48 Replies to “Congrats, YB Senator Tunku Aziz”

  1. Tunku Aziz is sensible and capable person. But his active involvement with DAP is very recent. As much as DAP want to attract more capable Malays into the Party, i think his appointment as a Senator is too soon, sorry.

  2. A right and fitting appointment for our beloved Tunku Aziz as a Senator from the Penang state government. The Senate will benefit greatly with his vast experience and fair foresight of Malaysian affairs. All Malaysians look forward to his debut in the Upper House of Parliament.

    Congratulatios to YB Senator Tunku Aziz! You have done us proud. All the best in you future endeavours. Good luck.

  3. Congratulations to Tunku Aziz.

    His appointment by the Penang government is doing the senate a favour as it raises the standing of the senate in the eyes of the national audience, even internationally.

  4. “Tunku Aziz is sensible and capable person. But his active involvement with DAP is very recent. As much as DAP want to attract more capable Malays into the Party, i think his appointment as a Senator is too soon, sorry.” -limkamput

    Something is very wrong with your satement. Tunku Aziz is very sensible and capable. I agree. He is a very sensible and capable individual and that makes him perfect for the job of senator.

    Why then do you claim that his appointment is too soon? Is it because he hasn’t been with DAP long enough? So one only deserves the position not because of ones capabilities but due to how long one has been ‘loyal’ to the party?

    I believe you may be at the wrong forum. I think you are addressing the wrong party here. You should be telling this to the BN parties.

  5. “As much as DAP want to attract more capable Malays into the Party, i think his appointment as a Senator is too soon, sorry.” (limkamput)

    Getting a right partner in order to ensure the continuity in fighting for the common political cause of justice and righteousness is just like getting a soulmate in order to get married and be partner for the rest of one’s life.

    So, if you happen to come across with someone who is the right choice, then it had better not to hesitate in giving your full trust to your counterpart. An intimate relationship is usually being built upon the unreservedly mutual trust and the unrelentless effort being put in for fulfilling the mutual obligations and for achieving the common goal of both partners. Goal congruence is the most important thing to achieve as the first step towards self-strenthening of the organisation of a political party.

    So, limkamput, if you happen to see a girl whom you like very much, you had better grasp the opportunity to tackle her quickly in a courtship. Otherwise, she will sooner or later be turned into the wife of your love enemy without first giving you a chance to say repentance on your sin of negligence!

  6. senile people has funny ways ,

    embrace change is universal , it is keeping up that is difficult but there are certain things that would change….your skin colur….go ask jacko and her sis.,,,,but dont jump to conclusion look wide and deep

    look at what happening at micro level , avian flu …now swine flu…mother nature is best teacher…
    what did you do today that help make this world a better place among men.

  7. It is time to uplift Dewan Negara into a ‘respectable’ and ‘meaningful’ institution instead of a ‘back-door’ vehicle for rejected politicians to be appointed ministers in Cabinet.

    Tunku Aziz can contribute vastly to this direction. Bravo and congratulation, Tunku Aziz.

  8. When are the 10 PR senators going to be appointed? Have I read that right at wikipedia? It seems like you only have 4 now, senators are on a 3-year tenure and the states get to choose 2 each. So do you have a queue of prospects? Would Irene Fernandez be a bad choice, limkamput? Or how about N H Chan?

    Perhaps given electoral fortunes prior to GE 12, PR haven’t spent much time cueing up their senators…

  9. We can imagine Limkamput as a senator. On the Senate floor, he will label all the useless UMNO nominated senators as “stupid” and “ball-less”. He will label all those who are long winded as “lawyere wannabes”. He will tell everyone that they don’t know what they are talking about.

    We can’t wait to have Limkamput in the Senate !

  10. Nothing To Be Proud Of……it is just a clerical position…..Not senior enough to make a critical decision …..Who is authorized to make decisions for DAP???? Of course father(s) and son(s).

    To prove that DAP is sincere and serious about wanting change……why don’t DAP appoint him as Chairman or secretary general???? This will at least help DAP to gain the majority support…… Not far from here…another minister is given a similar post (clerical), despite representing 14% of the country population…..…

  11. Limkamput is probably holding a position more influential and important than a senator. But then who is going to believe. I think other than Godfather who is my favourite, the rest are either long winded or have this false sense of loyalty. Look, Tunku Aziz’s capability is proven in areas which he excelled and there is no need to dwell with that.

