Young Chinese in Malaysia ‘delusional’ to think Malay domination can change, says top Singapore diplomat

Malay Mail Online
October 6, 2015

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 6 — Malaysia’s ethnic Chinese youth are “delusional” if they believe that Malay dominance in politics can be replaced by a change in the system, Singapore’s ambassador-at-large Bilahari Kausikan has said.

Instead, the top Singaporean diplomat said this dominance will be defended by any means, including a possible political alliance between Malay nationalist ruling party Umno and opposition Islamist party PAS.

“It is my impression that many young Malaysian Chinese have forgotten the lessons of May 13, 1969. They naively believe that the system built around the principle of Malay dominance can be changed.

“That may be why they abandoned MCA for the DAP. They are delusional. Malay dominance will be defended by any means,” Bilahari wrote in an opinion piece published in The Straits Times (ST) today.

Amid the current political upheaval in Malaysia, Bilahari cautioned that any new system that emerges will not only still have Malay dominance at its centre, but its enforcement will be even more rigorous with less space for the non-Muslims.

Singapore’s former permanent secretary for foreign affairs said that as Umno relies even more on religion for legitimacy, it will look to political rival PAS — which is now being led by conservative clerics after purging itself of their moderate leaders — for support.

“Umno and PAS may eventually form some sort of de facto if not de jure alliance that could be the core of a new ruling system,” said Bilahari.

“There may be token ornaments of other races, but the Malaysian system will then comprise an overwhelmingly dominant Malay government with a DAP-led Chinese opposition. This will be potentially explosive.”

According to Bilahari, the ongoing 1 Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal has quickened the pace towards the formation of such a system, foreshadowed by the recent Bersih 4 rally that he said was dominated by the ethnic Chinese.

Bilahari also urged Singapore to let Malaysia solve its own political woes, as any systemic change will have a profound change over the Causeway even when Singapore practises the separation of religion and state.

“Are we completely immune to contagion from Malaysia? After 50 years, does our collective Singapore identity now trump racial identities? Maybe under some circumstances. Optimistically, perhaps even most circumstances. But under all circumstances?

“I doubt it. Let us wish Malaysia well and hope that the worst does not occur,” said Bilahari.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) suggested that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s fight for political survival has not only created divisions in ruling Umno but recently, also sparked racial discord in multiracial Malaysia.

In the article, WSJ took stock of recent developments on Malaysia’s political front, particularly the 34-hour Bersih 4 rally and the #Merah169 counter-protest, two events it said had sparked this purported racial discord.

7 Replies to “Young Chinese in Malaysia ‘delusional’ to think Malay domination can change, says top Singapore diplomat”

  1. Singapore’s Bilalari is out of touch with reality. Malaysians (non Malays) irrespective of age groups youths, adults and seniors accept the reality of Malay dominance and do not dispute this. They desire that they are not hounded, harassed and persecuted on cooked-up excuses, with the Sedition Act, Penal Code, SOSMA, and other illogical and unfair laws hanging over their heads and interpreted whichever way the authorities do to protect one individual.

  2. Singaporeans don’t know’s like to live as a minority, to be victimised and be kicked around. In their little island, they are the majority and all they want is for the status quo tp remain. They pee in their pants every time we throw a hiccup because they know what happens here will always have a bearing on their side. They are deathly afraid of Islamisation, worried about their own minorities. Every phrase from them is “keep the status quo”.

  3. It was just last week or perhaps a bit more that Secgen of PAP sent a letter to all PAP MPs giving a long list of do’s and don’ts.

    I guess that did not include managing political sensitivities with other nations.

    If what Spore’s ambassador-at-large said is correctly reported, I must say I find it patronising and could be interpreted to support a certain party in power in Malaysia.

    First of all, he is endorsing the concept of Malay dominance as opposed to Malay primacy. Dominance connotes Malays lord over other non-Malays, dictate all policies.

    That itself goes against the grain of modern contemporary democratic practices. Would PAP say that there is a Chinese dominance over non-Chinese in Spore? Surely not!

    Secondly, no Chinese (including Chinese youth) is under any delusion that accommodating a Malay primus inter pares will go away anytime soon – but there is no reason to think that this primacy will only be realised through continued existence of UMNO in power.

    PKR, Amanah, and if they successfully work with PAS, and even DAP with increasing Malay leaders nurtured within its ranks, will ensure that if and when the opposition comes to federal power, there will still be Malay primacy.

    The fact is, Malays form majority race in this country. Their votes count the most. Anyone, of any colour or creed, who manages to get the majority of their votes, whether singularly as a party, or through a coalition, will get to run this country.

    It does not need to be UMNO, or UMNO and PAS. Instead of pandering to the views of UMNO extremists, this ambassador -at-large should differentiate the woods from the trees and perhaps start developing his own thoughts that whoever is in power, they will be backed by the majority of Malay voters, and by that reason alone ensures Malay primacy in Malaysia at all times.

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