Public Forum : JPA Scholarships – Seeking A Fair & Equitable Policy

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JPA Scholarships – Seeking A Fair & Equitable Policy
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (MAP)
Date: 19th May 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: 8.00 pm

Live webcast :

The panellists will include:

  • Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor,
  • Anthony Loke Siew Fook, MP for Rasah and DAPSY Chief,
  • Tony Pua, MP for Petaling Jaya Utara,
  • Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, PAS Research Centre Director and MP for Kuala Selangor
  • Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Selangor ADUN for Seri Setia

Dr Goh Cheng Teik, eminent academic, former deputy minister and interviewer for Harvard University admission programme in Malaysia will also be a special guest for the evening.

In addition, for students and scholars who are not able to make it for the forum (e.g., if you are overseas or if you live outstation, you are welcome to submit written submissions to the panel. Please write to: dapscholarship (at) rocketmail (dot) com.


82 Replies to “Public Forum : JPA Scholarships – Seeking A Fair & Equitable Policy”

  1. Has an official invitation extended to the Public Services Department director-general Tan Sri Ismail Adam to be at the forum tomorrow.
    Lets see how he can twist and turn there, maybe better than Chubby Checker .

  2. Are you going to tell everyone how your meeting with Ismail went ?

    Wait, I think I know the answer – sorry, YB, but the list of recipients is confidential, needs declassification under the OSA. You can have our assurance that the selection process was transparent. Of course there are imperfections, so some candidates may have been aggrieved. We can look into these isolated incidents.

    End of meeting.

  3. For those of you who want to know what the “official” line of thinking within UMNO is, just read this posting by an UMNOputra on a separate thread:

    Kasim Amat Says:

    Today at 12: 46.41 (2 hours ago)
    Malaysia has made tremendous progress in the past 40 years and our education system has also evolved to be one of the best in the world. That was why so many foreign students choose to study here. The BN government has always taken a very pragmatic and contemporary approach in our education system not only to improve the education level and also to enable the needy ones to have equal opportunities to further their studies. The manner how the scholarships are being distributed should not be questioned as it have proven that the current system was flawless and it was the corner stone and foundation of a modern a dynamic yet a harmonious Malaysia. If the scholarship was given only to the top students who are primarily from a particular race, it will be very unhealthy for the entire development of the country. We have to take into account the race distribution pattern and have to give considerations to the poor. Best students have always no problem in obtaining scholarships from other countries such as Singapore so it is important that we have to channel our own limited funds to those who are not able to obtain scholarship through other means. This explained why some of the top students did not get scholarship in Malaysia. This does not mean they are not good enough but simply because they have too much opportunities laid before them, compared to those who did not score well in their exams. And the BN’s priority is to pull those students who did not score well and equip them with equal opportunity so that they are able to compete with these students in future. This is imperative to the whole development in Malaysia, and is important in maintaining social balance. If someone is to argue that most of the scholarship was given to the Malays, please bear in mind that this is because of the aforementioned and is also in line with the notion of Ketuanan Melayu, which is an important factor in Malaysia. Please think from a broader perspective and don’t keep looking at things from a narrow angle.


  4. Year after year still the Government is not transparent in the giving out of the JPA scholarships. Many top leaders talked about transparency even the new PM. They talked only. Why do they fear to be transparent concerning the giving out of scholarship? Probably due to many questionable, shameful and dirty things hidden in the selection.

    To the PM,
    If I am the PM, I shall surely make this matter and many matters transparent. Don’t give the lame excuses of national security, protect the privacy of the successful candidates, etc.

  5. Please bear in mind that Malaysia does not practise the meritocracy system practiced by Singapore. This is important and this is why Malaysia is so different from Singapore. Malaysian government is more human based whereas Singapore’s is more result based. In the long run, Malaysia will have loyal citizens and Singapore will only be filled with foreigners or “PRs” who will eventually go back to their own countries. Let us respect that the policies taken by our government are not something plucked from the air but have gone through serious contemplations. The policies are aimed to benefit the entire population and not only certain races. It certainly cannot only benefits those students who are at the top and forget about those who are not as good. I urge DAP not to create an issue out of this matter as PAS and PKR do not have any issues on this matter. If DAP is a party representing multi-races as they claimed, stop creating social unrests among the Chinese community on this issue and look at the matter from a wider perspectives and help bring about a harmonious society.

  6. Kasim Amat’s statements:

    “Malaysia has made tremendous progress in the past 40 years and our education system has also evolved to be one of the best in the world.”

    Progress? Our currency exchange has declined tremendously against the Singapore Dollars. We have fewer FDIs and we are no longer among Asia’s top economies. How do you get the TREMENDOUS PROGRESS indication from?

    “Our education system has also evolved to be one of the best in the world, say who? The minister of education? For all I know, our universities ranking in the world are dropping everyday. We probably have the highest unemployment rate among graduates in the world.”

    “That was why so many foreign students choose to study here.”

    Those are people who can’t make it in their own countries or coming from countries which have worse universities than ours. Our Ringgit is weak too so very cheap education!

    “The BN government has always taken a very pragmatic and contemporary approach in our education system not only to improve the education level and also to enable the needy ones to have equal opportunities to further their studies.”

    Really? A simple decision on whether to teach Science and Maths in English is really showing how stupid our government is. It takes them forever to make a decision as simple as this.

    “The manner how the scholarships are being distributed should not be questioned as it have proven that the current system was flawless and it was the corner stone and foundation of a modern a dynamic yet a harmonious Malaysia. If the scholarship was given only to the top students who are primarily from a particular race, it will be very unhealthy for the entire development of the country. We have to take into account the race distribution pattern and have to give considerations to the poor.”

    Really? Why I heard rich people get it too? That means you are trying to give scholarships to the poor and not the deserving ones? That is the reason we have the highest unemployment graduates probably in the world. Since most of them are not deserving the scholarship reward in the first place. I don’t believe there is only one particular race who are top in education.

