Najib – cut losses and hold Perak state elections or he will fail his “important quest” to regain public trust

Twitter Flash : 12/05/09 13:40
The Court of Appeal fast-tracked Zambry’s case originally fixed to start at 2.30 p.m. – decision delivered at about 1.20 pm granting stay.

12/05/09 13:28
Court of Appeal (single judge Justice Ramly Ali) grants stay to Zambry. Does this mean Nizar moves out and Zambry moves in to SUK?

In his keynote address at the 13th Malaysian Banking Summit, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said that he was now on the “important quest” of “regaining public trust”.

If Najib is serious about his “important quest” to regain public trust, he should not prolong the Perak political impasse; be bold enough to “cut losses” and stop all appeals against the judgment by Kuala Lumpur High Court Judge, Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim yesterday in the Nizar vs Zambry case declaring that Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin is the valid Perak Mentri Besar; and agree to the dissolution of Perak Assembly to hold new state elections for Perakians to elect the government they want.

Najib should pay heed to Tengku Razaleigh’s call to the Sultan of Perak to dissolve the State Assembly to end the Perak crisis.

I fully endorse Tengku Razaleigh’s statement when he said that the dissolution of the Perak Assembly “is the decent thing to do, but also the only way out of a crisis which has already spiralled out of Perak, damaged the rule of law, compromised the judiciary, the police and the state civil service, and damaged the monarchy in public opinion.”

Tengku Razaleigh said:

“The High Court has thereby affirmed the primacy of the Constitution. This judgment brings to a head some of the consequences of our constitutional misadventure in Perak.

“The government led by Datuk Seri Zambry was all along illegitimate and all decisions and contracts made by that government are without legal status.

“It means the resolution to replace the Speaker was brought by an illegal state government.”

Is Najib prepared to “cut losses” for the interests of democracy and the higher interests of the nation, or will be dig his toes in to plunge Perak and Malaysia into a greater crisis of democracy, destroying his own “important quest” of “regaining public trust”?

64 Replies to “Najib – cut losses and hold Perak state elections or he will fail his “important quest” to regain public trust”

  1. 3 UMNO PMs have clear …3 quests.
    Mahathir quest was to enrich Malays…starting from his family…..friends..cronies…and UMNO BARU..encouraging corruptions….race politics.
    Abdullah exposed corruptions….but no big fish arrests.He has no guts to finish what he promised. He is a big liar.
    Najib wants to prove he is people’s PM….by walking in the streets.
    If he is that sincere….he should call for quick 13th GE to confirm he is people’s PM. Does he not know…he is UMNO’s PM .and .not Malaysians? But then..leave it to smart UMNO logic…they rule the country…so whatever the decides is approved by majority Malaysians….even murder.
    Najib..the nice guy image is the most cunning with pea brain.
    He is the only PM…accused by 19 foreign newspapers….something to do with the Mongolian girl murder case….endless accusations from Malaysians…and established himself…such a nice guy… suing to protect his good name and reputation.
    It seems it is already established.. everyone knows…he is innocent.
    “1 Malaysia” is his promise. forgetting about “2 Perak”.
    That is the classic idiotic logic..from Najib.

  2. It is a matter of public record that the current CJ was linked to UMNO before his current appointment.
    Even if he is not involved in the final judgement in favour of Zambri, the public perception will be that the courts are biased.

    Instead of a longer and protracted legal battle that does not really take into account the will of the Perak people, it is suggested that losing in the state elections will be less damaging to UMNO than this political charade.

    Whatever happens now can be only the lesser of 2 evils. Losing the state via an honourable election loss will be less damaging than resorting to every tactic to hang on to power for say 3 years?

  3. like i said in another post yesterday…….in LKS..

    I smell something fishy going on…and it is getting rotten to the core.

    Now,lets see who reaches the final line to request or grant the state assembly to be dissolve.In this case “who” means Najib and Perak Royal Household.You see…….all along Najib or his Umno are the “director” of a movie.They have been directing(even forcing) the whole script to come to its version of conclusion.And unfortunately the royal household have been force to play this game from the very beginning.But all are not lost yet.
    It is time the royal household put a stop in all this.You see…..imagine if Najib request the royal household to dissolve the assembly…then najib and umno will eventually receive the badly needed “respect” from the rakyat and thus this will not be very good for the other side.But if the royal household can see through all these then they should be the one to make the first move to grant Nizar to dissolve the assembly.That way……..all high regards and respect that were thought to be lost will eventually find its way back to them.The royal household need not play to Movie director Najib and TDM game plan.
    Imagine what will the movie “TOP GUN” be like if half way through the movie , instead of Tom Cruise as the leading actor we get Tom Hanks instead as a replacement.

