first to recover, make no mistake about it.

  24. reported that \Malaysia’s economy shrank a worse-than-expected 6.2 percent in the first three months of 2009 and is headed for a technical recession.\

    I predict that Malaysia’s economic performance for the second quarter of 2009 will be even worse than that of the first quarter and the economic shrinkage in April and May 2009 is expected to exceed 8%, which will paralyse many businesses due to the unavailability of bank loan facilities in order for the businesses to make use of debt-financing as a means to overcome tight cashflow problem.

    The recession will leave Najib not much of economic policy choices except for printing much more Ringgit Notes and releasing these New Notes to the market. Malaysia is likely to be entangled with the problem of stagflation (stagnant growth combined with high inflation) in the near future. PR Menteri Besar or PR Chief Minister has to get ready to improve the sense of food security in PR controlled states before Malaysia is being attacked by another worse round of financial tsunami.

    Najib’s harping his hope on the kick off of Johor’s project of Iskandar Economic Zone may just turn out to be a whimsical dream of a day-dreamer. What did Najib still want to follow the vainly step of Daim Zainuddin and to waste much time everyday in order to create an artificial support to the Stock Exchange market indices? Was Najib really so naive to believe that by doing an artificial support to the stock market indices, Malaysia would surely be able to attract the Foreign Direct Investment in our stock market? It is time for Najib to stop daydreaming now because more and more businesses are juggling in the predicament of possible bankruptcy situation at the present moment!

  25. “Why is Najib so keen to demonstrate in his second month as Prime Minister that the Police have his “blank-cheque” to trample on human rights and civil liberties, when Mahathir unleashed such a crackdown only in his seventh year as Prime Minister.”

    obviously he wants to set new records. can you blame him??

  26. “The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should stop the current police madness, end the debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face the world’s worst economic crisis in a century with Malaysia in official recession this year as the country’s GDP is expected to be in contraction of between one and 2 per cent.”

    where got recession?? all the rumah urut are doing roaring business. where money come from??

  27. NTR is now like a mad dog. He will not even listen to God. We are surely heading for trouble. So better be prepared rather than wasting time and effort to influence him. He was already “half-drunk” due to constant reminder of Altantuya, and now he has totally lost his sense of direction due to the mess created in Perak. He is so scared of losing another by-election. Enemies are quick to take advantage of his weakness, and driving him crazy.

  28. No, we must keep the pressure up against the the corrupt and criminal umno government until they are being kicked out. The more they arrest the innocent people, the more the public will be against them. They cannot arrest all the people and put everyone in jail. Use only peaceful means and don’t be destructive in the civil disobedience.

  29. The raykat has now matured into a very powerful and united force, and no amount of scare tactics will work. This is now a psychological war. Let us play “tai-chi” with Najib and send him to hell forever.
    “Think like GHANDI + Work like GHANDI = Win like GHANDI”

  30. Yo guys, one of the 3 stooges Mr Pathetic Kassim Amat gone mia. We have a new replacement and that is Mr zak_hammaad! Clap your hands!

    Mr Pathetic Zak_Hammaad AKA replacement for one of 3 stooges,

    ““current police madness”, if you break the law, be sure to face the consequences, the police are doing a good job keeping trouble-makers at bay.” – Why are the mat rempits still haunting the streets? Why are the robbers and thefts still at large? Why aren’t the murderers caught? Are you referring “trouble-makers” as those who Fast? Those who’s cpu, monitor snatched? Speaker dragged out? What about the story which concerns our No.1 Man and his responsibilities towards 19 countries?

    ““debilitating Perak”, you can blame Anwar’s initiation of party-hopping policies, which has bit Pakatan on the backside. The court ruling has simply agreed that party hopping is not a illegal :^)” – D Anwar isn’t he first person who initiated it. BN UMNO had been using this ever since our first GE! D Anwar was just using it since it had been a practice by BN UMNO all these years.

    ““unite Malaysians”, the opposition does not seek unity, their actions and words prove they are incapable of uniting; their selfish agends does not allow them to!” – First of all, when the hunger strike is done, those who are involved, they fast for you too in hope to acquire democracy for you too but its not a success yet cause our Big Shots refused to see it. If PR did not seek unity, they would not be called PAKATAN RAKYAT. As far as I had seen since March 8th GE, they had been working well until now!