    In politics and in DAP, that is another matter. May be with his personality he will be tenacious and hold truth to DAP ideals. What I am saying is it is just too soon. Is there anything wrong about that? Look, I don’t think he will feel offended. We all want free speech and transparency, am I right? So what is the issue here?

  12. Orang Rojak, sure we should cast the net wider, nothing wrong with that. I think senators are appointed on two-year term. We should have 8 new “opposition” senators because Kelantan was already under opposition even before March 8, 2008. You may have to ask one of those wannabes, I think we have to wait for the expiry of current senators’ term before new senators can be appointed. While each state can appoint two, please don’t forget that the Federal Government can appoint half or slightly more than half (again not sure, can’t remember anymore) of the total number of senators.

    Malaysian Senate is unlike the US Senate. Malaysian senate can’t originate money bill and it can’t hold money bill as well. It is almost a useless body, but a good avenue for “has been” politicians to make a come back. Mahathir went through this route years ago.

  13. Congratulations to YB Senator.

    But talking about Senate proceedings generally, does anything really happen there? Its merely a rubber stamp Upper House.

    If you note the recordings of the sittings, the Senators usually read their prepared mundane speeches, then the Minister makes some comments and statements in reply. Hardly any debate at all. The Bills are then passed as a matter of course.

    The proceedings are largely ignored by the general public. Maybe the Opposition Senators can liven things up abit by making the Upper House a second level of checks and balances through more active participation.

  14. Onlooker Politics Says: So, limkamput, if you happen to see a girl whom you like very much, you had better grasp the opportunity to tackle her quickly in a courtship. Otherwise, she will sooner or later be turned into the wife of your love enemy without first giving you a chance to say repentance on your sin of negligence!

    That is where we differ. If I see a girl I like very much, I would take even more time to know her better to ensure my attraction is based on genuine compatibility and not on some vague notions about that person. If someone is quicker and the girl whom I like is also equally quick to response, then God helps them, not my problem. Have I made myself clearer now vis-à-vis Tunku Aziz. You fellows are nincompoops lah.

  15. Cintanegara,what are you trying to insinuate? Or are you trying to instigate something .. Chairman or secretary general is not important. Remember ” black or white cat does not matter,what matters most is it catches the rats”.

  16. limkamput..

    Apa sahaja yang kepimpinan DAP buat, terimalah sahaja..jangan bantah. DAP juga dahulukan rakyat dan utamakan pencapaian macam Najib.

    Cuma atas dasar politik, Melayu di dalam DAP kena CEPAT CEPAT ditonjolkan supaya tidak nampak perkauman.

  17. “That is where we differ. If I see a girl I like very much, I would take even more time to know her better to ensure my attraction is based on genuine compatibility and not on some vague notions about that person. If someone is quicker and the girl whom I like is also equally quick to response, then God helps them, not my problem. Have I made myself clearer now vis-à-vis Tunku Aziz. You fellows are nincompoops lah…” so said the LimkamPut

    However what is clear is that the benefit of time cuts both ways : because with more time for one to determine one’s attraction for the lady is genuine compatibility rather than vague notions and take the decision to go for her, it will equally be sufficient time for the lady to dispel her vague notions and see with greater clarity the warts and all and determine the opposite of what one wishes, to run away. There lies the implicit wisdom of Onlooker Politics Yesterday at 22: 46 :)

  18. Dr. Johnson’s criteria for appointment to Senate: “He that finds his knowledge narrow, and his arguments weak, and by consequence his suffrage not much regarded, is sometimes in hope of gaining that attention by his clamours which he cannot otherwise obtain, and is pleased with remembering that at last he made himself heard, that he had the power to interrupt those whom he could not confute, and suspend the decision which he could not guide.”
    I would second Godfather’s nomination per posting Yesterday at 23: 22.28

  19. There was a time, not too long ago, Kit would say that for past 46 years since Merdeka in 1957, Senate is the mother of all rubber stamps in the country, an upper house in Parliamentary attic to park Barisan Nasional political rejects and deadwood. (see Media Conference Statement by Lim Kit Siang(6/7/2003).

    The appointment by Penang State Assembly of YB Senator Tunku Aziz is (I suppose from DAP’s vantage point of view) to restore the original constitutional criteria that persons appointed to senatorship must have “rendered distinguished public service or have achieved distinction in the professions, commerce, industry, agriculture, cultural activities or social service or are representative of racial minorities or are capable of representing the interests of aborigines…”

  20. Did someone mention that it’s not wise to appoint a person as senator because the person’s active involvement with DAP is very recent?