    “Best students have always no problem in obtaining scholarships from other countries such as Singapore so it is important that we have to channel our own limited funds to those who are not able to obtain scholarship through other means. This explained why some of the top students did not get scholarship in Malaysia. This does not mean they are not good enough but simply because they have too much opportunities laid before them, compared to those who did not score well in their exams. And the BN’s priority is to pull those students who did not score well and equip them with equal opportunity so that they are able to compete with these students in future. This is imperative to the whole development in Malaysia, and is important in maintaining social balance. If someone is to argue that most of the scholarship was given to the Malays, please bear in mind that this is because of the aforementioned and is also in line with the notion of Ketuanan Melayu, which is an important factor in Malaysia. Please think from a broader perspective and don’t keep looking at things from a narrow angle.”

    Sorry, your thinking is narrow angle because you only think of one race, not the way you accuse others of not havin a broader perspective of viewing the whole matter. The Ketuanan Melayu is just a term created by BN as an excuse to fight for the Malay race. You are forcing a policy never agreed by any race in the country upon us. What they are doing now is weakening your own race so for you to defend this policy even further is an absolute disgrace to your own race. I will be ashamed if I were you.

    In order to progress, you need to make sure your race work harder. If you give things for free and easily, you are destroying your own race. Have a wider perspective please! Your reasoning is destroying the very fundamental reason to seek knowledge, wisdom and education. You are basically telling everyone in Malaysia that you can qualify for a scholarship if you are poor and you are from a specific race. No need to study hard and expect the government to give you free money. Yeah, nice life!

  7. Kasim Amat says:
    “Please bear in mind that Malaysia does not practise the meritocracy system practiced by Singapore. This is important and this is why Malaysia is so different from Singapore. Malaysian government is more human based whereas Singapore’s is more result based. In the long run, Malaysia will have loyal citizens and Singapore will only be filled with foreigners or “PRs” who will eventually go back to their own countries. Let us respect that the policies taken by our government are not something plucked from the air but have gone through serious contemplations. The policies are aimed to benefit the entire population and not only certain races. It certainly cannot only benefits those students who are at the top and forget about those who are not as good. I urge DAP not to create an issue out of this matter as PAS and PKR do not have any issues on this matter. If DAP is a party representing multi-races as they claimed, stop creating social unrests among the Chinese community on this issue and look at the matter from a wider perspectives and help bring about a harmonious society.”

    Well, unfortunately, this kind of system is not sustainable. It will drag the whole country down. You are turning Malaysia into a childcare centre or nursing home. Imagine you keep on having this kind of policy and you create more and more incompetent graduates who can’t be employed. This will destroy the country in the long run, creating far more social unrests with escalating crime rates which are worse than your stupid reasoning of harmonious society. Socrates if alive today will laugh till death with your kind of reasoning.

    These policies you have high regard of is probably the only one existing on this planet. They are racist, killing your race in the long run, destroying the future of the country and creating more useless next generation citizens who are always depending on the country for free resources.

    The citizens in Malaysia are only loyal because they are given free resources. Loyalty in Malaysia is bought with money. Who won’t be loyal? If you give me free resources to nurse me till death, I will also be loyal to you. However, is it true loyalty? Once the resources are gone, do you think they will still be loyal? Those students who do not qualify for scholarships should be instead be given chances in other things apart from education like arts, vocational schools, sports development and the rest. Everyone are not born equal and smart and good in education. We have to accept that and so we have to accept that only those who are qualified or work hard deserve scholarships.

  8. “cintanegara Says:
    When a policy doesn’t seem to favor you… that doesn’t mean it’s unjust….”

    This is the most funny statement of the century. I guess you still don’t understand the basic human rights and the basic understanding that all human beings are created equal. In the eyes of God and I believe this applies to all religions in this world, everyone are born equal and should be given equal opportunities and chances. Malaysia which is so proud to announce to the world that she is an Islamic country is not practising what I believe Islam is practising. Therefore, you are contradicting what the official religion is saying. I am not sure since I don’t practise Islam and I stand to be corrected.

    When you say such a statement above, I believe you clearly do not understand what we are fighting for. We are fighting for a policy that is just and fair to everyone. There is not once where the fight is about the policy favouring anybody. I guess you are under tremendous illussion that we are always fighting for favourable policies to a certain race. It is understandable from someone who is always having policies favouring you always. Of course it never felt unjust to you because they are all favouring you so to you, all is well. You are never at the other side of the fence. Until you experiencing living in a different condition at the other side of the fence where all policies are not favouring you, don’t try to act smart and speak like you know everything.

  9. As a rejected applicant, I really hope the Public Service Department will be transparent with their chosen scholars and their criteria. The least they can do is let us know what we (all of those whom were denied a spot) lack in comparison to those successful applicants.

  10. Mr Kasim Amat, I beg to differ…. Pure meritocracy does not exist in a country not far from here…..14% of its populations are denied highest positions within armed forces….not eligible to fly the fighter jet……. true meritocracy can never exist!!!

  11. Ketuanan Melayu is the key concept which they will invoke each time we seek to change the imbalance. Without Ketuanan Melayu, Kasim Ämat and I would not have succeeded in our Ali Baba business selling APs.

  12. # cintanegara Says:
    Today at 16: 50.05 (16 minutes ago)

    “Mr Kasim Amat, I beg to differ…. Pure meritocracy does not exist in a country not far from here…..14% of its populations are denied highest positions within armed forces….not eligible to fly the fighter jet……. true meritocracy can never exist!!!”

    Well, at least you have 14% only and in the armed forces and flying fighter jet. In Malaysia, it is everywhere and definitely many many times higher. That is what you call POLICIES NOT FAVOURING YOU DOES NOT MEAN IS INJUST. I love this quote very much! However, you are only telling one side of the story about this country not far from here. If you see the amount of assitance they give for the poor, regardless of race, and specifically for your race, then you all will know like Dr. Mahathir, cintanegara is also having selective memory loss when he commented on the same thing regarding LKY’s systematically marginalized speech.

