First time in the 42 years history of DAP, police raided our HQ.

11 plain clothes police came to the HQ this evening around 6.25pm, brought along with them one HQ staff, Ooi Leng Hang, who was arrested last Thursday at the Teratai vigil and who is still under remand.

The police did not have any warrant of search with them, and the office was not opened. We suspect they forced Ooi to let them in.

They took away a CPU, a 19″ monitor (obviously these officers are computer illiterates), some DVDs, a keyboard and a tablet.

Party leaders, Tan Kok Wai, Fong Kui Lun, Gobind Singh and Lim Lip Eng, who were alerted of the raid, managed to reached the HQ before the police left, which was about an hour later.

The leaders are holding a press conference in the HQ now.

148 Replies to “STOP PRESS: DAP HQ Raided!”

  1. On what ground did they do that for? Tablet? What for, later they change it to other drugs n charged DAP HQ dealing with drugs? They must be joking lah. No warrent, daylight robbery, if owner let them in, they can not carry away anything…… daring and daylight robbery with licence to rob people without feeling guilty!!!!

  2. Breaking into a premise without a warrant is I believe an offence unless they truly believe there’s a criminal being holed up in the building. What I think happened was Ooi has been forced to tell them everything and to get them into the HQ office.

    What will BN say? … they’ll always have something to say.

    If Ooi had been of a strong character, he wouldn’t have budged and the DAP office would be safe. Now that the police has the PC and DVDs, they’ll dig up all they can and … (fill in the blanks).

    It’s not gonna end. There must be a reason why the HQ was raided – that’s for SURE.

  3. Why is the police raiding the DAP Hqrs. without a search warrant?
    Are they not acting above the law in this case? Sue them if they have committed a criminal offence. Give them a dose of their own medicine! They have now resorted to political intimidation against opponents of the ruling BN!

  4. These are barbarian moved and think we are still living in the jungle. Shame to you by the name of “POLICE” and BN.

    Personally, I think DAP shall plan for the nation wide candle lights vigil, nothing to celebrate about but to show the world how ugly & decease of Malaysian democracy.

  5. Hi Kit,
    Do you not think that we have become a police state, and a breakdown of law and order, mainly by those who are suppose to maintain law and order.
    I understand that Dato Nizar and Sivakumar has started a fast, as an act of civil disobedience. Please give us some details so that we can joint them. I think that it is time for all of us to do something.

  6. YB Kit,

    A teacher of mine in my secondary school used to tell the whole class that both the British colonial ruler and the District Head of Japanese Invasion Army during the World World II would never permitted such thing as an illegal private premise intrusion to happen like PDRM police’s entering the DAP HQ Office in PJ and harrassing the Office Administrators without the warrant from the relevant officer-in-charge. The arrogant officer who dared to bring along his subordinates to find trouble in the house of an innocent citizen in Malaya would most likely be given a big slap on his face by the Chief Officer of Japanese Invasion Army. A police officer in the rank of ASP of PDRM should have been trained in the Police Academy with the knowledge that it is legally wrongful for the Police to intrude into a private property with a warrant from a magistrate or from an OCPD and then to do an illegal search in the building. I was disappointed to find that some PDRM Police officers were disrespectful about the valuable civil liberty of the common people in Malaysia. These police officers were indeed not much better than the tyrannic Japanese Invasion Army.

    DAP leaders should lodge a police report against the ASP who had abused his official power in the illegal search at DAP HQ. This ASP may be prosecuted in court for abuse of power when Pakatan Rakyat is to take over the Federal Government in the 13th General Election.

    For your information, if the 11 policemen who intruded DAP HQ dare to do the same thing by intruding into a common citizen’s living compound without a warrant or a permission when they are to live in the western countries like South Africa, the United Kingdom or the United States, then their heads would mostly be blowed off with a shotgun in the hand of the house owner!

  7. Sorry, a slide of pen. Let me rephrase the sentence:

    “A police officer in the rank of ASP of PDRM should have been trained in the Police Academy with the knowledge that it is legally wrongful for the Police to intrude into a private property WITHOUT a warrant from a magistrate or from an OCPD and then to do an illegal search in the building.”

  8. “For your information, if the 11 policemen who intruded DAP HQ dare to do the same thing by intruding into a common citizen’s living compound without a warrant or a permission when they are to live in the western countries like South Africa, the United Kingdom or the United States, then their heads would mostly be blowed off with a shotgun in the hand of the house owner!” onlloker

    never read so much bull

  9. just who ordered PDRM to go there and what were they looking for?

    does not make sense.

    can I make an appeal to IRB to give me a discount? I don’t feel like paying to finance this sort of public service. while criminals rob, rape, murder and plunder, this is how jantan they get……..

  10. as usual police is incompetent. why bother to take the whole computer just take the drive out. why bother to explain anything. it is not as if they are resisting.

    warrant? since when do they need a warrant so they could use it as evidence.

  11. In the United States, any evidence which is to be obtained by the police through an illegal means will never be admissible to court during a legal court proceeding.