    “It would be foolish of anyone to think that any trading country can be insulated from the global downturn. Malaysia has done very well to avoid the type of losses its neighbours are experiencing. KL has also been prudent through having little exposure to the sub-prime crisis in the US and related debacles.” – First of all, no one think there’s any insulation. We’re facing it and was hit badly and still hitting us. Just that the TVs and Newspapers you are looking and reading does not tell you the truth because of controls by your lovely BN UMNO. The down fall of 6% already a perfect proof.

    “When the regional economies begin to show signs of growth, Malaysia will be one of the first to recover, make no mistake about it.” – Will we? Remember 1997’s crisis? Do you think we have recovered? It had been down since then until now!

    Oh Mr Pathetic Zak_Hammaad, if you are not aware of what is happening, then please follow the example of Mr Pathetic Kassim Amat shutting his mouth. Otherwise, all the arrows will come to you and be sure, don’t cry. Man you’re another good clown and a dumb one!..HA HA

  31. Let me suggest that everyone who support the decision to dissolve the Perak Assembly in Perak to fly the Perak Flag. See if the police is going to make it illegal to fly the Perak Flag or to confiscate all Perak Flags. Go Perakians Go!

  32. You fly Perak flag….UMNO will interpret it as supporting them.
    Better fly black flag…if you choose to fly a flag.
    Best is fly a black flag at all cars in Ipoh.
    If that can be done on chosen date….I will drive to Ipoh and join the crowd.
    We must beat them at their own games……not allowed….do it another way.

  33. The Education Ministry will undertake a study on whether Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia candidates should be allowed to sit for more than seven compulsory subjects. Deputy Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said the ministry wanted to limit the subjects but had yet to decide on the number.

    Next, will they limit the number of times people can pee or crap, or the color of the panties people are allowed to wear?

  34. Blimey, now we know why some people are so very scared of noisy protesters

    Noise from firecrackers scared chickens to death

    The noisy firecrackers that declared the opening of a motorcycle shop took the lives of 800 chickens. The shop’s owner had to fork over 16,000 yuan ($2,345) to the Qi, the owner of the chicken farm, located in Shangcai county, Henan province.

    The farm was located just about 30 meters away from the shop. The noise sent the chickens scattering and they eventually died from shock, according to Qi. Qi went to court and the judges urged the shop owner to pay the farmer.

  35. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
    black black black black black black black black black black
    i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
    black black black black black black black black black black
    i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
    black black black black black black black black black black
    i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
    black black black black black black black black black black

    Yeah. That’s online candlelight vigil by me in black outfit for all those who struggle for a better malaysia and a better tommorrow for malaysians.

  36. zak_hammaad Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 17.16

    “current police madness”, if you break the law, be sure to face the consequences, the police are doing a good job keeping trouble-makers at bay.

    What I know is that in other countries the police don’t simply arrest people who gather to hold candle lights vigil, processions, etc. They just standby and to ensure that they do it within the bounds of the law.
    People just can’t relate to ones who think that whatever the government or the police do is absolutely right, and whatever the Opposition does is wrong.

  37. Don’t bother about replying to Zak Hammaad. He’s a foreigner who worships his hero the Mamakthir for giving him permanent residence in this cuckooland and, like Mamakthir, he thinks that he knows what is best for this country. We have ignore BN asslickers like Zak Hammaad.

  38. Mr Lim … time for you all to get your act together ok. Time for you to stop all your complains. You all complain and point figers more at people that show the good that you have done. Screw BN la, you are all amateurs in the PR arena compared with them. Just start to show the good stuff which you all been doing and you will all be in charge for a long time to come.

    Please, start to put in some fresh CONSTRUCTIVE INPUT as to how you want to pull the nation out of this world economic crisis. You have been through so many recessions in your life and you know it well. Guide the nation or at least guide the states that you all control.

