May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia (with videos)

May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia.

The Barisan Nasional used the law of the jungle to completely undermine parliamentary democracy, the rule of law and the doctrine of separation of powers to add another ignominious chapter to the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak on Feb. 5, 2009, foisting on the people of Perak two Perak Assembly Speakers and even two Assemblies, as if the three-month-long constitutional crisis of two Mentris Besar is not outrageous enough.

Never before in the 52 year history of the nation has there been a more shameful episode as what happened yesterday.

The sight of the legitimate and lawful Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar physically dragged out of the Perak State Assembly still in his Speaker seat stands as an indictment of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak who orchestrated the Perak “coup d’etat”, the usurper and illegitimate Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir and now usurper and unlawful Perak Speaker, Datuk R. Ganesan.

These three should hold their heads in shame for bringing Perak and Malaysia to such a disgraceful depth. As a result of the Day of Infamy, the credibility, integrity and legitimacy have plunged to an even lower ebb.

The police arrest of 69 people, including five Members of Parliament and five State Assembly representatives from the Pakatan Rakyat in the police lockdown of Ipoh, was a gross abuse of police powers and the height of irresponsibility – when ordinary Malaysians are living in fear of endemic crime, illustrated by deaths of two pregnant snatch theft victims within 72 hours.

Jamilah Selamat, 31, who was two months pregnant and four-month pregnant Saripah Mohd Nor were killed in two separate incidents when their bags were snatched while they were on motorcycles. Jamilah died of severe head injuries when her head hit a pavement upon falling off the motorcycle in Batu Pahat and Saripah was knocked down by a car after falling off her motor cycle in Kota Bahru.

The Day of Infamy in the Perak State Assembly yesterday has made a total mockery of and pulverized Najib’s motto of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”

All Malaysians should keep the photographs of the outrage of the Perak Speaker being physically dragged out of the Perak Assembly by police officers and goons and demand accountability by Barisan Nasional leaders from Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC as to why they have brought such infamy to Perak and Malaysia.

The Day of Infamy can only be wiped out by the people of Malaysia.

Malaysians should not only keep the photographs but also the video clips of the Day of Infamy available on my blog, to remember that they must use their democratic rights to wipe out such infamy in Perak and the country.

Video of V.Sivakumar been dragged away by Special Branch from the dewan.

60 Replies to “May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia (with videos)”

  1. Why are MCA and Gerakan still so SILENT on the whole ugly episode of May 7 Perak Assembly Fiasco?

    If they have any dignity and honor left, they should PUBLICLY DISSOCIATE themselves from that abhorrent and despicable incident.

  2. Anwar had warned the rakyat that Najib is more cruel than Mahathir and he has been proven right. All Malaysians regardless of race and creed must “BANGKITLAH” to fight, not only for their own but also that of their childern and grandchildren’s democratic rights and freedom.

    Our Sabahan and Sarawakian brothers must wake up now and realize that there is no way their livelihood can be better under the present government controlled by UMNO gangsters and buccaneers. Make up your minds now to throw them out next GE.

    PR leaders have to play UMNO’s kind of game. Go all out to convince MPs from Sabah and Sarawak to leave UMNO/BN for the sake of their peoples’ future. Give PR 2 terms and if there is no indication of progress, I will fight alongside all other Malaysians to boot out PR.

  3. What they did to Perak Speaker Sivakumar was outrageous and shameful! Such display of despicable acts of thuggery on part of UMNO-led BN – headed by Zambry and cohorts, with the help of Sergeant-at-arms at the Dewan and PDRM Special Branch and uniformed personnel who obviously had no business to be inside the Perak State Assembly. That was so wrong!

    How are we expected to accept these thugs and mafia-like so-called “polticians” taking over the state government of Perak? Guess the rakyat have no choice but to respect the the Perak Sultan’s choice and it was with his blessings ..YES-NO?

    They were desperate even to the extent of using physical force to unseat a State Legislative Speaker, dragged and manhandled then locked him in a changing room, had him guarded till an illegitimate BN Speaker Ganesan was sworn in, law of the jungle?

    Well, Zambry and his bunch of indignant bloopers may continue to smile and smirk for all they want, and still think they have won the battle of 7 May 2009 but oh no, they have hoplessly lost the WAR IF PUBLIC OPINION! More animosity and hatred towards them

    I can’t wait for GE-13, it will be B-end!