    How much does TomThumb really know about the true Civil Liberty by making some superficial comment here?

    Musa Hassan and Hishammuddin Hussein may be playing a fool with us by permitting their subordinates to abuse their official power. However, I just need to remind the top officers of the power-that-be about the necessity for them to do the right thing by righting the wrong before it is too late for them to do so. The toleration level of the Rakyat will always has a threshold just like a live vocalno is also having a threshold before it reaches an out-burst threshold level of the vocalno explosion.

    Tamil Tiger may be losing in Sri Lanka due to the massive attack that have been launched by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces with the weapons supplied by Mainland China. However, the defeat of Tamil Tiger will not cause the racist hatred and the racial conflicts to miraculously disappear overnight. Therefore, to use excssive force whether in the civil war of Sri Lanka or in the political power struggle of Malaysia will not likely be able to bring peace to the respective nation in an miraculous manner within a short period of time.

    If Najib really wanted to build a nation with the vision of 1Malaysia, he had better not to allow the happening of abuse or misuse of official power by the Police again and again. A preacher used to preach to me that “God is the consuming fire!” I believe God will consume BN in the fire sooner or later if BN does not know how to repent and turn to do good to improve the Civil Liberty for the sake of the Rakyat!

  12. Onlooker Politic
    calm yourself have a nice tea tarik at Bangsar joint ,the police probably get some tip from the insider ,let wait for official clarification ,Deo was there u can rely on him…

  13. My guess is that some Policemen are trying to search for some information about the RM12 billion scandal in order to extort money from the BN Politicians. DAP people who were kept in detention were just the scapegoat for the Policemen to find excuse to go search in DAP HQ! Some policemen could just be worse than the thief or the robber!

  14. Blue uniform baboons are very selective with their targets…mostly soft targets…women and even children!
    Hey mata mata, no one is above the law, why not dig inside C4’s closet….no balls!
    Maybe, it is about time they should even have a peep at some VVIPs’ homes, and the highly ‘dignified judges’. Perhaps, some gold bars are lying in the secretive compartments in their cupboards.

  15. kevchua Says:
    If Ooi had been of a strong character, he wouldn’t have budged and the DAP office would be safe.

    i agree with kevchua. If Ooi is a strong-willed guy, nothing the police can do. Now DAP office is raided bcoz there’s a guy who is afraid of charges/problem. As far as i know, there are a few more staff in DAP HQ who can talk very big but when then real problems arise, they back off..

    I strongly feel that Ooi Leng Hang should partly be blamed too for being a chicken. No offence. DAP should really look into this internal matter..

    Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.. if he is not prepared for this, then he should stay away from politics..

  16. Tonberry,
    It is not time for fault-finding now!

    I think it is much more critical for DAP Top Leaders to come out with a list of “Action to be Taken when the Police come knock the door” than to start an internal fight at the moment.

    I know Najib is very proud of his knowledge about Sun Tze Martial Arts. Definitely, Najib is trying to play a double-cross game now! Don’t fall into the trap of Najib, please!

  17. “How much does TomThumb really know about the true Civil Liberty by making some superficial comment here?” political onlooker talking rubbish

    in malaysia polis can break into your house and steal evidence without search warrant. sometime they even plant evidence. so how stupid is that loyar in video to ask if polis has search warrant?? it is not as if he could stop them. stupid loyar. stupid politikal onlooker.

  18. no search warrant. so?? the polis are stealing stuff from the office and admit to doing so since they don’t have search warrant. so? loyar can file summons for theft. theft of computer.

  19. onlooker politics, this is actually not fault-finding. It is essential to have loyal servants to fight alongside you first, then only you can go to the battlefield. If there are people who are willing to give in or submit to the enemies, the war is already lost before it starts. This is well-documented in The Three Kingdoms story.

  20. I don’t believe that the Police is going to find anything evidential in order to enable the Police to go ahead with an indictment or prosecution on DAP leaders in court. The police is just trying to cause fear to DAP staff in order to harass DAP’s administrative work. Even if the Police is going to scare off one or two DAP staff in the DAP HQ, there are still many hundred thousands or million of DAP supporters who are willing to assist DAP leaders in whatever ways possible.

    I am highly confident that DAP leaders are capable and competent enough by keeping their blogsite password highly private and confidential so that the Police will never have access to the commentators database of Lim Kit Siang blogsite. Therefore, there is really nothing to be fearful about even though the Police has already conducted an illegal search in the DAP HQ!

  21. aiyoyo ! Tis is bad. Very bad. Earthquake registering 6.9 on de Richter skale. Just like the KGB, Gestapo an other military polis. But look at it from anoter angle. The truth is here. Not out there. X file is no longer classified. Peace loving men are commendable. But bullies should be chastened.

  22. This is Bernama’s version of the Police “visit” and “inspection”:

    Police Visit DAP HQ Over Flyers

    KUALA LUMPUR, May 23 (Bernama) — Police made an inspection at the DAP’s head office in Seksyen 20/9, Petaling Jaya near here today and confiscated computers and computer components believed to have been used to print flyers containing elements of sedition.

