10 Replies to “Speech by Tricia Yeoh – May 13 forum (video)”

  1. This young beautiful classy smart lady can sure speak well as an individual and not as a politician…more like an NGO.
    Thank God we have such a Malaysian on the good side.
    And God help her future better half.

  2. That idiot chengho can betray his loyalty to UMNO by a pretty face of RP member.
    Want address this and that.
    Can he handle her?
    Next thing you know..he will have a swollen mouth from a kerate kick delivered by …black belt TY.
    Just look at what type of member… UMNO have.
    Let the whole world know Chengho the great.

  3. “The Young … your children, your grandchildren [… me]”

    I think she did very well. The raised mic later on helped a lot. I can see why she twitted ‘screechy’. I guess from the comment above she might have felt a bit cowed by the aunties and uncles in the audience. There’s no guarantee that age brings wisdom – I think it could be difficult for meritocracy to be fully adopted while people look up to their elders and down to the youth by default.

    I get the feeling politics is for old people in Malaysia. It must be difficult for the youth, with such an unusually high Voting Age, to feel properly involved in politics. Perhaps a public body could run a straw poll sometime to try to establish what effect the high Voting Age has on young people’s motivation to get involved in politics.

    The point about a roadmap was incisive. Product labelling in Malaysia is terrible. I’m sure most of what is marked “Milk” in the supermarkets here could only be sold as “consumable pale liquid” outside of Malaysia. The triumph of marketing over content is complete in Malaysia – everything is a pig in a poke. Malaysians are right to distrust unmarked packages. Everybody in their right mind wants to know exactly what they’re going to get and when. I hope Tricia Yeoh’s request gets some serious consideration from those who are asking for voters to trust them with their futures. It would be easier to trust the package if the ingredients were clearly marked.

  4. orang rojak,

    for an old brit you’re rather naive. believe the ingredients simply because they were stated on the package? you could end up drinking water from your neighbour’s toilet believing it to be milk.

  5. Excellent speech!
    Think she had many good points about how Malaysians could change.
    A little flustered in Part 1 when a whole crowd entered the hall. Latecomers should be kept in a waiting area with TV hook-up so they don’t disturb speakers.

  6. Our dear tricia said the illegal power grab incident in perak is a gift by perak to pakatan. Yet indeed and in fact more. After 308, 507 represents the date when the second tsunami swept our shores and the feet of umno and najib off the ground.

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