  4. In his keynote address at the 13th Malaysian Banking Summit, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said that he was now on the “important quest” of “regaining public trust”.

    Well, doesn’t that show that the man has acknowledged that he had already lost the public trust???

  5. It’ so perplexing why on one hand PM Najib wants to make a success of his 1Malaysia concept while on the other, he plays politics to the full in the ongoing Perak crisis. Please close this ugly chapter of Malaysian politics. Don’t resort to either the Federal or the High Courts. Go directly to the court of public opinion by giving the mandate back to the Perak voters. BN cannot run away from facing the rakyat. Only by going to the court of public opinion can the PM cut losses to the minimum.

  6. “You see…….all along Najib or his Umno are the “director” of a movie.They have been directing(even forcing) the whole script to come to its version of conclusion.” Sean

    Nah, Najib is actually directing Deep Throat II. [deleted]

  7. Does Najib really believe in gaining public trust? He is more interested in regaining power.

    The BN has not learned from the hard and bitter lessons of March 2008. It was the high-handed tactics, blatant use of the ISA, suppression of peaceful expression of differing political views that has resulted in the loss of 5 states and two thirds majority.

    Instead working to regain public trust, the BN government is using all means to continue to oppress the people. After March 2008, it made even more hilarious and blatant use of the ISA to detain victims like Teresa Kok, rather than the perpetrators, like Khir Toyo. Why was Ahmad Said never even considered for ISA?

    In the Perak fiasco, it has even gone further, galvanising the entire machinery of State, police, state secretary, to impose their will on the people. Why was BN so afraid to put the matter to a vote of no confidence? Is it because the BN did not have enough confidence in the three defectors?

    The rakyat can see with their eyes. BN is working on path of self destruction. I noted some bloggers have used BEnd (Be End). It the BN really learned from the lessons of March 2008, I would have thought they would have worked behind the scenes, quietly and surely, to win back the hearts of the people, in preparation for 2013.

    We can witness what is happening in Penang and Selangor too. The ex-MB of Selangor and the ex-CM of Penang are not coming up to explain the irregularites during their time. Most jarring is the Balkis issue. Like the saying goes, “You must have shit on your body and it smells! If you don’t have shit on you body, why are you afraid to help in the investigation”. All this will lead the BN on a path of self destruction.

  8. Stupid! Stay is inconsistent with main order of the high court affirming nizar’s lawful position. Appeal Court cannot do something like that unless after hearing merit of the case the Court of Appeal decided to overrule the High Court’s main order/decision. Nizar is lawful MB. And as lawful MB it therefore follows that he has all authority to act and serve. To stay means to say that Nizar cannot discharge his duty although he is lawful MB. This is as though his status is still in question. Order of the High Court is final and good until and unless overturned.

    And what is more. For this case stay cannot be granted because it would result in a state with no government. This is unthinkable. Only in malaysia we have a scenario like this. Even during general election period the ruling government would still carry on as interim government although parliament is dissolved. The point is there cannot be a void in government – not even briefly. Technically, the army or police can then come in and govern.

    Najib and umno and zamidiot are prepared to put perak through all this! And claim that they care! This is proof that they are power crazy. They are prepared to sacrifice everyone and everything just to stay in power. They are prepared to ignore the call by 80% of the residents of perak to call for fresh election.

  9. Its all a great ploy and I have to hand it to the PM, was a superb play … let Nizar win, then BN says respect the law … then they go for the kill. Now will anyone say that court only favours BN?

    A lull in the war for them to use a new strategy. Most will let their guard down. BN is a pittbull now. They will not let this go until it reaches the Supreme Court.

    The stay was obtained so that the 6 month rule for a sitting will not come into play, auto dissolution. That ends next week right?

    So things are not so simple. Its never.

