Perak has no one who can legitimately occupy the MB’s office

The incipient hope of start of restoration of public confidence in the independence of the judiciary sparked by the courageous and landmark judgment by Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim in the Nizar vs Zambry case was cruelly crushed in less than 24 hours.

The Court of Appeal’s super-fastracking of the appeal by the usurper and illegitimate Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir for a stay of the declaration by Justice Abdul Aziz, with the stay granted by a single judge, has created a firestorm of outrage and disillusionment that justice and fair play can be expected from the present judiciary.

This is one email which I received immediately after the extraordinary speed with which Zambry’s application for stay was granted by the Court of Appeal through a single judge:

“I only wish that the courts act like this in all cases, super fast and super efficient. I am intrigued why in some case, it takes months or even years, when, in the above situation and case, it only took several hours for a panel to be set up.

“Why the double standards?

“The man who steals a loaf of bread has to rot in jail for months before his case is even heard. The rationale behind this and the usual excuse is that there is backlog of cases.”

But is Zambry entitled to return to the Perak Mentri Besar’s Office in Ipoh with the stay by the Court of Appeal.

The Court of Appeal “stay” does not make an unlawful and illegitimate Mentri Besar a lawful and legitimate one. All it means is that while Nizar cannot claim back his office at the Perak state secretariat (SUK), Zambry has neither lawful nor legitimate claim either!

From a constitutional crisis with two Mentris Besar, Perak has been plunged into a ludicrous situation where no one can legitimately occupy the Mentri Besar’s office until the Court of Appeal has fully disposed of Zambry’s appeal application or the Assembly is dissolved for new state general elections.

Why all this rigmarole in the courts when only the Perak voters can make the truly legitimate decision who is the MB of Perak?

40 Replies to “Perak has no one who can legitimately occupy the MB’s office”

  1. The Circus goes on. The man who steals a loaf of bread is nobody. In Perak this political play is worth too much. They do not care about the average man.

    Hence, Mr LKS … no matter what the outcome, just care for the average person out there. You will not be forgotten. You will be in power for long long time!

    It becomes more fun when CA rules in favour of Nizar and then Zambry gets a stay with the Supreme Court. But then when CA rules in favour of Nizar does that mean the sitting on the 7th is void/invalid and so there is now an automatic dissolution of the DUN? :)

  2. “The man who steals a loaf of bread has to rot in jail for months before his case is even heard.” – email

    Why the double standards? Life is never fair.It is always survival of the fittest, meaning cleverest.

    If the man were cleverer, he would not steal bread.

    He would join the right political party. He would have the right connections. Then he could steal and profit from a RM12 billion lost in the Port Klang Free Zone scandal and yet also never have a case against him heard.

  3. Zambry is Mandela or Gandhi??? Mamak can claim to be anyone he likes, but pls return the power to rakyat!!! Perakian only recognizes Nizar as MB….

    UMNO-lead government always practises double standard system.. Who suffers? Of course is our rakyat!! We want a change!!!! Reformasi!!!

  4. Watch this … yesterday everyone said good things about the judiciary. Today, they will all curse it. Hahahahaa … even the forumers are unable to be fair. So how do we expect politician to be?

  5. the huge physcological impact is Pakatan is correct constitutionally.

    Any decision made by BN now is meaningless. Unless the High Court is being overturned.

    We may be very disappointed but don’t be disheartened. Just look at DS Nizar, he is and will be one tough guy to crack because he knows there are millions behind him.

    2 MB , 2 State Assembly , 2 excos , 2 Speaker … we should just split Perak into Perak 1 and Perak 2.

  6. Hi YB Lim,

    Is the Court of Appeal Judge, Datuk Ramly Ali (who was only promoted to CA in April 2009) the same guy who was mentioned in the Lingam case below?

    Extract frm your blog –

    \From the contents, the conversation would probably be January 2002 for the following reasons:

    * Ahmad Fairuz was referred to as “Datuk” and there was talk of getting a “Tan Sri”-ship for him the same year. Ahmad Fairuz was awarded the Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M) by the Yang di Pertuan Agong during the King’s birthday in June 2002, making him a Tan Sri.
    * There was reference of making “Datuk Heliliah, Datuk Ramli and Datuk Maroop” as judges — on 8th February 2002, Datuk Heliliah Mohd Yusuf, former Solicitor-General, Datuk Ramly Ali, a former Chief Registrar and Datuk Ahmad Maarop, a former Commissioner of Law Revision, received their letters of appointment as High Court judges from the Yang di Pertuan Agong. Their appointments were from Feb. 1, 2002.
    * There was reference that “in three months time” Ahmad Fairuz would be made President of Court of Appeal and “six months time” he was going to be Chief Justice – Ahmad Fairuz was sworn in as President, Court of Appeal on Dec. 1, 2002 and appointed Chief Justice of Malaysia on March 17, 2003.\