  4. I had expected Sivakumar to be carried out, but that was not the case. The police d-r-a-g-g-e-d out the elected wakil of his constituecy like an animal!


  5. Dear Concerned Malaysians/Electorates and friends,

    Please tell me if there is anything wrong with this pix – Adun for Teratai, Selangor Janice Lee was arrested for holding up a poster of the King – the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Why the handcuff, is that necessary on an ADUN, petite of her size? – a security threat to warrant such drastic action on an elected representative of the People?

  6. You tell me what’s the difference between these police of Malaysia (or UMNO ‘agents’??) and outside gangsters?
    Absolutely shameful for Najib & his 1Malaysia before the eyes of the international community.

    Its unthinkable how the supposedly most honoured & respected Sultan in the country, Sultan of Perak has allowed all these abominable acts by his police to occur right under his royal nose.

    Malaysians deserve a truthful explanation!!!

  7. Is Zambry getting a pat at the back or a kick in the buttocks? He was asked to look after Perak after BN seized power. Was he asked to rob the Speaker of his chair in the manner he did it yesterday?

  8. “May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia”

    It’s like the U.S. president Franklin Delano Roosevelt declaring that December 7th, 1941 as a day of infamy for America when the Japanese Imperial Navy bombed Pearl Harbor, bringing World War 2 to the Asia-Pacific region. At the beginning, the Japanese were victorious in their battles until the Battle of Midway when the tide of the war went against them.

    Similarly, Zambry & Co. may have been victorious in Perak on May 7th, 2009, but at most, it’s just a Pyrrhic victory for them, because by March 2013, they eventually will have to face what they are afraid of now, which is the ballot box…

  9. Citizens must use their votes to change the present government, the abuse of power by these police persons who are all taking the rakyats salaries have no right to be involved in the political party that has been chosen by the rakyat.
    Umno has long been abusing the power they have. We as citizens should not give them this power anymore, especially for those who are still sleeping, wake up and cast your vote right.

  10. I really feel sad for the people of Perak. I have totally lost faith in our Judiciary who seems to be in the favour of our present BN Gov’t The people should be given the right to decide the true Gov’t

  11. “The police arrest of 69 people, including five Members of Parliament and five State Assembly representatives from the Pakatan Rakyat in the police lockdown of Ipoh, was a gross abuse of police powers and the height of irresponsibility – when ordinary Malaysians are living in fear of endemic crime, illustrated by deaths of two pregnant snatch theft victims within 72 hours.”

    This implies that the Police prefer to arrest harmless people…..easier to ‘handle ‘ and pleases their ‘boss’ from UMNO….. compared to facing the Criminals-more difficult and dangerous to handle?

  12. I always thought Malaysia’s parliament is more civilized than Taiwan’s…
    Now I understand why some politicians flew to Taiwan last year – to study their parliament possibly.

  13. Jelapang was paid RM25m claimed RPK? If she was wrong accused bring RPK to court.

    By the way no wonder she can stand the “white eyes ” of Jelapang people. Can you imagine to make 25m in your life time. she was paid and by next GE she will be happily retired before facing the last judgment.

  14. This is the UMNO way…as in May 13th 1969…but I am surprised Perakians took so lightly… honour? no dignity?..plain no courage?….Perakians just gave in to the UMNO police bullying ways……..malu malu malu…..

  15. Who is responsible for the idea of people’s representatives coming to the assembly dressed like clowns??

    Now images of misbehaving clowns are being trasmitted byTV stations everywhere. Next time please come dressed in the usual attire which is coat and tie.

  16. ///Jelapang was paid RM25m claimed RPK? If she was wrong accused bring RPK to court.///

    She must have been overpaid 100 times over. But then BN would be able to create a 1000 times that amount to be shared around to be in government.

  17. The Barisan Nasional’s shameful behaviour will not be easily forgotten. Their so-called victory in Perak is just a short-term gain. When the next general election comes around, they will be thrown out like the way they thrown out Speaker Sivakumar.

    I think Najib should be wise enough to get the Perak State Assembly dissolved and call from a fresh state election as a strategic damage control measure for the Barisan Nasional’s survival at the next general election. Otherwise he will go down in history as a one-term prime minister.