    Ampang Jaya police chief ACP Abdul Jalil Hasan said his officers checked the premises with a DAP member who was among 16 people detained by police for holding an illegal assembly on Thursday outside the office of the Teratai assemblyman in Ampang.

    He said the man’s lawyer, Gobind Singh Deo, who is also the Member of Puchong, and several other DAP members were present at the office when police visited it at 4pm.

    Police also recovered more of the same flyers at the premises, he told Bernama, adding that the flyers would be used as evidence in court.

    He added that police spent about an hour checking the premises.


  23. if polis can just walk in they can plant evidence. put drug in your drawer. then they arrest you for trafficking. if they don’t charge you they may use it to threaten them. maybe become informers.

  24. Hi Tonberry and kevchua, have you guys think of when leng hang was arrested by police on Thursday, all the DAP HQ keys might be with him, and police might took away all his keys, HP and even his clothes when he was in the jail. this is really unfair to push the fault to leng hang. Why no we wait leng hang release 1st and comment about this issue later?? Bloggers are easy to comment about people, but never tested the feeling in the jail. How do you feel when the people is you?

  25. “Police also recovered more of the same flyers at the premises, he told Bernama, adding that the flyers would be used as evidence in court.”

    see??? no need for search warrant.

  26. Hi TomThumb, whoever you are? There are laws in this country, so that we can all live together in peace. We are all suppose to obey the law, especially those who are suppose to uphold the law.
    The law requires that you have a warrant to search private premises. You cannot just barge in whenever you feel like it. It is private property.
    Why am I wasting my breathe explaining to you? You are probably too thick with them to understand, anyway. I sure hope that they will not one day barge into you home, and take things away, when they feel like it. Then again, maybe you are one of those who do these things.

  27. “It is essential to have loyal servants to fight alongside you first, then only you can go to the battlefield. If there are people who are willing to give in or submit to the enemies, the war is already lost before it starts.” (Tonberry)

    I believe YB Kit and Guan Eng have already been trained by the police during the ISA detention of Kit and the Kajang Prison experience of Guan Eng in order to know the importance of keeping the sensitive information highly private and confidential!

    In a business entity, you will always find that you have unhappy staff who would like to sabotage the company. How do you think the boss of a company will impose checks-and-balances on his staff?

    Even if a key employee of a company is going to betray the company and turn in to the enemy, I believe the boss will still have some last resort in order for him to cleanse up the whole mess. The most important thing for us to always remember is that “indeed, no one is really indispensable in the world except God.” Therefore, let’s put trust in God and hope that God will always be with us in whatever we want to endeavour. If God is not against us, who can be against us?

    If YB Kit has done nothing wrong, what can the Police do anything unto him which may turn him into a political outcast? Indeed, the police is doing DAP a big favour by giving DAP the opportunities for much better public exposure in the news media every day! This kind of publicity created by the police in favour of DAP will really help DAP to save a lot of advertising costs and sundry expenses for giving meal treat to the news media reporters!

  28. “There are laws in this country, so that we can all live together in peace. We are all suppose to obey the law, especially those who are suppose to uphold the law. The law requires that you have a warrant to search ..” drngsc

    wake up and smell the coffee.

    they can detain you without telling you why, make you face trumped up charges, make witnesses disappear and take pictures of private parts of your wife as she sleeps, what makes you think they need a search warrant?

  29. “in malaysia polis can break into your house and steal evidence without search warrant. sometime they even plant evidence. so how stupid is that loyar in video to ask if polis has search warrant?? it is not as if he could stop them. stupid loyar.” (TomThumb)

    Are you trying to say that out of 80,000 policemen, there is no one righteous man whom you can find in the police force? Please be sure that you never put in your true name in Kit’s blogsite database. Otherwise, if Kit is accidentally losing some of your information to the police due to the police theft, then you may be in big trouble! The Police will look after you because of your alleged seditious remark passed unto the police in this blog!

  30. On 23/05/09 at 23:24.06, chengho said:
    Onlooker Politic
    calm yourself have a nice tea tarik at Bangsar joint ,the police probably get some tip from the insider ,let wait for official clarification ,Deo was there u can rely on him…

    UMNO disciplinary board had also given an insider tip that Malacca CM & Rembau MP were involved in corruption in the form of money politics but MACC chose to zero in on the former Penanti ADUN until he had to resign from his seat & also the post of Penang DCM1, but then MACC suddenly said they have no case against him…

    Onlooker Politics,
    Be wary of chengho’s teh tarik advice. Who knows, one may get arrested along with the teh tarik shop owner, his workers and other customers by the PDRM for the trumped-up charge of illegal/unlawful assembly…

  31. On 23/5/09 at 22:36.35, TomThumb said:
    the raid shows democracy is alive!

    No, it only shows that the abuse of power is alive…

    On 23/5/09 at 22:36.35, TomThumb said:
    Nobody is above the law.

