Najib’s 1 Malaysia has morphed to 1 Police State

By Dr. Chen Man Hin

The sudden police raid of party headquarters without a search warrant means that the police does not care about ‘rule of law’ in a civilised society.

Barging into the party premises and snatching a ‘server’, brazenly ignoring the objections of party personnel is tantamount to the behaviour of police in communist and totalitarian states like Nazi Germany and Communist Russia.

The police in Malaysia has changed its character.from a guardian of the people, to become a secret police.

Malaysia’s own secret police behaviour is no different from the behaviour of the Gestapo, the Kempetai of Japan. We are living in a police state.

The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive control over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

The inhabitants of a police state experience restriction on their mobility and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring and enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a SECRET POLICE FORCE which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.

The people of Malaysia must wake up and see that their ideals of a free, democratic and multiracial society that is goverened by the rule of law does not degenerate into a police state. They must be on the alert and prevent their rights from being trampled upon.

The DAP and PR will do its duty to protect the rights of the people, and if the Prime Minister does not respond to the call of change, we shall take the case of freedom of loving people of Malaysia to the United Nations, and call for them to send a fact finding mission to Malaysia.

32 Replies to “Najib’s 1 Malaysia has morphed to 1 Police State”

  1. If the country’s no. 2 could force Abdullah to step down early so that he could become DPM, likewise, the DPM and Vice President could force Najis to step down early so that they could become PM and DMP respectively.

  2. This is worst than Watergate scandal in USA!!! Kerismudin and his gangs were doing this in the open daylight!!! No wonder all the robbers are getting more fiece than before because they have very “good” role models to follow!!!

  3. DAP has to find out the motives behind the action of Police. What are they looking for?

    The PDRM are too powerful, their rights should be curtailed should PR been given the mandate to rule by the Malaysians in the next general election.

    The numbers of Special Branch officers should also be cut down because most of the time SB deals with the dissent who loves this country instead of dealing with terrorists.

  4. “The DAP and PR will do its duty to protect the rights of the people, and if the Prime Minister does not respond to the call of change, we shall take the case of freedom of loving people of Malaysia to the United Nations, and call for them to send a fact finding mission to Malaysia.”

    Dr Chen’s suggestion is something to ponder on and have action taken.

    The recent number of incidents involving the police are signs of ill omen for Malaysians. People may still continue with their daily lives but there’s an undercurrent of fear that if anyone were to “step out of line” in the eyes of the man (whoever that is) who control the police, then a person or an organization will have to face the big stick of “Big Brother.”

    Who would like to see the day when shadowy figures come in the dark of night, break down your door and drag you away to some god forsaken place!

    By the recent unsavoury action committed by these so-called Men In Blues, it’s a wake-up call for citizens to be wary of them.

  5. ///PETALING JAYA: The 1Malaysia concept should not be misused by anyone as it is meant to foster greater unity, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
    The concept’s meaning and appreciation, he said, should be based on three core principles – acceptance, nationhood, and social justice.
    “I hope the 1Malaysia concept will lead towards stronger unity. It brings the appreciation of unity to a higher level from tolerance to acceptance.
    “It should not be misused by anyone to push for extreme or unreasonable demands,” he said yesterday.///–

    Najib started the propaganda that his administration would follow 1Malaysia concept, and unless he misuses his statement as a slogan, nobody else in the country could ever misuse it. Under the concept of 1Malaysia, justice and accountability are reasonable demands. No demand towards achieving unity in the country could be considered extreme and unreasonable unless the demand was for a status quo of discriminatory policies initiated by UMNO.
    NEP is a discriminatory policy, and Razak promised a fixed 20-year period to implement them to prevent a recurrence of May 13. The 20 years period passed in 1991, but NEP is still on now, 18 years after its expiry date.

    Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad revealed that he was with the late Tun Razak on the late afternoon of May 13 1969. He said that it was half an hour too late when Razak phoned Harun Idris, the MB doubtful at that time to tell him to disperse his supporters at his residence. Harun called Razak back soon after to inform Razak that it was too late aas the May 13 riots started. Razak could have ensured that Harun did not organize what ended up as May 13. He did not but he added salt to wounds by initiating the 20-year long NEP against non-Malays to pretend that May 13 was not orchestrated.

    The people including the Malays did not make extreme or unreasonable demands after May 13. It was UMNO leaders which formulated and implemented extreme and unreasonable policies which discriminate against the minority groups. The UMNO members follow the lead of UMNO leaders and they have since acquired the mindset believing that the discriminatory treatment against the minority groups is their birth right. If Najib intends to depart from the wrong politics of the past which brings the country to destruction, he should remove the thought that he could play God better than God in the co-called social engineering. The national services training that he presided over would never bring about unity in the country if the discriminatory policy remains. To stop the liquid in the pot boils over, one turns off the flame. For 1Malaysia concept to bear fruits, NEP should be dropped.