  13. Way to go Mr SocratesPlato! HA HA

    I told you Mr Pathetic Kassim Amat and Mr Pathetic Cintan Negara is a laughing stock! HA HA HA..That’s the same thing I did in the previous blog! Man they really made me laugh! HA HA HA

    Its either they are BLIND or they are just led by the BLIND!

    Dream dream dream…Yes they are dreaming…HA HA

    Oh I can’t stop Laughing!

    “JPA Scholarships : Seeking a Fair and Equitable Policy” – YB Lim, mind me asking, do you think this can be achieved? Unless PR governs, else we can only dream..That’s the saddest commentary in it and itself..

  14. Kasim Amat Says:
    Today at 15: 52.06 (3 hours ago)

    Please bear in mind that Malaysia does not practise the meritocracy system practiced by Singapore. This is important and this is why Malaysia is so different from Singapore. Malaysian government is more human based whereas Singapore’s is more result based. In the long run, Malaysia will have loyal citizens and Singapore will only be filled with foreigners or “PRs” who will eventually go back to their own countries.

    What you say sounds interesting! Care to elaborate?
    1) What is difference between Malaysian meritocracy and Singapore meritocracy?
    2) In what way Malaysian government more human than Singapore’s. And how has this “more human” approach benefited Malaysians?
    3) Malaysian meritocracy will result in loyal citizens while Singapore meritocracy will result in foreigners or PR’s who eventually go back to their country – Can’t quite see your argument here. Please explain…

  15. Well Kasim Amat if our education standard like you said is one of the best in the world,I urge you to ask our new internal/home affairs minister and the prime minister why they send their children to UK to study ?.Meritocracy ! Don’t talk nonsense. It’s a fact,that most scholarships,and other goodies are given to the recipients is based on the color of the skin { Kasim Amat haven’t you heard about the ” kulip qualification ” }.I believe you must have received tremendrous benefits already because your skin color is similar to those top Umno leaders. Ketuanan malayu,why are you persistantly bringing it up ? PM NR has said he wanted to be the people’s prime minister,hence please don’t attempt to destroy it.How can NR achieve 1malaysia,people first and performance now when Ketuanan malayu keeps linging on ?. Come on ,Kasim Amat,you can’t have the cake and eat it all.

  16. Why don’t be a bit humble, “Malay special right” instead of ketuanan Melayu just humbly says as kelemahan Melayu, people will be more receptive. Dah uzur, lembap nak jadi tuan, this is the very reason people want to nauseate, laugh till stomach needs clinical care.

    In all Malay Only or Malay First policies, this overseas scholarship allocation should be the least disputable. At least this is giving away fishing rods to the youngs. Some undue recipients might have deep pocket/datuk as father or grandfather, but still we are hoping after 4 years stint in London, this group of Malays do have global instinct. Other practice such as motor vehicle APs, I dare say that it is 10 times more spikeful than this. Really we should go all out to rectify other misallocation of government resources such as AP, contract open tender…

    Maybe here what we really concern is brain drain issue. We worry our geniuses will cabut/flock to other countries or disappearing of genius genie due to lost of opportunity to study in US, UK…. To turn this tide, every one of us here disregard whether you are MCA lover or rival, you just got to support UTAR in every possible way. With genius enrolment, your support financially and morally who knows one day UTAR is par with University of Singapore.

    At the meantime, apart from forum to tekan our Director General En Ismail Adam, please tell our high-hope-then-despair genuises that life is just like black magic. Undeserving becomes deserved, deserving becomes undeserved.

  17. JPA Scholarships…Seeking A Fair & Equitable Policy sounds pretty good but if only PR alone,it’s just a dream. If BN component party such as MCA, MIC,PBS and SUPP can come in to assist PR,then I think there’s a glimmer of hope. Based on record,these guys either remain silent or “kow tow ” to Umno. Hence no chance,they will help PR.So what option PR has ?. I think PR should initiate it’s own fair and equitable policy in it’s own state government. PR should leave the federal level aside and concentrate on it’s own to show what you can do for the people under your watch. They say “charity begins at home ” Once that done pretty well,then only go on to the next level to win the hearts and minds of the people of other states. Once that done again,well the federal government is yours.Turning dream/idealism into reality begins at home. PR must start now.

  18. Transparency is never UMNO’s cup of tea. They does everything under veil of secrecy and all of us know s why. The same goes with the scholarship issue. They cannot declassify the records of recipient because they will expose that mostly their cronies children and highly connected civil servant’s children are the recipients.
    I can hear that many ordinary Malays whose children did well are also given a miss.
    Kasim Amat, unless you are a plant of UMNO, would you like to demand that the JPA be totally transparent of the current issue?

  19. Kasim Amat and citanegara are among the superb models of UMNO.

    We need such persons like Kasim Amat and citanegara to show the true colour and extremism of UMNO. They talked as if they are patriot but in actuality opposite. They are the enemies of 1Malaysia. Keep it up, Kasim Amat and citanegara as without you and those like you we can hardly know UMNO in its inward nature and essence.

  20. “‘ello? is this kasim amat’s blog or lks blog??” -TomThumb

    Ha ha ha!. We can’t help it. Kassim Amat/ Cintanegara just posts such incredibly outrageous posts. Their viewpoints are so incredibly different from us that it’s just an amazing culture shock coming face to face with their reasonings/beliefs and thought processes.

    It’s shocking but Kassim Amat/Cintanegara are examples of the thousands upon thousands of UMNOputras out there in Malaysia today, the product of 30 years of a sheltered well insulated life under NEP.

    Its like going to North Korea and hearing a normal North Korean civilian claiming to believe they are still at war with the evil colonist empires and the US are trying to conquer them like they have taken control South Korea via a puppet government. The North Koreans pray that one day their South Korean brothers will be free just like them.