    But the PDRM and its political bosses seem to think they are…

  32. “Onlooker Politics,
    Be wary of chengho’s teh tarik advice. Who knows, one may get arrested along with the teh tarik shop owner, his workers and other customers by the PDRM for the trumped-up charge of illegal/unlawful assembly…” (ekans)

    Thanks for your advice but please don’t worry too much about me.
    I am a seasoned ex-ISA detainee!

    I would suggest that PKR not to nominate a MP candidate such as Lee Sang who was of the Chinese origin to contest the MP of Sembrong constituency in the next election. This is because Sembrong is basically a Malay-dominated constituency. In order to get rid of Hishammuddin Hussein from the parliamentary seat by the next election, PKR should start to look for a Malay candidate who could stand on the moral high ground in order to pick up a good fight with Hishammuddin Hussein in Sembrong constituency.

    I believe the ASP of the police force would not dare to do search without warrant on DAP HQ if he did not get a strong backup from his ultimate boss, namely the Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. The best way to tackle the ASP is to launch a massive moral attack on his ultimate boss, who is the prodigal son who never delivers his promises to the political supporters!

  33. “Are you trying to say that out of 80,000 policemen, there is no one righteous man ..” political onlooker

    if you want to be in the business of being righteous you don’t join the police force. you join a priesthood.

  34. On 24th May 2009 at 01:29.20, TomThumb said:
    ekans so you think you are funnr arr??

    Well, Tom, I was going to ask you a question, but you already did ask it yourself here…
    On 24th may 2009 at 01:17.05, TomThumb said:
    hello tonberry never heard of freedom of speech??

  35. Sorry about the wrong html tags. My previous post should have been:

    On 24th May 2009 at 01:29.20, TomThumb said:
    ekans so you think you are funnr arr??

    Well, Tom, I was going to ask you a question, but you already did ask it yourself here…
    On 24th may 2009 at 01:17.05, TomThumb said:
    hello tonberry never heard of freedom of speech??

  36. TomThumb,
    Are u one of those hooligan policemen or camp guards who are keen to see a newcomer in the ISA detention camp so that u may deploy a strategy to extort money from the family of the new ISA detainee? Why are u so interested about whether I want to go back in or not?

  37. “my question to you:

    tell me why that loyar with the janggut asking if polis got search warrant? so he can do wat??” (TomThumb)

    My dear boy Tom,
    Don’t you know that DAP Leaders can file a lawsuit for wrongful arrest, illegal intrusion and malicious harrassment against the 11 policemen if there is confirmed no search warrant being issued by a magistrate or an OCPD? The illegal breakin will also allow DAP Leaders to claim the Federal Government and the Home Ministry for ascertained liquidated damages!

  38. “The illegal breakin will also allow DAP Leaders to claim the Federal Government and the Home Ministry for ascertained liquidated damages!” political onlooker

    so what’s the price of a broken door and a broken lock??

  39. “The police did handcuff a DAP man and detain him for two days already. He appeared in DAP HQ with the prison uniform. Don’t you know that?” political onlooker

    you don’t say! the guy got cuffed? is that a crime?

    48 hours? not unlawful. polis needed time to figure out how they could detain him further mah! detention is the objective. not the means but the end.

  40. Dear Boy Tom,
    Your questions really make me feel that you are just a boy who is still in puberty. I wish I can have much more time to teach but are you really teachable? Please do honour your civil rights and be a good boy!

  41. Dear friends, don’t entertain any of “TomThumb” silly questions. He must be a primary school child who’s playing around with his dad’s pc, asking stupid questions. Dear “Little Tom”, this blog is for grown ups and here we’re talking about legal rights of every Malaysian (which ofcourse too early for you to know). Be a good kid, go to bed. Its already late for little ones to be awake now. Good nite child!

  42. tell me why that loyar with the janggut asking if polis got search warrant? so he can do wat??

    so you want to charge polis with abuse of power? who’s going to do that? you?? or your loyar?

  43. Dear Boy Tom,
    If DAP has a good friend who later become a high court judge, then DAP will not only claim the damages for broken door and broken lock. The penalty compensation may go up to RM1 billion. Understand?

  44. On 24-5-2009 at 00: 47.09, TomThumb said:

    “Police also recovered more of the same flyers at the premises, he told Bernama, adding that the flyers would be used as evidence in court.”

    see??? no need for search warrant.

    Isn’t Bernama a federal government run news agency?
    If so, its news reports should be ‘kinder’ to UMNO’s BN, unsurprisingly…

    In Bernama’s news report, the PDRM alleges that DAP had printed flyers containing elements of sedition.
    DAP’s lion MP had commented in a press conference that HRH Sultan of Perak had no constitutional power to dismiss the ousted Perak MB Nizar, and was charged with sedition.
    Later, the old doctor said the same thing but was he charged with sedition?
    And we still do not know what fate awaits the high court judge who had ruled in favour of Nizar because he concurs along the same lines with what the lion MP and the old doctor had said.

  45. Baby Tom, pls hit your bed now (angry tone). When you grow up you can participate here. You seemed to be too confused abt everything. No child is allowed here. Good nite again.

