10 Replies to “Speech by Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin – May 13 forum (video)”

  1. This shit chengho does not have one good word for any PR politicians. ….while we give credit to those where credit is due….like to brave UMNO veteran..Tunku Ahmad Rithauddin…and few resigned from UMNO..to many to name all out.
    Why must Nizar join DAP….chengho simply blare out with no explanation..
    This shows clearly he love talking nonsense.

  2. This chengho does not have one good word for any PR politicians. ….while we give credit to those where credit is due….like to brave UMNO veteran..Tunku Ahmad Rithauddin…and few resigned from UMNO..to many to name all out.
    Why must Nizar join DAP….chengho simply blare out with no explanation..
    This shows clearly he love talking nonsense.

  3. Stupid umno infiltrators here thought the correct way to change our thinking and to convert us to pro-umno is by throwing insensible and moronic insults and ridicule at us. WTF. And of course they did not realise that they succeeded in making themselves looked lowly and totally stupid. They should just go F themselves. Anyway I still welcome them here. Its all about freedom of expression. They are free to make a fool of themselves. Good laugh for the rest of us.

  4. Rithauddin?! What a bloody joke! He’s a bloody UMNO lackey lah dey! Money politics so rampant as the black plague, yet all he says is “Kita sedang berusaha lah”. Berusaha. Yeah sure. That’s why Ali Rustam is still the Melaka CM.

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