    His de factor mentor minister Tun Dr Mahathir has pointed out that the sacking of Nizar is questionable, so Najib should take the big hint to do the necessary, and redeem whatever intergrity he has by dissolving the Perak state assembly to allow the people of Perak to decide on who they want as their state government.

    The small short-term (till 2013) gain the Barisan Nasional has in Perak is not worth holding on as a double wham-bam tsunami at the next general election will be its fate if it doesn’t start its damage control now.

    The first step is obviously to rectify the Perak coup d’etat fiasco by dissolving the state assembly. The Barisan Nasional will certainly lose the state again, but it will buy it some valubale time to rebuild its support base and win the hearts and minds of the people, especially among those marginised by its policies and practices over the years.

    The liberation of policies should continue with the respect and promotion of fundamental human and constitutional rights such as allowing all Malaysian to use the national language Bahasa Malaysia without any restraint in the expression and practice of their religious faith, the protection of children from abuse and enforced conversion, the abolishing of oppressive laws like the Internal Security Act, the Official Secrets Act, the Priniting Presses and Publications Act, the University College and Universities Act, to name a major one.

    If the Barisan Nasional wants to rule the country beyond 2013, then it must start doing the necessary repair works and damage control now.

    The people of Malaysia have come of age politically, and they are not as generally gullible as previously and not so easily bluffed and satisfied with some election project gimmicks like instant tarring of roads, etc during the election campaigns.

    The days of the Barisan Nasional’s Themocracy (for Them, by Them, for Themselves) cronism politics are numbered. Come 2013, or even earlier, the Barisan Nasional will start to see the beginning of its end. Perhaps, the beginning of the end has started.

    But Najib can yet save the day and rejuvenate the Barisan Nasional if he is wise enough to start the damage control. He must begin by dissolving the Perak state assembly.

  18. What a shameful act. It was the 2nd episode of day light robbing. Never in history have we seen such damage to the State Assembly. This ugly incident will remain in the mind of the Perakians forever. Zombie it was a grave error on your team’s part. You have set such horrible precedent to the honourable Speaker of the house.

  19. Never before in the 52 year history of the nation has there been a more shameful episode as what happened yesterday. Kit

    It has never happened before because there was no necessity for it to happen – for 50 years the BN has won comfortably or expected to win comfortably. So yesterday will not be the first and last. When push comes to shove, this is who they are. They will only uphold democracy so long as it serves them. Many here and elsewhere have probably harboured thought about “finishing off” the BN in the coming 13 GE. My observation is the people and PR must be wary. I don’t think it is going to be same ball game anymore. Remember parliamentary democracy only works when they continue winning. When they are not expected to win, they will discard parliamentary democracy (read my lips). Are we prepared for the change of rule? We shall see.

  20. One4All4One Says:
    Today at 16: 42.02 (4 hours ago)
    Why are MCA and Gerakan still so SILENT on the whole ugly episode of May 7 Perak Assembly Fiasco?


    You are wrong! They are actively participating but only only the wrong side.

  21. \These three should hold their heads in shame for bringing Perak and Malaysia to such a disgraceful depth. As a result of the Day of Infamy, the credibility, integrity and legitimacy have plunged to an even lower ebb.\

    What about the monarchy, aren’t they suppose to be ashamed of themselves too?

  22. hee is indeed a disgusting slut.

    how come DAP had such a creature in the party???!!!

    it’s time to do a grand clean up.

    and perakians should alway ready some telur busuk with them. in case they meet up this slut, they can reward her with the telur busuk.

  23. Since taiking and dawsheng say it, I must say I agree with them. Attacking Zambry et al is like the Indians attacking the British High Commission in KL 2 years ago. Like being unfairly scolded by your wife all evening and then beating the dog. You know who is to blame, yet you err on the side of prolonging the problem.

    Those idiots in the derwan are just acting on a licence granted to them by a few bullies who are not legally entitled to offer that licence, but offer detention, deportation or death to anybody who begs to differ. Karpal is the one who is right, even if you might not envy his reward.

  24. Some Malay Mail CEO says PK leaders were rebuked by Raja Nazrin.
    But does the raja know how he and his father are being mocked and rebuked all over the country.

    Never have I ever heard people condemning the rulers. Yes, Mahathir did that in 1983/93 but the people did not.