  7. Justice Ramly Ali granted the stay for Zambry.

    The weather and the perak constituitional crisis is seriously giving me an headache now. I should have just continue with my ordinary life…anyway…I am still praying for justice…

    Uncle Kit, go back and have some rest…as well as other Pakatan leaders…give your bodies and mind a break…

  8. I’ve never seen someone shamelessly comparing themselves to people like Nelson Mandela or Ghandi. To be honest, Zambry didn’t go through the hell that they did. What a bunch of wish-wash from a person who couldn’t go back to democracy in the first place.

    Zambry, if you want to be a Mandela or Ghandi, the first thing you should do is to put people first! Not forcing yourself to stay on as an illegitimate MB!

  9. and perhaps 2 courts in Malaysia .

    when I hear Zambri compare himself against Mandela and Gandhi, he is just making a big mockery out of himself. These are peaceful heroes. They struggled and fight for freedom and justice.

    Zambri .. please do not taint their name by associating it with you.
    you can associate it to your other ‘heroes’ like Mamaktir , Naji S , etc but not Mandela and Gandhi.

  10. Today, Malaysians will see and judge for themselves what sort of a country they want and what sort of a government they want. This is the year 2009. This is not 1 BC ago. The future of Malaysia lies in the hands of the ordinary Malaysians. Malaysians, judge you today. Who do you want ? Malaysians who have departed and looking at from wherever they are, what were in your thoughts when you thought of the future of Malaysia ?

  11. “I’ve never seen someone shamelessly comparing himself to people like Nelson Mendala or Ghandi.”. delon 85.

    Well he is only doing what a mamak would do to get on in life.Remember there is another mamak who claims to be more malay than malays rejecting his indian origin!

  12. Give us a break Mr Najib.

    Since the day YOU started frog culture in the State of Perak, WE Perakian have no PEACE!

    In honour of you great father and great grand father, kind dissolve the state assembly and call for re-election once and for all.

    Why make life so difficult for Perakian and rakyat Malaysia as a whole?

    Whoever win the election rule. Period.

    Losser wait for another 3 yrs.

    Simple as A, B, C.

    Unless you like to carry tons of garbage back to Perak.

    That the case, Malaysians will remember more of you for life.

    No need to elaborate more.

    Action Speaks Louder Than Words, Mr Najib Tun Razak, got it?!

  13. When me and my colleagues heard that The High Court ruled that Nizar was the legitimate MB, we were not ecstatic as we knew better! How many more times must Malaysian’s be proven that there is no judicial independence as long as BN is in power. Ordinary citizens get to rot in jail pending their appeals and this particular case gets to be heard within 12 hours!!!

    The arrogance of BN is there for all to see. They will rather take Perak for a merry go round than face the voters…

  14. Mounting illegality upon illegality. What we now have from umno, najib and zamidiot is a heap of illegalities. And guess what? Its stinks too. The country (that means those of us who are non-umnoputras) is paying for their wonderful effort. Do they care? No. What matters to them is securing power AT ALL COSTS. If this is not power-craziness I really dont know what is!

    They started it as a perak issue. Now they have nationalised the issue. Good I say. Keep up the good work najib boy! Keep it up.

  15. Najib is a believer and a practiser of Machiavellianism.

    He will surely make use of his Executive Power in order to influence the judges in the Court of Appeal. The Prime Minister is the ultimate boss of the judges in the Court of Appeal and Federal Court. Since some judges may want to get into an express lane for getting the personal career advancement opportunities, it will not be surprised for us to find some judges who will not hesitate to take up a position of skewing towards Barisan Nasional when dropping court judgement.

    Pakatan Rakyat leaders will just have to get ready for the worst scenario to happen since it is always the human nature for someone to have the tendency to serve his personal interest first at the expense of justice and righteousness. It will be highly possible for Pakatan Rakyat to lose again in Perak political battle if some judges have decided to take side by favouring their favourite political party in making a decision for court judgement.

    It is not easy to fight against a Prime Minister of Malaysia since he is the most powerful man in the world. It seems that the only possible way to curb the power of the Prime Minister of Malaysia is to make him lose the Parliamentary Majority in the next General Election. I will surely cast a vote against Barisan Nasional in the next General Election in order to ensure the downfall of Najib in the near future!

