Three responses to Najib’s “717 Declaration” – “Malaysia is an Islamic state and had never been a secular state”

Here are three responses to the “717 Declaration” of Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak that “Malaysia is an Islamic state and had never been a secular state” which deserve serious thought and study by Malaysians concerned about the future of nation-building in Malaysia.

The first is by Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (Abim) that “Malaysia has been an Islamic state in practice ever since Independence” from the following Malaysiakini report:

Abim: We’re an Islamic state in practice
Fauwaz Abdul Aziz
Jul 21, 07 2:15pm

Notwithstanding the constitutional and theoretical debates, Malaysia has been an Islamic state in practice ever since Independence, said the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (Abim).

Its president Yusri Mohamad said the so-called Islamisation process has not introduced any significant novelty.

“On the contrary, it seeks to preserve the religious practices and values of its Muslim citizens.

“The only ‘changes’ that have occurred are in the attitude of those who cannot accept what has already been happening for a long time,” said Yusri when met at Abim headquarters yesterday.

He was commenting on the strong objections expressed following the statement of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on Tuesday that Malaysia is not a secular state but an Islamic one.

Najib said Malaysia has never been a secular nation as the government has always been driven by the fundamentals of Islam.

“Islam is the official religion and we are an Islamic state,” Najib told reporters after he opened an international conference on the role of Islamic states in facing the challenges of Islamisation.

No drastic change

This was immediately opposed by various quarters, including BN senior partner MCA, who argued that historical facts and documents showed that Malaysia was a secular state, just as espoused in the Federal Constitution.

Yusri said these quarters fail, however, to acknowledge the fact that the Muslim population in Malaysia has always been sensitive and referred to Islamic laws with regards to such issues as custody over children of mixed-marriages, claims over the deceased, and apostasy.

“Opposition to apostasy, for example, is not anything new or unknown to be prohibited. There has never been a situation where it has been allowed to happen without significant opposition,” said Yusri.

“There has been no drastic change as far as Islamisation in principle is concerned,” he added.

In reference to the first premier Tunku Abdul Rahman, who is often cited as having called for a secular Malaysia, Yusri said the actions and practices of Tunku himself suggest that what he envisioned for Malaysia was far from what is conventionally understood as ‘secular’.

Tunku, who participated in the founding of the Islamic welfare and propagation organisation Perkim, had been actively involved in propagating the religion and facilitated the channeling of public funds to Islamic institutions.

“These are not the actions of a secular leader in a secular state. It’s very clear that his understanding of Islam’s position in the federation was far from what is secular in the conventional sense,” said Yusri.

On concerns that Najib’s statement would impact on the already controversial implementation of Islamic laws, Yusri said detractors of that process “pick and choose a few incidents” to paint a negative and exaggerated picture of the Islamisation process.

No real fear

“The implementation of Islam in Malaysia has always been autochthonous and informed by our own setting and circumstances. There is no real fear of Malaysia undergoing drastic changes on a daily basis and becoming a theocratic oppressive state,” he said.

That Islam as a religion informs and influences public policy in Malaysia does not automatically mean it is any less a modern state, said Yusri.

“An Islamic Malaysia is not the anti-thesis to our desire to be a successful modern state. On that contrary, it is one of the ingredients that can successfully bind the various elements together,” he said.

Yusri also said according to some scholars, Malaysia does fulfill the minimal requirements of an Islamic state in that the religion occupies a special position in the constitution, the Syariah family laws are in place, Muslims’ basic and external religious obligations are carried out, and public funds are used for Islam.

“It is not perfect, there’s a lot to improve upon, but just a Muslim is he who testifies he is so, we are also an Islamic state by the fulfilment of those basic requirements.”

The second is by Bishop Dr. Paul Tan Chee Ing, chairman of the Christian Federation of Malaysia, in a letter to Malaysiakini:

A constitutional democracy, not an Islamic state
Paul Tan Chee Ing
Jul 20, 07 5:25pm

The Christian Federation of Malaysia wishes to express its concern at the following remarks of Najib Abdul Razak in response to questions from reporters: “Islam is the official religion and Malaysia is an Islamic state, an Islamic state that respects the rights of the non-Muslims and we protect them.”

As he is the deputy prime minister of the country and for all Malaysians, he should not have made those remarks. The use of the term ‘Islamic state’ is unacceptable to Malaysians of other faiths, on three grounds.

