Is pro-BN NGO alliance seriously suggesting that IGP Khalid should be disciplined for police negligence in failing to act on the allegations that DAP was offered RM1.2 billion by Israel in exchange for a Israeli naval base in Port Dickson?

Is the pro-Barisan Nasional (BN) non-government organisations (NGO) alliance seriously suggesting that the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar should be disciplined for police negligence in failing to act on the allegations that DAP was offered RM1.2 billion by Israel if we win the general elections in exchange for the building of an Israeli naval base in Port Dickson?

This would appear to be the case, as the Pro-BN NGO alliance president Zulkarnain Mahdar wants police to investigate allegations by the PAS Research Centre director Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki that the DAP was offered RM1.2 billion by Israel in exchange for an Israeli naval base in Port Dickson, on the ground that if these allegations were true, it would be a huge disaster for Malaysia that should not be left ignored as it involved national security and sensitivities o the Muslims.

I would fully agree with Zulkarnain and go one step further, that if the allegations were true, it would highlight a serious and inexcusable police negligence as such allegations were first made some four years ago, and Khalid should explain why the Police had been guilty of such a grave dereliction of duty in the past four years in its failure to protect the security interests of the country.

I do not want to comment on the intellectual, moral, religious and political credibility of a senior political leader who could believe in such lies and falsehood as to now recycle them, when for the past four years, he and his political “soul mates” had no problems with such “security” and “Muslim sensitivity” concerns as none of them had once asked the DAP about such wild allegations when they were with the DAP in the same political coalition.

I leave it to Malaysians to judge on the intellectual, moral, religious and political scruples and credentials of a political leader who could so mechanically switch on and off his “security” and “Muslim sensitivity” concerns depending on which side his “bread is buttered”, which is the best example of downright hypocrisy at its worst.

I have had a lot of differences with the police and am greatly concerned about increasing political interferences with police professionalism, but I have no qualms in admitting that the Special Branch has so far been very professional in discharging its task to protect the security of the country.

Have the police failed in its professional duty to protect the security interests of Malaysia, in particular with reference with the wild allegation that Israel had offered RM1.2 billion in exchange for an Israel naval base in Port Dickson?

Was there any basis in the wild allegations first made some four years ago by a “man of straw” and most insubstantial character?

Let the PAS Research Centre director and the Pro-BN NGOs Alliance president prove their case or be exposed and condemned for the fools they have made of themselves.

One Reply to “Is pro-BN NGO alliance seriously suggesting that IGP Khalid should be disciplined for police negligence in failing to act on the allegations that DAP was offered RM1.2 billion by Israel in exchange for a Israeli naval base in Port Dickson?”

  1. Sorry. EVEN in the craziest imagination come true that the rumours became true, its NONE of the Police or anyone’s business but those that support the DAP. An offer is just that – talk. If an offer is guilt of proposed crime, most of UMNO/ BN members, all several million of them, would have a Police file.

    What kind of place we live in where crazy talk is not only given attention, its given serious attention and tax payer resources at the cost of real threats even national one? That place is a doomed place.

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