  21. I wonder what Tun Ismail has to say about these 2 chaps,cintanegara and Kasim Amat if he is still alive.He would probably have kicked himself in the butt for not abrogating the special position of the Malays at that time.He certainly would have blamed himself that the Malays are looked down upon by fellow Malays such as Kasim Amat and cintanegara as stupid and incapable of standing up on their two feet if they are not given the tongkat.Worse of all after 52 years they still think that the race is too paralysed for the tongkat to be withdrawn!
    Such a sad commentary indeed but many in UMNO still couldn’t comprehend that
    what they are doing will only go to harm the Malay race.Tun Suffian is a Malay,Syed Hussein Alatas is a Malay,Farish Noor is a Malay,Ungku Aziz is a Malay,do you need anymore proofs to show that the Malays are just as capable,just as competive.That the race as a whole is not so is because is because UMNO has made it so.

  22. Only 20pc of PSD scholarships given on merit
    By Shannon Teoh

    PUTRAJAYA, May 18 — Only 20 per cent, or one in five, of Public Service Department (PSD) scholarships are given based on merit while the rest are allocated based on racial quotas.

    This appears to be a key factor leading to the public outcry over the large number of top-scorers in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Malaysia’s school-leaving exam, not obtaining scholarships to further their studies.

    This was revealed when DAP leaders, including its parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and information chief Tony Pua, met with PSD director-general Tan Sri Ismail Adam today.

    Also present was DAP Socialist Youth chief Anthony Loke, who told The Malaysian Insider that Ismail had confirmed that 60 per cent of scholarships were given out based on the population ratio of respective races.

    Another 10 per cent is set aside for East Malaysian Bumiputras and the same ratio for underprivileged students.

    “This is at odds with what Parliament Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz told the house last year, when he said it would be split according to a 55:45 ratio,” Loke said.

    The Rasah MP said that there was no way that the current method of allocation could hit that desired ratio.

    “This change of policy is why there are more clear-cut cases of qualified students not getting scholarships this year,” Loke added.

    Ismail had on Saturday asked the public for understanding as there are 8,000 students who qualify on merit but his department had only 2,000 scholarships to allocate.

    Lim, in a press conference on Friday, had called for students with nine 1As and onwards to “automatically qualify for scholarships, especially now that the new prime minister has promised to put the people first.”

    Pua today also called for a total reform of the system, saying that too many high achievers were falling through the net and that pre-university courses such as A-levels or the local equivalent, Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia, were a more accurate benchmark for who deserved a scholarship.

    “We should change the benchmark to the point when they actually apply to enter university. Then if you do not get accepted into a certain list of universities, there is no argument – you are simply not qualified for a scholarship,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

  23. The first step: demand the public publishing of all JPA scholarship recipients, their results and what were the reasonings they were awarded the scholarship in spite of poor results.

    The problem:
    Scholarship: a financial award that does not have to be repaid based on the student’s performance in educational programs. (In contrast to Bursaries – which are awarded based on financial need rather than academic criteria.).

    I guess Malaysians have poor grasp of English and don’t understand the correct definition of a ‘scholarship’. It is meant to be awarded purely based on academic merit.

    Any educational assistance based on financial reasons or social reasons should be provided under a different program whereby a different awarding criteria can be used.

    This way, people no longer feel they are being treated unfairly. How can one feel happy, when one scores 10 A1’s and fail to get a scholarship but another person scores only 5 A1’s and gets the scholarship on the basis that his/her family was poorer and therefore deserved the scholarship more?!

    If you are getting financial aid on the basis of your financial status, then you should get it under a different scheme. It should not be under the same scheme as all the other people who are getting their scholarships because of their academic achievements.

  24. cintanegara….Get it into your idiotic head!
    UMNO corrupted and double standard…race and religion politics…favour only UMNO and BN members…favour one like you….ever so willing to be second class citizen..and if you are a muslim…..ever so willing to be controlled by a religion and not free as a bird.,favour massive corruptions.
    If DAP does not fight for the Chinese and Indians…..and exposed UMNO stealing tax payers money…and continuously treating Chinese and Indians unfair and unjustly…who will do that?
    So UMNO MCA..MIC and Gerakan can play racialist games…steal and share..and DAP cannot expose or defend other races?
    Have you forgotten Lim Eng Guan defended a Muslim girl in Melaka and went to jail for it? The mother of the girl is ever so grateful to LKG.
    That is one reason…why Lim Eng Guan is CM of Penang today….proving voters do not easily forget….like Mahathir hoping..they do so.
    I guess Lim Kit Siang went to jail few times to defend other Malaysians by your idiotic logic means …serve him right?
    When will you ever learn to be a true Malaysian patriot and be ever grateful for such Freedom LKS..fighting to free idiots like you?
    How about those HINDRAF heroes that went to jail for months?
    Are they idiots like you….nothing else to do….but shout nonsense and go to jail?
    There is a limit to your ungrateful and idiotic character.
    Want to prove you are pro UMNO and so with a real good kind heart for country and for Malaysia Malaysians.
    According to you…it also means…UMNO should rule forever…you nitwit?

  25. As long as there are scholarships awarded, there will be man-ipulations because men and women are involved in selections. Subjectivity is part and parcel of the process.

    What if scholarships are abundance? Will there be lesser issues?
    What if there is no scholarships? Will the issue of wrongful allocations resolved or cleared?

    Implement an education loan system with severe penalty for defaulters and guarantors. Those who did well in their studies will likely be paid well when they graduated and be able to service the loan.

  26. Ah Pek you said it right that CERTAIN Malays are incapable of standing up on their two feet if they are not given the tongkat. They had been drugged by UMNO, just like what the British did to the Chinese and this little bit of history will be interesting for Kasim Amat.

    The British was intent on dragging down the Chinese through the encouragement of opium addiction. In this method they made the Chinese a slave to them as without opium they will die. So it is better to be slave than to die.
    So this is exactly what UMNO is doing to the Malay and it is a pity that our friend Kasim Amat is not even aware of it.