Firstly, the term ‘Islamic state’ is not used in our Federal Constitution to describe the country. By citing Article 3(1) of our Federal Constitution to infer that Malaysia was meant to be an Islamic state runs contrary to the original intention of the Constitution. The Constitution does not provide for a theocratic state.

Secondly, it was never the intention of the social contract entered into at the independence of Malaysia that Malaysia would be an Islamic state. The Constitution was structured to guarantee the right of all religious communities to co-exist and relate with each other on an equal basis as citizens of one and a united country.

Thirdly, to-date, the non-Muslim coalition parties that make up the Barisan National government had never consented nor officially endorsed the use of the term ‘Islamic state’ to describe the country. The deputy prime minister’s statement must therefore be viewed as lacking official endorsement by the government of the day.

We appeal to the deputy prime minister to retract his aforesaid remarks and to the government to refrain from the use of the term ‘Islamic State’ in the description of Malaysia and instead to vigorously advocate the description of Malaysia as a secular constitutional democracy.

The third item is an Opinion piece “Malaysia: A secular or Islamic state” by JUST President, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar in Malaysiakini:

Malaysia: A secular or Islamic state?
Chandra Muzaffar

Malaysia is not a secular state within the conventional use of the term. Neither is it an Islamic state in the classical sense.

It is not a secular state since the Malaysian state formulates policies and organises activities from the building of mosques and the administration of the Hajj, on the one hand, to the establishment of Islamic schools and the dissemination of Islamic awareness through public broadcasting channels, on the other, which demonstrate that it is actively involved in sustaining and strengthening the position of Islam in society.

Judicial pronouncements and political utterances from the past which suggest that Malaysia is a secular state do not in any way negate the fact that the state has functioned in a non-secular mode, especially in the last three decades.

Nonetheless, for the majority of contemporary Muslim jurists, Malaysia is not an Islamic state since its constitution does not state that governance is based upon the Quran and Sunnah (the way of the Prophet Muhammad). Neither is syariah the supreme law of the land. Hudud (the Islamic criminal code) is not in force anywhere in Malaysia. These are legal and political attributes of state which are found in almost all those countries that are acknowledged as ‘Islamic’.

More than the actual situation prevalent in Malaysia, there are perceptions of what a ‘secular state’ is, and what an ‘Islamic state’ will be, which have shaped the outlooks of both Muslims and non-Muslims in the country.

For a lot of Muslims, the term ‘secular’ connotes antipathy towards, or worse, rejection of, religion in the life of the nation. Since Islam encompasses all aspects of life, including government and politics, the idea of a ‘secular state’ has become anathema to them. Similarly, for many non-Muslims, an ‘Islamic state’ conjures up a frightening vision of Malay dominance reinforced by religious dogmatism. These perceptions – even if they are misconceived – carry tremendous weight and impact directly upon interethnic ties.

Go beyond labels
This is why it is unwise to insist that Malaysia is a secular state or an Islamic state. There is no need to do this. It will only widen the chasm between the communities. It will exacerbate ethnic tensions.

Why is it necessary to categorise Malaysia as a secular state or an Islamic state when the character of the Malaysian state, its guiding principles and goals, and its vision of the future, have already been spelt out with such lucidity and clarity in the three fundamental documents that were meant to be our signposts in the last 50 years? The most important of these – the Malaysian Constitution – embodies a dozen or so basic principles which tell us what this nation is. In a nutshell Malaysia means:
1. A parliamentary form of government based upon the concept of one person, one vote
2. A federal system of governance
3. A constitutional monarchy
4. The supremacy of the rule of law
5. An independent judiciary
6. Protection of fundamental liberties
7. Malay as the national and official language
8. The right to use and study other languages
9. Islam as the religion of the Federation
10. Recognition of the right of non-Muslims to practise their religions
11. The special position of the Malays and other indigenous peoples
12. The legitimate interests of the other communities
These principles enunciated in 1957 when we achieved Merdeka were reiterated in one form or other in the Rukunegara, the nation’s charter, in August 1970. It is significant that the first of the five principles of the Rukunegara is ‘Belief in God’.

Young Malaysians recite this and the other four principles in school every morning but what is not emphasised at all are the five goals of the Rukunegara – the goals of a united, just, democratic, liberal and progressive nation. Twenty-one years after the Rukunegara, its principles and goals were further elaborated in the nine strategic challenges of Vision 2020 which include the creation of a moral and ethical society.

