Najib is the primary target in Penanti by-election – referendum on his first 2 months as PM

The Penanti by-election has been described as a dull and unexciting contest because of the absence of the Barisan Nasional candidate.

The PKR and PR candidate, Mansor Othman is challenged by three independent candidates. The real battle however is not between Mansor and the three independent candidates, but with the main protoganist publicly “hiding” from the contest, the Barisan Nasional and its leader, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Although there is no BN candidate, Najib is undoubtedly the primary target in the Penanti by-election, which is a referendum on the credibility, integrity and legitimacy of Najib in his second month as Prime Minister

Last night, Najib allowed the police to do what five previous Prime Ministers, Tengku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah had never done – police raid on DAP Hqrs in Petaling Jaya, the first time in 43 years, as if the DAP is a terrorist organisation when we had demonstrated our commitment to peaceful, democratic and constitutional change for over four decades.

The 15,421 Penanti voters have the opportunity to use their votes to condemn such gross abuse of powers and total disrespect for political parties like the DAP which has a 43-year record of fighting for all forms of injustices in the country so as to create a better, more fair, just, democratic and prosperous Malaysia.

When he became Prime Minister, Najib coined the slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”

Previous Prime Ministers also had their respective slogans like Mahathir’s “ABC” slogan of “Clean, Efficient, Trusworthy” government and Abdullah’s “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” but Najib had beaten them all in having his slogan shredded and discredited in the shortest time ever – less than two months!

Let me mention four instances which have become powerful symbols of how empty and hollow is Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” in less than two months.

Firstly, and the most lethal example against Najib’s slogan is the nearly four-month-long Perak constitutional and political crisis and stalemate, caused by the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak personally orchestrated by Najib in early February.

How can Najib’s 1Malaysia evoke response and resonance when he could not even ensure 1Perak, and is in fact the chief cause why Perak has been plunged into such a constitutional and political stalemate that a well-known law professor has described it as a “hydra-headed monster that cannot be eliminated by ding-dong judicial decisions”?

The searing image of the Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar, in Speaker robes and in Speaker chair, being physically dragged out of the State Assembly on May 7 Day of Infamy, is a standing condemnation of the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak which had led to one national institution after another – whether police, election commission, Malaysian Anti-corruption Agency Commission (MACC), the civil service both Federal and State, the Judiciary or the Royalty – facing a crisis of confidence.

Secondly, the gross abuses of power by the police, failing in its fundamental duty to ensure that Malaysians are safe from crime, and yet could deploy massive and excessive police presence to arrest some 140 people in the past two weeks, more than the number of people arrested in Mahathir’s Operation Lalang in 1987!

When the police find peaceful protestors at candlelight vigils upholding human rights as greater threats to society than big time criminals, rapists, robbers and snatch-theft killers, the police are making a total mockery of Najib’s slogan of “People First. Performance Now”.

Thirdly, the annual scandal of the country’s top scorers, with 11 to 14As in SPM unable to get PSD scholarships as compared to students with 6As is another debunking of Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”.

Malaysians were promised that this year, there would be no repeat of such injustices in the PSD scholarship selection system but this year is even worse than last year!

Is the Cabinet prepared to announce on Wednesday an increased allocation of RM300 million for this year’s PSD scholarships so that all top scorers are given scholarships and a fair, just, meritocratic and transparent system for PSD scholarships immediately put in place for future years?

Fourthly, the RM12 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

Despite repeated pledges by the MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, to “tell all” and make public the PricewaterhouseCooper audit report, letting Malaysians know how a RM1.8 billion PKFZ project in 2002 under Datuk Seri Ling Liong Sik could balloon into RM4.6 billion scandal under Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy and now mushroomed into a RM12 billion scandal under Ong Tee Keat.

And let all those responsible for the RM12 billion PKFZ scandal, regardless of position or political party, be prosecuted for one of the country’s biggest financial scandals!