    Look at your Penang state, 2 of your brethren people have been implicated in offering sweets to someone. I think they are STUPID to have sat in a conversation that mentions such things. Even if they DID NOT offer it, they should have been aghast when it was mentioned (assuming it was mentioned by that nasty woman).

    I believe even if it was initiated by that woman the 2 dumb asses probably sat there and nodded. This will be used and spun into the fact that she was indeed offered the sweets.

    Sad to say … the Opposition is comprised of amateurs. We got DUNs who get involved in extramarital affairs, DUN who jump ship, DUN who have muslim men in her apartment alone (its called khawat), DUN who fail to go for meetings and much more. Time to get more quality and be smarter because BN is out to kill you all. Time to wake up and be smart. The Rakyat will soon get tired of all your nonsense.

    The great support you see and here at your ceramahs and blogs are but only a mere bucket of water in a huge tank. Stop dreaming and start working to ensure your permanency in ruling the states that you have. You can do it and you really should start to change your attitude.

    Mr Lim … you are NO MORE the opposition, you all are now governing 5 states (Perak is still yours la) so GOVERN it and stop having that Opposition Barking mentality. Remember how in Penang you all used to throw pens and call each other names? That mentality has to stop in totality.

    It was sad when I watched the 2nd sitting of the Penang State Assembly. There is no real statesmanship at all … arguing like kids and boasting about their own achievements and running the other side down. Is this how Malaysia will be great Mr Lim? This is the manner?

    No more talk … just more action ok.

  39. SpeakUp….Are you serious?
    LKS is doing the right thing…report and do nothing.
    He is EXPOSING!!
    What do you expect him to do…..organize a street demonstration?
    That is exactly what UMNO wants.
    So read…comment and prepare to put your “X” correctly on 13th GE.
    Meanwhile….maintain your sarcastic worthless comments…as much as you can.
    Readers can conclude who you are…and your mission here.

  40. Monsterball … I ‘applaud’ you … once there is ANY negativity against your IDOL then you say you know who I am. This is the same thing BN is doing to the Opposition by unfairly suppressing any sort of gathering. Same recipe!

    Read carefully, I have said stop the COMPLAINS and start with the good stuff of which the Opposition does have. This will ensure that the Opposition will be in power for a long time.

    I think if you are so smart then tackle each issue I bring up ONE BY ONE. If not shut up. See how many percent of my posting above is so PRO BN or even condemning LKS. I bet you cannot read objectively.

    You my friend are so blinded by hatred for BN that you do not see what is fair and right anymore! You only support those who condemn BN, those who can come up with the nastiest names to label BN, those who can curse the best at BN. Is this the sort of society that we want?

    We do not want to lie down and roll over for BN but cursing and all will not help either. Not one bit.

    Next time think before you speak and learn to read carefully or rather objectively.

  41. I think those UMNO goons here would do well not to be racist and arrogant and antagonistic and pass obviously stupid remarks. If their aim of coming to blog here (or instruction as the case may be) is to correct our views about umno which they somehow believed were wrong, then quite clearly by being arrogant and antagonistic their purpose would surely come to nought.

    It is not my job to tell them how to behave in a manner that befits their true purpose. I for one would be quite happy to see them fail and from my assessment they have in fact failed. In which case umno would do well to send a new team. Then again, all of these are so very umno arent they? The same few people will continue to get the job (and the money of course) eventhough they have no positive results to show.

    Umno is racist, arrogant, antagonistic, corrupt, abusive and full of stupid, unworkable and costly ideas. These are known and established facts. And umno performed very badly on its own score in the last GE. It is true because Pakatan has no experience to show nor track record to play. Everyone knows that including umno.

    A continuation of such attitude and behaviour would surely lead umno in a direction which by now is known to all malaysians (except poor umno supporters) – downhill and towards sunset, or more bluntly to the bottom of the ocean. Not only are umno pushing full steam ahead with their old ways, they are actually extending the reach of their old ways into the cyberspace. And for that effort they would gain for themselves the added benefit of a quickened pace of decline.

    And for this, I must congratulate the goons here. Well done chengho and speakup. Good job kasim. You too cintanegara. You were wonderful(ly stupid). And yes of course zak the englishman. You have been fantastic. And thank you all for helping us to bring umno one step closer to najib’s neverland.