  16. Just as expected anything can happen in this Boleh Land. This is going to be a long legal tussle. Cambry you can be the Nelson Mandela or Ghandi of Perak or any of your respected hero – just announce for the sake of the rakyat there you and your team have agreed to the dissolution of DUN. The rakyat will hail you.

  17. Thanks to the efficiency of our Court of Appeal. This shows that our judiciary system is impartial and efficient. This is the Court we need in Malaysia. The Court of Appeal took immediate action after realising that the High Court had erred in its decision yesterday. It proves that the government has selected the right judge to serve the people.

    I pity those PR supporters who celebrated the High Court decision so early and blatantly yesterday. It shows that these people are nothing more than an ignorant bunch.

  18. Remember…. Lingham’s tape?

    Correct… correct… correct! It can be fixed! ….he want to pt his man in place……….

    The high court’s judge who ‘make the wrong decision’ would be sent to ‘boot camp’ to reprogramme ‘his sofwares’ so next time will be ‘ more obedient’ ?

  19. Nelson Mandela and Ghandi struggle for the oppressed, went to jail, sacrifice his freedom, his life to realise his ideals. Zambry is running around in his Camry, protected by the oppressors, struggling for the oppressors supported by the oppressors. It is such a bad comparison.

    Mandela fought for equal rights. Zambry is fighting in UMNO for special rights. What a major difference.

    Don’t tarnish the name of Ghandhi and Mandela.

  20. If Altantuya real murderer and Lingam can escape scot free, what is this case to UMNO? Ultimately, it is the political alignment of the ruler that is the deciding factor, and we know what that alignment is. Whatever Nizar is pleading for is falling on deaf ears. The will of the people of Perak have been ignored, very sadly. We continue to pray for the truth and righteousness to prevail in Malaysia.

  21. The way Hee changes her story about the pepper spray and bank notes, and the way Zambry equates himself to Gandhi and Mandela, clearly shows the serious integrity issues that BN has. Why would the people of Perak want people like these?

  22. Hee is alright, hee..hee..hee. She is on the right side of the law. Like Khir Toyo. Refused to cooperate with the investigation on Balkis, after spending so much money, transferring away so much money via the wives association. All Disney trips.

    If you are on the right side of the law, no MACC for you. If not, the MACC, ..CC. what..CC will be after you.

    Like Sivakumar was investigated by MACC for abuse of power. What a lot of burushito (Japanese for bullshit). While the real culprit go free.

  23. I believe even those Barisan Nasional component parties such as MCA or Gerakan will not be willing to welcome Hee Yit Foong if she is to submit application for joining either one of these parties as an ordinary party member. I believe no one rational man in this world will allow such a disgusting traitor cum a big liar as this political frog to become one of his peer members and then turn her to be a moral burden for the man himself, except for Najib and Zambry if these two men can still be classified as “a rational man”!

    She is a moral outcast because she betrayed the political supporters who voted for Pakatan Rakyat in 308 Election and she told a big lie to the public by saying that she never used a pepper spray to attack DAP State Assemblyman in the State Assembly Hall on May 7, 2009 and later on when found no way to cheat further, she admitted that she did possess a pepper spay when attending in the State Assembly Hall.

    Hee is really the educational model of the negativity which offers the school teachers a best example of bad character, who possesses no self-esteem and who has liability in the moral value due to her disloyalty to her original affiliated party, her political comrades, and her political supporters. And the worst thing she had done was the behaviour of contempt of the Assembly Speaker V Sivakumar which was very similar to the rebellious act of stabbing a knife at the back of her immediate superior.

    Hee is the bad character of the most notorious kind in the most recent history of Malaysia! This role model can be used to teach the school students on something which every right thinking man should strive hard to avoid to be in the character-building process of each individual.

  24. The walking zombie has arrogated himself to the likes of Obama, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

    Soon he will elevate himself to the status of Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ. And finally he will become God.

  25. The Indian community of Malaysia and the world should protest vehemently the sacrilegious statement of Zambry equating himself to the great Mahatma Gandhi. This is a total insult to the Indian community, many of whom regard Mahatma Gandhi not only as a great leader but also a Saint. Zambry is unfit even to kiss Mahatma Gandhi’s feet.