All these four instances should not happen if Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is taken seriously by the Cabinet and its Ministers.

The voters of Penanti should use their votes to speak up on behalf of 27 million Malaysians to convey the message, loud and clear, to Najib that his first two months as Prime Minister had been a great failure and disappointment and Malaysians demand change!

(Speech at Pakatan Rakyat Penanti by-election ceramah at Jalan Berapit, Bukit Mertajam on Monday, 24th May 2009 at 10.30 pm)

47 Replies to “Najib is the primary target in Penanti by-election – referendum on his first 2 months as PM”

  1. Let Penanti mark the beginning of the downfall of BN and Najis! Malaysian had had enough of these nonsense from a “enam setengah” Prime Minister who only looks good externally but is rotten to the core internally!

  2. Surely people will just link up PKR overwhelming majority with BN dimming popularity. Najib, Najib you have no cocoon to bury your unhandsome face.

    You may able to escape Penanti, but another by-election is fatefully waiting for you. Perhaps Najib is cracking his 1/2-bald head to call next general election in 10 years time.

  3. Nizar had honoured his words by returning the Camry. Whereas, King Ta Kut has yet to honour his “tell all” public pledge on the PKFZ scandal made on 8 April 2008.

    Nizar has proven that he is a man of honour but King Ta Kut has yet to declare that he is a man of ………………

  4. Every single day Najib remains a PM is a reminder that feudalism rules and lawlesness is a daily consequence. Najbi validates the concept of getting away with evil. He must be removed and a resounding victory to PKR will speak loudly of Malaysia’s disaapproval of this evil man.

  5. Let us look beyond najib. He is finished. At the rate things move, umno’s so-called leaders are dropping like flies.

    It high time for umno supporters to abandon ship – the sinking MV UMNO.

    So God save the king and malaysia.

  6. Since UMNO’s BN is not contesting at Penanti, it’s probably thinking that most of the constituents in Penanti will not bother to turn up to vote because the people are thinking that PR will still be likely to win with or without their votes, but the danger is that with a low enough voter attendance, it’s possible that the votes will significantly split amongst the 3 independent candidates and PR may just lose, which will work of course in the favour of UMNO’s BN. Therefore, during its campaign, PR should urge the constituents in Penanti not to forego this by-election so that the voter attendance will be kept high enough to prevent PR from losing on a ‘technicality’…

  7. The problem is Malaysian voters are generally spoilt bunch. Otherwise we would not be in such bad shape in the first place. Its not the anger are any less seething against BN, its just they want to ‘hentam really really good’ – i.e., to be something much larger that will send a big message to BN. They think BN won’t pay attention even if 90% of the voters vote for PR.

    That is the challenge.

  8. YB. I want to ask you, regarding The Star posting,, why is it that Aminah is not charged with ILLEGAL DISTRIBUTION of CDs but DAP HQ is raided ?

    you can see her photo her, she holding a CD. in the news she said, “will distribute this to the media soon….”. Does she have permission to distribute? I thought the Government’s stance was to catch those producing CD / DVD under their publications Act ?

  9. I am wondering as to why many of you are bashing OTK so hard when the main culprits are his two predecessors; up to date except that he is caught by the so-called ethics of BN, I don’t think the current bashing is done fairly. And I suspect that many are from the opposite camp of MCA trying to wash their frustration at a convenient blog. It is agreed MCA has dug itself into a corner over the last 30 years but then those who hit out so hard today had not open their mouths when LLS laid the Chinese Community on the stretcher!! For that matter neither was the Chinese Community so vociferous when Firaun was quietly stiffling the country with all his tricks. Why? He was using the workers’ cash to keep the stock going! And, you were all very happy then!! Being Chinese one should understand the Yin and yang principle!! Nothing is free!!

  10. Selangor sultan got heart surgery in United States.
    Kelantan sultan did it in Singapore.
    Mahathir did it in Malaysia, TWICE.
    Who trusted our own system? It was Mahathir. He trusted our system using his own life.