    Pls be forewarned. Ceasing the umno’s arrogant and antagonistic outlook and views carries the real danger of becoming overwhelmed by one’s conscience – an event which in almost most cases would lead to conversion of one’s stand from that of pro-umno to that of anti-umno.

  42. Its so amazing … anyone who says anything negative about the Opposition is an UMNO goon. I truly like that. Taiking your level of maturity and ability to be objective is most shocking. You will not read carefully and learn perhaps this nation needs a lot of healing for it to move forward.

    Healing does not mean loving BN but healing as in contructively building the nation up again, of course in the process a lot of rot needs to be burnt and may they go to hell.

    I shall leave it to you who are blinded to be lopsided. Its a sad day that you only see anyone who DOES NOT slander BN to be an UMNO goon.

    Maybe, maybe you need to take some lessons from the great political leaders. There is only hatred in your hearts. No one is asking you all to love BN but hatred in itself causes hell for the nation of ours.

    Oh yes, by the way, I have never ever supported BN as a UMNO goon or any of its component party’s goon. My X has never been laid against a BN candidate. So Taiking, looks like you are so darn smart huh?

    ps any comments on the dirty deeds of the Illustrious Anwar Ibrahim’s henchmen? Smells like what Anwar wanted to do last year huh? 30 MPs? People in Malaysia Today are already hammering PKR, these are very anti BN forumers too. Maybe you want to call them UMNO goons now?

  43. “It is true because Pakatan has no experience to show nor track record to play. Everyone knows that including umno.”

    Taiking … that is why I say, its time PR/opposition learns to have more capable people, statesmen (Hee and her 2 friends in Perak are a great example) who ARE good and NOT like BN people. Learn to use public relations well and not bark bark bark only. Win the hearts of the Rakyat by SERVING first. Learn to care for the people better so that when the next GE comes PR is assured of a place in the government. Do not play into BN’s hands.

    Wow … and you say I am an UMNO goon? Hmmmm …

  44. Thank you speakup. Do carry on pls. We appreciate your input, negative though they may be. But hei no worries mate. The more negative the better. Negative input is very beneficial to pakatan’s cause indeed, as I have pointed out.

    And btw, I left a little gap in my earlier remark to test you people’s reaction. I am glad you picked it up. How expected your reaction was. How very stale and lame too.

    Umno’s record is old my friend. You know that – its 50yrs old. Therefore, is it any wonder that it is outdated, broken, rotting and with abuse (and all the works) thrown in it has become infested with pests too. The tune that the record plays now is really off and in fact it sounds awful and is actually repugnant if you ask me.

    So for their own sake umno should really junk that record and not play it any more. Then again they can’t and hence they wouldnt. Why? You may ask. Old and rotten though it may be it is still a record – the only record umno has. Junking it means umno will be without any record at all! That cant be.

    The fact is, Umno sans the rotten record is umno with no record! Can you see why people are prepared to bet their last dollar on a new party now?

  45. Taiking … if you cannot take a person point for point, then DO NOT bother to retort. As I can see sarcasm is not your forte.

    Negative? I think I am about one of thew few here who is screaming for something more CONSTRUCTIVE that is REAL that should be done for the country. What is in your post? Only complains. Nothing that is edifies the people who read it. Guess, you really love your IDOL.

    The component parties in PR are showing cracks and is a fact. They are amateurs. Why is PR throwing such a Golden Opportunity away? Why start the type of nonsense as show in Aminah’s recording? Why is Anwar so silent about this sort of nonsense? He is USING so many, whenever there is 5hit he says nothing.

    Why does BN play that old broken record? Because it still works on 51% of the nation. With that 51% they can do what they want. Enlightened now? How do we stop this broken record? Its easy:

    i. Opposition politicians need to learn to serve and inspire the people (look at Winston Churchill, Gandhi and JFK);
    ii. People in return need to learn to work towards a great nation (look at China under Mao & America in the 40’s and 50’s);

    Both of the above are lacking in Malaysia. Taiking, maybe its time you learn to write something that is constructive.

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