  26. On 12 May 2009 at 18:27.09, Kasim Amat said:
    Thanks to the efficiency of our Court of Appeal. This shows that our judiciary system is impartial and efficient. This is the Court we need in Malaysia. The Court of Appeal took immediate action after realising that the High Court had erred in its decision yesterday. It proves that the government has selected the right judge to serve the people.

    No lah, the Mahkamah Rayuan did not act on its own. The Pangkor ADUN realised that he had to act fast or else his adversary, Nizar, as the legitimate Perak MB, would be able to successfully persuade the Perak Royal House to dissolve the DUN, and the Pangkor ADUN doesn’t like the prospect of becoming the former Pangkor ADUN, not long after he has tasted power as a state government head.
    But yes, it does prove that the UMNO’s BN federal government has selected the right judge who is ‘supposedly independent but BN friendly’ to serve the power-grabbing ambitions of UMNO’s BN…

    On 12 May 2009 at 18:27.09, Kasim Amat said:
    I pity those PR supporters who celebrated the High Court decision so early and blatantly yesterday. It shows that these people are nothing more than an ignorant bunch.

    But do pity lah those PR supporters who were roughed up and arrested by the minions of UMNO’s BN from PDRM when they tried to defend the ideals of democracy at the Perak State Secretariat Building.
    They can’t be an ignorant bunch as none of them has admitted that they do not know of any friend or anyone else being a victim of crime…

  27. On 12 May 2009 at 18:27.09, Kasim Amat said: “I pity those PR supporters who celebrated the High Court decision so early and blatantly yesterday. It shows that these people are nothing more than an ignorant bunch.”

    Yes, I agree with Kasim Amat. The independence of the Malaysian judiciary is still in doubt. I won’t dare bet on it.

  28. the Sun, morning 11 May, Front Page – ‘If we respect the law, and everyone must respect the law, there won’t be any crisis and things won’t turn into a crisis.” Najib.

    The STAR, front page, 12 May ‘CRISIS DEEPENS.’ Given that STAR is owned by MCA and does whatever is the bidding of the owners, the front page headline in HUGE fonts simply means that lapdog MCA is doing the bidding of it’s master.

    So, what does the master want?

    Is it possible that the master wants to trigger a massive racial incident to allow them to then walk in with the troops and impose martial law, repeating the scenario and strategy of May 13, 1969? After which laws are changed at will to their advantage?

    ‘If we respect the law, and everyone must respect the law, there won’t be any crisis and things won’t turn into a crisis.” Najib.

    So, my fellow brethren of ALL races reading this…stay off the streets and do not give this master the reason they need to trigger racial riots.

    MALAYSIA and MALAYSIANS deserve BETTER than SLIME BALL and his sultans of slime, grime, crime and racial strife and division.

    May Allah bless this country of my birth!

  29. Anyone can become MB and be in the MB office. Bottom line is, who will get the trust of the people down the road? The rakyats are sharp to see nowadays, even aunties and uncles can talk and analyze politics nowadays so won’t be long before the lawful MB will be restored, hopefully through the means of the people of Perak.

  30. I find you all funny. The Court of Appeal was done hastily, yes. The stay is a mere stay la, there is nothing wrong with the stay being given. Its obvious it would be given not because there was a ruling against BN. Wait for the outcome.

    This is the sickening part about Opposition forumers. When the High Court rules in favour of BR in election petitions you only scream TAKE OVER IS COMING. When it rules in favour of BN, you all scream KANGAROO COURT. RPK has spoken on such things, you all are basically crazy. Will be so blind just to see what you want happen.

    Well to you all nutters, BN is the same but to a crazier degree. They will do what it takes to see what they want happen. Come on man … appeals are expected to the Federal Court ok.

    So tell me, what will all here who criticise the Court of Appeal say when they rule in favour of Nizar? What then?

    When Eli Wong was shown in whatever you want to call it, everyone says she can sleep with whoever she wants. When Chua Soi Lek was caught everyone wanted his head.

    Ask any good doctor in the service, Chua Soi Lek was one of the best Health Miniters we have had. So his great service is not appreciated but Eli who just goes around planting trees is? What is wrong with most of you here?

    Wake up and grow up. Stop being like mindless fool such as the BN jerks. BE FAIR!

    Let the courts and all play their part … worse case, there is GE13. Finish … scream scream scream for what? All can talk but how many dare to be incarcerated for FREEDOM? Talk is cheap!

  31. I am new in this Blog family as been into Star Blog before but got feeling that I might be victim of ISA words might be offensive,abusive,seditions or too critic to govt. people.