  46. Who is going to charge the police for abuse of power?

    A good question from Boy-boy Tom.

    A criminal prosecution against the police at the moment may not be possible because the AG Abdul Ghani Patail is a Pro-BN man of injustice. However, it is always hope for Pakatan Rakyat to take over the Executive Power and Judiciary Power of the Federal Government after the next General Election.

    DAP can also file a civil lawsuit against the police.

    Do you understand now, Boy-boy Tom?

  47. Didn’t your parents tell you children are not allowed to participate in politics. Since, you’re still in primary school, definately you’re not allowed here. Be good boy…baby TOM.

  48. On 24-5-2009 at 01:53.32, TomThumb said:
    watergate scandal?? that’s a lot of water under the bridge. and in the wrong country.

    Then, you should be asking yourself the same question which you had asked me earlier… “so you think you are funnr arr??”

    On 24-5-2009 at 01: 54.21, TomThumb said:
    the lessons of watergate have no relevance here.

    It’s basically about a bunch of people who were caught breaking into the office of the opposition political party, and those people were later found to be linked to the ruling political party. Because of the public outcry over this scandal, the head of government had to resign…

    The most plausible reason as to why minions of a ruling political party would want to have access to the office of an opposition party, is to find ways of ensuring that the ruling political party will stay in power in the future…

  49. “Because of the public outcry over this scandal, the head of government had to resign…”

    That happens in a democracy. you lived long enough in malaysia to know better.

  50. “The most plausible reason as to why minions of a ruling political party would want to have access to the office of an opposition party, is to find ways of ensuring that the ruling political party will stay in power in the future…”

    i didn’t know that. thanks for telling

  51. Boy-boy Tom,
    If you are really pessimistic about the rule of law and don’t trust that the court system which will dispense justice, then you may still harp your hope on the friendship between Anwar Ibrahim and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

    11 years ago, Ahmad Zahid’s ambition was to become the Deputy Prime Minister. Since he holds the power to command the armed forces and military police now, perhaps he wishes to become the Prime Minister at a much earlier time prior to Najib’s making a decision to quit and retire from the premiership. I would rather seeing Ahmad Zahid to head a less oppressive Malaysian military junta government now than seeing the pseudo-democratic BN Government to continue suppress the dissidents or dissenters through the misuse or abuse of police power!

  52. My best choice is to wait until the 13th General Election in order for those right thinking Malaysians to work in the united effort to vote BN out of the office and vote PR into the office with a two-thirds majority. However, if BN plays dirty tricks by transporting the ballot boxes with the helicopters and forbiding the supervision by PR election observers along the transportation route, then Ahmad Zahid Hamidi will be made the next Prime Minister of Malaysia in order to get rid of Najib!

  53. Isn’t it a very common practice in Malaysia that the Police are manipulating Code of Practice, ignoring Code of Criminal Procedures and Penal Code? The problem lies with the ignorance of KUP and AG to monitor and regulate the Police! They are the oneS enforcing and monitoring the criminal law! However, can anyone find one government Agent or office working strict to Rules?
    How many citizens been abused by all these three Law enforcing agents?
    Did any political party really look into this kind of matter? And, therefore, been fighting by tight law making, monitoring or strong debates in Parliament?
    Had any court been serious against abusing of Rights or laws by these government agents?
    1. The Police in this case had violated the procedures.
    2. The Police had acted as robbers if forced into any property without a warrant.
    3. The evidence so obtained if proved to be by illegal meant is useless in Court.
    And, ……….
    A lot of criminal offenses can be raised in this case against the Police. But, all these cause of actions, on the criminal side, can only be handled by the Police, KUP and AG!! If they all silent, it is at dead end!!
    A senior lawyer in Penang was engaged 2 years ago, paid and did nothing, including going to court for one whole year. 3 consecutive judges refused to act on the lawyer or even asked him to file an application of discharge after he officially wrote to the client he did not want to act any more!! He refused to provide copy of documents shown at a distance to his cleint. He called the Police to chase the client off. Job received by the client was the draft from the client without any input from the lawyer and others cannot be used. He assaulted two clients. One with an object causing bleeding, another client was pushed down the staircase (endangering life) and he continued slapping and grabbing the client in front of his family members, staffs, clients and neighbors with his CCTV on and photos taken by his office and his client.
    The matter was silent from the Police ignoring taking evidence, enough witness statements. KUP and AG kept on playing ding-dong and silent for more than one year.
    The suspected Penal Code run from 109, 324, 336, 356, 406, 418 or 420, 506 where 324, 336, 406, 420 and 506 are seizable offense, meaning the Police can arrest without a warrant.
    BPA or PCB wanted copies of Police report before they will investigate. But did not even dare to confirm the receipt of same when it was done!!

    IT IS MALAYSIA from what had been experienced!! SPOILED BY VOTERS, AND MP!! Afterall, what are those Laws, Code of Practice for?
    Does PM care for Laws, rules and Regulations to work accordingly? Who are the BOSS of the Police, KUP, AG and BPA/PCB?