Three guiding documents

If we reflected upon the Malaysian Constitution, the Rukunegara and Vision 2020, it would appear that they represent a trajectory in the evolution of the nation’s identity and character. It is as if the three documents embody the steady maturation of the Malaysian state and society.

It is important to emphasise at the same time that most of the principles and goals articulated by the three documents do not in any way contradict the universal values of the Quran and the Sunnah. Indeed, in certain respects, they seek to give meaning to some of the eternal concerns of the religion about justice, accountability and ethical conduct.

Likewise, those who subscribe to a secular vision of society which is not antagonistic to the Divine, would applaud the fact that the Constitution, the Rukunegara and Vision 2020 uphold such principles and goals. In other words, when we go beyond labels such as ‘secular’ and ‘Islamic’ and connect with the substance of our three principal documents we will discover that there is a degree of congruence between the two positions.

This is why as we observe the 50th year of our Merdeka, we should reiterate our trust and confidence in the three documents that speak to the spirit of the Malaysian people and their shared destiny. To embroil ourselves in the unending controversy about whether we are a secular state or an Islamic state is to forfeit our future.

24 Replies to “Three responses to Najib’s “717 Declaration” – “Malaysia is an Islamic state and had never been a secular state””

  1. Chandra wrote (and my comments in upper case):

    The most important of these – the Malaysian Constitution – embodies a dozen or so basic principles which tell us what this nation is. In a nutshell Malaysia means:
    1. A parliamentary form of government based upon the concept of one person, one vote (ONE VOTE IS NOT EQUAL TO ANOTHER; COMPARE RURAL AND URBAN SEATS)
    2. A federal system of governance (LIMITED POWER OF STATES HAS BEEN ERODED)
    3. A constitutional monarchy (ELEGANTLY SILENT MOST OF THE TIME)
    4. The supremacy of the rule of law (MANA DIA? AFTER SALLEH ABAS AFFAIR IN 1987, MANA DIA?)
    5. An independent judiciary (ARE YOU SERIOUS?)
    7. Malay as the national and official language (BAHASA MELAYU OR BAHASA MALAYSIA?)
    8. The right to use and study other languages (WELL, I STUDIED MONGOLIAN, AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT ME? ALTANTUYA …)
    10. Recognition of the right of non-Muslims to practise their religions (BETUL KE?)
    11. The special position of the Malays and other indigenous peoples (WELL, AT LEAST YOU GOT THIS ONE RIGHT)
    12. The legitimate interests of the other communities (BETUL KE? WITH ALL THE FIDDLING AROUND IN EDUCATION AND ENTRY INTO THE BUREAUCRACY?)
    These principles enunciated in 1957 when we achieved Merdeka were reiterated in one form or other in the Rukunegara, the nation’s charter, in August 1970. It is significant that the first of the five principles of the Rukunegara is ‘Belief in God’.

  2. I am not sure whether En Yusri of ABIM was on prescriptions when he made his comments. If he believes that Malaya/Malaysia was an Islamic state since Independence, he has conveniently left out the parts where non-Islamic activities have been approved in the country and tax revenues from these activities have been used to shore up government coffers. No need to go into details of exactly what activities but learned readers will get the drift.

    That being the case, I am really disturbed by the quality of leadership of these organisations where they can make such uninformed statements.

    The letter by Bishop Paul Tan states the obvious.

    The comments by Dr Chandra talks about perceptions. Whose view of perceptions has been more vigorously pushed in the media and political arena ? For instance, secularity does not mean anti-religion. It is meant to be the state of being separate from religion.

    Being separate does not mean anti. Somehow, this important point seems to have been lost in translation.

  3. Yusri said “It is not perfect, there’s a lot to improve upon….”

    Statement inilah yang non muslims worry about……Do these improvements have an impact on the non muslims?

    I am sorry to say that whatever Muzaffar says, I take with a pinch of salt. This guy should be known as Mr. Flip Flop. Always duduk atas pagar!! Taking a position that is convenient.

    As for the rukun negara….I do not believe in god. Does that mean I am disobeying the country? Am I a bad citizen?

    This last message is for Hishamuddin. [deleted] You really think u have what it takes to be PM? Dream on. The power of the internet will crush ur dreams!! I dont think u know KJ too well. You will be his lap dog in the next 5 years.