  10. Granting a stay is meaningless in this case. Nizar is MB by virtue of the High Court decision. Who is Zambry to act as MB until the High Court ruling is overturned?

    Najib is talking one thing and doing another. What better way to regain public trust than to return the Perak mandate to the people? Action speaks louder than words. If he cannot do what he preaches, than don’t make a fool and hypocrite of himself.

    For BN they have to ask themselves in future. Was Perak worth it? Hoping that the people have short memories is clutching at straws. They have the illegal Perak govt to remind them everyday.

  11. “Appeal Court cannot do something like that unless after hearing merit of the case the Court of Appeal decided to overrule the High Court’s main order/decision.” Taiking

    I think the die is cast. No senior judge would issue a stay order unless he already thinks that the case brought by the appellant has merit. You can’t have an MB’s office being rotated on a weekly basis by 2 individuals.

    UMNO has played the insurance card – which is reason enough for the rakyat to completely oust the Barang Naik coalition in 2013 and re-install the independence of the judiciary.

  12. I am not surprised but extremely dissappointed that there are barely a handful of right thinking, law-abiding judges in Malaysia.

    Even more dissappointing, would be with the Sultan/ Regent of Perak, however it is all not too late if the Sultan/ Regent grant His consent for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly.

    With the stay of execution granted to illegal MB Zambry, will we see another episode of the legal MB Nizar and his exco being physically dragged out of the Secretariate Building?

    As far as logic and rule of law dictates, the Perak State Government is in limbo with a legal Mentri Besar couldn’t perform his function as a legitimate head of the State Government. Eventhough BN seemed to edge off in this battle of speed. Pakatan Rakyat has already kicked the “ball” to the Sultan/ Regent of Perak by 9.00am (12th May 2009) before the Court of Appeal grant stay of execution for Zambry (Remember NOT REJECT THE RULING OF KL HIGH COURT) at 1.20pm. Therefore, ultimately Sultan/ Regent of Perak has only one choice of HERO or ZERO whether to call for a state wide election.

    I do not have a good feeling about this, but I’m clinging onto a hope of Justices & Deliverance from the Court of Heavens. Let us all pray…

  13. Actually this hoax has been played out earlier this year. It’s like letting out a pig to lure 3 pigs into the pen.

    On 25 January 2009, Bota ADUN Datuk Nasarudin Hashim announced his defection from UMNO to PKR. Nasarudin said that his decision was fully supported by his constituents and reaffirmed that no monetary award was offered to him by PR. Nizar and Anwar supported and welcomed Nasarudin into the PR coalition and Anwar claimed more umno ADUNs were going to defect to PR in a few more days.

    Najib then engineered the re-crossover of Nasarudin and three other Perak assemblymen from PR, and effectively and controversially ended the PR majority government.

  14. Although the matter of who should occupy the MB office is now thrown into confusion, the police will now proceed to deny Nizar and his exco into the State Secretariat. This gets uglier by the day.

  15. Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir, whose nearly three-month tenure as mentri besar was ruled illegitimate by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Monday, has likened himself to Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.

    He is a real joker. He not even qualify to empty Nelason’s URINE POT while Nelson was in jail, and he equally not qualify to carry MAHATMA GANDHI’S robe during his march from independence.

    He is just a Joker Pulau Pangkor, berangan-angan di bawah pokok kelapa.

  16. Uncle Lim, I just don’t understand why Najib, Zam n Co wanted to have Perak so much, it like gold mine to them. Or dod they go something to hide in Perak that it is a need for BN to take control inorder to get or secure what BN have in Perak.

  17. Eventhough by truth and democracy, Pakatan Rakyat should not give up but the odd stacks up against as quickly as the democracy is given a refreshing support. In less than 24 hours, all the hard work and hearing in the KL High Court comes in vain.

    Time, money, development opportunities are being wasted every second as the constituitional crisis persists.

    Just as a plant dying of drought, a drop of water only prolongs its’ sufferings. This plant is no ordinary plant, it is the plant of Democracy.

    Can Perak MB Nizar appeal against the stay of execution granted to Zambry by the Court of Appeal?

    and on what grounds and arguments that the Court of Appeal grants the stay of execution?