  25. Dear chengho,

    Singapore police very efficient. Intelligence network world-class. Informed PDRM on terrorist Selamat’s hideout in MALAYSIA and when to ambush and nab him. Highly commendable considering they are police from just a tiny red dot.

    PDRM, What are they good at? Snatch thieves growing in number because they know PDRM are useless. The OCPD who got tied up and robbed……….where are the robbers??????

    PDRM only good at catching traffic offenders ( nak bayar sini atau sana? Bayar sana tiga ratus, bayar sini murah-lima puluh) and politicians from the opposition.

    PDRM must send their men to the tiny red dot to study good policing.

  26. I cannot understand how Najib is going to meet leaders from other countries if he does’nt clear himself of allegations of his involvement in the Mongolian murder case. To avoid shaming Malaysians further, Najib should step down to make way for Muhyiddin.

  27. Why study good policing,Taxidriver,where got side money in it one?Catching traffic offenders better mah, can ask them nak bayar sini atau sana.Like that only can make some side income one you know or not.

  28. Big liar Hee Yit Foong had earlier claimed she did not use pepper spray on Yew Tian Hoe (DAP-Aulong). However, tonight’s China Press front page showed she was actually holding what looked like a pepper canister in her hand.

    If she did not use pepper spray on Yew, then why Yew had to make a police report?

  29. TomThumb Says:
    Today at 22: 41.23 (1 hour ago)
    “When they are not expected to win, they will discard parliamentary democracy (read my lips).”limkamput

    How to read your lips when we cannot see your face, stupid??

    ever heard of “figure of speech”

  30. Taxidriver,
    rumours from taxidriver in Singapore , Singapore simply release Selamat through toilet to Johor to off load their problem to PDRM…fortunately PDRM so efficient and world class…

  31. The police should focus on preventing crime and protecting the rakyat instead of siding with BN and getting overly involved in the Perak crisis.

    Tonight’s China Press (page A5) reported that the Police Chief of Tampin was hacked in the head with parangs by two Indonesians riding on a motorbike. He has been admitted to hospital in serious condition.

    The police should spend more time to ensure safety of the public and that of their colleagues instead of getting themselves involved in things that do not benefit them or the rakyat.

  32. Total disgrace. The greatest shame ever. One man’s folly has turned this shambolic episode into an abomination of Malaysian politics that will be remembered as one of the darkest in Malaysian history. The police head honcho should be sacked. And a few others as well. This is just crazy.

  33. On 8th May 2009 at 20:26.31, chengho said:
    Every one from PR looking for publisity…

    UMNO’s BN is also looking for publicity… It would like to use the May 7th events in the Perak DUN as an example of what will happen if the people continue to support and vote Pakatan Rakyat into power…

    On 8th May 2009 at 20:26.31, chengho said:
    uncle Kit looking for the next secretary general of DAP…. LGE so quite?

    Become a party member then, and you get to vote for the next DAP secretary-general…

  34. On 8/5/2009 at 22:12.07, DAP man said:
    Some Malay Mail CEO says PK leaders were rebuked by Raja Nazrin.

    The Malay Mail is owned by Media Prima, which is primarily & unashamedly a pro-UMNO’s BN media group.

  35. On at 00:27.52, chengho said:
    rumours from taxidriver in Singapore , Singapore simply release Selamat through toilet to Johor to off load their problem to PDRM…

    Several years ago, a suspect, who was remanded for serious crime, had managed to escape from his PDRM guards from a toilet, and was believed to have escaped to a neighbouring country. Don’t think it was a rumour as it was reported in the news, to have happened somewhere in Kuala Langat, Selangor.

    On at 00:27.52, chengho said:
    fortunately PDRM so efficient and world class…

    Yes, they were so efficient on May 7th at the Perak State Secretariat building, in a world of their own, and in a class of their own, while snatch thieves and mat rempit biker gangs still roam our streets…

  36. I already predicted chaos if Sivakumar is forcibly removed. It is predictable for BN to do this type of nasty thing. That Hee woman is the worst. This is really the Day of Infamy. Next General Election, all Malaysians must wise up and vote out BN.

  37. These videos are excellent. More should be uploaded.

    Make a VCD out of them.
    Include, among others, MMK’s condemnation of the illegal takeover of Perak state assembly in the VCD.
    Then show how the bullies manhandled the Speaker, still in his offical gear, and dragged him out like a criminal, no, like an animal.