    Does it mean that DAP should appoint Hee Hee Hor Hor as senator because she was activley involved with DAP for a long, long time?

  21. The way najib is going, chengho together with kasim and cintanegara will lose their multi billion umno goberman contracts as well as their lucrative glc contracts and their automatic 30% right in any piece of cake produced by non-umnoputras in the country and also their 10% birthright commission in anything that takes their fancy and also their almost automatic qualification for all sorts of things like for eg APa and university education.

    Not having acquired any real skills in business-making or any ability to compete in the real world or armed themselves with the virtues of perseverance, soon they would have to sell their ferraris and super-bikes, and palaces, private jets and luxury yatchs. When striped naked of all those, hey they would be like us non-umnoputras. But unlike us they would have no basic ability to survive.

    They, umnoputras, control the government of the malaysia and the government machinary. Will they let najib have a free hand? So Najib is either cheating us non-umnoputras or those three idiots above and their kind. But najib is an umnoputra himself. Who would he cheat eventually? It does not take a lot to figure out the answer. US of course. The rest of us who are non-umnoputras.

  22. On 27-4-2009 at 20:13.40, chengho said:
    In the PKR line up shadow cabinet YBM Tunku Aziz minister of what? minister of youth and sport..

    If the tunku is to be part of some PKR line-up, he would first have to leave DAP, wouldn’t he?

  23. On 28-4-2009 at 04:23.15, kluangman said:
    Cuma atas dasar politik, Melayu di dalam DAP kena CEPAT CEPAT ditonjolkan supaya tidak nampak perkauman.

    Pada suatu masa dahulu, Dato Jaafar Onn, pengasas UMNO, ingin mengambil masuk ahli-ahli bukan-bumiputra masuk kedalam partinya, tetapi dibantah keras oleh kebanyakan ahli-ahli parti yang lain. Walaupun ini suatu kisah lama, memang sudah ternampak macam adanya unsur perkauman sejak dahulu lagi…

  24. On 28-4-2009 at 00:14.13, cintanegara said:
    Nothing To Be Proud Of……it is just a clerical position…..Not senior enough to make a critical decision …..Who is authorized to make decisions for DAP???? Of course father(s) and son(s).

    It should not be a big surprise that the old doctor’s son has proudly made it to the Pekan MP’s cabinet…

    On 28-4-2009 at 00:14.13, cintanegara said:
    To prove that DAP is sincere and serious about wanting change……why don’t DAP appoint him as Chairman or secretary general???? This will at least help DAP to gain the majority support……

    Become a party member and get involved in its next party elections… Make a change…

    On 28-4-2009 at 00:14.13, cintanegara said:
    Not far from here…another minister is given a similar post (clerical), despite representing 14% of the country population…..…

    Meanwhile over here, when will ministers of minority ethnic origin be allowed to take over important ministries like MoF, MoD, MITI, etc?

  25. cintanegara says:

    \Not far from here…another minister is given similar post (clerical), despite representing 14% of the country population…..\

    cintanegara, the important thing is they acknowledge their government is fair to them. they are happy to be SINGAPOREANS and consider themselves very fortunate they are NOT MALAYSIAN NALAYS ( no offence meant ). They all have nice, clean and cosy houses like their every other SINGAPOREANS. They drive beautiful cars and many buy big houses in Bolehland, not because they like the country but more because they have the money to invest. They can have and afford all these things like any other SINGAPOREANS without the so-called NEW ECONOMIC POLICY like the one we have here.

    cintanegara, see the difference now???????

  26. Mr Taxidriver,

    I have no doubt about your statement…its indeed very funny….You mentioned….

    many buy big houses in Bolehland, not because they like the country but more because they have the money to invest

    It sounds extremely silly buying a property, but you don’t particularly want……. Maybe next time, you may share a nice little idea……No big fanfare, it won’t win any awards.

    BTW, why are you so proud of traffic offenders???? Driving a ‘beautiful’ car exceeding the speed limit….And how do they behave when driving along BKE, AYE…..

  27. cintanegara,

    The “little red dot” is a FUN-ctioning government while ours is a MAL-functioning government led by UMNO-a party made up of fortune seekers who not only cheat the Malays but all the rakyat.

  28. NEP is like asking your right hand to keep still so that your left can take over and function as if it was your right. Logical? More like stupid than logical! Downright stupid and senseless actually. Something only umnoputras and blind umno supporters can appreciate. Why not use both hands. Without a doubt, more can be achieved that way. A lot of things in life requires co-ordinated movement of both left and right hands. Two rights would not do. Neither would two lefts.