  18. Perakians protest? You have to be kidding me! There will never be emergency declared, it will reflect badly on the State. Now they play according to the law. Whatever the law is la …

  19. The Star Online says that MB Perak Nizar is being escorted out of his office at 2.45pm. Illegal MB Perak Zambry heading back to the Secretariate building.

    Haha…what a twist…as expected and predicated by so many of the bloggers.

    As for the Sultan/ Regent of Perak, it is with my deepest humble regret to announce that they have forgettan that their palace of golds, clothes of silks, feasts on silver plates come from ordinary Malaysians who worked hard, even ordinary Malaysians struggling to survive the current economy crisis who still humbly provides to the Royal household through taxes. Now, what does the people get in return for their loyalty? Even their fundamental rights enshrined in the constituition to put an “x” on the ballot paper is being denied at all cost by the Royal household.

    I urge all Pakatan Rakyat leaders to work hard for a victorious two-third majority in National Parliament in next General Election to embolden the rights of the people and strengthen the constituition through appropriate amendments to the constituition.

  20. ///Stupid! Stay is inconsistent with main order of the high court affirming nizar’s lawful position. Appeal Court cannot do something like that unless after hearing merit of the case the Court of Appeal decided to overrule the High Court’s main order/decision. Nizar is lawful MB. And as lawful MB it therefore follows that he has all authority to act and serve. To stay means to say that Nizar cannot discharge his duty although he is lawful MB. This is as though his status is still in question. Order of the High Court is final and good until and unless overturned.///–taiking

    Agreed. Justice Ramli Ali wants the word stay to mean that the High court judge did not make a decision. So when a person was caught robbing, the appeal court simply says that carry on robbing until the highest court decides.

  21. Why is zambry back? The high court decision has not been overturned! Therefore Nizar remains the lawful MB. Staying an order means putting off enforcement of its legal effects and not erasing its legal effects. The latter can only happen if the order is overturned on merits. Stay in this case has the ridiculous result of denying a lawful MB from discharging his duties. It should not be given in the first place. And ridiculous as it may, it does not mean then that an illegal MB can then resume from where he left hours ago. If that is the effect of the stay then it is as good as saying the high court decision has been overturned. Something is wrong somewhere!

  22. Uncle Kit,

    I am personally against you meeting with PM Najib. Unless he ends the unethical, unconstituitional, illegal power coup in Perak, Pakatan Rakyat should not have anything to do with PM Najib. As long as Najib does not come out clean from the Altantuya murder allegations, Pakatan Rakyat should in no way to deal with him.

    I am afraid of your personal safety also.

    Besides, Anwar Ibrahim has already said that ingenuine people like Najib should have a durian thrown to his face.

    So are we going to see one lawful and another unlawful person rotating the seat of the MB Perak Office every now and then? Pathetic!

    -as to repeat-
    As for the Sultan/ Regent of Perak, it is with my deepest humble regret to announce that they have forgettan that their palaces of gold, clothes of silks, feasts on silver plates come from ordinary Malaysians who worked hard, even ordinary Malaysians struggling to survive the current economy crisis who still humbly provides to the Royal household through taxes. Now, what does the people get in return for their loyalty? Even their fundamental rights enshrined in the constituition to put an “x” on the ballot paper is being denied at all cost by the Royal household.

  23. Yup I agree with many of you that it seems that the stay granted by the Court of Appeal implies that the High Court Decision has been overturned. As far as the court of appeal decision, the position of MB Perak whether legal or illegal cannot discharge his duties. Therefore, MB Perak chair should be vacated until Court of Appeal’s decision (or I should say until the Federal Court decides, if I am not mistaken, didn’t the Federal Court says that the KL High Court should hear the case?)

    Whatever it may be, as long as BN gets it way…everything they do is lawful because Najib’s 1 Malaysia means 1 Malaysia under the law of the jungle!

  24. Why some of you so full of hatred that you become ignorant. STAY means MAINTAIN things as they are. Does not mean the High Court decision is overrulled etc.

    This is the same in almost ALL countries in the world. So hard to understand issit? Where got mean can continue robbing? Sounds like a coffee shop in here.