  11. The gross abuse of power by the Police during the most recent two months in the events of Perak fiasco, illegal raid on DAP HQ, wrongful arrest of candlelights vigils and human rights activists, wrongful arrest of peaceful protestors who wear black shirts have all proven to us about two major leadership weaknesses of the BN Leaders, especially Najib and his cousin the Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein:

    1) Najib and Hishammuddin were both not able to exercise proper and effective control on the arrogant Police Force which have the tendency of fonding of using excessive force and excessive Police presence in order to bully the commoners.

    2) Najib and Hishammuddin had wasted their youthful time when studying at a university in the United Kingdom for they had learnt nothing much about the true meaning of democracy, human rights and civil liberties from the educational system of the United Kingdom. Therefore they tended to behave like a hooligan or tyrant who was disrespectful of the principles of democracy, human rights and civil liberties when they had just taken over the political Executive Power for exercising control over the Police Force.

    Najib even warned the Malaysians not to abuse his slogan “1Malaysia” in order to ask for more. That really showed that Najib had no knowledge about the civil liberties, the basic human rights of freedom from fear of intimidation and hooliganism being imposed on personal safety, and freedom from being deprived of equal opportunities in relation to education, employment for livelihood earnings and natural justice! Najib has the imperative to learn from DAP about the necessities to show respect to civil liberties, human rights and the basic freedom of speech, freedom of action and freedom of assembly, which have been granted by the Federal Constitution to the Malaysian people.

  12. ///Mahathir did it in Malaysia, TWICE.
    Who trusted our own system? It was Mahathir. He trusted our system using his own life.///

    According to people who were in the know, Mahathir was admitted after a heart attack, and surgery was done soon after. He did not have the time to plan a surgery overseas, and he won’t dare to be treated in Singapore. Malu-lah. With his big mouth, he must know also that had he been operated outside, he would be transmitting secret from his body if he ever recover!

  13. On 25-5-2009 at 15:13.00, Bigjoe said:

    The problem is Malaysian voters are generally spoilt bunch. Otherwise we would not be in such bad shape in the first place. Its not the anger are any less seething against BN, its just they want to ‘hentam really really good’ – i.e., to be something much larger that will send a big message to BN. They think BN won’t pay attention even if 90% of the voters vote for PR.

    That is the challenge.

    There is a possibility that some ‘unseen hand’ may cause PR to lose to at least one of the independent candidates in Penanti, especially if the voter turn-out is low enough, and that would be like a ‘very shameful defeat’ for PR, which UMNO’s BN would want to exploit as a ‘greater victory’ against PR in the eyes of the people throughout the country…

  14. It is quite obvious from her campaign topics that the sole woman candidate (and perhaps others) are UMNO stooges. UMNO is scared of loosing Penanti under the BN flag, and therefore UMNO placed their stooges as independent candidate(s). UMNO is hoping that is case of a win by their stooge, he/she will be BN friendly. Another political frogging! Shame on you Najib for insulting the intelligence of the rakyat!

  15. kak Min claimed she was offered a position and RM if she withdraw …. what about local politic and local issues , any plan or programme to elevate the economic status of Penanti poor people….

  16. And fifthly, as if Perak is not enough for his greed, this bald-headed thief tried to steal some hairs from Arumugam of Alleycats’ fame.

    Arumugam, why did you allow this savage beast to touch your Afro crowning glory? Don’t you already know that everything he touches now will be doomed? Be sure to bathe yourself 100 times so that you might not get bald.

  17. Frankly, every by-election must be made a referendum on Najib. I for one no longer have any confidence on our Judiciary and especially the Police. What a sad commentary on the state of affairs.

    The police in most other countries have never taken sides regardless of the political party in power and neither has the Judiciary. That’s what a professional force is all about. What we have are a bunch of amateurs trying to be Police. What this tells me is that the clock is ticking for the present BN govt. and it is in its death throes. History tells us the moral decay or rot starts first. We are seeing this in Perak where BN may be the court victor, but PR is the moral victor.