  27. As long as UMNO is governing…you can shout …yell or expose their sinful acts..all will fall UMNO’s ministers… deaf ears.
    Once they stop favouring Malays…they are finished with their present slim chance of 52 years out-dated act…to win 13th GE..and to keep fooling Malaysians….like cintanegara.
    All are low class acts and cannot fool Malaysians so easily….like before 12th GE results.
    Anytime 13th GE is held….UMNO is finished.
    But Malaysians can easily forget…so we need to keep talking till we drop dead expose these corrupted hypocrites.
    It is so important that Lim Kit Siang and his team…to be ever energetic and keep exposing…keep suggesting …keep talking..what is right and what wrongs BN are doing… keEp proving … UMNO is a racialist corrupted party.
    It is not an easy task nor pleasant for LKS to keep talking like this……but he cannot stop. That’s is his destiny..a true brave Freedom Fighter……to be well rewarded by 13th GE.

  28. Monsterball….Have you got a favorite bedtime story that you made up? These are exactly the kind of little dramas you can read to your grandchildren at night as a prelude to sweet dreams:….

    The reality is….BN will achieve a bigger success in the coming general election…sometimes the truth hurts…even if it hurts, nothing can be done about it ….just face the reality….

  29. what an interesting debate we have here..we wont be having so much argument if all of you here accept the fact that the “malay” is a weaker race..they need help in order to stand up as only minority of them can stand up on their own..the academic result says it all..There is no need to argue about anything..If there is 100% fair policy in Malaysia..i just cant imagine what can the MALAY achieve..not all but MAJORITY…maybe 9/10..

  30. I think you all have reacted to the the best brains trained locally the likes of cintanegara and kassim asmat. the more you all react to this simpletons the more nonsense they will write. Just ignore their one-way mentality borne out of self-created fears as the brains could think of better reason except on the colour of one’s skin. These are losers all the way; they have no pride except kept on barking for their shares of whatever they can think of. And this they call their maruah!!

  31. The award of JPA or State scholarship will be a perennial problem as long as the racist UMNO is ruling the country and as long as UMNO is repleted with retards like Kassim Amat or Cintanegara. These characters were born thinking that the world owe them a living and somehow they deserve special privileges simply because they are born. In reality it is their inferiority complex, their fear of not being able to survive in open competition that drive them to stay in their sheltered cocoon.
    It is therefore pointless to exhort the UMNO government to dispense scholarships with the decency of fairness as it can only be fair to them if their umnoputras and cronies get all the scholarships. Anything less is erosion of their birth rights or in their favourite lament, breach of social contract which their ancestors supposedly entered with the minority groups. Meaningful change to the system of scholarship award can only take place with a change of government which unfortunately can take place earliest the next general election.
    In the meantime, I wholehearted urge the DAP to set up at this juncture a Scholarship Fund on its own to circumvent the problem. The advantages are manifolds. The obvious advantage would be to immediately provide those deserving students who did not get the country’s scholarship with one. Of course these DAP scholarships should be given out based only on one criteria and that is scholastic achievement and nothing else. It doesn’t matter if the student comes from a rich or even royal family. It has to be raceless or colorblind and apolitical. Such a noble move will not only earn the respect of the minority groups which have been largely deprived of their scholarship but may also amongst the bumiputras as it seek to give rather than take. Everybody wins. Our top students no longer need to queue and fight for the limited Asian scholarships in Singapore and we can still keep some of our best talents home. Over time these scholarship will command a respect comparable to those of the SAF or President Scholarships in Singapore because of its meritocratic appeal. Only the good and the best get it. The talent pool in DAP will also improve tremendously because these scholars who no doubt are the best in their cohort will be indebted to some measure to the party. Their loyalty can never be displaced easily quite unlike that Hee traitor DAP had in Perak. This obviously will increase the prestige and image of the DAP tremendously for helping to solve such a heart wrenching problem. It shows that DAP can walk the talk and is not just a party who just thrive on complaining. Such a move will force the Federal government to respond with more generous allocation of the state scholarship to minority groups because it cannot afford to have DAP getting all the good will of the people who in time will be translated into votes. With this DAP can walk tall as it does not need to beg quite unlike the MCA and MIC and yet gets the scholarships for the needy and deserving. The people of Malaysia are a resourceful lot. When they realise that the government was killing the national schools with their ridiculous curriculum, unqualified teaching staff, religious flavour etc, they created or improve the private schools for their own children to go to. As it is now, the private vernacular schools are gaining in popularity.

    Education to the community is a very important and sensitive issues. DAP may for a moment think that it lacks the resources to raise the money for the scholarship fund but think again. The power is with the people and so is the money. If it can convince people that the money raised is for a good cause and education for the deserving and needy is without a doubt a good cause, millions will pour in. We poured in hundreds of thousand if not millions collectively to enable the opposition to trounce the incumbent BN in the last election and it will happen again except this time it will be more! Money spent on campaigning, well, the results are not so immediately tangible. Not so education. The award of a scholarship to a good student in a humble household opens up the road not only for the particular student but the entire family including his siblings. Do not underestimate the resourcefulness of the reasonable to contribute to a good cause. Many of the countries’ best have left over the years but Malaysia still hold a special place in their heart. You may be pleasantly surprise that they will contribute significantly if nothing more then to prevent the recurrence of the injustice done onto them by being deprived of a state scholarship when they most needed and deserved it.

  32. Absolutely right “waterfrontcoolie” commentator.
    But if we do not respond….young voters reading cannot have two sides to think about.
    However….in his latest reply to me….any reader will know cintanegara is what ‘waterfrontcoolie” writer..have described him excellently.