  25. Just when I thought that we may now see the independence of the judiciary after Justice Abdul Aziz’s decision. And now this. Action speaks louder than word. Najib has more to lose by gaining Perak than by letting go. His credibility is now at stake with the latest one-man “Court of Appeal” decision. Tengku Razaleigh does sound like a level-headed man. I don’t mind voting UMNO if they put him up as Prime Minister in the next general election. I still believe that he got cheated by Mahathir in the 1987 party “election”. Mahathir would have sent himself to prison many times if the many things he did himself were done by other people… so much, I can say.

  26. As I have said before, haste is needed by Pakatan to launch a suit against Hee Yit Foong for illegally usurping the powers of the Speaker of the House. Let her bring her feeble Article 32(a) of the Perak State Constitution defense to court and watch as the defense lawyers shred her to pieces.

    In light of the recent Court of Appeals lightning fast stay of execution against the High Court’s decision today, we must now go all out to reinstate Sivakumar as the Speaker of the House and that can be achieved by declaring Hee Yit Foong’s actions as unconstitutional.

    Najib and Zambry may be overjoyed with the Court of Appeals ruling, but the people of Perak and Malaysia are not stupid. As Najib said last night, now we say it back to him “jangan terlalu teruja”.

    As for Zambry asking Nizar to vacate the office, Pakatan should comply. However Zambry “Mandela-Gandhi” Kadir should not be too presumptuous as to assume that he is now the Menteri Besar of Perak. In effect, the ruling has plunged Perak into a state without a legitimate state government, Menteri Besar and Speaker of the House.

    This is because the High Court has ruled that at all material times Nizar was, is and will be the legitimate Menteri Besar of Perak. The Court of Appeals has only granted an injunction against the rulings of the High Court. Therefore, the legality of Zambry “Mandela-Gandhi” Kadir’s position has not yet been decided by the courts.

    As for the Attorney General’s assertions that the state assembly secretary cannot be suspended by the state government because he is a federal appointee may be true. But the state assembly secretary has broken the law and ignored the separation of powers and went against the Perak State Constitution. That alone is grounds for immediate dismissal. Or is the Attorney General saying that we should let unelected and unaccountable civil servants run the state government without having to pay heed to the legitimate state government as well as the people of the state?

    Pakatan Rakyat and its supporters would do well not to oppose the Court of Appeals rulings. Show Barisan Nasional that we are not hypocrites. Although in our deepest of hearts we know that truth and the people’s power is far greater than any compromised court of law will ever be. And that is why Barisan Nasional and specifically Najib “1Malaysia” Razak and Zambry “Mandela-Gandhi” Kadir are cowards and do not have the guts (and two balls) to face Pakatan Rakyat in the highest court of the land – the court of the people i.e. elections.

  27. Last time Zambry, then High Court says Nizar. Zambry not happy, cried buckets to Daddy Court of Appeal. Daddy then agreed to let Zambry continue as MB and chase Nizar out again… after only a few hours in the office.

    It’s like a kiddy story la. Hello BN, you’re a total disgrace. There’s no adjective to describe your attitude.

    To Pakatan, though you’re fighting for justice, I think it’s best you leave it for now. You’re still Members of Parliament, so continue serving your constituents while keeping an eye on the Kiddy Kids of BN/UMNO. If you pursue, they’re gonna retaliate, and you know that they won’t stop till they win. Come GE13, Perakians (I’m sure) will see that BN never wins in Perak again. If you really care for Perakians, show them by staying away from the filthy hands of BN-UMNO and focus on keeping your pre-election promises.

    The Sultan? The Regent? Gone case …it’s gonna be a miracle if they agree to dissolve the Assembly. They too – who knows – are just playing the wait and see game.

  28. Nizar wax not slow. Sultan so strange…not available.
    And court decision so fast….while we ordinary folks need to wait for moths on court decision.
    Now Nizar ordered out.
    Just trace the events and tell me Najib cares for Malaysians.
    He and Dollah same..dare not act…as UMNO is split. Mahathir ruled with an iron fist ..even to UMNO ministers….because he allowed corruptions.
    Najib have less influence and respect…in UMNO than Dollah.
    The spinning game never ends.
    Perak Sultan happy….enjoying himself…ignoring his subjects best interest…..or is he so wise….knowing Perak is getting richer ad healthier this way?
    Who knows…he was Lord President and should be very wise…yet a judge over ruled his so call wise lawful decision.
    Why is he not angry?