  18. I’m just relieved that Najib exposes himself to be a coward so early in his term as a leader. Three “independent” candidates indeed. This adds to our solid credibility as the laughing stock of the world – along with Anwar’s “rewind” sodomy accusation.

    Then Najib butts into the legal tussle telling PR to accept the Court of Appeal’s decision. He lost the high ground that could be obtained by staying out of the debacle. PR has the right to take it to the Federal Court. This shows that Najib does not respect the rule of law.

  19. On 25/5/09 at 20:54.13, chengho said:
    kak Min claimed she was offered a position and RM if she withdraw ….

    That is probably as plausible as (elderly middle-aged) female Perak ADUNs of UMNO’s BN (including that defector who still thinks she represents Jelapang) being ‘molested’ in the state legislative assembly earlier this month…

    On 25/5/09 at 20:54.13, chengho said:
    what about local politic and local issues , any plan or programme to elevate the economic status of Penanti poor people….

    Wouldn’t say that the majority of people in the Pekan constituency are really that well off either…

    1. Robbery at DAP Headquarters
    2. Extraordinary 5-minute court finding
    3. Passing of baton on the audit PKFZ report
    4. Isolated cases of police arrests
    5. Arrest of 5 lawyers attending to clients
    6. Shut up Toyol
    7. Interview of Anifah in US – the woman cannot named
    8. Offering “lucrative” posts of DPM and DCM
    9. Located RPK but not Bala
    10. Police becomes head hunters
    11. First of its kind – BN not contesting in good bye-election
    12. Extraordinanry 5-minute court finding

  21. On 25-5-2009 at 21:11.46, Justitia Says:
    The police in most other countries have never taken sides regardless of the political party in power and neither has the Judiciary. That’s what a professional force is all about. What we have are a bunch of amateurs trying to be Police.

    Probably. our own PDRM does not want to emulate what the Israeli police did.
    The former Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, was investigated for corruption by his own police force which ended with their recommendation to the Israeli attorney general to charge Olmert in the court of law. Guess the Israelis didn’t even need their own anti-corruption commission.
    Also, the Israeli police also investigated their country’s former president, Moshe Katsav, for rape and other sexual offences, and he was eventually charged by the Israeli AG…

  22. His 1Malaysia means he is NUMERO UNO. Performence Now means for him to act fast and immediately . People First means he is going to get every one of us first before we get to him. See, he pressed his remote and his goons turned the Perak people’s House into mayhem,got the speaker and kicked him out of his chair and his People’s Dewan. His dogs guarded the whole area near the Dewan and caused havoc and kept the people away and took so many into the Balai to be locked. This is only the beginning of his performance and those first people the dogs got hold of FIRST is only as a prelude for better things for him to be carried soon, very soon. I only hope I am wrong BUT NUMERO UNO is NOT GOING TO BUDGE one fraction of an atom to give up Perak without getting the PR leaders in the state into a packaged and free BOARD AND LODGING long holiday in KAMUNTING. He is also NOT going to hold th 13th GE at any time at all in the near or distant future. Having a GE would definitely bring ARMNOBN down to kingdom come and that would mean he loses all his fangs and claws, therefore will be subjected to face the long arms of the LAW of the nation for all that he has been alleged to have committed. SO his MOTTO is ” YOU DIE BETTER THAN I DIE”. PEOPLE, we must all remember that a good son can never become bad but a bad one can never ever learn to be good! Hope his mother reads this. Hope his cousin’ wife and children read this too.

  23. On 25/5/2009 at 18:36.13, ctc537 said:

    (6) Penanti by-election: PR wins
    (7) Manek Urai by-election: PR wins
    (8)…………by-election: PR wins
    (9)…………by-election: PR wins
    (10)…………by-election: PR wins

    I believe we all know that old saying ‘Don’t count our chickens until all the eggs are hatched’.