  54. the only scenario in which the armed forces could play a role is when there is a repeat of may 13. so you better hope that there will not be a role for the armed forces. the royal malays are the backbone of the armed forces. need more be said??

  55. Our Federal Constitution does permit the power of prosecuting to be delegated only to the Public Prosecutor. However, that does not mean that this part of the Federal Constitution can never be amended.

    Just remember to cast a vote for Pakatan Rakyat in any by-election, state-wide election or general election. If we all vote in favour of PR, there will be one day in the future before too long that we shall be able to see PR holding two-thirds majority of the parliamentary seats. Once PR is able to control the Parliament with two-thirds majority, I hope that Anwar, Kit and Hadi will not forget to do a constitutional amendment in order to permit the delegation of prosecuting power to a private prosecutor who represents a client who happens to be the victim of a government officer’s action taken or decision made in relation to an oppressive or suppresive act. PR has to adopt a people-based policy in order to make PR much more superior than BN’s authoritarian policy.

  56. “A lot of criminal offenses can be raised in this case against the Police. But, all these cause of actions, on the criminal side, can only be handled by the Police, KUP and AG!! If they all silent, it is at dead end!!” house victim

    the polis comes and takes a computer from your office without your consent. we call that theft or worse, robbery. you can file a claim for monetary damages for the loss of the computer. but you have no control over how the information on the computer hard drive is used later.

  57. “Our Federal Constitution does permit the power of prosecuting to be delegated only to the Public Prosecutor. However, that does not mean that this part of the Federal Constitution can never be amended.”

    so i can be my own policeman and my own loyar?? i can prosecute you and you can prosecute me? malaysia will become a nation of prosecutors and not just body snatchers and missing witnesses.

  58. TomThumb is just a bratty kid who pretends that everything he said must be the truth.

    The common law does not even allow a wife to appear in court to testify against her husband, why should Boy-boy Tom insist that the evidence obtained by the Police, even though the obtaining of which was through an illegal means, will still be admissible to court?

    Malaysia’s law system is still basically a common law system. There were many cases in Hong Kong that those evidences obtained by the police through an illegal means would not be admitted by the court judges. Substance over form is still the basic rule of thumb of the common law system.

  59. “you can file a claim for monetary damages for the loss of the computer. but you have no control over how the information on the computer hard drive is used later.” (TomThumb)

    Boy-boy Tom,
    Your such comment about the hard drive only proves that your are a computer illiterate who knows nothing about password encryption in the OPERATING SYSTEM, unless Boy-boy Tom is still using MS-DOS to run his computer as a toy.

  60. “Your such comment about the hard drive only proves that your are a computer illiterate who knows nothing about password encryption in the OPERATING SYSTEM ..”

    are you suggesting that if you can make a lock you cannot open it??

  61. “so i can be my own policeman and my own loyar?? i can prosecute you and you can prosecute me? malaysia will become a nation of prosecutors and not just body snatchers and missing witnesses.” (TomThumb)

    Boy-boy Tom,
    If you don’t know anything about how the system of independent prosecutor works, then I would suggest that you go to the bookshop to buy some books on the American Legal Systems. I need to take rest now. Bye-bye!

  62. “are you suggesting that if you can make a lock you cannot open it??” (TomThumb)

    Boy-boy Tom,
    If you are using Windows XP, then probably those software engineers in Microsoft Inc. will be able to decrypt your password but I can assure you that you will never find anyone from the half past six PDRM police officers who have the calibre to decrypt your password even if they have to spend their whole life trying to break the code. This is the end-result of giving scholarship only to the half past six substandard students of Malaysia. In the end, you can only get half past six government officers who work in the government department, including the Police Force.

  63. “I can assure you that you will never find anyone from the half past six PDRM police officers who have the calibre to decrypt your password even if they have to spend their whole life trying to break the code.”

    who says they have to do it themselves??

  64. “why american?? i thot the brits gave us theirs?” (TomThumb)

    Dr. Mahathir sent his daughter Marina Mahathir and his son Mokhzani to study in the United States. In the end, the American made ones are proven to be much smarter products than the Bristish made ones among the family members of Dr. Mahathir.

  65. “Malaysia’s law system is still basically a common law system. There were many cases in Hong Kong that those evidences obtained by the police through an illegal means would not be admitted by the court judges” political onlooker

    would not or could not??

  66. “Dr. Mahathir sent his daughter Marina Mahathir and his son Mokhzani to study in the United States. In the end, the American made ones are proven to be much smarter …’ onlooker

    what’s smart got to do with being a lawyer and a judge??

  67. “would not or could not??” (TomThumb)

    That depends on whether the lawyer you engaged is a highly calibre lawyer who has exposure to foreign legal cases or just a half past six lawyer produced by the so-called scholarship system of BN Government.

  68. Even though Marina and Mokhzani are not lawyers, the education they received from the American System of Liberal Arts School has at least given them some basic concientious awareness about the essence of Democracy and Civil Liberty. This awareness has probably contributed to the main reason which shuns them from getting themselves deeply involved in the decision making process of their father’s past political tyranny!