  29. Haha, sounds like coffee shop only without coffee.

    STAY means MAINTAINS things as they are. Since the High Court decision is NOT overruled. The Court of Appeal just granted a stay to MAINTAIN the illegal Perak Mentri Besar Zambry.

    Coup = MB Perak Zambry

    High Court = MB Zambry = Illegal MB Perak

    Court of Appeal = stay without overrulling the High Court = maintain MB Zambry as illegal MB of Perak!

    Now everything is so crystal clear about our judiciary system. Basically, this ruling by the Court of Appeal just re-buried democracy alive again after it was saved by a courages impartial Judge in the High Court.

    Without citing the law or consituition on which ground the Court of Appeal grants the stay the ruling is therefore = unconstituitional!

  30. Let’s say Court of Appeal decides on, for example 18 May, in favour of Nizar, then on the 19th Nizar moves in and Zambry moves out. On the 20th Zambry will appeal to the Supreme Court and apply for a stay, of which when granted means Zambry moves in on 21st and Nizar Moves out.

    BUT!!! If this happens. Then with the Court of Appeal ruling in favour of Nizar, that means the 7 May sitting is unlawful hence the auto dissolution of the DUN will come into play. So the Supreme Court stay is irrelevant now!

    This is academic. Hehehehehe … lawyers make money!!!

  31. In case you have forgotten brother LKS, let me bring you back to the same scenario in the 80s when the high court granted you in favor against United Engineers Malaysia Bhd and the government to stop the North-South Highway project. What happen was you won the battle but lost the war (and until today the rakyat we are still suffering from the overkill of UMNO).

    Do not forget that our TDM is still alive and kicking and if that strategy can work before it should also work now. PR Do not be too happy as UMNO had many tricks up their sleeves and this trick, by letting you won the first round will work against the PR as they will be made to eat their own words by telling that \ this is the first step of judiciary independence\. Hear me, until today you can be sure the judiciary had not recovered from its onslaught by UMNO and your euphoric is just short live. Even if you win the second round through the court of appeal , I can assure you that you will finally loose the final round through the Federal court. I can assure you that. This strategy has work well for them for years since TDM came to power and it is not going to go away as long as BN stays. This \sandiwara\ as commonly used by TDM on others are not new to our Malaysia political scenario and this is a good implant to make you believe that the judiciary is independent. I am sure this case will reach the federal court and here lies the crucial decision and here you can be sure the decision will be in whose favors and by then you cannot say that the court is not independent. They just lure you to be trap, and I am afraid YB Nizar has not reached this level to understand the art of war by UMNO.

    Why are they so determined not to dissolve parliament is food for thought. Any decent Malaysia will know that the best way out is to let the voters of Perak decide, but instead they are singing a not so melodious tune of \ by elections are a wastage of funds\ Since when they had been so careful with our money.

    UMNO, you can bullshit some people sometime but you cannot bullshit all the people all the time.

  32. Let us not tar all mamaks with the same brush. I believe that not 100% of all mamaks in Malaysia support BN or support the racial posturing from KIMMA. So let’s not call mamaks as if they are a swear word. They are alsa human beings.

    Let’s just stick to Zambry “Mandela-Gandhi” Kadir. Just to remind everyone how presumptuous this Pangkor ADUN actually is. Even Barack Obama or Tunku Abdul Rahman or Jose Ramos Horta do not compare their struggles with the incomparable Mahatma Gandhi. And this little man dared to do so, which is bloody hilarious.

    The more he talks, the more he makes a fool of himself. I highly recommend everyone to watch the Youtube video where Zambry “Mandela-Gandhi” Kadir started his first day at work officiating a Chinese school function. LOL Hilarious!

  33. The way it goes if Najib refused to stop the soap opera, guess his NAME will stink further to heaven knows.

    If Najib cannot convince rakyat Malaysia in general what is justice, what is clean and fair election without robbing from voters rights, soon he will follow Abdullah Badawi foot steps sinking the titanic even faster.

    Let it be, the way it goes BN might collapse by itself faster than anyone can imagine.

    That will be the day when nation declare freedom, Merdeka from the CROOKS & ROBBERS. That will be the day when our future generations will see light at the end of tunnel.

  34. We must beware of spin coming from certain quarters (a retired politician) saying new elections are unnecessary because the result will reflect the current status quo and lead to instability again. I beg to differ.