    The Perak state government power-grab strongly appears to be a lesson by the Pekan MP for the P.Pauh MP over the latter’s campaign to win over MPs from UMNO’s BN.
    PR had already won by-elections in P.Pauh, K.Terengganu, B.Gantang & B.Selambau since the 12th GE, but it must be PR’s victory at B.Gantang which had left the worst after-taste in the mouths of the Pekan MP and the Pangkor ADUN, because the man that they had unceremoniously booted out of the Perak MB’s office, had become the victor in the face of obstacles put up by UMNO’s BN including character assassination.
    Now that the Penanti ADUN seat is vacant, UMNO’s BN would know that contesting in its by-election may again end up in its defeat. So it does not contest, giving reasons that it doesn’t want to be drawn into PR’s political games and waste more money as it wants to focus more on running the country ‘for the benefit of the rakyat’, etc, etc.
    However, PR should be cautious & should not be complacent and let its guard down because it is likely also a political game of reverse psychology by UMNO’s BN.
    As I’ve commented earlier, PR should not let the absence of UMNO’s BN in this by-election lead the Penanti constituents to believe that even with a low voter turn-out, PR would still win. If the majority of Penanti constituents still support PR, a large voter-turn-out must be encouraged to ensure PR’s victory.
    If PR loses in Penanti to an independent candidate, UMNO’s BN will exploit this by saying that PR has already been badly weakened.
    If PR loses in Penanti, UMNO’s BN will exploit this by saying that PR has already lost its support in a constituency which previously had a Penang DCM1 as its ADUN, and which is also a part of the parliamentary constituency now represented by the defacto leader of PR.
    No doubt, the Pekan MP would want his turn to leave a bad taste in the mouths of the P.Pauh MP, the Penang CM and other PR leaders.
    Hopefully, the people of Penanti can see for themselves that suddenly, UMNO’s BN does not regard the Manek Urai by-election as a waste of time, effort and money, although UMNO’s BN is justifying its participation by saying the Manek Urai seat became vacant because of death, unlike where the Penanti seat became vacant because of a ‘irresponsible’ resignation blamed upon PR…

  24. For putting his life into our local heart institutes we should take our hats off to TDM.
    For others who can afford it, they can choose to seek treatment anywhere provided the taxpayers do not have to foot the bill.
    So I guess the question is who pays for public officials and others who go overseas for treatment?

  25. I believed BN UMNO is on Penanti cause DPM blurred out something at press conference. He mentioned “we will definately on Penanti” where it should be “we will definately on manek urai”.

    So look out at the election. PM already said no campaigning for everyone but he constantly campaigning for himself everyday in the newspapers and television…SHAME ON YOU!

  26. For putting his life into our local heart institutes we should take our hats off to TDM–HJ Angus


    How did we know that it was our local doctors who treated Mahathir? Isn’t it possible that foreign top surgeons were brought in but was hidden from the public knowledge? It isn’t an exaggeration to say that in many matters of our national affairs foreign experts were being sought and employed but they were never to be publicly acknowledged. So be wise up to the BN spin machine.

  27. vsp,

    How did we know that it was our local doctors who treated Mahathir?

    I remember quite clearly some 21 years ago it was the local surgeons who reportedly operated on TDM when he suddenly suffered a severe heart attack in 1988. I even remember that it was a certain Dr …. bin Awang (could be a son of the former Penang governor Tun Awang) who reportedly headed the team surgeons who operated on TDM. I even remember that the then Singapore PM LKY visited TDM at his hospital ward. Although I was quite young then but I remember all this to this day. It was a few months after Operation Lalang in October, 1987.

    Vsp, do have faith in our local surgeons. The sultans are all very rich and therefore can afford expensive overseas medical treatment. Do you remember our third PM Tun Hussein Onn also went for surgical operation in a famous an Francisco hospital but unfortunately died there in May 31,1990?