  33. Dear ‘nephew’ chengho…At my age…I can take prepared for anything.
    At your age..learn to respect old folks that have …eaten more salt that you eat rice.
    To be smart…ask questions with simple direct English sentences. Do not try to dress it up with double meanings..or with bombastic words.
    Time is really valuable. I blog with a purpose to part my knowledge and teach young ones like you ….how to succeed in life…plus hope to swing vote to change government. This is so easy for me…as I write with 52 years practical experiences under UMNO racialist government. No need any political degree…from local schools or Uni that are dressed up half truth history…to program your mind…to worship UMNO.
    Now….what are you trying to ask me?
    You can be very sarcastic….and that is not a license to succeed in life..young man/girl.
    Keep being what you are…close your eyes..few precious months passed by….you learn NOTHING!!
    Cintanegara is a gone case. Do not be like him.

  34. Chengho..Their are thousand of freedom fighter movies..almost all are fictions…to entertain you.
    But I have read ..seen and know lots of freedom fighter movies that are true stories.

  35. Forget it.

    BN will revert back to Bahasa for Maths and Science so that every rakyat will be forever confine to the bottom of the well and cannot do anything.

    First thing, Mr. Mamathir said about “taib Mamohd” : “He don’t know English and how to be a Minister.”

    Without English, every Rakyat will forever “Tanah Jaguh”,”Tanah Padi” lah!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Almost all countries adopt the same criteria when it comes to awarding scholarship for their students to study overseas – the best and the brightest. Malaysia is the exception because of the government adopting the race-based policy in making decisions. So, even important matters like the awarding of overseas scholarship is reportedly not done rationally.
    I remember reading a newspaper report years ago about an Indian Ocean country Mauritius awarding scholarships to its bright students to pursue studies overseas. Of the 29 students awarded the scholarship, almost all of them were ethnic Chinese, although Chinese Mauritians made up of only about 5 per cent of the total population. No racial problems there. In our country, everything is done along racial lines, seldom do we hear of the government doing things rationally.
    The talent of every Malaysian regardless of race has to be tapped for national development and advancement. If the government perceives that the Malays and other bumiputras are lagging behind the Chinese, then it is their mission to find honorable ways to help the community to catch-up with the Chinese. Never resort to any short-cut ways and unfair laws to make their kinds look good, as this is in fact cheating themselves only.
    Chinese are seen to be more successful simply because Chinese parents place education of their children as their most important duty. That’s why people like chengho, Kasim Amat, cintanegara, etc, should try to understand that what LK is doing is doing his mission to build a better Malaysia where every citizen can live in abundance, peace and happiness, and not to be trapped by unnecessary racial and racist politics. Please, you guys, don’t treat LKS just because he is from the DAP, and Chinese.
    Internationally, China is the finest example of how a country once looked down upon by the West has risen up through its hardworking population and implementing pragmatic policy to regain international respect. Our country should emulate China.
    Make no mistake, I’m writing all this not because I’m Chinese.

  37. Anglophile is the right term to describe a group of people who share a common mind-set like Thinking Two… It is a known fact that English is a recognized global language…. Predominantly, I support the teaching of science and mathematics in English….

    On the other hand, I fail to understand, why do people write gibberish Bahasa on this blog?

    Without English, every Rakyat will forever “Tanah Jaguh”,”Tanah Padi” lah!!!!!!!!!!!! – Thinking Two

    What Does He Mean By That?

  38. Be grateful to the BN gomen
    forever generous and
    social engineering the system
    Each successive year
    more SPM candidates ended up
    with mountains of As
    9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 20 As
    No problem lah

    This land, our motherland, is
    fertile and produces tons of
    multilple all-A geniuses
    Sure got all-A mat rempit one
    Minister happy, teachers happy
    calon happy, parents happy, mat rempit happy

    BN gomen generous, give scholarships
    to students after SPM
    [other countries usually give s’ships
    to their citizens after A-level]
    But, wah-lah, so so many
    multilple all-A geniuses
    [one can’t help asking: Sure A standard ah?]
    where got enuf scholarships to give?

    By 2020, no be surprise
    our motherland exports
    highly intelligent
    domestic maids and laborers
    all with multiple A @ SPM one

  39. Hey, no speak English
    no problem one
    In fact, sometimes, advantange one
    Carry big fat cash in bags
    go international and
    cross borders
    Get caught red handed with pants down
    no panic one
    No speak English, no read English
    no guilty one
    no jail one
    Home sweet home
    But if UM Hons know English
    mati leh
    So, no English or know English
    which is best one?

  40. I don’t really believe that the Malay is a weaker race but these important factors tend to give them some self-made handicaps.

    1. There seems to be a religious concept that everything is preordained and Allah will do everything. This combined with the NEP-induced crutch mentality is a major stumbling block to self-achievement.

    2. The families tend to be too large, no doubt encouraged by TDM who wanted people to buy the national cars and pay PLUS in simplistic terms. Others struggle with 2 or 3 children on average but Malay families usually exceed 5 children.

    3. High rate of divorce tends to create many broken families and progress in school becomes a major problem.

  41. The incorrigible low class….cintanegara complaining not up to the standard Bahasa messages.. put out non other than…yours truly.
    He is a perfectionist.
    I guess UMNO and BN are the most perfect parties to rule Malaysia forever…correct?.. cintanegara?
    I wonder how many elderly Malays…can read and write Bahasa.
    Day in day out….he churns out….so much nonsense.

  42. “I don’t really believe that the Malay is a weaker race ”

    – I agree with Haji above; when I look at Indonesians and Burmese working in Malaysia, many of them, seems to be hard-working and fast learning individuals; they being here because the administrators of their country have betrayed them and ours are heading to that direction perhaps

    – really from outward appearance they are from the same “stock” notwithstanding any cultural, religious and language differences

    – I believe given an environment in which individuals can progress (free from garbage indoctrination from the likes of KS & CN here and the propaganda owners), Malays, Burmese, Indos can progress just like any other human beings around.