    I believe that if fresh election are held now in Perak, Pakatan has a very good chance of winning Perak by a better margin than previously. The seats of the three frogs and the seat of the sole MCA man is within easy reach.

    UMNO has to resort to this spin to give themselves a plausible excuse to refuse new elections. Day by day the call for new elections grows stronger from all quarters in Malaysia. UMNO does not know how to dig itself out of the mess yet.

  35. Never in my life had I come across such undignified mentality of politicians who are so extremely frighten to go back to the people to seek a fresh mandate to rule. By hook or by crook, by tumble or jumble of wordings they are just determined to avoid going back to the voters of Perak. That is the dignity of UMNO and if anybody still cannot see such antics, they are either blind or dumb. Worst still they are not only tarnishing their own dignity but also the dignity of the Royalty and they should be charged for treason for smearing the good name of the Royalty.

  36. Fresh election is the best solution to solve current Perak political mess. Where is our democracy? Where is people rights?

    Pakatan Rakyat dare to asks for fresh election but BN never ever agree or mention fresh election? Well, it’s too obvious BN scare to lose again in PERAK. I believe if fresh election held again, this time BN will lose more seats in PERAK. Perakian is not blind, the whole Malaysia is not blind.

  37. Don’t expect Mogolian C4 to do the proper and honorable thing.
    There is nothing left to savage from this UMNO regime…only filth and dirt. Perhaps, it is time to stuff this Mongolian killer with C4 and rid him for good!
    How low must the the country go and how heavy a burden must the rakyat carry?
    Some of us maybe crying for for a fresh election and let Democracy live…your cries will fall on deaf ears. These immoral UMNO goons simply do not have balls!

  38. “Let us now refer to Zambry as Zambry “Mandela-Gandhi” Kadir from now on. Let us mock this little man who thinks that he is in the same league as legends.”

    He? Same as legends? I agreed totally of their skin colour..LOL

    Its a waste of time watching the wayang kulits..

  39. As the crisis prolong, BN is digging their own grave more deepen, the hatred of the heart of Rakyat is wide spresing from Perak to the whole country.

    The justice day will come, the real judge is Rakyat !!

  40. I really dont know how Najib can regain public trust. The courts, the police, the civil service in the Perak affair left such a bad taste in the mouth. The wholesale and system abuse of power is so sickening. How can anyone trust this man? How can anyone trust this government?

    The noise and din of the Perak affair is so loud that it suppress everything else – including the dead foreign woman who cannot be mentioned.

  41. Zambry, your claim that you are like “Mandela-Gandhi” all rolled in one must be the biggest joke of 2009! Show us where is your humility and righteousness if you claimed to be “Mandela-Gandhi” You were never elected by the people to be the MB of Perak but you usurped it through unethical means.

    If you have any honesty and integrity, show us by joining Nizar to ask the man in yellow to dissolve the assembly and let the people to decide who should be the government? If you don’t, it just shows your heart is as black as your skin.

  42. On 12 May 2009 at 15:22.43, chengho said:
    Nga/Ngeh to fast too furious , u have to wait the chain of command to be cleared….

    The Pangkor ADUN was also fast & furious at the appeals court. If he had waited too long, he may get hit by the power of the ballot box and end up as the former Pangkor ADUN…

    On 12 May 2009 at 15:22.43, chengho said:
    Uncle Kit schedule to meet Najib this week?….

    But Nizar’s chance to obtain the assent of the Perak Royal House to dissolve the DUN by this week has been upset by an unusually fast and furious appeals court ‘independent but UMNO’s BN friendly’ judge…

  43. It really shows how much and how deeply our pillars of democracy have been eroded.
    It started from the Elections Commission who drew the first blood by not accepting the resignation letters.
    From then on, it was a web of intrigue and sabotage usually found in unlikely fiction novels.
    But alas, this is MalaysiaBoleh land!

  44. Peletup MUMgolia doesn’t know how to ‘snip-snip’; he only knows how to blow-up to smithereens…democracy, people’s will, hopes for a MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA, the JUDICIARY, any expression of discontent, any attempts of opposition…

    and soon his own fledgling tenure…

    the Indian astrologer says by end of the year, then kaput!

    So far, so good.

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