Hishammuddin should send the OCPDs of Brickfields and Ampang Jaya to a human rights sensitization course

Malaysians are shocked by the outrageous conduct of the OCPDs of Brickfields and Ampang Jaya, Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Talib and Abd Jalil Hassan, whose boorish conduct are caught on video, serving as prime examples of police officers who have no notion or respect for human rights or even civil behaviour.

Both of them have brought shame not only to the country, but also to the Royal Malaysian Police Force, in their unprofessional conduct and excessive display of police power – showing utter contempt for elected representatives of the people and ordinary members of the public.

When police officers could summon massive police reinforcements to deal with a small and peaceful group of civic-minded Malaysians lighting candles to send their message of protest to the authorities over the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak, something is very wrong with the training of police officers. In fact, something is very wrong with the direction the country is heading.

In not charging the five lawyers and 15 others arrested in connection with a candlelight vigil in Kuala Lumpur on May 7, the Police should have won back some goodwill for their disgraceful detention of the 20 – but all such goodwill had been undone with further spate of arrests of 27 persons for peaceful candlelight vigils, including DAP MP for Serdang Teo Nie Ching and DAP Selangor Assemblywoman (Teratai) Jenice Lee, and the remand this morning of 16 of them for two days.

I am prepared to send the videos of such disgraceful and unacceptable conduct by the OCPDs of Brickfields and Ampang Jaya to the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, and Malaysians want to know whether the Home Minister finds such conduct by the OCPDs of the two police districts in Federal capital acceptable or excusable.

Hishammuddin should send the OCPDs of Brickfields and Ampang Jaya to a human rights sensitization course or the Home Minister himself should undergo such a course first.

17 Replies to “Hishammuddin should send the OCPDs of Brickfields and Ampang Jaya to a human rights sensitization course”

  1. Promotions in the police force is based on the number of candlelight vigils broken up, and these 2 ocpd bums are competing for the post of igp. Their motto is 1PoliceState, Protestors First, Tangkap Now!

  2. The reputation of the PDRM is right now rotten to the core.

    The OCPDs of Brickfields and Ampang Jaya should be sent back to the barracks for ‘cold storage’ for their utter disrespect, rudeness and arrogance to the law-makers especially to ADUN Teratai, YB Jenice Lee who posed no threat at all during the candlelight vigil.

    Who will believe the police now? They are goons and bums to their BN political masters!

  3. Ya, I saw the video of the Brickfields OCPD’s behaviour. Just bad manners and arrogance. What to do, they are behaving like their masters. How can you ask Hishammuddin to help him?. They act the same.

  4. I wish they will show the same amount of enthusiasm when reducing the crime rate, snatch thieves etc. but guess that will be asking for too much. Catching innocent people is easier ma.well done PDRM under the leadership of of the ‘greatest’ IGP Musa

  5. I would say that again. Very long winded.

    If we shift all the police resources used in stopping peaceful demonstrations to solving crime, Malaysia will be a much better place to live and MM2H (Malaysia My 2nd Home) will attract more residents. With peaceful demonstration, death and injury is not involved, only expressions of political views, albeit different from the ruling government. Why send hundreds of police personnel? Why is the BN government hell bent on stopping peaceful demonstrations? Is the BN government so scared, so worried and desperate that it is losing its self confidence that such measures are used to suppress opponents and wasting tax payers money.

    On the other hand, if you are a victim of a robber or snatch thief, the police do not even want to entertain you making a report. There is no strategy, no organisation, no thinking and hardly any personnel put into resolving the problem of the mad rempits, illegal immigrants crime. We are seeing deaths, injury and loss of property. Is this not more important to the BN government than stopping someone expressing a political view, peacefully.

    It is not just the home minister. This is sanctioned by the highest levels. And again, I ask, “What is MCA, MIC and Gerakan opinion on this?” Say your piece to let us know who to vote for in the next GE.

  6. Hishammuddin not qualified to be Min Of Education….just acting and show off as UMNO Youth Chief…with big mouth wide open..flashing the keris.just performing…acting…did nothing .
    Now Home Minister…all can go home and ignore him makan gaji buta.
    Mark my words…he has no balls to do anything right…but study what UMNO wants and play the tune….keep acting…keep twisting and rolling.
    This is a useless troublesome racialist minister….good to fan like a pondan.

  7. These OCPDs would have come under the Tiger Head Guillotine during the times of Justice Bao! What “Bersedia Berkhidmat” are they promoting? Sedia untuk apa? Khidmat kepada siapa? Who the hell pays their salaries?????

  8. “I am prepared to send the videos …. to the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein”

    good idea! he will then have copies made to be used at police seminars on how the police should act in intimidating peaceful protesters.

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