  43. Mr Pathetic Cintan Negara,

    “The reality is….BN will achieve a bigger success in the coming general election…sometimes the truth hurts…even if it hurts, nothing can be done about it ….just face the reality….” – I think people like you should wake up and face the truth. You’d forgotten TDM said it will be a clean sweep? Clean sweep by BN?…Unfortunately the answer will and never be yes. You can dream and dream and dream..Yes..DREAM ON.

    “On the other hand, I fail to understand, why do people write gibberish Bahasa on this blog?

    Without English, every Rakyat will forever “Tanah Jaguh”,”Tanah Padi” lah!!!!!!!!!!!! – Thinking Two

    What Does He Mean By That?” – Nothing to do with languages. Its just that you got to be a little bit smarter to understand it..Well, I didn’t mean to say you’re stupid but even I(not really smart) can understand it but not you..LAUGH OUT LOUD..

    Hey guys, man I can’t stop laughing. Looks like we got another clown here. That made 2 clowns! HA HA..If Mr Pathetic Cintan is so perfect in English, lets enjoy his show! (^^)

  44. The malay race is not weak.The indonesians and most southern philipinos are quite similar to the malay and I believe these three races share the same racial stock. Indonesians and philipinos who are working in Sabah show they are smart,work pretty hard and most are doing well.Why do you think these guys can survive pretty well ?. It’s because they are alone with no government aid.How on earth the local malay with so much government assistance in malaysia is still pretty poor and seem to be weak ?.The answer is they choose to depend on the government help,thus feel relax ,happy and contented .Some choose to depend on their own,work smart and hard become very successful and wealthy .It’s most unfortunate,the umno/Bn leaders do not see that the continuity of helping the malay (pampering) is making them more and more contented and may lead them to become a lazy race. Whether these umno top leaders see it or not,the malay has lost it’s competitiveness.

  45. To me it is simply this -PURE GREED.
    The leaders with the connivance of some civil servants know how to work the system so that the NEP perks end up like this – follows Pareto principle – 20% of the qualified dudes end up with 80% of the giveaways.
    This NEP has been fine tuned so well that even well meaning new hires find it hard to work with high principles.
    To me the only way to change is to sack the BN government as even TDM could not change them and in fact made it worse.

  46. …. Pure meritocracy does not exist in a country not far from here…..14% of its populations are denied highest positions within armed forces….not eligible to fly the fighter jet……. – cintanegara

    Is that a fact? Can you quote your source please to back it up?


  47. Please bear in mind that Malaysia does not practise the meritocracy system practiced by Singapore… In the long run, Malaysia will have loyal citizens… – Kasim Amat

    Does anyone have any idea how many Malaysians are taking up Singapore citizenship? That would be a good test to the truth of what Kasim Amat said.

  48. Malaysia has made tremendous progress in the past 40 years and our education system has also evolved to be one of the best in the world. – Kasim Amat

    May you please let us which world you are referring to?

  49. HJ Angus is right.
    Malays just need to practice family planning and birth controls!

    How could Malay families take care of their 5 or more kids in this expensive world?

    Petrol is going to dry up soon. Manufacturing industries are moving to cheaper countries. How could the Government affort to bankroll the poorer Malay families says 3 years down the road?

    Family planning is the only way out to create a more educated and a smarter Malay society!

  50. cintanegara Says:
    Today at 16: 39.48 (2 hours ago)

    Surprisingly, all the names listed above are from the same ethnic background…..

    Are You always surprised? My three kids also have 8a1’s out of ten subjects but the two previous prime ministers repeatedly said that Sir Robert Kuok is filthy rich so the Chinese are filthy rich and they don’t deserve any help.

  51. If BN government wants to help the poor and the underprivileged, then please offer assistantship or study loan to them. Please do not misuse the word “scholarship” when you don’t intend to give the monetary award to the best performers or the top scorers in the public examinations.

    It really makes me sick when BN Government is making such a misleading policy by stating that the scholarship is only meant for the substandard students who did not do quite well in their study and not for the top scorers who deserve the monetary award as incentive for the students to strive hard to quest for excellence!

  52. mendela said
    Family planning is the only way out to create a more educated and a smarter Malay society!

    I totally disagree with your statement above. As a matter of fact, I find it offensive and disrespectful!! The number of children a person has or want is a personal matter and the important thing is how you bring them up for success. You can have one child and he/she can still be a problem if the parents are ignorant!!

  53. I do not understand we should send our best students to oversea. We are talking to improve our UM< UKM< UPM ranking? Yet, we sned the best, only second string enroll local uni, this is the way we want to go? wake up all….
    Those who get local scholarships should b glad. Of course, there is no transparency in the JPA scholarships offer.
    YB LKS, your directly of JPA plea is not correct.
    Stop giving out JPA pversea scholarships. This is our hard earn money. I can not see JPA scholar contribute more than the local uni grads to Malaysia.
    I think we should only send them oversea for Master and Phd and they need to serve Malaysia else they need to be sue

  54. “As a matter of fact,I find it offensive and disrespectful.”.imranj78.

    Why should it be offensive and disrespective when Mendela said that family planning is the only way out to create a more educated and smarter Malay society.Isn’t it true to expect a child in say a family of three with take home salary of RM3000 per month(RM1000per head) has a better opportunity in life than a child in a family with the same take home salary of RM3000 per month (RM500per head). And when you say that the child in a smaller family (ie RM1000per head)has a better opportunity it simply means he has better diet,has better means to purchase better educational materials needed to improve his learning, perhaps no need to get up at 6.00am in the morning to catch the school bus thus not depriving him of enough sleeping hours so necessary for brain development etc etc and etc.In other words a child with better means has better chance in life! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT OBSERVATION,I ask you.In fact I think you should apologise to Mendela for snapping at him if you are a gentleman.

  55. AhPek,
    You guys proclaim yourself as being non-racists but the way you speak smacks of racial tones!! If your `hypothesis’ is so righteous, why does it seem to apply to Malays only? Even if you want to put forth an argument, there is no need to single out one race… if you truly believe that your argument is right (which i don’t think so but I will accept as your right to differ from me), surely the argument applies to all races?? Again I say this – HYPOCRITES!