    Remember to translate MMK’s comments into all languages and dialects, especially Tamil.

    Give the VCD freely to every household in Malaysia – let Indian Malaysians see how the one and only legitimate Indian Speaker was treated like an animal in his own assembly where he was supposed to be the boss! No difference from the Speaker being raped or sodomised, just as democracy was raped and blatantly trampled upon!

    And NR said it was OK and done correctly!

  38. boh-liao,

    I see nothing wrong with the Assembly proceedings. I agree with NR that it was OK and done correctly. Like the Altantuya C4 murder, police investigation, trial and subsequent conviction of the 2 UTK policemen, it was OK and done correctly. CORRECT…CORRECT…CORRECT

  39. Eventhough Pakatan Rakyat and the people are pretty much helpless until the next general election, we all need to vent our frustration and anger, don’t we?

    Let me start the balling rolling by describing the infamy day in the Perak State Assembly on 7th May 2009.

    ” Democracy and the people of Perak is “robbed”, “raped” and “buried alive” by the most disgraceful, disgusting, disloyal prostitute of Jelapang. Hee Yit Foong, who would for money sell her dignity, friends, people away and last but not least sold her soul to the devil…

    After the next (13th) General Election…

    The Pakatan Rakyat Agenda should be:

    1) Nominate Karpal Singh as the Chief Justice of the Federal Court.

    2) Nominate Anwar Ibrahim as the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia

    3) Nominate Mohd. Nizar Jamaluddin as the Deputy Prime Miniter of Malaysia

    4) Nominate Lim Kit Siang as Senior Minister for Parliamentary/ State Assemblies affairs (and give those BN unruly representives in the Parliament/ State Assemblies a piece of the People’s mind)

    5) Nominate V. Sivakumar as the next Dewan Rakyat Speaker

    6) Nominate Ngeh Koo Ham as the next Inspector General of Police

    7) Nominate Tunku Aziz as the next MACC Director General

    8) Nominate Nik Aziz as the Chief Justice of the Mahkamah Syariah for those so-called professing Islam but insulted Islam by practising corruption,robbing the rakyat’s money)

    9) Nominate Hadi Awang as the Director General of the Election Commission.

    10) Nominate Khalid Ibrahim as the Finance Minister

    After all this the first MOTION of the Parliament is:

    1: is to send the most disgraceful, disgusting prostitute of Jelapang, Hee Yit Foong (with the hotel key chain she claimed in her mouth, with her left hand tied to a metal box of RM 25 million and with her right hand tied to a toyota camry- after all we should all give what she earned) and the ugly clown, Zambry of Perak to the Middle Rocks near Pulau Batu Putih at dawn and let them drown by dusk for committing adultery & prostituition against the People of Malaysia.

    2: and former Prime Minister Najib as the Ambassador to Mongolia…

    3: and glue Hishamuddin’s mouth with a his favourite keris…

    … anymore more suggestion…?


  40. TomThumb said:

    Today at 08: 33.20 (4 hours ago)
    Somebody should splash excrement on Hee’s door. That should send the message.

    – She is loaded with millions and would pay the cleaning agent to do the cleaning up, why not splash it on her face and blind her with excrement?

  41. jt84 says: (Today at 12:46.59)

    “…….anymore more suggestion?”

    Have one special toilet built at every immigration checkpoint specially for tourists. Name them Tandas Awam Zamboree but make sure these toilets are NOT maintained. Ask the tourist for their comments after they come out of these toilets. What do you think will be their answer?……………”Zamboree stinks”

  42. wow!! just unbelievable the way our bodoh police and bodoh special branch . they are really practising Democrazy and the demoracy in the Perak state assembly had been rape { rogol } with the witness of the whole world……..Habis lah, BN sudah menjadi orang gila .
    Sini tangkap sana Melepas apa ini… bodoh punya menteri dalam hal ehwal dalam negeri…..macam budak kecil main pasir…bodoh. bodoh……

  43. To date these are the items that are banned:

    1) teddy bears
    2) candles
    3) black T-shirts
    4) birthday cake for Altantuya
    5) cannot use Altantuya’s name
    6) cannot use Razak Baginda’s name
    7) cannot use Allah’s name


    8) photo of Sivakumar being dragged out of the Speaker chair

    and more to be included …

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