  4. I have to agree wit JFK, we do have to worry as many of our rights are being taken away. and this is true for all Malaysians regardless of race or religion. So chandra’s arguments are very subjective. On Yusri and improvements, well what improvements? spell it out instead of going about it a very suspicious way and disregarding the constitution. If you want to tear up the constitution, just make it clear instead of subtle movements to do so. if Yusri feels strongly he should take up a case in the courts to prove that Malaysia is an Islamic state.

    UMNO is trying to divide and rule and cause tension in the country that is the whole idea so they can continue ruling.

    My conclusion is that UMNO is not man enough to honour contract it has signed. They are changing the rules of the game and practising double standards which only they are allowed to do. So do worry about UMNO cos their main goal is not for religion or for race, it is about staying in power and making as much money as they can.And they will do anything to achieve this and that doesn’t include the well being of this country or its people.

  5. Had umno announced its plans to set up an islamic state in Malaya, the british would never had consented to merdeka in 1957 because the non-malays would never back an independent islamic state. It would most probably had led to a partition of then malaya along the lines of india and pakistan in 1947. Morever, sabah and sarawak would never had joined malaysia in 1965.

  6. k1980, you are right, except that your argument is ex poste facto.

    The days of piracy are here again, except that the methods are not physically violent, but structurally violent.

  7. If this is an Islamic state, how come taxes paid by non-Muslims goes into the government coffers? Is this HALAL money?
    What about revenue from taxes on liquor, gambling, non Islamic banking, etc?
    If this is an Islamic state, why are ministers wearing coat and tie, which are colonial costumes. They should wear the serban and jubah with a beard to boot.
    Why aren’t female Ministers and wives of Ministers not wearing the tudong?
    And why is there so much corruption and abuse of power ???????

  8. Some defining features of an “Islamic State”:

    While in police custody

    Do ear squats while in police custody, and

    Undergo torture and violence.

    In the interim, pray that you come out alive and in one piece.

    Standard operating procedures:

    Power must be abused “according to (State) interpreation”

    Corruption can be encouraged “according to (State) interpreation”

    Delivery of services must be delayed to create conditions suitable for corrupt practices

  9. What would an islamic state have done if in this case? Make the girls eat the sanity pad?
    Two hundred schoolgirls of a boarding school were forced to squat, neck-deep, in a murky pond after a used sanitary pad was found in a toilet bowl….The warden of SMK Bawang Assan defended herself yesterday by saying that she had repeatedly reminded the students against throwing the pads in the toilet bowls for the last three years. In an interview yesterday afternoon, Wee Yim Pien who is from Kuching, claimed some students had turned a deaf ear to the directive and the toilets often got blocked due to the indiscriminate dumping of the pads. “The situation is so bad that the prefects have to use their bare hands to clean up the mess by pulling the pads out whenever there is a blockage,”

  10. In the Financial Times report (21 July 2007) on the reinstatement of the Chief Juctice it had this comment:

    “Images of bloodied lawyers being beaten by police shocked public opinion, prompting a media clampdown that undermined Mr. Mushaaraf’s portrayal of himself as moderate leader committed to democratic reform and transparent government”.

    This comment could very well apply to Mr. Abdullah Badawi. He poses as a liberal person, clean leader, a moderate Islamic and a democrat.

    The facts tell a different story. As minister of the interior Badawi’s police is well known for their brutality. The number of deaths in police custody has never been properly explained. His “clean” leadership has been evidenced by the increasing corruption, including by and for members of his family. His “good and transparent government” has been undermined by the increasing number of government contracts (goodies) awarded without open tenders, especially to cronies and members of his family. His liberal and religious credentials are eroded by the clampdown of the media on debate on the Islamic state; the NEP; apostasy and the forcible abduction of babies from their mothers in the name of religion; by the forcible abduction of corpses in the name of religion. In almost every walk of life Badawi has created a false image of himself as a “good man” very different from the truth as shown by his behaviour actions and inactions. HE IS A FALSE MAN. In truth, if the misdeeds, actions and inactions of Badawi are closely examined, every instance will show his fundamentalist and extreme beliefs. He is covered with sins of commission and omissions. He is also a coward who will not take any hard decisions even for the good of the country but hide behind generalities.

    In the light of all this how is it that the Malaysian people are still fooled by Badawi and, worse, continue to be happy to be fooled.

    Why is it that the Malaysian people have less spine or are like jelly fish when to the Pakistanis to confront Badawi. Why do the people continue to accept a false leader? Why is it the people fail to call Badawi to account and, if found wanting, to boot Badawi out.

