7 Replies to “Speech by Dr Azmi Sharom – May 13 forum (video)”

  1. With such young brave intelligent Malaysians…our country will surely be a Malaysian Malaysia nation…come 13th GE.
    This young doctor will be somebody important in the near future….maybe Minister of Home Affairs..under PR….put all hantus into jail.?

  2. Well, if it pains your pansy ass that I’m born in 1990, that really is your problem. It certainly isn’t a problem to the world, and I certainly don’t go parading the fact that I was born in such a year. Unlike your repulsive nonsuch which plays like a broken record, over and over again. And uh, who ever spoke about religion? Please, at least speak with SOME brains. Oh wait, that tends to be rather difficult for your type, isn’t it? Oh well, cheer up. I’m sure Menara Dato’ Onn can use a blabberhead like you any day.

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