    When Najib is not willing to return power to the people to decide the next legitimate government in Perak can we trust him that he would stop the practice of using racist politics which came with the captured vote banks? When Najib was even willing to present himself as the head of a police state just to keep Perak government which he could do without, he has demonstrated that he knew no shame.

    The late President Roh of South Vietnam committed suicide because he was ashamed not living up to the expectation of a President for South Korea. Do Malaysians have any expectation of their prime Minister?

  6. They did not even have a warrant to search. A police state – that implies some sort of law and rules. They don’t even follow the laws they write themselves just like Perak…

  7. When the first news about Najib taking over as PM, there were many reaction, both positive and negative, from among many of the public in Kota Kinabalu. But one remark which at that time almost took me by surprise is that, if Najib ever come to power, a lot of people would be in alot more trouble, especially those that will not toe the line. With the help of the police, opponents will be dealt with, you would be arrested, your political movements monitored and limited on an so forth. Looking at Najib’s face, I couldn’t for one minute believe that he would be that kind of a leader, but I guess I was looking at only the cover of this book.. what happened here is the book content unfolding, fulfilling the prophecy by coffeeshop talk in KK to the letter.

  8. I think the issue of Malaysia becoming a police state needs to be urgently raised within Asean, just like in the case of Myanmar. Unlawful detention, torture and killing in Malaysian prisons and subsequent covering up by UMNO is worse than a military junta! There are hundreds of such cases in Malaysia, many go unreported or even unknown. One good recent example is the Kugan’s death by torture case, where the responsible police officers were not even suspended and are still scott free. UMNO is covering up for these criminals. Same thing goes for the murderers of Altantuya. The key mastermind is scot free having a good life in a foreign country. Manu crucial aspects of the case were left uninvestigated for fear of implicating certain UMNO politicians. Ill treatment of foreign workers by the police and immigration authorities is also becoming more and more serious. The recent cases of Myanmarese workers who died due to allegedly contaminated food – who is accountable for these lost lives? No action was taken at all. In a civilized country, the IGP and home minister would have resigned. The world must come to know what is really happening in Malaysia. 1BlackMalaysia

  9. Na[deleted] Rozak is steering the BN ship into trouble water. He thinks the polis can scare the people. A strong under-water current is fast approaching. This will culminate into a bloody uprising. Civil unrest and emergency rule will follow. BN/UMNO is fated to die under the present PM. Anwar and PR = The SAVIOR.

  10. 1. Police raid without police uniforms.
    2. 11 policemen to take away a cpu, monitor, keyboard, mouse and “pen”,
    3. Things taken away are DAP’s property and not individual’s but was accused.
    4. No warrant presented.
    5. When asked why raided, “I came with ordered by PSD.”
    6. When asked on which ground or section, “Wait a while, I call my PSD first.”
    7. Tried to cheat the accused to put his signature(before the lawyer come) on the raided item form whereas those aren’t his belongings.

    Nowonder the police “apa pun tak tau” and just follow orders. Cause “tak bepelajaran” only become police.

    Not only they break the laws, they create history too! SHAME ON YOU!

  11. chengho,

    So far, no further news from PDRM about the two letters containing death threats and live bullets to Karpal. Did PDRM actually investigate thoroughly or just let the case grow ‘cold’?

  12. Mr Pathetic Laksamana(Disguised) Cheng Ho AKA one of 3 stooges,

    “so far no comment from Deo and Karpal , Deo was there…?” – Will there be comments from them if all the mass media controlled by your lovely BN UMNO? And if there’s any scandals of them both, your lovely BN UMNO will publish it in the media. Are you dumb or what? HA HA HA

  13. Anyone capable of helping a poor victim to file case against the Police, KUP and AG in their breach of Duty in Penang in silent of lawyer assaulting, cheating case? Or, any Branch of DAP in Penang to be contacted?

  14. Najib said the people should not misuse 1Malaysia to make demand. With so many words, he is saying that 1Malaysia is just sloganeering. He is saying that people should be satistied with what they have and not make demands, even if they are now disadvantaged or discriminated against.

    So, what really is 1Malaysia? Just another slogan by the new PM?

    It is human nature that one group work harder and get less results and such a system is mandated by law, this system will ultimately fail. If the system of special rights continue, what is the incentive for the those discriminated against to agree to 1Malaysia?

    Mr. PM, “You think I stupid ah”.

  15. It must be noted that the raykat has now matured into a very powerful and united force, and no amount of sweet talk or catchy slogan can convince them.
    “Think like GHANDI + Work like GHANDI = Win like GHANDI”

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