  69. you’re telling me the old man didn’t do anything to save his sons’ as*ses in the past?? that they didn’t profit from the tens of millions their father’s intervention had saved? gimee a break!

  70. “…the education they received from the American System of Liberal Arts School has at least given them some basic concientious awareness about the essence of Democracy and Civil Liberty. This awareness has probably contributed ..”

    do you know how many corporate crooks and government officials are today sitting in U.S. jails and rotting away?? didnt greed on wall st. bring the world to where it is today? where have you been – to jupiter and back?

  71. Marina and Mokhzani do learn the knowledge about American prosperity based on financial chemistry and high leverage buyout through public funding (albeilt involved with some moral controversies). However, they are still able to sustain financially without having to face a mental collapse like their elder brother who earlier on received his education from England. I believe the two persons’ educational background involving with American Educational Systems and their personal awareness about the value of American-style democracy and civil liberty are main reasons for them to contribute frequently to charity activities.

    However, I am quite confused that Dr. Zambry seems to learn a lot about American System of Democracy but he refuses to give advice to the Sultan in order for the Sultan to come up with a decision to dissolve the Perak State Assembly. His personal behaviour was also in contraction with what he said from his mouth. Dr. Zambry said that he would quit the MB post only when the Court had ruled that his appointment of MB was illegitimate. However, when Kuala Lumpur High Court ruled that he was the illegitimate MB because there was no vote of no-confidence against Nizar to be carried out in the State Assembly, he refused to accept the High Court ruling but proceeded to file an appeal to the Court of Appeal, which later granted him the appeal. By right, Zambry was not supposed to occupy the seat of the MB before the Court of Appeal had reversed the High Court’s decision even though a stay order had been issued to stay the High Court’s decision. Zambry’s taking over the MB seat from Nizar before the Court of Appeal has announced the verdict in favour of him is really a behaviour which is disrespectful towards the High Court.

  72. let’s pray! Truth will prevail. God is watching. Justice will prevail. Life is short and pray hard that you will not waste time to debate about what is or is not! Can we pray together to see a better Malaysia, a real good Malaysia for all Malaysians?? Be constructive, be good, be productive. Please may we pray for Malaysia together so that we will not see injustices as we had tried very much to weed out.

    If you all are so good, please go and learn how to plant a coconut tree now, at least you could iamgine Pak Pandir had counted those coconuts before they were pollinated!!

    God bless you!!

  73. Dear All,

    I pray for all of us that Malaysia will become a real good country for all Malaysians.

    God has His plans.

    Those who assumed NO God and those who claimed they feared God but had done many things to shame God, they will be dealt with eventually.

    God is Love.

    Love is to be patient, to be kind, to be caring.

    Do what you wish others to do on you, and stop doing what you wish others will not do to you.

    If the authority has made mistakes, they will pay their prices eventually.

    But you may not even know that divine justice was done.

    I knew a great billionaire who had earned billions with many special rights, he earned so much that he flew to USA for help to treat his illness.

    He died and elft behind billions to his children.

    He was less than 60 years old.

    He supposed to spend all the money he made, but all those billions he had cannot help to spare his life.

    God delivered.

    But you cannot understand.

    You are just too small to appreciate that.

    God is great, He will do what is Fair.

    But if you are just assume you are the smarter than God, you will never learn, as you will imagine that you KNOW all.

    Indeed, you and I are just sinners.

    I spread this Gospel to you so that I wish you could learn more about Truth.

    Truth prevails.

    NOT democracy!!

    We have found democracy is DEMON CRAZY!!

    Demon lost its N, and Demon made Democracy really Demon Crazy!!

    Democracy does not guarantee TRUTH.

    99 out of 100 wish the sun rises from the west, but ONLY one of the 100 still believes that sun rises from the east, in democratic term, minority obeys majority, all 99 of 100 will determine that sun rises from west!!

    You a democratice person will have to follow or else, you will be dealt with !!

    Got this simple logic about democrcy??

    Democracy is simply demon crazy!!!

    I pray in the name of Lord Jesus Christ that all Malaysians will enjoy peace and order, and despite all those injustices posted and discussed, you better come and learn more about TRUTH than waste so much of your precious time to keep arguing, debating, and lost plenty of your precious time to learn what LOVE is all about!!


    God is LOVE, God loves you!!

    Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross, shed His preciosu blood to cleanse our sins sot hat we could return to Heaven if we all believe in Him who had died for us, and shed His precious blood to clense ou sins, and he rose 3 days after the Death, and shown us how He won over sins, and rose above death!!

    In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen!!

  74. Helo,

    Got this??

    Pray, and pray, act and act in accordance with Bible and teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, save yourself from all those deceptions, move ahead to ensure peace and order will be with us.

    Truht prevails!!


  75. lcclck, from a Christian perspective it is correct to give the advise that you give (i.e. to pray). … and I would like to hear about other faiths too.