    Economics and wealth is only part of the equation. I have seen numerous parents with many children who managed to raise their children to be successful even when they are poor. I still believe that parents with the right attitude, foresight and imparting of right values and beliefs to their children are key in developing a successful person. Economic wealth can only go so far if the parents do not take time to impart the right values to their children!

  56. I once interviewed a JPA scholarship student who graduated from a state university in the USA. As usual, in the first few minutes, I asked some ice-breaker questions. The interviewee remained silent, just nodding and smiling. Then much to my surprise, she said in BM, “Tuan boleh cakap dalam Bahasa Malaysia tak?” I was so disgusted and decided to cut the interview short. Gosh, imagine all the tax payers money going down the drain on undeserving students! I don’t think I need to say more here.

  57. imranj78,
    Where in I mention Malay in my argument that a child in a smaller (did I say Malay family) has generally better opportunities than a child coming from a bigger family and proceed to give an example supporting what I believe.It cuts across all ethnic groups and one were to particularise it would apply to a chinese kid coming from a smaller family is expected to have better opportunities than a chinese kid from a bigger family .It applies too.You may have come across a child from a bigger family coming out in life better than a child from a smaller family,I would not contradict you for there are exceptions as well.So where in my statements did I make any racial statement that you accuse,much like you try to accuse of insulting Islam sometime back and I have waited futilely for your explanation cos I have given you my stand.So please don’t try to bulldoze your way with for i am see to the end with any argument!If anyone is hypocritical you are.

  58. First line should be and not as the correction above: “In my argument that a child from a smaller family has generally better opportunities than a child from a bigger family there was no mention of Malay family (or have I?) and proceed to give an example supporting my belief.”

  59. Imranj78

    It is irresposible as a human being to have many offsprings if one cannot provide basic needs for them in terms of social up-bringing. This includes but not limited to education, culture, religion, economics and politic.

  60. One of my classmates (average results) got a JPA scholarship to do his further studies in the USA. Within a few months there, he bought a Mustang, then drove into a ravine and was killed instantly. I guess you can say that our tax money went down the ravine, in this case. Apparently, many of these students “buy” their degrees. That could explain my experience with a JPA student from the USA who could not speak English during her interview with me. Imagine, all these nonsense has been going on for years, and deserving students with great potential to serve our country have been sidelined.

  61. AhPek echoed mendela’s statement as followed:
    `Why should it be offensive and disrespective when Mendela said that family planning is the only way out to create a more educated and smarter Malay society’

    I need not say more – I rest my case AhPek!

    Lee HS,
    I agree that it is irresponsible for a person to have too many offsprings if one cannot provide basic needs. But to generally say that family planning is the `only’ way out is outrageous (not to mention utterly ridiculous)!!

  62. “cintanegara Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 34.00

    Monsterball….Have you got a favorite bedtime story that you made up? These are exactly the kind of little dramas you can read to your grandchildren at night as a prelude to sweet dreams:….

    The reality is….BN will achieve a bigger success in the coming general election…sometimes the truth hurts…even if it hurts, nothing can be done about it ….just face the reality….”

    cintanegara, it’s only 23:34 and you are dreaming already?

  63. This is a true story that happend in Brunei.

    I had a graduate student who could speak about a particular religious subject abundantly eventhough it was so illogical. After graduation he got married. How did he get his wife? This is his story.

    When he was courting his present wife, he purposely left his bank book at her house. This was preplanned as he had doctored the balance in his account book to show a balance of Brunei dollar $100,000.00. He managed to con the wife and parents-in-law.

    After a while, he went on to further his study (with a scholarship) in the Phillipines. May be there were too many sweet Phillipinas as his coursemates, he tried to rape one of his coursemates. Fortunately the female coursemate managed to foil his attack and reported to the authority.

    You know what?

    Surprisingly he managed to produce an old certificate from Brunei hospital to claim that he had a history of mental problem.

    What I want to convey here is there are people who do not think logically and try to project his arguments which they think are very logical.

    These are dangerous people. So please beware!

  64. LKS,
    So far it seems that DAP is making the most noise about the scholarship distribution. The absence of any significant noise from PKR and PAS is definitely a very curious thing indeed. Or could it just be that they are happy to stick with the current formula? Or are they afraid that any of their comments will upset their traditional support base?

    What is PR’s common stand on this matter? Or is this another case of agree to disagree (i.e. we cannot make a collective decision a.k.a. indecisiveness)?

  65. jpa scholarships should be restricted to candidates who fared well in stpm. we can still keep the 55:45 ratio. top local universities should also restrict entrance to those with decent stpm results. those who choose to do matriculation should be restricted to second tiered universities.

  66. imranj78,
    I didn’t echo mendala’s statement,I agree with his statement cos what he says conforms to the general truth that a child from a smaller family has a better chance of success in education and that has nothing to do with being offensive or disrespectful.In fact like I say before you should apologise for being quick to accuse him.Further you imply that I am a racist.Like anything else you are quick to brand people much like the occasion when you are quick to rank Malaysian Police Force to be equal to Hong Kong,Japan Singapore and Australia.That’s typical of you and if I may,I find that disgusting

  67. No I’m not going to waste my time commenting on those flers’ comments, in short, DAP must always put in the ideology of struggle against unjust, for all Malaysians, I don’t want DAP to fight for the chinese too, PAS is more preferable, to symbolise the unity, I don’t want another MCA.

  68. Mr Pathetic Laksamana Cheng Ho cook Laksa.

    Mr Pathetic Cintan Negara cook Cintan Mee.

    Mr Pathetic Kassim Amat treat you Kaca Fatimah!

    HA HA HA

    These 3 are the 3 stooges for BN UMNO. If they are smart, they would know the real situation and not being blind! Pity them…some lets give them some pennies HA HA HA

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