  11. Rocky Says:
    July 22nd, 2007 at 14: 53.16
    “So do worry about UMNO cos their main goal is not for religion or for race, it is about staying in power and making as much money as they can.And they will do anything to achieve this and that doesn’t include the well being of this country or its people”.

    You are right on spot. UMNO will do anything just to stay in power, even to the extent of tearing up the country. No sane leaders (except our ex-PM and the present Deputy PM)will want to go to such extremes that can cause great tension by modifying the constitution to suit their taste. They always advised the people about the danger on touching on such sensitivities and they themselves are doing it openly. How do you expect us to respect such bunkum leader who is more interested to keep himself afloat than keeping the nation afloat. We definitely had more pressing issues than always touching on religion, religion, religion, Islam Islam, Islam. A true leader will be more concerned about the peoples welfare, food and clothing, safety, education, good governance and not a rotten and corrupted civil service.

    It is obvious Najib is just trying to follow the footsteps of his mentor, Tun TDM to stay alive when the going is tough. TDM started this when PAS was gaining grounds from Kelantan to Trengganu and on the brink of capturing Kedah. Most of us can still remember that he was toying with the idea of banning Politics with religion, but instead he upped the ante on it to counter PAS advance and it did work and now had become a standard bearer for UMNO. So the “Holier than Thou” competition with PAS and which was feared most by the non Muslims is on and because they had the power to do anything they like or say anything they like, the non Muslims are at tenterhooks and fear, first by the NEP ( which is definitely against the teachings of Islam) and now by religion. They are the cause of all the tensions in this country and ironically they will tell you to shut up on these sensitive issues. Isn’t this abuse of power?

    If they are that religious, I think at least three quarter of the country’s problem would have been solved. Discrimination is against Islam and yet they are flouting it blatantly. Corruption is haram to Islam and yet they are happily practicing it without any qualms. Smoking is haram and yet most of the tobacco growers are Muslim. Gambling is haram and yet they are issuing licenses to so many forms of gambling and happily collecting taxes from it and some of these monies might have been channeled to some of their Islamic activities. To me the UMNO brand of Islam will be more appropriate labelled as “Hypocrite Islam”. We will accept if Najib or TDM were to tell us that Malaysia is a “Hypocrite Islamic State” and not otherwise. I hope the Malays will be able to see through UMNO on all these and kick them out the soonest possible, otherwise we are heading towards a confused state and will die intestate.

  12. ISlamic state but the leaders are the most corrupted. SHouldnt they be hanged? WHo would like to try the gallows first? Islamic state but 4D still thriving. Oh I forgot, this is where the money comes from and this is how these dudes earn their living.




    AN INSULT TO MALAYS (treating them as if they are inferior human beings/citizen…needed special treatment)… orang kurang upaya(mentaliti)

  14. Comeon Najib, Hishamudin and KJ ,put down your position and join me to stay in Pakistan for one month without special treatment being given ok? If the three stooges are really so interested to declare this country as Islamic State.
    The three stooges will understand what is meant by Islamic State.after the one month stay in Pakistan ! all of you will say sorry .

  15. The Islamization of Malaysia would have its own limits – the modern malays in the West coast of Malaysia would not easily tolerate radicalization so the burqa-wearing fear etc is unfounded. He who has tasted freedom is unlikely to give it up so easily. Islamization may or may not – but based on current events is very likely if not certain to – affect the liberties of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

    That a secular state may be ‘changed’ into an Islamic state, not via a proper constitutional change, nor even thru any parliamentary procedure but via a cowardly press statement, ie dirty politics, represents a new low for Malaysia. ISA, 1988 Judicial crisis, and now 717 – what next? Perhaps Najib should declare that Malaysia was never a democracy at all but a caliphate with HIM as Caliph!

  16. You know I think we are just barking up the wrong tree. Don’t know if the leaders even care to read this blog and hear all the grievances.

    By right they should, if they care to know how the grassroots feel. During election, you know what to do..all the silly irresponsible leaders who cause strive by their words namely those who take the keris and swore a lie and distort history be voted out.

    We Malaysians, wants peace and harmony and respect for all races and beliefs. If one is insenstive and cause chaos by their attitude and words he/she should be held under Internal Security Act…right?