    Datuk Zambry files to appeal court to delay the decision of high court.
    The Court of Appeal says that no MB’s (BN NOR PR) people should allow to be in SUK building doing their business until the final decision said. Till then the SUK building should be seal off or a independance body forms as caretaker take over…similar with GE thing.
    But why today or yesterday Datuk Zambry & Co. resume their duties on that building. Dato Nizar is wise to follow what its said. On what base that he is MB(Datuk Zambry) now as no final says that he is officially the MB of Perak?

    Should be a police report or actions taken upon him of nt follow court order??!!
    Doubt…nobody can touch him as he is under BN (if..Najib distance himself from Zambry now..decision is yours! meaning makan sendiri la).
    If said that majority of MP’s is excused of BN rule on Perak..then may i ask why not get a fresh election again minus the 2 MP’s in court case & disqualify the Hee’s from 28 BN, 28 PR. Fair..let the rakyat choose MP’s. Win or lose is universal rules. As long the right of democracy to vote is there.
    Ban all the frog’s MP’s from election for 1 term, as a lesson for others who which to jump in future.

    If 1Malaysia cannot achieve what more VISION 2020!!

    P/S: Zambry should compare with Superman…above LAW!!

  32. On 13/5/2009 at 13:11.46, SpeakUp said:
    I find you all funny. The Court of Appeal was done hastily, yes. The stay is a mere stay la, there is nothing wrong with the stay being given. Its obvious it would be given not because there was a ruling against BN. Wait for the outcome.

    I thought that members of the judiciary are dutybound to ensure that any decision/ruling/verdict they make, must be interest of of upholding the law, the constitution and the people’s rights. That Court of Appeal judge should have thought carefully about the consequences of giving a stay on the earlier High Court ruling, and it’s obvious enough that by doing so, the administrative continuity of the Perak state government has been interrupted within the matter of hours, which is definitely not in the interest of the Perak people. The Court of Appeal judge should have allowed PR to resume administering the Perak state government until he is able to make his final decision on the Pangkor ADUN’s appeal.

    On 13/5/2009 at 13:11.46, SpeakUp said:
    This is the sickening part about Opposition forumers. When the High Court rules in favour of BR in election petitions you only scream TAKE OVER IS COMING. When it rules in favour of BN, you all scream KANGAROO COURT. RPK has spoken on such things, you all are basically crazy. Will be so blind just to see what you want happen.

    I still think you have forgotten about that Ipoh High Court judicial commissioner who had insisted that V. Sivakumar be represented by the Perak state legal advisor in his court against the Pangkor ADUN while at the same time, the same state legal advisor was representing the same Pangkor ADUN in the KL High Court against Nizar. Only a kangaroo court is unable to see that there was actually a conflict of interest.

    On 13/5/2009 at 13:11.46, SpeakUp said:
    Well to you all nutters, BN is the same but to a crazier degree. They will do what it takes to see what they want happen. Come on man … appeals are expected to the Federal Court ok.

    Yes, UMNO’s BN will do whatever it takes to stay in power…

    On 13/5/2009 at 13:11.46, SpeakUp said:
    So tell me, what will all here who criticise the Court of Appeal say when they rule in favour of Nizar? What then?

    If the ruling is unfair and unjustified in the first place, then all right-thinking people should of course criticise.

    On 13/5/2009 at 13:11.46, SpeakUp said:
    When Eli Wong was shown in whatever you want to call it, everyone says she can sleep with whoever she wants. When Chua Soi Lek was caught everyone wanted his head.

    C.S.L. is a married family man who got caught committing extramarital sex on video.
    Is E.W. a married woman who got caught doing the same thing?

    On 13/5/2009 at 13:11.46, SpeakUp said:
    Ask any good doctor in the service, Chua Soi Lek was one of the best Health Miniters we have had. So his great service is not appreciated but Eli who just goes around planting trees is? What is wrong with most of you here?

    Didn’t C.S.L. try to bring reforms to our nation’s healthcare system, which would have affected the incomes of certain cronies & rent-seekers in the system?
    As a result, C.S.L’s trust was betrayed in order to force his resignation as the Health Minister…

    On 13/5/2009 at 13:11.46, SpeakUp said:
    Wake up and grow up. Stop being like mindless fool such as the BN jerks. BE FAIR!

    Let the courts and all play their part … worse case, there is GE13. Finish … scream scream scream for what? All can talk but how many dare to be incarcerated for FREEDOM? Talk is cheap!

    You are right. But not of all of us can be Mahatma Gandhi & Nelson Mandela…

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