    TDM says that we Malaysians have short memories, but I’m sure many other Malaysians do have sharp memory like myself. So, we are unlikely to forget about the Perak political crisis, the 507 Perak state Assembly mayhem, the Altantuya murder in November 18-19, 2006, 308 political tsunami, the Anwar sodomy trial and 6 years imprisonment, BMF fiasco of early 80s, regaining Thomas Cup on May 6, 1992, etc, which Malaysians of all races find it hard to forget, even after 2020.

  28. Whoever treated TDM in IJN does not really matter – after all it is more than 10 years(?) ago but the costs would be considerably lower.
    And for the thousands of Malaysians who have been successfully treated, including my brother, they are testimony that we do have locals who are competent enough.
    My basic point was that those who can afford it can opt for overseas but this should not be at taxpayers’ expense.

  29. Hi chengho,

    On 26th May 2009 at 08:20.32, chengho said:
    Karpal and Deo so quite these day ?

    So quite what these days?

    On 26th May 2009 at 08:20.32, chengho said:
    what is the status of the korean golf investment in Penang ….

    So, what’s the status of the Arab investment in PKFZ?

  30. For goodness’ sake, that FATHER OF ALL ARMNOBN’s MOTHER OF ALL ROBBERS in the country have been playing all our backsides for all these years .Look behind you, can’t you see the bruises and tears everywhere at your bottom? For goodness’ sake, do not even shed a tear for him at any ime at all. He has been plundering the whole nation for more years than his fling in the PM chair. Even when he said, ‘sudahlah, I want to resign’ you could see AAB looked dumbfounded, and the nation’s IBU of ALL MOTHERS crying, NOOOooo, NOOOoooooo, Why, Why….. !!!!!????? And there was a thunder storm raining croc tears ,flowing like one with a faulty bladder(she blinked hard many times inorder to force those tears to exude around her eyelids). This cunning old fox did not make IJN to be among the best equipted heart centres in the region for our sakes, please , the sly old fox did it all for himself , being a qualified QUACK he knew his own vulnerabilities and having one top class heart centre nearby…as near as possible .. was and still is his best insurance policy to stay alive at all times. I wish we could wish him “VIVA, DAULAT, LONG LIVE TDM”,may you out live everyone in your family ,and all your goons in ARMNOBN. Your protege will soon await for himself to sembahyangkan by you, for he is too tired to continue on carrying the load that he has amassed !

  31. Mr Pathetic Laksamana(Disguised) Cheng Ho AKA one of 3 stooges,

    “Karpal and Deo so quite these day ? what is the status of the korean golf investment in Penang ….” – Thanks for your query, first of all come with me in spelling class. Your mentioned of ‘quite’ I believed it should be ‘quiet’. Your meaning of silence should be spelled ‘q-u-i-e-t’ and not ‘q-u-i-t-e’..Come, spell with me another time..’Q-U-I-E-T’..Ah..goodboy…..As to the status, come in comparison with the PKFZ, what is the so called korean golf investment? How come the PKFZ can take such a long time to present a public report? If rm 12 billion lost can be announced, that means the report exist. Why don’t publish it? Is it because many big shots involved? Furthermore, what do you see about PR in media? Nothing but only criticism about PR. So if PR is doing well in the ‘korean golf investment’ will the media publish it to say PR is doing well?

    Mr Pathetic, I strongly believed you’re still in a super-darkened place and know not the situation of the country. Why not read more before you blog here as if you know every inch. Oh yeah, get a neurologist for consultation. I think you have something wrong up there in the head, or is it in the butt? Anyway, make the consultation quick!

    Last but not least, come spell with me again the word ‘quick’ and don’t spell it ‘quake’. Ok come…’q-u-i-c-k’!..That’s it..good boy..Now go to the table at the corner there and get yourself a peanut! HA HA HA

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