    And dont know what basis they have to sneer at the little red dot down south when those people there outdo us in ALMOST ALL ASPECTS. With a land mass of nearly 500 times larger and a population of almost 5 times bigger then the red dot (not to mention our abundant natural resources), we have clearly failed to capitalise on our strengths. Its bad enough for them not to acknowledge our failure. Those idiots actually have the gall to belittle and laugh at the red dot. What are they laughing at? Their clean streets? Their high per capita income? Their high university ranking?

    Oh yeah, they have no dato titles for sale. They have no angkasawan. They have no mat rempits. They have NEPs and special rights for chinese. They have no football teams like ours. And yeah. How could I forget. They have no nicole david(s) and lee chong wei(s). And no brown rivers and crystal structures.

    Stupid. Fools.

  29. On 28-4-2009 at 12:09.22, cintanegara said:
    BTW, why are you so proud of traffic offenders???? Driving a ‘beautiful’ car exceeding the speed limit….And how do they behave when driving along BKE, AYE…..

    No need to just only compare the behaviour of the lion-island drivers when they are driving on their lion-island roads to their behaviour when they drive on bolehland roads.
    Need to also compare their lion-island traffic cops to our bolehland traffic cops when they enforce the traffic laws…

  30. ……………..it will equally be sufficient time for the lady to dispel her vague notions and see with greater clarity the warts and all and determine the opposite of what one wishes, to run away. There lies the implicit wisdom of Onlooker Politics Yesterday at 22: 46 by wannabe Jeffrey

    See your own contradiction here? If your argument holds true, we should take even longer time to evaluate Tunku Aziz. As much as DAP want to assess the suitability of Tunku AZiz, he may also want to take a longer time to assess whether is the Party is suitable for him. Go learn more logic before come to debate with me, wannabe.

  31. //Go learn more logic before come to debate with me, wannabe//

    I am diffident to debate with you. The greatest risk of it is that anyone following the proceedings might not be able to tell the difference….

  32. To LimKamput, when you appoint a person to a position of importance do you appoint such person on the basis of:

    A – how much you trust in his abilities and his personal ethics?
    B – how much you trust in his loyalty towards you?

    Tunku Aziz as you have said so yourself is not lacking in terms of the abilities and ethics department. So seems like, being able to answer question A is not sufficient enough for you.

    But why should B be a pertinent question to ask? To me only leaders that want cronies and yes-men like Dr. M would demand that question B be answered satisfactorily before one is appointed to a position.

    Ideally, question B should never arise in the appointments of PR leaders if one truly believes in CAT.

    If you feel loyalty is of more importance than ability when it comes to appointments then look no further than BN for the results.

  33. Ok, since you ellows will not let me go, let me put it this way:

    When I wrote that, I was thinking DAP is supposed to be colour blind, i.e. it does not matter which race or religion one comes from, the basis of selection for party position or representation should rightly be based on ability, personality and good ethical standard, etc. If the party thinks that more able Malay representation is needed at this stage, so be it. While I was thinking about that, it did cross my mind that perhaps there are some others probably as capable and serving the party longer but was bypassed. However, I do understand the position of the party now – perhaps with the longer term objectives in mind given that the party has been wrongly branded all these years. So the issue is not just loyalty. It is more than that. But what can I expect from a _____?

  34. Ahhh it looks like Limkamput thinks that Tunku Aziz was earned his position on the basis of his race. He feels that there are probably more capable people of a that was bypassed because they were of the wrong race.

    Such is the sad situation that the capable and hardworking Malays find themselves in all the time. When people of minority races lump them together with the rent seeking UMNOputras and are accused of only having got their position because of skin color and not ability.

    I personaly think Tunku Aziz is not just well qualified for the job, he probably is the most qualified for the position of senator. He is definitely better than many lousy DAP stalwarts. Example, the fools that proposed to build a Tiger Park in Penang or the fools that wanted to build a new International airport in Perak or the Klang Sentral Bas Terminal fiasco. So i am afraid, it never once crossed my mind that Tunku Aziz may have obtained his position based on anything OTHER than his capabilities.

  35. “you can’t assume others’ too”
    ha ha actually i can, just as you yourself have drawn certain assumptions in making your opinions.

    Nothing you have said have given any indication that my assumptions are totally incorrect.

    And no, this is just a statement not a challenge. So no, you do not need to present any compelling intelligent arguments to prove me a nincompoop and prove yourself a the smart one.

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