    By declaring this is country is an Islamic State and distorting history and constitution is a crime. Can’t the leaders just read all these comments and be wise with their words. Not all Malays and Muslims agree with their actions too.

    So if you ever read…change or get booted out!!


    Whether Malaysia is an Islamic state or a Secular state, future of Malaysia will always be in a LOSING STATE with Barisan Notorious in power.

    Take a look at our LOSING STATE track records:
    1. Singapore Malaysia Crooked Bridge Cancellation- RM200m
    2. Broga incinerator Cancellation- RM15m to RM200m??
    3. “Bocor” Buildings Inspection- RM20m
    4. FAX aircraft repairment- RM40m
    5. Altantuya Murder Trial Sues- RM100m ??
    6. Squatgate Sues- RM10m??

    and mamy many more……

    To all Malaysian who truly love our beautiful homeland.

    Talk is Cheap.
    Don’t fall for this non-sense and lose our focus- Time to whip these “hopeless-brainless-useless-spineless-all-time-parasite” with our VOTE.

  18. When come to voting, yeah, UMNO will said ISLAMIC STATE to buy vote. After the voting, especially those collecting “above-table” and “under-table” will said, where got ISLAMIC STATE? MONEY STATE lar…

    Badawi/Najib, pls keep telling to yourself and your kuncu-kuncu that you all are Muslim and GOD-fearing people. Those who know it is a sin but still committing the sin will commit an even bigger sin.

  19. I believe Raja Petra has illustrated how the NEP is against the teaching of Islam in his articles on the said matter. So clearly, if Malaysia is an Islamic state, then the NEP is a grievous sin and should be discontinued. Perhaps the Islamic scholars would care to analyse the NEP since it’s such a fundamental bedrock of this country, and issue a fatwa on the legality of the NEP under Islamic law.

  20. UMNO is hell bent to stay in power and not even by the ballot as many Malaysians think. Even if you can vote them out they will tear up the country and instill fear and misery as what happened to May13 and then they will say that it is the work of the opposition and this this the end result of electing an opposition. Whichever way you look at it, the people especially the non-Bumis and the poor ignorant Bumis will suffer.

    The NEP had obviously served them extremely well politically so much so they will do everything to defend it, and tearing up the country will be child’s play to them to defend the NEP.

    Why the NEP had served them so well is easy to understand.
    i)It had decisively divide the races and because of the lure of the NEP there is no way the Malays will unite with the other races to kick them out for whatever misfeasance or wrongdoings UMNO commit. Because of the widespread ideology of the NEP for the Malays, any Malays who has benefited from it will hope to get more from it and for those who has got nothing the hope is there.
    ii)The NEP has achieved the aim of UMNO to deform the brains of the Malays because things seems to be falling from the sky and they need not use their brains, need not be competitive, need not be intelligent or needless to use your intelligence, need not work hard, need not repay loans if you cannot pay, need not worry if your business fail as UMNO and Petronas is at standby except you only need to support UMNO come what may and until Kingdom comes. Hence this make the majority mentally weak and became subservient to UMNO as they had too depend on UMNO for survival. Anything short of that they they will be in trouble. They just need protection and UMNO can do any damn things a long as they are seen to protect them through NEP or any other form of affirmative action. They are constantly “reminded, that they will Regress, ( they will be dominated, they will be marched backwards and all the singing like as though they will even die of hunger if there is no NEP.

    All these are subtlety done so as to trap the Malays to be forever with ’crutch mentality’ that will disallow them to be truly competent, competitive and enterprising. Truly give themselves the opportunity to practice their survival instincts. Hence they will forever have to depend on UMNO for the tongkat as their means of survival. The divide line is clearly and cleverly drawn by UMNO and this line had helped them to survive since independence and they will use the same line until kingdom comes because with it they can keep on plundering the nation until it becomes dry and everybody will be a looser (except UMNO and their cronies) during their process of squeezing and at the end of the day the country will go to the dogs as there are already indication of it.

    It is obvious that the NEP and Islam is their favorite and most reliable weapons to stay in power. Having emplaced NEP through shuffling it through the throats of the non-Bumis they are now playing the Islam cards to checkmate PAS. That is why they are remaining very silent on the various nuisance activities of Jakim, which some had brought bad reputation and impression to the country even while they are shouting “Visit Malaysia”. As long as it suits their political interests, UMNO will not care what will happen to the people or the country. This is very clear and we can only hope the Malays will see it too.

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