    This what was written in the New Testament: “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;” 1 Titus 2:1

  76. i m foreseeing they will be no GE13…
    all opposition parties will be thrashed… no more ‘future’ opposition dare to stand in any election.. ending for the first time in history all seats ‘PRU13 UMNO MENANG TAMPA BERTANDDING’…. OHHH WAT A NIGHTMARE…

  77. Just look at how TomThumb go crazy with his idiotic defense on the police raid.
    The raid is the most ridiculous latest episode ever pop out from Naif Ton Raza’s plan to win election.
    Raid is due to….
    1.Checking who is financing DAP
    2.Who is DAP corresponding with BN buggers..for possible cross overs.
    3. The full lists of MCA and Gerakan members applying to join MCA and Gerakan getting smaller and smaller…will shame him..come 13th GE. Must plan something now.but what…so raid to study.
    4. What are PR fellas talking to each other.
    And the list goes on. You see …Naif Ton Raza is totally lost and he needs to get into DAP’s know what DAP is doing.
    Last but not least…it is another programmig stunt to oters that DAP are troublesome.They arrested DAP supporters..put some in ISA…and now the raid to DAP Hq….all add up…what is DAP?
    For 35 years they survived through mind control magic show…..capturing weak newspapers….TV…their daily acting.
    Are we not getting use to this out-dated stunt to win votes and rule forever?
    Last resort….Emergency Rule tactics..daily creeping in with no reasons to apply.
    Mahatma Gandhi non violence to disgrace UMNO is working. Keep it up..but we must talk without fear.

  78. oh gosh! …please do not bring religion to political discussions
    Keep your faith to yourself and shout in the streets to hero worship your one true God stuffs..distributing pamphets…where to go…to hear more..the good news…but not on a political blog.
    It’s sickening….just like UMNO.
    If you continue…I will hentam your God..any God.
    So forewarned is foretold.

  79. If you believe the justice and democracy are on your side.

    then you must make your stand. Your stand for justice is not just for you but also for your children and your grandchildren.

    The harder injustice hit you, the harder you stand up for justice should win the battle.

  80. Correct, correct, correct, this is robbery at DAP Hq. These 11 “head hunters” do not even know under what provision they are robbing. They have already resorted to lawlessness.

    The people must stand up now and say a resounding YES to defend Malaysia. Let us work together to bring lawfulness back into Malaysia.

  81. On 24th May 2009 at 08:33.03, monsterball said:
    The raid is the most ridiculous latest episode ever pop out from Naif Ton Raza’s plan to win election.

    Signs of desperation from the man???

    On 24th May 2009 at 08:33.03, monsterball said:
    …Naif Ton Raza is totally lost and he needs to get into DAP’s know what DAP is doing.

    Actually, he should try and get into the minds of the rakyat, instead of misusing the government’s law enforcement resources to bully his political opponents.
    Doesn’t he still realise that his political maneouvres in Perak has caused UMNO’s BN to lose further support from the people?
    Doesn’t he still realise that despite the efforts of UMNO’s BN to label MB Nizar as a traitor, stooge, puppet, etc., it had failed to scuttle Nizar’s bid to become the new Bukit Gantang MP?
    The Pekan MP should do some soul searching instead of getting his minions to search for some ‘DAP’s secret political plan’…

  82. First, the mad grab for power in the Silver State. Through it BN has managed to turn silver into cast iron.

    Then, the perverted judgement from the “SANG KANCHIL’ court.

    And now this raid (rape) of an opposition hq without due process of the law (no warrant).

    Three nails had already been knocked into the coffin. All it needs now to complete the act is another nail, then all is done!

  83. Maybe searching for “x” rated movies too….anything…to bring DP down.
    Who knows..they may have caught some UMNO workers watching x movies in their Hq….instead of working.
    Desperate people apply desperate means…and Najib.. is desperate.

  84. Teyks,

    Ooi Leng Hang was in lockup how long? 2 years? 3 years? it is just 2 days only; and he started to tremble when the police interrogated him. Try compare him to Lim Guan Eng who was detained in ISA for years. Did Guan Eng betray his party? So are a lot of DAP leaders and members were arrested before. None of them seemed to be afraid of intimidation and give in to the dark force.

    According to the police, a search warrant is not needed bcoz your friend Ooi was assisting the police in person. Below is part of an article from The Star Online

    Selangor CID chief Senior Asst Comm II Datuk Hasnan Hassan said the issue of needing a warrant to search the premises should not arise because it was part of a follow up investigation where one of the detainees assisting with the probe led the police to the site.

    I know you are friend with him. But make sure your mind is not controlled by emotions. Friend is friend, but party is party..

  85. What a nation Malaysia has fallen to. It’s unbelieveable. Our respect for the police force has fallen to the dogs.

    Now that Najib said “Don’t misuse 1Malaysia to make demand”.

    This is utter hypocrisy. He’s like telling us “You got the right to speak” when he’s holding a gun and a grenade against you at the same time.

    Malaysia Boleh!

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