Najib is repudiating his father Tun Razak’s legacy in violating the fifth Rukunegara principle of “Good Behaviour and Morality” by leading the UMNO charge and campaign of fear, hatred and lies against the DAP

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is repudiating his father Tun Razak’s legacy in violating the fifth Rukunegara principle of “Good Behaviour and Morality” by leading the UMNO charge and campaign of fear, hatred and lies against the DAP.

Today, through UMNO “mainstream media”, Najib continued the campaign of fear, hatred and lies against the DAP claiming that Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had admitted that the DAP would be given the Deputy Prime Minister’s post if the Opposition wins federal power, and lambasted Mahathir for having spent 22 years attacking me and suddenly, Mahathir wanted to give me the position of Deputy Prime Minister.

Anybody who follows public affairs closely would know that Najib was concocting a tissue of lies, as DAP had never asked for the post of DPM, whether under Pakatan Rakyat, Pakatan Harapan or the present Pakatan Harapan Plus Pribumi Bersatu – and I myself am not aware that Mahathir wanted me to be Deputy Prime Minister if the Opposition wins federal power.

I should be flattered that in the past few days, the UMNO/Barisan Nasional “mainstream media” had gone to town about the fairy tale of my being Deputy Prime Minister, hoping to create fear and hatred in certain sectors of the population through dissemination of such lies and falsehoods.

Najib should realise that the UMNO/BN “mainstream media” had lost their credibility and authority because more and more Malaysians have woken up to the fact that they are the worst culprits for manufacturing “fake news” and “false stories” which Najib had purportedly warned Malaysians in his New Year message.

Najib should realise that if he is so politically desperate as to repudiate his father’s legacy of Rukunegara, in particular the fifth principle of “Good Behaviour and Morality,” as to take the personal charge of the UMNO/BN campaign of fear, hatred and lies against the Opposition, the end result is a faster slippage and total loss of whatever is left of the credibility of the UMNO/BN “mainstream media”.

At present these UMNO/Barisan Nasional “mainstream media” are already facing a grave and critical crisis of confidence, with one of them at present virtually bankrupt begging UMNO to pay the staff salaries almost monthly and another national daily selling only some 50,000 copies a day, a pale shadow of its former self.

May be, Najib wants to give these UMNO/Barisan Nasional “mainstream media” an early burial to end the agony of having to continue to prop them up financially.

(Media Conference Statement at Kampong Tok Subuh, Bukit Mertajam on Saturday, 21st January 2016 at 12.30 pm)

2 Replies to “Najib is repudiating his father Tun Razak’s legacy in violating the fifth Rukunegara principle of “Good Behaviour and Morality” by leading the UMNO charge and campaign of fear, hatred and lies against the DAP”

  1. Najib just proved himself unqualified to outline any vision for the country. TN50 is just electioning, staying in power to fix his 1MDB mess, stay out of jail and indulge his family and his followers in excesses, corruption and power abuse. It’s that simple.

    Fact is no vision should have involved

  2. Fact is no national vision should have involved bogeyman making, slandering even personal criticism of your even political nemesis. Najib basically accuses DAP and Mahathir of being unpatriotic, greasiness maybe by attacking DAP and Mahathir in a national vision speech. it proves TN50 is fake and hence proof Najib unqualified.

    Fact is Najib was never qualified for the job. He is a product of privilleges legacy of his father and Mahathir’s work and feudalism of Malay politics. On merit, he is no more qualified to be a middling civil servant.

    Najib is nonsense. Expensive nonsense, completely disposable along with UMNO and Hadi’s PAS. THAT is a real vision

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